UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    For all you vaxxers.
    Good news and bad news.
    The good news is there are particular remedies for the many toxins and nanotech critters you have allowed into your systems.
    1. Drink fresh unpasteurised pineapple juice.
    2. Anything Dandelion say tea leaves. roots even the yellow flowers baked.
    3. Anything pine needle tea.
    4. Manuka honey and rosebud all natural herbs and antiviral and antioxidants.
    The bad news is that all of you will suffer weakness of heart and have compromised immune systems, especially in 2nd, 3rd and booster shots. The messenger rna agent erroneously called a 'vaccine' causes basically irreversible autoimmune disease and blood poisoning.
    In some people the effects are rapid in others long time, depending on fitness and dietary levels.
    You all will feel weaker and less energetic over time.
    Hopefully an antigenetic true medical technology can reverse this in a few years from now, when the criminal pharma cabal has been brought to justice (with the traitor politicians and medical tyrants).
    Under no circumstances fall for the ruse of giving the biotech poisoning (spike protein bioengineered in international cooperatives as potential biowarfare agent) to your kids. It is designed to interfere with their reproductive organs and render them infertile over time and also to interfere with certain 'freedom-independence' areas in their brains.
    Finally avoid ALL future 'vaccination poisonings', no matter what the mainstream cabal treachery scares and blackmails you with. For anyone wanting details, I have published many mainstream banned and censored videos about this here:

    sirebard (bitchute.com)
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    The threat of 'shedding'-transmission is real but nowhere near as bad as taking the blood disease toxin. The simple science answer is that your natural immune system will eventually detoxify the 'transmission' poison. This is the opinion of real uncompromised medical professionals. I do agree with this but it could be worse. That said my advice is for you is to do some simple things to superboost your own immune system. I recall you being anemic? This of course endangers you.
    Now what are the best remedies? I give you a recipe. Mix pure fresh garlic with honey and ginger and make a paste or something you can brew. This mixture is 'mother nature's' antitoxin elixir and advisable for about all illnesses.

    As said before fresh unpasteurized pineapple juice (plenty in FL) and anything Dandelion and Pine Needle tea and perhaps rosebud are other antivax agencies many folks can use to perhaps not reverse if blood poisoned, but useful for the 'shedding' issue
    As you would be aware of, professional athletes like soccer players dropping dead across Europe and the medical cabal cult will murder many children now in the next few months and years. So anyone you know and who might listen; the word is that perhaps only one third actually got he vax and two third received saline solution, as the cabal knew that many folks would suffer severe consequences. But the time of the pretending is gone and the boosters, any boosters will be like ten times as deadly as the one third of the initial 'experiment'

    Watch Dr. Jane Ruby on say the Stew Peters show to get many more details and to get the confirmations I am sharing with you here.
    Many many true medical experts are speaking out now, but are media cabal suppressed.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2021
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    1. Australian freedom advocate Enrico Bosi asks immunology expert Dolores Cahill about the global bioweapon response agenda and possible remedies for the toxically compromised immune systems of the 'fake vaccinated'.

    2. Dr. Ariyana Love exposes the gene manipulation perpetrated by a worldwide medical 'big pharma' criminal cabal and conspiracy using pathological bacterial agents like E. coli to infect the 'fake vaccinated' with Autoimmune Disease like AIDS and Ebola.
    The process of transfectious gene deletion by the use of bioweaponized cloned corona viruses, so details the concerns regarding induced infectious autoimmune disease raised by Dr. Dolores Cahill.

    3. Dr. Jane Ruby discusses the criminal activity of the medical malpractice in regards to the planned sterilization and murder of the global population beginning with children of all age groups with Stew Peters.

    4. Dr. Jane Ruby and Stew Peters detail the 'crimes against humanity' as a criminal conspiracy with respect to the legal implications and evidence globally provided by Dr. David Martin and affiliates.
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    covid webinar.

    Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Tess Lawrie, Peter McCullough and Dr Brian Tyson. Attended by four Australian Senators and three current House of Representatives members. Australian Politicians Present include:
    • MP Craig Kelly
    • MP George Christensen
    • MP Neil Angus
    • Senator Malcolm Roberts
    • Senator Gerard Rennick
    • Senator Alex Antic
    • Senator Matt Canavan
    Frontline Doctors can save lives and freedoms and paint the way forward to quickly end declared Covid19 pandemics in Australia and around the world.
    With Mainstream Media Campaigns often funded by the People’s taxes, have been shown young victims of Covid19 gasping for air in Hospital

    The people have been told medications with Decade’s old use and safety recordsare Poisons or are only good for use on horses.
    The people have been obstructed from Medications.

    In Australia, John Skerritt heads the TGA and they have actually classified Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as Poisons; one explanatory note actually explained that it was to funnel people into adopting the Clinical Trial Vaccines (to prevent the perception that there is an alternative to the Vaccines Available).
    The people have had a wedge driven between themselves and Doctors.

    This has been achieved in Australia through the TGA obstructing Medications and
    through AHPRA, led by Mr Martin Fletcher, via a campaign of warnings and suspensions of
    medical professionals who have given their honest and researched risk benefit assessments of the vaccines and who may believe the current clinical trial vaccines are not in the best interests of some, many or almost all Australians.

    The people have been tricked into thinking they are all in harm’s way with minimal chance of surviving Covid19.
    The People have been tricked into thinking Vaccines will slow or stop people from catching or transmitting Covid19.

    The People have been tricked into thinking the Vaccines offer the best way to reduce death and Hospitalisation.
    The people have no idea of their own risk profile for Covid19; to get some idea see: www.mycovidods.org
    The Doctors have had their rights to practice their profession compromised in a way where they can no longer express their honest risk benefit assessments of Novel Technology Clinical Trial Phase Vaccines and where they can no longer offer normally what they believe to be available safe and effective medications for the prevention and early treatment of Covid19.

    As Peter McCullough states, the only court (given the legal court systems around the globe are failing at almost every turn to preserve the people’s freedoms and the people’s rights to choose what medications and experimental medications go into their bodies) is the people’s court.

    To this end, our Australian Politicians have never had a more important or more responsible role to play than to help these doctors educate the people to the solutions at hand and the dangers to avoid; people kept so long in the dark by the forces losing their grip on maintaining this darkness.
    In this video Robert F. Kennedy’s book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ is strongly recommended by Senator Ron Johnson.

    Peter McCullough shared 5 key usable, provable and clear principles:
    a. Covid ONLY (⁣practically) spreads from people who are symptomatic.
    b. Thus, NO asymptomatic testing is needed or is of any value.
    c. Natural immunity is much better than the current Novel Technology Clinical Trial Vaccines; You CANNOT ⁣(⁣practically) get Covid again if you have had it.
    d. Covid is quite easily treatable when treated early
    e. ALL current ⁣Novel Technology Clinical Trial Vaccines are NEITHER safe NOR effective.
    NOVEMBER 29, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2021
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    German Doctor whistleblower and graphene nanotechnology expert-professional Doctor Andreas Noack may have been murdered following the release of this highly technical and scientific expose' of the technocratic cabal. According to his wife, he died in a confrontation with German secret police after certain discussion with other agencies. He might alternatively have disappeared for particular 'safety' reasons.

    Doctor Andreas Noack created a video exposing graphene oxide in graphene hydroxide form and which is found inside the vaccines. He explains how this nanotechnology damages the human body through direct blood-flow injection, causing basically irreversible cardiovascular damage and injury in the linked video.
    Graphene oxide was found in all of the vaccines, it forms a structure in the bloodstream approximately 50nm wide and 0.1 nm thick, and are able to cut into blood carrying organs and tissue like razor blades due technically to the 'free electron transport' of the hydroxy biochemistry. The effect on the bloodstream and blood vessels is cumulative. Especially rapid blood-flow, requiring increased work rates of the heart and as necessary in strenuous sport or exercise can result in rapid destruction of the cardiovascular system, resulting in myocarditis, sudden heart attacks and similar life threatening diseases.

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



    Isolation: The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone; separation from other things or persons; solitariness.
    – Oxford English Dictionary​
    The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the virus’ existence can be found. The logical, common sense, and scientific consequences of this fact are:
    • the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;
    • the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;
    • “variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;
    • it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

    In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus. First, one takes samples (blood, sputum, secretions) from many people (e.g. 500) with symptoms which are unique and specific enough to characterize an illness. Without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters and ultracentrifuges i.e. purifies the specimen. This common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages1 and so-called giant viruses in every virology lab, then allows the virologist to demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles. These particles are the isolated and purified virus.
    These identical particles are then checked for uniformity by physical and/or microscopic techniques. Once the purity is determined, the particles may be further characterized. This would include examining the structure, morphology, and chemical composition of the particles. Next, their genetic makeup is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from the purified particles and using genetic-sequencing techniques, such as Sanger sequencing, that have also been around for decades. Then one does an analysis to confirm that these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin as a virus is conceptualized to be, and not the normal breakdown products of dead and dying tissues.2 (As of May 2020, we know that virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues.)3
    1 Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages from the haloalkaline lake Elmenteita, KenyaJuliah Khayeli Akhwale et al, PLOS One, Published: April 25, 2019. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0215734 — accessed 2/15/21
    2 “Extracellular Vesicles Derived From Apoptotic Cells: An Essential Link Between Death and Regeneration,” Maojiao Li1 et al, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020 October 2. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcell.2020.573511/full — accessed 2/15/21
    3 “The Role of Extraellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses,” Flavia Giannessi, et al, Viruses, 2020 May

    If we have come this far then we have fully isolated, characterized, and genetically sequenced an exogenous virus particle. However, we still have to show it is causally related to a disease. This is carried out by exposing a group of healthy subjects (animals are usually used) to this isolated, purified virus in the manner in which the disease is thought to be transmitted. If the animals get sick with the same disease, as confirmed by clinical and autopsy findings, one has now shown that the virus actually causes a disease. This demonstrates infectivity and transmission of an infectious agent.
    None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been successfully performed for any so-called pathogenic virus. Our research indicates that a single study showing these steps does not exist in the medical literature. Instead, since 1954, virologists have taken unpurified samples from a relatively few people, often less than ten, with a similar disease. They then minimally process this sample and inoculate this unpurified sample onto tissue culture containing usually four to six other types of material — all of which contain identical genetic material as to what is called a “virus.” The tissue culture is starved and poisoned and naturally disintegrates into many types of particles, some of which contain genetic material. Against all common sense, logic, use of the English language and scientific integrity, this process is called “virus isolation.” This brew containing fragments of genetic material from many sources is then subjected to genetic analysis, which then creates in a computer-simulation process the alleged sequence of the alleged virus, a so called in silico genome. At no time is an actual virus confirmed by electron microscopy. At no time is a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. This is scientific fraud.

    The observation that the unpurified specimen — inoculated onto tissue culture along with toxic antibiotics, bovine fetal tissue, amniotic fluid and other tissues — destroys the kidney tissue onto which it is inoculated is given as evidence of the virus’ existence and pathogenicity. This is scientific fraud.
    From now on, when anyone gives you a paper that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated, please check the methods sections. If the researchers used Vero cells or any other culture method, you know that their process was not isolation. You will hear the following excuses for why actual isolation isn’t done:
    1. There were not enough virus particles found in samples from patients to analyze.
    2. Viruses are intracellular parasites; they can’t be found outside the cell in this manner.

    If No. 1 is correct, and we can’t find the virus in the sputum of sick people, then on what evidence do we think the virus is dangerous or even lethal? If No. 2 is correct, then how is the virus spread from person to person? We are told it emerges from the cell to infect others. Then why isn’t it possible to find it?
    Finally, questioning these virology techniques and conclusions is not some distraction or divisive issue. Shining the light on this truth is essential to stop this terrible fraud that humanity is confronting. For, as we now know, if the virus has never been isolated, sequenced or shown to cause illness, if the virus is imaginary, then why are we wearing masks, social distancing and putting the whole world into prison?
    Finally, if pathogenic viruses don’t exist, then what is going into those injectable devices erroneously called “vaccines,” and what is their purpose? This scientific question is the most urgent and relevant one of our time.
    We are correct. The SARS-CoV2 virus does not exist.
    Sally Fallon Morell, MA
    Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD
    Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD
    Download PDF
    Scientist Shows Cell Death in Lab Experiments Is Not from the COVID Virus, But from Toxic Additives
    The COVID-19 pandemic has been built upon the lie that the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes cell death. Dr. Stefan Lanka, PhD is a German virologist who did a control experiment, which had not been performed since 1954, that showed that the substances that were added in laboratory test tube experiments were the cause cell death, not the SARS-CoV-2 virus. He demonstrated this by using cell specimens that were never infected and were never in contact with material from a COVID-19 patient, yet the cells died. He said that the same exact particles found in the “non-infectious” tissues are claimed by virologists to demonstrate virus particles. The experiment nullifies experiments that claim viruses cause disease.

    According to the video that was translated into English, the additives included fetal bovine serum, antibiotics, and foreign messenger RNA, along with a drastic reduction in the nutrient solution.

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    1 in 40 or 2.5% 'pure bloods' of a world population are sufficient to reset humanity

  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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