UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Vaxx-Antivaxx Medical Science Debate and G.E. Griffin's Fa{u}cism


    The Science isn't settled! Can you really trust your un(der)/mis-informed untrained doctor?
    "Even the doctors, people consult do not know or understand the medical details of immunology and virology!" - Dr. Paul Offit, Covid expert
    Del Injects Truth into Offit/Zdogg Dogma; The Secret to Healthy Immunity; Sneak Peek into the medical malpractice of ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - February 2018)


    Josh Sigurdson talks with G. Edward Griffin about the vast psychological, technocratic experiment being played upon the masses via fear as vaccine passports, insane mandates and media fakery rule the day. Not only does legendary author G. Edward Griffin take down the insanity of vaccine passports and expose the propaganda, but when asked about Covid existing (as it has never been isolated), he takes it a step further and says that viruses literally do not exist and are likely simply exosomes which a doctor at the Red Pill Expo who worked with Fauci will be talking about. Another question for Mr. Griffin is whether he still has faith in humanity waking up after more than 60 years speaking the truth publicly.

    Last edited: May 3, 2021
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    COVID Shots to “Decimate World Population,” Warns Dr. Bhakdi

    In this exclusive interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population.
    Starting off, he explains that the PCR test has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific. Next, he explains what the mRNA vaccines are going to do to the human body in terms and using analogies that anyone can understand. Among other concerns, he expects massive deadly clotting as well as immune system responses that will destroy the human body.
    Finally, Bhakdi, who warned of impending “doom” during a Fox News interview that went viral, calls for criminal prosecutions of the people responsible and an immediate halt to this global experiment.​
    Last edited: May 5, 2021
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Possible Antidote for the V-Serum and the Current Spike Protein Contagion

    Dr. Judy Mikovits (1 min. MP4 is attached) has revealed that the medical establishment has known all along about the antidote to the contagion – a contagion that is now being seen today by thousands of people who have not taken the serum, but have merely come in close proximity with others who have taken the jab.​

    (The word "serum" is being used here since, evidently, the way to avoid taking the jab is to say "I am allergic to the serum".)​

    When the medical establishment and political promoters want to exempt themselves from taking inoculations, they always give themselves a legal way out, while pushing the "citizenry" to take the jabs.​

    "I am allergic to the serum" is one of their solutions.​

    Taking the serum is one thing. The spike protein contagion now being experienced in large numbers by those who did not take the serum, but just visited with a relative or friend who did, is entirely new and unprecedented.​

    What are the side effects being seen by this contagion?
    • massive headaches
    • micro-clots and sudden bruising throughout the body
    • exceptionally heavy menstrual cycles among both the young and post menopausal
    • miscarriages
    • reduction in breast milk
    • sterility among both women and men
    • household pets dying shortly after the owners get the serum.
    Listen to 5 doctors discuss this unusual onset of symptoms being experienced now by thousands:

    The Antidote to the Contagion

    This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin, an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil.​

    It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this "pandemic", yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds, along with a large number of other conditions.​

    Yet anyone can now take advantage of this solution by tapping its root origin, pine needle tea, an antidote that is freely available today in evergreen forests and in many people's backyards. (Sources for buying it are also listed below.)​

    How can this simple remedy work so well in the face of such a seemingly insurmountable condition?

    There is a direct relationship between Suramin (the isolated extract), pine needle tea (a hot water extract of the pine, fir, cedar, and spruce needles), and pine oil (which is derived from the needles though an essential oil steam distillation process).​

    All three are derived from the properties of the conifer needle.​

    My personal take on this is that it is far better to get Nature's whole herb source than just a tiny fraction of an extract. There are many other benefits that can be derived from the whole herb that will be missing from the isolated chemical.​

    My observation is that those who maintain high levels of health are not affected by either the serum nor the transference contagion. Their immune system seems to be warding off side effects at this point. Come winter when the spike protein in their bodies will be challenged with new pathogens, we will all discover our true levels of health.​

    Anyone on the fence health-wise, or depleted (which can be said of many of us today), are being affected to varying degrees.​

    The Trail from Suramin to Pine Needle Tea

    Here is the trail of science and data that shows the derivative relationship between pine needles and Suramin ("the elist's antidote" to microbial illnesses) – and which also provides a potential antidote for those affected by the spike protein contagion (for reasons explained within the following data):​

    Suramin is used for treatment of human sleeping sickness caused by trypanosomes.[1] [a parasite] Specifically, it is used for treatment of first-stage African trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense without involvement of central nervous system.[9][10] It is considered first-line treatment for Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, and second-line treatment for early-stage Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, where pentamidine is recommended as first line.[10]
    It has been used in the treatment of river blindness (onchocerciasis).[2]
    Suramin has been available to the medical profession for almost 100 years. A summary of its antioxidant benefits are outlined in this report – 100 Years of Suramin (attached as a PDF).​

    The most relevant parts of the summary are outlined below with supportive evidence:​
    When suramin was introduced for the treatment of African sleeping sickness in 1922, it was one of the first anti-infective agents that had been developed in a medicinal chemistry program. Starting from the antitrypanosomal activity of the dye trypan blue, synthesized in 1904 by Paul Ehrlich, Bayer made a series of colorless and more potent derivatives. Molecule 205 was suramin (Fig. 1), synthesized by Oskar Dressel, Richard Kothe, and Bernhard Heymann in 1916. Sleeping sickness (also known as human African trypanosomiasis [HAT]) was at the forefront of research at that time, not a neglected disease as it is today, and the development of suramin was a breakthrough for the emerging field of chemotherapy.​
    Now read the following paragraph within the subtitle (Too) Many Targets in the 100 Years of Suramin PDF to understand its antidote properties to the spike protein contagion (derived from the mRNA that gives instructions to replicate a spike protein in other cells):​

    Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis and modification: DNA polymerases (103, 104), RNA polymerases (103, 105, 106), reverse transcriptase (18, 103), telomerase (67), and enzymes involved in winding/ unwinding of DNA (107, 108) are inhibited by suramin, as well as histone- and chromatin-modifying enzymes like chromobox proteins (109), methyltransferases (110), and sirtuin histone deacetylases (111)​
    This is medical-speak for inhibiting the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA.​

    This comment in the PDF also reveals Suramin's ability to inhibit micro-clots:

    Suramin also showed inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade (71, 130)...​

    Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles.

    This is why so many people are dying today of blood clots after receiving the serum, and why others are now showing unexplained bruising after coming in contact with one that has taken the serum.​

    Something is being transferred from one to the other, likely through the breath, complemented by a type of sympathetic resonance, or pheromone emanation.​

    The method of transfer is unclear at this point, but is certainly happening.​

    This phenomenon is not an accident, these symptoms were known well in advance of unleashing this serum on the public. Vaccine trials have been going on for decades.​

    Why did they decide to test a completely new approach with the mRNA without animal trials, thus using humans as the first test case for their effectiveness?​

    An Obvious Sham

    Any natural medicine with 0.01% of these deaths and side effects would have been pulled from the market immediately. That our professionals and decision-makers have continued to allow this sham to continue reveals that this sham is intentional.​

    The upper echelon of the medical profession promote this program to the people, while they exempt themselves from it, and then take their personal antidote to prevent being affected by the transference contagion.​

    Since when is it acceptable to kill thousands of people and maim hundreds of thousands more with a “medicine”??? Why are we finding this OK? Why are we still trusting the media and the medical wizards that dreamed up this sham? When will enough be enough?​

    The People’s Antidote

    Now the people have the antidote, and it is readily available in the form of pine needle tea. How do we know this? Because Suramin is a derivative of the oils in pine needles.​

    The whole herbal source (needles) is superior to the single compound extract (Suramin) – because the needles possess a full complement of phytonutrients providing numerous additional benefits that the extract is incapable of.​

    Now, here is the direct connection between Suramin and Pine Needle Tea:​

    Suramin is Derived from Trypan Blue

    Trypan blue is derived from toluidine, that is, any of several isomeric bases, C14H16N2, derived from toluene. Trypan blue is so-called because it can kill trypanosomes, the parasites that cause sleeping sickness. An analog of trypan blue, suramin, is used pharmacologically against trypanosomiasis. Trypan blue is also known as diamine blue and Niagara blue...​

    Trypan red and trypan blue were first synthesized by the German scientist Paul Ehrlich in 1904.​
    Trypan Blue is a derivative of toluene which is a derivative of pine oil.

    The compound was first isolated in 1837 through a distillation of pine oil by the Polish chemist Filip Walter, who named it rétinnaphte.[10]
    I personally recall many years ago one health professional was using a Pine Sol bath to rid the body of parasites.​

    Pine-Sol was based on pine oil when it was created in 1929 and during its rise to national popularity in the 1950s. However, as of 2016, Pine-Sol products sold in stores no longer contain pine oil to reduce costs.Wikipedia
    Yet pine needle tea provides a similar, if not superior, benefit, due in part to the fact that it is a direct mild extract of the whole herb leaving many of its properties still intact that might be destroyed by excessive heat during distillation and further dissection of its many nutrient components.​

    I harvested some young Dougles Fir needles last fall and have been adding it to my morning tea blend for the last couple of months. It must have been an instinctive call. I discovered the Suramin info just last week.​

    The Douglas fir needle tea I have been drinking provides an energetic lift and a nice boost to the immune system.​

    Pine needles are high in vitamin C and A among numerous other compounds which provide a long list of benefits:​

    A 2011 Korean study demonstrated using pine needles in tea was the best way to access the antioxidant benefits from pine needles.​
    The study demonstrated that the hot water extract of pine needle proanthocyanidins and catechins offer the highest levels of antioxidant benefits compared with chemical extract processes.​

    There are other known benefits that pine needle tea and the tea made from other conifers share, which include:​
    • Analgesic
    • Antibacterial
    • Antifungal
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Antimicrobial
    • Antioxidant
    • Antiseptic
    • Antitumor
    • Antitussive
    • Antiviral
    • Aromatic
    • Astringent
    • Decongestant
    • Detoxifying
    • Disinfectant
    • Diuretic
    • Expectorant
    • Immuno-modulating
    • Improves circulation
    • Invigorating
    • Lymphatic
    • Relaxing
    • Relieves nervous exhaustion and fatigue
    • Relieves sore muscles
    • Restorative
    • Tonic
    Herbalists the world over have known all along about the benefits of this simple natural tea. Pine needle tea has been used medicinally worldwide for thousands of years.

    Pine Needle Tea Video (3 min)​

    Wild Food Foraging – Pine / Spruce / Cedar / Fir – Evergreen Teas

    A few notes of caution:
    Be careful with the yew pine (which is not a true pine) and can be toxic, although it does have a few medicinal properties).​
    The cypress is not to be used as an essential oil in high doses, but normally safe otherwise.​
    The ponderosa pine is not good for cows mostly due to the observation when pregnant cattle eat the needles the loss of the calf has been observed, but has a long history of health benefits for humans for respiratory conditions, cuts, wounds, and burns, etc.​
    By far the vast majority of conifers have been used medicinally for thousands of years with an excellent track record. Get to know your trees. They may provide a medicine cabinet full of health benefits to you and your family.​

    Pine, spruce, cedar, and fir needle tea may end up being the easiest way to gain the numerous benefits of the evergreen trees, along with a natural protection against unhealthy replications of spike proteins today.​

    Combine with other herbs as desired to obtain further benefits and flavors.​

    Sources for Pine Needles

    There is one primary American supplier (Etsy) for the pine needles (besides harvesting your own) that I am aware of at this point with 3 quality listings, each from a different East Coast wildcrafter:​

    Here is the main reference link for new wildcrafters when they post their harvests:​

    Dosage: 3 cups per day or more of any desired strength (based on the quantity of needles added to a french press or teapot) with an approximate 1-3 tablespoons of needles per cup of near boiling water. This is a maintenance health-building dose.​

    Stronger amounts of needles to water can be used therapeutically. If it feels too acidic (due to the vitamin C) for your system, moderate the quantity and complement the tea with alkalizing food and dark green herbs or sea vegetables.​

    — — —​

    In order to grasp the seriousness of the situation we are in, and to understand why, we need to look back in history to the times in which this very day had been forecast, obviously planned for, and now created.

    Here is one clear example:
    "Jacques Attali was an advisor to François Mitterrand (former President of France) and wrote this in 1981:
    “In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old man, because once he is over 60-65 years old, man lives longer than he produces and it costs society dearly.
    Then the weak and then the useless who do not contribute anything to society because there will be more and more, and especially finally the stupid.
    Euthanasia directed at these groups; euthanasia must be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases.
    Of course, we will not be able to execute people or organize camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good.
    Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to stop abruptly rather than gradually deteriorate.
    We won’t be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
    We will find something or cause it; a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the elderly, it does not matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb.
    The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
    The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone. “

    This fragment is excerpted from his book “Brief History of the Future”, published in France in 2006.”

    Understand that we are smart enough to find our own solutions, and apply them. Those willing to take proactive protective measures, maintain their health, and become more self-reliant will rise from this period of change and transformation successfully.
    We will be the ones to structure the world to come with a new focus on the common good of all life everywhere. The old mindset expressed by that limited soul above will not be tolerated. That mindset, and those that harbor it, will vanish like the darkness before the approaching dawn.
    It is true that many will go with the passing night, yet those that remain will then shine all the brighter.
    Do your part. Take care of yourself first, then look to assist any willing to listen and join in the reconstruction.


    View: https://youtu.be/PZSBKrXjJN0

    Rosehip seems to be another excellent countermeasure to those toxic quasi-vaccines

    Patricia Saunderson-Adrienne King

    Firstly, this injection weakens the spinal nerves, usually T2 and T3 which relate to the heart and lungs etc. These nerves bring life to these organs and when they are not working properly, neither do the organs. So These nerves need to be brought back to health. Then the tracking device within the body that has been put there through the injection has a metal in it, this needs to be removed as well, kidneys and Liver need to be assessed, doing all this at the same time. The above case was a nurse in NSW, I am in QLD, I test and evaluate through the persons eyes, extremely successfully, I have been doing this for years, so I have been able to treat people all over the world this way

    Naomi Suzanne-Patricia Saunderson

    keep up the good work helping these poor people. Hopefully more people avoid this vaccine

    Patricia Saunderson-Naomi Suzanne

    Thank you Naomi, I will. Yes I hope so too but unfortunately, the tracking device in these people, when powered up with the 5G becomes a strong microwave, affecting others. I am suggesting that people who have not had this injection need protection, most can use Rosehip 1/4 measured teaspoon followed by water, morning and night and stay on this, if people get any headaches, have a hydralyte in 300ml of water
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Vaccine deal and lock down all part of Morrison-Andrew-Halton scheme (Part 1)

    SEP 24
    Posted by Editor, cairnsnews
    Morrison has said nothing about (lodge brother?) Andrews running rampant in the state of Victoria and now seeking to pass the most authoritarian and illegal legislation in the nation’s history that gives public servants powers to detain anyone they “reasonably suspect” of breaching public health directives.
    Ex-WHO chairwoman and current chief of the Gates and big pharma-funded CEPI, Jane Halton. She sits on Scott Morrison’s National COVID-19 Coordination Committee. Photo: Weekend Australian.


    PRIME Minister Morrison, Victorian Premier Andrews and a former WHO chief Jane Halton are the major conspirators in a scheme with the crooked drug company AstraZeneca and Halton’s “global health” circle to test a dangerous vaccine on 95% of Australians.

    Forget the hotel quarantine sideshow in Melbourne, this cabal and the health bureaucrats around them, are threatening to turn Australia into a medical tyranny and large-scale social engineering experiment that is already happening in Victoria.
    Firstly, we don’t need mass vaccination for a virus that affects a very small percentage of the population i.e. the frail elderly. Secondly we don’t need it for a viral infection that already can be treated with inexpensive drugs such as hydroxychloroquine (Zelenko protocol), ivermectin and corticosteroids like budesonide and dexamethasone.

    But our trio of vaccine pushers are criminally and purposefully ignoring these treatments because they are up to their eyeballs in the grand plan as outlined by eugenicist Bill Gates, to vaccinate the entire planet and bring us under a global technocratic dictatorship.

    Morrison and the premiers’ criminal restrictions on hydroxychloroquine, which in Queensland carry a $13,000 fine, meant people died unnecessarily. They cynically and deliberately withheld a medicine to treat victims of a virus they told us could only be stopped by a vaccine. It’s a bald-faced lie.

    This is the same Morrison got up on stage at the Hillsong church global conference in Sydney in 2019 to tell the faithful that “Australians need to love one another”. It was a sickly and fake political pitch at Australia’s Christian community who he would later manipulate during the plandemic. Hillsong’s Brian Houston, for instance, came out suggesting his followers get flu shots and download the tracing app touted by Morrison.

    Recently, when the same “Pentecostal prime minister” announced his $1.7 billion vaccine deal, he actually threatened to commit mass acts of unlawful, criminal trespass on Australians by making the Oxford vaccine mandatory.

    But of course, he quickly backed down to “as mandatory as possible” after his health bureaucrats and Health Minister Greg Hunt corrected the statement, the intent of which clearly violates Australians’ right at common law to informed consent to medical treatment. But the prime minister only “backed down” from a totalitarian regime of forced vaccination to one of totalitarian coerced vaccination, where people can choose to not vaccinate but suffer exclusion from employment, government entitlements, air travel and even social engagement.

    In Morrison and Dan Andrews’ Australia, people who exercise their lawful right at common law to refuse a vaccine become a class of “untermenschen” or untouchables, who in the eyes of the state and a largely apathetic public, deserve to have basic freedoms taken away. This is a coup in the making against Australia’s traditional political and civil freedoms as broadly protected in the Constitution and specifically in section 28 of the Crimes Act 1914 – currently being blatantly violated in Victoria under so-called “health directives”.

    Meanwhile, their Oxford vaccine has already resulted in two people in the vaccine trial suffering neurological side effects. One in June “with existing illness” suffered a reaction and more recently a woman suffered a serious spinal inflammatory disorder called transverse myelitis, which has been the subject of previous damages awards in the US Vaccine Injury Court.

    The vaccine also contains cell lines from aborted fetuses, a problem for Morrison, who studiously courts the Christian community.

    Geneticist and researcher Dr Theresa Deisher notes: “Anyone who says that the fetal DNA contaminating our vaccines is harmless either does not know anything about immunity and Toll-like receptors or they are not telling the truth.”

    She says foetal DNA is what triggers labor in pregnancy – a naturally desired autoimmune reaction. But when you have the same levels in vaccines it can trigger autoimmunity in a child. She says the fragments of human foetal (primitive) “non-self DNA” to a child can generate an immune response that can also cross-react with the child’s own DNA, since the contaminating DNA can have sections of overlap very similar to the child’s own DNA.

    But such matters now have to be suppressed by Morrison and his team of media manipulators, whose main game is to keep up the fear and panic of a virus that is stalking everyone, everywhere – despite recent research by epidemiologists showing this virus acts just like influenza. It rises rapidly, peaks and then dies off as herd immunity kicks on.

    Early in 2020, just as the “pandemic” was gripping the globe, Morrison, Halton, Health Minister Greg Hunt and the federal and Victorian health bureaucracies were quietly gearing up for the arrival of “the vaccine” that was touted almost daily by every mainstream media outlet as “the only hope to save us from COVID-19”.

    Morrison, Andrews and Halton in big, dirty vaccine deal (Part 2)

    SEP 24
    Posted by Editor, cairnsnews

    Channel 7 reported on government threats to coerce the public into getting COVID-19 vaccine shots on August 18.

    SCOTT Morrison gave the game away early in the piece when he bragged in an interview that he had predicted a pandemic way back in 2016. A video of his comments is circulating on the internet. Morrison was not being clever, but merely repeating predictions floating around Jane Halton’s global health cabal, the collection of public-private partnerships, NGOs, big pharma companies, banks and think tanks that revolve around the World Economic Forum and the Gates, Rockefeller money-bag foundations – who basically want to rule the planet.

    Halton, the former Australian Senior Executive Service member and ex-WHO chairwoman is currently chairwoman of CEPI – the Gates and big-pharma funded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation. CEPI works out ways of ensuring vaccines get maximum global coverage, and of course, profits for big pharma and everyone else in the loop.
    Halton seems to be a power-addicted, bossy bureaucrat earning millions, who just doesn’t know where to stop in her quest for global influence. Earlier this year she was pictured in The Australian newspaper posing like Adolph Hitler and spouting off about getting Aussies to be compliant with the pandemic response she was heavily involved in.
    Her notable Australian positions include former secretary of the Department of Finance, board member of the ANZ and Crown Properties (casinos) and member of Morrison’s National COVID-19 Co-ordination Commission – which is filled entirely with corporate high achievers.

    So just what are these high-flyers coordinating? It appears they are quite happy with Victorian small and medium-sized businesses being destroyed. This is also consistent with the “Great Reset” plan touted by the World Economic Forum, which rushes the world into a fully-fledged Agenda 21 system.
    WEF partner CEPI has this process called Advanced Marketing Commitments, which means governments commit through CEPI to purchasing a particular vaccine, thereby guaranteeing its set up costs such as human trials and marketing.

    And it just so happens that vaccine enthusiast Morrison, proud author of the notorious ‘No Jab, No Play” extortion scheme, had our government stump up with a $333 million “investment” with Oxford University and AstraZeneca. It also “just happened” late in July, after Morrison signed over his $333 million to the company in June, that Premier Andrews ramped up COVID testing in Victoria. You roll out mass testing with great drama and hey presto, you have “cases” everywhere and an excuse for a complete lockdown.
    And lockdown hysteria feeds the alleged need for mass vaccination, which Andrews himself says is the “only way” the state can get back to normal. ScoMo of course, agrees, and offered troops to help deal with the fake crisis.

    So Andrews lied about the troops offer from ScoMo? Does he care? Will he resign? Unlikely, because he has the support of the PM and the “global health” mafia.
    It also “just so happens” that Australian drug maker CSL has a large manufacturing facility in Broadmeadows, Melbourne, and will manufacture the Oxford shots and its own vaccine being developed with the University of Queensland. The total number of shots has reportedly been locked in 84.8 million at a cost of $1.7 billion.
    Morrison and Andrews are also responsible for overseeing the criminal suppression of the COVID-19 treatment involving hydroxychloroquine. It has been restricted in its supply to existing uses instead of the combination with zinc and azithromycin, as used in the US, or other combinations in Brazil, India, China, the Middle East and elsewhere.
    The premier and the PM both studiously ignored the issue leaving their health departments to come up with poor excuses and biased studies claiming it was ineffective.
    Halton also trashed hydroxychloroquine in her interview with The Australian, claiming it “doesn’t work”. Of course it wouldn’t work when she was lining up a $1.7 billion vaccine deal between Australia and her big pharma sponsors at CEPI.

    AstraZeneca, by the way, is notoriously corrupt. It has been fined a total of $1.149 billion over a history of civil and criminal offences including:
    – giving illegal financial inducements to doctors while marketing a prostate cancer drug
    – misleading consumers into thinking one drug was superior to its older drug, which was losing its patent protection
    – illegally marketing an anti-psychotic drug for uses not approved and failed to adequately describe its risks in an advertisement for the drug in a medical journal
    – in 2002 refusing to put a more conspicuous warning label on its lung cancer drug Iressa after several patients in Japan suffered pneumonia and some died
    – misusing patent rules to shield its ulcer drug from generic competitors (fined 60m euros)
    – acted “unfairly and deceptively” in pricing a prostate cancer drug. Later hit with a $12.9m judgment
    – violating US False Claims Act by failing to provide required rebates to state Medicaid programs
    – US subsidiary’s president and chief executive charged with replacing mothers and older female employees with young single women who were pressured into having sex with company executives
    – used of transfer pricing techniques to dodge StgUK500m tax liability
    – committed accounting violations in connection with improper payments made in Russia and China to boost drug sales.

    But this is the company that Scott Morrison is doing his incredible vaccine deal with. This is the company entrusted with providing a “safe vaccine” promised by Morrison, but which has indemnity against damages claims as part of the deal.
    Watch out Australia!


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    Last edited: May 21, 2021
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Did you know forced vaccinations in Australia is unlawful.
    In 1946 Australia had a Referendum. People voted for this addition, called the Constitutional Guarantee, and Section 51.23a of the Australian Constitution. It means medical conscription is unlawful in Australia! This includes, QR check ins, masks, vaccines and vaccine passports.

    lso, Medical Privacy is a right enshrined in law (Privacy Act 1981, Cth) and in the Australian Privacy Principles (‘APPs’). The Act and APPs apply to individuals and Commonwealth Government agencies. Which adds more weight. The government's proposal is UNLAWFUL without a Referendum.
    A Referendum has to be done to approve parliament-proposed changes to the Constitution of Australia or to the constitutions of states and territories. Until then to enforce mandatory medical conscription is unlawful. These laws are in place for our human rights. This is current Australian law.

    The information pertaining to the dangers of the Covid vaccines are being deliberately withheld. Both the government and the media are responsible for crimes against humanity. Facebook, Google and Twitter are involved in suppressing both the data and scientific analysis pertaining to the mRNA vaccine. Google is involved in blocking access to independent online reports on the vaccine Sustaining Covid lies constitutes a criminal act. Correct me if I'm wrong but, I'm not.

    Angus Turner

    Sean Grey Ablez
    V is for Vendetta is needed immediately

    Tony Bermanseder
    Sean Grey Ablez

    The V for Victory is twofold and in a parallel between the 'common people' raising up to exhibit their understanding of the greater agendas and a subsequent support mechanics known to some of the 'commoners' as the 'help from above'. Your familiarity with this will help you and mental affiliates in good stead in the next few years to come. The completion of this agenda is well known by the technocratic cult, but their timeline is shortened by 5 years from 2030 to 2025 and a time when the 'support team' will become activated.

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    when was australia changed from a republic to a corporation ?

    Tony Bermanseder
    Same time as the rest of the '5 Eyes'.
    But apart from the 'internationalist take over', the application of 'common law' will fail politically, because the separation of 'administrative powers' into legislative, executive and jurisprudential branches has been negated by the globalist take over of the jurisdictive powers of the courts. Iow any belief in the impartiality of the 'the law' is futile at the present time of planetary transformation. This btw is my caveat for the belief of many that the international court will be able to prosecute the crimes against humanity presently being committed by the political puppets, the bureocrats or 'gophers' of the globalists.
    Reiner Fuellmich's attempt to invoke a second Nuremberg trial against the criminal and medical tyrants so is commendable and necessary, but in my opinion will be short-circuited by the Sabbatean Cult controlling all court proceedings internationally.

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    go look at berlin conference 1884 on your site​
    or; the usa; corp vs; republic one; i just posted too

    Tony Bermanseder
    Human politics is a subset of starhuman stewardship Susan. Btw, Australia was never a republic, but a constitutional parliamentary monarchy in the template of the British Westminster system of democratic government.

    Ronnie Black
    It seems ScoMo has come back from the G7 with his orders, I’m sure they have the pesky matter of human rights and laws all sewn up.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Indeed and the Nuremberg Trial 2.0 is in jeopardy, due to just who controls all international treaties and bureaucratic quasi-governmental organisations. I suspect 'delays' and other considerations in that regard.

    Desbina Dan
    Tony Bermanseder: indeed, one can hardly imagine they didn't know what to do about the Nuremberg code from the beginning.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Desbina Dan I am glad, that you are so 'with it' Desbina with your unwokeness. You know my position on politically proposed solutions to century old political problems and maneuverings. Trump is a patriot but completely out of his depth regarding global politics and the 'deep state' he had tried to 'drain'. His support for depopulation agendas in his vanity of claiming 'vaccination success' is obnoxious and will hinder his political comeback in any form, despite having been robbed of his legitimate presidency.
    The three-tiered separation of powers is compromised and infiltrated on all levels. Just look at Canada to see that no political solutions can be found by so termed 'democratic' reformations.
    The Q-phenomenon exist as a 'white hat' - black hat' Hegelian dialectic, which carries some true patriotic and constitutional components and exponents (like Flynn), but cannot become a tool for political transformation, because the highest echelons of the military and all courts and jurisprudence are globalist-technocrat-UN-cabal controlled. This control begins and ends with the international bankster cabal, which itself is 'overseen' by the fake imitation of the 'Circle of 12' say and of which you are informed about.
    Now because this secret cabal or Sabbatean-Vatican-Illuminati etc etc does indeed 'imitate' and fake a real 'circle of 12' say Elders from the stars mirrored in the zodiac and the 'Last Supper'; you can figure out yourself, just how a true reformation and transformation can and will occur.
    The metamorphosis requires two parts, one from below and ground level in harmony with a part from above.
    Politically, this will be an upraising and revolt of the common people, hopefully not resulting in globalist kindled civil wars and metaphysically this will require the mental aptitude and application of the true stewards incarnated on planet Earth at the present time to prepare for troublesome times and the eventual assistance from the extraterrestrial universe.
    The timeframe for this is well understood to engage agenda 2030 as a continuance of agendas 2010 and 2020 and even dating to the Napoleonic wars of the 16th century and must run its course as a parallel of the 'fake circle of 12 sectors' with its true representative and stewardship for this planetary civilization.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2021

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    did you look at info
    conference of berlin
    when africa was turned into 13 corporations from 13 republics ?


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    did you look at one my my recent posts
    that shows USA as a corporate entity has been ended ?
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    You know my position on politically proposed solutions to century old political problems and maneuverings Susan. Trump is a patriot but completely out of his depth regarding global politics and the 'deep state' he had tried to 'drain'. His support for depopulation agendas in his vanity of claiming 'vaccination success' is obnoxious and will hinder his political comeback in any form, despite having been robbed of his legitimate presidency.
    The three-tiered separation of powers is compromised and infiltrated on all levels. Just look at your home country Canada to see that no political solutions can be found by so termed 'democratic' reformations.

    The Q-phenomenon exist as a 'white hat' - black hat' Hegelian dialectic, which carries some true patriotic and constitutional components and exponents (like Flynn), but cannot become a tool for political transformation, because the highest echelons of the military and all courts and jurisprudence are globalist-technocrat-UN-cabal controlled. This control begins and ends with the international bankster cabal, which itself is 'overseen' by the fake imitation of the 'Circle of 12' say and of which you are informed about.
    Now because this secret cabal or Sabbatean-Vatican-Illuminati etc etc does indeed 'imitate' and fake a real 'circle of 12' say Elders from the stars mirrored in the zodiac and the 'Last Supper'; you can figure out yourself, just how a true reformation and transformation can and will occur.

    The metamorphosis requires two parts, one from below and ground level in harmony with a part from above.
    Politically, this will be an upraising and revolt of the common people, hopefully not resulting in globalist kindled civil wars and metaphysically this will require the mental aptitude and application of the true stewards incarnated on planet Earth at the present time to prepare for troublesome times and the eventual assistance from the extraterrestrial universe.
    The timeframe for this is well understood to engage agenda 2030 as a continuance of agendas 2010 and 2020 and even dating to the Napoleonic wars of the 16th century and must run its course as a parallel of the 'fake circle of 12 sectors' with its true representative and stewardship for this planetary civilization.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2021
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Dr Reiner Fuellmich on the Planned Pandemic, International Lawsuits & Moving From Globalist Control to Regional Community Organization

    Update on Nuremberg 2.0 Medical Tyranny in Crimes against Humanity

    Reiner Fuellmich

    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a consumer protection trial lawyer in Germany and California. He is one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee who are now working with an international network of lawyers who will argue this biggest court case ever, the Corona Fraud Scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever.

    The Corona-Committee Foundation, which is now working with attorneys worldwide, was established by four lawyers in Germany: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer, Dr. Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer.

    Main website for Corona Investigative Committee: https://corona-ausschuss.de/
    Corona Investigative Committee at Telegram: https://t.me/s/Corona_Ausschuss
    Share anonymous information with the Corona Investigative Committee: https://securewhistleblower.com

    Original video available at Jorn Luka YouTube channel.
    [As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    The covid19 spike protein is toxic and causes a weakening of the cellular walls associated with the flow of blood. Subsequently, the toxic spike proteins invariably enter the blood supply to cause organ disease in various timeframes and autoimmune disease.
    Permanent heart and lung disease in the work rates of the heart and respiratory system becomes a lifelong consequence and results in permanent damage of the latter.

    In this group interview, four physicians from across Canada, along with a legal representative for their separate cases, tell their stories of persecution at the hands of their governing bodies. Their only crime - practicing evidence-based medicine by questioning the safety of their patients and the public during the pandemic. These physicians, and others like them, are the living embodiment of the medical mantras of "do no harm" and "informed consent".
    [NOTE: The last twelve minutes of this video consist of an audio recording alone and has no video component.]

    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021

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