Monatomic Superconductivity In The Alchemy Of The Stability Of The Nucleus

Discussion in 'Scientific Alchemy of the Stability of the Nucleus' started by admin, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Tony Bermanseder

    Monatomic Superconductivity in the Alchemy of the Stability of the Nucleus

    1. Introduction
    2. The Elementary Nucleon Stability in Unification Physics.
    3. The Natural Superconductivity of Monatomic Elements
    4. Element #115 and an Extra-terrestrial ET connection
    5. The Letter of 'Cheryl DeLuca' addressing Orbital-Rearranged-Monatomic Elements
    6. Alchemy and 'occult-suppressed' omni physics in pre-2013-2025 paradigms
    7. Commentary on the Letters for Public Discernment

    1. Introduction

    This message shall provide an introduction into avenues for an omni physics of the 21st century, following a 'lifting of the veils' (post 2012) from extensive research material undertaken in clandestine fashion by a 'shadow science' for a contemporary 'standard science' which is only partially published, even by and for the 'scientific establishment' itself.
    In this thread (and its links) will be found several formulations applicable in a most elementary sense to the fields of nanotechnology, cold fusion, room temperature superconductivity and the relationships between elementary electro charges coupled to inertial mass and magneto charges coupled to gravitational mass in basic quantum unification physics.
    When scientists analyse substances chemically, they often attempt to break up the substances into smaller and smaller pieces to study the properties of the substance.

    "Divide and subdivide a solid and the traits of its solidity fade away one by one, like the features of the Cheshire Cat, to be replaced by characteristics that are not those of liquids or gases. They belong instead to a new phase of matter, the micro-cluster. Micro-clusters consist of tiny aggregates comprising from two to several hundred atoms. They pose questions that lie at the heart of solid-state physics and chemistry, and the related field of material science. How small must an aggregate of particles become before the character of the substance they once formed is lost? How might the atoms reconfigure if freed from the influence of the matter that surrounds them? If the substance is a metal, how small must this cluster of atoms be to avoid the characteristic sharing of free electrons that underlies conductivity?" -- Scientific American, December 1989; Michael A. Duncan, Dennis H. Rouvray, pp. 110-115

    "Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley laboratory have been finding that rapidly spinning nuclei with different masses have similar--if not exactly the same--moments of inertia. 'Something is going on,' said Frank F. Stephens, a physicist at the Lawrence Berkeley lab, 'and for reasons we don't understand yet.'" "A spinning nucleus results from an off-centre collision between two nuclei that fuse to form a rapidly spinning, elongated body. "The deformed nucleus can take the shape of an American football, a doorknob, or possibly even a banana depending on the collision energy in the nuclei. In a typically deformed nucleus, the long axis exceeds the two short axis by about a factor of 1.3. ...It is in these super-deformed nuclei that curious goings on have taken place. ...The surprise: the spectra of some different super-deformed nuclei were almost identical." -- Scientific American, October 1991; Philip Yam, p. 26
    Normal nuclei are roughly spherical in shape, held in place by the overwhelming strong nuclear force, but the nuclei of monatomic elements with only partially filled outer orbitals in the nucleus become deformed when the lack of dipole-dipole interactions with surrounding nuclei causes the protons and neutrons in the partially filled orbitals to be excluded introducing a wobble in the nucleus.

    This deformity increases the particle distance thereby weakening the strong nuclear force (which falls off very rapidly) and allows the electromagnetic repulsion between the protons to begin to overshadow it. So, the nuclei of these atoms are more unstable than normal nuclei. If the deformity exceeds a 2:1 ratio the nuclei is classified as super deformed and can spontaneously fission or break up into nuclei of lower atomic number. The naturally occurring, and therefore stable, monatomic elements as long lived super heavy nuclei probably do not have super deformed nuclei but attain nuclear stability in the ‘island of stability’ region of the periodic table near the nucleon neutron number N=184. The synthetic noble gas Organesson (or #118=Ununoctium=Uuo=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p6------mapping #86 as (Eka)Radon) at atomic number Z=118, has been ‘synthetically created’ in particle accelerators with a neutron number of 177, so approaching the MAGIC NUMBER 184.

    The electron configuration for the six final elements #113=Nihonium=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p1 and #114=Flerovium=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p2 and #115=Moscovium=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p3 and #116=Livermorium=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p4 and
    #117=Tennessine=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p5 with #118=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p6 then define the ‘region of stability for super heavy nuclei’ and for which an extra-terrestrial physics, say engaged in a micro-gravitational environment might be appropriate.
    { &}.

    Not much is known about the circumstances which contribute to spontaneous transmutation but has been observed to exist. It is no longer a matter of whether transmutation does or does not exist but under what circumstances such transmutation occurs. As stated, ET physics uses a micro-gravitational environment, indicating that the manipulation of a gravitational field will allow particular radioactive elements and isotopes to attain nuclear stability, then subject to controllable conditions by superconductive and super-magnetic confinement under utility of appropriate technology.
    Particular experiments undertaken on the International Space Station or ISS have shown the advantages of performing elemental chemistry and interactions in the absence of strong gravitational fields. Changes in chemical properties and the technological application of those properties, say in advanced medicines and the propagation of crystalline materials, have however become ‘block-listed’ or ‘black budgeted and deep-stated’ and are therefore not accessible to the general public until disclosure becomes happenstance.

    To understand the nature of monatomic elements, we must consider the nature of the metallic state in general. A bulk metal consists of a large number of metal atoms that share electrons. This communal sharing of electrons is what gives a bulk metal most of its chemical and electrical properties. However, when the metal atoms become separated from one another, and assume the form of a small micro-cluster or monatomic configuration, the ordinary chemical and electrical properties normally associated with that metal disappear.
    There is evidence that certain isolated metal atoms may assume what is referred to as a high-spin state. In the late 80's, nuclear physicists at a number of renowned laboratories around the world discovered that twelve transition group metals can be stimulated to assume a unique nuclear configuration, designated as a high-spin nucleus. The twelve metals are listed below in accordance with their columns in the periodic table.
















    Unlike ordinary atomic nuclei, which display spherical symmetry, the nuclei of these specially prepared metals possess an elongated nucleus, resembling the shape of a football or a banana. In the technical literature such nuclei are called deformed or super deformed nuclei. Excerpts from:}}}.

    Extra-terrestrial Physics and Elemental Chemistry

    A general formula for the MAGIC NUMBERS describing nucleonic arrangements in shells for exceptional nuclear stability is found in a Unification Polynomial in 11-dimensional M-space from the SEps-Algorithm of creation.
    The Feynman-Path-Integral T(n)+2 = n(n+1)+2 from the mathematical identity XY=X+Y=-
    1=i2=e sets the mapping or projection of SEps onto Super-SEps or SEps*(Sequence or Series of Energy-Prime-Sourcesink) in super parity and as super symmetric extension of the relative primeness of the 'Experience Fibonacci-Lucas Factors'.
    SEps* in 12-dimensional F-space differs by the Fermat Identity "2" from SEps in 10dimensional C-space to denote a union between the binary and decimal number systems in a0+b0=c0 = 1 2 10 for a, b, and c as integers.

    The Unification Polynomial f(x) = ax3+bx2+cx+d subtracted from f(x+1) then specifies the MAGIC NUMBERS describing the shell arrangement of nucleons (protons and neutrons) within an atomic nucleus as a mapping or projection of T(n)+2 in the formulation:

    3ax2+(3a+2b)x+a+b+c = 0 = n2+n+2 for n=x and a=1/3, b=0 and c=5/3

    NMagic(n) = n(n2+5)/3

    and primary and secondary sequences: 0,2,6,14,28,50,82,126,184.... and 0,2,(2),6,(8),14,(20),28,(42),50,(78),82,(stop command),126...

    As 50+82 = 132 > 126; the MAGIC NUMBER for n=7; this 'Out-of-Order' sets a natural limit on the nuclear stability in the generation of the PERODIC TABLE of the ATOMIC ELEMENTS because of fundamental principles and in the specification of Lead at #82 and of Bismuth with Bismuth-209 as the last stable isotope at #83 of Group 15, which is the Nitrogen Group. The next member of this group is element #115 named Moscovium and so relates the chemical and physical properties of natural radioactivity to this threshold for the weak nuclear interaction as one of the fundamental 'forces' of the natural world and universal cosmology.

    The MAGIC NUMBERS define the 'most stable' nucleonic arrangements in a nucleus, such as in the Helium-4 nucleus or 'alpha particle'. The latter then form intrinsic "Conifold
    Transformations" of 3-Tori and Möbian-Klein Bottle manifolds of Calabi-Yau surfaces, root reduced to form the 3-sphere of Poincare and the hypersphere of Riemann in the topologies of geometric surfaces in the inhabited space times.

    The combined geometries of C-M-F-space give perfect Euclidean flatness for the multiverse as a macro quantum entanglement, which reflects however in the micro quantization of the elementary particles, such as in Ikeda shapes of the multiplicity of the Helium-4 nucleus. Alpha chains, like Magnesium-24, Beryllium-8 or Carbon-12 assume shapes of minimal energy density in the form of tori, dumbbells, and ellipsoids.

    For the Helium-4 nucleus, a circular ring of four nucleons (mc's) of 2 protons with 2 neutrons combine as a quarkian chain u.d.u.d.u.d.u.d.u.d.u.d = proton.neutron.proton.neutron and as a multi-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold form of the quark content of the Helium-4 nucleus in a lower dimensional representation of the EpsEss supermembrane as the multi-dimensional progenitor and dimensional generator.

    The quantum physics of angular momentum in properties of orbit and spin then can be defined in the Pauli Exclusion Principle, the Bohr atom, Heisenberg Uncertainty and Complementarity; de Broglie wave mechanics and quantum entanglement in terms of wave-particle duality.

    Magnetic- and electric constant definitions from T(n)=n(n+1) then allow the construction of the PERIODIC TABLE of the Elements in their Electronic Configurations in an AUFBAU Principle in electron shells 2(2n+1) or 2,(6),8,(10),18,(14),32,(18),50,...
    Element #83 Bismuth described in part 6 is shown as being instrumental in ET physics and ET chemistry is in the same column as Element #115 Moscovium/Lazar and so shares particular properties of Bismuth in its electron configuration properties (Nitrogen Group).

    periodicTable. elements. elements1. elements2. elements3.

    2. The Elementary Nucleon Stability in Unification Physics

    ]The fundamental physics of the inner atom is structurally related to the much better understood physics of the outer atom.
    The latter is rigorously defined in electron configurations as the basis for all chemistry and its biological derivatives, say in biochemistry and radiation physics. Various models for the nucleus 'compete' in the forms of 'drop-models' and 'shell-models' in the attempt to find a theoretical foundation for the experimentally observed nucleons, which are themselves sub-structured in quarks, mesons and leptonic energy levels.
    The elementary physics of the outer atom is based on the interaction of electrons; in the valence sharing and the distinct types of bonding, which connect atoms to each other to form molecules and atomic conglomerations.

    Using the AUFBAU principle for electronic configurations in orbitals spdfg.. via quantisation 2(2n+1) for shells KLMNO... The n-counter is n=0,1,2,3...for the sequence: 2,6,10,14,18...for a shell filling of: 2,(6),8,(10),18,(14),32,(18),50,.. This links to the Magic Number Formula of the five-folded symmetry in: 0,2,6,14,28,50,82,126,184 and its mapping 0,2,(2),6,(8),14,(20),28, (42),50,(78),82,(stop command),126 as derived below.

    The filling of shells proceeds as:

    This yields the 'Noble Gases' (of column 18), renowned for their filled outer shells and subsequently able to display exceptional relative stability.


    #101=Mendelevium=Md=Radon.5f12.7s2-----------maps Caesium/Alkalis/H
    #102=Nobelium=No=Radon.5f14.7s2--------------maps Barium/Alkalis
    #103=Lawrencium=Lr=Radon.5f14.6d1.7s2--------maps Lanthanum/Yttrium
    #104=Rutherfordium=Rf=Radon.5f14.6d2.7s2----maps #72 Hafnium
    #105=Dubnium=Db=Radon.5f14.6d3.7s2----------maps #73 Tantalum
    #106=Seaborgium=Sg=Radon.5f14.6d4.7s2-------maps #74 Tungsten
    #107=Bohrium=Bh=Radon.5f14.6d5.7s2----------maps #75 Rhenium
    #108=Hassium=Hs=Radon.5f14.6d6.7s2----------maps #76 Osmium
    #109=Meitnerium=Mt=Radon.5f14.6d7.7s2-------maps #77 Iridium
    #110=Darmstadtium=Ds==Radon.5f14.6d8.7s2-----maps #78 Platinum
    #111=Roentgenium=Rg=Radon.5f14.6d9.7s2------------------maps #79 Gold
    #112=Ununbium=Uub=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2-----------------maps #80 Mercury
    #113=Ununtritium=Uut=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p1--------------maps #81 Thallium
    #114=Ununquadium=Uuq=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p2--------------maps #82 as (Eka)Lead
    #115=Ununpentium=Uup=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p3--------------maps #83 Bismuth
    #116=Ununhexium=Uuh=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p4--------------maps #84 Polonium
    #117=Ununseptium=Uus=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p5--------------maps #85 Astatine
    #118=Ununoctium=Uuo=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p6--------------maps #86 as (Eka)Radon

    The generalised 'shape' for the universal topological deformation of a 'Hollow Sphere with an opening to infinity' and as a minimal surface (plane, catenoid and helicoid) can be utilized to model the shape of the 'holofractal' universe. This manifests as Klein Bottle toroidal derivative of the Black Hole event horizon becoming 'wormholed' in the higher-D Klein Bottle connection. A 'Turning Inside Out' of the spatial vortex geometry via the magnetic flux properties intrinsic to the unified field of quantum relativity can so be indicated.

    Chemically, this would engage the properties of Helium-4, not only as the most stable Magic Element at N=2, but also its superfluid properties, having the lowest melting- and boiling points of all the elements.

    This inside-out deformation must engage unification physics with precise material parameters as given in the abstract definitions.
    Then it should become possible, to relate Helium-4 to element #118, most likely in attaining superfluid status at room temperatures in the application and manipulation of intersecting magnetic fields and the super-symmetric nature of Maxwell's equations under agency of the Magneto-Charge and the Magnetic Monopoles as mass-equivalences from the super-brane dimensions.

    The Stability of the Nucleus in Unification Physics

    Open any physics dictionary and look under MAGIC NUMBERS.
    You will find the following sequence of numbers:
    2,8,20,28,50,82,126,184... where the numbers relate to the number of protons or neutrons, making up the nucleus.

    This also relates to Bismuth at atomic number #83 in the following analysis.

    A general formula for the Magic Numbers of nucleonic arrangements in shells is given by the SEps-algorithm {Sequence of Energy primary sourcesink=Heterotic super-membrane EpsEss=HE(8x8) in M-space}. This can be derived from the M-Space Unification Polynomial: ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 and the Feynman-Path-Integral T(n)+2=0 sets the mapping of SEps onto Super-SEps as the relative primeness of the Experience-Factors in SEps super-parity to SEps* in extension.

    Subtracting polynomial f(x) from polynomial f(x+1) for the Feynman Identity n2+n+2=0 for {T(n)=n(n+1)} gives: 3ax2+(3a+2b)x+(a+b+c)=0 and specifies a=1/3 and b=0 and c=5/3 as the coefficients for the unification polynomial.

    This directly gives the MAGIC NUMBER FORMULA:

    TMagicNumbers=N[N2+5]/3 for N=0,1,2,3...,N

    Primary Series: 0,2,6,14,28,50,126,184,...
    Secondary Series: 0,2,(2),6,(8),14,(20),28,(42),50,(78),82,(Stop Command),126,...
    The secondary series uses the Fibonacci mechanism of the five-folded super-symmetry to add successive terms to generate the New State from the Experience added to the Old State.

    {This is how I discovered the Fibonacci Series on January 18th, 1985; during a great hailstorm, wrecking parts of Brisbane, Australia. I thought I had discovered a new series of numbers in mathematics, unaware at the time that it had already been discovered by Leonardo de Pisa/Fibonacci in the Renaissance}.

    As 50+82=132 > 126; the Magic Number for N=7; this Out-of-Order sets a natural limit on the nuclear stability in the generation of the periodic table of the atomic elements as consequence of fundamental principles in the specification of Lead at #82 and Bismuth-209 the last stable isotope at #83.

    The secondary series or the Lucas-Numbers; reflects the Fibonacci/Francom mechanism of always adding successive terms as the Experience-Factors in the 'Information-Gathering Parameter'.

    The 2-branes of Helium-4 or Alpha-Particles so become topological surface mappings from M-space into C-space of 4D with added Calabi-Yau-manifolds in 6D as the 'collapsed/conifold' super-string dimensions of 3-Torus transformations into the 3-Sphere of Riemann (Hypersphere); root reduced as Moebian-Klein Bottle-Manifold in 2D.

    This means that the quantum geometry of minimally connected surface topologies (there are only three ways for a plane to fold into a sphere with an opening to infinity, namely the Plane, the Catenoid (hourglass, two cones apex to apex) and the Helicoid), is then defined via the SEps-Identity: XY=X+Y=-1=i2=exp(iπ) and the 3D-crystallisation of PLATONIC SOLIDS in the five-folded symmetry across omni-space (Tetrahedron, Cube, Octagon, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron). Now science knows those as the IKEDA-SHAPES, relating to the exceptional stability of the Helium-Nucleus with N=2.

    In 1954 Fred Hoyle thought about the energy levels of hydrogen fusion in the sun. He predicted an excited state for Carbon at 7.6 MeV above ground state and to the astonishment of the experimenters it was found.
    This is the basis for the Ikeda Shapes.
    Denote the basic building block for the nucleon stability as N=2, which is He-4; adding those in chains, we get:
    Be-8, C-12, O-16, Ne-20, Mg-24, Si-28.

    So Beryllium becomes part of Oxygen, Neon, Magnesium and Silicon in iterative nesting, separated by energy levels, all in MeV.
    According to Ikeda-Data (Ref.: New Scientist, May1,1999,p.37):
    Carbon level (7.16MeV); Oxygen (14,.44 & 7.16); Neon (19.17 & 11.89 & 4.73); Magnesium (28.48 & 21.21 & 14.05 & 13.93 & 9.31) and Silicon (38.46 & 31.19 & 24.03 & 23.91 & 19.29 & 16.75 & 9.98).

    Why does this work?
    Because the Neutrons bind the alpha particles in the inner atom together, just like the electrons do in the outer atom.

    So, the alpha-particles join up in sausage/torus shapes to minimise their space and energies, described above in topological jargonautics.

    The origin for this enfoldment is the quark geometry, say as indicated in the Nobel Prize 1998 posting (found on the linked website).

    The Alpha-Particles quarkian geometry links up the individual twelve quarks about their common magneto-axis in a precise order.

    Neutron-proton-neutron-proton = d.u.d-u.d.u-d.u.d-u.d.u →d.

    So the large-scale atomic stability becomes a direct derivative from the nucleon arrangements, which originates from the algorithmic encoding as given by the Magic Numbers and its mathematical/abstract foundation in the pentagonal symmetry of unification physics. This is illustrated in an Energy formulation based on a higher dimensional
    'supercharge' becoming mapped into the lower dimensions and the Action Law of Action=Charge2, underpinning superconductivity in the natural current flow of magneto charges as inertia equivalents and as indicated in the following.

    3. The Natural Superconductivity of Monatomic Elements

    The physics of the monatomic elements is related to a fundamental super-symmetry between fermionic half spin (Fermi-Maxwell) statistics and bosonic integral spin (Einstein-Bose) statistics. Several Bose-Einstein Condensates or BECs have been reproduced in laboratories around the world, with pioneering work undertaken about a decade ago. Wolfgang Ketterle at MIT; May 18th, 1996, described condensates, surviving for more than 20 seconds as, and containing so five million sodium atoms for dimensions of 8 and 150 microns in breath and length. Antonio Bianconi of La Sapienza University in Rome proposed 'Stripes' as super-conducting wires separated by insulating materials and in the effort to increase the super-conducting transition temperatures.

    Vic Emery of Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York and Steven Kivelson of UCLA believe 'Stripes' hold the key to 'High-Temperature-Superconductivity' (HTSC) and thought the introduction of charge carriers, say transition metals, could produce positively charged 'holes' as ferromagnetic bands in between anti-ferromagnetic 'isolators'. The 'Stripes' induce single holes to 'pair-up', trapping the single holes by the isolating boundaries.
    According to quantum mechanics, confined 'particles' tap Vacuum-Energy (ZPE aka VPE) and which increases for like quantum spin, which is the Bosonification of leptonic fermions.

    Opposite quantum spins decrease the energy levels for a 0-spin boson and the mechanism of Higgs-Template inertia induction allow the interaction of the super-symmetry in the equivalence principle of general relativity, coupled to the nature of the electropole Coulomb charges and their magneto-charged string precursors from the M-Space.
    Within 'Stripes' large charge oscillations can build up and a team from MIT has used radio waves to excite the nuclei of copper atoms to show unambiguous evidence of 'nearby charges' as proposed by Bianconi, Emery and Kivelson {vol82,p4300,PhysicalReviewL}.

    In the 1957 (Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer) BCS-Theory for 'ordinary' superconductivity; Cooper-Paired electrons behave like phonons as the exchange of vibrational quanta of energy between atomic lattices, attracting the passing electrons. This is known as S-Wave-Symmetry for the Cooper-pairings. The alignment of quantum spins of 'spin fluctuations' between passing electrons and spin-flip magnetised atoms is Corollarily known as a D-Wave-Symmetry. The latter symmetry exhibits a 'clover-leaf' shape in comparison with the 'circle' shape of the S-Wave.

    Experiments by Donald Ginsberg (University of Illinois) revealed unambiguous evidence of D-Wave symmetry in 1993 and many other researchers (Leggett, Pines, Van Harlingen) adopted this revised model for HTSC engaging 'exotic ceramics', such as Yttrium-Barium-Copper-Oxide (YBa2Cu3O7). Combining the S-Wave and D-Wave symmetries results in a crystallisation for a Flow of 'Natural Current'; where it is frequency, that 'flows' as a parameter and not inertial particles like electrons or positive holes (positrons).

    The equation for 'Normal Current' as I=dQ/dt=Change of Charge flow/Time so reduces as differential equation from second order to first (for integral count N of Cooper-pairings): {Vo(t)=L.dI/dt+RI+Q/C=L.d2Q/dt2+R.dQ/dt+Q/C}→ Vo(f)=2eNL.df/dt+2eNRf+2eN/C}.
    Müller, Jahn and Teller proposed the Polaron of 'Electron Degeneracy' in the 1930's and defined as two electron eigenstates in the same identical minimum energy configuration.

    The electron polarizes the atomic pattern as its environment of dynamic interaction.
    By distorting itself, the crystal lattice slightly alters the two quantum states of the polaron. If the electron energy is lowered more than the lattice energy is raised, the polaron manifests spontaneously and becomes enabled to 'freely' move about as a Quasi-particle within the 'Stripes' of the super-conducting material. The Polaron of Jahn and Teller is identical to a 'Monatomically produced Photon' and couples in terms of a 'changing inertial mass' to a mass equivalent current element, which can be labelled as a 'Magnetic Monopole' in self-duality.

    This Magnetic Monopole, manifesting as quasi-particle in the omni-physics of the superconductivity, is itself defined from the Quantum Big Bang Cosmogenesis, which emerged the parameter of inertial mass from its gravitational progenitor.
    {It is transformed from the Planck-String in T-duality to the Cosmic Ray spectra, encompassed in Edward Witten's IIA super-symmetry class coupling the 10D-superstrings to the 11Dsupermembranes}.
    The phenomenon of electron degeneracy at the elementary level so renders the phonons or 'spin-flippers' of the D-Wave symmetry capable of binding polarons together and as verified by the BECs. Greater vibrational eigenenergy, tapped from the ZPE, then results in stronger Cooper bonding and LTSC manifests at higher temperatures.

    The concept of the 'optical computer' further illustrates the nature of the magneto-charges as a 'missing link' between the parameters of mass and electromagnetic radiation and between the null-state of the vacuum and the gravitational potential. Achim Wixforth from the University of Munich {vol78,p4099,PhysicalReviewL}, has 'caught' light beams in opto-electronics, converting the dynamics of electrons, which shunt between valence- and conduction bands in semiconductors via acoustic sound waves into optical memories of piezoelectric crystals. Distorting the electric environment in application of an alternating voltage to a piezoelectric material such as Lithium Niobate, creates a pressure wave along the crystalline surface, which then utilises the generated electric field to capture and store electrons.

    The electric field distorts the flat conduction and valence bands into sinusoidal waveforms, to 'peak' electrons and 'trough' positrons/holes in such a way, as to render this maximum separation more than the distance required for instant recombination. Only when the electric field is 'turned off' can the 'trapped light' of the electron-positron energy be released in the linearisation of the electrical environment. The electron-hole pairings spawned say by infrared laser light, so form an effective 'optical memory'. But in elementary terms, the electron-hole energy is 'magneto-charged' in the form of quasi-particles, say a polaron or a phonon or a monatomic photon. The fundamental formulations indicate that mass as a parameter is NOT fundamental, but is a derivative from the string energy, causative of the Big Bang and the creation of the space-time matrices themselves.

    What is however elementary is the string energy given in the Modular Duality of the SourceSink Coupling of the 11-dimensional Witten Mother-Membrane. It is this Source-Sink manifesting as the Zero-Point-Vortex-Energy from the minimised Planck-String-Quasi-Singularity, which initially defines the extent of the universe as a Planck-Nugget aka the 'Primeval Atom' of Lemaitre.
    Because this initial energy configuration was a quantum eigenstate; the subsequent cosmic evolution of the universe had itself to become quantised in all parameters and including the parameter of mass.

    To expand, the universe, the size of a Planck-Nugget, so had to multiply quantitatively and as there was no primeval space-time into which to expand into, the Planck-Nugget required dimensional extension from string to brane to volumar or from point to line to manifold to volume in a form of dimensional-holofractal nesting.

    The origin of the universe became mathematically structured in a self-mapping of a 'point' or Null-Dimension as itself, hitherto allowing the concept of the Infinity-Dimension to become prerequisite for the mathematical realisation of a physical non-zero and finitised complex of interwoven dimensionalities.
    Mathematically, this allowed a 'Point' to 'unknot' itself as a double-point and so define the primordial metric as a space of separation between two image points.
    Self-relativity between the images now allowed the introduction of curved line-space from the rotational freedom of the straight line-space and the 'Complex Plane' could become a 'Complex Riemann Sphere' and introducing the 'twisting' potential for the manifolds of the 2-dimensional surfaces. In terms of the Planck-Nugget, two Planck-Nuggets could now adjoin and define a coupling between themselves, becoming the minimum string-energy configuration as the ZPE=VPE.

    Many details of the cosmogenesis indicated in the above can be found on the linked website. But the manifestation of the ZPE as the minimum source-sink energy of the Quantum Big Bang itself now and by necessity, crystallises all subsequent physical parameters, describing the physical universe, as emergent properties of this initialisation.

    Space became defined in a de Broglie 'Matter-Wave', which 'inflated' the Planck-Nugget as a super-dimensional Witten-Membrane to a size of the so-called Hubble-Horizon at 16.9 billion lightyears and as a corresponding 'quantum count' {which can be defined algorithmically, based on an underpinning pentagonal super-symmetry}. This Witten-Universe is 11-dimensional and so circumscribes a 10-dimensional super-universe in mathematical root-reduction just as a manifold or 2-Sphere encompasses a as an 'Inner Space' (3-Ball) and an 'Outer Space' both in a dimension higher by one as its dividing boundary condition (your skin or the surface of the earth or the surface of the universe).

    Well known formulations encompass the quantum formulations for the eigenstates of energy and momentum of this Witten-Universe. The Laws of Stefan-Boltzmann, Planck, and Einstein (in that order and linked to the initialising quantum geometry) gave a basis for the SI-units of temperature, time, displacement, mass, molarity, luminosity, and charge to become subject to definition. In particular E=kT=hf=mc2 crystallized energy proportionalities for the parameters of entropy, frequency, and mass.

    In terms of the Planck-Nugget, the primeval quantum definition became:

    Energy E=hf=mc2 :
    E=hf iff m=0; with c=λf=λ*f*=RHubbleHo
    E=mc2 iff f=fo=fmin with fo=1/f* under modular duality for f*=fmax.

    This definition associates every mass m with a quantum count of minimum frequencies fo (as m=Nfo=f(monopole masses as monopolar current Imin=2efo), and so QUANTISES all inertia in terms of the modular dual of the source-frequency f*, causative eigenstate of the Quantum Big Bang.

    The Eigenfrequency for Mass as a Sink-Frequency, modular dual to the Source-Frequency so becomes defined in the decomposition of the heterotic HE(8x8) super-membrane ESourceESink=E (manifesting).

    Source-String: ESource= hf*=hfps =hfmax
    Sink-String: ESink = hfo=hfss=hfmin
    with Witten-Coupling Constants:
    ESourceESink= h2 (as 'Squared' Energy parameter in Witten-Spacetime) and ESource/ESink= f*2=1/fo2 (as dimensionless entropy count)

    As Planck-String-Oscillation (PSO) for the generalised Action-Law is defined in:
    √(Alpha).LPlanck=e/c2PSO/2π with h/e2=constant (Quantum Hall Effect) as the Planck-Stoney-Unification in the Witten spacetime with:

    m=Smo=Smss=Nmmin=Nhfmin/c2 =NhImin/2ec2 = NhfminλPSO/2πe →e2c/e=[ec] (transformation)

    for a GUT Dirac-Monopole Eigenstate described as Monopolar Current Element efiλi :

    mmonopole=mm=hfm/c2=[ec]=2.7x1025 GeV (as c3) and as a definition for the stringed mass as a monopolar current.

    The quasi-particles in superconductivity, characterised in the Quantum-Hall-Effect {h/e2=f(Free
    Space Impedance Zo=√(μoo))}; Josephson Junctions {frequencies as f(2e/h)} and the Conductance-Quantum {Go=2e2/h} so become lower dimensional and inertialized manifestations for higher dimensional gravitational natural current elements, identical to lower-D masses by the Equivalence Principle and the inter-dimensional mapping transformations between Coulombic Electropoles 'e' and Monopolar Magnetopoles 'e*'.

    The encompassing identity for this mapping is:
    Coulomb Charge Quantum: 'e' = c2PSO/2π) = LPlanck.c2.√(Alpha) ↔
    Membrane Charge Quantum: 'e*' = c2(2Re) = NCL.c2,

    and where NCL=Nucleon Confinement Limit as the 'Classical Electron Radius' as the quarkian magnetic asymptote, the 'size' of the weakons and the Higgs Boson and fundamentally as a function of the electromagnetic finestructure constant alpha and hence the physics of the subatomic Compton nucleus, the Bohr atom, and the extended Rydberg atom.

    As mec2=ke2/Re} for Re=h.alpha/2πmec=Alpha.RCompton=Alpha2.RBohr1=Alpha3/4πR.

    The crucial transition from the superstring scenario in 11 dimensions and the Planck-length specifies the heterotic membrane class ESourceESink in the 'Wormhole' or Weyl-Scale of the magneto charge e*=1/E*=1/ESource and through its definition as Finestructure of Planck's Constant in: h=E*fo =fo/e*=1/e*f*=λ*/e*c=1/Unification Monopole Current.

    Planck's Constant so relates directly to the Classical Electron Radius and Alpha and to the Mass-Eigenfrequency in the Identity (using the modular identity foλo=1/c):

    This shows that the inertial self-state becomes 'absorbed' in the wormhole perimeter in a cancellation of displacement scale 'Final Sigma' ς=(λ*/2Re)=180/1010=hc3 in conjunction with the 'unified' monopole unification mass [ec]~4.8x10-11 kg manifesting as the monopolar unification 'Rydberg' energy: E'=hc/L=hc3/Lc2=ς(λPSO/2πLe)=(RPSO/L)(ς/e)→1/e↔ e* for Unity Identity E*e*=1. 'Final Sigma' ς, so represents the transformation or transduction potential between the transformed string-scale λ* from the Weylian boundary of quantised space-time and the manifestation of the nuclear interaction scale (~ 3 Fermi).

    The transition into biovital scales, especially those of DNA/RNA induction potentials occurs at the 'infrared atmospheric window' of nine microns and a scale, which characterises the width of the BECs. The infrared unification λinfrared=λ*(ς/hc)=λ*.c2 so occurs at that region of the electromagnetic spectrum, where atmospheric water droplets do not absorb the infrared wavelengths.

    An optical unification is found at six thousand Angströms of Orange Light and the Ultraviolet Unification at 179.9 nanometres becomes the piezoelectric window for Mercury and the crystalline transducer of (fused) Quartz (Silicon Dioxide).
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    4. Element #115 and an Extra-terrestrial ET connection

    As an ex-US government employee, claiming to have had access to a secret UFO technology program (Area 51), Bob Lazar is a controversial character. It is claimed by most mainstream sources and analysts, that Bob Lazar is a pretender without scientific qualifications and that he simply fabricated his work experiences with respect to chemical element #115, said to be important for ET technology, UFO propulsion and gravitational wave manipulation.
    This treatise shall vindicate Bob Lazar’s claims in indicating the extra-terrestrial physics underpinning element #115 as a natural consequence of the periodic table of the chemical elements and the nuclear physics at the core of the electron configurations and as a consequence of the Nitrogen group.

    Element #83 Bismuth described below by Linda Moulton Howe as being instrumental in ET physics and ET chemistry is in the same column as Element #115 Moscovium/Lazar and so shares properties of Bismuth in its electron configuration properties (Nitrogen Group).

    Phoenix-Arachne Consortium.
    Queanbeyan, Akbar Ra, NSW, 2620, Australia on January 2nd, 2020

    A Derivation of Hyperspace ET-UFO-Craft Acceleration

    The Thuban Council releases the mathematical basis for ET-Craft acceleration as a fundamental extension of the Newtonian Force law modulated by Classical Relativity and the Change of photon momentum in Quantum Mechanics.
    An intrinsic relationship to the electromagnetic inertia of the classical electron is supplemented to indicate the elementary velocity distribution of the electron as applied in the ET-UFO-Craft propulsion as a parallel energy vector in hyperspace albeit suppressed or 'shadowed' in the Linespace of the lower dimensional 4D-spacetimes.

    Quantum-Photon-Energy (Planck): E=hf
    Quantum-Photon-Momentum: pphoton = E/c = hf/c = h/λ

    Mass Energy (Einstein): E=mc2 = moc2/√(1-[v/c]2)
    Mass Momentum: pmass = mv = mov/√(1-[v/c]2) = hf.v/c2√(1-[v/c]2)

    for the Photon inertia (mass) mo = hf/c2

    This is related by the Energy-Momentum Formulation: E2 - Eo2 = p2c2 and from Eo = moc2 and indicating the mass-velocity relationship between a total energy content E=mc2 with its Kinetic Energy and change of momentum.

    Newton's Force Law: FNewton = mass (m) x acceleration (a=dv/dt)

    FNewton = d{mv}/dt = d{hf.v/c2√(1-[v/c]2)}/dt = {h/c2}{ d(v/√(1-[v/c]2))/dt + v.(df/dt)/√(1-[v/c]2}

    Let u = v/√(1-[v/c]2) for du/dt = (du/dv).(dv/dt) = (v2/c2.(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3 + (dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2) = (dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3

    (df/dt) = (c2/h).d{mo/√(1-[v/c]2)}/dt = mov.(dv/dt)/{h(√(1-[v/c]2)3}


    FNewton = d{mv}/dt = d{hf.v/c2√(1-[v/c]2)}/dt = {h/c2}{f.(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3+ v.df/dt/√(1-[v/c]2}

    = mo(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3.....................+...................(hv/c2).(df/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)

    = Classical Relativistic Newton Force + Newtonian Frequency Law Extension

    In terms of Energy: Energy=Work=ForcexDisplacement=FNewton.R

    For the cosmic boundary parameters the maximum acceleration for a spacetime quantum is (dv/dt)|max = c.fps for the displacement quanta or wavelength λps = c/fps = Rλmin√(1-[v/c]2)3 then becomes supplemented in (R.hv/c2).( mov.(dv/dt)/{h(√(1-[v/c]2)3})/(√(1-[v/c]2)
    = (mo.R.v2/c2).(dv/dt)/(1-[v/c]2)2 = (molpsfpsc.v2/c2)/(1-[v/c]2)2 = mov2/(1-[v/c]2)2 = Quantum Frequency-Velocity (Shadow) Energy as basic derivative from the Zero-Point-Field ZPE or Vortex-Potential Energy (VPE).

    The form of the 'shadow' energy of the ET-UFO-Craft so assumes a velocity dependent inertial expression which is focused on the factor v2/(1-[v/c]2)2 to become identical at lightspeed c2 and a factor which becomes a multiplier for the original classically observable energy content of the ET-UFO-Craft in the form of E=mc2

    In hyperspace, meaning the higher dimensional universe separating the de Broglie superluminal tachyonic phase speed vdeBroglie from the lightspeed invariance of the lower dimensional universe characterised by the group speed vgroup; the 'shadow' energy manifests from the combined Energy equation relating the quantum mechanics to the classical relativistic dynamics:

    Energy E = mc2 = hf
    E=hf (Planck) iff m=mo=0
    This manifests the lower dimensional observational matter-energy expressions

    Energy E=mc2 (Einstein) iff f=fss=1/fps for mo = ∑fss for the mass-frequency quantisation
    This manifests the 'shadow matter' as a change in the mass eigen frequency fss under modular string-membrane duality

    moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3..........+.......... mov2/(1-[v/c]2)2 = 2moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3

    Lower 10D Anti-deSitter asymptotic .................+.................Higher 11D deSitter asymptotic
    hyperbolic open(-) C-String spacetime............................spheroidal closed(+) M-mirror spacetime

    moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3..................................+................................ mov2/(1-[v/c]2)2 = 2moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3

    Classical Curvature Energy CCE................+...............Quantum Curvature Energy QCE...=...2CCE

    as generalised 'Virial' Theorem: 2KE+PE=0 for CCE=QCE

    Fcentripetal=mv2/R=GmM/R2=Fgravitational for a circular orbiting mass m about mass M, a distance R apart and so v2=GM/R

    with gravitational PEgravitational=-GmM/R2 for ½mv2=GmM/2R and KE=-½PE

    Generally QCE/CCE = [v/c]2/√(1-[v/c]2)
    for the Perturbation Expansion for U=[v/c]2 as:

    U{1-U} = U{1+U/2+3U2/8+5U3/16+35U4/128+63U5/256+...}

    U<X for Higher D QCE < Lower D CCE
    U=X for Higher D QCE = Lower D CCE U>X for Higher D QCE > Lower D CCE


    [v/c]2 = (1-[v/c]2)2 for the Quadratic [v/c]4 - 3[v/c]2 +1 = 0 with solutions: [v/c]2 = ½{3 ± √(9-4)}

    As [v/c]2 must be less than 1 for all lower dimensional group speeds;
    the real spacetime root is [v/c]2 = ½{3-√(5)} = 1+½{1-√5} = 1 - 0.61803398... = 0.3819660... as the Difference between the Fibonacci root termed the 'Golden Proportion' and Unity 1.

    The focal resonance speed of the ET-UFO-Craft so is vUFO-Resonance/c = √{½(3-√5)} = √0.3819660... = 0.61803398...=½(√5 - 1) = Golden Proportion = 1/Phi = 1/Φ

    CCE=QCE for [v/c]2 = √(1-[v/c]2) and [v/c]4 = 1-[v/c]2 for [v/c]2 = ½{-1 ± √5} = X and |-Y|=1/X

    X = √(1-X) for X2 = 1 - X for the particle history (Path Integral) T(n)=n(n+1)=1

    and a UFO-spacecraft speed of √(√X2) = 0.78615...c

    The ET-UFO-Craft henceforth engages a Resonance Physics of Hyperspace in the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR) and 'attunes' or 'taps' into this unified spacetime matrix at a speed of 0.618033..c or so 185,409.900 kilometres per second.

    Calculation of the ELECTRONMASS leading to the recurrence of the Fibonacci Roots X=0.618033... and Y=1.618033... as elementary Resonance factors in the UFoQR

    The magnetic energy stored in a magnetic field B of volume V and area A=R2 for a (N-turn toroidal) current inductor N.i=BdR/μo for velocity v and self-induction L=NBA/i is:

    Um=½Li²=½(μo.N2R)(BR/μoN)²=½B²V/μo [/sup]
    and the Magnetic Energy Density per unit volume is then:


    Similarly, the Electric Energy density per unit volume is:

    Ue/V=½εoE² say via the Maxwell equations and Gauss' law.

    By the Biot-Savart and Ampere Law:

    B=μoq.v./4πr² and εo=1/c²μo for the E=cB foundation for electrodynamic theory.

    So for integrating a spherical surface charge distribution dV=4πr².dr from Re to ∞:

    Um=∫{μoq²v²/8πr²}dr = μoq²v²/8πRe.


    Ue=∫dUe=q²v²/8πεoRe =kq²/2Re=½mec² as per definition of the classical electron radius and for the total electron energy mec² set equal to the electric potential energy. We term me here the EFFECTIVE electron mass and so differ it from an actual 'bare' restmass mo.

    We now define the electric electromagnetic mass and the magnetic electromagnetic mass as:

    melectric=kq²/2Rec²=Ue/c²=½me and consider the electric electron energy to be half the total energy (akin the virial theorem for PE=2KE, say in the Bohr atom)

    PE=(-)ke²/RBohr = e²/4πεoRBohr = 2e²/8πεoRBohr =2KE

    mmagneticoe²[v/c]²/8πRe=melectric.(v/c)²=½me.(v/c)² and which must be the KE by Einstein's c²dm=c²(me-mo)

    and for the relativistic electron mass m=mo/√(1-B) for B=(v/c)²

    Note: (B here is not the magnetic flux density vector B=E/c, measured in Tesla or gauss but a conventional label for the (v/c) ratio in Special Relativity).

    But we can see, that should one use the measured electron mass from the Re-definition as the electron's restmass, that mmagnetic + melectric=me{½+½(v/c)²} < me , because of the mass-velocity dependency factor B and the group velocities v<c.

    We introduce the relativistic restmass mo and set Constant Amooe²/8πRe for AB=1/√[1-B] -1


    c2(m-mo)=μoe²v²/8πRe with m=mo/√(1-[v/c]2)

    This leads to the quadratic (in B2):

    1=(1+AB2)2(1-B2)=1+B2(2A+A2B2-2AB2-A2B4-1) and so: {A2}B4+{2A-A2}B2+{1-2A}=0

    with solution in roots:


    This defines a distribution of B=(v/c)² velocity ratios in mo.AB=μoe²[v/c]²/8πRe


    then finestructures mmagnetic in the relation moA=½me and allows correlation between the relativistic and kinetic restmass mo and the effective electron groundmass me (say).

    In particular me =2Amo and is moA for A=½ AS the NEW minimisation condition.

    In string parameters and with me in *units, the following is found:

    moA=30e²c/e*=½me=4.645263574x10-31 kg*

    This implies, that for A=1, mo=½me , where me=9.290527155x10-31 kg* from the prequantum algorithmic associations, based on the magnetic constant defining the Classical Electronic Radius.

    As B≥0 for all velocities v, bounded as group speed (not de Broglie Phase speed always vdB=(h/mvgroup)(mc2/h)=c2/vgroup >c) in c for which B=1 ; a natural limit is found for the B distribution at A=½ and A=∞

    The electron's restmass mo so is binomially distributed for the B quadratic.
    Its minimum value is half its effective mass me and as given in:

    melectric=kq²/2Rec²=Ue/c²=½me for A=½ and its maximum for A=∞ is the unity v=c for B=1

    The X-root is always positive in an interval from 0 to 1 and the Y-root is always negative in the interval from -3 to 0.

    For A=½: B=-3/2±3/2 for roots x=0 and y=-3;

    for A=¾: B=-5/6±√(19/12) for roots x=0.425 and y=-2.092;

    for A=1: B=-½± ½√(5) for roots x=X=0.618033... and y=Y=-1.618033...;

    for A=∞: B=½[-]±½[+] for roots x=1[-] and y=0[-];

    AB2 = ([1-B2]-1) = 1+½B2-3B4/8+5B6/16 -35B8/128+...-1

    Letting B=n, we obtain the Feynman-Summation or Path-Integral for dimensionless cycle time n=Hot=ct/RHubble with Ho=dn/dt in the UFoQR for 1=(1-B2)(1+B2)2 as B4+B2-1=0 for T(n)=n(n+1)=1.

    The Binomial Identity gives the limit of A=½ in:

    A=1/2 - B2{3/8 - 5B2/16 + 35B4/128 -...} and as the nonrelativistic low velocity approximation of E=mc² as KE=½mov².

    But the FRB or Functional-Riemann-Bound in Quantum Relativity (and basic to the pentagonal string/brane symmetries) is defined in the renormalisation of a wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hφ).exp(-alpha.T(n)), exactly about the roots X,Y, which are specified in the electron masses for A=1 in the above.
    The unifying condition is the Euler Identity: XY=X+Y = i2 = -1 = cos(π)+isin(π) = ℮

    The Thuban Council on March 22nd, 2015

    mona1. mona2.

    The Inertial Newtonian Mass equation F=ma, applied to the Lorentz Force F=qvxB and applied as a magnetic force law is not quite correct, but is rather an approximation to the actual ET omniphysics. Just as the electromagnetic wave propagation consists of both electric and magnetic field components; so does this connection of forces unify characteristic accelerations in a dimensional bridge, transformation or intersection.

    valone1-.36114. valone2-.36115.

    The derivation engages the higher dimensional membrane physics and is based on the definition of physical consciousness as inverse source energy of the Zero-Point Energy or Vacuum Potential Energy characterising both the 'dark matter' and the 'dark energy' and as Tom Valone appropriately infers from the UFO science in his testimony given in the video presentation above.

    The universal spacetime matrix defines the inverse source energy as a high energy microcosmic part of the 11D supermembrane unified with its low energy macrocosmic partner and as E(p)rimary(s)ource=hfps=1/e* and with e* being the higher dimensional originator for the link between universal gravitation and magnetism in the form of a magnetic monopole.
    This form of primordial higherD magnetism then forms a dimensional gradient or intersection with a lower electric pole, known as the familiar electric charge carrying inertial mass associated elementary particles, like electrons and protons and subatomic constituents of matter.

    In the origins of the universe, the quantum form of the Big Bang manifested space from a quantum fluctuation, which can be described as the 'bounce of a minimum length' or a 'Planck-Length-Oscillation', which can be formally expressed as the ratio of 'Mass Charge'/Energy = e/c2 in the Planck Oscillator Eo=½hfo=hω/4π as precursor for the 'Uncertainty Principle' of the Heisenberg Field matrix of spacetime.

    The mensuration- or measurement units for the 'Planck-Length-Oscillator' so identify the origin of displacement as a Electropole Charge 'e'/c2 ratio and which has 'Stoney Charge Units' for a 'dimensionless' 'speed of light squared'.

    e/c2=√Alpha.Planck-Length=√{(e2/2εohc).(Goh/2πc3)}=√(Goe2/4πεoc4)=√(Go/4πεo).e/c2=e/c2 for Unity 1 in Go=4πεo.
    This unity boundary condition or 'Action=Charge Squared' Universal Law of Multi-D crystallizes naturally from the Identification of the dimensionless finestructures for the higher dimensional membrane unification between the gravitational and electromagnetic finestructures.
    Omega = Gravitational Finestructure = 2πGoM2/hc = 2πke2/hc = Alpha = Electromagnetic Finestructure and for k=1/4πεo.
    Then GoM2 = ke2 and for Gok=1 for Go=1/k=4πεo.

    The 'Universal Mass' M can then be expressed as M2 = k2e2 and M=e/4πεo

    The Maxwell Theory of Electromagnetism however defines the invariance of the Mass/Energy ratio for the inverse of the square of the speed of light as the product of magnetic permeability μo and electric permittivity εo in the coupling of the magnetic field with the electric field in that electromagnetic wave.
    This can be written as μoεo=(120π/c)(1/120πc)= 1/c2 with M=e/4πεo=[30ec]monopolar

    The magnetopole charge e* from the 'higher' 12th dimension so 'maps' or dimensionally intersects the 'lower' 3rd dimensional electropole charge e across a 11-dimensional mirror, which can be formally identified as the higher dimensional boundary for the lower dimensional universe and also as its 'holographic' de Sitter Black Hole 'Hubble Event' Horizon.
    The 12 dimensional 'displacement bounce' manifests as a 3 dimensional elementary distance scale, known as the classical radius of the electron and defined in the electro potential energy of the electron in E=melectronc2=ke2/Relectron and so for Relectron=ke2/melectronc2.
    Setting the Inverse Source Energy quantum at the foundational VPE wormhole scale, defined in the magnetopole charge e*=1/Eps=2Relectronc2 then defines this inversion membrane-string quantum energy as the product of ordinary 3D volume multiplied by angular acceleration, expressed as the time differential for frequency f or df/dt=awareness αω, say as the alphaomega quantum of creation.

    The Linear Acceleration in Newton's Force Law F=ma transforms into an Angular Acceleration in the Lorentz Law formulations of Haisch-Puthoff utilized by Thomas Valone.

    The Biot-Savart Law for a magnetic field is given by B=μoev/4πr2 measured in Tesla with a linear velocity v relating to an angular velocity ω via radius r as v=ωr=2πf.r and reducing to v=ωr=πf.r for the minimum Planck Oscillator Eo=½hfo

    B=(120π/c).eωr/8πr2=30ec ω/2rc2 = Mω/2c2r

    A reformulation of the Biot-Savart Law inclusive of the higher dimensional acceleration coupling, then equates to the Lorentz Force manifesting as the UFO propulsion-antigravitational dynamics observed and analysed.

    F=evxB = eωr.Mω/2c2r = e ω2angularMgravitational=inertial higherD/2c2 = Minertial lowerDalinear in the elementary ET Force Ratio:
    F12D/F3D = Mgravitationalω2angular/Minertialalinear = 2c2/e = 2c2Relectron/eRelectron= e*/eRelectron = 1/EpseRelectron = 1/hfpseRelectron

    In higher D it is the electropole charge e of the lower dimension, which manifests the magnetopole charge e* as universal 'spacetime awareness' or physical consciousness.
    The 'Magnetic Lorentz Force' of Haisch-Puthoff-Valone then superimposes the intrinsic (self-contained) angular 'higher D' acceleration of the UFO spacecraft as dimensional gradient between the space -separated charges e and e* onto its linear 4D spacetime matrix to manifest the 'spacetime jumps' and rapid acceleration phenomena observed in UFO manoeuvres.

    This part of their formulation is correct; however the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity remains valid in that the inertial mass acceleration measured in Minkowski spacetime is gravitationally indistinguishable from the acceleration experienced in a gravitational field.
    It is not a difference in the formulations for the mass-inertia parameter, which enables the force interactions to intersect dimensionally without the spacetime dependency as stipulated by lightspeed invariance; but the origins of the mass itself, either expressed linearly inertially or spinning gravitationally.
    The origins of mass as fundamental parameter to formulate a law of gravitation, so derives not from some 'Big Banged' matter-antimatter distribution, but from a massless 'wormholed' supermembraned universe, whose curvature was caused by the unification boundary condition of the equivalence of the electromagnetic- and gravitational finestructures, known as Alpha and Omega respectively.
    Those finestructures then determined the quantum properties of displacement, time, mass and charge as a function of the 'wormhole oscillation'; defining properties such as the mass, charge and size of the electron as the fundamental spacetime path of the minimum 12D spacetime configuration of the wormhole and given by the Planck-Length-Oscillation as a direct manifestation or image in the Classical 3D Radius of the Electron, the latter also defining the subatomic magnetic asymptotic confinement of the nuclear interactions and the size of the Higgs- and Weakon bosons.

    The Alpha-Omega Unification underpinning all physics terrestrial and omniphysics extra-terrestrial then enables the physical cosmology and universe to emerge in an evolving spacetime continuum, however wormhole based; from its metaphysical precursor, whose elementary building block becomes the Quantum of Consciousness defined in the inversed source energy aka the magnetopole charge e*.

    The metaphysical connector to the physics can be shown to unify in a pure abstract mathematical series known as the Fibonacci Numbers and a 'Golden Ratio' to relate in one-to-one correspondence to the electromagnetic finestructure constant Alpha defined in a manifested physical universe as the size and scale of an electropolar charged electron.

    The Zero-Point-Energy of the wormhole matrix permeating all spacetimes then provides an energy reservoir of potential manifestation and utility, depending however on the ability of spacetime inhabitors and observers to 'tap' this energy via resonating with the native definitions of the 'cosmic awareness' defining the constituents of the universe and including such notions of 'Dark Energy' and the 'Dark Matter' and as a function of the 'Consciousness Supercosmic Energy'.

    Now some not so moronic, naive and gullible nabsers swarming the 'alternative science' forums might understand the real ET physics and could share this information with the Citizen's Disclosure Project's congress folk and say Steven Greer and Thomas Valone and Roger Leir and associates and similars.
    Would this not allow the ETs to move a step closer of real science disclosure being made possible?
    The true ET Councils know their own science of course, but the fake ET councils do not.
    Then any 'incomplete and underinformed' 'ptb secret technology' and 'dark operation projects' will lose their relevance and no longer would be necessity for ET contact with their cosmic agendas and as stipulated by the real ET councils.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    5. The Letter from Cheryl DeLuca addressing Orbitally-Rearranged-Monatomic Elements.

    I am curious as to your thoughts on Monoatomic Gold and its alleged use to make the consumer a 'radio' receiver for these fifth dimensional beings, which many point to reptilian beings or draconian beings known as the Enki. Consumption of the Ormus or white gold powder (patented by David Hudson) is supposed to activate the higher strands of the DNA. There are experiments going on where fasts and intense esoteric preparation takes place for three years, at the end of which, the Initiate is supposed to illuminate, becoming a being of light, with full bi-locality abilities. As of yet, the psychic abilities are minimal, and no bilocation has occurred. Also, there are warnings that the activations of the higher DNA strands are temporary, and the pain and disease relief attained by consumption backfires eventually and the pain and disease worsens, while at the very same time the lower DNA strands are destroyed. They further this with a sinister plot by the Illuminati to prevent us from Ascending. What I am trying to find are the studies that say this. Warnings and almost evangelistic waving off the 'evil, satanic' white gold love to point to these studies and yet have not produced a single one of them for us to scrutinize.

    Shamans who took the white gold powder reported of these controlling entities that would want them to do honourable deeds but threaten them if they did not agree to do them. They reported that they felt that these beings were trapped inside their dimension and needed others to take the gold to 'dial in' to their frequency, that they were invisible, non-audial and rendered powerless in any other dimension but their own. It reminded me of what is written below and so I am curious as to what you feel about white gold powder?

    Namaskar, Cheryl

    The world is building a much better world. Gaia is going through growing pains. The Mystery schools foretold of this Age, when we will shed our old skins and start to vibrate at a higher frequency. As a holistic healer, I have studied many ways to help others transit with these growing pains, for As Above, So Below. White gold powder is like a Vedic Tonic. Ground obsidian is good for the digestive tract, etc. Gold is good for bringing light to the cells and regenerating them. It has been used in many holistic ways, and it has relieved a lot of pain, and most places only sell the residue found from natural plants and fruits, or volcanic ash--in a natural remedy form. To attain two carat gold powder is beyond the monetary means of most that are ailing. It is this, the 24-carat gold, that the X-File like scenarios is placed upon, well, because only the Illuminati could afford its production and constant assumption.

    But people fear Eastern traditions, especially if they attack the very profitable mainstream Western medical money machine, and so produce fear-based theories behind what is new and on the fringe of what they believe is true.

    Let us get the fiction out of the science, yes? Gardner has been linked to being a Dark Illuminati agent bent on keeping humanity as slaves for his evil Nephilim Enki shapeshifters. It is enough to make one look over their shoulder for Moulder and Scully. And that is where it belongs, in a script, not in an earnest investigation.

    Again, despite the claims of Ascension, no psychic activities have been reported. No one has bilocated, levitated and Star Gate has not landed to mine the powder. And so, all claims and speculations of how white gold powder got to earth and the hidden agenda of those that give it to the masses, are just those, claims and speculations. Everyone likes to talk, talk, talk, but remember, my offer still stands. If someone bi-locates into my kitchen, I will buy them a steak and lobster dinner and a case of their choice. My wallet is safe for the time being. No one has yet.

    What I was investigating was the delusional episodes from people who had become addicted to taking the purer white gold powder, and whether it attacked the lower strands of the DNA. It seems, if one read the informative link, which I found to be straightforward, coherent, and understanding, (yet also not including channelled sources, of which a lot of channelling seems to be linked to white gold, it being the manna of Lightworkers or Ascensionists); that the collapse of the cluster is rare, at best.

    Like all Vedic tonics, it is meant as a cleanser. It also stimulates the pineal body, and if one does not balance the pineal body, well, we already know that too much DMT can produce schizophrenic like dream-states. If other areas of the four brain quadrants are already weakened, insanity can ensue.

    Also remember, one needs to be balanced and have a level head when investigating the unknown. Many forget this and so perhaps the delusional episodes are brought on not by the tonic but the imbalance of the brain functions naturally collapsing on their own.

    6. Alchemy and 'occult-suppressed' omniphysics in pre-2013-2025 paradigms

    The alchemy of monatomic elements refers to transmutation potentials, namely the formation of a structure of energy within a biovital organism. This process is omni-scientific, meaning that no supernatural agencies are engaged in the transformation processes. The induction of energy occurs however magnetically and particularly via the inherent magnetic properties of the higher-dimensional realism, which embraces its lower-dimensional 'fields of activity'. As the elementary physics of monatomic superconductivity relates the supersymmetry between mass-carrying or inertial quantum self-states (of Maxwell-Fermi-Dirac statistical distributions) to massless quantum eigenstates (of Bose-Einstein statistical distributions); the form of the induced energy gestalt is one of a 'Natural Current Flow'.

    The suppression of information by the 'echeloners' so relates to the fact, that the 'illuminated ones' are very aware and informed, that the data, they are attempting to sequester, is part of a 'perennial knowledge base', known by so called 'adepts' and 'initiated ones' for millennia.
    The 'Orbitally-Rearranged-Monatomic-Elements' (ORME) do however link this eon old 'Perennial Philosophy' of the 'Natural Alchemy' to the precepts of 'modern science', based on the foundation of the natural sciences, from physics to chemistry to biology.

    The basic 'manna from heaven' so is not some miraculous substance, obtained or generated by some secret process of manufacture; but the 'resonant attunement' of the 'consciousness unit' aka the 'sentient being' to a 'natural current flow' inherent in the spacetime matrices themselves. This 'natural' superconductivity does not require a medium (say the copper wires of 'normal' conduction electricity) for its propagation, except the adjacency-connectors of the wormhole horizons of the transformed Planck-Membranes themselves.

    This 'resonance' does have however a biochemical foundation, albeit 'naturally occurring' substances in the biovital vessels, which are 'vitalised' by the 'life force' of the 'Orgon' aka the 'chi' aka the 'prana' aka the frequency embodied in the differential equations for 'Natural current flow' quantised in the expression I=2ef. Every living organism is defined in its 'life' in self-frequency modulation, meaning the biochemical support computer (the brain as a central battery, but quantum-cellularly distributed by central-, autonomous- and sympathetic nervous systems and circulatory mechanisms) acts like an antenna to receive processing information from environmental stimuli.

    At physical sexual chromosomic conception, a previously metaphysical 'life-frequency' becomes mass-inducted magneto-electrically into the 'coupling-mechanism' of the sexual genomatic merger between oppositely polarised genetic material, 'emerging' physically from its metaphysical template. The 'conception' of life so represents a frequency modulation from the electromagnetic precursor of the inertia coupled electric charges (all Coulombic charges are ALWAYS associated with mass in the form of say primeval beta minus decay: neutron decays into proton, electron, and antineutrino for a neutronic electro-charge distribution). The sun shines because the nuclear and subatomic fusion reactions create electromagnetic radiation in the acceleration of electro-charges carried by the protons in say the proton-proton reaction fusing two hydrogen atoms into Helium.

    The frequency modulation 'into matter' so allows matter-based Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) to become produced by the acceleration of those Coulombic electro-charges. This is however the mirror image of the production of monopolar electromagnetic radiation, which as metaphysical precursor remains independent upon inertial associations.
    Particularly, and most fundamentally, it is the acceleration of noninertial magneto-charges, which produce the EMMR as Electromagnetic Monopole Radiation. The 'Life frequency' of a developing cell-embryo-baby-child-adult, subject to environmental exposures, so is in a constant state of flux in self-modulation, may it be changes in amplitude or in frequency. The boundaries for this modulation are the minimum-maximum initial conditions of the cosmogenesis and the birth of the universe.

    At physical birth, the transduction becomes an EMMR frequency resetting itself with an associated 'Saving into Memory' of its previous 'Experience-Eigenstate' Ei . At physical death, the transduction sets the 'quantum-work function' Ei=hfi to zero via fi=0 for the purpose to reset the 'memorized' previous quantum-self-state and in now adding a newly accumulated database to the memory. This scenario can be modelled on formulated in the self- and mutual coupling functions of AC-RCL-Circuits.

    The individuated frequency parameter f=fi so is constantly changing and reflects the 'coupling strengths and ratios' between electromagnetic capacitances (C-factors linked to 'female' characteristics, intuition, instincts, right brain, etc. etc.) and electromagnetic inductances (L factors linked to 'male' characteristics, abstraction, analysis, left brain, etc. etc.). Those couplings are bisexual in self- and mutually interdependent quantum eigenstates.
    One then attains resonance for f=f*=fmax , as only at resonance with this bosonic eigenstate, will the fermionic and mass-carrying minimum frequency fmin become subject to modular transformation.

    This is the key to all phenomena, which exhibit elementary changes in 'weight' or inertia content; especially the dynamics of rotating masses under the monopolar reformulation of the Biot-Savart-Law for Magnetic-Flux-Intensity; {B=μoQv/4πR2 → B=Mω/2Rc2 }. To achieve particular 'altered states' of consciousness, many avenues can be taken, some are more 'natural', whilst others are more 'synthetic'.

    The most natural way engages the glandular functions of biochemical bodies and in the various systems of describing the energy flow of the 'natural electricity' within those bodies. A 'body in harmony with itself' will align 'biochemical energy centres’ (or chakras or major organs or cellular super-complexes aka aka aka). The 'enlightened ones' have known for an exceptionally long time, that the magnetic super complex of the biochemical vessel is the Pineal Gland. Many monuments and references have been constructed to 'honour' this 'gateway to the stars' and this 'tunnel into super-consciousness'. One need only stroll about the halls in the Vatican, three galleries of antiquity or the institutional parklands of governmental institutions to witness pharaonic rods with 'pear shaped' orbs and the like. But the 'magnetic transducer' of the 'worlds' is not restricted to aristocracies and the initiates of the gnosis (of the fake images and distortions of the bisexual reality known as the Yaldabaoth-Baphomet duality).

    The 'magnetic battery' is associated with sources of serotonin and so many 'native and indigenous' peoples know through their ancestral storytelling, that the 'highway to the stars' is found in the 'Elixirs of Youth' and the 'Primera Essentia' of that parts of the body, which are genetically designed to procreate, to transform, to heal and to metamorphose.
    So many 'primitive' societies know the same secrets, the 'sequesters' attempt to hide from their politically governed subjects.
    The human DNA/RNA is fundamentally quantum-geometric - and it is polarised. The precursor of the double-helix is a crystalline propagator with both long range translational and long-range rotational properties. This can easily be witnessed in so termed Penrose Tiling patters and in the Quasi-crystals (Shechtmanites), which display a Quasi-Periodicity. Normal, or regular crystals such as hexagonal ones, require a simple building block to 'cover the plane', say as a honeycomb web. The quasi-crystals require two such building blocks, as a simple pentagon cannot cover the surface.

    The surface of a soccer ball (Buckminster fullerene and buckyballs are carbon derivatives) consists of twelve regular pentagons, interwoven with twenty regular hexagons to 'cover the surface'. In terms of the DNA/RNA, two rhombuses form a ratio of (72,108)°/(36,144)° to 'fill the plane' in a decagonal fashion. The double-helical geometry then defines 'twinned pentagons' back-to-back and in steps reflecting the A-T and G-C genetic alphabet of the nucleotide base-pairings (In RNA the Thymine is replaced by Uracil as U-T for the Adenine base in complement to the Guanine-Cytosine base coupling). The 'magnetic portal' in the DNA/RNA then becomes the 'Space Encompassed' by the winding 'staircase' as 'Jacob's ladder into heaven'.

    It is from this quantum geometry, that the biological world obtains its 'magnetic induction', say a 'flock of birds' flying in unison and changing direction simultaneously in 'group-consciousness', irrespective of 'individuations.’ The Crick-Wilkins-Watson-Franklin DNA-model of 1953 is incomplete. A contemporary link to the geometry of the extended DNA-model is the relabelling of this model as the Curtis-DNA-model.

    Its geometry shows the nitrogenous base-coupling as being triple-bonds between nitrogen and water in NH2-O and NH-N between Guanine and Cytosine and double-bonds for Cytosine and Thymine; the latter being a heterocyclic hexagonal ring (C4H4N2) as an organic pyrimidine base. Guanine and Adenine are purine derivatives (C5H4N4) as organic bases and display a hexagonal geometry interwoven with a five-folded symmetry of pentagonal rings. For RNA, the sugar deoxyribose is replaced by ribose, a hydroxide (OH) replaces hydrogen and in Uracil, the methyl radical CH3 changes to H. Synthesis of OH with H produces water in absorbed form as the internalisation of the DNA/RNA molecule. This 'water loss' defines the hydrogen bonding between the sugar-phosphate DNA/RNA backbone to the nitrogenous bases.
    In all three cases of the polarised base-coupling between 'male-yang' Thymine/Uracil/Cytosine and 'female-yin' Adenine/Guanine; the purine pentagonal symmetry is suppressed in the hydrogenic bonding.

    Reflecting Adenine and Guanine in a 'DNA/RNA symmetry axis' realigns the bases. The 'twisting' of Cytosine and the 'reflecting' of Uracil occur in 'higher dimensional space', meaning, that the two pentagonal Hs of Guanine substitute for the hexagonal Hs across the spiralling sequence of the pentagons as semi-decagons and in that way truncating the nitrogenous bases in their coupling to the Cytosine.

    The male-female coupling between Uracil/Thymine and Adenine requires no 'twist' and a 'shear' for the 'asymmetry' between the hexagon of the male and the pentagon of the female suffices.
    The following diagram defines the polarisation in terms of 'higher dimensional' magneto charges (the plus-minus association can be reversed).


    Female Yin-Template: UU- cu+ AU- gu+
    uc+ ac+
    UA- AA-

    reflected and coupled in CC+ GC+
    ca- ga-
    Male Yang-Template: ug- CG+ ag- GG+

    The male and female templates are perfectly reflective in the set: {GG+/UU-; ug-/gu+; ga-/uc+; ag-/cu+; GC+/UA-; CG+/AU-; ca-/ac+; CC+/AA-}.

    Female magneto-charges are Upper Case and Male magneto-charges are Lower Case. The templates 'join' in magneto-charged intercourse by changing all the magneto-charges on one, say GG- to GG+; this changes the polarisation charges as a magneto-charge 'Alternating Current'. Then UA- on the unchanged template repels ug- as EndOfChain, as do gu+ and GC+ as the starting (input) points. CC+ is attractive to AA-, but repulsive to both cu+ and gu+ for the male-female coupling of the two halves of the encoding.

    gen1. gen2. gen3. gen4. gen5.

    The 4x4 square matrix of the dipolar magneto-charges is used in the mechanics of the permutational transforms to regenerate a 4x4x4=8x8=64-elemental DNA/RNA code for the amino acids. This 'I-Ching' of permutations then becomes a quadruplicity transform of the double-helix of two-strandedness to generate a 4-dimensional line-space from its 3dimensional seed.

    The 3-dimensional DNA/RNA will then become 12-dimensional in the accommodation of a 'collapsed' 9-dimensional Calabi-Yau space (with degrees of freedom of particularised translation, rotation, and vibration) transforming the hitherto 11-dimensional manifold dimension of Witten-spacetime as the BOUNDARY-VOID dimension between the INSIDE and the OUTSIDE of this Witten-Black Hole into the 12-dimensional Klein-Bottle of the DRAGON MÖBIUS.

    The 12th dimension will be collocal with the third dimension of a 9-dimensional CONIFOLDMENT, comprised by a quantum continuum of translational-, rotational and vibrational dynamics.
    The omni-physics in such a space will allow manoeuvrings, which in a 3-dimensional spacetime appear to be localised in the linearised metrics of displacement.
    This will engage the ZPE or wormhole properties of the adjacency between the space-time quanta themselves and under utility of the holographic principle will render such 'vortices' as dualistic source-sink transducers, enabling the wormhole to be used as a quantum integral of source-energy emission (White Hole) and as a quantum integral of sink-source absorption (Black Hole).
    The parameter of time will be rendered superfluous within the vortex in the form of its looping in self-closure in cyclic 'now-time’ but will relinearise in the nonvortex. Within the vortex the 12-dimensional F-Vafa-Father Space will so transcend time in temporal duality (two-sidedness of the time-entropy arrow); whilst the 11-dimensional M-Witten-Mother Space will 'reappear' outside the vortex in the relinearisation of the 'boundary dimension' and as the Möbian Connector dimension.

    The failure to utilize the 'higher-dimensional' magnetic induction potentials in the human genome by self-frequency modulation for resonance has resulted in an intron dormancy of many of the circuit elements in the 'human brain'. This is because alignment of the L-C couplings in PARALLEL results in a MAXIMISATION of IMPEDANCE and so the resonant circuit will be dominated by the MINIMUM ENERGY configuration of the SinkSource of the M supermembrane coupling.
    Metaphysically, this is mythologised as the 'Kingdom of the Devil,’ and which is a Body-Mind or a Particle-Wave and of the sinksource Ess=hfmin. A SERIES alignment of the L-C couplings will MINIMISE IMPEDANCE and so the resonant circuit will be subject to alignment with the sourcesink Eps=hf* in the 'Kingdom of God' and which is a Mind-Body or a Wave-Particle.

    Because the two 'impedance circuits' are inseparable in their elementary form in M-Spacetime as the super-membrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss and coupled in modular duality; the experience of 'life' so becomes a HARMONISATION of the two circuit-natures, being one of Separation in the Individuated Oneness of the Series and the other being the Separation of the Oneness in Parallel.
    The former allows every self-state to become CONNECTED as an individual universe within multiverses within an encompassing omniverse; whilst the second rejects the omniverse and insists upon separated universes coupling to other chosen universes as multiverses.

    The former allows the METAPHYSICAL-MATHEMATICAL infiniteness of the omniverse to become PHYSICALLY FINITE and AS the Merkabah aka Noah's Ark aka the Cosmic Man aka Vitruvius aka the Kabbalistic Adam Kadmon aka the Temple of the Body aka the Purusha aka the covenant of Christ aka aka aka; whilst the latter demands an INFINITE universe from the outset without physical boundaries.

    Both impeded quantum relativities are necessary for the modular duality to manifest, and the PHYSICAL existence of any space-time defines the encompassment for any physical infinity to become untenable in the nonexistence of the mass parameter as initial boundary condition.

    Metaphysically and mythologically, this fact of the logos is witnessed in the 'wholesome' scriptures, which proclaim, that God will 'win' the resonance-seeking war for the souls at the end; and in being the creator of the modular paradox.

    Schrödinger’s Cat represents a superposition of both, the Cat as an ALIVE WAVEFORM, with the Body-form 'collapsed' in a DEAD PARTICLEFORM (within the cat); and the Cat is an ALIVE PARTICLEFORM, with the Mind form 'collapsed' in a DEAD WAVEFORM (within the cat).

    7. Commentary on the Letters for Public Discernment

    a) The White Gold derived from Orbitally-Realigned-Monatomic-Elements or ORMEs is a substitute for a natural substance occurring in the human body. This substance is serotonin, and the manufacturer is the 'Third Eye', the 'All-Seeing-Hawk-Eye of Horus' and known as the pea-shaped pineal gland.

    As said before, one need only stroll about the patios of the Vatican or visit the parklands of the divers’ buildings housing institutions of government to witness the prevalence of this symbol, worshipped by the 'illuminated ones'. There are pharaonic sceptres and papal staffs of honour, which are crowned by those pinealised quasi-capstones. It also becomes the Serpent Rod of Moses, the Staff of Hermes (Trismegistus) and the Caduceus of Thoth, aka Tehuti, the Ibis God of Egyptian wisdom and the 'halved' symbol for the global 'medical profession', being expert in the science of diseases, rather than providing pundits in the art of healing and prevention.

    Many 'primitive peoples' know however just as much as the bishop advisors. Many a wise woman of the earth and herbs any many a wise warrior of the sky and the wind know about the sanctity of the menstrual blood, the elixir of the youthful semen and the stem-cell properties of the placenta. In terms of elementary omniscience however, the White Gold Powder's 'magic' resides in the fact, that it was transmuted in the alchemy of the symbology: E=mc2=hf, which means MASS BECAME LIGHT in common use of the terminology. In more precise nomenclature, the 'Philosopher's Stone' engages the natural current flow of the monopolar ancestor of inertia to transmute the chemical characteristics of elemental physical gold into the non-chemical or super-chemical qualities of elemental metaphysical gold.

    Metaphysical gold is massless and is defined archetypically, say mathematically, say in the
    'Specialist code' of the 'abstraction' of its electron configuration: Gold=Au=#79=Xe.4f145d9 6s2; Xe=Kr.4d10.5s25p6; Kr=1s2.2s22p6.3s23p63d10.4s24p6 . This 'chemical initiation code' represents a metaphysical representation for the physical manifestation labelled Aurum or Gold. The metaphysical initiated one of the 'omniscience aka gnosis aka insight' now understands, that the abstract and immaterial quantum-geometrical nature of that 'Gold*' has little to do with the inertial reality of the materialised 'Gold'; but is a symbolic archetype or metaphor for the latter. The 'Rock of all Wisdom' so becomes the 'omni-physics' and general omniscience, which EXTENDS the 'physics' of the PHYSICAL cosmology into the 'omni-physics' for the
    METAPHYSICAL cosmology, the latter encompassing the physical universe as its subset in a logistical superset.

    b) The 'common man' is seduced through the undeniable and genetically inherited (or inbred) requirements of sexuality, hunger, and shelter. To stifle the sexual self-expression, the tabooing of the topic as something to be kept private and something not open for public debate or discernment; the sexual activity is CENSORED in the open access media, but then is FOSTERED as a perceived 'underground' avenue (where everything is permitted, the more 'deviate' or 'pornographic' from the norm, the better), open to anyone able to circumvent the 'officialised public morality'. In this manner, the 'common man' is kept 'happy and free' in the latter's self-perception of being able to do and think what he so desires with a little effort and cleverness. Little does the 'Free Woman' know, that she is being manipulated into a consensus reality of conformity. He is comprehensively invited by the 'omni-thinkers' to indulge his sexual taboos and fetishes, IF he does not begin to openly discuss those things as something that might be rather NATURAL, even for 'God' himself to have pleasure engaging in.

    She is openly urged to 'claim her sexual freedom rights', IF she does not begin to SELFEMPOWER herself as the 'Goddess' and sexual powerhouse she truly represents in the image and ambassadora of the universe herself.

    In terms of the need for food and shelter, as well as the sexual taboos; the agenda is to instil feelings of GUILT and FEAR into whatever one does, thinks and feels.
    Everything one eats or drinks is said to have something 'wrong' with it. It is either too fattening or too sweet or too irradiated or too inorganic or to germ-ridden or what have you. It might also be a delicacy and too expensive for 'ordinary' occasions or it may be 'out of season' and too expensive because of that. Butter, milk, and sugar, for millennia a staple food source for the populus is said to cause allergies and to have become agents for cancerous infestations and subject to artificial substitution by bio-chemically engineered substances such as margarine spreads, liquid blends, and aspartame.

    Because of the natural requirement for nourishment, culinary sources become a splendid choice for experimental engineering, replacing the natural minerals and organic constituents with inorganic or modified concoctions. Often the food additives have applications for germ- and biochemical warfare; having been developed in the numero uno pastime of ALL 'civilised' nation states - the Art of War. The 'illuminated ones' are aware about the futility of that pastime. But what better means to keep the 'scientists and the techno-experts' employed, then to teach them the art of warfare and the associated 'weapon making' under whatever guise?

    As soon as a particular economic climate requires a stimulus package, the 'oiling of the war machine' begins. FEAR about the Unseen, might it be a 'Devil in Hell' or a 'God in Heaven' or a 'Witch dancing naked about the Maypole on Walpurgisnacht' or a 'Red under the Bed' or an 'Alien from Outer Space' or a 'Mesopotamian from the Middle East' or a 'Sumerian Hitchhiker'. The only real fear is the fear of the 'illuminated ones' of being made to 'share their omniscience'.

    The requirement for shelter becomes the number one 'economiser' for the 'scared initiated ones'. Playing 'who gets what' in the games of the 'real estate', the 'super-smart ones' instil the 'dream of home ownership' in the 'common man'. They know very well that their control of the fiscal markets through their puppeteer governments, will enslave those 'homeowners' like nothing else could in the 'dreamtime' of the 'controllers'.

    Once a contract to the money makers is signed, the 'financiers' are extremely pleased, that the signatories have signed away decades of their lives in worrying about 'paying off their debts'. "Now they have other things to worry about, then the secrets of the universe and the omniscience of the illuminated ones", - the echeloners master-slave plan.
    But the proud 'homeowners' have a civilised lifestyle now and do not have to suffer the ignobility of the eskimo's igloo or the savannah man's straw hut or the tipi-wigwam of the native American Indian or the mud house of the Kurdistan. The igloo, the straw hut, the tipi, and the mud house 'cost' next to nothing, except some labour and so cannot be worth the half million dollars of the civilised man's heartache for twenty years or more - yet he might be lucky and win a lottery; of whom there are many if not more.

    The Tibetan monk lives in a cave and would not understand that the air one breathes and the water one drinks is a gift from mother nature and to 'charge for land' or proclaim 'ownership' over land, air, and sea amounts to a cosmic joke in the scheme of the greater things. But then responsible and fair stewardship has eluded 'civilised' man for millennia.

    The 'common man' so is 'brainwashed' and 'mind-controlled' by the disincentive to think for herself. The medium for this 'brainwashing' of perception becomes of course the media. A picture is worth a thousand words and a populus AFRAID OF ITSELF, will not question authority; especially if the visible media outlets SPECIALISE in 'shows' and entertainment, which emphasise the necessity for LAW AND ORDER. Court proceedings, police dramas and the depiction of people at war with each other will serve the conditioning of the human groupmind very well. Of course, the existence of a 'group mind' is ridiculed by the official channels of information, whenever some crackpot decides to raise the subject matter. Aren't we all individuals and rather proud of our free choice to make decisions and is it not us, who vote and elect our democratic governments or our prophet-inspired autonomous theocracies?

    Controlling the group-mind in a country allows the 'controllers' to ascertain that any election will NEVER (under normal circumstances) be won by a minor party; notwithstanding the amount of dissatisfaction 'murmured' by the constituency. Because fostering the 'puerile human ego' at the ballot box and the perceived wish to 'back a winner', the political propaganda realises that the 'idealistic core' of the group-mind, will always be less than 10%. It is this 'idealistic group-mind' which would or could CHANGE the political landscape effectively; were it not for the clause of the majority rules, because majority knows.

    The 'scientists and technological mechanics and the academics' are 'seduced' somewhat differently. They are required to 'run' the technological civilisation and so are paternalized into positions of manoeuvring, where they can engage their creative minds to their heart's desire - except when they get near the omniscience of the 'initiated ones'. Anything 'occult' must remain hidden and become the number two agenda (number one is the graphic depiction of 'healthy' and 'necessary' defence-based violence as substitute for the privatised, unhealthy' and 'unnecessary' sexual activity), which is sensationalised, meaning RIDICULED in the media.
    Then the Laurence Gardener's and Zechariah Sitchin's become double agents.

    The echeloners make Laurence their own in allowing him access to the 'occult archives' of the omniscience; knowing that as Laurence is a historian and under-informed in aspects of the data, he becomes privy to; he will only be able to derive a partial understanding about this omniscience contained in the 'Royal archives' of the 'House of Windsor-Tudor-Mountbatten-...'. The more encompassing 'Davidic History of the Grails', blending the metaphysics, with the history becomes 'sensationalised' in the attempt to fabricate any number of physical histories from their metaphysical blueprints.

    Zechariah Sitchin and other 'New Age' popularisers similarly are allowed to publish 'half-truths’ to their heart's desire. They are even invited to publicly disseminate and 'preach' from the New Age pulpits. They are even allowed to 'get rich' by their endeavours - anything to muddle the waters; just like the crop circles, the ufos and the prehistoric artefacts.
    Not so secret 'societies' or 'clubs' have been set up and financed by 'unknown benefactors' in the English countryside and people have been 'paid' to create fake crop circles, where unfaked crop circles had appeared as a physicalised magnetic self-induction of the fourth dimensional energy matrix by its 5-dimensional metaphysical progenitor, previously.

    Invoking a renegade planet Nibiru, linking it to the Nemesis Sun of the 'empty focus' of the local 'binary' solar system and the omniscience of the intra-galactic partnerships between star systems, planetary associations, historical cyclicities and galactic rotations will never attain the 'truth-value' of the omniscience of the 'enlightened lucifers' in the distorted form of the approximating quasi-omniscience, easily refuted by the academic slaves and the specially trained 'professional debunkers' and through the smiles of ignorance from the public media presenters.

    c) David Icke and Co are correct - the queen is a shape-shifting reptilian. She is also a butterfly. At the core of any mammal resides a reptilian base-brain, encompassed by a mammalian midbrain and a human cortex or top-brain. The queen and every other mammal can be said to possess a shadow 'alien' life form residing in the fifth dimension of hyperspace, often associated, or labelled as an 'astral plane' of the psyche and so as part of the higher-dimensional psychophysical reality. In terms of the space-time matrix, the fourth dimension is a 'mapping' cross-section from the fifth dimension, where the 3D form remains fluid. To 'perceive' this shapeshifting, an 'altered state' of awareness becomes necessity.

    d) The mythology of the Dragon is of paramount importance. Without 'Dragonisation' it is impossible to achieve circuit-resonance. Dragonisation implies the harmonisation of the physical bodyform with its metaphysical precursor. The reptilian 'dragon' became the initial manifestation of a 'sentient consciousness', evolved enough to use the C-factors in symbiosis. Witness a crocodile mother carrying her eggs in her jaws from place to place without breaking them. Ergo the enormous size of dinosaurs and the fascination of the human mind with them. From the saurischians (lizard-hipped) and the ornithischians (bird-hipped) evolved paramammals, pelycosaurs and hence mammals and birds in general.

    e) The reptilian brainstem is encompassed by the mammalian. Ergo werewolves and vampires and satyrs and cat women all do exist psychosomatically. They are hybrids between the metaphysical fluidity of thought-forms and the evolutionary manifestos of the C-factors becoming coupled to the L-factors and in the Capacity of Thoughts and Feelings to blend with the Induction of Analysis and rationalism of those 'Feelings and Impressions' and Dreams and and...
    The human cortex encompasses both, the reptilian base-brain, and the mammalian midbrain as a top-brain. Ergo, the mammalian consciousness and the reptilian consciousness become subject to the human consciousness and are in danger of abuse, persecution, and extinction.

    f) The Dragonian brain is 5-dimensional and closes the circle between the serpentine base-brain and the star-human mind. Once some 4-dimensional human top-brains have evolved into 5-dimensional Dragon-brains; the old human consciousness will become subject to the evolved serpentine mind and consciousness.

    g) The human species will then become endangered and face abuse, persecution, and extinction - not from the Dragons, but from themselves and as the Darwinian-Lamarckian children of the Oneness, which have refused to adapt and evolve into dragon-hood, choosing instead to adhere to the non-closing of the circle to continue their abuse of self and their environs. The Dragons will visit the stars as having 'won' in the survival of the fittest in mind and thinking', the non-Dragons will stay behind and ponder their realities and their rationalities.


    poem1. poem2. poem3.

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021

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