The Muse In All Her Colors (A Collection of Poems)

Discussion in 'Dragon Poetry, Dreams, Music and Creativity' started by Allisiam, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Nalini Priyadarshni‎, the accidental poet

    Bread of Oblation

    Man shall not live on bread alone
    We nurture the highest in each other
    Without depleting granary of our offering
    We pour ourselves out to make room
    For the best is yet to come.
    Whorls of my fingers explore your grains
    As I mix rich oil of first pressing with eggs and milk
    Knead the sweet and salty memories into dough
    To bridge the gaps between knowing of our hearts
    Like a sunny kitchen in an autumn noon
    My smiles surround you with warm loving
    Beads of sultry passion leaven our beings
    We rise to become more than sum of our parts
    Loaf of our intimacy seeks wholesomeness
    In the rigors of fire circles we draw
    Not an obstacle but path of our choosing
    To expand and grow into bread of oblation
    Earthy loaf of our loving overruns
    Aromatics of the most seasoned wines
    We nurture the highest in each other
    Without depleting granary of our offering

    ©Nalini Priyadarshni 21-09-2014​
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Spring Gods
    by Leonore Wilson ©

    Remember the water flowing
    from the distant mountains
    into the red delta—
    how we made love there
    like lost nouns in the solicitous
    late June among
    the withering thorns and locusts
    and wheat; there
    we stepped from our cotton clothes
    into the feminine earth;
    there we began
    to spoon little pieces of paradise
    inside our mouths.
    For months we had been
    deceitful; we had stretched
    our marriage vows,
    but oh how we returned
    libidinous, repenting
    back to the flesh—
    refuge of hunger
    and the drooze of memory;
    oh it seemed that spring
    all the shells and plants
    and stones were drawn
    to our anxious and swinging
    bones as if we were
    the forefathers of flame,
    and the gold sparks
    inside the flame,
    two crimson flowers,
    two Judas
    butterflies in braid.​
  3. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    They Say, This Door - Written by Kushal Poddar - Spoken by Hank Beukema

  4. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Read By Hank Beukema

    Written by Tom Russell

  5. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


    Andrew Bellon ©
    December 18, 2010 ·

    two bound poems
    "dreams are living, living is a dream" b.maat

    A raven dreams in an oak
    of summer kingdoms falling -
    sheer topplings of light
    that shake the leaves from the branches.
    Somewhere the air is still shaking.

    The sun's gone and so's the moon,
    whose candlelight played between us.
    I'm as blind as a winter raven.
    Only the night speaks your name
    out of the deep oracles of the world.

    She plucks the day
    like a ripe tangerine.
    No other day exists.
    There is no other night
    her eyes can burn from time.
  6. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    A Cherry tree struck by Lightening​

    a poem by Freya Williams​

  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Blowing Bubbles
    by Freya Williams

  8. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    request for leave
    by Freya Williams


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