UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Tony Bermanseder
    Saphano S. Dongrin: - Desbina:
    those vaccines have not gone through the usual tests. Many people who take them suffer short-term adverse efects and some even die. But as for long-term effects, we have been warned by some doctors (who have done the needed research) that they could be devastating because of what the vaccines do to our blood and vital organs.

    Micromyocarditis is irreversible Desbina. This is blood clotting in the bloodstream only detectable by microscopy.
    Thousands of Australians will die in the next few months, as their natural immunity will deteriorate every time they get 'boosted'.
    Because the globalist sellout traitors know this; they aim to poison as many Australians as possible, before the death caused not by 'variants', but by the synthetic spike proteins cannot be hidden any longer.

    After 2 'shots' natural immunity decreases to less than 20% and weakens further over time. As the heart must work harder and harder for normal circulation, the vaxxed will get weaker and weaker over time and succumb to previous infections, bacterial pathology etc. People react differently to the toxic invasion in view of lifestyle choices, other drugs and common seasonal illnesses like the flu. Many will die because of autoimmune disease.

    The spike protein is engineered to self replicate throughout the body, affecting and compromising all the organs. The 'vaccine poison' is so an agency causing irreversible blood diseases and trigger many dormant, but ever present potential carcinogenic genetic sequences.
    Many doctors know of a huge increase in cancer patients.

    The first depository after poisoning is in the ovaries in females and the testes in males.
    Sterilisation by chemical castration becomes a consequence for the human continuance. This is part of the globalist depopulation agenda which is unfortunately not a potential conspiracy, but a conspiracy fact.

    • Tony Bermanseder: I have seen that entire video. It is personally devastating to me as I know young women who have had two jabs, and I suspect my daughter may have succumbed to the propaganda as well. Of course, it has a similar effect on men and my son is holding out, thank goodness.

    • Tony Bermanseder
      I am very sad too Desbina. Half of my family will not listen to the real science, but has chosen to believe the 'expert propaganda. I already lost one daughter to suicide in 2004 and fear I will lose more of my 'know better' ignorant and 'MSM - expert' brainwashed children.

    We are trying literally to save lives Desbina. So please be not discouraged by feedback and challenges of the under- and misinformed.
    We are well aware of who and what the disinformation agency is and represents.

    First hand testimony of a military nurse amidst the Covid 19 population control globalist technocracy agenda

    1.A military frontline nurse's experience with Covid 19
    2. A Russian military perspective
    3. Personal testimonies regarding natural immune system compromising vaccine damage
    4. The Electropolation Tattoo in MRNA (mode-rna) bioweapons aka bioengineered vaccines

    Last edited: Sep 24, 2021
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    An Agenda of a Universal Mirror and Australia's Area 51

    Dear truthseeker, the agenda is even more devious than the truth tellers share around the world. I shall leave it to your intuition and insight to share what I am about to tell you. The reason why Australia (and NZ) are the 'guinea pig' in the technocratic medical-scientism-tyranny is twofold.

    The minor reason is that Australia's winter in the Southern hemisphere is the northern hemisphere's winter.
    The northern winter will experience tens of thousands of graphene-oxide' deaths disguised as covid 'mrna vax-injections'.
    This will be caused by ADE and autoimmune diseases encountering the seasonal flu with associated vitamin D deficiencies, brain-blood barrier penetrating prions and other cancer causing agencies normally suppressed in a natural immune system.

    I have linked the real science data below. So the half year difference between the northern seasons and the southern seasons serves the traitors to forestall and shift the emphasis of the fake news to wherever the summertime naturally reduces the fake PCR testing agenda for 'positive infection cases'.

    This is another reason why in the south, the climate change agenda is now rising again on social media and so on to 'keep the great reset' going of course.

    Now the major reason is the part most folks are completely unawares of.

    This part is truly global and defines the 'great reset' as the political social psychological engineering dating back to the US- and French revolutions and their origins in international conspiracies between old aristocratic and new banking-secret cabal associations. Many know about the Frankfurt school as a basis for the continuance of the old British empire and the Sabbatean cult evolvements dating back to antiquity and the times of Egypt, Mesopotamia and the corruption of the religious impulse across those old 'cradles of modern civilization'.

    The major corruption was that of a natural human sexuality into distorted forms of 'modesty' and appropriateness in a moralistic hijacking of encoded base codes like the Torah, the bible and many other associated legacies (transmitted from extraterrestrial sources to 'inspired' human composers actually, but this is another part of Pandora's box now opening in an universal reset and reconfiguration not limited to planet Earth).

    Suffice to say that the major tool of the tyrants is a misunderstood nature of human sexuality - literally hijacked by the DEVIL=LIVED under the guise of religious modesty and properness. Knowing this, you can follow the great hatred for Christianity and say anything Jesus as a cause accompli to reduce Christianity to some antisex-purist agenda, which denies natural human sexual desire and freedom of expression.

    Because of this suppression from the controlling 'echeloner' sources, child trafficking and pedophilia and the preservance of sexual innocence became the redefinition to divert the natural form into its perverted EVIL=VEIL inverted from LIVE=48=SEX form.

    Now you would know that many politicians, clergy and judiciary exponents are deeply compromised and therefore black mailed by the globalist tyrants, regarding their 'sexual secrets'. A major part of the Australian suppression of office-holding personas is with regard to disclosure and registers (check senator Heffernan's suppressed disclosure attempt regarding the government in 2015).
    So globally sexual blackmail regarding pedophilia, infidelities morally judged with (in the past) 'closet' bi-transexuality forms a huge tool of coecion for the technocrats to implement their agendas onto the administrations on a worldwide scale.
    The sexual blackmail agenda is paralleled by the financial greed agenda of course and as the world government existed for the industrialised world since the times of the bankster takeover of the said revolutions, the class divided global population since that time could serve the echeloners in the utility of a 'middle class' of individual endeavour, enterpreneurship and national-personal sovereignty.

    The requirement for a productive middle class has however ended with the great advancement of technology and the hijacking of real science and medicine, say a century ago with the modern technology of oil, plastic and computers. And with computerization and the information technology, came the reset of the hitherto rather profitable war machine, where both sides of a conflict were 'financed' by the technocratic bankster control.

    This then brings me to the major art of what is happenstance in Australia and NZ. Again your discretion of sharing this information is advised, but might be a point of necessity to awaken SnowWhite.

    Perhaps you have heard of sparsely populated places in Australia like Pine Gap and the Harold Holt Naval base HHN in the NW corner of Australia. Perhaps you know of Area 51 in the Nevada desert of the USA, often and publically associated with secret government projects. So watching (dis)(mis)information from many sources about Area 51 but NOT of the Harold Holt Naval base could once again show a controlled psychological modus operandi from the echeloners.

    There was a six-day war in the middle east between Israel and Arab states in 1967 and generally the HHN serves the US-war efforts especially regarding low frequency communication from the southern hemisphere across say the Indian ocean using nuclear submarines. I give you a link from the Nautilus website following. Like for Pine Gap, there exists so a cooperative agreement with the US military complex to control both the northern- and southern hemispheres militarily using communication devices like Pine Gap, HHN and nowadays Elon Musk's satellites transmitting microwave electromagnetic radiation via the modern ' personal convenience' communication devices like the mobile phone as a miniature tracking device linked to the satellite grid spanning the worldwide computation web.

    Perhaps you can remember Australia's election of Bob Hawke as prime minister of 1983. At that time Bill Hayden became Defence minister of Australia and was denied access to the Pine Gap Australia-USA military cooperative for clandestine reasons.

    So you can consider this both from a real global conspiratorial or a base political perspective. The basic military perspective simply relates to the military cooperative using low frequency submarine-satellite communication for a national defence agreement, but the real globalist perspective indicates, that the USA and Australian chain of command hierarchy are not in control of their publically stated 'national defence' agendas.

    A military hot and/or nuclear confrontation in the Northern hemisphere can be controlled from a relative safety of a disguised Southern hemisphere location like The North-Western Cape of Australia with underground bunkers and 'constructions' linking the center of the continent with its outposts. Now you might understand the many rumours about great junks of land being bought by international conglomerates and private individuals in Tasmania, Australia and New Zealand.

    Apart from this base political-globalist-technocratic perspective, there exists another parallel agenda of hope and resilience for the truth seeking Australian and any disenfranchised global citizen.
    If the real perceived enemy of the globalist cabal is not a civil upraising or a revolution of the 'common man', but any allegiance to a true form of Christianity manifested not only in corrupted religious dogma and politizations, but some universal and intergalactic form of universal consciousness and a Logos or Word of cosmic logistics; then whatever the technocratic cabal forwards as its enslavement agenda; the laws of the universe demand a mirror effect of a raising of said universal and terrestrial consciousness resetting the old human as a graduating star human of self-selection.

    Peace of Information will defeat tyranny.

    (39) Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves." Nag Hammadi codex, Egypt, 1945 - Gospel of Thomas - Lambdin Translation

    BREAKING: Worldwide Call to STOP VAXX NOW! Doctors, Scientists Reveal Findings (rumble.com)

    Harold E Holt Communications Station - Australian Nuclear and Uranium Sites (australianmap.net)

    Harold E Holt Communications Station


    Normally known as North West Cape, the base is used for low frequency communications. It was very likely a high-priority nuclear target during the Cold War.

    The Nautilus Institute provides the following summary:

    The Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt is presently made up of three sites some 60 kilometres apart running the length of the narrow peninsula separating the Exmouth Gulf from the Indian Ocean. The original primary purpose of the US Naval Communication Station North West Cape when it opened in 1967 was to enable the US Navy to communicate with submerged submarines (and surface vessels) in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean. Two important qualities of Very Low Frequency signals is that they follow the curvature of the earth and hence can be received at great distances, and that they can be detected by receivers more than twenty metres underwater.

    Transmission of such Very Low Frequency radio signals required more than a million watts of power and the construction of twelve towers more than 300 metres high to support a network of antenna wires for the transmission of these powerful signals. This 400 hectare site, known as Area A, lies at the very tip of the Cape, and for more than two decades was a key link in US Navy communications, with its Polaris and other strategic nuclear missile submarines. Areas B and C hold high frequency transmission and receiving facilities further south on the peninsula, and until 1998, a Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) satellite communications ground station.

    Polaris submarines were retired from the Pacific in 1982, and were replaced by Ohio-class submarines carrying Trident nuclear ballistic missiles of much greater range, which relied principally on Jim Creek in Washington for VLF communications. But until that point, Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt would have been a high priority Soviet nuclear target.

    Following the signing in May 1963 of the Agreement with the Government of the United States of America Relating to the Establishment of a United States Naval Communications Station in Australia [North West Cape – Exmouth WA], it became clear that the Australian government had no control over or access to the contents of those communications. In March 1974 the Whitlam Labor government subsequently renegotiated the base treaty, leading to the dropping of the ‘US’ from the name of the facility, and an increased but still for many years insignificant Australian presence. “In the Communications Centre, the only thing the Americans and Australians shared was the coffee pot.”

    During the 1980s “joint” operation came to have more substance. By 1992, the United States no longer needed direct access to the base and the long-resident Naval Security Group detachment was withdrawn in October of the year, and full command passed to the Royal Australian Navy. In 1999 Australia took over responsibility for the facility, although US involvement and funding continued
    In AUSMIN 2008, as part of the gathering wave of new US military, intelligence and military communications co-operation with Australia, Fitzgibbon and Gates’ signing of the Harold E. Holt Treaty, with Fitzgibbon announcing that: “[T]his Treaty is yet another example of the breadth of the Australia–US Alliance. From the mountains of Afghanistan to the depths of the oceans, Australia and the United States are working together across a wide range of Defence activities aimed at maintaining a secure world.”

    PR language apart, Fitzgibbon was quite right. AUSMIN 2007 saw the announcement of a new ‘US strategic and military satellite communications system at the Australian Defence Satellite Communication Station (ADSCS) located at Geraldton in Western Australia’. ACDS at Kojarena, 30 km west of Geraldton, is a major signals interception station operated by the Defence Signals Division, and contributes to the worldwide Echelon system. The new joint Kojarena facility will play a key role in the Pentagon’s complex and continuously developing Global Information Grid.

    Renewed and heightened US involvement in the Kojarena and North West Cape facilities for space surveillance and global military signals intelligence and communication has followed on from a decade of rapid technical and organisational developments in the global US signals intelligence interception system of which the Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap is a key part. The result is that Pine Gap, and most likely in turn Kojarena and North West Cape, are increasingly closely tied to US military operations worldwide, but particularly to operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The facility first known as U.S. Naval Communication Station North West Cape, is once again to become a joint Australia-United States facility. The details of the space surveillance sensor systems and radars to be installed at North West Cape and elsewhere are vague at this stage, but AUSMIN 2010 brought us a new “Space Situational Awareness Partnership” with every sign of a Chinese target.

    Academic Richard Tanter provides further detail on recent developments:
    The Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt at North West Cape, which was originally a US-only facility, then a joint station and, with the end of the Cold War, an Australian-controlled facility, has returned to a primarily US war-fighting role with a vengeance, by two distinct pathways.

    The first leads from US concern to retain naval dominance in the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and Southeast Asia. North West Cape’s original function was communication with submerged US nuclear missile submarines. Australia took effective control of the station in 1992 and has used the facility to communicate with its own submarines ever since. US submarine-launched ballistic missiles had developed longer ranges some time before, making reliance on missile submarine access to the Indian Ocean less crucial. Until that point, however, Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt would have been a high priority Soviet nuclear target.

    Today the main US concern is communication with US attack submarines.
    North West Cape’s return to ‘joint’ status formally began at AUSMIN 2008, with Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon and Secretary of Defence Gates signing the Harold E. Holt Treaty. The treaty required Australia to operate a naval communications station, allowed the United States ‘all necessary rights of access to and use of the station’, and split the costs between the two.

    The most important aspect of the emphatic US return to this VLF (very low frequency) communications base, given that it had retained access to three of the four communication channels at the facility (with the RAN having the remaining one) was, as Greens Senator Scott Ludlam put it, that North West Cape continues to facilitate, enable and support nuclear armed submarines, offensive attack weapons platforms, thereby legitimising the retention and deployment of nuclear weapons.

    The second and quite new pathway derives from Australia’s decision to support the United States’ quest for military dominance in space. Through a new Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Partnership signed in 2010, the United States intends to establish a powerful space surveillance sensor in Western Australia, preferably at North West Cape.
    This will be part of the US global Space Surveillance Network (SSN), which will have two principal functions. The first, emphasised by theAustralian government, is to provide a global public good through detection and location of the large volume of space debris orbiting the earth and threatening to damage the satellites on which our networked society depends. However, the SSN has another and equally, if not more important role, for the US military, which is to use the same capacities to detect objects in space for offensive and defensive aspects of war-fighting in space.

    More information:
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Australia's Tyranny Down Under Spreading Faster Than "Virus"

    DeAnna Lorraine joined "The Stew Peters Show" to reveal how the tyrannical overtaking of Australia is spreading throughout Western Civilization, and is the prototype for what's to come to America. September 27th, 2021
    Australia is paying its under-misinformed native population to get poisoned.


    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Australian Political Pushback in Question!

    Allan Ballard -
    Craig Kelly United Australia Party, will you stand alongside The Great Australian Party & others to bring back & uphold the true Australian Constitution 1901 UK & fight to remove the UNCONSTITUTIONAL AUSTRALIA Act. Could you please let us all know where you & the United Australia Party stand on this.

    Tony Bermanseder -
    Allan Ballard Indeed the 'minor' parties should all state publically, that they will all unite under one banner of individual freedom. Malcolm Roberts, Clive Palmer, Craig Kelly and Ricardo Bosi and Rod Cullerton and more.
    ALL should form ONE platform to defeat the medical dictatorship.
    If they fail to do this, it will be globalist controlled medical martial law as at the present time.
    Come on Clive , Craig and Malcom unite for ONE freedom not political maneuvers. Australia is sick and tired about political parties and their games.

    Australia's Tyranny Down Under Spreading Faster Than "Virus"

    DeAnna Lorraine joined "The Stew Peters Show" to reveal how the tyrannical overtaking of Australia is spreading throughout Western Civilization, and is the prototype for what's to come to America. September 27th, 2021
    Australia is paying its under-misinformed native population to get poisoned.

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Galactic Rotation of the Local Solar System and the Endtimes of Matthew.24

    [Ronnie Bee]La Palma is also having quakes at the southern end of the island but USGS won't report them.
    At least 5 listed here ranging from 2.2 to 3.3

    Earthquakes Zoom - EURO-MED REGION
    Earthquakes Zoom - EURO-MED REGION

    ]Ronnie Bee
    All connected - increased sun activity = more quakes and eruptions.

    Double Solar CME's Earth Bound!
    Double Solar CME's Earth Bound!

    Tony Bermanseder
    True Ronnie, but there is also astrophysics at play, namely that the entire solar system rotates about the Milky Way galactic center every 236 million years or so.
    The present changes used by the cabal freaks to push their technocracy does engage particular intergalactic regions encountered by the solar systems journey through previously (meaning say the presence of life on planet Earth - say at the dawn of dinosaurs so 300 million years ago) not encountered interstellar regions.

    This of course relates to the 'encoded 'prophecies' about endtimes, such as in Matthew.24.
    You might perceive here a synergy between 'spirituality' and hard core physics.
    The 'Two Lobes' of the recently 'discovered' galactic structure (see NASA data below), each of a 'size' of the Precessional Year, emit Electromagnetic Radiation as the extent of this wavefront encompassing the galactic history of the Old Humanity destined to become galactic in its metamorphosis into a StarHumanity following the Insemination, Gestation, Birth and weaning of the dispensation of the World Logos as published in the Thuban data stream and associated information of related sources.

    NASA's Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in our Galaxy!!


    fermi bubble.

  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    A Medical Profession Compromised

    International best-selling author and retired medical doctor Dr Vernon Coleman explains how the Government and the medical establishment conspired to kill millions through a systematic programme of genocide - and how they're planning to make health care even worse, using the myth of global warming as an excuse.

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2021

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    interesting astrology info
    Celestial Rythms ~ Khoji Vihara
    PHOENIX * OCT 18-23/2021

    Is This The Long Awaited Turning Point?
    Initiating The Collapse Of The Mirage?

    View: https://youtu.be/-YnIv3eP9dw

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