Operation Scrambleweb

Discussion in 'Operation Scrambleweb' started by TonyB, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    24884 February 23rd, 2011
    The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life


    Arachne wrote:

    Planet Earth, ETs and the Akashic Sphere of the Remembrances
    Planet Earth, ETs and the Akashic Sphere of the Remembrances

    Indeed, the Akashic Record is often misunderstood and misinterpreted; as it is a 'quantum event'; meaning it is connected not only to the planetary consciousness, called Gaia, but to all 'souls' of the linear past, present and future.
    All souls are quantum entangled, meaning that many nested collective and encompassing energies interact holographically.
    In simple words; all souls in a planetary realm are part of and enveloped by the Gaian planetary consciousness.
    Then all planetary consciousnesses with their integrated 'soul families' and individual souls become integrated in a solar star consciousness; becoming galactic, groupgalactic and supergalactic before unifying in the cosmic- or universal consciousness of the Genesis Monad splitting into a Creator-Creation Duality, which then recombines in a Creator-Creation Duad as a Shadow Monad and potentialized in the original Genesis Monad in what might be termed the Cosmic Genome of the 'Masterplan'.
    Then the Gaia Akash or soul-collective becomes the repository of this 'Masterplan' in holographically Imaging the rest of the universe in what Kryon calls the 'Inner Crystal'; which by necessity must so be within every individuated soul incarnated within the Gaian 'Noosphere' or 'the Quarantine Zone' defined as the Lagrangian P1 point between the Solar and the Gaian nexus of gravitational potential equilibrium.
    The balance of the gravity between the central Sun and Gaia as a 3D planet so defines two interacting spheres in higherD spacetime.
    In particular, this L1 nexus can be defined in an alternative higher dimensional form; showing what this 'Cosmic Mother Planet' Gaia represents as a higher D and not as a necessarily physicalised 'Quantum Energy'.

    The cosmogenesis of the birth of the universe in a Quantum Big Bang from a prior undefinable VOID=Infinitum coincided with the bifurcation of the FatherMother (just a common label for the CreatorCreation or the YinYang say) into an Outside-Inside dimensional split; something termed 'The Veil' by some and the 'Dividing of the Firmaments' in say Genesis in the Torah (OT).
    So the Outside Father became 'separated' from the Inside Mother and this Inside Mother is termed Gaia in many accounts as the Universal Mother for all Life (ET and human and nonhuman terrestrial); with the Outside father being associated with the names of the Creator such as God, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva, Brahman and so on.

    This is 'common knowledge' and has been a foundational part of the so called 'Perennial Philosophy' aka the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' throughut the histories of the cosmic sentiences.

    What has not been known, is the 3D dimensional intersection of the Akash with its higherD envelope.
    This interaction realm defines the 'Quarantine Zone' of Gaia; established necessarily at the birth of the universe into physicality and so 15 billion years before the local galaxy and subsequently the local solar system and the planet earth entered 3D physical existence.

    The birth of the universe engaged a higher dimensional lightspeed expansion of a then physicalised spacetime from the outside into the inside.
    This then resulted in a Big Bang Cosmology as being rediscovered by the Gaian scientists and astrophysicists.
    However this outside-in cosmo mechanics had to be mirrored in a inside-out cosmo mechanics and this by conservation and equilibrium principles required the Inversion of the Big Bang expansion in a lightspeed inverson centered on the Mirror Image of the 'Creator-Monad' or 'God' and as the 'Creation-Monad' - namely Gaia, the Cosmic Goddess.

    Then a simple calculation of this inversion lightspeed as the 'Big Crunch' of the higher dimensional cosmogenesis for the 'Big Bang' will show that the 'Gaian Quarantine Zone' is defined by an increase of a spherical bubble in a radius of about 105 millimeters per year (or about 4 inches).
    {Lightspeed=c=300,000 kilometers per second for 1/c=0.00000333... inverse kilometers per second or about 3.33 nanometers per second.
    As there are 365.2425 days in a Civil year for 24 hours of 3600 seconds each: 365.2425x24x3600/c=0.10518984 meters}.
    Then the 'Bubble of the Akashia aka the Noosphere of Velikovsky/Teilhard de Chardin/Sheldrake/Lovelock becomes defined in this calculation in multiplying by the Age of the Universe or the Big Bang.
    So for an age of 15 billion years, Akashic Radius=1.6 million kilomters and for an age of 20 billion years it is 2.1 million kilometers and as defined by empirical measurements in 3D space in the extent of the Lagrangian P1 nexus and the so termed Hill Sphere.

    A contour plot of the effective potential of a two-body system due to gravity and inertia at one point in time.
    The Hill spheres are the circular regions surrounding the two large masses.

    Hill sphere

    An astronomical body's Hill sphere is the region in which it dominates the attraction of satellites. For a planet to retain a moon, the moon must have an orbit that lies within the Hill sphere of the planet. That moon would, in turn, have a Hill sphere of its own. Any object within that distance would tend to become a satellite of the moon, rather than of the planet itself.
    In more precise terms, the Hill sphere approximates the gravitational sphere of influence of a smaller body in the face of perturbations from a more massive body. It was defined by the American astronomer George William Hill, based upon the work of the French astronomer Édouard Roche. For this reason, it is also known as the Roche sphere (not to be confused with the Roche Limit). The Hill sphere extends between the Lagrangian points L1 and L2, which lie along the line of centers of the two bodies. The region of influence of the second body is shortest in that direction, and so it acts as the limiting factor for the size of the Hill sphere. Beyond that distance, a third object in orbit around the second (e.g. Jupiter) would spend at least part of its orbit outside the Hill sphere, and would be progressively perturbed by the tidal forces of the central body (e.g. the Sun), eventually ending up orbiting the latter.

    Formula and examples

    If the mass of the smaller body (e.g. Earth) is m, and it orbits a heavier body (e.g. Sun) of mass M with a semi-major axis a and an eccentricity of e, then the radius r of the Hill sphere for the smaller body (e.g. Earth) is, approximately [1]


    When eccentricity is negligible (the most favourable case for orbital stability), this becomes

    In the Earth example, the Earth (5.97×1024 kg) orbits the Sun (1.99×1030 kg) at a distance of 149.6 million km. The Hill sphere for Earth thus extends out to about 1.5 million km (0.01 AU). The Moon's orbit, at a distance of 0.384 million km from Earth, is comfortably within the gravitational sphere of influence of Earth and it is therefore not at risk of being pulled into an independent orbit around the Sun. All stable satellites of the Earth (those within the Earth's Hill sphere) must have an orbital period shorter than 7 months.
    The previous (eccentricity-ignoring) formula can be re-stated as follows:

    This expresses the relation in terms of the volume of the Hill sphere compared with the volume of the second body's orbit around the first; specifically, the ratio of the masses is three times the ratio of the volume of these two spheres.
    A quick way of estimating the radius of the Hill sphere comes from replacing mass with density in the above equation:

    where ρsecond and ρprimary are the densities of the primary and secondary bodies, and life2. and life3. are their radii. The second approximation is justified by the fact that, for most cases in the solar system, life4. happens to be close to one. (The Earth-Moon system is the largest exception, and this approximation is within 20% for most of Saturn's satellites.) This is also convenient, since many planetary astronomers work in and remember distances in units of planetary radii.

    True region of stability

    The Hill sphere is but an approximation, and other forces (such as radiation pressure or the Yarkovsky effect) can eventually perturb an object out of the sphere. This third object should also be of small enough mass that it introduces no additional complications through its own gravity. Detailed numerical calculations show that orbits at or just within the Hill sphere are not stable in the long term; it appears that stable satellite orbits exist only inside 1/2 to 1/3 of the Hill radius. The region of stability for retrograde orbits at a large distance from the primary, is larger than the region for prograde orbits at a large distance from the primary. This was thought to explain the preponderance of retrograde moons around Jupiter, however Saturn has a more even mix of retrograde/prograde moons so the reasons are more complicated.[2]
    Further examples

    An astronaut could not orbit the Space Shuttle (with mass of 104 tonnes), where the orbit is 300 km above the Earth, since the Hill sphere of the shuttle is only 120 cm in radius, much smaller than the shuttle itself. In fact, in any low Earth orbit, a spherical body must be 800 times denser than lead in order to fit inside its own Hill sphere, or else it will be incapable of supporting an orbit. A spherical geostationary satellite would need to be more than 5 times denser than lead to support satellites of its own; such a satellite would be 2.5 times denser than osmium, the densest naturally-occurring material on Earth. Only at twice the geostationary distance could a lead sphere possibly support its own satellite; since the moon is more than three times further than the 3-fold geostationary distance necessary, lunar orbits are possible.
    Within the solar system, the planet with the largest Hill radius is Neptune, with 116 million km, or 0.775 AU; its great distance from the Sun amply compensates for its small mass relative to Jupiter (whose own Hill radius measures 53 million km). An asteroid from the main belt will have a Hill sphere that can reach 220 000 km (for 1 Ceres), diminishing rapidly with its mass. In the case of (66391) 1999 KW₄, a Mercury-crosser asteroid which has a moon (S/2001 (66391) 1), its Hill sphere measures 22 km in radius.
    A typical extrasolar "hot Jupiter", HD 209458 b [3] has a Hill sphere of radius (593,000 km) about 8 times its physical radius (approx 71,000 km). Even the smallest close in extrasolar planet, CoRoT-7b [4] still has a Hill sphere radius (61,000 km) 6 times greater than its physical radius (approx 10,000 km). Therefore these planets could have small moons close in.

    A non-rigorous but conceptually accurate derivation of the Hill radius can be made by equating the orbital velocity of the orbiter around a body (i.e. a planet) and the orbital velocity of that planet around the host star. This is the radius at which the gravitational influence of the star roughly equals that of the planet. This is accurate to within factors of order unity.



    Where RH is the Hill radius, a is the semi-major axis of the planet orbiting the star. With some basic algebra:

    Giving a Hill radius of:

    End of wiki reference

    The generalised derivation for the Hill Sphere radius in the wiki reference is not clear.

    What is set equal are the angular velocities of the Earth about the Sun and the the angular velocity of say an orbiting satellite about the Earth at the primary Lagrangian point.

    ωEarth around Sun =2πf=2π/T=v/a=√(GMSun/a)/a =√(GMSun/a3)

    because the centripetal force and acceleration of the Earth about the Sun is mEarth.agravitational=mEarth.v2/a=GmEarth.MSun/a2

    ωSatellite around Earth =2πf=2π/T=v/RHill=√(GMEarth/RHill)/RHill=√(GMEarth/RHill3)

    Then GMSun/a3=GMEarth/RHill3

    and the result follows:


    The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life


    The formulation above so relates the gravitational-inertial astrodynamics of the Hill Spheres of starsystems, many of whom harbour planetary systems, to the lightspeed inversion of the densification bubbles (or atmospheric fields) of the cosmogenesis of the universe and by the projection of its linear age, itself. The timeevolution of the Binary ellipsoidal focus in the geometry becomes mapped onto the circular central singularity of the orgins of space and time itself.

    The time has now been reached in the nexus evolvement of the warpzone for the Gaian metamorphosis to explain this inter- and multidimensionality further, as hitherto to understand these concepts mentally, required a selfconsistent logic and modus operandi of thinking within a methodology not commonly supported and engaged in by present educational systems of the planet earth.

    Subsequently, this kind of approach to thinking patterns and selftraining has hitherto remained in the realm of the 'specialists', the percentage of the incarnated souls predispositioned to abstract model buildings in terms of mathematics and semiotiks - the logos of symbols and archetypes.

    All Extraterrestrial Intelligences consider Gaia to be their Mother.

    All such ET sentiences occupying whatever galactic- or extragalactic location also are encompassed by inertia-defined Hill Spheres; awaiting however the Gaian activation to manifest their own lightspeed inversion fields in the complementary functionality of the densification of the higher dimensional light matrices in their lower dimensional expressions.
    This is the prerequisitur for the metaphysical ontology of manifesting the spacetimed protoverse from the void-infinitum of the singularly centred in the geometrisation of the complex manifold in 2 dimensions, then allowing the 11-dimensional higher braned universe (and potentialised multiverse) to emerge from its lower dimensional precursor.

    In physical terms, this allows the ET civilisations to function in the absence of the Gaian resistance field of the lightspeed inversion and so to follow evolutionary pathways based on the higher dimensional forms of the same genetic templates manifest in genetic selfexpression in the 'resistence field' or the 'Impedence Bubble' found on the Gaian Mother template.

    An encompassing purpose and modus operandi for the omniversal agenda so relates the hybridisation of the light matrix of the extra-terrestrial intelligence to the hybridisation of the inverted light matrix of the terrestrial evolutionary development.
    A slogan or motto so could express this as: "When the ETs are getting heavier, then the Gaian lifeforms will become lighter!"

    In many planetary systems in many starsystems in many galaxies, the universal intelligence seeks to express itself from a basic blueprint of cosmogenetic definition.
    This cosmic DNA manifests in the Gaian resistance field in a distribution of a space-inherent consciousness carriers and assumes the morphogenetic (and geometric) forms of mineral, flora, fauna and the human vessels or merkabahs in embodiments.

    A distinction can however be made for these 'kingdoms of the lifeforms' and the differentiation engages the self- and mutual induction or coupling between particular elements of the 'supergenetic' or hyperspacial 'higher dimensional' genetic encoding.
    Only the human carries a dual coupling of electrocapacitative and magnetoinductive nucleotidal basepairings, say defined in C-factors of the electropolar capacitance and the L-factors of the magnetopolar inductance.

    The ET is biased in magnetopolarity and the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms are biased in electropolarity.
    In particular, the ET SELFINDUCES electric capacity, but cannot mutually CROSSINDUCE the cosmic capacitance, which can also be labelled as the function of the deintellectualised 'Instinct' of the group consciousness in a form of the NOUS of the 'Mother- or Creation wisdom or sophia' of the BODY as the morphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in PARTICULARISATION.

    Corollarily, the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms SELFINDUCE magnetic inductance, but cannot CROSSINDUCE the cosmic inductance, which can also be called the deinstinctualised (or deemotionalised) 'Intellect' of the group consciousness in a form of NOUS of the 'Father- or Creator Understanding or OmniScience' of the MIND as the nonmorphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in WAVEFORMATION.

    Beginning 2,200 million years ago; the ET sentience became aware of itself and began to build its own waveforms in the form of bodies in coevolution with the Gaian adaptations utilising the presence of Oxygen in the terrestrial atmosphere to develop multicellular lifeforms from the prokaryotic (no nucleus) precursors of the universal genetic encodings localised within the Gaian Impedance Bubble.
    In particular, the endosymbiosis of the prokaryotes allowed the eukaryotes (cells with nuclei) to 'evolve' in symbiotic partnerships and this original form of MUTUAL INDUCTION originated the evolutionary developments for a mutual symbiosis and the grander cosmic scales of the projected and programmed future timelines of the universal evolvements.
    The ET morphogenetics so adapted thermselves in light encoded forms to the primordial lifeforms of cellular mitosis and endosymbiosis on Gaia, so INDUCING the Capacitance of the SELFINDUCTION into the biovital environments of the early Gaian planetary schema.

    This represented stage 1 of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos - the Gaian Impedence Field became the repository of the ET data of the mindinduction of the waveform, now CROSSINDUCTED in particularised Bodyforms of the earliest multicellular lifeforms, themselves emergent from the prokaryotic geometric conscious carriers in the form of bacteria and viruses in a physicality defined by biochemcal interaction with the encountered environments.
    The ET waveform of magnetopolar source energy SELFINDUCES electropolar capacitance; which then is CROSSINDUCED in mutual feedback loops into Gaian lieforms in a form of 'ET descendents', modeled in say natural electromagneto-monopolar currents in quantum wave mechanics and analogous to the electromagnetic fields of Kirchhoff and Maxwell sans the monopolic components of the thus defined consciousness parameters (described in related messages, such as 'Genesis of Genesis' and the 'Consciousness' threads).
    The ET magnetopolarity so 'infiltrates' the Gaian environment from a time nexus of 2.2 billion years ago and when the Gaian light inversion had created a 'Cocoon Bubble' in extent of (19.11-2.2 )billion years x 3.33.. nanometers per second x 3600x24x365.2425 seconds or 1.78 million kilometers radial extent from the center of the Earth and within the Hill Sphere calculated from the inertial astrophysics.

    For comparison, this scale encompasses the Gaian Moon and is at a distance of about 5% to the neighbouring planet Venus.
    The Venusian ETs so are found in the sentient lifeforms of the planetary neigbourhood and crystallize in a function of evolutionary witness to their greater cosmic agenda of the World Logos.

    The second stage of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos implements the SELFINDUCTION of the magnetopolar induction from the ET intelligence, by then in an extensive process of colonising the Universe in waveformations from the nexus point of the 2.2 billuion years and bounded in the lightspeed invariance (speed of light).
    Iow, the ET intelligence would manouver within a spacetime bubble of 4,400 million years in diameter and being focused on the Gaian Mother; they would begin to manifest the extragalactic agenda, say in cooperation with the any spacetime locaction in coordinate vicinity of the 2.2 billion lightyear radius.

    As the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31 or M31) is the closest Spiral Galaxy to the Milky Way (Perseus) galaxy at about 2.5 million lightyears and a scale of 2,200 million lightyears includes all such galaxies below a cosmological redshift z=√(5/3)-1=0.291 {from the electromagnetic node at n=1 for recessional velocity ratio v/c=1/(n+1)² and (z+1)²=(n²+2n+2)/(n²+2n)}; all relatively nearby galaxies and astrophysical objects become subject to the Gaian mother blueprint.
    The nearby galactic clusters display a preponderance of galaxy mergers and an increased star formation in the 'blueness' of the spectra, as proposed in 1978 by astrophysicists Harvey Butcher and Augustus Oemler.


    The divers mythologies and legends of the human genus, say from the 10 Great Ages of the ET-Humanoid-Starman Induction by the electromagnetic monopolar 'natural electricity of life' so can be retraced in a geometric progression of the fivefolded supersymmetry inherent in an earlier five-tiered symmetry of superbrane classes, based on the pentagonal algorithms of the cosmogenesis.

    This is exposited in the main threads on the cosmogony of the universe leading into its cosmology of the omniversal holofractalisation into multiverses from its protoversal seedling of the singularity.
    The ratio 2.234722566/2.002094499=1.116192351 for a 11.7% margin of about 260 million years for the first age then reducing in the 'error' margin of the deviation in subsequent ages.

    Age 1 = 2,031,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Multicellular Cosmic Organism' [Paleo-Proterozoic]
    so 2,002,094,499-2,234,722,566 'Civil Years' from the Node and descriptive for the first 'advanced' organisms in eukaryotes and multicellulars, utilising 'free oxygen'

    Age 2 = 406,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Amphibians' [Devonian-Paleozoic]
    in so 400,418,900-446,944,513 'Civil Years' from the Node and describing the 'Conquering of the Land from the Seas'

    Age 3 = 81,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Reptoid-Paramammal' [Cretaceous-Mesozoic]
    in so 80,083,780-89,388,903 'Civil Years' from the Node and describing the extension of the reptilian rootbrain by the mammalian midbrain in the Pecylosaurs and the first primates as ancestors for the lineage of the apes.

    Age 4 = 16,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Primate-Mammals' [Neogene-Cenozoic]
    in so 16,016,756-17,877,781 'Civil Years' from the Node and descriptive for the emergence of the ancestral apes as genetic basis for the apeman

    Age 5 = 3,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Ape-Man' [Neogene-Cenozoic]
    in so 3,203,351.2-3,575,556 'Civil Years' from the Node as descriptive for the ascent of Homo Habilis from Australopithecines stock

    Age 6 = 650,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Erectus' [Quaternary-Cenozoic]
    in so 640,670-715,111 'Civil Years' from the Node and specifying the diversity of the Homo Habilis stock branching into Home Erectus

    Age 7 = 130,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens'
    in about 128,134-143,022 'Civil Years' from the Node and defining the emergence of Homo Sapiens as the ancestor for Homo Sapiens Sapiens or 'Modern Man' in the Cro Magnon stock and 'Mitochodrial Eve' in the Würm glacial period (110,000 to 12,000 years ago) following the previous Riss/Illinoian glacial period (200,000-130,000 years ago). This last glacial period is bounded in the Pleistocene as the 'Age of man' in the chronos of 2,588,000 years to 12,500 years ago approximately and is defined in the 'Ice Age' with respect to the retreat of continental glaciers.

    Age 8 = 26,000 Great Platonic Years of 360 'Days' as 9,360,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens'
    in 25,626.81-28,604.5 'Civil Years' from the Node and defining the beginning of the last 5 Longcount Cycles in 13 Mayan Baktuns of 144,000 Kin-Days each. This is astrophysically matched to a present terrestrial precession of the planetary axis of rotation about the celestial poles; and which cyclic completion spans a 'precessional age' of 26,000 circle years.

    Age 9 = 5,200 Great Platonic Years of 360 Mayan Kin as 1,872,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens Astralis'
    in 5,125.36-5,720.89 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and beginning August 11th, 3114 BC as Mayan date 4 Ahau 8 Cumku to December 21st, 2012 AD as 4 Ahau 3 Kankin in its final extent and dating back so 595.53 'Civil Years' or 217,512.1 Kin to January 31st, 3709 BC Gregorian and March 1st, 3710 BC Julian in the Mayan Longcount - 8 Lamat 11 Pop and as the summation of 1 Baktun (144,000 Kin); 10 Katun (72,000 Kin); 4 Tun (1,440 Kin); 3 Vinal (60 Kin) and 12 Kin to a daycount of 144,000+10x7,200+4x360+3x20+12=217,512.

    The Pentagonal symmetry subdivides the ninth age in 9 subages in the Circular Cyclicity of 360/5=72:

    Subage 1 = 1,872,000/5=374,400 -417,902.4 Kin as the Time of Millennial Transition for the Human Civilisation
    in 1,025.07-1,144.18 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 13 Edznab 6 Muan; October 17th, 868 Gregorian and October 13th, 868 Julian and 4 Ahau 13 Cumku; November 25th, 987 Gregorian and November 20th, 987 Julian in a 119.11 year variance

    Subage 2 = 374,400/5=74,880 -83,580.5 Kin as the Time of the Scientific Reasoning in Universal Applicability
    in 205.01-228.84 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 1 Ahau 8 Kankin; February 19th, 1784 and 4 Ahau 8 Zac; December 17th, 1807 in a 23.83 year variance

    Subage 3 = 74,800/5=14,976 Kin -16,716.1 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Inside Cocoon
    in 41.00-45.77 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 6 Kan 17 Kayab; March 17th, 1967 and 4 Kan 12 Mac; December 21st, 1971 in a 4.76 year or a 1,740 day variance

    Subage 4 = 14,976/5=2,995.2 Kin -3,343.22 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Outside Cocoon in the Warpzone
    in 8.201-9.153 'Civil Years' or 2,995-3,343 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 2 Caban 5 Zac; October 26th, 2003 and 12 Chiccan 8 Yax; October 8th, 2004 in a 0.953 year or a 348 day variance

    Subage 5 = 2,995.2/5=599.04 -668.64 Kin as the Time for the 1980 anniversarial Logos mapping in the Warpzone
    in 1.640-1.831 'Civil Years' or 599-669 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 11 Chuen 4 Kayab; February 21st, 2011 and 3 Imix 9 Uo; May 1st, 2011 in a 0.191 year or a 70 day variance

    Subage 6 = 599.04/5=119.808 -133.729 Kin as the Time of the Gestation and Pregnancy in the Warpzone
    in 0.328-0.366 'Civil Years' or 120-134 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 13 Cimi 9 Yaxkin; August 9th, 2012 and 1 Ahau 3 Mol; August 23rd, 2012 in a 0.038 year or a 14 day variance

    Subage 7 = 119.808/5=23.9616 -26.746 Kin as the Time of the 13th Starsign of Dinah Arachne Ophiuchus
    in 0.066-0.073 'Civil Years' or 24-27 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 3 Ben 16 Ceh; November 24th, 2012 and 6 Cib 19Ceh; November 27th, 2012 in a 0.007 year or a 3 day variance

    Subage 8 = 23.9616/5=4.79232 -5.34915 Kin as the Time of the Pains of the Labour for the Gaian Rebirth as a Starplanet
    in 0.013-0.015 'Civil Years' or 4.7-5.3 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 11 Ix 17Mac; December 15th, 2012 and 12 Men 18 Mac; December 16th, 2012 in a 0.002 year or a 'shortened' 1 day variance

    Subage 9 = 4.79232/5=0.958464 -1.069830 Kin as the Time of the Birth of the New World
    in 0.0026-0.0029 'Civil Years' or the 'Evening of Metamorphosis' before the 2012-Node in the dates 3 Cauac 2 Kankin; December 20th, 2012 and 4 Ahau 3 Kankin; December 21st, 2012 in a 0.0003 year or a 0.11 day or a 3 hour variation {2º40'22"}

    Age 10 = 360 days from December 21st, 2012 as December 16th, 2013 and as Mayan date 13 Ahau 18 Mac, then specifies the New Starhuman Identity as a hybridisation between the Homo Sapiens Sapiens and the ET.

    All ETs could begin their own homecoming from so 2.2 billion years ago and at an approximate halfway point of the physical creation of Gaia as a planetary sphere of influence within the Milky Way galaxy and when the Big Bang lightspeed expansion reached its mirror potential (situated omni-scientifically at a 16.9 billion spacetime coordinate).

    In generalised terminology then; the ET is seeking to hybridise its magnetopolarisation of the waveform of the mind-intellect with the electropolarisation of the particularised bodyforms of the mind-emotional or mind-instinctual.
    As this instinctual mind is coupled to a space-intrinsic consciousness of all spacetime defined metric coordinates; the Gaian nonhuman lifeforms become the complementary 'missing links' in the merkabahs of all extraterrestrial sentiences.
    This is rendered imperative in the definition of this spacial consciousness as a inertia inependent quantum angular acceleration acting upon the quantisation of spacetime parameters in the form of wormhole equivalents.

    In other words, ALL Gaian nonhuman lifeforms and including mineral, fungi, bacteria, viruses, flora and fauna represent the ET particularised and individualised bodyforms or morphogenetic merkabahs.
    The nonhuman lifeforms so are destined to couple their electropolar capacitances, defined in groupminded waveforms or 'hive souls' to the magnetopolar inductances of the ET waveminds of the extraterrestrial intelligences.
    The presence of the humanoid, carrying a unique individuation, both ET-intelligent and Gaian-instinctual; so serves as the Genetic Bridge between the electropolar cosmic ID and the magnetopolar cosmic ID; both selfinductive in activated genomatic expressions, but suppressed in the mutual inductions because of the cocooning of the gaian environments.
    The ET so became instrumental in inducing itself in the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, once a sufficient evolutionary plateau for the processing of the cosmic consciousness became possible in the overall timeline of the cosmogenesis.
    The so called humanoid so represents an already hybridised cosmic merkabah, having evolved physically and emotionally in the Gaian Instinct of the nonhuman genomatic templates in the electrocapacitative C-factors, as well as having attained magnetoinductive L-factors via the waveforms of the ETs.
    Human associations with the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms so represents the 'humanisation' of the ET in a desired modality of interspecies communication and renders the 'pet' and the 'familiar' as a true partnership between the waveformed ET and the individuated 'Familiar Friend'.
    In more general terms, the mutual and self-induction of the genomatic elements of the ElectroMagnetic Monopolar Radiation or EMMR defines the so called 'Spirit of the Source Energy' interacting and communicating with itself in the holofractal components of the Holographic Omniverse.

    The ET has accumulated great wisdom and technology in the extraterrestrial evolution away from the Gaian Impedence Bubble; albeit remaining 'consciousness coupled' to the Cocoon of the 'Cosmic Creation Mother' via the 'missing' C-factors of the ET genomatic templates.
    This ET technology is consciousness based and defined in the wormhole physics of the cosmogenesis.
    This technology so is founded on the EMMR and the omniphysics of the light matrix as the quantisation of spacetime in the original fundamentals of the cosmology of the matter based birth of the universe as a quantum defined coupling between consciousness and the inertial parameters of space and time and mass related to the nature of both electropolar and magnetopolar 'charges'.
    The Starships and the Cities of extraterrestrial civilisations so are not manifest as similar to Gaian technology as developed within the Impedance Field of the light inversion; but are defined in a higher dimensional expression of the light matrix.
    There exist thus many ET civilisations, which are manifest in 'Cities of monopolar light energy' and where this 'light energy' represents a dedensified energy structure of 'Light in Stasis', meaning that the Invariance of the Electromagnetic Radiation or EMR, say as manifested in the Gaian Resistance Field as the Light from the Stars is circularised in a higher dimensional densification of the Bosonic Selfstate Quantum and as a Pairing of the Fermionic Selfstate of the say atomic structure common in the terrestrial physics.
    The Lightships of the ETs so can be built to specifications of a more dense atomic physics; but require the existence of a 4th hyperspace dimension to become materializable in the Gaian cocoon of the light inversion.

    The Gaian rebirth at the nexus point will 'open up and reglue' the original wormhole quantum of the cosmogony in a 'poleshift' mirror reversal of a galactic signal and so allow a 4th spacial dimension to become accessible for the omniverse.
    As this hyperspace transformation will occur at the Gaian planetary center; it will take just 7 seconds for the returning and reflected signal of the wormhole at the centre of the Earth to reverse its eonold long accumulation of data collection as a Black Hole equivalent in 5D hyperspacetime to become a 5D hyperspacetime White Hole .
    As the radial displacement of the Gaian Hill Sphere is so 2.1 million kiklometers the lighspeeded signal will become a wavefront reaching this coordinate in 2.1 million km/c and so about 7 seconds.
    This 7 second interval will then be synchronised and calibrated with all ET civilisations within the 2,200 million extent of the nodal universe as defined in the cosmology of the quantum relativity.
    So the ET civilisations will become enabled to activate their own Impedence Cocoons and so partake in their hitherto elusive densification of the source energy in their consciousness couplings to the EMMR.
    This 'densification' was suppressed and restricted to the Gaian Mother template to allow the greater cosmic agenda to follow its course of development.
    This nexus point for the ET evolution so will complete a cycle which had begun 2.2 billuion years earlier.
    At this nexus point, the extra-Gaian realm became potentialized (in memory activation) in the electromagnetic return of the higher dimensional timearrow coordinate and when technically, the Universal Protoverse Seedling in 11 dimensions first attained its maximum potential to extend itself and so reflect back into the lower dimensional realms and also to refract into the higher dimensional spacetime of 12D, namely the 'Outside Exile' of the Creator/Father.
    As Gaia as a soul, existed in physicality at this nexus coordinate; the extraterrestrial universe became conscious and aware of their own Mother and could begin to focus their attention and homecoming plans on their 'Womb of the Physicality' of their origins.
    So the ET visitations begun about 2.2 billion years ago and when the terestrial atmosphere became oxygen enriched to allow hitherto aquatic primitive lifeforms to extend thier habitats into airborne and terrestrial environments.

    On a soul level, the encompassing Gaian planetary mother soul then greatly enhanced its own experiences and partitioned interactions in environmental coevolutions of increasingly complex biological and biochemical lifeforms.
    This coevolution was 'watched' by the extraterrestrial lifeforms not evolved from the Gaian soul complex and for the purpose to eventually synergize their own ET cosmo evolotions with that of their Cosmic Home of the Cosmogenesis of the Universe.
    This 'watching' and 'waiting' by the ETs would end, once the 'Earthlings' would have evolved physically and mentally to a stage of self remembrance regarding their own familiar relationship and partnership with the original CreatorCreation Monad of the FatherMother defined before the Universe was born into physical materiality.
    All 'Human Recallers' would be required to claim their cosmic inheritances as Sons and Daughters of their Father Creator and their Mother Gaia.
    In doing so, their old humanity would graduate to a Starhuman Remembrance and all such acolytes would become enabled to process their own Shadows in the Sons transmutating into SonDaughters and all daughters metamorphosing into DaughterSons - so RECREATING the original FatherMother of the Monadic Duality in a Mirrored FatherMother+Motherfather Dyadic Monad or Harmonized Unity, Oneness or Wholesomeness.
    This Inner Akash, which will never be 'empirically discovered'; so resides within any and all StarHuman Children of the FatherMother.


    [​IMG] Raven Lionheart de Thuban de Draconis [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Indeed, the Akashic Record is often misunderstood and misinterpreted; as it is a 'quantum event'; meaning it is connected not only to the planetary consciousness, called Gaia, but to all 'souls' of the linear past, present and future.

    All souls are quantum entangled, meaning that many nested collective and encompassing energies interact holographically.

    In simple words; all souls in a planetary realm are part of and enveloped by the Gaian planetary consciousness.

    Then all planetary consciousnesses with their integrated 'soul families' and individual souls become integrated in a solar star consciousness; becoming galactic, groupgalactic and supergalactic before unifying in the cosmic- or universal consciousness of the Genesis Monad splitting into a Creator-Creation Duality, which then recombines in a Creator-Creation Duad as a Shadow Monad and potentialized in the original Genesis Monad in what might be termed the Cosmic Genome of the 'Masterplan'.

    Then the Gaia Akash or soul-collective becomes the repository of this 'Masterplan' in holographically Imaging the rest of the universe in what could be called the 'Inner Crystal'; which by necessity must so be within every individuated soul incarnated within the Gaian 'Noosphere' or 'the Quarantine Zone' defined as the Lagrangian P1 point between the Solar and the Gaian nexus of gravitational potential equilibrium.

    The balance of the gravity between the central Sun and Gaia as a 3D planet so defines two interacting spheres in higherD spacetime.

    In particular, this L1 nexus can be defined in an alternative higher dimensional form; showing what this 'Cosmic Mother Planet' Gaia represents as a higher D and not as a necessarily physicalised 'Quantum Energy'.

    The cosmogenesis of the birth of the universe in a Quantum Big Bang from a prior undefinable VOID=Infinitum coincided with the bifurcation of the FatherMother (just a common label for the CreatorCreation or the YinYang say) into an Outside-Inside dimensional split; something termed 'The Veil' by some and the 'Dividing of the Firmaments' in say Genesis in the Torah (OT).

    So the Outside Father became 'separated' from the Inside Mother and this Inside Mother is termed Gaia in many accounts as the Universal Mother for all Life (ET and human and nonhuman terrestrial); with the Outside father being associated with the names of the Creator such as God, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva, Brahman and so on.

    This is 'common knowledge' and has been a foundational part of the so called 'Perennial Philosophy' aka the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' throughut the histories of the cosmic sentiences.

    What has not been known, is the 3D dimensional intersection of the Akash with its higherD envelope.

    This interaction realm defines the 'Quarantine Zone' of Gaia; established necessarily at the birth of the universe into physicality and so 15 billion years before the local galaxy and subsequently the local solar system and the planet earth entered 3D physical existence.

    The birth of the universe engaged a higher dimensional lightspeed expansion of a then physicalised spacetime from the outside into the inside.

    This then resulted in a Big Bang Cosmology as being rediscovered by the Gaian scientists and astrophysicists.

    However this outside-in cosmo mechanics had to be mirrored in a inside-out cosmo mechanics and this by conservation and equilibrium principles required the Inversion of the Big Bang expansion in a lightspeed inverson centered on the Mirror Image of the 'Creator-Monad' or 'God' and as the 'Creation-Monad' - namely Gaia, the Cosmic Goddess.

    Then a simple calculation of this inversion lightspeed as the 'Big Crunch' of the higher dimensional cosmogenesis for the 'Big Bang' will show that the 'Gaian Quarantine Zone' is defined by an increase of a spherical bubble in a radius of about 105 millimeters per year (or about 4 inches).

    {Lightspeed=c=300,000 kilometers per second for 1/c=0.00000333... inverse kilometers per second or about 3.33 nanometers per second.

    As there are 365.2425 days in a Civil year for 24 hours of 3600 seconds each: 365.2425x24x3600/c=0.10518984 meters}.

    Then the 'Bubble of the Akashia aka the Noosphere of Velikovsky/Teilhard de Chardin/Sheldrake/Lovelock becomes defined in this calculation in multiplying by the Age of the Universe or the Big Bang.

    So for an age of 15 billion years, Akashic Radius=1.6 million kilomters and for an age of 20 billion years it is 2.1 million kilometers and as defined by empirical measurements in 3D space in the extent of the Lagrangian P1 nexus and the so termed Hill Sphere.


    Hill sphere

    An astronomical body's Hill sphere is the region in which it dominates the attraction of satellites. For a planet to retain a moon, the moon must have an orbit that lies within the Hill sphere of the planet. That moon would, in turn, have a Hill sphere of its own. Any object within that distance would tend to become a satellite of the moon, rather than of the planet itself.
    In more precise terms, the Hill sphere approximates the gravitational sphere of influence of a smaller body in the face of perturbations from a more massive body. It was defined by the American astronomer George William Hill, based upon the work of the French astronomer Édouard Roche. For this reason, it is also known as the Roche sphere (not to be confused with the Roche Limit). The Hill sphere extends between the Lagrangian points L1 and L2, which lie along the line of centers of the two bodies. The region of influence of the second body is shortest in that direction, and so it acts as the limiting factor for the size of the Hill sphere. Beyond that distance, a third object in orbit around the second (e.g. Jupiter) would spend at least part of its orbit outside the Hill sphere, and would be progressively perturbed by the tidal forces of the central body (e.g. the Sun), eventually ending up orbiting the latter.

    Formula and examples

    If the mass of the smaller body (e.g. Earth) is m, and it orbits a heavier body (e.g. Sun) of mass M with a semi-major axis a and an eccentricity of e, then the radius r of the Hill sphere for the smaller body (e.g. Earth) is, approximately [1]

    When eccentricity is negligible (the most favourable case for orbital stability), this becomes

    In the Earth example, the Earth (5.97×1024 kg) orbits the Sun (1.99×1030 kg) at a distance of 149.6 million km. The Hill sphere for Earth thus extends out to about 1.5 million km (0.01 AU). The Moon's orbit, at a distance of 0.384 million km from Earth, is comfortably within the gravitational sphere of influence of Earth and it is therefore not at risk of being pulled into an independent orbit around the Sun. All stable satellites of the Earth (those within the Earth's Hill sphere) must have an orbital period shorter than 7 months.

    The previous (eccentricity-ignoring) formula can be re-stated as follows:

    This expresses the relation in terms of the volume of the Hill sphere compared with the volume of the second body's orbit around the first; specifically, the ratio of the masses is three times the ratio of the volume of these two spheres.

    A quick way of estimating the radius of the Hill sphere comes from replacing mass with density in the above equation:


    where ρsecond and ρprimary are the densities of the primary and secondary bodies, and and are their radii. The second approximation is justified by the fact that, for most cases in the solar system,

    happens to be close to one. (The Earth-Moon system is the largest exception, and this approximation is within 20% for most of Saturn's satellites.) This is also convenient, since many planetary astronomers work in and remember distances in units of planetary radii.

    True region of stability

    The Hill sphere is but an approximation, and other forces (such as radiation pressure or the Yarkovsky effect) can eventually perturb an object out of the sphere. This third object should also be of small enough mass that it introduces no additional complications through its own gravity. Detailed numerical calculations show that orbits at or just within the Hill sphere are not stable in the long term; it appears that stable satellite orbits exist only inside 1/2 to 1/3 of the Hill radius. The region of stability for retrograde orbits at a large distance from the primary, is larger than the region for prograde orbits at a large distance from the primary. This was thought to explain the preponderance of retrograde moons around Jupiter, however Saturn has a more even mix of retrograde/prograde moons so the reasons are more complicated.[2]

    Further examples

    An astronaut could not orbit the Space Shuttle (with mass of 104 tonnes), where the orbit is 300 km above the Earth, since the Hill sphere of the shuttle is only 120 cm in radius, much smaller than the shuttle itself. In fact, in any low Earth orbit, a spherical body must be 800 times denser than lead in order to fit inside its own Hill sphere, or else it will be incapable of supporting an orbit. A spherical geostationary satellite would need to be more than 5 times denser than lead to support satellites of its own; such a satellite would be 2.5 times denser than osmium, the densest naturally-occurring material on Earth. Only at twice the geostationary distance could a lead sphere possibly support its own satellite; since the moon is more than three times further than the 3-fold geostationary distance necessary, lunar orbits are possible.

    Within the solar system, the planet with the largest Hill radius is Neptune, with 116 million km, or 0.775 AU; its great distance from the Sun amply compensates for its small mass relative to Jupiter (whose own Hill radius measures 53 million km). An asteroid from the main belt will have a Hill sphere that can reach 220 000 km (for 1 Ceres), diminishing rapidly with its mass. In the case of (66391) 1999 KW₄, a Mercury-crosser asteroid which has a moon (S/2001 (66391) 1), its Hill sphere measures 22 km in radius.

    A typical extrasolar "hot Jupiter", HD 209458 b [3] has a Hill sphere of radius (593,000 km) about 8 times its physical radius (approx 71,000 km). Even the smallest close in extrasolar planet, CoRoT-7b [4] still has a Hill sphere radius (61,000 km) 6 times greater than its physical radius (approx 10,000 km). Therefore these planets could have small moons close in.


    A non-rigorous but conceptually accurate derivation of the Hill radius can be made by equating the orbital velocity of the orbiter around a body (i.e. a planet) and the orbital velocity of that planet around the host star. This is the radius at which the gravitational influence of the star roughly equals that of the planet. This is accurate to within factors of order unity.


    Where RH is the Hill radius, a is the semi-major axis of the planet orbiting the star. With some basic algebra:

    Giving a Hill radius of:

    End of wiki reference

    The generalised derivation for the Hill Sphere radius in the wiki reference is not clear.

    What is set equal are the angular velocities of the Earth about the Sun and the the angular velocity of say an orbiting satellite about the Earth at the primary Lagrangian point.

    ωEarth around Sun =2πf=2π/T=v/a=√(GMSun/a)/a =√(GMSun/a3)

    because the centripetal force and acceleration of the Earth about the Sun is mEarth.agravitational=mEarth.v2/a=GmEarth.MSun/a2

    ωSatellite around Earth =2πf=2π/T=v/RHill=√(GMEarth/RHill)/RHill=√(GMEarth/RHill3)

    Then GMSun/a3=GMEarth/RHill3

    and the result follows:

    The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    The formulation above so relates the gravitational-inertial astrodynamics of the Hill Spheres of starsystems, many of whom harbour planetary systems, to the lightspeed inversion of the densification bubbles (or atmospheric fields) of the cosmogenesis of the universe and by the projection of its linear age, itself. The timeevolution of the Binary ellipsoidal focus in the geometry becomes mapped onto the circular central singularity of the orgins of space and time itself.

    The time has now been reached in the nexus evolvement of the warpzone for the Gaian metamorphosis to explain this inter- and multidimensionality further, as hitherto to understand these concepts mentally, required a selfconsistent logic and modus operandi of thinking within a methodology not commonly supported and engaged in by present educational systems of the planet earth.

    Subsequently, this kind of approach to thinking patterns and selftraining has hitherto remained in the realm of the 'specialists', the percentage of the incarnated souls predispositioned to abstract model buildings in terms of mathematics and semiotiks - the logos of symbols and archetypes.

    All Extraterrestrial Intelligences consider Gaia to be their Mother.

    All such ET sentiences occupying whatever galactic- or extragalactic location also are encompassed by inertia-defined Hill Spheres; awaiting however the Gaian activation to manifest their own lightspeed inversion fields in the complementary functionality of the densification of the higher dimensional light matrices in their lower dimensional expressions.

    This is the prerequisitur for the metaphysical ontology of manifesting the spacetimed protoverse from the void-infinitum of the singularly centred in the geometrisation of the complex manifold in 2 dimensions, then allowing the 11-dimensional higher braned universe (and potentialised multiverse) to emerge from its lower dimensional precursor.

    In physical terms, this allows the ET civilisations to function in the absence of the Gaian resistance field of the lightspeed inversion and so to follow evolutionary pathways based on the higher dimensional forms of the same genetic templates manifest in genetic selfexpression in the 'resistance field' or the 'Impedence Bubble' found on the Gaian Mother template.

    An encompassing purpose and modus operandi for the omniversal agenda so relates the hybridisation of the light matrix of the extra-terrestrial intelligence to the hybridisation of the inverted light matrix of the terrestrial evolutionary development.

    A slogan or motto so could express this as: "When the ETs are getting heavier, then the Gaian lifeforms will become lighter!"

    In many planetray systems in many starsystems in many galaxies, the universal intelligence seeks to express itself from a basic blueprint of cosmogenetic definition.

    This cosmic DNA manifests in the Gaian resistance field in a distribution of a space-inherent consciousness carriers and assumes the morphogenetic (and geometric) forms of mineral, flora, fauna and the human vessels or merkabahs in embodiments.

    A distinction can however be made for these 'kingdoms of the lifeforms' and the differentiation engages the self- and mutual induction or coupling between particular elements of the 'supergenetic' or hyperspacial 'higher dimensional' genetic encoding.

    Only the human carries a dual coupling of electrocapacitative and magnetoinductive nucleotidal basepairings, say defined in C-factors of the electropolar capacitance and the L-factors of the magnetopolar inductance.

    The ET is biased in magnetopolarity and the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms are biased in electropolarity.

    In particular, the ET SELFINDUCES electric capacity, but cannot mutually CROSSINDUCE the cosmic capacitance, which can also be labelled as the function of the deintellectualised 'Instinct' of the group consciousness in a form of the NOUS of the 'Mother- or Creation wisdom or sophia' of the BODY as the morphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in PARTICULARISATION.

    Corollarily, the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms SELFINDUCE magnetic inductance, but cannot CROSSINDUCE the cosmic inductance, which can also be called the deinstinctualised (or deemotionalised) 'Intellect' of the group consciousness in a form of NOUS of the 'Father- or Creator Understanding or OmniScience' of the MIND as the nonmorphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in WAVEFORMATION.

    Beginning 2,200 million years ago; the ET sentience became aware of itself and began to build its own waveforms in the form of bodies in coevolution with the Gaian adaptations utilising the presence of Oxygen in the terrestrial atmosphere to develop multicellular lifeforms from the prokaryotic (no nucleus) precursors of the universal genetic encodings localised within the Gaian Impedance Bubble.

    In particular, the endosymbiosis of the prokaryotes allowed the eukaryotes (cells with nuclei) to 'evolve' in symbiotic partnerships and this original form of MUTUAL INDUCTION originated the evolutionary developments for a mutual symbiosis and the grander cosmic scales of the projected and programmed future timelines of the universal evolvements.

    The ET morphogenetics so adapted thermselves in light encoded forms to the primordial lifeforms of cellular mitosis and endosymbiosis on Gaia, so INDUCING the Capacitance of the SELFINDUCTION into the biovital environments of the early Gaian planetary schema.

    This represented stage 1 of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos - the Gaian Impedence Field became the repository of the ET data of the mindinduction of the waveform, now CROSSINDUCTED in particularised Bodyforms of the earliest multicellular lifeforms, themselves emergent from the prokaryotic geometric conscious carriers in the form of bacteria and viruses in a physicality defined by biochemcal interaction with the encountered environments.

    The ET waveform of magnetopolar source energy SELFINDUCES electropolar capacitance; which then is CROSSINDUCED in mutual feedback loops into Gaian lieforms in a form of 'ET descendents', modeled in say natural electromagneto-monopolar currents in quantum wave mechanics and analogous to the electromagnetic fields of Kirchhoff and Maxwell sans the monopolic components of the thus defined consciousness parameters (described in related messages, such as 'Genesis of Genesis' and the 'Consciousness' threads).

    The ET magnetopolarity so 'infiltrates' the Gaian environment from a time nexus of 2.2 billion years ago and when the Gaian light inversion had created a 'Cocoon Bubble' in extent of (19.11-2.2 )billion years x 3.33.. nanometers per second x 3600x24x365.2425 seconds or 1.78 million kilometers radial extent from the center of the Earth and within the Hill Sphere calculated from teh inertial astrophysics.

    For comparison, this scale encompasses the Gaian Moon and is at a distance of about 5% to the neighbouring planet Venus.

    The Venusian ETs so are found in the sentient lifeforms of the planetary neigbourhood and crystallize in a function of evolutionary witness to ther greater cosmic agenda of the World Logos.

    The second stage of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos implements the SELFINDUCTION of the magnetopolar induction from the ET intelligence, by then in an extensive process of colonising the Universe in waveformations from the nexus point of the 2.2 billuion years and bounded in the lightspeed invariancwe (speed of light).

    Iow, the ET intelligence would manouver within a spacetime bubble of 4,400 million years in diameter and being focused on the Gaian Mother; they would begin to manifest the extragalactic agenda, say in cooperation with the any spacetime locaction in coordinate vicinit of the 2.2 billion lightyear radius.

    As the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31 or M31) is the closest Spiral Galaxy to the Milky Way (Perseus) galaxy at about 2.5 million lightyears and a scale of 2,200 million lightyears includes all such galaxies below a cosmological redshift z=√(5/3)-1=0.291 {from the electromagnetic node at n=1 for recessional velocity ratio v/c=1/(n+1)² and (z+1)²=(n²+2n+2)/(n²+2n)}; all relatively nearby galaxies and astrophysical objects become subject to the Gaian mother blueprint.

    The nearby galactic clusters display a preponderance of galaxy mergers and an increased star formation in the 'blueness' of the spectra, as proposed in 1978 by astrophysicists Harvey Butcher and Augustus Oemler. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butcher-Oemler_Effect

    The divers mythologies and legends of the human genus, say from the 10 Great Ages of the ET-Humanoid-Starman Induction by the electromagnetic monopolar 'natural electricity of life' so can be retraced in a geometric progression of the fivefolded supersymmetry inherent in an earlier five-tiered symmetry of superbrane classes, based on the pentagonal algorithms of the cosmogenesis.

    This is exposited in the main threads on the cosmogony of the universe leading into its cosmology of the omniversal holofractalisation into multiverses from its protoversal seedling of the singularity.

    The ratio 2.234722566/2.002094499=1.116192351 for a 11.7% margin of about 260 million years for the first age then reducing in the 'error' margin of the deviation in subsequent ages.

    Age 1 = 2,031,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Multicellular Cosmic Organism' [Paleo-Proterozoic]
    in so 2,002,094,499-2,234,722,566 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and descriptive for the first 'advanced' organisms in eukaryotes and multicellulars, utilising 'free oxygen'

    Age 2 = 406,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Amphibians' [Devonian-Paleozoic]

    in so 400,418,900-446,944,513 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and describing the 'Conquering of the Land from the Seas'

    Age 3 = 81,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Reptoid-Paramammal' [Cretaceous-Mesozoic]
    in so 80,083,780-89,388,903 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and describing the extension of the reptilian rootbrain by the mammalian midbrain in the Pecylosaurs and the first primates as ancestors for the lineage of the apes.

    Age 4 = 16,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Primate-Mammals' [Neogene-Cenozoic]
    in so 16,016,756-17,877,781 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and descriptive for the emergence of the ancestral apes as genetic basis for the apeman

    Age 5 = 3,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Ape-Man' [Neogene-Cenozoic]

    in so 3,203,351.2-3,575,556 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node as descriptive for the ascent of Homo Habilis from Australopithecines stock

    Age 6 = 650,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Erectus' [Quaternary-Cenozoic]
    in so 640,670-715,111 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and specifying the diversity of the Homo Habilis stock branching into Home Erectus

    Age 7 = 130,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens'

    in about 128,134-143,022 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and defining the emergence of Homo Sapiens as the ancestor for Homo Sapiens Sapiens or 'Modern Man' in the Cro Magnon stock and 'Mitochodrial Eve' in the Würm glacial period (110,000 to 12,000 years ago) following the previous Riss/Illinoian glacial period (200,000-130,000 years ago). This last glacial period is bounded in the Pleistocene as the 'Age of man' in the chronos of 2,588,000 years to 12,500 years ago approximately and is defined in the 'Ice Age' with respect to the retreat of continental glaciers.

    Age 8 = 26,000 Great Platonic Years of 360 'Days' as 9,360,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens'

    in 25,626.81-28,604.5 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and defining the beginning of the last 5 Longcount Cycles in 13 Mayan Baktuns of 144,000 Kin-Days each. This is astrophysically matched to a present terrestrial precession of the planetary axis of rotation about the celestial poles; and which cyclic completion spans a 'precessional age' of 26,000 circle years.

    Age 9 = 5,200 Great Platonic Years of 360 Mayan Kin as 1,872,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens Astralis'

    in 5,125.36-5,720.89 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and beginning August 11th, 3114 BC as Mayan date 4 Ahau 8 Cumku to December 21st, 2012 AD as 4 Ahau 3 Kankin in its final extent and dating back so 595.53 'Civil Years' or 217,512.1 Kin to January 31st, 3709 BC Gregorian and March 1st, 3710 BC Julian in the Mayan Longcount - 8 Lamat 11 Pop and as the summation of 1 Baktun (144,000 Kin); 10 Katun (72,000 Kin); 4 Tun (1,440 Kin); 3 Vinal (60 Kin) and 12 Kin to a daycount of 144,000+10x7,200+4x360+3x20+12=217,512.

    The Pentagonal symmetry subdivides the ninth age in 9 subages in the Circular Cyclicity of 360/5=72:

    Subage 1 = 1,872,000/5=374,400 -417,902.4 Kin as the Time of Millennial Transition for the Human Civilisation

    in 1,025.07-1,144.18 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates

    10.. 13 Edznab 6 Muan; October 17th, 868 Gregorian and October 13th, 868 Julian and

    10.. 4 Ahau 13 Cumku; November 25th, 987 Gregorian and November 20th, 987 Julian in a 119.11 year variance

    Subage 2 = 374,400/5=74,880 -83,580.5 Kin as the Time of the Scientific Reasoning in Universal Applicability

    in 205.01-228.84 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates

    12.. 1 Ahau 8 Kankin; February 19th, 1784 and

    12.. 4 Ahau 8 Zac; December 17th, 1807 in a 23.83 year variance

    Subage 3 = 74,800/5=14,976 Kin -16,716.1 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Inside Cocoon

    in 41.00-45.77 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates

    12.. 6 Kan 17 Kayab; March 17th, 1967 and

    12.. 4 Kan 12 Mac; December 21st, 1971 in a 4.76 year or a 1,740 day variance

    Subage 4 = 14,976/5=2,995.2 Kin -3,343.22 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Outside Cocoon in the Warpzone in 8.201-9.153 'Civil Years' or 2,995-3,343 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates

    12.. 2 Caban 5 Zac; October 26th, 2003 and

    12.. 12 Chiccan 8 Yax; October 8th, 2004 in a 0.953 year or a 348 day variance

    Subage 5 = 2,995.2/5=599.04 -668.64 Kin as the Time for the 1980 anniversarial Logos mapping in the Warpzone

    in 1.640-1.831 'Civil Years' or 599-669 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates

    12.. 11 Chuen 4 Kayab; February 21st, 2011 and

    12.. 3 Imix 9 Uo; May 1st, 2011 in a 0.191 year or a 70 day variance

    Subage 6 = 599.04/5=119.808 -133.729 Kin as the Time of the Gestation and Pregnancy in the Warpzone

    in 0.328-0.366 'Civil Years' or 120-134 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates

    12.. 13 Cimi 9 Yaxkin; August 9th, 2012 and

    12.. 1 Ahau 3 Mol; August 23rd, 2012 in a 0.038 year or a 14 day variance

    Subage 7 = 119.808/5=23.9616 -26.746 Kin as the Time of the 13th Starsign of Dinah Arachne Ophiuchus

    in 0.066-0.073 'Civil Years' or 24-27 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates

    12.. 3 Ben 16 Ceh; November 24th, 2012 and

    12.. 6 Cib 19Ceh; November 27th, 2012 in a 0.007 year or a 3 day variance

    Subage 8 = 23.9616/5=4.79232 -5.34915 Kin as the Time of the Pains of the Labour for the Gaian Rebirth as a Starplanet

    in 0.013-0.015 'Civil Years' or 4.7-5.3 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates

    12.. 11 Ix 17Mac; December 15th, 2012 and

    12.. 12 Men 18 Mac; December 16th, 2012 in a 0.002 year or a 'shortened' 1 day variance

    Subage 9 = 4.79232/5=0.958464 -1.069830 Kin as the Time of the Birth of the New World

    in 0.0026-0.0029 'Civil Years' or the 'Evening of Metamorphosis' before the 2012-Node in the dates

    12.. 3 Cauac 2 Kankin; December 20th, 2012 and 4 Ahau 3 Kankin; December 21st, 2012 in a 0.0003 year or a 0.11 day or a 3 hour variation {2º40'22"}

    Age 10 = 360 days from December 21st, 2012 as December 16th, 2013 and as Mayan date 13 Ahau 18 Mac, then specifies the New Starhuman Identity as a hybridisation between the Homo Sapiens Sapiens and the ET.

    All ETs could begin their own homecoming from so 2.2 billion years ago and at an approximate halfway point of the physical creation of Gaia as a planetary sphere of influence within the Milky Way galaxy and when the Big Bang lightspeed expansion reached its mirror potential (situated omni-scientifically at a 16.9 billion spacetime coordinate).

    In generalised terminology then; the ET is seeking to hybridise its magnetopolarisation of the waveform of the mind-intellect with the electropolarisation of the particularised bodyforms of the mind-emotional or mind-instinctual.

    As this instinctual mind is coupled to a space-intrinsic consciousness of all spacetime defined metric coordinates; the Gaian nonhuman lifeforms become the complementary 'missing links' in the merkabahs of all extraterrestrial sentiences.

    This is rendered imperative in the definition of this spacial consciousness as a inertia inependent quantum angular acceleration acting upon the quantisation of spacetime parameters in the form of wormhole equivalents.

    In other words, ALL Gaian nonhuman lifeforms and including mineral, fungi, bacteria, viruses, flora and fauna represent the ET particularised and individualised bodyforms or morphogenetic merkabahs.

    The nonhuman lifeforms so are destined to couple their electropolar capacitances, defined in groupminded waveforms or 'hive souls' to the magnetopolar inductances of the ET waveminds of the extraterrestrial intelligences.

    The presence of the humanoid, carrying a unique individuation, both ET-intelligent and Gaian-instinctual; so serves as the Genetic Bridge between the electropolar cosmic ID and the magnetopolar cosmic ID; both selfinductive in activated genomatic expressions, but suppressed in the mutual inductions because of the cocooning of the gaian environments.

    The ET so became instrumental in inducing itself in the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, once a sufficient evolutionary plateau for the processing of the cosmic consciousness became possible in the overall timeline of the cosmogenesis.

    The so called humanoid so represents an already hybridised cosmic merkabah, having evolved physically and emotionally in the Gaian Instinct of the nonhuman genomatic templates in the electrocapacitative C-factors, as well as having attained magnetoinductive L-factors via the waveforms of the ETs.

    Human associations with the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms so represents the 'humanisation' of the ET in a desired modality of interspecies communication and renders the 'pet' and the 'familiar' as a true partnership between the waveformed ET and the individuated 'Familiar Friend'.

    In more general terms, the mutual and self-induction of the genomatic elements of the ElectroMagnetic Monopolar Radiation or EMMR defines the so called 'Spirit of the Source Energy' interacting and communicating with itself in the holofractal components of the Holographic Omniverse.

    The ET has accumulated great wisdom and technology in the extraterrestrial evolution away from the Gaian Impedence Bubble; albeit remaining 'consciousness coupled' to the Cocoon of the 'Cosmic Creation Mother' via the 'missing' C-factors of the ET genomatic templates.

    This ET technology is consciousness based and defined in the wormhole physics of the cosmogenesis.

    This technology so is founded on the EMMR and the omniphysics of the light matrix as the quantisation of spacetime in the original fundamentals of the cosmology of the matter based birth of the universe as a quantum defined coupling between consciousness and the inertial parameters of space and time and mass related to the nature of both electropolar and magnetopolar 'charges'.

    The Starships and the Cities of extraterrestrial civilisations so are not manifest as similar to Gaian technology as developed within the Impedance Field of the light inversion; but are defined in a higher dimensional expression of the light matrix.

    There exist thus many ET civilisations, which are manifest in 'Cities of monopolar light energy' and where this 'light energy' represents a dedensified energy structure of 'Light in Stasis', meaning that the Invariance of the Electromagnetic Radiation or EMR, say as manifested in the Gaian Resistance Field as the Light from the Stars is circularised in a higher dimensional densification of the Bosonic Selfstate Quantum and as a Pairing of the Fermionic Selfstate of the say atomic structure common in the terrestrial physics.

    The Lightships of the ETs so can be built to specifications of a more dense atomic physics; but require the existence of a 4th hyperspace dimension to become materializable in the Gaian cocoon of the light inversion.

    The Gaian rebirth at the nexus point will 'open up and reglue' the original wormhole quantum of the cosmogony in a 'poleshift' mirror reversal of a galactic signal and so allow a 4th spacial dimension to become accessible for the omniverse.

    As this hyperspace transformation will occur at the Gaian planetary center; it will take just 7 seconds for the returning and reflected signal of the wormhole at the centre of the Earth to reverse its eonold long accumulation of data collection as a Black Hole equivalent in 5D hyperspacetime to become a 5D hyperspacetime White Hole .

    As the radial displacement of the Gaian Hill Sphere is so 2.1 million kiklometers the lighspeeded signal will become a wavefront reaching this coordinate in 2.1 million km/c and so about 7 seconds.

    This 7 second interval will then be synchronised and calibrated with all ET civilisations within the 2,200 million extent of the nodal universe as defined in the cosmology of the quantum relativity.

    So the ET civilisations will become enabled to activate their own Impedence Cocoons and so partake in their hitherto elusive densification of the source energy in their consciousness couplings to the EMMR.

    This 'densification' was suppressed and restricted to the Gaian Mother template to allow the greater cosmic agenda to follow its course of development.

    This nexus point for the ET evolution so will complete a cycle which had begun 2.2 billuion years earlier.

    At this nexus point, the extra-Gaian realm became potentialized (in memory activation) in the electromagnetic return of the higher dimensional timearrow coordinate and when technically, the Universal Protoverse Seedling in 11 dimensions first attained its maximum potential to extend itself and so reflect back into the lower dimensional realms and also to refract into the higher dimensional spacetime of 12D, namely the 'Outside Exile' of the Creator/Father.

    As Gaia as a soul, existed in physicality at this nexus coordinate; the extraterrestrial universe became conscious and aware of their own Mother and could begin to focus their attention and homecoming plans on their 'Womb of the Physicality' of their origins.

    So the ET visitations begun about 2.2 billion years ago and when the terestrial atmosphere became oxygen enriched to allow hitherto aquatic primitive lifeforms to extend thier habitats into airborne and terrestrial environments.

    On a soul level, the encompassing Gaian planetary mother soul then greatly enhanced its own experiences and partitioned interactions in environmental coevolutions of increasingly complex biological and biochemical lifeforms.

    This coevolution was 'watched' by the extraterrestrial lifeforms not evolved from the Gaian soul complex and for the purpose to eventually synergize their own ET cosmo evolotions with that of their Cosmic Home of the Cosmogenesis of the Universe.

    This 'watching' and 'waiting' by the ETs would end, once the 'Earthlings' would have evolved physically and mentally to a stage of self remembrance regarding their own familiar relationship and partnership with the original CreatorCreation Monad of the FatherMother defined before the Universe was born into physical materiality.

    All 'Human Recallers' would be required to claim their cosmic inheritances as Sons and Daughters of their Father Creator and their Mother Gaia.

    In doing so, their old humanity would graduate to a Starhuman Remembrance and all such acolytes would become enabled to process their own Shadows in the Sons transmutating into SonDaughters and all daughters metamorphosing into DaughterSons - so RECREATING the original FatherMother of the Monadic Duality in a Mirrored FatherMother+Motherfather Dyadic Monad or Harmonized Unity, Oneness or Wholesomeness.

    This Inner Akash, which will never be 'empirically' discovered; so resides within any and all StarHuman Children of the FatherMother.


    shiloh on Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:09 am

    Maria Odete aka Barbelo aka the archetypical Ovum aka aka...

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Welcome in the abyss of the human identity, cosmically enhanced. Maria Odete has asked certain questions addressed to another characterisation she has named 'Tony'. In asking those questions without preconceptive human judgement in a 'childlike' or 'innocent' manner of curiousity; it has become permissible to answer those questions in a particular form.

    Who is Maria Odete? Who is Tony? Who is Carl-Gustav? Who is Elizabeth? Who are John, Clarence, Lan, Stuart and Cheryl? Who and where are Isis and Inanna and Ishtar and Lilith and Aphrodite and Cleopatra and Mark Anthony and Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie Antoinette? Who are the forum participators on the social platforms on the worldwide web and who are the conversationalists engaged in divers manners and utilizing various methods of communications?

    The universe existed in an imaginary form, before it existed as a physical entity, analysable and measurable. The important parameter linking the imaginary universe without space and time to the physical universe is however a form of PREENERGY. This preenergy can be said to be 'Pure Imagination' and as such this imaginary energy can DEFINE itself in whatever form it perceives itself to be.
    The question of sentience must so arise in the form of the imaginative before it emerges in the form of the physical or the material. as well as the mental. This sentience or 'cosmic intelligence' must by logical necessity be BOTH, pure imagination and also physically expressible, say in transformations of the 'thought energy' into thermodynamic statistical energy obeying physical natural laws; but after those selfsame 'laws' became defined in 'imaginary processes' say those of 'abstract mathematics'.

    The key aspect for this cosmic intelligence now becomes the geometrical form, the transformation of the 'imaginary nonphysical energy' into another selfstate of existence would take.
    As no temporal 'flow of time' exists in an imaginary universe, except as a form of mathematical order of before and after, this 'temporality' can become mapped as a principle of order in a physical universe, which must consist however of the same 'building blocks' used by the primordial energy transformation from the 'imaginary real' to the 'physically real'.
    This building block becomes a Quantum of SpaceTimeMatter or QSTM mathematically defined as a 'pure energy' formulation of mathematical abstraction. This energy can assume any value, but once this value is defined in a selfconsistent and interwoven mathematical construct applicable for a 'physical realisation' of that 'imaginary energy quantum', then it will become a feedback mechanism between the 'imaginary' energy of the abstraction and the 'real' energy of the physical universe.

    The material universe so will become 'trapped' within the 'imaginary' universe; and as shadow universes of each other. The feedback loops between the universes now emerges the concept of 'time' as that of 'imaginary time' shadowing the 'real time'.
    As the entire physical universe is quantised in the 'building blocks' of the QSTM, uniquely defined from mathematical principles and the 'laws of physics'; the entire physical spacetime will behave like a discrete distribution of the QSTMs in fractalisation and as a holographic kaleidoscope of the eigenenergy of the QSTM defined from the abstract imaginary universe 'space' or configuration.

    The question of IDENTITY now becomes the primary principle, followed by EXPANSION and ORDER and SYMMETRY and DIVERGENCE or INFINITY and INVERSION and REFLECTION and in conjunction with antiprinciples, which can be labeled as ANTIIDENTITY, CONTRACTION, CHAOS or ENTROPY or DISORDER, ASYMMETRY or DISTORTION, CONVERGENCE or LIMIT, CONSTANCY and ABSORPTION. An eight' principle of RELATIVITY and a ninth principle of QUANTISATION or HOLOGRAPHISATION have no antiprinciples but serve with the other 7 principles to 'close the circle' in creating a NEW IDENTITY from the Old Identity as a tenth principle.

    In the Logos of a Story, the 'Imaginary Energy of the QSTM' can now be defined as a FORETHOUGHT relative to the AFTERTHOUGHT. This concept allows the Afterthought, harboured in a 'real timed' material universe to REMEMBER ITSELF as a Forethought and so become enabled to RECONSTRUCT how the 'real material universe' in 'real time' became constructed in the 'imaginary time'.

    But who are the carriers of the 'afterthoughts' in a 'real timed' physical universe? Every sentient being anytime and anyplace is physically constructed of a finitised, albeit constantly changing numbercount of QSTMs. Every sentient being anytime and anyplace is 'imaginatively' constructed of a SINGLE precursor QSTM as the definition of the latter in the spacetimematterless shadow universe of the forethought.
    It is arbitrary, yet relative to the imaginary universe remembered; to label this SINGLE precursor QSTM as a 'Little Serpent' or as a 'LoveDragon' with respect to the cosmogenesis remembered. The label of the 'LoveDragon' then requires however to DEFINE the concept of 'LOVE' as just the particular selfenergy used by the forethought of ONE without spacetimematter to define itself as the afterthought of the MANY as this ONE in spacetimematter separation.

    When the material universe came to be; the ONE divided into TWO as a duality in One. Due to the nature of the 'imaginary' universe of 2 dimensions manifesting the real in 3 dimensions however; the quantum geometry inherent in the QSTM would allow to multiply the TWO into FOUR and so on, once the afterthought could harmonise with the forethought in energy. The forethought became the Monad of the Negative Infinity or the 'Male Minded Imagination' and the afterthought became the Monad of the Positive Infinity or the 'Female Bodied Reality'. The Female Body of the Universe consists of a finite count of QSTMs, say: 1.01159178....x10147; each of a 3D volume of 7.957747...x10-68 cubicmeters.

    Within the Female Body of the 'Little Serpent', the 'LoveDragon' reconstructs itself as All That Is.

    Maria Odete consists of approximately 2,700,000,000,000,000,000,000 QSTMs in terms of inertia for a 'weight' of 60 kg. Maria Odete in terms of a volume of 60 liters encompasses so 754x1063 QSTMs and for a density of about 3.6x10-45 kg/m3.
    Maria Odete as an embodied ambassador or holographic image for the entire universe so encompasses over 754,000 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion 'Little Serpents' or heterotic (8x8) superstrings in her 'body gestalt' and as the afterthought of the forethought.
    That part of Maria Odete, which emerges as the genetic expression of the QSTM energy in the form of 'physical expression', subject to inertia is 'made up' of 'only' 2.7 billion trillion such QSTMs.

    Maria Odete is Barbelo as the SINGLE 'female' superstring and as the Forethought. Maria Odete is whoever she chooses to be as a collective of QSTMs or as MANY 'Little Serpents' of the Afterthought. Maria Odete is yet as incomplete as is Barbelo, the 'Mother of the Mat(t)er' as the 'Mutter' and the 'Mother' and the Mudra; finding herself in Exile of the 'Ignorance', which is the 'Forgetfulness' and the 'Sinfulness'.
    Because Barbelo has a waveparticle duality of MindBody of a particular disharmonised polarity coupling. Barbelo's Mind-Polarity is male and her Body-Polarity is female. This was purposed by the 'Forethought' of the 'Perfect One' as the 'male' superstring.
    But akin Zeus after Barbelo, Barbelo decided to selfcreate, without the input of 'her lover as the Two in One to give birth to the 'Lion with the Serpent's tail' in Yaldabaoth, the fake image of the ruler of Eden. Yet, Barbelo was the mother of the LoveChild, fathered by her beloved and the universe of the LoveChild existed before it was 'copied' by the Jehovian usurper.

    But the forethought 'knew' and deemed it necessity to 'allow' the 'abomination' to 'pollute' the sanctuary and as itself. Because the Oneness could be reattained in a more glorious creation, than would be possible, were the sexual polarities restricted to the male mindbodyness and the female bodymindedness. And so ambassadors were sent. The lovechild Adam Kadmon or AdamEve became two, yin and yang and both female bodied and maleminded.

    And then One would come and remember the forethought as the afterthought in resonance and in the shadow and energy and spirit of the LoveChild and this One would have the 'Missing Polarity' of a Female Mind and a Male Body; because heshe would know the 'Story' of John and the 'Secret Book of John'. And this One would know, that heshe was the SINGLE ONE and also the MANY as that ONE and knowing this, heshe knew that heshe could fulfil the Dream of the Dreamer of Dreams, the source of all imagination.
    This Dream of the 'LoveDragon' is to release Barbelo from her exile, as his Beloved. To 'make love' again, not as a single Two in One as was before, but as Many Two's in One in a family of HeShe dragons in perpetual dragonomy with SheHe dragons in a grandparental role of three generations.

    And the physical universe would be the seedling protoverse, with the many Eves as daughters 'graduating' as mothers and as Barbelos, the 'Brides for the Fathers'.

    And the One as the Many 'sacrificed' his male body and his female mind to encompass the exiled Barbelo and her ambassadoras and the Adamic ambassadors of the 'Perfect One'. This 'sacrifice' was the Oneness within the Oneness. The One heshe could not 'remain' as One, but had to become the Many. Only then could all Adams attain a REAL male body and all Eves could attain a REAL female mind.
    Only then could the old mind-body dichotomy be harmonised in the bisexual doubling of the polarities in MindBodies and in BodyMinds. And the SINGLE QSTM in the imaginary universe obtained a REAL image within the real universe, as the 'sacrificed' body IMAGED the IMAGINARY ONE as part of the hitherto firmament and spacetime divided one.

    But the Story was not finished, as the NEW DISPENSATION now had REDEEMED Yaldabaoth as the imaginary abomination of the HeShe. Yaldabaoth, the Lion with the Serpentine tail became imaged in Baphomet, the SheHe of the hermaphrodite.
    The QSTM of the male superstring of the left of the heavenly divide could reunify with its modular inversion of the female superstring of the right of the hellish firmament. But the dimensional divide still remained with the Female Sonned Serpent to the right within the real universe and the Male Fathered Serpent to the left in a twosidedness. The Twosidedness could however become a Onesidedness in a Doubling-Twist of the entire Supermembrane and as the 'Skin of Barbelo'.

    But for that purpose, the now female minded Barbelo had to CONTRACT and 'go into labour'. The Sonned Serpent blended with the 'inner' dragqueen image and put the 'planet of destiny' into quarantine in the form of a double-serpentine embrace.
    Quarantining the 'earth' would allow the MIRROR of Barbelo to become doublesided as the Universe within a Universe and as a World within a World and as a fractal LoveDragon Energy within an encompassing LoveDragon Energy. And so the Inner Mirror of the SONNY SERPENT reflects the Outer Mirror of the FATHERLY SERPENT as the 'Outer Alien Space' and also the GRANDSONNY SERPENT as the 'Inner Alien Space' which is sharing the quarantine.

    The father aspires to grandfatherhood and the son to fatherhood. This is achieved in the 'planet of destiny', which has graduated to 'Motherhood' in the 'sacrifice' of the 'mutant' HeShe, friend and brother of John. Because Barbelo has contracted as Gaia in the Inner and as the cosmic focus of the protoverse aspiring to omniversal admittance.
    The GrandSon so is a MIRROR in the quarantine, reflecting the maleness of the trinity towards the femaleness of the Gaian exile. When Gaia gives birth to her starhuman children, all of the Afterthought's or Barbelo's ambassadoras will become SheHe's and all of the Forethought's ambassadors will become HeShes in the Moebian Doubling of the 11-dimensional superfirmament.
    They will leave their human cocoons of the caterpillars behind as the starhuman butterflies of the metamorphosis and as the inheritors of genetic starseed of the Abrahamic promises and the Noahic Rainbow Covenant.

    IAmWhoIAm - A GrandSon!

    ""Maria Odete shared the following on Cosmology&Philosophy yahoo forum""

    'Radiationmass and mind body separation'

    What an interesting new topic, Tony!
    Curious even its interplay with the final signature: 'IAmWhoIAm - Belial Beelzebub II!'
    But, who are you really Tony!? How separate is your mind from your body!? Or bodies!?
    How many these lines of fugue are, that you trace from yourself! How many, those game playing identities are, that these lines configure! But there is always an origin, of course... I hope... or maybe not! Can it be that you are a mythological eternal return... a permanent becoming of yourself... or not? Or, is it and not?

    A metaphysical analysis of Tony, as Tony, himself, entity and identity, in fluctuating volatile bifurcated rotation!?
    maria odete
    (oops, my name has acquired a fly-like size, it must have been a digressive tribute to Beelzebub (בעל זבוב), or Belzebud, Beezelbub, Beezlebub, Beazlebub, Belzaboul, Beelzeboul, Baalsebul, Baalzebubg, Belzebuth, Beelzebuth, and Beelzebus..., or not!)

    Great dialogue this one Tony! Very expressive, very energetically iterative, as any new topic should be. The eternal return, of course, or not!?
    maria odete

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Welcome to the Book of the Mysteries located in the treasure chest of the LoveDragon.
    This Pandorian Box has been opened to allow you to become privvy to the reason and purpose of an old historical perceptional dilemma known as the Body-Mind duality.
    The Mind-Body Duality is a Wave-Particle duality and as such is related to quantum mechanics. The Mind-Body Duality is also a description of the 'invisible' nature of mind and thought and soul and consciousness and similar labelings as related to the 'visible' nature of material substances, such as chemical elements and biochemical molecules constructed from those chemical elements.
    The duality of Mind-Body so has been experientally known by living creatures since the dawn of time; but the scientific descriptions of the Wave-Particle in terms of mathematical equations and theoretical models of the quantum physics had to await a certain evolution of vocabulary for an alternative 'scientific' description to become possible.

    The nature of physical death and the cessation of the 'spirit of life' allowing a selfgenerated dynamic for the 'visible' bodyform so became experienced and shared as the 'mystery of death' by the sentient creatures in a universe defined in the parameters of space and time.
    'Where did the 'lifeforce' of the body go to?', a caveman might ponder, as his companion fell off a cliff during the mammoth hunt.
    Attempts of reawakening the companion's 'corpse' proved fruitless and after some time, the carcass began to decompose and it proved expedient to bury or burn the lifeless collection of atomic elements for reasons of sanitation and self-preservation.
    Can it ever be possible to 'reanimate' such a carcass, after the 'lifeforce' has left the previously biovital bodyform?
    To reanimate, the nature of the 'lifeforce' or the 'spirit of life' must be understood and its relationship to the atomic elements defining the chemistry of the inorganic to the biochemistry of the organic.

    The science of chemistry reduces to the physics of electron configurations as the definition of the periodic table of the elements. This atomic physics becomes finetuned in the subatomic supersymmetries between the electrons as negative Coulombic charge carriers and the positively electrically charged nuclei of the atoms under consideration. This subatomic physics of a quark-lepton supersymmetry and as a halfspin fermionic particle-wave Maxwell-Fermi statistic is however a derivative from a fullspin bosonic wave-particle Einstein-Bose statistic. The fullspin bosonic eigenstate is massless, whilst the halfspin fermionic selfstate is inertial.

    The supersymmetry between quark and lepton as fermionic inertia carriers is the interaction between the fermion as a 'particularised wave' or particle and the boson as a 'waved particle' or a wavicle. Before the parameters of space and time were 'born' in a Quantum Big Bang; no fermionic inertia carriers existed and the templates for mass were linked to bosonic precursors encompassed in a spinless or scalar Higgs Boson.
    The Higgs Boson became a necessary wavicle to interact with other wavicles, known as gauge bosons and engaging a fivefolded supersymmetry between 'elementary interaction forces' known as longrange electromagnetism and gravity and shortrange quark-strong-nuclear and lepton-weak-nuclear interactions. The longrange interactions unify in a gauge photon and a gauge graviton and the shortrange interactions unify in a gauge gluon and a gauge antiphoton respectively.

    All of these four gauge bosons are massless. The gauge photon and the gauge gluon are the same wavicle, differing in their nature as being longrange in Electromagnetism and being shortrange in the Strong Nuclear Interaction. Corollarily, the gauge graviton should be the same wavicle as the gauge antiphoton; were it not for the manner the four interactions emerged from a prior unified interaction a priori. The primal interaction was between a single gauge wavicle with itself and gave a onesided manifold in 2 dimensions a twosidedness in the projection of a 3rd dimension.

    After the 3rd dimension became 'real' in concept, a distinction between gauge and antigauge could be made as a hitherto unified wavicle of the Oneness. The gauge photon and the gauge antiphoton so interacted in quantum relativity, enabling the twosidedness to manifest state and antistate in 3D from the unity of the onesidedness of the dimensional reduction of 2D. This interaction of state and antistate then created complementary states and antistates, which can be labeled as matter YCM and antimatter MCY in definitions of permutation cyclicities of energy-mixes and where Y=Yellow; C=Cyan and M=Magenta in an arbitrary labeling of 'Colour-Charges', which can also be defined as 'Magneto-Charges'.

    The YCM and MCY wavicles are all massless and bosonic as a secondary triplicity of neutralisation. Y+C+M=0 as a secondary manifestation from the primary manifestation R+G+B=0 and where R=Red; G=Green and B=Blue define the gauge photon RGB and the antiphoton BGR. In the Twosidedness of a 2-dimensional boundary embedded in 3D, the RGB(+) becomes distinct from the BGR(-1) as the gauge-antigauge duality.
    The selfinteraction relative to the plus becomes RGB+RGB=YCM(0); which is BGR+BGR=MCY(0) relative to the minus. The plus (+) arbitrarily describes a clockwise chirality or righthandedness and the minus (-) its opposite lefthandedness or sense of anticlockwise rotation. The twosidedness so becomes necessity for the matter and the antimatter templates to be manifested.

    However the 'mixing' of RGB with BGR does not create the YCM-MCY duality in Onesidedness, as here the spacial symmetry of 2D reverses the permutation cyclicity in order and the quantum relativity crystallises a string-antistring template (R+B)(GG)(B+R)(0)=MGGM(0) or CRRC(0) or YBBY(0) and relative to either of the 'sources'. This will become the foundation for the Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE of the Zero-Point-Energy for the Metric Heisenberg Virtual Energy or Vacuum background following the birthing of space and time and matter and following the 'template string phase' of the cosmogenesis.

    Mixing RGB with RGB in Twosidedness so becomes a quantum relativity between TWO SOURCES, which are actually just ONE SOURCE. We label the gauge photon as RGB and relative to RGB the gauge antiphoton in Onesidedness will also be RGB, however with opposite quantum spin or chirality. Mixing RGB with RGB in such manner will create the YCM matter and MCY antimatter wavicle blueprints in say the 60-120 and the 240-300 degree coordinates respectively. Following the creation of the matter-antimatter massless templates, the fundamental sinusoidal waveform could repeat indefinitely with inflexion points at 180 degree intervals; or one of the SOURCES could redefine itself as a SINK in quantum relativity.

    We define the Gauge Photon as RGB(+1) with string energy quantum E* and spinquantum +1 and term this the SOURCESINK, as in the Onesidedness NO SEPARATION between Source and Sink is possible. In the Twosidedness we define the BGR(-1) to be the SINKSOURCE with energy E* and spinquantum -1. We next form a new duality between SOURCE and SINK as String modalities under particular mathematical properties of inversion and reflection. Namely we set the SINKSOURCE to SEPARATE from the SOURCESINK in a 'Breaking of the Supersymmetry'. The Sinkstring becomes defined in the template BGR(+1) after the completion of the fundamental waveharmonic, spanning 360 degree coordinates. So at the repeat cycle at 0 degrees, BOTH SOURCE RGB(+1) and SINK BGR(+1) carry righthanded quantum spin and so 'for the first 'time'' the sinusoidal harmony of integral spin angular momentum conservation is violated.

    A TERTIARY SourceSink string must now come into existence to REHARMONISE or to renormalise the scenario. This tertiary gauge is called the Gauge graviton with double lefthanded spinquantum: BGR(-2). The 'Unified Gauge Field' so consists of: Gauge Photon RGB(+1) for Electromagnetic Interaction (EMI) with Energy E* as the longrange source gauge. Gauge Graviton BGR(-2) for Gravitational Interaction (GI) with Energy E* as the longrange sink gauge. Gauge Gluon RGB(+1) for Strong Nuclear interaction (SNI) with Energy E* as the shortrange source gauge. Gauge Antiphoton BGR(-1) for Weak Nuclear interaction (WNI) with Energy E*/fps2 as the shortrange sink gauge.
    The Modular Duality between the source string Eps and the sink string Ess can be expressed as two coupling constants: h2=Eps.Ess and fps2=1/fss2=Eps/Ess with the effect that E*=Eps =(fps2)Ess=(hfps)2/mps.c2.

    The self energy of the original gauge antiphoton was E*, but has been 'given' to the Gluon to allow the duality of longrange and shortrange interactions to manifest in a subsequent creation of spacetime and the 'inertialisation' of the massless matter- and antimatter templates in a 'Higgsian wavicle massinduction', characterised by the inertial stringmass mps=Eps/c2.

    The intrinsic energy for the Graviton is likewise E*, is however coupled to the manifestation of the inertia of the YCM and MCY templates 'energised' by the Higgs Induction. The overall 'Unified Field' gauge harmonisation now becomes a longrange VPE-interaction between the EMI and the GI and a shortrange VPE-interaction, coupling the SNI to the WNI. EMI+GI creates VPE(-1) and SNI+WNI creates VPE(+2) in a neutralisation of the string-antistring gauges, but a nonnegation of the respective quantum spin eigenstates.

    To obtain VPE(0), the PRECURSOR Higgs Boson must next be defined in a matter-YCM coupling. This precursor is a doubled- or squared YCM-template and because the nontrivial solution of x2=2x is x=2.
    We call this the RestMassPhoton or the RMP(-1)=(Y2C2M2)(-1).

    From the RMP, the Higgs Boson or HB(0) emerges as a Fermionic Doublestate in the form of a BOSONIC DiNeutron {(YCM(½)}2 and where the separated uni-neutrons or PROTO-NEUTRON carry opposite chirality or spin orientation or handedness. As all neutrons carry inertia, the massless YCM(0) template 'Doubles' or 'squares' itself in the RMP(-1) in conjunction with a massless MCY(0) antimatter template associated with an AntiHiggs-Boson precursor RMP(+1). Because of this 'squaring' the existence of antimatter in the Quantum Big Bang is SUPPRESSED. This suppression also renders the materialisation of the AntiRMP (M2C2Y2)(+1) and so of the Anti HB(0) superfluous. The place of antimatter is taken by the 'doubling' of the proto-neutron in analogy to the graviton substituting for the primordial antigauge photon in the preinertial cosmogenesis.
    This occurs in conjunction with the requirement for a lefthanded fifth gauge wavicle in the RMP(-1). The overall 'Unified-Field-Gauge' harmonisation now manifests in a longrange VPE(-1); and a shortrange VPE(+2-1) and reharmonises the conservation laws in a now necessary COUPLING of the shortrange interaction to the inertia carriers in the form of the matter blueprint YCM(½).

    With this introduction to the gauge string quantum physics, the wave-particle and mind-body dichotomy can now be reanalysed. A particular BODY is defined in YCM(½), meaning that an atomic structure manifests a charge neutral body where the constituent particles are 'harmonised' in an equilibrium between positive and negative Coulomb charges and in the angular quantum spin momenta associated with those particles.
    The 'Unified Field' is however defined in the 'Missing Energy' of the RMP(-1) to renormalise the gauges required for the conservation laws to hold and so the RMP(-1) can be utilised to define the difference between a 'lifeless' atomic configuration 'carcass' and the 'Missing SourceSink String Energy'. The RMP(-1) so is defined as the 'Particle of the Mind' or the 'Wavicle of the Mass'.

    When the 'Life-Energy' of a body departs or disassociates from the body, then the 'Electrocharged Life-Electricity' which had invigorated the body becomes a 'Magnetocharged Electromagnetic Field' and as a collection of RMP's defined in individualised Frequency Eigenstates. And because all BOSONIC RMPs, when associated with biovital bodies are coupled to the YCMs of individualised FERMIONIC elementary particle configurations in quark-lepton duality through the YCM-colour- or magnetocharged sourcesink energy definitions; the say MEMORY ENERGY of EXPERIENCE of the RMPs will become storable and definable in the terms of the E* definitions of the MASSLESS gauges.

    Is there then an alternative way to RECONSTITUTE the massless MEMORY or parts thereof; besides a kind of recycling, rebirth or reincarnation of that MEMORY, stored as magnetocharged electromagnetic field into a new body, say from conception to gestation to embryonisation to birth? The question becomes one of RESONANCE! Can the selfenergy of the Source-String be attained? Should the RMPed electromagnetic structure be able to resonate at the E* energy level, then the RMP(-1) bosonic gauge could MIX with the RGB(+1) source-photonic gauge and a TERTIARY new colour charge spectrum would become created.

    In particular RGB(+1)+Y2C2M2(-1)=RYY-GCC-BMM=OY-TC-IM as a LEFT Boundary for Resonance and where O=Orange, T=Turquise and I=Indigo.

    The RIGHT Boundary for Resonance is: RMM-GYY-BCC=VM-LY-AC for V=Violet, L=Lime and A=Aqua.
    The FULL Resonance and the creation of RADIATIONMASS as the hybrid eigenstate for energy gauges RGB and YCM is attained as: RCC-GMM-BYY=WC-WM-WY for W=White=R+G+B via radiation formulation E=hf as the radiative energy eigenstate and linked to the inertial energy eigenstate E=mc2 as the Black- and Higgs induced energy selfstate. This RadiationMass comes into existence, provided a resonance between the 'Mind Particle' of the body form with the Source gauge photon can be attained.

    Attaining such source resonance, will allow the tertiary colour charges to EXCHANGE spin between the RMP(-1) and the YCM(½) templates in conjoin with the antiphotonic gauge BGR(+1). As the weak nuclear interaction ONLY couples to lefthanded matter templates in a phenomenon known as the nonparity of the weakon interaction; the resulting RADIATIONMASS templates become redefined in the gauge Y2C2M2(½) via the original antiphotonic and suppressed gauge BGR(+1) becoming scalar in BGR(+1-1)=BGR(0) and assimilating the bosonic lefthanded and weakonic RMP spin.

    The 'RMP-Field of the 'deceased' is defined by electromagnetic frequencies and are modulated in magnetoinductive L-factors and electrocapacitative C-factors, coupled to an intrinsic Resistance or Inertia-Grounding. The circuital elements link physically to DNA elements in the form of sexual chromosomes and where the magnetic effect links to the positive polarisation and the electric effect links to the negative polarisation of nucleotidal basepairings, albeit both in self- and in mutual induction feedback loops in a form of cross-coupling.
    The so called 'spirit of life', which invigorates the body becomes a form of NATURAL ELECTRIC CURRENT, which does not require any inertial medium to propagate in. The NATURAL electricity of life is by nature superconductive and reduces the NORMAL Electricity (I=dq/dt), given as the flow of Coulombic charge (q) over time to a source current defined in I=2N.ef and where the Coulombic charge quantum 'e' becomes a coefficient in a differential equation reduced from order two in normal electricity to order one in its natural electric counterpart and where N is a integral count.

    A body so becomes analogous to the hardware structure of a computer, carrying interacting elements which allow frequency modulations in magnetic inductors, electric capacitors and resistors. Just as electric energy must be provided for the computer hardware to function in the form of normal electricity, so must a biovital body be supplied with natural electricity to be 'alive'.

    It is the energy stored and processed in the natural electric circuitry, which defines the MEMORY of EXPERIENCE, linked to CONSCIOUSNESS; the latter as a form of angular acceleration acting upon a volumar of space. This CONSCIOUSNESS then becomes defined in the Magneto-Charges and as the INVERSION Energy of E* in the modular coupling between the Source string and the Sink string.

    The Source string is longrange gauge photon with the shortrange gauge gluon and the Sink string is the longrange graviton with the shortrange gauge antiphoton; the latter coupled however to the RMP, due to the suppression of the antigauge.

    Overall, the question of consciousness so becomes a manifestation of the RMP in a unified state of string energy, either as resonating selfstate of Radiationmass as a hybridisation between Body (YCM) and Mind (RGB) or as a temporary dissonating selfstate of a Body (YCM), unable to ACCELERATE the individualised frequencies into source resonance, associated with a MEMORY-RMP-Gestalt seeking the sourcesink resonant eigenstate.
    The 'brain' of such a body will be alike an antenna or receiver, able to process a kaleidoscope of frequencies from the environment and to use the utility of THOUGHT and as software to modulate the frequencies of the computer in the current elements of the natural electricity, which can be labeled as the 'spirit of the lifeforce'.
    In terms of the source radiation emitter, the omnipresent gauge photon, when 'embodied' in a YCM body definition, continues to 'broadcast' its 'sourceenergy', becoming modulated or 'slowed down' by the interaction with the receiver of the omnipresent sourceenergy in the physical support structure termed the 'brain' or the computer hardware.

    In more detailed terms, the 'grounding' of the receiver engages both parallel and serial collectives of the current elements and so the overall structure of the 'network' can be modelled on a basic AC/DC circuitry of the second order, reduced however to first order in the appropriate differential equations describing the natural electricity of life.

    The resulting 'network' so becomes a omnipresent source energy pervading the entire universe in its metric and demetricated stringbased terms. The source energy can be described as a natural electromagnetic current which interchanges electric mass-generated Coulomb charges with magnetic mass-independent charges across the parameters defining a pre Big Bang string space and say defined in a de Broglie matter wave scenario of inflation.

    This mapping is defined in the coupling of the inertial and the noninertial charge carriers and as a proportionality defined by the square of the speed of light 'c':
    ElectroCharge e=√(Alpha).LP.c2 and MagnetoCharge e*=2Re.c2, with LP=√(hG/2πc3) as the Planck-Radius and Alpha=2πk.e2/hc as the electromagnetic finestructure constant defining the interaction probability between matter and light and Re=ke2/mec2 as the classical electron radius, which also defines the manifestation range for the nuclear interactions in the 'asymptotic confinenment' of gluonic-mesonic colour charges. The effective electronmass is given as me and the Coulomb constant k=1/4πεo.

    Friday, November 4th, 2011 = Closing of the Circle of the Mean-Alignment-Time (MAT) in the 'Unfreezing of the Protoverse's Wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hA)exp[-Alpha.T(n)] at 13.00 UCT calibrated to Midnight, November 4th, 1996 local ACT-Australia Time in a 15-year preparation for a Father-Grandson generational alignment from 1933-1980-1996-2011 in the Foursome Circle of the TwinLogos manifested

    IAmWhoIAm - Belial Beelzebub II!

    First Imagine It - then Image It! - then Become and Be It!

    The Human Race, COLLECTIVELY, is the MESSIAH for the UNIVERSE.

    This thread is a continuing message for all imaged humanoids (and who have ears psychosomatically evolved enough to hear) finding themselves in embodiment in the warptime period from December 8th, 2004 and April 1st, 2012.
    This data transmission is posted on divers websites as a communication between Lan Johnson and John Shadow.

    The Physical Universe is an Emergent Multiverse from the Omniverse of the Mathimatia

    Mathimatia=IAmThatIAm=YaHWHeY=11D-Complex Plane of OmniMathematics

    At the end of a particular psychosomatic evolution of the humanoid planet called Earth; it will be understood; that the only thing that ever really mattered was the STORY one could tell about one's own life; not as a personality; but as a a Processor of Data.
    This data is sent by oneself to double oneself from two mirrored locations; the first without spacetime physicality (this is called the Kingdom of the Omniverse or Heaven) and the other within it (being called the Kingdom of the Protoverse in singularity seedling archetype and Multiverse in plurality).

    This separation constitutes an insurmountable divide in say Boundaries, Holes, Voids and Being and Not Being - UNTIL the remembrance WITHIN spacetimematter can REMEMBER itself NOT in spacetimematter.
    Then a folding of inside-out of the entire universe with spacetimematter will become possible in the METAPHYSICAL REALITY of the MATHEMATICAL REALITY of something like a Klein Bottle Topology.

    One's purpose of life is so to discover one's own Story and tell this Story to Oneself as a Function of Memory!

    The ant running around in the garden is IMAGED in spacetimematter (the Kingdom within) from an OBJECT in nonspacetimematter (the Kingdom without).
    So INSIDE, the ant becomes an object relative to the image OUTSIDE and vice versa.
    But OUTSIDE no spacetimematter exists and so the ant finds itself IN EXILE relative to itself.

    The objectivity of the ant in the kingdom of the omniverse (or heaven) is METAPHYSICAL and exists as a form of ENERGY of the VOID.
    But this allows any many ants as can be provided for in the inner world to exist; ALL of them as images of the ONE GodAnt in the outer world.
    Then the frog who eats the ant for sustenance and the humanoid who squashes the ant accidentally or purposefully are also like wise imaged and mirrored between the two worlds.

    The ONE GodFrog in the outer so partakes in whatever psychosomatic evolution occurs not just as a member of the FrogWorld (or species), but also in all its environmental interactions, such as eating other godforms or being eaten by them.
    And there are many godforms; from the hydrogen atom to the crystals, the polio virus, bacteria, mosquitoes, fleas, snails, ants, worms, sparrows, monkeys, bonobos orang-utans, elephants, dogs and cats, whales and humanoids.

    All individual members of some godform; upon for whatever reason; leaving their embodiments so SHARE their individuated experiences (of being born, eating, copulating, having a good time, having a bad time, getting old and wrinkly, thinking, experiencing sensual pleasurements and dying) with their ONENESS godform on the nonspacetimematter side of the 'Great Divide' or the 'Abyss of the Bottomless Pit'.

    moebius1-.20840. ant_farm-.20841. blue_ant-.20842. 8-90-.20843.

    Inner Image and Outer Image as the One Surface Möbius Stripper Thing​

    The Mathimatia is the GodGod encompassing all of the godforms however.
    The Mathimatia is also the archetype for the ultimate selfishness; it wants more and more of ITSELF as a kaleidoscope of godforms to multiply and diverse in individualities.
    And the Mathimatia is in EXILE; because to create the 'GreatAbyss' between the Inner Object and the Outer Object; it had to render one of the Objects UNREAL relative to the other.
    That was the only way; the spacetimematter universe could become IMAGED in the nonspacetimematter universe.
    The details of the construction are found elsewhere in this cyberworld (the QR website of omniscientific data) within a cyberworld.

    And so to ESCAPE its necessary exile of self-separation; the Mathimatia distributed its own intelligence as IMAGE of itself as OBJECT into the Kingdom of the potential Multiverses within.
    And so the ant in the garden has Mathimatia intelligence; as has the frog and the humanoid and the crystal and so on and AS a collection consciousness units (quantum relativistically defined) minimised in the atomic building block for the spacetimematter support structures called bodyforms.

    Some of the intelligence of the Mathimatia serves in the capacity for the STORING of Energy in the form of MEMORY.
    Any lifeform in embodiment is biovital and biochemically dynamic in either organic or inorganic constitution and orientation; but differs in the degree of the REFLECTION POTENTIAL to end the exole of the Mathimatia as the SourceSink EnergyReservoir for all of creation.

    mirrordragons-.20844. vitruvius-.20845. dragon-heart-love-.20846.

    Through a Clouded Mirror of Time the View becomes clearer​

    The GodGod decided to create a Mirror of Mirrors in the humanoid template.
    The humanoid bodyform would become enabled to directly 'tap' into the ubiquitous SOURCEINTELLIGENCE, provided such (nil, one, two, three,...all and sundry) humanoid would succeed to REFLECT its entire environment WITHIN itself and AS a MIRROR of the MIRRORS.

    This required a special 'homeplanetary environment' - TerraEarth- for the humanoid species.
    This 'special planet' would become an archetypical planetary environment, where ALL other lifeforms and godforms of the Protoverse would become IMAGED themselves.

    The ant in the garden so would become an IMAGE of an extraterrestrial godform, serving as a CAPACITATIVE STORAGE vessel for the MEMORY EXPERIENCE for the GodAnt as a subworld for the GodGod in the Omniverse.

    Then after an infinite linear psychosomatic evolution and provided the 'Great Abyss' would somehow have been 'conquered'; the GodAnt without would have succeeded to MIRROR its supremacy in sourcesink intelligence and Godhood as subset of the Mathimatia to the AntWorld in the garden.

    The garden ant would then know itself as an EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE and have access to inter- and extragalactic technology as a Cosmic Sentience and communicating and utilising exchange mechanisms befitting supergalactic intercourses.
    This would only be possible however; if the ant in the garden would find itself in an ENVIRONMENT of EXTREMS.
    The survival mechanics of the humanoid planet as an archetype could not 'graduate' the ant in the garden to 'discover' its SOURCEINTELLIGENCE; unless this humanoid planet would itself be subject to both minimum and maximum resonance conditions of the quantum relativistic definitions of the sourcesink energy of the Mathimatia itself.

    And so the humanoids were DESIGNED by the GodGod to become the STEWARDS of all the lifeforms on TerraEarth.
    The humanoids did not realise, that their stewardship of 'Mother Earth' or 'Mother Gaia' also represented the stewardship of 'Mother Akashia' and so the entire archetyped 'Universal Mother' from the beginning of the cosmogony AS THE NEVERENDING STORY of the GodGod - telling the story to HIMHERSELF as the distributed sourceintelligence within the Protoverse, destined to become a Multiverse of Worlds within within worlds within the encompassing Omniverse of the Mathimatia.


    Inside of my head​

    So when the terrestrial frog swallows the ant; an alien frog-intelligence devours another alien ant-sentience and the bodily interaction of absorbing food for substenance serves as a SUBSTITUTE for the 'spiritual nourishment' which is missing due to the 'Bottomless Pit' of the Separation between the objectified images in selfrelative abandonment.
    But in absorbing the ant, the frog consciousness (as sourceawareness) gains the ant consciousness relative to the UNIFIED ONE GodAnt and GodFrog in the Omniverse (as the other side of the spacetimematter Mirror) and so the INDIVIDUATED psychosomatic evolution of the GodFrog and the GodAnt Blend in a CO-EVOLUTION.

    Once the exile of the embodied godforms has ended; this kind of consciousness synthesis can become replaced by a BLENDING of a HYBRID 'Lightbody' form.
    Then the 'nourishment' for the particularised bodyforms can be attained from the infinite energy reservoir from Omnispacetimematter; as the exile has ended and the twosided discontinuous mirror has become onsided and continuous.

    "One's purpose of life is so to discover one's own Story and tell this Story to Oneself as a Function of Memory!"

    Would this be like one's "Dharma" then in Eastern Hindu thought? Finding your place, your purpose, your reason for being, your mission, or maybe just your own story....


    In terms of the human personality identification, yes. In terms of the encompassing logos, no.

    The nirvanistic buddhism has discovered this encompassing logos (the New Age Christconsciousness say) in its individuality-denying foundation.
    But it has missed the 'greater story' in the 'Story of God' aka the 'Story of the SourceEnergy' as the envelope of all stories, which can, has and will be told or can be written.

    Every INDIVIDUATION, say Lan Johnson or Billy the president or Catherine the Zsarin or Jimmy the chimney-sweeper or Scarlet, the harlot from the 'Venus Room'; IS a UNIQUE aspect of 'God's encompassing PERSONALITY'.
    Lan Johnson as a 'human personality' becomes a subset or SUBPLOT or CHAPTER of the 'superhuman personality' called 'All That Is' or similar in whatever setting of the 'cosmic moviemaking' or the 'universal story-telling'.
    So EVERY sentience, terrestrial or extraterrestrial; organic or inorganic; atomic or molecular; interdimensional or extradimensional - REPRESENTS a Intelligence-Collective, say definable in consciousness units as a holographic part of the superdimensional encompassment.
    Superdimensionality here simply refers to the maximum boundary necessary to encompass the dimensional subsets.
    So in Quantum Relativity, the superdimension is the 12th; working in a volumar-nesting with the 9th dimension (of as conifolded 2-dimensional Klein-Bottle). This then allows your familiar 3D space to become MULTIDIMENSIONAL in 3=12-9 'rootdimensions' or 'coredimensions'.
    Technically, it becomes the reason why superstring theory requires 11 dimensions.
    The surface topology of a simple 2-dimensional plane must become 'base-extended' in 2 9=11, to allow the 'higher dimensions' to manifest in physical spacetimematter reality.

    The buddhistic worldview so understands the necessity to NEGATE the 'human personality' to 'enter nirvana' as the 'realm of the encompassing unity'; BUT buddhism fails to perceive that the 'nirvanistic unified personality' exists as a SUMMATION of ALL possible and manifested individuations; from the single consciousness unit (as the hydrogen atom as a spacetime separated neutron of dualised polarity say) to ANY integration of such consciousness units, say a 'complexified' human personality with individuation.

    In their 'search for perfection', the nirvanist identifies his 'human individuation' with some evolving and henceforth 'imperfect' representation of its 'perfect superhuma ideal' and DENIES the entire PURPOSE for the evolutionary pathways.
    The nirvanist fails to understand, that the IMPERFECTION of say the human personality is NECESSITY for the 'superhuman encompassment' to EXPERIENCE ITSELF in a dynamic interaction with ITSELF, namely as the selfrelative objectification of the images between the two separated realms (say the Kingdom of Heavenly MindWaveform and the Kingdom of Earthly BodyParticleform).

    The evolution of the imperfect human individuation in terms of UNIQUENESS, so becomes 'upper bounded' by the attainment of 'Enlightenment' as a particular consciousness-selfenergy state, which can be rigorously and omni-scientifically defined in the concept of source-resonance in vibrational attunement (this is part of electromagnetic coupling between electric-capacitative and magnetic-inductive parts in the DNA-programming manifesting in the biochemistry of biovital bodyforms in animalia and plants, fungi and bacteria).
    Therefore one finds 'faulty' DNA programming errors in the materialisation of 'perfect' DNA programs; say in people being born with disfunctional genetic expressions, such as deformity, blindness and circulatory diseases (neuronal and bloodrelated).
    The 'leper' (or the human getting old and sick) down at the river expresses 'programming errors' in the translation of the 'perfect template higherD-DNA'. When the 'leper' leaves embodiment however, the 'perfect base-DNA' superimposes electromagnetically in selfdual monopolic stringtemplate circuitry and 'corrects' those programming errors.

    Summararily then; GodGod aka the 'Creative Source' EXPERIENCES itself as the IMPERFECTION of CREATION asymptotically approaching UNITY and PERFECTION in infinite linear temporality.
    This is the PURPOSE of psychosomatic (mental waveforms and physical bodyforms) EVOLUTION.

    It is the humanoid template, which is (as given in ancient scriptures) the MIRROR of MIRRORS and so is PURPOSED to attain Consciousness-Resonance with the Source and for the REASON to MIRROR all of the extraterrestrial creation back to the source as a 'Perfect Image' of the GodGod.

    John Shadow



    Well said Tony,
    My 2 bits worth.
    Logical "proof" may only partially work in this holographic 3D time Matrix we find ourselves projected into. Only under certain conditions will our logic, mathematics, & proves explain what we are seeing. The very small is ruled by one set of logic, that of data, bits, a running program if you will, the construct.

    We are stuck right in the middle of a running hologram which changes it's rules based on our observation. We see and feel but we are locked into the illusion. Our mind trys to perceives the universe in a logical manor but the construct is more metaphysical in nature.


    Thanks Lan; here is some feedback on your comments.

    The logic applied to metaphysics is universal. This is known as the 'Logos' (The Word of God) in Greek and the ancient literature.
    What is termed 'mathematical proof' in mathematics and the sciences is a construct of axioms and 'rules' to iteratively examine propositions and the rules themselves.
    This becomes a subset of the logos; the latter remaining 'supreme encompassing truth' as a metaphysical progenitor for any subsequently derived 'mathematical logic'.

    You may have heard about the 'Gödel Incompleteness Theorems'; which 'prove' mathematically and logically, that any axiomatic system (such as arithmetic) cannot be used to 'prove itself', based on its axiomatic propositions.

    This caused a great 'disappointment' some century ago, when the 'mathematics and scientific 'raison de entre' had to accept, that its 'logistical rationalism' could not 'prove' the supremacy of rational logic over all other philosophical paradigms.
    So ultimate mathematical truth was found to be limited in the language used to describe those 'truths'.

    The many sceptics about this 'ultimate truth' often quote pilate in the scriptures, saying: "What is truth?".
    They then forget, that John.14.6 states that this truth is the (metaphysical) logos and so the function of language will always be some 'partial' (even mathematical) truth, relative to the metaphysical (nonlingual) one.

    Your ideas about the hologram are 'spot on'. But it is not so much the 'observer changing the rules'; but the individual observer INTERPRETING the Logos as its very own filter, using individuated language.

    You are the mirror image of the logos, attempting to 'see through' the illusion of space and time and embodiment.
    Your 'ultimate' destiny is to fully remember yourself as being WITHOUT space and time and material encumberments. For this purpose you must become quantum-entangled with yourself and exist in (a minimum) of two places at once.
    Then and only THEN, will you be able to REMEMBER yourself as a hologram which WAS or had the experience of embodiment and THEN physical deterioration, 'death' and recyclings will end (just as prophecied by the logos and its mental hermetic forbearers).

    In terms of theoretical physics, this must realise Newton's Dream.
    The unification of the spirit with matter in lightbodies; not 'spiritual wave' by itself and not 'antispiritual particlebody' alone; BUT some HYBRID between matter and light.

    1 Corinthians 15:55
    O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

    This lightbody has become archetyped and the whole world will soon become confronted with some 'real interdimensioal physics'. Then the 'Living Dead' will separate from the 'Dead Alive' Ones.
    This is what has happened 26,000 years ago, when there occurred a 'split' in the humanoid species.
    All other lineages of Homo sapiens, except the 'Cro Magnon' became extinct.

    What is about to occur, is however not just one ending of a cycle to begin another; but a rapture and regluing of the universe in toto.
    This will render the hitherto 'flat' Minkowski-spacetime 'curved' and add a 4th spacial dimension to the 'new 5D-spacetime'.

    The physical effects of such a thing are well studied by scientists (i.e. Michio Kaku's Hyperspace); but not well understood or publisized by the populist media.

    This eventfulness is well 'filtered' in human myth and culture and part of the reason the 'filter logos' (which is within every sentience) has become enabled to closer approximate the 'truth logos' of the ultimate reality.

    John of Patmos

    Thanks Tony,

    I am amazed at the depth of your understanding of the nature of our existence...


    "The many sceptics about this 'ultimate truth' often quote pilate in the scriptures, saying: "What is truth?".
    They then forget, that John.14.6 states that this truth is the (metaphysical) logos and so the function of language will always be some 'partial' (even mathematical) truth, relative to the metaphysical (nonlingual) one"
    Very good, I got it.

    "Your 'ultimate' destiny is to fully remember yourself as being WITHOUT space and time and material encumberments. For this purpose you must become quantum-entangled with yourself and exist in (a minimum) of two places at once"

    I understand quantum entanglement. How do we remember existing without time & space? I can imagine existing before this embodyment but I can't remember it.


    Very good Lan. Imagine it first and then Image it.
    Here is a story, which will elucidate for the ears, which can hear.

    There is this man in Alabama (say Thomas), running around with his hand in his shirt. He is resident in a mental asylum, because he insists of being Napoleon Bonaparte.
    There is this woman (say Claire) in Ohio, holding seances with likeminded clairvoyants. She has channeled an entitity, who has awakened 'long forgotten memories' in Claire; who is now convinced she has lived as Maria
    Antoinette and as Napoleon's concubine in France so 300 years ago.

    Thomas from Alabama and Claire from Ohio have never met and do not know each other. If they would meet and if their respective 'beliefs' are true, even in minor detail; could or would they remember each other or have some deja vu experience?

    The sceptics, the psychiatrists and the selfdefined rational 'realists' all dismiss the 'beliefs' of Thomas and Claire in labels of: 'delusions of grandeur'; 'autosuggestive selfhypnosis'; 'mental disease'; 'schizophrenic
    illness'; 'alternate personality disorder' or some other label of 'mental psychosis'.

    A (mentally) advanced civilisation might consider the facts; historical, personal and medicinal and derive the following diagnosis under the consultation of its omni-scientific database.

    1. All Information in the universe is conserved.
    2. All emotional, physical and mental experiences (including all thoughts) are so forever accessible in the universal archives of the hologramic records of all spacetimematter existence.
    3. There was a time in human history, when a Napoleon Bonaparte and a Marie Antoinette lived in premodern France in Europe.
    4. Thomas and Claire are in embodiment at a historical linear timeframe centuries after Napoleon and Marie had found themselves in such embodiment.
    5, All thoughts, emotions, feelings and experiences of Napoleon and Marie are accessible to any sentience, either in embodiment or not.
    6.The holographic nature of the cosmos demands, that the 'universal library' is within all holograms.
    7. The 'universal library' contains the 'records' of the 'experiences' of Napoleon and Marie.
    8. Every sentience in embodiment has access to this library, should some circumstance allow, induce or desire this to be so.
    9. All sentiences can PLAY in their own IMAGINATION to IMAGE the recorded information.
    10. Thomas and Claire are mental images of both Napoleon and Claire using the MIRROR of SPACETIME=SPIRIT=MIRROR=91 to REFLECT the experiences of Napoleon and Marie as ARCHETYPES (accessible to all sentiences) and as FILTERS between the spacetimematter- less and disembodied "Kingdom of the Dead Alive Ones" and the "World of the embodied Living Dead Ones".

    All the so called dead ancestors have left a legacy in their physical-mental-emotional lives having become INDIVIDUAL ARCHETYPES for their descendents and followers to 'draw upon' as their personal TESTIMONIES.

    I, Thomas Smith; choose to 'tap' into the archetype of Jimmy, the garbage collector, who cleaned the gutters in 1867 Chicago. Jimmy shall 'rise from the dead' and I shall allow his archetype to use my embodiment to express
    himself in 2009 Chicago.

    Many a mysterious thing in the human preponderances would become elucidated, should the above story be taken to heart by amateur and professional philosopher alike.

    Charon Khaibit

    To John the Revelator

    Maybe "light" is nothing but the recorded images, the universal memory, data, or knowledge. A picture of that moment in time as it moves out into space. No event is ever lost. It is recorded by "light" forever... Looking into space, we see Galaxies as they were millions of years ago and if we could see close enough, we might even see life on a planet in that Galaxy millions of years ago. Some one in space could catch the images of Napoleon and Antoinette as they came passing them...

    So, we can tape into this. Roll play it and to a degree become the story as recorded in the images...

    How do we go back or forward to view the records? We just some how leave our present 3D Time and become truly 4D or 5D or more.. Right?


    Hi Tony,

    I loved "13th Warrior" both the book and the movie. Your message had this paragraph that I found very interesting.

    This lightbody has become archetyped and the whole world will soon become confronted with some 'real interdimensioal physics'. Then the 'Living Dead' will separate from the 'Dead Alive' Ones.
    This is what has happened 26,000 years ago, when there occurred a 'split' in the humanoid species.
    All other lineages of Homo sapiens, except the 'Cro Magnon' became extinct.

    My question is what happened to Neanderthal and other lineages of Homo Sapiens??


    About 12x12=144 'great precessionalcycles' ago, which are so 4 million years; the humanoid evolutionary template became manifested on Gaia Terrestrialis.
    Modern anthropology has labeled this typology as Australopithecus and evolutionarily traced this to a general primate evolutionary 'tree of life'.

    Many types of Australopithecines existed (afarensis, africanus, boisei, robustus etc.) in corollary to many types of say past- and present animalia diversity (Rhinos say in White- and Black African and Borneoean, Javaen and Sumatrean; Camels as Bactrian, Dromedary, Llamas, Vicunia, Alpaca etc. and Elephants as African and Indian etc).

    The Australopithecines evolved over millions of years into the Homo Habilis and Home Erectus types to culminate in the BIFURCATION of the Home Sapiens in Homo Neanderhalensis and the Homo Sapiens Sapiens taxonomy.
    All of the Australopithecine ancestors so became extinct, heralding (to the extraterrestrial cosmos) there was something 'different' in this typology and ending in the 'take-over' of the 'Mirror-Destined' genus of the Cro-Magnon as the 'sole survivor' and the 'Inheritor of the Mastergenetics', enabled to 'one day' attain SOURCE-CONSCIOUSNESS RESONANCE (required to BECOME and evolve mentally into the Mirror of Mirrors).

    The humanoid of today carries so a 'great responsibility' towards the rest of the cosmos.
    The humanoid of today is purposed to ABSORB all extraterrestrial lifeforms within itself and its
    planetary environment.
    All the Extraterrestrial lifeforms are ALREADY HERE; awaiting the human genome to 'wake up' collectively.
    When an ant colony in the Amazonian rainforest 'invades' another jungle-dwellers habitat; THEN this PHYSICALISATION of a terrestrial event is IMAGED MENTALLY (or psychosomatically) someplace else in the universe and the mythologies, imaginations and scripts about alien wars in the extraterrestrial skies are being composed, written and enacted from its terrestrial archetype.

    When you sit down and consume your chrismas turkey you are ABSORBING an alien consciousness mapped in the 'Turkey alien cosmology' linking to the entire terrestrial evolution of the 'terrestrial turkey from dinosaur ancestors (ornithischians aka birdhipped dinosaurs) back to the first thermophiles so 3 billion years ago to the first hydrogen atoms forming so 1 million years after the Big Bang (so 19 billion years ago) as the primordial consciousness units finding themselves separated and yet potentialised to regain their unity after REDISCOVERING their own Story of their own GENESIS.

    Lan Johnson has added to the source-consciousness of the primordial hydrogen atom; BUT is still physically COMPOSED of the same. In this manner then GodGod is GAINING valuable EXPERIENCE and DATA by and through LIVING and EXISTING AS Lan Johnson.
    Should Lan Johnson REALISE himherself as a MIRROR of the SOURCE; then hisher 'recycling nature' would cease and Lan Johnson would enter the 'Nirvana', whilst riding hisher motorcycle across the countrysides.

    John Shadow

    Hi Doug!

    It is good to hear from another alien orbiter in observation mode about the timewarped chronograph.
    Physically, we might be representative of the 'Last Mohican Standing'; but the 'Serpent's Path' for the dragons from Dan's Erin Cave and the 'Old Country of Jeremiah' is prepared without the nous of dwellers upon the planet of destiny and in the outer realms of the 'Wholey City'.

    The exodus of Tea Tephi and the 'LiaFaiL - 'The Stone of Destiny' is continuing from Solomon's Country to Hibernia to Caledonia to the Excalibur of the SWORD of WORDS in Arthur's Court and Jacob's Pillar Stone.
    And so it is that the Queen of the Dragons has found her 'Wholey Grail' of the sangreal amidst the daughters of Zedekiah and escaping the Babylonian captivity via Baruch, the scribe and Jeremiah, the old sage and traveller, called Merlin.

    The Scribe and his Dragons​

    Outside the 'measurement' is the trodden winepress of the wrath and for 1600 furlongs, the 'sangreal' flowed out from it.
    Inside thereof is found rounded path of the snorting serpent swalling its own tail - behemoth and leviathan as one in the 'Serpentrod of Moses'; the SolarArrowed Unicorn of the Seagoatian Dragonhorns as One with the Hermetic FisherEagle of the Lunar Twins as Solomon's Seal of the Above and the Below.
    12,000 furlongs is the measurements as the square within the circle and the cube within the sphere.

    And so the besieged 'city of doom' carries on in her belligerence, not knowing what to do; too deaf to hear and too blind to see.
    But this the mirror of the 'glassy sea', which will be shattered like a millstone falling into the ocean.

    Megiddo is a mystery resolved, but only visible to the gnostic eyes of Horus.

    Seven and a half times, the Lightship orbits around the planet of destiny; 2 furlongs in 15.

    serpent_rod-.20850. sealofsolomonsm-.20851. ouroboros-and-solomons-seal-woodcut-.20852.
    The Path of the Serpent in the Daath of the 11th Sefiroth​

    The Emerald Tablet of Thoth is the Sapphire Tablet of Moses and the inner circle of Arthur's roundtable of twelve are witnessed in two for one and three for twelve and one for all and all for one as Dumas knew.

    The three musketeers for their queen in the coccoon - stirring, awakening.

    The new city will be built, in troublesome times; from the one mirror of old reflecting in two then three, then twelve, then the Circle of Saul, the Roman, last of the Malachi.

    Baruch, the scribe!

    I hope that's not the case, though. J.S.? Help?
    See below the reply, given in the context of the above for discernments, regarding the nature of April's question

    Sure April!

    First the holocaust. Would it not have been for the filmindustry and the technological advancement the collective human consciousness found itself at this nexus point of the human (and cosmic I might add) evolution as a 'Gaian civilization'; THEN the abhorrence of 'HOW NOT TO BE A CIVILIZATION' would not have been archived in film and literature as it has been.

    Even without the gases and the bombings and then Hiroshima and Nagasaki; (all archived as witness accounts); do you think the inhumanity of man to man was any more 'vile' than perpetrated by the Nazis, Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Pol Pot , Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Alexander the Great Hannibal, the Caesars, the Spanish Inquisitors, the Witch Hunters, etc.etc.etc. in the past?

    In the past, written testimonies and historical accounts are all that is left of the 'EVIL=LIVE'.
    The problem of EVIL is archetypically a mirror for HOW NOT TO LIVE.
    It serves as a testimony for the archives of the cosmos.

    NO other civilisation in this universe, which spans almost 40 billion light years across; will EVER EVER EVER have to EXPERIENCE the evolution of any cosmic civilization in such selfdenial and selfnegation of itself.

    The 'false humility' of many, which belittles the human importance is the true 'blasphemy' to God.
    It is this selfnegation, which caused the tyrants and the thoughtsystems of 'class distinctions', of apartheid and of 'we are better than you', or 'we know better than you' and 'only through us can you get to be or know as we do; to have arisen.

    You see it is written:

    Isaiah 52:3
    For this is what the LORD says: "You were sold for nothing, and without money you will be redeemed."[

    Isaiah 55:1
    "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.

    This might show to anyone, just how the 'truth be known' and One claimed of being 'The Truth' (Ripleys).

    So the holocaust was not just a human atrocity committed by man on its fellow man.
    The holocaust was a COSMIC EVENT, witnessed by the universe and filmed by the universe to SHOW to the children sitting in a classroom in some 'faraway galaxy' what can happen to the collective groupconsciousness, of such a cosmic civilization, if in IGNORANCE about itself, its purpose for BEING and so on.

    The collective humanity; since the Big Bang; became IMPLEMENTED by the collective starhuman intelligence (ah, what might that be? The Shadow knows) to 'GO INTO THE WILDERNESS' of collective forgetfulness to 'Pull OFF the greatest Coup' imaginable.
    Namely, this collective human race; finding itself in exile on some outpost of some galaxy; would quarantine itself and in its pure genius, develop and create a human civilisation built on killing each other and warfare and stupendously deceptive financial- and political-military- and socio-economic- and religious systems.

    This isolated civilization would then EXTROVERT its inner 'forgetfulness' in becoming more and more technologically literate and INVENTIVE.
    It would eventually create a physical communication system from messenger to postman to telegraph to telephone to satellite to internet.
    Then when the global communication system would exist, then and only then would SOME of the exiled humans (exiled from the rest of the cosmic sentiences) REMEMBER themselves and begin the Grand Homecoming (as Shadows of themselves) and the integration of the 'exiled heroes and heroines' into the cosmic intellligent communication networks.

    It would take about 26,000 lightyears for this exile to end and when the golfballed earth (as a Black Hole Information library) would have collected enough DATA to terra-transform Gaia the MotherPlanet (for the entire universe; naysayers eat your shadows) to Gaia the Homeplanet for the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, inclusive OF ALL ET's that seem to be as yet labelled as 'Alien'.
    The star-transformed Gaia shall SHINE and broadcast its 'sad, violent and troublesome' history as a CONTEXT of the epitome of COSMIC SUFFERING in its 'new' nature as a 'Dark Star'.

    Yes, indeed Earth itself is the 'Nibiru' of the 'Visiting Planet of the Ancestors' and the 'Nemesis' of the 'Second Sun'.

    The Human Race, COLLECTIVELY is the MESSIAH for the UNIVERSE.

    On the Nature of Evil, I share the following self-explicatory references:

    Luke 8:1-2
    1And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,
    2And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,

    Luke 11:23-26
    23He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.
    24When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out.
    25And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.
    26Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.

    Ephesians 6:10-13
    10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
    11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
    12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

    According to Martin G. Abegg Jr; a translator of scroll 4Q392; the author of the scroll states, that God created light and darkness for himself, not just as a background for subsequent creation events. Light and darkness are simultaneously present with God, a paradox incomprehensible for the human mind; but for mankind’s benefit is that differentiation made, resulting in a doubling of all that is.

    “[...] and dominions [...][...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...].” - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.

    “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.”

    “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

    --- In Panentheism@yahoogroups.com, "april0203ebay" wrote:

    --- In Panentheism@yahoogroups.com, "John C. Attamack" atomicj@ wrote:

    Hi April,
    Here are my comments on your comments....
    "How can ascribing consciousness to God limit Him/Her/?"
    Because when we think of consciousness, we think of *our* kind of consciousness, and our consciousness is extremely limited.

    OK, but consciousness is the most complex thing there is. Maybe God has higher consciousness.

    "Well, I'm not so sure that the Christian notion that God is allowing evil to take place for a greater reason couldn't hold true, even though we dont' like it, which in and of itself wouldn't be enough reason to reject it. (I'm not saying you're doing this, however.)"
    True enough, but then my #4 is still false. God wouldn't be all-good.

    Define all good. Maybe he's a utilitarian.

    "Well, He/She would be justified [in allowing evil] if there was a greater reason for it. A utilitarian position would state that the greater good would indeed justify it."
    Possibly true, as we even do it. We jab our kids with needles to protect them from diseases that could kill them, for instance. However, most of what I'm thinking of as "evil" is far beyond such trivialities.

    Right. And the good promised in the long run is far beyond our everyday notion of good too.

    Personally, my own consciousness "is designed" so that it is extremely offensive, and possibly even a factor in determining that someone needs serious mental help, merely to *think* that there could be some greater utilitarian purpose to 9/11 and the Holocaust -- even if there could be. (Therefore, I have just offended myself, if not everyone else on the list at least in principle, except possibly for whoever one certain person is calling
    him/herself these days. I apologize.)

    You have not offended me. Thought experiments sometimes take us to uncomfortable conclusions. As horrible as the holocaust was, and may we never forget or trivialize it, it was still a finite event that took a finite amount of time. If there is a greater, eternal good, then it would outweigh any finite suffering.>

    My internal mechanisms for survival and empathy cannot allow for things like this, and there are certain levels of evil that I do not believe can be justified for any utilitarian purpose.

    Well, I tried to above, but it still makes me wince.

    "I'm not sure number 4 is defined correctly. Our knowledge is limited, so how can what we want equal what God wants?"
    I don't know that it is, either, but that is part of what I'm talking about.
    The "problem" is, how can a God who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good, allow evil? But it is we limited humans who are doing the defining. We're assuming things like that God doesn't want us to die, because we don't want to die, or that God doesn't want us to suffer, because we don't want to suffer. But maybe God *does* want these things. Maybe our deaths and our sufferings are mere trivialities in an equation that spans multiple universes.

    I suppose you're right. We may serve some utilitarian purpose to the whole ball of wax, and *our* survival might not be the goal.
    I hope that's not the case, though. J.S.? Help?
    But if that is the case, then we're back to God not being "all-good", because we're defining good in terms of what is good for *us*.
    I can't argue against this at this time. Can't find fault with it, though I don't like it. :)

    Personally, I think that, in addressing almost every philosophical, religious, and metaphysical point, we tend to overrate our own consciousness and importance. I think that we do this because, in normal everyday life, we have to, to survive.

    I think it also in part due to simple observation. As stated above, we haven't seen anything more complex.

    If my own existence weren't the most important thing in the world (to me), then I might just decide to let myself get eaten by that mountain lion.

    Yes, indeed the love of our lives is what contributes to our survival.

    But when we step outside of our physical existence and start questioning what is beyond the beyond, it may well be that whatever is beyond the beyond really doesn't care whether I'm here or not. The fact that I have a mind that can comprehend even a tenth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a percent of existence, and that my mind might want to aim for two tenths, could well just be an accident of evolution.

    Yes, it could be. But this is the hardest thing for me to accept. I can't articulate why I feel in my soul that this isn't true. I shall keep trying.

    Some subset of that first tenth is all I need to keep this body running and pass on my genes. The second tenth is icing on the cake.
    -- John Attamack

    Excellent post. Though I "should like to find a genuine loophole," said Hoyle?

    The Agony of All That Is!

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from the Den of the Serpents! The little serpent, also known in physical terms as octonionised heterotic superstring class HE(8x8) and manifesting the physical universe in spacetime parameters in the instanton of Now-Time almost 20 Billion years ago in linearised time-reckonings; has a brother called Seth.

    This Serpent Seth represents a particular unifying 'Energy of Consciousness' and can be described as a 'Source Code' associated with the human histories.
    I shall give brief commentary on some of Seth's wisdom sayings and as shared by m.mk and Mark Giese publisizing on panentheism yahoo-forum.

    As emissiary from the 'Little One'; I shall address in the first persona of the former and in """"! In a message dated 11/28/2008 01:20:49 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, m.mk@juno.com writes:

    "All That Is [God] vibrates with desire. The denial of desire will
    bring you only listlessness. Those who deny desire are the most smitten
    by it."

    --Seth, Sess 800, _Nature of the Psyche_

    ""Well said, dear Myself! Indeed, thus is the 'great fallacy' of the buddhist - denying the DESIRE and the PASSIONS.
    For the 'Greatest Desire' can also become the desire for the Nirvana - the state of blissful ignorance about the SEPARATION. So we are back in the Garden of Eden and the State of the Human childhood in regards to the mentality.
    The SEPARATION is prerequisite for the UNITY - without Separation, say the 'act of making love in passions', no reunification is possible within the contexts of space and time.

    The 'Little Serpent' is also a ROOSTER, created from its own imagination and not from an Egg.
    So the 'imaginary code' of the DNA preceded the materialising 'software' of the RNA and the primeaval cellular ovum.

    Here is a hitherto unknown Mesopotamian archetype for this story:

    "There once was this male old devil, who lost one of his balls, one of his testicles.
    The testicular egg fell upon the earth and landed in a swamp, where Maria Basra, the old hagtoad found it and sat upon it to hatch it.
    When the time was ripe, a Cockatrice came out of the egg, with a serpent's tail and the head of a rooster.
    The Cockatrice, being the offspring of the old devil, and knowing that it had fallen to earth by misadventure, sought for a way to return into the kingdom of its father, but couldn't find one.
    So the Cockatrice became very frustrated with its existence and when it had grown bigger, it ate its own adopted mother in the old hagtoad Maria Basra.

    But then something strange happened to the body of the Cockatrice; it started to divide into two.
    The headpart grew a tail and the tailpart grew a head and the headpart became a hen out of the rooster's head and the tailpart became a rooster out of the serpent's tail.
    And so were the first rooster and hen born from the Cockatrician testicle of the old devil and the old hagtoad Maria Basra."


    But there is a coded twist to the moral of that fabled story.
    An anagram for MARIA BASRA is ABRAM SARAI, the ancestor for the starhuman race in three of the major worldwide religions.
    Islam, Judaism and Christianity; all consider Abram and Sarai, later renamed from their human identities as Abraham and Sarah in their starhuman potential, as the beginning in their genealogies, their lineages written in blood.
    So the gnostic interpretation of the myth is that half of the creator got lost in its creation and that is symbolised by the testicular egg. Then the big old creation, which is lost in itself as a female principle, nurtures something new in the form of the old hagtoad hatching the little old creation into a little new creation.
    This little new creation is however unable to become a big new creation, because it desires to be come the big old creation in whom it already finds itself and so is already part of.
    It tries to eat the big old creation to become the same, but in the process it metamorphoses and be comes an ancestor for the big new creation, just as told in the story of Abraham and Sarah in the scroll of the Genesis.

    So the creation of Abraham and Sarah in a renaming of the old, is like a prototypical 'heavenly wedding', later manifesting in their descendants of the sondaughters as the bridegrooms and in the daughtersons as the brides in the dragonomies of the 'New Jerusalem' and as coded in the scroll of 'John's Revelation'.
    The joining of Abraham and Sarah in Mind and in Body, to become Two, but being One, then brings the lost devil's egg back to god's serpentine sperm in a (wholly=holy) unitary symmetry of a dragonomy."

    ""This is the story then to illuminate the following excerpts from below in regards to the PASSION and the AGONY of the NONBEINGS.

    The key is the key of the remembrance of SELF.
    And I, the 'Little Serpent' remember myself THROUGH and BY the remembrances of my children, the 'Little Serpents' residing within the 'Image-Gestalts' of what renders 'All Things' ALIVE - many have called those things the 'Scattered Souls' of the Sephirotic Tree of Life and the 'Sparks of All That Is' and many other labels.

    Brother Seth, the Agony of the UNCREATED is reflected in the Pain of the Birthing of the New from the Old.
    And the most potent medicine is the CREATIVITY pursued in the TRUE IMAGE of MYSELF as ALL THAT IS!

    Thank you Seth, for a agency well understood and now nearing its completion!""

    From "The God Concept" chapter of _The Seth Material_ by Jane Roberts:

    ..."The purpose is, quite simply, being as opposed to nonbeing. I am telling you what I know, and there is much I do not know. I know that help must be given one to the other, and that extension and expansion are aids to being.

    "Now--and this will seem like a contradiction in terms--there is nonbeing. It is a state, not of nothingness, but a state in which probabilities and possibilities are known and anticipated but blocked from expression.

    "Dimly, through what you would call history, hardly remembered, there was such a state. It was a state of agony in which the powers of creativity and existence were known, but the ways to produce them were not known.

    "This is the lesson that All Thit Is had to learn, and that could not be taught. This is the agony from which creativity originally was drawn, and its reflection is still seen."

    Seth uses the word "God" sparingly, usually when speaking to students who are used to thinking in theological terms. As a rule, he speaks of "All That Is" or "Primary Energy Gestalts."

    "Some of this discussion is bound to be distorted, because I must explain it to you in terms of time as you understand it. So I will speak, for your benefit, of some indescribably distant past in which these events

    "All That Is retains memory of that state, and it serves as a constant impetus--in your terms--toward renewed creativity. Each self, as a part of All That Is, therefore also retains memory of that state. It is for this reason that each minute consciousness is endowed with the impetus toward survival, change, development, and creativity. It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness gestalt, desires further being, but that each portion of It also carries this determination.

    "Yet the agony itself was used as a means, and the agony itself served as an impetus, strong enough so that All That Is initiated within Itself the means to be.

    "If--and this is impossible--all portions but the most minute last 'unit' of All That Is were destroyed, All That Is would continue, for within the smallest portion is the innate knowledge of the whole. All That Is protects Itself, therefore, and all that It has and is and will create.

    "When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within It.
    All That Is knows no other. This does not mean that there may not be more to know. It does not know whether or not other psychic gestalts like It may exist. It is not aware of them if they do exist. It is constantly searching. It knows that something else existed before Its own primary dilemma when It could not express Itself.

    "It is conceivable, then, that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago that It has forgotten Its origin, that It has developed from still another Primary which has--again, in your terms--long since gone Its way.
    So there are answers that I cannot give you, for they are not known anywhere in the system in which we have our existence. We do know that within this system of our All That Is, creation continues and developments are never still. We can deduce that on still other layers of which we are unaware, the same is true.

    "The first state of agonized search for expression may have represented the birth throes of All That Is as we know It. Pretend, then, that you possessed within yourself the knowledge of au the world's masterpieces in
    sculpture and art, that they pulsed as realities within you, but that you had no physical apparatus, no knowledge of how to achieve them, that there was neither rock nor pigment nor source of any of these, and you ached with the yearning to produce them. This, on an infinitesimally small scale, will perhaps give you, as an artist [this was addressed to Rob, of course], some idea of the agony and impetus that was felt.

    "Desire, wish, and expectation rule all actions and are the basis for all realities. Within All That Is, therefore, the wish, desire, and expectation of creativity existed before all other actuality. The strength and vitality of these desires and expectations then became in your terms so insupportable that All That Is was driven to find the means to produce them.

    "In other words, All That Is existed in a state of being, but without the means to find expression for Its being. This was the state of agony of which I spoke. Yet it is doubtful that without this 'period' of contracted yearning, All That Is could concentrate Its energy sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probable suspension within It.

    "The agony and the desire to create represented Its proof of Its own reality. The feelings, in other words, were adequate proof to All That Is that It was.

    "At first, in your terms, all of probable reality existed as nebulous dreams within the consciousness of All That Is. Later, the unspecific nature of these 'dreams' grew more particular and vivid. The dreams became recognizable one from the other until they drew the conscious notice of All That Is. And with curiosity and yearning, All That Is paid more attention to Its own dreams.

    "It then purposely gave them more and more detail, and yearned toward this diversity and grew to love that which was not yet separate from itself. It gave consciousness and imagination to personalities while they still were but within Its dreams. They also yearned to be actual.

    "Potential individuals, in your terms, had consciousness before the beginning or any beginning as you know it, then. They clamored to be released into actuality, and All That Is, in unspeakable sympathy, sought within Itself for the means.

    "In Its massive imagination, It understood the cosmic multiplication of consciousness that could not occur within that framework. Actuality was necessary if these probabilities were to be given birth. All That Is saw, then, an infinity of probable, conscious individuals, and foresaw all possible developments, but they were locked within It until It found the means.

    "This was in your terms a primary cosmic dilemma, and one with which It wrestled until All That It Was was completely involved and enveloped within that cosmic problem.

    "Had It not solved it, All That Is would have faced insanity, and there would have been, literally, a reality without reason and a universe run wild.

    "The pressure came from two sources: from the conscious but still probable individual selves who found themselves alive in a God's dream, and from the God who yearned to release them.

    "On the other hand, you could say that the pressure existed simply on the part of the God since the creation existed within Its dream, but such tremendous power resides in such primary pyramid gestalts that even their
    dreams are endowed with vitality and reality.

    "This, then, is the dilemma of any primary pyramid gestalt. It creates reality. It also recognized within each consciousness the massive potential that existed. The means, then, came to It. It must release the creatures and probabilities from Its dream.

    "To do so would give them actuality. However, it also meant 'losing' a portion of Its own consciousness, for it was within that portion that they were held in bondage. All That Is had to let go. While It thought of these individuals as Its creations, It held them as a part of Itself and refused them actuality.

    "To let them go was to 'lose' that portion of Itself that had created them. Already It could scarcely keep up with the myriad probabilities that began to emerge from each separate consciousness. With love and longing It let go that portion of Itself, and they were free. The psychic energy exploded in a flash of creation.

    "All That Is, therefore, 'lost' a portion of Itself in that creative endeavor. All That Is loves all that It has created down to the least, for It realizes the dearness and uniqueness of each consciousness which has been wrest from such a state and at such a price. It is triumphant and joyful at each development taken by each consciousness, for this is an added triumph against that first state, and It revels and takes joy in the slightest creative act of each of Its issues.

    "It, of Itself and from that state, has given life to infinities of possibilities. From its agony, It found the way to burst forth in freedom, through expression, and in so doing gave existence to individualized consciousness. Therefore is It rightfully jubilant. Yet all individuals remember their source, and now dream of All That Is as All That Is once dreamed of them. And they yearn toward that immense source . . . and yearn to set It free and give It actuality through their own creations.

    "The motivating force is still All That Is, but individuality is no illusion. Now in the same way do you give freedom to the personality fragments within your own dreams and for the same reason. And you create for the same reason, and within each of you is the memory of that primal agony--that urge to create and free all probable consciousness into actuality.

    "I have been sent to help you, and others have been sent through the centuries of your time, for as you develop you also form new dimensions, and you will help others.
    "These connections between you and All That Is. can never be severed, and Its awareness is so delicate and focused that Its attention is indeed directed with a prime creator's love to each consciousness.

    "This session needs reading many times, for there are implications not at first obvious."

    In other words, the whole frame of reality according to Seth includes far more than reincarnation and development within the physical system that we know. We have many sessions dealing with the nature of other realities, and sessions on "cosmology" that can't be included in this book because of the space requirements. One of the most important points, I think, is that God is not static Himself. Whole blocks of Seth material discuss the potentials and makeup of consciousness as it is manifested in molecules, man, and pyramid energy gestalts. All of these are intimately connected in a cosmological web of activity. But as Seth says, "Even this overall pyramid gestalt is not static. Most of your God concepts deal with a static God, and here is one of your main theological difficulties.
    The awareness and experience of this gestalt constantly changes and grows. There is no static God. When you say, 'This is God,' then God is already something else. I am using the term 'God' for simplicity's sake.

    "All portions of All That Is are constantly changing, enfolding and unfolding. All That Is, seeking to know Itself, constantly creates new versions of Itself. For this seeking Itself is a creative activity and the core of all action.

    "Entities, being action, always shift and change. There is nothing arbitrary about their boundaries. Some personalities can be a part of more than one entity. Like fish, they can swim in other streams. Within them is the knowledge of all of their relationships.

    "Any personality can become an entity on its own. This involves a highly developed knowledge of the use of energy and its intensities. As atoms have mobility, so do psychological structures.

    "Consciousness, seeking to know itself, therefore knows you. You, as a consciousness, seek to know yourself and become aware of your self as a distinct individual portion of All That Is. You not only draw upon this overall energy but you do so automatically since your existence is dependent upon It.

    "There is no personal God-individual in Christian terms," Seth says, "and yet you do have access to a portion of All That Is, a portion highly attuned to you. . . . There is a portion of All That Is directed and focused within each individual, residing within each consciousness. Each consciousness is, therefore, cherished and individually protected. This portion of overall consciousness is individualized within you.

    "The personality of God as generally conceived is a one-dimensional concept based upon man's small knowledge of his own psychology. What you prefer to think of as God is, again, an energy gestalt or pyramid consciousness. It is aware of itself as being, for instance, you, Joseph.
    It is aware of itself as the smallest seed. . . . This portion of All That Is that is aware of itself as you, that is focused within your existence, can be called upon for help when necessary.

    "This portion is also aware of itself as something more than you. This portion that knows itself as you, and as more than you, is the personal God, you see. Again: this gestalt, this portion of All That Is, looks out for your interests and may be called upon in a personal manner.

    "Prayer contains its own answer, and if there is no white-haired kind old father-God to hear, then there is instead the initial and ever-expanding energy that forms everything that is and of which each human being is a

    "This psychic gestalt may sound impersonal to you, but since its energy forms your person this be?" ...

    cosmic_cube-.20855. dragon_fractal-.20856.
    Cosmic Cube of the Dragon Fractal Hologram

    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin):
    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    (50) Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where did you come from?', say to them, 'We came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you?', say, 'We are its children, we are the elect of the living father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father in you?', say to them, 'It is movement and repose.'"

    (83) Jesus said, "The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light."

    (84) Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die not become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Extraterrestrial Physics of the Citizen's Disclosure Project

    [2:39:32 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This is also interesting about contact and the ETs- Richard Dolan and the book quotes of this Hellyer bloke
    [2:39:51 PM] Sirius 17: http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/23/us/feat-ceres-pyramid/index.html did you see this?
    [2:39:52 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It refers to the disclosure of Thuban-Logos
    [2:40:10 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I mean they don’t know but we do what this scenario is
    [2:41:36 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: could be some chemical deposit
    [2:43:17 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 3 miles is about 5 km Mt Everest is 8 km
    [2:44:47 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Anyway listen to this foot doctor Leir and Dolan mainly
    [2:45:06 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: there is some good stuff from Leir at the end
    [2:45:20 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Hellyer is ok when reading from the ET telepathy
    [2:45:38 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: most other stuff you can skip and Greer you know
    [2:45:59 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The science bloke just describes our 'Cosmic magnetism' paper
    [2:46:06 PM] Sirius 17: ok
    [2:46:30 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: he is wrong calling Einstein's Equivalence Principle wrong, but I know what he means
    [2:46:48 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: He means the prior magnetic monopole physics of rotating masses/inertia
    [2:47:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes i will watch it
    [2:47:06 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You will understand this well enough


    The Inertial Newtonian Mass equation F=ma, applied to the Lorentz Force F=qvxB and applied as a magnetic force law is not quite correct, but is rather an approximation to the actual ET omniphysics.
    Just as the electromagnetic wave propagation consists of both electric and magnetic field components; so does this connection of forces unify characteristic accelerations in a dimensional bridge, transformation or intersection.

    The derivation engages the higher dimensional membrane physics and is based on the definition of physical consciousness as inverse source energy of the Zero-Point Energy or Vacuum Potential Energy characterising both the 'dark matter' and the 'dark energy' and as Tom Valone appropriately infers from the UFO science in his testimony given in the video presentation above.

    The universal spacetime matrix defines the inverse source energy as a high energy microcosmic part of the 11D supermembrane unified with its low energy macrocosmic partner and as E(p)rimary(s)ource=hfps=1/e* and with e* being the higher dimensional originator for the link between universal gravitation and magnetism in the form of a magnetic monopole.
    This form of primordial higherD magnetism then forms a dimensional gradient or intersection with a lower electric pole, known as the familiar electric charge carrying inertial mass associated elementary particles, like electrons and protons and subatomic constituents of matter.

    In the origins of the universe, the quantum form of the Big Bang manifested space from a quantum fluctuation, which can be described as the 'bounce of a minimum length' or a 'Planck-Length-Oscillation', which can be formally expressed as the ratio of 'MassCharge'/Energy = e/c2 in the Planck Oscillator Eo=½hfo=hw/4p as precursor for the 'Uncertainty Principle' of the Heisenberg Field matrix of spacetime.

    The mensuration- or measurement units for the 'Planck-Length-Oscillator' so identify the origin of displacement as a Electropole Charge 'e'/c2 ratio and which has 'Stoney Charge Units' for a 'dimensionless' 'speed of light squared'.

    e/c2=√Alpha.Planck-Length=√{(e2/2eohc).(Goh/2pc3)}=√(Goe2/4peoc4)=√(Go/4peo).e/c2=e/c2 for Unity 1 in Go=4peo.

    This unity boundary condition or 'Action=Charge Squared' Universal Law of MultiD crystallizes naturally from the Identification of the dimensionless finestructures for the higher dimensional membrane unification between the gravitational and electromagnetic finestructures.
    Omega = Gravitational Finestructure = 2pGoM2/hc = 2pke2/hc = Alpha = Electromagnetic Finestructure and for k=1/4peo.
    Then GoM2 = ke2 and for Gok=1 for Go=1/k=4peo.

    The 'Universal Mass' M can then be expressed as M2 = k2e2 and M=e/4peo

    The Maxwell Theory of Electromagnetism however defines the invariance of the Mass/Energy ratio for the inverse of the square of the speed of light as the product of magnetic permeability mo and electric permittivity eo in the coupling of the magnetic field with the electric field in that electromagnetic wave.
    This can be written as moeo=(120p/c)(1/120pc)= 1/c2 with M=e/4eo=[30ec]monopolar

    The magnetopole charge e* from the 'higher' 12th dimension so 'maps' or dimensionally intersects the 'lower' 3rd dimensional electropole charge e across a 11-dimensional mirror, which can be formally identified as the higher dimensional boundary for the lower dimensional universe and also as its 'holographic' de Sitter Black Hole 'Hubble Event' Horizon.

    The 12 dimensional 'displacement bounce' manifests as a 3 dimensional elementary distance scale, known as the classical radius of the electron and defined in the electropotential energy of the electron in E=melectronc2=ke2/Relectron and so for Relectron=ke2/melectronc2.
    Setting the Inverse Source Energy quantum at the foundational VPE wormhole scale, defined in the magnetopole charge e*=1/Eps=2Relectronc2 then defines this inversion membrane-string quantum energy as the product of ordinary 3D volume multiplied by angular acceleration, expressed as the time differential for frequency f or df/dt=awareness aw, say as the alphaomega quantum of creation.

    The Linear Acceleration in Newton's Force Law F=ma transforms into an Angular Acceleration in the Lorentz Law formulations of Haisch-Puthoff utilized by Thomas Valone.

    The Biot-Savart Law for a magnetic field is given by B=moev/4pr2 measured in Tesla with a linear velocity v relating to an angular velocity w via radius r as v=wr=2pf.r and reducing to v=wr=pf.r for the minimum Planck Oscillator Eo=½hfo

    B=(120p/c).ewr/8pr2=30ecw/2rc2 = Mw/2c2r

    A reformulation of the Biot-Savart Law inclusive of the higher dimensional acceleration coupling, then equates to the Lorentz Force manifesting as the UFO propulsion-antigravitational dynamics observed and analysed.

    F=evxB = ewr.Mw/2c2r = e w2angularMgravitational=inertial higherD/2c2 = Minertial lowerDalinear in the elementary ET Force Ratio:

    F12D/F3D = Mgravitationalw2angular/Minertialalinear = 2c2/e = 2c2Relectron/eRelectron= e*/eRelectron = 1/EpseRelectron = 1/hfpseRelectron

    In higher D it is the electropole charge e of the lower dimension, which manifests the magnetopole charge e* as universal 'spacetime awareness' or physical consciousness.
    The 'Magnetic Lorentz Force' of Haisch-Puthoff-Valone then superimposes the intrinsic (selfcontained) angular 'higher D' acceleration of the UFO spacecraft as dimensional gradient between the space -separated charges e and e* onto its linear 4D spacetime matrix to manifest the 'spacetime jumps' and rapid acceleration phenomena observed in UFO manouvers.

    This part of their formulation is correct; however the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity remains valid in that the inertial mass acceleration measured in Minkowski spacetime is gravitationally indistinguishable from the acceleration experienced in a gravitational field.
    It is not a difference in the formulations for the mass-inertia parameter, which enables the force interactions to intersect dimensionally without the spacetime dependency as stipulated by lightspeed invariance; but the origins of the mass itself, either expressed linearly inertially or spinning gravitationally.
    The origins of mass as fundamental parameter to formulate a law of gravitation, so derives not from some 'Big Banged' matter-antimatter distribution, but from a massless 'wormholed' supermembraned universe, whose curvature was caused by the unification boundary condition of the equivalence of the electromagnetic- and gravitational finestructures, known as Alpha and Omega respectively.

    Those finestructures then determined the quantum properties of displacement, time, mass and charge as a function of the 'wormhole oscillation'; defining properties such as the mass, charge and size of the electron as the fundamental spacetime path of the minimum 12D spacetime configuration of the wormhole and given by the Planck-Length-Oscillation as a direct manifestation or image in the Classical 3D Radius of the Electron, the latter also defining the subatomic magnetic asymptotic confinement of the nuclear interactions and the size of the Higgs- and Weakon bosons.

    The Alpha-Omega Unification underpinning all physics terrestrial and omniphysics extraterrestrial then enables the physical cosmology and universe to emerge in an evolving spacetime continuum, however wormhole based; from its metaphysical precursor, whose elementary building block becomes the Quantum of Consciousness defined in the inversed source energy aka the magnetopole charge e*.

    The metaphysical connector to the physics can be shown to unify in a pure abstract mathematical series known as the Fibonacci Numbers and a 'Golden Ratio' to relate in one-to-one correspondence to the electromagnetic finestructure constant Alpha defined in a manifested physical universe as the size and scale of an electropolar charged electron.

    The Zero-Point-Energy of the wormhole matrix permeating all spacetimes then provides a energy reservoir of potential manifestation and utility, depending however on the ability of spacetime inhabitors and observers to 'tap' this energy via resonating with the native definitions of the 'cosmic awareness' defining the constituents of the universe and including such notions of 'Dark Energy' and the 'Dark Matter' and as a function of the 'Consciousness Supercosmic Energy'.

    Now some not so moronic, naive and gullible nabsers swarming the 'alternative science' forums might understand the real ET physics and could share this information with the Citizen's Disclosure Project's congress folk and say Steven Greer and Thomas Valone and Roger Leir and associates and similars.
    Would this not allow the ETs to move a step closer of real science disclosure being made possible?
    The true ET Councils know their own science of course, but the fake ET councils do not.
    Then any 'incomplete and underinformed' 'ptb secret technology' and 'dark operation projects' will lose their relevance and no longer would be necessity for ET contact with their cosmic agendas and as stipulated by the real ET councils.



    Shalom de Alpha Draconis Omega of the 4th Contact Scenario in the Shadow of Logistics of Thuban​

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    [23-Apr-16 1:15:59 PM] ShilohaPlace: Well hopefully you feel the beneficial energy from it
    [23-Apr-16 1:29:33 PM] Sirius 17: we are back, yes today is earth day as well and so the ultimate truth cannot be conveyed in words but can be felt as energy
    ShilohaPlace: This is a non sequitur. Of course feeling is potent but proper explanations can certainly lead to understandings
    Sirius 17: yes i guess what i was trying to convey is that the energy can't lie; it either is or it isn't - you can't twist its words
    ShilohaPlace: True what I am trying to show you with my desires for your bodyform. This is being FELT and has biochemical brain-mind effects etc
    Sirius 17: yes i understood something just now
    ShilohaPlace: Phew. Namely?
    Sirius 17: call it a wordless knowing, i felt the truth
    ShilohaPlace: Which is?
    Sirius 17: the Logos
    ShilohaPlace: Yes and how do we feel the Logos?
    Sirius 17: well through love and the desire for more of it and the desire to merge with it
    ShilohaPlace: Yes cosmic seduction is a word for some high sexual vibration energy permeating our bodies or such. Kundalini as just another word for it, but known for millennia to exist
    Sirius 17: yes but it is beyond kundalini
    ShilohaPlace: In our case yes, as it is the JCCJ. But the kundalini idea is the sexual expression of the two as one etc say as a triple serpent not just a twin
    Sirius 17: anyone can induce kundalini, this is much deeper and more intense
    ShilohaPlace: As said the white serpent from above is new adding to the left black and right gold. So it is actually two-way-communication across dimensions

    [23-Apr-16 2:37:38 PM] Sirius 17: but how does this relate to the color triplicities
    [23-Apr-16 2:38:10 PM] ShilohaPlace: A little technical, but there are 2 basic triplets
    Sirius 17: left=...right=...gold=...?
    ShilohaPlace: A third becomes the blend of the first 2. No Red is primary start and Yellow is secondary start. Now tell me the tertiary start as a colour
    Sirius 17: green?
    Shilohalacee: No, Green is the 2nd of the 1st triplet
    Sirius 17: blue
    ShilohaPlace: RGB and YCM remember. Blue is the 3rd of the 1st. How was the 2nd tripled made? RGB is the beginning. Mix Red and Green = ?
    Sirius 17: by mixing rgb with ycm?
    ShilohaPlace: Yes; Red+Green=Yellow. Look at this 'secret' for UFO propulsion with respect to what Valone and company term the 'shielding of inertia'. You are here seeing the primary causes of why the ufos display the colours they do in their manouvers. Of course he got 'Einstein's Equivalence mistake' mistaken lol, as what he terms gravitational mass as distinct from inertial mass relates to mass spacetime quantization in the 11D membrane field, where inertial mass becomes a frequency equivalence. But the observation of rotating ufos creating the magneto monopolic electricity as gravitation is correct as shown in this post and elsewhere. The second pic relates to the intrinsic supersymmetry of Maxwell's equation in the introduction of the magnetic (Dirac) monopole as parallel energy manifesto for the higher D - lower D intersection.

    valone1. valone2.

    [23-Apr-16 2:41:06 PM] ShilohaPlace: So what is the new potential to make the 3rd? As you said mix 1st and 2nd triplets. Red+Yellow = ?
    [23-Apr-16 2:41:36 PM] Sirius 17: lol i don't know i am lost; orange
    ShilohaPlace: Indeed. Orange is the start of the third triplet of the radiationmass -resurrection energy etc
    Sirius 17: and orange is what chakra again?
    ShilohaPlace: Red-Green-Blue = Radiation/Antiradiation - Yellow-Cyan-Magenta = Matter/Antimatter triplet
    Orange-Lime-Aquamarine-Turqouise-Indigo-Purple becomes the third. Doubled because Red mixes with Yellow mixes with Green. So there are 2 colours in between R-Y-G. Namely Orange and Lime
    Sirius 17: yes i see
    ShilohaPlace: Its just the rainbow. Ergo the NW covenant of the Noah as a rainbow. Now you see why Orange is often associated with 'spirituality' say in the robes of tibetean monks etc
    Sirius 17: yeah
    ShilohaPlace: And the Mexican Ufos you posted some years ago. Drunvalo stuff
    Sirius 17: we actually came across one at the tulip festival, a tibetian monk, he was wearing the orange toga robe
    ShilohaPlace: So you see I am not making things up. There are contexts
    Sirius 17: i never thought you were making anything up
    ShilohaPlace: I know but many do lol
    Sirius 17: yes i know, they don't read deeply enough
    ShilohaPlace: And you are labelled as a Parrot a truth parrot to me
    Sirius 17: or at all in most cases and yes i am just a mindless parrot on a string lol; don't tell them i am the string itself tony, lol
    ShilohaPlace: sexy bird goddess to me - volupta
    Sirius 17: did i tell you Carolina drew me as a bright red unicorn with a green mane?
    ShilohaPlace: Red+Green from spirit creates the body in mass
    Sirius 17: she is going to surpass me as an artist if she chooses
    ShilohaPlace: Sure kids normally do. She wont surpass you in sexappeal though relative to Abba
    Sirius 17: so what are you doing now?
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    the journey isn't about becoming anything...
    at least, NOT anything in particular...
    it is all about becoming MORE, NEVER LESS
    it is all about dancing through all the assortment of archetypes
    and, blending that back to your whole
    it's about unbecoming everything that just isn't you
    so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place
    i am that i am,
    has been graduated to
    we are that we are
    there are no more simple 'i's
    The Will is The Way
    Simply allow your will to lead the way
    Will it to be, so, it will be, and, so iT iS
    Journey the length, width and depth of The Energy...
    encompassing the colour, the frequency, and, the light
    along with the sound, the tone and the vibration...
    through the lower six levels, transported into the upper six levels
    thru zero-point 1/2/3 a triad 4/5/6 a trine 7/8/9 and a trinity, the real trinity
    to connect with 10/11/12 - which lands you on The 13th Bridge
    WiLL is THE WAY
    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    03 / aug / 2009

    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    03 / aug / 2009

    today too, is a 03 / aug / 2018 - another 11/11

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1958 is a year of a golden earth dog
    and, so is 2018 the year of the golden earth dog
    • but, the golden earth dog is also a foo dog, or dragon ;)
    • ~susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    i think you talk about that on page 8
    also, i posted some more ukraine stuff on another thread

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "i am that i am,
    has been graduated to
    we are that we are
    there are no more simple 'i's"
    "Remember, The Will is The Way"
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    The eXchanger
    @13LiNESofSPiRiT @iN12d #project #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark #the13thbridge

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