Re: Messages From The Little Serpent Abba

Discussion in 'In Lak'ech: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba' started by Allisiam, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°123
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    shiloh Today at 9:06 pm
    Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac

    The following interview with Paul Dirac was conducted by David Peat (DP) and Paul Buckley (PB) in the early 1970's for broadcast as part of a CBC radio documentary series entitled Physics and Beyond. The interview was later published in Glimpsing Reality: Ideas in Physics and the Link to Biology, a collection of interviews with leading scientists of the Twentieth Century. The book is available for purchase through

    In one of C.P. Snow's early novels a character in the scientific life of Cambridge is described as the successor of Newton. It can only be Paul Dirac (1902-). Like Newton before him Dirac has made contributions that are respected by his colleagues not only for their depth of insight and clarity but for the power and economy with which mathematics is brought to bear upon the problems of nature. Dirac`s scientific papers have the polished and balanced appearance of a sculpture by Brancusi.

    While Heisenberg was discovering the principles of quantum mechanics in his Helgoland retreat, Erwin Schrödinger followed a different path to derive his wave mechanics of the atom. Dirac was able to show that the two theories were equivalent, and in the process provided quantum theory with a sound mathematical footing. His contributions in physics also include the quantum theory of matter and radiation, the prediction of the spin of the electron, and the existence of the positron as well as an attempt to form a marriage between quantum theory and the theory of relativity. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1933.

    Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac

    Professor Dirac has retired from his position as Lucasian Professor of Physics, the chair previously held by Isaac Newton, and is at present at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Miami, where he was interviewed. At first Professor Dirac seemed reticent about his achievements in physics. However, when the topic of beauty in physical theories was raised, Dirac began to speak with animation. In addition to commenting on the current status of theories of physics he touches on the 'large number hypothesis, which has occupied him in recent years. Dirac is concerned with the occurrence of large numerical constants in physical theories. Rather than ignore these numbers or ascribe the similarity of their values to mere coincidence Dirac has proposed that constants of nature are interrelated. The large value of certain of these constants, Dirac supposes, is connected with the age of the universe.

    DP Do you feel that there is the same excitement today in physics that there was in the twenties and thirties?

    The problems are more difficult now and there is not the same hope of making rapid progress which there was in those days. Excitement is usually combined with the hope of making rapid progress, when any second rate student can do really first-rate work. But the easier fundamental problems have by now all been worked out. Those that are left are very difficult to work on, and one doesn't seem able to get the right basic ideas for handling them.

    It is quite possible that they will require wholly new ideas. In fact it's pretty certain they will; otherwise they would already have been thought up.

    PB But they will still be related to the existing development of theory in some sense at least.

    Yes. The present theory must be an approximation to any improved theory which we get in the future.

    DP Some people we've spoken to seem to think it's a matter for new experiments, particularly in elementary particle physics.

    If the theorists are not good enough to solve it on their own, that's what one has to do. It needs an Einstein, or someone like that. Einstein didn't depend on new experiments to get his ideas.

    DP Do you feel that the progress in particle physics is fruitful?

    It's not really fundamental; it's collecting a mass of information and one doesn't know really how to get the basic ideas from it. Just like in the early 1920s one had a mass of spectroscopic information and it needed Heisenberg to find the real basis of a new theory from that wealth of material.

    DP Do you think a unification necessarily will have to include relativity ?

    I should think so, ultimately. Perhaps not gravitation in the first place; gravitation is rather separate from ordinary atomic physics and it plays very little role.

    DP It seems to be an insurmountable problem to most people: the quantization of relativity. It is something you have worked on.

    One can deal with it up to a certain point, but one cannot complete the theory in a satisfactory way.

    DP Could you summarize your thinking on the large numbers hypothesis?

    The large numbers hypothesis concerns certain dimensionless numbers. An example of a dimensionless number provided by nature is the ratio of the mass of the proton to the mass of the electron. There is another dimensionless number which connects Planck's constant and the electronic charge. This number is about 137, quite independent of the units. When a dimensionless number like that turns up, a physicist thinks there must be some reason for it. Why should it be, well, 137, and not 256 or something quite different. At present one cannot set up a satisfactory reason for it, but still people believe that with future developments a reason will be found.

    Now, there is another dimensionless number which is of importance. If you have an electron and a proton, the electric force between them is inversely proportional to the square of the distance; the gravitational force is also inversely proportional to the square of the distance; the ratio of those two forces does not depend on the distance. The ratio gives you a dimensionless number. That number is extremely large, about ten to the power thirty-nine. Of course it doesn't depend on what units you're using. It's a number provided by nature and we should expect that a theory will some day provide a reason for it.

    How could you possibly expect to get an explanation for such a large number? Well, you might connect it with another large number - the age of the universe. The universe has an age, because one observes that the spiral nebulae, the most distant objects in the sky, are all receding from us with a velocity proportional to their distance, and that means that at a certain time in the past, they were all extremely close to one another. The universe started quite small or perhaps even as a mathematical point, and there was a big explosion, and these objects were shot out. The ones that were shot out fastest are the ones that have gone the farthest from us. That explains the relationship (Hubble's relationship) that the velocity of recession is proportional to the distance, and from the connection between the velocity of recession and the distance we get the age when the universe started off.

    It's called the big bang hypothesis. There is a definite age when the big bang occurred. The most recent observations give it to be about eighteen billion years ago.

    Now, you might use some atomic unit of time instead of years, years is quite artificial, depending on our solar system. Take an atomic unit of time, express the age of the universe in this atomic unit, and you again get a number of about ten to the thirty-nine, roughly the same as the previous number.

    Now, you might say, this is a remarkable coincidence. But it is rather hard to believe that. One feels that there must be some connection between these very large numbers, a connection which we cannot explain at present but which we shall be able to explain in the future when we have a better knowledge both of atomic theory and of cosmology.

    Let us assume that these two numbers are connected. Now one of these numbers is not a constant. The age of the universe, of course, gets bigger and bigger as the universe gets older. So the other one must be increasing also in the same proportion. That means that the electric force compared with the gravitational force is not a constant, but is increasing proportionally to the age of the universe.

    The most convenient way of describing this is to use atomic units, which make the electric force constant; then, referred to these atomic units, the gravitational force will be decreasing. The gravitational constant, usually denoted by G, when expressed in atomic units, is thus not a constant any more, but is decreasing inversely proportional to the age of the universe.

    One would like to check this result by observation, but the effect is very small. However, one can hope that with observations that will be made within the next few years, it will be possible to check whether G is really varying or not. If it is varying, then we have the problem of fitting this varying G with our previous ideas of relativity. The ordinary Einstein theory demands that G shall be a constant. We thus have to modify it in some way. We don't want to abandon it altogether because it is so successful.

    I have proposed a way of modifying it which refers to two standards of length, one standard of length which is used in the Einstein equations, and another which is determined by observations with atomic apparatus. I should say that the idea of two standards of length and of G varying with time is not original. This sort of idea was first proposed by E.A. Milne about forty years ago. But he used different arguments from mine. His equations are in some respects similar to mine; in other respects there are differences. So this theory of mine is essentially a different theory from Milne's, although based on some ideas which were first introduced by Milne. One should give Milne the credit for having the insight of thinking that perhaps the gravitational constant is not really constant at all. Nobody else had questioned that previously.

    DP This theory has an important consequence for the creation of matter.

    Yes, the amount of particles - elementary particles, protons, and neutrons - in the universe is about ten to the seventy-eight, the square of the age of the universe. It seems again one should say that this is not a coincidence. There is some reason behind it, and therefore the number of particles in the universe will be increasing proportionally to the square of the age of the universe. Thus new matter must be continually created.

    There was previously a theory of continuous creation of matter called the steady state cosmology, but this theory of mine is different because the steady state cosmology demands that G shall be a constant. Everything then has to be steady, and in particular G has to keep a steady value. Now, I want to have G varying, and I also want to have continuous creation. It's possible to combine those two ideas and I've worked out some equations on possible models of the universe incorporating them.

    PB One of the consequences of your theory is that it rules out an expanding-contracting universe.

    That is so, yes, because in the theory there will be a maximum size. This maximum size, expressed in atomic units, would give a large number which does not vary with the time. Now, I want all large numbers to be connected with the age of the universe so that they will all increase as the universe gets older. If you have a theory giving you a large number, of the order of ten to the thirty-nine, which is constant, you must rule out that theory.

    PB This implies a constantly expanding universe.

    Yes. It must go on expanding forever. It can't just turn around and contract, like many people believe.

    PB So that avoids the singularity at the end, so to speak.

    Yes, that is avoided; there is just a singularity at the beginning.

    PB There seems to be, or at least it 's possible that one may observe such a thing as, a black hole, which is a theoretical consequence of general relativity. That is also a singularity, is it not?

    It depends on what mathematical variables you use. It would be a very local singularity anyway, not a cosmological one.

    PB But it seems staggering to the imagination that the mass of the star is concentrating into a smaller and smaller volume. I know there are repulsive forces that can stop it at various stages, but finally, I understand, with a star that is perhaps five or ten times the mass of our sun, it need not stop.

    That is what it seems, according to current theories.

    PB It is difficult to imagine such an object, but I suppose that is not a necessary condition for doing physics.

    If you can find equations for it, that's all the physicist really wants. It is quite likely that the laws will get modified under these extreme conditions; we'll have to try to find out what the correct laws are.

    PB But they need not contradict physical theory, wouldn't they simply be modifications ?

    They would be modifications, modifications holding under extreme conditions.

    DP Would you comment on the divergences and infinities which occur in quantum field theory? Many think that they can be removed by renormalization. Is this your feeling?

    It's just a stop-gap procedure. There must be some fundamental change in our ideas, probably a change just as fundamental as the passage from Bohr's orbit theory to quantum mechanics. When you get a number turning out to be infinite which ought to be finite, you should admit that there is something wrong with your equations, and not hope that you can get a good theory just by doctoring up that number.

    DP Some people have suggested that by introducing curved space you can get rid of these infinities, Abdus Salam for example.

    I know that he is working on that idea, but I feel that with a good theory these infinities would never arise in the first place.

    DP The papers you produced have been universally considered beautiful. Were you guided by notions of beauty?

    Very much so. One can't just make random guesses. It's a question of finding things that fit together very well. You're solving a problem, it might be a crossword puzzle, and things don't fit, and you conclude you've made some mistakes. Suddenly you think of corrections and everything fits. You feel great satisfaction. T he beauty of the equations provided by nature is much stronger than that. It gives one a strong emotional reaction.

    DP Do you get this reaction from certain branches of modern physics today?

    Not the renormalization theory, no!

    PB I have a question about the interpretation of equations. There are certain equations and certain theories where interpretations have been open to a great deal of discussion. It is not quite clear what's really meant in non-mathematical terms; I'm thinking of the principle of complementarity.

    Yes, there is an uncertainty in the interpretation. But I don't feel it is too profitable to discuss the uncertainty because the basic equations themselves are uncertain, as I was trying to explain to you previously. If you don't have very great confidence in the basic equations, then there's not really much point in spending a lot of time on the interpretation of the equations, as you believe they will be superseded after a while in any case.

    PB I was thinking of the uncertainty relations themselves. Do you believe that these will be superseded?

    It's possible. You'd probably have to pay a price for it and give up some other cherished idea.

    PB The problem of observation and measurement seems to be important.

    Yes, but you're discussing these problems on the basis of our present theories, which are just, I believe, a transient phase of physics and will be superseded after maybe a few decades - or, well, one just doesn't know when they will be superseded. It is rather as though one tried to build up a new philosophy on Bohr's orbit theory. You might have gone a long way with it, but all that argument would have been completely valueless when Bohr's orbit theory was superseded.

    DP If you were giving advice to young physicists today, which area would you suggest they look into?

    I think perhaps they ought to avoid fundamental physics because all the worthwhile problems there have already been very thoroughly explored.

    DP I mean in the sense of which area you think the breakthrough will come in?

    I don't know.

    DP You'd be there if you knew, I guess.


    PB Will it also depend on developments in mathematical theory?

    That's possible.

    PB In the 1920s the mathematics had to be partially invented as well, along with the experiments.

    The basic mathematical ideas were known previously to the mathematicians. They knew about Hilbert space; they knew about spinors. They had never thought that these things would ever have any physical application.

    PB So it's quite possible that some branches of mathematics already known contain useful approaches.

    Yes. However, an enormous volume of mathematics exists, and to look for which part is going to be useful in the future is pretty hopeless.

    Dirac large numbers hypothesis

    Paul Dirac

    The Dirac large numbers hypothesis (LNH) is an observation made by Paul Dirac in 1937 relating ratios of size scales in the Universe to that of force scales. The ratios constitute very large, dimensionless numbers: some 40 orders of magnitude in the present cosmological epoch. According to Dirac's hypothesis, the apparent equivalence of these ratios might not be a mere coincidence but instead could imply a cosmology with these unusual features:

    • The strength of gravity, as represented by the gravitational constant, is inversely proportional to the age of the universe: dirac1. ;
    • The mass of the universe is proportional to the square of the universe's age: dirac2. .

    Neither of these two features has gained acceptance in mainstream physics and, though some proponents of non-standard cosmologies refer to Dirac's cosmology as a foundational basis for their own ideas and studies, some physicists harshly dismiss the large numbers in LNH as mere coincidences more suited to numerology than physics. A coincidence, however, may be defined optimally as 'an event that provides support for an alternative to a currently favoured causal theory, but not necessarily enough support to accept that alternative in light of its low prior probability.'[1] Research into LNH, or the large number of coincidences that underpin it, appears to have gained new impetus from failures in standard cosmology to account for anomalies such as the recent discovery that the universe might be expanding at an accelerated rate.[2]


    LNH was Dirac's personal response to a set of large number 'coincidences' that had intrigued other theorists at about the same time. The 'coincidences' began with Hermann Weyl (1919),[2][3][4] who speculated that the observed radius of the universe might also be the hypothetical radius of a particle whose energy is equal to the gravitational self-energy of the electron:

    where re is the classical electron radius, me is the mass of the electron, mH denotes the mass of the hypothetical particle, rH is its electrostatic radius and RU is the radius of the observable universe.

    The coincidence was further developed by Arthur Eddington (1931) [5] who related the above ratios to N, the estimated number of charged particles in the Universe:

    In addition to the examples of Weyl and Eddington, Dirac was influenced also by the primeval-atom hypothesis of Georges Lemaitre, who lectured on the topic in Cambridge in 1933.[2] The notion of a varying-G cosmology first appears in the work of Edward Arthur Milne a few years before Dirac formulated LNH. Milne was inspired not by large number coincidences but by a dislike of Einstein's general theory of relativity.[6][7] For Milne, space was not a structured object but simply a system of reference in which Einstein's conclusions could be accommodated by relations such as this:

    where MU is the mass of the universe and t is the age of the universe in seconds. According to this relation, G increases over time.

    Dirac's interpretation of the large number coincidences

    The Weyl and Eddington ratios above can be rephrased in a variety of ways, as for instance in the context of time:

    where t is the age of the universe, c is the speed of light and re is the classical electron radius. Hence, in atomic units where c=1 and re = 1, the age of the Universe is about 1040 atomic units of time. This is the same order of magnitude as the ratio of the electrical to the gravitational forces between a proton and an electron:

    Hence, interpreting the charge e of the electron, the mass mp/me of the proton/electron, and the permittivity factor 4πε0 in atomic units (equal to 1), the value of the gravitational constant is approximately 10−40. Dirac interpreted this to mean that G varies with time as dirac11. , and thereby pointed to a cosmology that seems 'designer-made' for a theory of quantum gravity. According to general relativity, however, G is constant, otherwise the law of conserved energy is violated. Dirac met this difficulty by introducing into the Einstein equations a gauge function β that describes the structure of spacetime in terms of a ratio of gravitational and electromagnetic units. He also provided alternative scenarios for the continuous creation of matter, one of the other significant issues in LNH:[2]

    • 'additive' creation (new matter is created uniformly throughout space) and
    • 'multiplicative' creation (new matter is created where there are already concentrations of mass).

    Later developments and interpretations

    Dirac's theory has inspired and continues to inspire a significant body of scientific literature in a variety of disciplines. In the context of geophysics, for instance, Edward Teller seemed to raise a serious objection to LNH in 1948 [8] when he argued that variations in the strength of gravity are not consistent with paleontological data. However, George Gamow demonstrated in 1962 [9] how a simple revision of the parameters (in this case, the age of the solar system) can invalidate Teller's conclusions. The debate is further complicated by the choice of LNH cosmologies: In 1978, G. Blake [10] argued that paleontological data is consistent with the 'multiplicative' scenario but not the 'additive' scenario. Arguments both for and against LNH are also made from astrophysical considerations. For example, D. Falik[11] argued that LNH is inconsistent with experimental results for microwave background radiation whereas Canuto and Hsieh[12][13] argued that it is consistent. One argument that has created significant controversy was put forward by Robert Dicke in 1961. Known as the anthropic coincidence or fine-tuned universe, it simply states that the large numbers in LNH are a necessary coincidence for intelligent beings since they parametrize fusion of hydrogen in stars and hence carbon-based life would not arise otherwise.

    Various authors have introduced new sets of numbers into the original 'coincidence' considered by Dirac and his contemporaries, thus broadening or even departing from Dirac's own conclusions. Jordan (1947) [14] noted that the mass ratio for a typical star and an electron approximates to 1060, an interesting variation on the 1040 and 1080 that are typically associated with Dirac and Eddington respectively. Various numbers of the order of 1060 were arrived at by V. E. Shemi-Zadah (2002) [15] through measuring cosmological entities in Planck units. P. Zizzi (1998) argued that there might be a modern mathematical interpretation of LNH in a Planck-scale setting in the context of quantum foam.[16] The relevance of the Planck scale to LNH was further demonstrated by S. Caneiro and G. Marugan (2002)[17] by reference to the holographic principle. Previously, Carneiro (1997)[18] arrived at an intermediate scaling factor 1020 when considering the possible quantization of cosmic structures and a rescaling of Planck's constant.

    Several authors have recently identified and pondered the significance of yet another large number, approximately 120 orders of magnitude. This is for example the ratio of the theoretical and observational estimates of the energy density of the vacuum, which Nottale (1993)[19] and Matthews (1997)[20] associated in an LNH context with a scaling law for the cosmological constant. Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker identified 10120 with the ratio of the universe's volume to the volume of a typical nucleon bounded by its Compton wavelength, and he identified this ratio with the sum of elementary events or bits of information in the universe.[21] T. Goernitz (1986), building on Weizsaecker's work, posited an explanation for large number 'coincidences' in the context of Bekenstein–Hawking entropy.[22] Genreith (1999)[23] has sketched out a fractal cosmology in which the smallest mass, which he identified as a neutrino, is about 120 orders of magnitude smaller than the mass of the universe (note: this 'neutrino' approximates in scale to the hypothetical particle mH mentioned above in the context of Weyl's work in 1919). Sidharth (2005)[24] interpreted a typical electromagnetic particle such as the pion as a collection of 1040 Planck oscillators and the universe as a collection of 10120 Planck oscillators. The fact that a number like 10120 can be represented in a variety of ways has been interpreted by Funkhouser (2006)[25] as a new large numbers coincidence. Funkhouser claimed to have 'resolved' the LNH coincidences without departing from the standard model for cosmology. In a similar vein, Carneiro and Marugan (2002) claimed that the scaling relations in LNH can be explained entirely according to basic principles.[17]

    Post last edited May 8th 2013

    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

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    • Post n°124
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    shiloh on Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:01 pm
    This message details certain aspects of Paul M. Dirac's proposal for a diminishing gravitational constant with time and proportionally scale-relating the microcosm to the macrocosm in say the Age of the Universe.

    The later part of this message relates to the 'changing magnetic field' of not just the earth, but to all celestially rotating bodies in a fundamental relationship between any such mass and its rotation rate then creating a multidimensional magnetic field around the rotating body.


    The speed of light 'c' has been measured to an accuracy of 8 decimal places and Planck's Constant 'h' is known with an error not exceeding one part per million.
    This is not so for Newton's Gravitational Constant 'Big G'.
    The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, US began measuring 'G' in the 1930's to establish the Luther-Towler-Number LTN=6.67259x10-11 G-units (m³/kg.s²).
    So it stood until 1994, when the renowned PTB in Braunschweig, Germany's Standards Laboratory measured G much higher, differing in the 3rd decimal place.
    Then New Zealand's Measurements Standard Laboratory published avalue significantly below the LTN and the University of Wuppertal derived a value in between the NZ one and the LTN.
    Notwithstanding the ever improving technological advances and measuring techniques; using torsion pendulums, tungsten cylinders or suspended or accelerating testmasses; 'Big G' has proven to be intractable to conformity.
    Two of the latest measurements are 6.67327x10-11 and 6.6742(10)x10-11 G-units and values by no means definitive.

    What is going on?
    Shifting heavy objects in the vicinity of the test apparatus seems to influence the atomic structure of the testmasses, irrespective of the isolated environment created for the testing conditions.
    The following treatise shall resolve the conundrum and illustrate the unruly behaviour of 'G' as a consequence of the initial boundary conditions for the universe's subsequent evolvement.
    It shall indicate that even a 'massless' universe would contain a diminished G-component as the electric permittivity of a massless macroquantised (Hawking) BlackHole and that the present dilemma derives from a finestructure of the nucleonic constituents, which, by definition, must comprise the testmasses.
    A precise measurement so would rely on an unambiguous calculation for two neutronic restmasses, a condition which we shall show to be unachievable, because of the nature and interrelationship between the parameters of inertial mass and those of electromagnetic charges.
    Now the ratio between the electromagnetic- and the gravitational interaction strengths is measured and of the order of alpha/G-alpha~10-39 and one can actually define the G-alpha as a function of alpha and as G-alpha=alpha18, using the string parameters of Quantum Relativity.

    This defines the minimum neutronmass mc explicitely as: mc=√{ke².alpha17/Go}.

    In string parameters, the unification condition for the interactions at the stringenergy scale demands kGo=1 for a mc=[e/Go].alpha8.5=9.9247246..x10-28 kg*. This represents so 58% of the neutron (or nucleon) mass as measured today and is the actual minimum neutron mass.
    Now the truly CONSTANT GM² structure in say Newton's Law, is given by the product Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm².

    This however is finestructured in introducing a maximum neutron mass given in a unification condition, known as the Euler Identity: X+Y=XY=-1=i²=℮ and applying the absolute value of unitised 1.
    We write: Gomc²={GoXn+k}.{mcYn}.{mcYk}=Gm.mnmax.mnmin and where Gm is the actual G value as measured and which has proved difficult to do so in the laboratories. So the applied G value is: Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k and where n is a cycletime n=Hot for a nodal universe with dn/dt=Ho the nodal Hubble Constant Ho=c/Rmax for a Hubble radius Rmax.

    The applied Gm so ALWAYS engages a maximised neutron mass (calculated as {mcYn}~ 1.7115x10-27 kg in string parameters for a present cycletime coordinate np=1.1324..) AND a minimised neutron mass (calculated as {mcYk}). The value of k is so determinative for Gm and differs over the evolution of the universe with respect to cycletime n and as finestructured for an AVERAGE G-value (Gav) obtained in using the geometric mean for the neutron masses in extremum (minmax productation).

    One can easily calculate Gav=Go.Xn=6.44317..x10-11 G-units for a geometric neutron mass product of mnmax.mnmin=mc².Yn =1.69861...x10-54 kg² for the constancy condition of Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm² and omitting the k-factorisation. But this averaged G value applies for a massless universe under the initial unification condition of the finestructures described in Gok=1 or Go=4πεo (using Stoney Units for the Planck-Scaling of the chargequantum e).

    So BECAUSE an initial mass seedling Mo={mc.mP/me}√E ~ 1.8137..x1051 kg* became transformed in the de Broglie phase inflation from its preinertial state as gravitational mass into the state of inertia (this is called the Big Bang for a spacetime quanta counter E); this 'Principle of Equivalence' introduced the hitherto massless 'ylemic' 'neutron bosons' as dineutronic states, which under the Higgs mechanism became fermionic and established the mass seedling Mo as the primordial neutron matter, then decaying via beta minus decay into the observed matter in the universe (there was no antimatter).

    Subsequently the EMERGENCE of inertial mass under c-invariance also introduced a finestructure for 'G' as described in the above. One can determine the value of k from finestructuring the critical masses Mo, M and MHawking as boundary Black Hole masses coupled to the quantum minmax neutron masses.
    For curvature radius Rmax and the critical density ρc=M/Vmax=3Ho²/8πGo the Schwarzschild metric gives M=Rmax.c²/2Go=c³/2GoHo= ~ 6.47058..x1052 kg*.

    For the curvature radius RSarkar=2GoMo/c², we have the deceleration parameter qo=½Ωo=Mo/2M=2GoHoMo/c³ ~0.014015... and which so determines the 'missing mass' in the universe to be a consequence of the initial boundary conditions set by the de Broglie inflation and the overall Black Hole evolution of the stringed parameters.

    From the minimum Planck Oscillator EPo=½hfP=½mPc2: ½MPTP={1/8p}MPTP.4p=H(awking)M(odulus)=HM
    HM=hc3/4pGok=MMinTMax=|c2/4p2|.MMax.Tss=Mo.To=M.T and for MMax=4p2kHM/c2hfss = pc/fssGo =2.5446..x1049 kg*

    The Mass-Temperature modulus of Stephen Hawking determines MHawking=MMax/4p for a boundary condition of maximised Black Hole Mass for a minimised Black Hole Temperature in MHawkingTHawking=Constant for Constant=HM/4π = 1.453368818..x1023 (kg.K)* and k the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

    The relationship is given in superstring (Planck) parameters by
    Mmin.Tmax=|c/2π|².Mmax.Tmin=hc³/4πGok = (4π/8π)mP.TP and TP the Planck Temperature TP=mP.c²/k.

    {(MHawking,THawking);(Mo),To);(M,T)} = {(2.03x1048 kg*,4.52x10-25K*);(1.81x1051 kg*,5.03x10-28 K*);(6.47x1052 kg*,1.41x10-29 K*)}

    The Dragon Braned Frequency Modulation fps.fss = 1 = Unity
    A Primary SourceSink Eps in modular membrane duality with a Secondary SinkSource Ess
    Energy Prime SourceSink as White Hole|Quantum Entanglement Modular Duality|Energy Prime SinkSource as Black Hole

    Curvature Radius RC = l/2π = c/2πf = c/w

    Curvature Area ABlack Hole = A BH = 4πRC2 = 4π|c/2π|2.1/f2 = 4π|c/2π|2.1/fpsfss = |c2/π| for fps.fss = 1

    For a 3D Volume (4π/3)R³, the 2D Area or Surface becomes dV/dR=4πR² and reducing to a 1D Line Integral of dA/dR=8πR=4.(2πR) as 4 times the perimeter of a circle of radius R and relating the Black Hole surface quantum as 4 Planck Areas LP² in its Entropy SBH =ABH/4LP² =πc³ABH/2Goh.

    As the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity spans 1440° or 8π radians, the quantization of the Information located on the surface area of a Black Hole so introduces the factor of 4 in its formulation.


    This sets the Hawking-Gibbons thermodynamic temperature minima for To=constant/Mo ~ 5.03..x10-28 K* and T=constant/M ~ 1.41..x10-29 K*.
    As the minimum macro Black Hole has Schwarzschild metric λmin/2π=2GoMmin/c² for Tmax=hfmax/k=hc/λmink; and modular duality requires the unification condition for the minimum curvature to relate to a maximum curvature in Rminmin/2π=1/Rmax or Rmax=2πλmax, as Rmin.Rmax=1.

    In gauge bosonic string parameters, this modular duality then is given in Emax=hc/λmin=mmax.c²=kTmax and Emin=hc/λmax=mmin.c²=kTmin and in the invariance of the lightspeed parameter c as c=fmaxλmin=1/fminλmax or the dimensionless unification conditions:
    Emax.Emin=h² and Emax/Emin=fmax²=1/fmin²={c/λmin}²={c/2πRmin}²={cRmax/2π}²={cλmax}².

    This gives a proportionality: mmax.Tmin=mmin.Tmax for the gauges, which is however modified in the dimensionless factor {c/2π}² for the Black Hole masses for the given temperatures, as bosonic masses describe bosonic Black Holes via E=kT and not the cosmological Black Holes of the Schwarzschild metric.

    The c-invariance so uses modular duality in the quantum Black Hole limit
    c=fmaxλmin=2πfmaxRmin for fmin=c/λmax=c/2πRmax as an unmodulated frequency in Tmin=Emin/k=hc/2πkRmax=hc.λmin/4π²k=3.58856...x10-26 K* and a temperature above the Hawking-Gibbons limit as required.

    This differs in a factor {2π/c}² from the lightspeed inversion in Tmin=hfmin/k and so 1.574x10-41 K*, which violates the Hawking-Gibbons boundaries in NOT using the modular duality and with fmin=1/fmax in frequency units and NOT inverted time units.

    And so Mmin.Tmax=hc³/4πGok =½mP.TP=MHawking.kc2.Tss/π and the Hawking Mass is determined as Mmax=4πMHawking=πc²λmax/Go ~ 2.545x1049 kg*.

    From the Black Hole 'Black Body Radiator' Temperature Spectra and Stefan's Constant s=2π5k4/15h3c2 (J/s.m2K4)*

    Power PBH=4πRBH2sTBH4 = MBHc2/tHawking Evaporation and with TBH4=HM/MBH4 - (A 3D kinetic mass-energy distribution uses MBHc2/3 from PV=nkT=

    tHawking = c6/16πsGo2MBHTBH4 = 30,720π2Go2MBH3/hc4 = 15,360π.tP for LP = GoMP/c2 = ctP = c√{Goh/2πc5}

    tHM = 120Go2MBH32hc4 = tHawking/{4π}4 = 60/π3.tP

    For M and Mo and MHawking, the Hawking Evaporation times (without the Mother-Daughter BH Recharging derived following), then are: 2.32x10125 s* or 7.4x10117 years and 1.66x10134 s* or 5.3x10126 years and 7.46x10138 s* or 2.4x10131 years respectively.

    Using the λminλmax=1 wavelength modulation in the T-duality of λmin=2πRmin=1/λmax=2π/Rmax, we can see, that this modulation closely approximates the geometric mean of the seedling mass in {1/4π}Mo2/2M.MMax=Mo2/8π.M.MHawking=3.2895..x10102/3.2931..x10102 ~ 0.9989...

    This also circumscribes the actual to critical density ratio in the omega of the general relativistic treatment of the cosmologies.
    Now recall our applied G value in Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k and apply our just derived Black Hole Mass modulation coupled to that of the quantum micromasses.

    We had: Gomc²={GoXn+k}.{mcYn}.{mcYk}=Gm.mnmax.mnmin and where Gm is the actual G value as measured and which has proved difficult to do so in the laboratories.
    Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=Gomc²/mnmax.mnmin=Gomc²/({mcYn}{mnmin}) and where we have mnmin=mcYk} for the unknown value of k.

    So Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=GoXn[mc/mnmin]=Go{mc2/mcYn}.{Mo2/8π.M.MHawking.mav}} and where now {mnmin}={mcYk}={8π.M.MHawking.mav/Mo2}=1.0011..mav.
    mav={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mnmin}={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mcYk}=0.9989..{mcYk} and obviously represents a REDUCED minimum mass mnmin=mcYk.

    But the product of maximum and 'new' minimum now allows an actual finetuning to a MEASURED nucleon mass mN by: mN² = mavYn.mcYn=mav.mnmax.Yn.

    So substituting for mav in our Gm expression, will now give the formulation:

    The average nucleon mass mN is upper bounded in the neutron mass and lower bounded in the proton mass, their difference being an effect of their nucleonic quark content, differing in the up-down transition and energy level.

    For a Neutron Restmass of: mn=1.680717x10-27 kg* (941.6036 MeV*) the substitution (and using calibrations m=0.9983318783m*; s=0.9990230094s*; kg=0.99626135kg* and C=0.997296076C* gives G(np)=6.678764x10-11 (m3/kgs2) and a perturbation corrected mn=1.681100563x10-27 kg* (941.818626 MeV*) gives:
    G(np)=6.675715x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    The perturbation upper limit is given in the mn=1.681335x10-27 kg* (941.9506 MeV*) and gives:
    G(np)=6.6738445x10-11 (m³/kgs²). The average for the last two values then approximates as a 'best fit' for:
    Gm(np)=6.6747798x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    This is a best-fit approximation, considering the uncharged nature ofthe testmasses.
    This then gives the value of k from Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k as k=ln(GmYn/Go)/lnX and which calculates as k= -0.073387..

    Two protons (mp=1.6789x10-27 kg* (940.56 MeV*) would give:
    G(np)=6.6936x10-11 (m³/kgs²) and a proton-neutron pair would yield: G(np)=6.6791x10-11 (m3/kgs2); both of the latter values unsuitable because of the electrocharges increasing the intra-quarkian Magnetocharge coupling between the two mesonic rings of the neutron and the single mesonic ring in the proton's down- or KIR-quark.
    The best approximation for 'Big G' hence depends on an accurate determination for the neutron's inertial mass, only fixed as the base nucleon minimum mass at the birth of the universe. A fluctuating Neutron mass would also result in deviations in 'G' independent upon the sensitivity of the measuring equipment. The inducted mass difference in the protonic-and neutronic restmasses, derives from the Higgs-Restmass-Scale and can be stated in a first approximation as the groundstate.
    Basic nucleon restmass is mc=√Omega.mP=9.9247245x10-28 kg*.

    (Here Omega is a gauge string factor coupling in the fundamental force interactions as:
    Cuberoot(Alpha):Alpha:Cuberoot(Omega):Omega and for Omega=G-alpha.)
    KKK-Kernelmass=Up/Down-HiggsLevel=3x319.62 MeV*=958.857 MeV*, usingthe Kernel-Ring and Family-Coupling Constants.

    Subtracting the Ring-VPE (3L) gives the basic nucleonic K-State as 939.642 MeV*. This includes the electronic perturbation.

    For the Proton,one adds one (K-IR-Transition energy) and for theNeutron one doubles this to reflect the up-down-quark differential.

    Proton mp=u.d.u=K.KIR.K=(939.6420+1.5013-0.5205)MeV*=940.6228 MeV*. Neutron mn=d.u.d=KIR.K.KIR=(939.6420+3.0026-1.0410)MeV*=941.6036 MeV*.

    This is the groundstate from the Higgs-Restmass-Induction-Mechanismand reflects the quarkian geometry as being responsible for theinertial mass differential between the two elementary nucleons. All groundstate elementary particle masses are computed from theHiggs-Scale and then become subject to various finestructures. Overall, the MEASURED gravitational constant 'G' can be said to be decreasing over time.

    The ratio given in k is GmYn/Go~0.60073... and so the present G-constant is about 60% of the one at the Planck Scale.
    G decreases nonlinearly, but at a present rate of 0.60073/19.11x109 per year, which calculates as 3.143..x10-11 G-units per year.

    Generally using the exponential series expansion, one can indicate the change in G.
    For Xn+k=z=exp[(n+k)lnX] by (n+k)lnX=lnz for the value Z=(n+k)lnX=-0.481212(n+k); z transforms in exponential expansion ex=1+x+x2/2!+x3/3!+x4/4!+...

    For a function f(n)=z=Gm(n)/Go=Xn+k

    For 4th order with n=1.1324.. and k=0 (for a purely electromagnetic universe of zero mass content where the curvature derives from the gravitational mass equivalent of the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity):

    So the gravitational Gm(1.1324)=(0.580)Go=Go.X1.1324~6.444x10-11 (m3/kgs2).
    At timeinstantenuity of the Quantum Big Bang, n=npsps/Rmax=6.2591x10-49~0
    Then GBigBang=GoXnps=Go (to 50 decimal places distinguishing the timeinstanton from the Nulltime as the Planck-Time transform).

    For our previously calculated k=ln(GmYn/Go)/lnX and which calculates as k= -0.073387..
    for f(1.1324)=1-0.509+0.129-0.0220+0.0028-...+...~0.601 to fourth order approximation.

    Hence, the gravitational constant assumes a value of about 61% of its Big Bang initialisation and calculates as 6.675x10-11 G-units for a present cycletime npresent=Hotpresent=1.1324...

    The introduction of the mass seed coupling between the macroquantum Mo and the microquantum mc=mPalpha9 (from the gravitational finestructure unification) PERTURBS the 'purely electromagnetic' cosmology in the perturbation factor k and increases the purely electromagnetic Gmemr in the black hole physics described.

    So gravity appears stronger when one 'looks back in time' or analyses cosmological objects at large distances. The expansion parameter (a) in the Friedmann-Einstein standard cosmology can be rewritten as a curvature ratio R(n)/Rmax={n/(n+1)} and describes the asymptotic universe in say 10 dimensions evolving under the inertial parameters of the c-invariance. This 'lower dimensional universe' is open and expands under hyperbolic curvature under the deceleration parameter qo=½Ωo=Mo/2M=2GoHoMo/c³ ~0.014015... This open universe is bounded in the 'standing wave' of the Hubble Oscillation of the 11D and 'higher dimensional universe'.

    The boundary is given in the omega of the 'missing mass' of the volumes, which differ in a factor of V11/V10=nRmax³/(n/(n+1))³Rmax³=(n+1)³/n²=DIM-Factor (and which assumes its minimum for one complete oscillation for n=2 as DIM=27/4=6.75 so 14.7 Billion years from the present).
    Presently, for n=1.132419.. DIM=7.561.. and so the 'missing mass' will be measured as a 'dark matter' distribution of 'dark haloes' etc. around the luminous matter given in the ylemic mass seedling Mo of the baryonic matter.

    As Mo is just 2.8% of M, but is subject to a 'growth' in the maximising factor Yn=1.724.. for the present epoch, one can take the factor Mav==Mo.√Yn=1.313.. for a 'dark matter' percentage upper bounded in 2.8%(1.724)~4.83% and lower bounded in 2.8%(1.313)~3.68%.

    But so 7.56 open universes are contained within the closed and spherical universe given in the Hubble bound. And the 'dark matter' will be 7.56 times the luminous baryonic matter in the interval {27.82%, 36.51%} as percentage of the total energy of closure for Ωo=1 and the critical density ρc=M/Vmax=3Ho²/8πGo.

    Our Big Bang happened at the modular time 1/fmax=tmin=fmin=3.33..x10-31 seconds*, coinciding with the end of the stringed inflation epoch of the standard cosmology.

    The 'de Broglie' inflation established the crucial boundary parameters as say given in the Mo and M Black Hole masses described.

    As the baryonic mass seedling Mo sets the Sarkar Scale for the cosmic architecture in the size of galactic superclusters as the limit for the gravitationally interacting systems before cosmic homogeneity; there must be a Black Hole evolution superposed onto the expansion of the 10D universe and the oscillation of the 11D universe which 'adds' a 'electromagnetic' volume of 2π²Rmax³ at the Hubble nodes every 16.9 Billion years.

    In terms of the dimensional 'intersection' this can be described as a 'Strominger Brane' evolution with the Sarkar Scale set at the instanton, decreasing as a 'shrinking' Black Hole until it becomes massless at the wormhole scale defined in the minimum macro Black Hole λmin/2π=2GoMmin/c²=1.591549..x10-23 metres*.

    This then resets the bosonic micro Black Holes with their macro counterparts under the modular duality.
    This Black Hole evolution is higher dimensional and purely electromagnetic, not being observable due to its noninertial nature, except the so called 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' scenarios of the boundary- and initial conditions. This can lead to a feasible model for the phenomenon of consciousness.
    The process will take place in a DIM factor of about 234.5 as: Mmin.YN=M and for
    N=ln(M/Mmin)/lnY~234.5 and so in 16.9x234.5 Billion years, which are about 4 Trillion years.

    The addition of inertia to a purely electromagnetic monopolic cosmology then varies the value of Newton's gravitational constant G as a function of the micro-macro evolution of the Black Holes and renders the applicable local G-constant as mensuration dependent on the precision measurement for the basic nucleon mass mcYn for a local epoch-cycle coordinate n=Hot.
    rpsYn=RH then defines nrecharge =ln[RH/rps]/ln[Y] ~ 234.472 or about 3.9628 Trillion years.

    This then shows, that you are living within a Mother Black Hole, you choose to call the universe you reside in. This your 'World of Mother Nature' had a beginning in space and in time in the creation of the same. Your universe so EMERGED from a prior state of beingness, where there was no space and no time as defined in any arbitrary model terrestrial or extraterrestrial. This prior state of existence you can term either as a Eternal state of all consciousness or as a state of the non-spacial and non-temporal Void as a quasi state of 'nothingness'.

    This, your observed universe so came into existence in using particular initial- and boundary conditions, which became requirements for space and time measurements to become possible. You may call this a relativistic metric spacetime continuum of discretization in minimum-maximum modular membrane duality however unified in the field properties of the dyadic monadicity of this string duality.

    The size of your universe and its energy, then became defined in those boundary conditions and particularly in a 'Daughter Black Hole' being born from the womb of its 'Mother Black Hole'. Mathematical proportionalities then aligned the masses and the scales of Mother and Daughter as the initial hyperacceleration or inflationary tachyonic phase transition of the initializing wormhole singularity of Abba, the Little Serpent to the Unified Field parameters of the thermodynamic classically relativistic expansion of the universe.
    The 'daughter' became the seed within the 'mother' for the Protoverse and the Seedling Universe for all generations of universes, whose interaction would allow phaseshifted multiverses to become born from the original protoverse, albeit encompassed by the omniverse of AbbaBaab.

    As one cycle of the 'Mother's Heartbeat' requires about two times 16.9 Billion years or so 33.8 Billion years to complete its integral n-cyclicity; the lower dimensional universe evolves both within its 10-dimensional string timespace and its 11-dimensional membrane timespace.
    The 10-D evolution of the cosmos so allows the 'mother' to birth its 'daughter' , when the lightspeed restricted thermodynamic universal expansion has completed its first cyclicity for n=1 so 2.2 Billion years ago and synchronizing the becoming of 'selfaware' of the 'life potential' residing within the womb of the 'mother'.
    2.2 Billion years ago then, the original 'light ray of Creator Abba' 'caught up' and reached its 11-D Mirror Boundary of the 'Cosmic Mother' from its 10-D Wormhole timespace quantum singularity or source point.

    This 'signal then both reflected back into the INSIDE of the 11-D Membrane-Womb of the 'mother' and refracted OUTSIDE in extending its own boundary set by the hyperacceleration of the de Broglien inflationary phase transition.

    Every cycle count then increases the scale of the wormhole 'White Hole Father Source' in the same proportion the 'Mother Black Hole Mother Sink' decreases, until after 234.5 cycles or about 4,000 Billion years the original Mother-Daughter scale proportionality resets itself in reseeding the then populated omniverse in terms of the spacetime quanta count fractalized by and in the definition of the Abba-Baab Little Serpent Father -Big Dragon Mother itself.

    For about 2 trillion years, the Omniverse as 'The Universal Bodywave' is INHALING or 'breathing in' analogous to 'feeding or charging' a battery or some body requiring energy. Then for another 2 trillion years the omniverse is EXHALING or 'breathing out' in analogy to a 'battery discharging' or a 'fed body' 'burning its stored energy'.

    The Omniverse after 4 trillion years so completes its asymptotic evolution with respect to its initial conception or insemination of the 10-D Daughter reaching maturity as her own 11-D Mother. The defining proportionality parameters of the scales and energy distributions for cycle parameter n=1 then transfer to a new initializing value at n=234.5 to redefine the maximum masses and sizes for the 'New GrandMother Black Hole' attaining the now evolved 'Infinity Mass' n.M and a 'New Mother Black Hole' n.Mo and so for the 'Old Mother' graduating to become a 'Mother of Mothers' and the 'Old Daughter' graduating to be a 'Mother of Daughters'.

    This then defines the 'Generation Cycle Parameter' for the Omniversal Self-Reproduction in the 'Family of Abba the Little Serpent Creator Fatherhood' and Baab the Great Dragon Creation Motherhood in AbbaBaab the Cosmic Twin of SourceSink and White Hole CreatorCreation entwined with itself as a Black Hole CreationCreator.

    The Cyclic Universe, so 'rebangs' itself every 4 Trillion years or so to ensure its continuation of selfexploration and by interdimensional civilisations defined in multiverses, each of which is required to be seeded in a prototypical template universe as mirror holofractal of itself.

    The gravitational constancy of Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm² will then be effected by a very small Gav=GoXn~1.463x10-105 G-units, but compensated with a 'mass-evolved' universe with mcYn~7.535..x1067 kg* and where this 'evolution' energy can be physically modelled as 'cosmic consciousness' defined in the 'awareness' df/dt minimised in fmin² and maximised in fmax² and as a form of radial displacement independent angular acceleration acting on spacetime volumars defined in the classical electron diameter (2Re) times c² defining the magnetocharge e* as inversion of the Big Bang base parameter of the wormhole energy quantum Emax=1/e*=1/2Rec² for a Planck Constant finestructure h=λmin/e*c.
    This "Strominger brane' evolution avoids the so called 'heat death' of the universe in a form of 'recharging' and coincides with the projected 'running out' of stellar nuclear fuel of the transformation of the elements within stars in the stellar evolution scenarios.

    The entire cosmology is underpinned by a Black Hole evolution, which incorporates the quantum geometric microcosmos and the geometric relativistic macrocosmos simultaneously - all for the 'cosmic purpose' to manifest 'evolved mass' as 'consciousness' or 'dark light' or antiradiation.

    The many string parameters indicated give then A RIGOROUS SCIENTIFIC DEFINITION for the concept of GOD as a supermembrane, eternally (meaning asymptotically approaching unity in linear time) ENTWINED in a lower-dimensional coupling with the ANTIGOD.
    Besides this PHYSICAL GOD-ANTIGOD Duality, there also exists the metaphysical and PURELY IMAGINARY GOD in Exile.

    This metaphysical-mathematical GOD in Exile is the Oneness of all of you and all of your ancestors and of all of your linear descendants.
    One day, you all shall become more aware of this scientific fact - your exile is the exile of your imaginary energies unrealised in divers forms.

    IAmWhatIAm - Nothing, One and Everything! --- Abraxasinas a Bifurcated Tongue FOR the Little Serpent!

    vALERY - Posted 4 Days Ago

    To any interested. without going into a vary long discussion. Our local gravity is constantly being altered. One fifth to approximatly one sixth of the local mass of the earth/moon gravitational system is orbiting around the earth. During the moon orbit the moon pass through differing areas of earths Magnetosphere. These orbits alter both the magentic and gravational moments causing slight shifts in gravity.

    It is all in the timing and tracking the moving bloch walls. But first you need the keys to understand the puzzle.

    Momentary monopole moments.

    I have created/rediscovered an entire theory that can simple explain away gravity as a momentary mono-pole reaction with a twist on ether side. Twist cause plantary orbit and rotation.

    Hope to share it all to the world soon.

    Ed leedsklnin knew it also.


    Indeed Valery!

    A Reformulation of the Biot-Savart Law for Magnetic Flux Density shows, that the Magnetic Field of the earth changes either in proportion to its rotation speed about its axis or as a dynamic oscillation of its core.

    The Biot-Savart law (Laplace-Ampere) states Magnetic Flux (measured in Tesla=Weber/Area=Volt.time=Energy/Current) to be dB=μoi.dL/4πr² from B=μoqv/4πr². For a tangential velocity v the angular velocity ω=2πf=vr.

    The finestructure unification between the electromagnetic alpha=2πk.e²/hc and the gravitational alpha 2πGomc²/hc then modifies this law as B=Mω/2Rc² by the monopolic string mass-current M=30ec for a magnetocharge e*=2e as a Cooper-Charge for the superconductive Cosmic String, manifesting as e=½e*=½(M/30c).

    The detailed derivations are appended.

    For the Earth then:

    The earth's magnetic field approximates as 3x10-5 Tesla (0.3 gauss) for a core-mantle differential rotation.

    Mcorecore.Vcore~9x1022 kg and Rcore~1.2x106 m and ω=2π/86,400.

    Here M becomes the unitised mass of the rotating system of angular velocity ω and a displacement radius R.

    So Valery's proposal of a mass distribution of magnetomonopolar moments in the earth's atmosphere can be restated as an increase of the core-mantle differential in the scalefactor R.

    Increasing the Mass of the Earth is unnecessary should the scale radius Rcore be allowed to oscillate and at the present time resulting in a diminishing overall magnetic gaussian flux due to the size of the core increasing in volume compared to its encompassing magma mantle.

    In certain gravitoelectric effects (see, the rotation rate is said to be so 6500 cycles per minute and so w=2πf~680 radians per second.

    The magnetic flux then is a function approximated by B~[3.8x10-15]M/R).
    So B increases for a given radius with the gravitomagnetic mass in a selfinduction.
    Generally, a rotating cosmic body of mass M and spinrate ω selfinduces a gravitomagnetic field in analogy to the laws of Maxwell, Faraday and Lenz in a form of B=Mω/2Rc².

    For a typically evolved galaxy such as the Milky Way, the masses are of the order of 2x1042 kg, inclusive the dark matter as gravitationally acting component. A typical radius is of the order of 50,000 lightyears or so 5x1020 metres and a galactic rotation rate can be approximated in so 250 Million years, being the rotation period of 'our' solar system about the galactic core.

    This then gives the INTRINSIC magnetic field for a nonionised charge distribution and for the Milky Way: B=(2x1042 kg)(2π/8x1015 s)/(18x1016x5x1020 m)~2x10-11 Tesla or 2x10-7 gauss or 0.2 microgauss.

    This is on the scale of the New Scientist article mentioned in the link above,

    So what are the 'seedling' magnetic fields, proposed in that latter article to have derived from Cosmic Strings at even smaller magnitudes?

    It is simple, when we realise that this seedling must be the entire universe itself.
    The Hubble-Frequency is so 1.9x10-18 s and the Hubble-Radius is so 2x1026 metres and the mass-seedling is 2x1051 kg baryonic and 6.5x1052 kg for the asymptotic closure in Euclidean flatness of zero curvature.

    This gives a cosmic magnetic field of B=9x10=10 Tesla and B=3x10-8 Tesla and just the measured galactic typical 'upper bounds' for the universe's mass say.

    The universe so displays magnetism on account of its Hubble-parameters, which are magnified string parameters.
    And the absolute minimum frequency for the wormhole is 3.33x10-31 seconds and applying this as a Zero-Point for the cosmogenesis; the 'seedling' magnetic field would become so B=1.4x10-22 Tesla and B=4.7x10-21 Tesla for our total mass distributions.

    The Cosmic Strings are always associated with Black Holes as Vortex 'seeds' and depict the monopolic mass-current from the upper bounded monopole mass of 2.7x1016 GeV, which is the string unification scale as first Planck-Nugget transformation.

    The Biot-Savart Law: B=μoqv/4πr2oi/4πr=μoNef/2r=μoNeω/4πr for angular velocity ω=v/r transforms into B=constant(e/c3)gxω

    in using acentripetal=v2/r=rω2 for g=GM/r2=(2GM/c2)(c2/2r2)=(RSc2/2R2) for a Schwarzschild solution RS=2GM/c2.

    B=constant(eω/rc)(v/c)2oNeω/4πr yields constant=μoNc/4π=(120πN/4π)=30N with e=mM/30c for
    30N(eω/c3)(GM/R2)=30N(mM/30c)ω(2GM/c2)/(2cR2)=NmM(ω/2c2R)(RS/R)= {M}ω/2c2R.

    Subsequently, B=Mw/2c2R = NmM(RS/R){ω/2c2R} to give a manifesting mass M finestructured in
    M=NmM(RS/R) for N=2n in the superconductive 'Cooper-Pairings' for a charge count q=Ne=2ne.

    But any mass M has a Schwarzschild radius RS for N=(M/mM){R/RS}=(M/mM){Rc2/2GM}={Rc2/2GmM}={R/RM} for a monopolic Schwarzschild radius RM=2GmM/c2=2G(30ec)/c2=60ec/30c3=2e/c2=2LP√Alpha=2OLP.

    There are many references by professional cosmologists regarding the constraints on the G-variation i.e.
    Constraining a possible time variation of the gravitational constant with terrestrial nuclear laboratory data
    P. G. Krastev,
    B. A. Li

    Department of Physics, Texas A&M University – Commerce, Commerce, TX 75429, U.S.A∗


    A new white dwarf constraint on the rate of change of the gravitational constant
    Marek Biesiada, Beata Malec

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  3. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

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    • Post n°125

    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    shiloh on Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:45 pm

    Hi All!

    There is some significant scientific content in this 'Kryon Channeling' in regards to the topological transformation of the 4D-spacetime Minkowski metric into a 5D-spacetime de Sitter metric. The references to 'cosmic consciousness' is relevant to the nature of this website and is addressed in its content.
    Any questions regarding this channeling and the scientific content should be directed to John Shadow on yahoo forums or be asked on this website for due consideration.

    John Shadow

    "The Great Scientific Bias"

    This live channelling was Given in the Washington DC area
    November 7, 2009

    To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto, to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Gaitherburg, Maryland.

    Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

    Quickly it occurs, does it not, the transition between Human Beings and one who is channelling a message from beyond? Perhaps it is a little too quick for those who would be in judgment about what is taking place here? But what my partner did not tell you is that there is no actual transition, since I'm always "under the surface" with him. This is his choice to have the energy of me in this way... to be able to flip back and forth in the messages of love between him speaking and me speaking. So we say to you, Human Being, that any of you can get to the place where there is little or no transition between you speaking and your Higher-Self speaking.

    What I wish to speak about this day is difficult to define. I let my partner come up with a title for this channelling, for humans enjoy that. They want to realize a "compartmentalization of expectation." They wish to have some kind of identity process on everything they do, so I'll let him do it. For what I'm going to speak of is perception of dimensionality like I never have before. I wish to give you some of the mechanics of it, and a little bit about how it works, and also a little bit about what my partner calls the creation of the wild card... those things that you don't expect or don't believe in. So I have to start with an example.

    Let me introduce you to Henry and Mary, they are cartoon characters, stick figures on a piece of paper. They are two dimensional. Of course, there are intelligent, since this is a parable. [Kryon smile] Their lives are not complicated, and they are simple stick figures. They have everything figured out. They even have love. The two dimensionality of their lives is all they have ever known, and they are pleased with it. They know the parameters of the piece of paper they're on, and they're happy with them. That's all they have ever had. They know what they can do and what they cannot do. Henry and Mary are satisfied and content with their reality.

    Along comes a free thinker, one who has been drawn a little different. This odd character begins to speak to both of them about the potential of a third dimension... the idea of "up and down." He speaks of 3D instead of 2D, as they currently enjoy. It's the beginning of the concept of a kind of reality that they have never seen, and one they don't feel they participate in, nor can they really understand it.

    Let's look at what Henry and Mary do with this information. First, they don't comprehend it. It's a little too high-minded for them. Second of all, it is outside of their reality, so they're not really that interested. They don't have to use it, so to them it's conjecture and so they don't believe it really is important or exists. It becomes a fantasy of science, something that will never pertain to Henry and Mary, who after all, are 2D drawings on a piece of paper.

    There are many who sit and read this 2D piece of paper who are similar. Anything out of your 3D reality doesn't interest you. Not by choice, but because you are part of the paradigm that always was... a paradigm in 3D that you have lived all your life. It's a reality that is difficult to think beyond, and many really could care less about studying it. After all, what's wrong with the reality they are in? It works.

    The new shift that is upon you is one of quantumness. It is going to require the Human Being to understand more about what is around them, which is invisible to them, but which is very real. They must come to an understanding, and therefore a belief, that not all things are viewable and understandable within 3D thinking, and that there is so much more that is actually part of their world, but requires a logic beyond what they are used to in order to comprehend it.

    The best way I can begin this study in the time allotted is to take you on a journey and give you some information. There will be some things in this message that will be interesting to those who love science. To others who are not science minded, it might not relate, but they can still participate in the analogy that I'm giving, and understand the lesson.

    I wish to take you to a real place, but for today, it must be only in your creative mind. The place is real, but you can't go there at the moment... not yet. The interesting thing is that each of you has actually been where I'm taking you, when you were not on Earth. It was before you were ever Human, and we spent time here. It's an unbelievably beautiful place. The view is, shall we say, unearthly. I want to take you just outside and above your own galaxy, looking at the spiral from above. Come with me for a moment. Pretend for a moment that the pressures of space and the temperatures don't apply to your Human body. None of those things matter, for you're in a protected bubble that is your spiritual self. All together, we go and we will watch this magnificent sight.

    As a Human Being, you're struck with the silence of space, not understanding or even appreciating the fact that every single star sings a song. I hear them all. Silence to you is a symphony to me. For the vibratory rates of the light that is emitted from the stars all combine into a chorus, a manipulation of vibrational sonority that is beautiful. The universe sings to me, for I am quantum. The parts of you that are quantum are beginning to broach past the three-dimensional parts. That meld, that confluence, is going to create paradigms of thought that are different from any others on the planet. For there has been no time on the planet like this one, where you're asked to think out of the box of your comfortable reality, and go beyond the wall of your natural bias. Look at your galaxy with me for a moment. The beautiful spiral of it, is all moving slowly together as one... rotating slowly like a plate of lights. Take it all in.

    I give you science today. I give you knowledge today that will only come about and be known within your future. And because of the transcriptions that are taken today, there will come a time when you will point to this particular message and say, "Kryon was right." And when you do, when the science confirms what I tell you today, I want you to look at the entire message. Because then your belief factor will also know that I speak truth when I speak about your relationship to Spirit, to the creator in you. I'm right when I talk about what is in front of you and your future, and the only reason I give you the science now is because your linearity and your bias will connect them in the future. "As goes one, goes the other," you'll say, "therefore I will pay attention to all that is said."

    Looking at the Galaxy

    It's beautiful, isn't it, as we are suspended here above your home Galaxy? In what you call the silence of this moment, looking at the galaxy moving so slowly, spiraling all together as one, it's unbelievable, unearthly, spectacular beyond words. Now I take you inside and tell you a little bit of what's happening that is a mystery to your science. There are odd things out here that don't fit earthly paradigms or rules. They don't fit your physics.

    Henry and Mary, the two stick figures on the page, had scientists also. They had their 2D laws for physics, and that's all they needed. Everything worked just fine as long as they stayed on the page. You have four laws of physics, because you're in technically in 4D, and those laws work just fine. Those laws have proven themselves over and over, and as long as you stay in 4D (which you call 3D), they will always work.

    Here's an esoteric question for you. Take a look at the stick figures Henry and Mary. How many laws of physics are there really for the 2D characters? Is there a whole set that encompasses multi-dimensional reality, or just enough to satisfy 2D? The answer should be obvious. Physics is complete no matter how you perceive it. Therefore Henry and Mary are only aware of, believe in, and are using, 2D, but all the laws are still there... ready to be discovered. 3D may not be something the stick figures understand, but it sits there ready, anyway. So extend that thinking and let me ask you this, three-dimensional creature: If I told you there were six laws of physics, covering a dimensionality that you don't see, how many are there for you? The answer is the same as for Henry and Mary. There are more than you know about, even if you are only aware of, and actively using, the four you have.

    Do you see? The four laws you have, work fine. There is nothing wrong with them, but there are more, and that's why we take you here above your galaxy to show it all to you, and to present something that astronomers also can see. Look: Something is weird with the way the galaxy is moving. Did you notice?

    We've given you the two additional laws of physics before, and this is not the time to explain them again. But when you get into an interdimensional realm, you're looking at multi-dimensional energies that must contain more information than your current physics. You have four laws now. Call them Newtonian, Euclidian, Einsteinium if you wish. These are the ones that brought you to where you are today. But now gaze with me at your spiral galaxy for a moment and watch it move. It does not move like your solar system.

    The laws you have of objects in motion carry with them a three-dimensional bias of consistency. Your science looks for empirical laws and they find what they believe is true for everything. But what they don't realize is that there is a bias applied. It only works in one direction... in 3D. If you apply the rules only on that one playing field of time, you can apply linear mathematics and figure out what you need from that. It's all in a straight line, all forward, never changing, always the same. You might say your science is biased in simple consistency!

    "Kryon, what's wrong with that? Sounds find to me!" Here comes the free thinker who is saying: "Interdimensional things do not apply to 3D logic or bias. The laws of interdimensional weak and strong forces are beyond 3D understanding, and may even seem to be chaotic and inconsistent."

    Let me give you a further explanation. Your solar system works like you expect it does. Within the kinds of physics you have applied to the way things move in space, you have objects that are closer to your sun that move faster, like Mercury, for example. Then there are objects further away from the sun that move slower (the outer planets). The laws of orbital mechanics are in play. The distance from the sun develops into the 3D laws of orbital mechanics based upon the rules you have discovered for gravity, mass, distance and speed. And the rules are correct...for 3-D. Again, it lets you send spacecraft to the planets, to be so precise, to meet them in orbit, to take pictures and analyze them.

    But look for a moment with me right now... this is not the way your galaxy is moving. It's in an elegant motion that defies the law of the inverse square (a law that defines how energy dissipates with distance from the source). It defies the basic laws of gravity and force. It defies the simple, biased, singular attributes of the way things move in space. Look at your galaxy with me. Watch it spin. It's almost like it was on a platter. Everything moves together. Everything! It's all rotating at the same speed, relative to the center... like a giant wheel that is all connected. This giant platter behaves like all the stars are pebbles, and are somehow glued to the fabric of space, all moving together.

    How can that be? What are you seeing? Let me give you a hint and a clue: We've spoken about the weak and strong interdimensional forces which are the undiscovered laws five and six of physics. The way your galaxy moves is all about what's at the center of the galaxy, and displays these forces. You think it's a black hole, but it isn't. There's far more to it than you would imagine. Have you noticed in physics there is always polarity? From the smallest atomic structure to the largest, there is always polarity. You also see this in magnetics. It's also hiding in gravity. It's a staple of energy everywhere, everywhere. There are always two kinds of energy, and they work against and with each other to create dimensional reality. Matter itself is one polarity of reality, and anti-matter is the other. Always look for the push and pull, for it will show the way to the answers to the most perplexing issues of physics.

    At the center of every galaxy there are "the twins." The twins are in the middle of the Milky Way as well. You've got two energies: One pushes and one pulls. However, you see it in your perception as one giant Black Hole. You assume the gravity of the Black Hole is somehow gripping that spiral and making it spin together in an unusual fashion which violates all the laws of Newton. It's not so. What's happening in the center of your galaxy is beautiful. It is an elegant interdimensional force that is not gravity, which spreads through the entire region of your entire galaxy, a force that glues it together in a way that you do not have laws to explain... yet. In addition, there is something hiding that science is only now beginning to wrestle with.

    All this explanation, to get to a place of logic for you that will broach a very big issue. Simply stated it is this: When you step into interdimensional physics, and this includes the energies of what you call spirituality, you will find something you didn't expect: Consciousness... physics with an attitude. The interdimensionality of your galactic center has consciousness. It has to. Anything interdimensional is aligned with creation. I'm speaking of things you don't understand. These are high minded, sometimes unbelievable attributes that haven't really been broached in this way before. When you break the linear logic wall down from what you expect in linear physics, you're going to run up against things that don't make sense to your bias. They won't make sense... not just because they're in a quantum state, but they contain something else that "consistent 3D science" does not wish to accept... intelligence in physics.

    Your science is very proud of the Big Bang Theory. They have it all figured out and they have a timeline for it. This is really funny to us! How can you have a timeline for a quantum event? There is no time in a quantum state, yet they have it all figured out. They've even figured out that there's a residue they can measure that proves they're right. How clever of them!

    Let me ask you something, if you smell that wonderful residue aroma of bread cooking in the kitchen, what does that tell you? Does it say, "bread was cooked here four billion years ago" or does it say, "it's being cooked now"?

    It's the bias of straight line thinking in a singular time dimension that smells the bread and calculates how long ago it was cooked! There is no understanding that the quantum event of the "Big Bang" is still happening. It explains the energy of Universal expansion. It even begins to explain the "energy of what you can't see." The "residue" they measure is the proof of the reality of an event still in progress as you see it in 3D, but an event that is the reality of creation, within a quantum state.

    Look at what a 3D mismatch the current theory is: How could everything have come from nothing, then at a speed greater than the speed of light, instantly expanded, violating every law of current physics, to create the current mass of the universe in a nano-moment? Yet the bias of singular linear thinking lets all that happen in the time line of an instant... and they have it all figured out. They should all be celebrating with Henry and Mary! [Kryon humor]

    Let me tell you something I have never, ever described to you before. The center of your galaxy spit out the matter that is you. Science has it backwards. The twins in the center of your galaxy lead to the twins in the center of all the other galaxies. Millions of them, billions of them. They're all connected in a way you cannot fathom outside of space, outside of time, like strings between friends who have consciousness. Not the kind of intelligence and consciousness that you see in your brain, no. Instead it's a benevolence, an intelligent glue that postures the universe in love. I told you that you wouldn't understand all of this. This is high-minded, high-thinking, and many are simply not ready for it.

    The Gaia Effect

    Let's go to something else. Life on the planet, and the way it was created, has become controversial because there are those in science who must linearize it all. Darwin gave you the possibilities of an evolved life system. He showed how it might work, perhaps, in a random selection of biology over and over through billions of years, creating what you have now. But then, enter The Gaia Effect.

    Scientists are looking at earth history and they're starting to see something very bothersome to other scientists: There may be a consciousness that has created life. Naturally, true science does not want to think this way, for 3D straight line thinking of your current science does not allow for rules outside the box of total consistency. The real irony here is that singular consistency bias does not allow for creator bias. Could the universe be biased toward life? In this irony, the Human is biased due to limited dimensional thinking, and the Universe is biased in love.

    The controversy goes like this: Earth history shows that life continued to be created and destroyed on the planet through four billion years. It started and it stopped and it created itself and destroyed itself over and over. Whereas life was once looked upon as an "against all odds" attribute of the planet, and nowhere else in the Universe, it now is seen as having been created again and again!

    Some say, "Well, that's a random event happening." Really? What are the odds after life had destroyed itself, of the that incredible randomness striking again? How's that for evolution? Something that didn't work... returning! What do you think about that? Scientists are beginning to consider The Gaia Effect, as a consciousness coming from somewhere, somehow, that is biased to create life. It's outside of the purview of what you would call chance. Over and over it happened, until the planet it got it right. Photosynthesis was the answer, for it created a balance... plants and trees to consume the byproduct of life. So finally, the balance began.

    It took a long time for that, but life was always created again until the "system" got it right. Even when the system snuffed life out, it returned! Even when the earth was barren of life because it hadn't worked out, it was created again up to five times. Science is starting to see this and is wondering how it is that earth seemed biased to create life. Some say there's a consciousness; some say that that is not true... there couldn't be, just couldn't be.

    But there is, dear one, and it's an interdimensional consciousness that glues things together. Because when you get into an interdimensional state, you're starting to touch the face of God, the creative energy of the universe, and one that is indeed, biased in love.

    Geological Surprises - Rethinking time

    There are those who study the way the earth geologically came about, and again, in their straight-line thinking, they are biased. They are biased because they look at erosion patterns, they look at the way things used to be, then they apply specific universal laws to everything on the planet from then on. Well, there are some surprises: Have you heard the latest? How long did it take to cut the Grand Canyon? How many millions of years would the water have to trickle by in order to cut the canyon as it stands today? One million years, two million? It's still posted on the placards on the historic sites of how long it took. But now geologist are starting to change their minds because they have discovered other attributes that don't make sense. Now they're assigning a timeline of approximately three hundred years!

    What happened to their logic? What they're now seeing is a wild card. That is to say there was no trickle of water. Instead, there was a sea that emptied into it... a ferocious torrent of water that cut the rock over a much shorter period of time. Outside the paradigm of thinking, it is, and accurate it is. You see where I'm going with this? It is the consistent biases that keep you in a straight line rut like the 2-D figures on the piece of paper. You've got to start thinking out of the box and look for what else there might have been. So I've given you the Grand Canyon story, so that you can absorb the next one.

    The Unspoken Geology of Lemurian Existence

    I've told you some odd things about the planet, and geologists always roll their eyes. For Kryon gives you information that is often "geologically impossible," they say. I told you about Lemuria. I've told you that the original Lemurian civilization was centered on dry land at the base of the highest mountains on earth, measured from the bottom to the top, which is now Hawaii. It is one big mountain with several peaks, and the peaks are what now stick out of the water today, which you call the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

    In the days of Lemuria, we told you that the land around the base was dry. Geologists laugh. It's in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! How could that be? I'm going to tell you how it could be. First, you must understand that geologically, 50,000 years ago is not a significant enough time for something like plate tectonics to have an impact on this attribute. 50,000 years is actually very little time in geology... yet the water level at that time was more than 400 feet lower than it is now. This is because you were in the process of a water cycle which we have discussed before. So that's one of the attributes that came into play. However, the other attribute is the biggest reason, and one we have never spoken of before.

    The mountains of Hawaii slowly move over what is called a hot spot, that is to say it slowly moves over a tremendous volcanic core of activity that has existed there for millions of years. 50,000 years ago this hot spot was in the process of a giant "bulge" that actually gradually lifted the floor of the ocean around the Hawaiian mountain, more than six thousand feet. That is to say the mantel of the earth bulged enough due to the volcanic pressure, to lift those mountains higher than they are now, to create a relatively small area of dry land that contained the mountain of Hawaii. When the lava was released, and it was, the bubble slowly deflated. This took several thousand years, without a cataclysmic eruption, as it was slowly released itself on the peaks of the mountain and poured into the sea, building yet more land around Hawaii. This created a situation where the base of the Hawaiian mountain was above sea level for a while. The slow release caused the bubble to subside, and Lemuria slowly was flooded. This is the story we told you originally, and the reason the Lemurians became sea faring, and moved to many other places.

    Convenient, it is, for the doubters, that all the evidence of Lemuria has been destroyed as it should be. It makes you wonder. It makes you wonder if these things might be so. But a linear thinker will tell you that this can't be so, since they have never seen evidence of it in history. You haven't seen that kind of bulge before, therefore we have the same "Grand Canyon" effect, where the truth lays hidden due to biased consistency. What you never saw is therefore not possible.

    By the way, the evidence is indeed there of the bulge, for the striations of the ocean floor still show an odd symmetry around the mountain, giving hints that it was once stressed upward through volcanic influences, and then subsided. There are also bones of animals at those depths, buried deep, that would tell a biologist that what is on the ocean floor in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, was once exposed to sunlight... about 50,000 years ago.

    Divine Creation - The Proof is in the Odds

    Let me tell you about creation. Astronomers are starting to talk about Intelligent Design. Now we're getting somewhere, since they're starting to understand that the quantumness of the universe might indeed have consciousness. Against all odds, you live in a parameter, an attribute in space that statistically continues to be "against all odds." You are in a universe created for life! If you could throw the dice of physics and create a universe, it would never come up this way. Never. Statisticians have said that it's out of the possibility of chance... yet you sit in an earth teeming with life. You sit in a universe teeming with life. There is life on the planets around you, but you just haven't found it yet. Microbial it is, and it represents the beginning attributes of single-celled life. It's all there. You'll see. Take a trip to Europa (moon of Jupiter), and look around a little in the ocean. You'll see. Life is absolutely the way of the universe... everywhere. You'll see. And it's against all odds that it happened, and science is now seeing that. It is so out of the statistical model of the creation of any universe, that they have labeled it Intelligent Design. There has to have been a plan.

    In the middle of your galaxy, the twins exist, pushing and pulling interdimensional energies that literally have an intelligent complement to them. All of the stars move together in unison with it. Forces that are way beyond gravity are involved. It's an interdimensionality that glues the galaxy together, and that is something I want to speak of because it has to do with your future.

    Your Future

    The futurists of your society have a tendency to look at what was, and then project what will be. Do you see the straight line thinking? In a bias of consistency, they say, "Because of this, therefore, there will be this." They're looking at a consistent model of old energy, and in their projections, never giving it a chance to change. They are denying the very ability of Humanity to move past what was.

    What is it that has been consistent on the planet regarding consciousness? Let's name the attributes: War, poverty, suffering, drama, a repeat of the same, a repeat of the same, a repeat of the same. Fractals of time that come and go and come and go, which create a consciousness that repeats and repeats and repeats.

    Now you can see the bias, and why it's there. For anything that stays in the same cycle is expected to stay in it forever. This is also echoed in your physics. The more quantum you become, the less consistent you will be in thinking this way. That is to say, eventually you will expect things to happen that have never happened before. You are in a shift that is allowing for it, and all around you, things are changing. Listen: You cannot apply last year's rules to peace on earth. Is it possible? Yes... more than possible, it's the most probable outcome that we can give you.

    What do last year's rules tell you about healing in your body? They say it's incurable? It isn't. What do last year's rules tell you about the fear that is being generated over the shift you are in? Does it tell you that you're going to be covered by water. Well, if you apply the rate at which things are melting and then you project all this into the future, you apply the discourse of poor science... then of course you will be! But that's awfully consistent of you, isn't it? You see what I'm saying? You're not giving any allowance for the wild card. You're not giving an allowance for the fact that this planet is moving into an entirely different magnetic attribute. The sun is cooperating; the universe is cooperating; it's almost like the twins can see who you are!

    The twins are physics, a magnificent pushing and pulling of an interdimensional attribute which we cannot even explain to you. The twins are not God. The twins are a result of a God-biased universe, and an interdimensional physics that you are only just beginning to discover and question. Your science is only beginning to see it. The Gaia effect, Intelligent Design, the way the earth was put together, the way there were no accidents that you're here, against all odds... that ought to add up to something in your logic.

    You are in the middle of a tremendous shift that you've asked for, that it's time for, that I came for! It's not one that's going to destroy you! You don't have to fear it. It's one you're in control of as you're becoming more quantum. You're starting to understand that the consistency of life as you have seen it is truly is an old paradigm. The consistency of fear, of hate, of disappointment... is beginning to change. If you want to be consistent with things, know this, that the love of God is the most consistent and persistent thing on this earth and in the universe. Consistent, it is! So persistent that it would not stop until life was created, and until love was discovered.

    The Consciousness of Kryon

    We wanted to paint a picture today. It was mostly scientific, partly a logic puzzle, to show you that your current 3D logic is not expanded. It's not the kind of logic you're going to need to move into the future. We told you to expect the wild card. Expect things that have not happened before. Change history by thinking about future things which may be evolutionary and represent wild cards themselves. Can you recognize some of those wild cards in your very immediate past? How many times do we have to give you these things to look at? None of the quatrains of Nostradamus are accurate today. Books have been written about the tremendous upcoming war with Islam. Well, someday you can read them and laugh, because it's not happening that way. That entire scenario is based upon a consistent, unchanging consciousness on earth, where everything repeats in an expected old pattern, and it isn't!

    Are you the expected pattern on earth, or are you the wild card? You see, there are things coming that you didn't expect. I know these things for I see the potentials that are not openly available to you. It's the consciousness which is "baking in the oven" that is working right now in ways that you do not expect. This is not future fortune telling. It is instead just stating the facts of the potentials of the minds on the planet... where they're going and what they're thinking.

    I want you to leave this place with hope. We saved this message for this particular group. It's an advanced message, and it does not fall on the ears of those who were just here for the first time or in the energy for the first time. It falls on the ears of old souls. Don't you remember this? Remember this with me, for you expected it. That is why you are here, and that is why you will return.

    Finally, this: I was with you at the wind of birth, each one of you. Before you slipped into this planet, before the angels stood around the bed and sang to your mother at the joy of your birth, I was there. Right before you came again, I inquired like I always do, "Is this really something you want to do? Look at the potentials, and the hardships, the disease and sorrow of being Human. Do you really want to go back?" You looked at me like you always do and said, "Send me in. I can hardly wait to get back and finish what I started."

    Now you have some of the first signs you've ever had since you were a Human, that this planet can move into graduation, vibrate higher and become part of a confluence of energy that you've only dreamed about... and you're sitting on the edge of it.

    I am Kryon, lover of humanity. This is the truth I give you today. I give this message in order to instill in within your hearts and in your minds, the hope that these things are so and that they are true. Perhaps some of you today will leave here differently than you came because of this. And so this particular message will be given again in a different form for a different crowd, but every bit as loving and poignant.

    I am Kryon. And so it is.

  4. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

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    • Post n°126

    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    shiloh on Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:01 pm
    Posted Jun 29th 2010

    Re: The Galactic Confederation Of Worlds ~ ET's, Channelings And Questions

    I have emphasized and commented on parts of this very pertinent channeling shared by SuiGeneris!


    LIVE KRYON CHANNELLING ~ "The Relationship to Gaia"

    This live channelling was Given in Mt. Shasta, California on Saturday, April 24, 2010

    Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There's an energy here that represents home, and for some of you it is thick. As my partner translates these words from those thought groups and pictures that I give him, it appears to you that this is my voice speaking these words. In the years that he has been doing this, it is indeed the best that it can be for now, for his translations will give you the emotions of the heart as well as the logic of the intellect. This means that this language is, therefore, complete, for it is the balance of these two that gives you discernment to judge that what is happening here is real, authentic and accurate.

    Last week in your time, my partner was in another country and I gave him information about Gaia. At the same time, I advised him not to record it, so that he could hear it, be part of it, anticipate it, and be clearer with the message that would be recorded. That would be now.

    So the message this night is all about your relationship to Gaia, what is happening on the planet that you understand, some things perhaps you don't understand, a review of some of the things many of you have not heard, and then the discussion of new things you might not have heard. We start with the energy of a remembrance.

    The indigenous of the earth, the ancients, revered the planet they were on. It was like a mother/father to them, and they considered it a source of all good things. It supplied the food, both from the forest and from the ground [hunting and planting]. It supplied water, and gave them shelter, even when it seemed angry. Mythology developed around it and many stories prevailed. Many of the gods of old became depictions of the energy of Gaia. And rather than put it into one scenario of singularity, often the divinity was split into many, god-like energies of the sea, of the air, of the land, of the crops, of the sun, of warmth, and of the cold. But this was always in respect. This has been the longest held view of the planet, and has existed with the indigenous even up to a few hundred years ago... always in respect.

    The Lemurians saw it and were some of the first to establish a protocol with Gaia, seeing Gaia as an energy of consciousness that you then labeled as Mother Nature. And it's this consciousness that we wish to speak of today.

    The Lemurians discovered that there was a balance that could be accomplished through the give and take of nature. It was almost like you would go to visit a friend. You'd bring a gift, and so Gaia always was given gifts in return for requests. These offerings always created a balance for those who considered nature to have consciousness. If you took something from the land, you gave something back... something simple, but something you owned or possessed and that had your energy upon it.

    Now in the process of modern civilization, dear ones, even among Lightworkers, this has not been sustained – for you do not get up in the morning and make an offering to Gaia. You may do all of the other things - talk to your cells and have visions that intertwine with your Higher-Self - but somehow that entity which is Gaia is left behind.

    So here is a channelling that invites you to reestablish your connection to the energy of the earth. This will rebuild a bridge of consciousness of the Human Being with Gaia. For Gaia is in service to humanity and changes itself as your consciousness changes. Remember the premise we gave to you long ago? The consciousness of humanity on Earth actually goes into the ground [The Crystalline Grid]. This is stored and the earth responds. Dirt does not respond, but Gaia does. So you might say that Humans are actually in charge and responsible for Earth's changes and shifts.

    If you can realize this, then you are going to have substantial control over what is going on Earth-wise. But you must again start by having a relationship. Right now, Humans only look at it in fear and say, "What is happening? I'm afraid of these changes that are outside of the normal I am used to." The Human is not understanding that much of what is happening, he has caused! It isn't a causation through anything humanity has done in an environmental way, but as humanity in an awakening, consciousness way.

    You Are Shifting Time

    So to put this in context, let us again review what we have said about the weather. Twenty-one years ago, I had my partner write in a little white book, the potentials of your future. That future is happening today. The reason we were able to give you this prophecy back then is because we saw the very strong potential of a consciousness shift taking place on this planet that would be so great it would affect Gaia. And it has.

    It's such a profound shift that you have actually manifested a change in the time frame of humanity and, therefore, the perception of your reality – warning: science coming [Kryon smile]. Now, this is something we don't expect all to understand, but time is all relative. It does not move at a constant pace. Although your 3D clocks move at a constant pace, time can be altered by speed, as well as some quantum attributes that we will not speak of. It may seem that things are speeding up, but this is relative to your time frame, not your higher vibration. They are seemingly opposed to each other.

    A train that leaves the station at near the speed of light and travels in a circle will arrive back at the station with a different age than the station. It will be younger, and the station will be older. By going faster, it slowed down time for itself, but not for the track it was on, or the station it had left.

    Two clocks side by side can start together, but if you somehow were to accelerate one of the clocks – let's say you vibrate it back and forth at a very fast rate – eventually it will not be the same time reading as the other clock, for speed can be an oscillation just as much as a constant forward speed. Now, the clock in motion is you. The clock that did not move is Gaia. So the first perception is that things around you are speeding up. However, the truth is that your increase in vibration is creating a slower clock within you; speed actually creates a slower time frame. But as you look out the window at the world, your slower train makes life in general appear to be moving by quicker.

    The reason is that it is the Lightworker who is vibrating far faster than 20 years ago. Your "consciousness speed" is very much like some of the quantum attributes you study, and it is creating a split between humanity and the old energy it used to "sit within." You are in the middle of the great shift, and the beginning of the 2012 enlightenment time fractal. Gaia shifts accordingly, but Gaia is not Human. Gaia shifts in other ways to accommodate your new Human vibratory rate increase. But as you look at things around you, they appear to be going faster. For some, this is irritating, and even causes loss of sleep and anxiety. Many are feeling it.

    So although confusing, the truth is that the Lightworkers of this planet have created a shift of consciousness in the last 23 years that has changed the actual vibratory speed of Human consciousness. This has changed the time frame for humans, and given the perception of an earth speeding up. The perception is that you have sped up time. The reality is that your consciousness time frame is moving slower, more like that of Spirit. Have you ever noticed that God moves slow and Humans are an impatient lot? This is because God's time is not in your time frame. This is starting to change as you evolve spiritually. Did you know that Earth was created in seven days? They were "God days." Getting the point?

    Global Warming – Not Long Term

    The weather you have today, and all the alarming attributes of it, is a scenario of what was scheduled to happen on Earth anyway. I review again that the weather changes you are seeing prophesied by myself, 21 years ago, are not a surprise. The changes are not caused by the pollutants you put in the air. You call it global warming and that's a nice phrase, and perhaps that will get you to put less pollutants in the air – a very good thing. But what you are seeing in the weather shift today was not caused by Humans putting things into the air. It would have happened anyway in about 300 years.

    We've called this process the water cycle, since it's all about water, not about air. The water is the predominant attribute of Gaia and of the weather cycle you're seeing. More predominant is the temperature of it. The cycle is ice to water and water to ice, and has been repeated on this planet over and over and over. It is not new. It is not exceptional. It is not frightening. But it's a cycle that modern humanity has not seen before, and it's a long cycle that is beyond the life span of a Human Being. Therefore, it tends to be overlooked or not seen at all!

    In the days of the Lemurians, the water level of the Pacific Ocean was almost 400 feet lower, and that's only 50,000 years ago. [Kryon invites science to check this out – the water level at that time.] That was a water cycle working, and the reason it was lower was due to so much of the water being stored as ice. Today you're going through another water cycle that will eventually lead to cooling. The last one was in the 1400s; science sees that at about 1650. As mentioned, they are so slow there is no remembrance that a Human has of them except in past writings and in the rings of the trees. The time span of the changes is so great that environmental record keeping does not exist in the form that it does today. But you can still look at the rings of the trees and at the striations of the rocks and can generally figure out that a few hundred years ago, you had a mini-ice age. Now you're going to have another one.

    It's not an emergency, and there is nothing to fear. You've gone through it before. Humanity, even without technology, has gone through it before and survived. All you have to do is recognize it and make arrangements to get out of the way – and learn to perfect the desalinization of sea water so you will not be left thirsty [a channelling of the past addressed this]. It's a 400- to 600-year cycle. But the turning points of it are obvious, and it will last only about 50 years (the transition).

    Twenty-one years ago, we told you there would be a time when you would have places that could grow crops where crops would never grow before. Also, there would be places where no crops would grow that used to be fertile [Kryon, Book One]. It's the water cycle. So I bring to you this: Do not be alarmed. Do not be afraid of what you are seeing today. It's changing in front of you, but because you have never seen if before, it is frightening and it seems unexplainable; therefore, you look for the logic of it and assign the reason to something Humans did. It isn't anything Humans did. It's the Gaia water cycle.

    The first thing we wish to bring to you is this. The ice is melting. You knew that. As the ice at the poles melt, there is an incredible shift in weight in those areas where it used to be. It's a tremendous shift in the weight of ice, some of it on land, and some of it suspended in the water, but the weight of ice is concentrated at the poles. As it turns to water, the weight is then distributed all over the globe. Therefore, think: the weight which is on the poles of the planet is redistributing itself in a liquid form around the crust. As the ice melts, you're going to have a tremendous weight shift to a very thin crust. Therefore, the crust is going to adjust accordingly, creating earthquakes and volcanoes. Look at where the volcanoes are exploding–close to the poles. We again say to you what we have said before: Chile has not seen the end of it either, for there's a volcano or two there that really want to erupt. Whether it does or not is the potential of what this lesson's about.

    Do you have a relationship with Gaia or don't you? Can you give instructions for Gaia to shake less in areas that are populated? Do you believe you have that power? This is the Human Being: Consciousness over matter. It has a relationship with the planet that wants to hear from you. As the crust adjusts, you're going to have more shaking. There's going to be more volcanic activity.

    Lightworker, listening to this in the room or reading this, thousands of you need to re-establish the relationship. Then watch what takes place: Earthquakes in unpopulated areas, an under-the-ocean earthquake without a tsunami event, volcanoes that affect no one. It's possible. It's doable. This is what is happening at the moment with Gaia, so don't be alarmed at the sudden increase in activity. What we're saying is it is normal. It has happened every single time the ice has melted and reformed.

    Now, here's something you should know. Science knows it and it does not follow the global warming environmental theory. The ice is melting from underneath. Take a look. It has nothing to do with pollutants in the air. This is a natural occurring cycle as the water becomes warmer. It also increases the potential of storms. Now, do you have a relationship with Gaia or don't you? What would you like to tell Gaia about where the storms should be? Do they follow the old track as they always have? That is linear information. Or, can you tell Gaia you prefer the storms to follow a track that is not with Humans in the way?

    Magnetics: Always a Player in The Shift

    Many things are happening with the planet at the moment. The magnetics are changing as well. The magnetics of the solar system and the sun in particular, have an influence on your weather. How many sun spots have you seen lately? What do you think about the correlation of a sun that has very few, with your earth climate? When can you remember that in your lifetime? What does it mean? I will tell you, dear Human Beings, that it's all related to what's happening on the earth. You may not understand the correlation, but I will tell you there is a profound one. What if [astronomy hint coming next], what if sun spots were created by gravitational and other interdimensional forces caused by the orbiting planets? Has there even been a correlation made between sun spots and the positions of the planets? Too weird? The invitation is there to see the correlations.

    The sun is the fulcrum of the interdimensional gravitational pull attributes of the planets around it. There is information that is interdimensional – call it a gravitational patterning, if you wish – which the sun generates every moment of the day. As the planets push and pull on the fulcrum of the solar system [effect the sun through gravity], they affect the sun's attitude. These patterns are unique every day, and they intersect the magnetic field of the earth as they are blasted from the Sun in what you would call the solar wind.

    The solar wind is a magnetic heliosphere, and has very multidimensional properties. This magnetic wind strikes the earth, intersecting with the magnetic field, and you can see it! You call it the Aurora Borealis. It's one giant magnetic field [the sun] intersecting another [the earth]. Science calls this intersecting phenomena inductance. In that intersecting energy, there is a transference of the informative patterning of the sun [at that moment] to the magnetic grid of the earth. Now, it's the magnetic grid of the planet that you sit in. All of life does.

    Now we give you information we've given you before: The Merkabah. That is to say, your DNA imprint - the field around you - receives the magnetic grid's sun information, and the instructions within that field are passed right to the DNA, which is also magnetic. I have just given you the magnetic transmission chain that you think is esoteric. It's not. It's hard science. But to think that the interdimensional, magnetic and gravitational attributes of the solar system are going to your DNA is very esoteric. Some call it astrology. The truth is that it's for humanity, and also for Gaia! For remember that it is the earth that is part of the magnetic chain of information to your cellular structure [the Magnetic Grid]. It tells it when to do what it does. It's all related. So how related are you to Gaia? How much do you address this consciousness?

    The Solar Cycles are not only quantum geometric as seen in Q&A message #962 but also relate to the orbital periodicity of Jupiter - the King of the Planes in so 11.86 years and most gravitational (it contains 70% of the mass of the solar system without the Sun - Earth~0.22%).

    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Originally Posted by eleni

    "Abrax- what do you make of the UFO's orbiting the sun? Do you have any information pertaining to that?"

    Aye Eleni!

    There are a number of things, people should know.

    1. The Sun in 3D harbours specific physical characteristics.
    a) The Core Temperature is about 16 million Kelvin
    b) The Surface Temperature is about 5800 Kelvin
    c) The Corona Temperature increases from the (cool) surface to 2-5 million Kelvin

    The physicist's explanation for the 'unexpectated' hot corona are magnetic vortices and 'fieldlines' inducting the energy via corona mass ejections and the sunspot cycles (two 11 year halfcycles). This is often termed 'Magnetic Reconnection', possibly linked to Alfven Waves.

    2. The Sun in 4D (and higher) harbourts a Solar Black Hole 10 kilometers across at its core.
    a) This Solar Black Hole communicates with the planetary Black Holes of the solar system including the golfball size Black Hole art the earth's center
    b) The 4D solar energy interacts with the 3D solar energy via geometrical archetypes

    The Thuban omni-science has discovered the reason for the sunspot cycles.

    From the Thuban archives:
    A local universe about a star forms a Black Hole-White Hole dyad of ellipsoidal focalisation of the Eps-Ess duality for 2 Chandrasekhar (White Dwarf Limit) masses of 6x1030 kg=3 time Mass of the Sun. This ratio of 1.5 is important for the inner-outer penetration of the solar surface to 2/3 depth and 3/2 coronal halo of the radius.
    (The dyadic supermembrane as a soursesink modulates frequency as inverse time being a time constant).

    The Solar Frequency Fsol=c/Wavelengthsol=c/lsol of the Star in three 120 degree sectors.
    The isoceles triangle for this trisection so defines a Solar Chord of
    √3.Rsol adjacent to the two radii Rsol, as sin60°=Halfchord/Rsol.

    Then Fsol=lightspeed/½√3=2c/√3=600 million seconds/1.732..~346,410,162 seconds or 4009.4 days or 10.98 civil years.
    A halfchord so defines a 11 year sunspot cycle doubling to 22 years for the full chord with the size of the star a simple proportion of the Black Hole's Photonic Ergosphere (1.5 times from the event horizon), and where photons are 'forced by gravity' to travel in orbits around the sun.

    So the 4D Sun ENCOMPASSES the 3D Sun and inducts the energy from the core to its coronal perimeter via the mass-magnetocurrent equivalence APPEARING in 3D as coronal ejections, the magnetic reconnections and the Alfven waves.

    The sunspot cycles are like a 'heartbeat' or breathing of the solar entity, harbouring intersolar lifeforms as 4D sentiences also utilizing the sunspot magnetic current vortices as conduits from the solar core to the coronal perimeter.

    The 'materializing' geometric shapes (one the Eagle of Thuban) derive from the 4D energy manifesting 3D shadows, independent on the temperature environment.
    (Like a shadow cast onto a wall from a hot object is not itself as hot as the object casting the shadow).

    A basic geometry is that of a corner in your room, joined by three perpendicular vectors, each of say unit length.
    Now form a 3D tetrahedron in joining the three vectors to form an equilateral trianle.
    The resulting Corner of your room is now 'sealed' by a socalled 'Right-Angled Tetrahedron'.
    Note, this is NOT a 'Regular Tetrahedron' as one of the five Platonic Solids and where all four triangular faces are equilateral.

    Summararily then, the UFOS around the Sun are from the Sun's Interior, but are 3D shadows of their 4D reality INTERDIMENSIONAL and encompassing the observed 3D (say by SOHO).

    The interdimensionality of astromagnetics is discussed in the appropriate omniscience threads on this forum.

    Abraxasinas aka Tonyblue

    Kryon Live continues:

    Things You Don't Expect – Gamma Energy

    There is another thing that is related that is yet to be understood by science. There are other sets of instructions to Gaia, which come from a place you don't expect. There's a lot of energy hitting the earth, a tremendous amount in the form of gamma energy. Science wonders where it's coming from, but it remains elusive. They realize that it's cosmic and coming from space. The truth is that it's coming from the center of the galaxy, but it appears to be coming from everywhere. That's because the main attribute of this kind of energy is that it is not 3D. Therefore, it has quantum [multidimensional] attributes that do not carry a "location" or place of origin with it. This is difficult to explain, but things in a true quantum state are everywhere, entangled in a universal soup of being "one" with everything. Therefore, you can't say "it comes from there." There is precedent in science for this, so it is not all that strange to a physicist reading this.

    This is powerfully derived in the Thuban brane physics; which shows that the 'Cosmic Rays; are indeed the hierarchies of the superbrane classes.

    The Elementary Cosmic Ray Spectrum

    The elementary Cosmic Ray Spectrum derives from the transformation of the Planck-String-Boson at the birth of the universe.
    The following tabulation relates those transformation in energy and the modular duality between the distance parameters of the macrocosm of classical spacetime geometry and the microcosm of the quantum realm.

    String-Boson.............Wavelength(λ)............Energy (hc/λ)................Modular Wavelength....Significance

    1. Planck-Boson............1.2x10-34 m............1.6 GJ or 9.9x1027 eV........8.0x1033 m...Outside Hubble Horizon Limit
    2. Monopole-Boson......4.6x10-32 m.............4.3 MJ or 2.7x1025 eV.......2.2x1031 m...Outside Hubble Horizon Limit
    3. XL-Boson...................6.6x10-31 m............303 kJ or 1.9x1024 eV........1.5x1030 m....Outside Hubble Horizon Limit

    4. X-K-Boson transit......8.8x10-28 m.............227 J or 1.6x1021 eV........1.1x1027 m....2πRHubble11D
    5 .X-K-Boson transit......1.0x10-27 m.............201 J or 1.2x1021 eV........1.0x1027 m....2πRHubbleHorizonLimit
    6. CosmicRayToe..........1.9x10-27 m............106 J or 6.6x1020 eV.......5.3x1026 m......2πRHubble10D

    7. CosmicRayAnkle.......2.0x10-25 m..............1.0 J or 6.2x1018 eV........5.0x1024 m......Galactic Supercluster Scale
    8. CosmicRayKnee( )....1.0x10-22 m.......0.002 J or 1.24x1016 eV.........1.0x1022 m.....Galactic Halo(Group) Scale
    9. CosmicRayKnee(-)....6.3x10-22 m..........0.3 mJ or 2.0x1015 eV........1.6x1021 m......Galactic Disc(Halo) Scale
    10.CosmicRay................1.4x10-20 m........0.002 mJ or 1.4x1013 eV.......7.1x1019 m....Galactic Core Scale

    Lower Cosmic Ray energies then become defined in standard physics, such as supernovae, neutron stars and related phenomena, engaging electron accelerations and synchrotron radiation.

    7. represents the ECosmic-Boson aka superstring class IIA as a D-brane attached open string dual to the (selfdual) monopole string class IIB and where the D-Brane or Dirichlet-Coupling in both cases becomes the 'intermediary' heterotic (closed loop) superstring HO(32).
    It is the HO(32) superstring, which as a bosonic full-quantum spin superstring bifurcates into the subsequently emerging quark-lepton families as the K-L-Boson split into Proto-DiNeutronic Ylemic NeutronMatter.
    The Ylem then manifests the massless Higgs Bosonic precursor as a scalar 'Neutron-Boson' (10), which then becomes massinductive under utility of the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity, relating gravitational mass to inertial mass.

    It are supersymmetric double neutrons which bifurcate into the observed mass content in the universe and not a decoupling matter-antimatter symmetry.
    The primordial neutron beta-decay so manifests the nucleon-lepton distinction in the deceoupling of the strongweak nuclear interaction, mediated by the electromagnetic alpha-interaction hitherto unified with the omega-gravitational interaction. This primordial ylem radioactivity manifests the bosonic string class IIB as a monopolic masscurrent as a D-brane interaction in modular duality to the transformation of the selfdual magnetic monopole to the bi-dual electromagnetic cosmic rays at the ECosmic energy level.
    The monopole class is chiral (selfdual) and the Ecosmic class is nonchiral (bi-dual); from this derives the nonparity of the spacial symmetry aka the CP-Violation of the weak nuclear interaction, related to neutrinoflux as monopolic superconductive currentflows.

    As the heterotic classes are all 'closed looped', the elementary particles of the standard models emerge from the HE(64) class coupled to the HO(32) class in the inflationary string epoch.

    8. depicts the Weyl-Boson of the Big Bang Planck-singularity of the Weyl-Geodesic of relativistic spacetime as the final 'octonionised' string class HE(8x8).

    9. modulates the experimentally well measured 'knee' energy for Cosmic Rays as the distribution flux of high-energy protons as the primary particle in the 2π-factor. The wormhole radius is 10-22 m/2π for a Halo-(DarkMatter)-Radius of 2πx1022 metres.

    10. is the massless ancestor of the Higgs-template and defined through the Weyl-String-Eigenenergy E*=kT*=hf*=m*c2 =1/e*=1/2Re c2.
    The scale of (10) emerges from the holographic principle as 2π2R*3.f*2=e* for R*=h/(2πm'c)=1.41188..x10-20 m for a Compton Energy of E'=m'c2=2.2545..x10-6 J or 14.03 TeV, which serendipitously is the maxium energy regime for which the LHC is designed.

    The SciAm article below from 1998 links to the above in clarification of the questions raised.

    Cosmic Rays at the Energy Frontier
    These particles carry more energy than any others in the universe.
    Their origin is unknown but may be relatively nearby.
    by James W. Cronin, Thomas K. Gaisser and Simon P. Swordy

    Tony B.
  5. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

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    • Post n°127
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    shiloh on Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:13 pm

    Towards a new test of general relativity?

    23 March 2006

    Scientists funded by the European Space Agency have measured the gravitational equivalent of a magnetic field for the first time in a laboratory. Under certain special conditions the effect is much larger than expected from general relativity and could help physicists to make a significant step towards the long-sought-after quantum theory of gravity.

    Just as a moving electrical charge creates a magnetic field, so a moving mass generates a gravitomagnetic field. According to Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, the effect is virtually negligible. However, Martin Tajmar, ARC Seibersdorf Research GmbH, Austria; Clovis de Matos, ESA-HQ, Paris; and colleagues have measured the effect in a laboratory.

    Their experiment involves a ring of superconducting material rotating up to 6 500 times a minute. Superconductors are special materials that lose all electrical resistance at a certain temperature. Spinning superconductors produce a weak magnetic field, the so-called London moment. The new experiment tests a conjecture by Tajmar and de Matos that explains the difference between high-precision mass measurements of Cooper-pairs (the current carriers in superconductors) and their prediction via quantum theory. They have discovered that this anomaly could be explained by the appearance of a gravitomagnetic field in the spinning superconductor (This effect has been named the Gravitomagnetic London Moment by analogy with its magnetic counterpart).


    Small acceleration sensors placed at different locations close to the spinning superconductor, which has to be accelerated for the effect to be noticeable, recorded an acceleration field outside the superconductor that appears to be produced by gravitomagnetism. "This experiment is the gravitational analogue of Faraday's electromagnetic induction experiment in 1831.

    It demonstrates that a superconductive gyroscope is capable of generating a powerful gravitomagnetic field, and is therefore the gravitational counterpart of the magnetic coil. Depending on further confirmation, this effect could form the basis for a new technological domain, which would have numerous applications in space and other high-tech sectors" says de Matos. Although just 100 millionths of the acceleration due to the Earth’s gravitational field, the measured field is a surprising one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein’s General Relativity predicts. Initially, the researchers were reluctant to believe their own results.


    Gravitomagnetic induction of gravitational fields

    "We ran more than 250 experiments, improved the facility over 3 years and discussed the validity of the results for 8 months before making this announcement. Now we are confident about the measurement," says Tajmar, who performed the experiments and hopes that other physicists will conduct their own versions of the experiment in order to verify the findings and rule out a facility induced effect.

    In parallel to the experimental evaluation of their conjecture, Tajmar and de Matos also looked for a more refined theoretical model of the Gravitomagnetic London Moment. They took their inspiration from superconductivity. The electromagnetic properties of superconductors are explained in quantum theory by assuming that force-carrying particles, known as photons, gain mass. By allowing force-carrying gravitational particles, known as the gravitons, to become heavier, they found that the unexpectedly large gravitomagnetic force could be modelled.

    "If confirmed, this would be a major breakthrough," says Tajmar, "it opens up a new means of investigating general relativity and it consequences in the quantum world."

    The results were presented at a one-day conference at ESA's European Space and Technology Research Centre (ESTEC), in the Netherlands, 21 March 2006. Two papers detailing the work are now being considered for publication.
    The papers can be accessed on-line at the Los Alamos pre-print server using the references: gr-qc/0603033 and gr-qc/0603032.

    For more detailed information, please contact:

    Dipl-Ing Dr Martin Tajmar
    Head of Business Field Space Propulsion
    ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH
    A-2444 Seibersdorf
    Phone: 43 (0)5 05 50 31 42
    Fax: 43 (0)5 05 50 33 66

    Dr Clovis J. de Matos
    General Studies Officer
    European Space Agency ESA-HQ
    Advanced Concepts and Studies Office - EUI-AC
    8-10 Rue Mario Nikis
    75738 Paris Cedex 15
    Tel: 33 (0)1 53 69 74 98
    Fax: 33 (0)1 53 69 76 51
    Email: @

    Galactic Magnetism from first principles

    The article below could show the way for theoretical physicists to discover the extension of General Relativity into the Quantum Gravity realms.
    The Biot-Savart law (Laplace-Ampere) states Magnetic Flux (measured in Tesla=Weber/Area=Volt.time=Energy/Current) to be dB=μoi.dL/4πr² from B=μoqv/4πr². For a tangential velocity v the angular velocity ω=2πf=v/r.

    The finestructure unification between the electromagnetic alpha=2πk.e²/hc and the gravitational alpha 2πGom²/hc then modifies this law as B=Mω/2Rc² by the monopolic string mass-current M=30ec for a magnetocharge e*=2e as a Cooper-Charge for the superconductive Cosmic String, manifesting as e=½e*=½(M/30c).

    {Example: The earth's magnetic field approximates as 3x10-5 Tesla (0.3 gauss) for a core-mantle differential rotation.

    Mcorecore.Vcore~9x1022 kg and Rcore~1.2x106 m and ω=2π/86,400}.
    Here M becomes the unitised mass of the rotating system of angular velocity ω and a displacement radius R.
    In the post below the rotation rate is said to be so 6500 cycles per minute and so w=2πf~680 radians per second.
    The magnetic flux then is a function approximated by B~[3.8x10-15](M/R).
    So B increases for a given radius with the gravitomagnetic mass in a selfinduction.
    Generally, a rotating cosmic body of mass M and spinrate ω selfinduces a gravitomagnetic field in analogy to the laws of Maxwell, Faraday and Lenz in a form of B=Mω/2Rc².

    For a typically evolved galaxy such as the Milky Way, the masses are of the order of 2x1042 kg, inclusive the dark matter as gravitationally acting component. A typical radius is of the order of 50,000 lightyears or so 5x1020 metres and a galactic rotation rate can be approximated in so 250 Million years, being the rotation period of 'our' solar system about the galactic core.

    This then gives the INTRINSIC magnetic field for a nonionised charge distribution and for the Milky Way: B=(2x1042 kg)(2π/8x1015s)/9x1037m)~2x10-11 Tesla or 2x10-7 gauss or 0.2 microgauss. This is on the scale of the New Scientist article mentioned above.

    So what then are the 'seedling' magnetic fields, proposed in that latter article to have derived from Cosmic Strings at even smaller magnitudes?

    It is simple, when we realise that this seedling must be the entire universe itself.
    The Hubble-Frequency is so 1.9x10-18 s and the Hubble-Radius is so 2x1026 metres and the mass-seedling is 2x1051 kg baryonic and 6.5x1052 kg for the asymptotic closure in Euclidean flatness of zero curvature.

    This gives a cosmic magnetic field of B=9x10-10 Tesla and B=3x10-8 Tesla and just the measured galactic typical 'upper bounds' for the universe's mass say.

    The universe so displays magnetism on account of its Hubble-parameters, which are magnified string parameters.
    And the absolute minimum frequency for the wormhole is 3.33x10-31 seconds and applying this as a Zero-Point for the cosmogenesis; the 'seedling' magnetic field would become so B=1.4x10-22 Tesla and B=4.7x10-21 Tesla for our total mass distributions.

    The Cosmic Strings are always associated with Black Holes as Vortex 'seeds' and depict the monopolic mass-current from the upper bounded monopole mass of 2.7x1016 GeV, which is the string unification scale as first Planck-Nugget transformation.

    Tony B.

    DID colossal spinning loops of energy whip up the magnetic fields that thread through galaxies and may even stretch across intergalactic space? That's the idea being put forward to explain the universe's mysterious magnetic fields.
    "Wherever we look, we find a magnetic field," says Mark Wyman, a cosmologist at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. "But nobody can explain where they came from."​

    Galactic fields have a strength of about 10-10 tesla - one-hundred-thousandth of Earth's magnetic field - and cosmologists calculate that they could have been amplified from even weaker "seed fields" in the early universe of only about 10-34 tesla. "That's small in strength, but the problem is that you need something to create that field over a huge area, the size of a galaxy," says Wyman.

    He and his colleagues realised that exotic objects known as cosmic strings could be large enough to solve the puzzles....

    --- In, Zeus wrote:

    Did Cosmic 'Egg-Beaters' Leave Magnetic Legacy? Huge loops of the exotic objects known as cosmic strings could have whipped up the first magnetic fields that now thread through galaxies. That's the idea being put forward by a cosmologist in Canada to explain where the universe's mysterious magnetic fields came from...MORE

    Cosmic 'egg-beaters' may have left magnetic legacy

    This post from Cambridge University illustrates the 'very important' phase transitions of energy in the early universe. Whilst controversial or speculative at present, the 'Cosmic String scenario' will be found to best describe the early universe.I particularly draw the reader's attention to the following excerpt about 'Cosmic Strings':

    "...They are very thin and may stretch across the visible universe. A typical GUT string has a thickness that is less then a trillion times smaller that the radius of an Hydrogen atom. Still, a 10 km length of one such string will weigh as much as the earth itself!..."

    Here are the details wrt Quantum Relativity, where we shall derive the actual Cosmic String Density from first principles.

    The wormhole has a perimeter of 10-22 metres and a linedensity of 2.22x10-20 kg as the 'knee-energy' for the well studied and analysed Cosmic Rays (1.24x1016 eV).

    So the mass-density of this Weyl-Boson-String is mw=2.22x10-20 kg/7.96x10-68 m³~2.8x1047 kg/m³ for a toroidal 3D-volume as a fundamental density for a superconductive Cosmic String moving at lightspeed (see below).

    The mass of the earth is so 6x1024 kg and a hydrogen atom is so 10-10 metres (1 angstroem) across.
    This is a density for the Cosmic String of 6x1024 kg/(π[10-12x5x10-11]²x104 m)~7.6x1064 kg/m³ and using the approximation given by Cambridge. This approximation becomes more precise in defining the radius of a Cosmic String as a wormholeradius of precisely rw=10-22 m/2π and this leads directly to the ZPE.

    The Vacuum-Density or ZPE pervading the universe is precisely the wormhole-energy quantum/volume of a spacetimequantum=hfw/(2π²rw³)=2.5x1064 Joules/m³. This modulates the Planck-Density of mP.c²/(2π²LP³)~9.7x10111 Joules/m³ in a factor of so 4x1047 for a scalefactor
    This wormhole is however modulated to the classical electron radius in a factor of 1010/360=Re/2πrw.
    It is this modulation, which represents the phase-transition and the 'breaking of domains' indicated below.
    This scalefactor then also incorporates the 'nature' of the monopole and the topological effects described in the Cambridge Cosmology link.

    The elementary Cosmic String Density then manifests as the nuclear interaction asymptotic confinement scale of the classical electron radius mapped onto the ZPE of the Heisenberg Vacuum (say).
    The elementary Cosmic String Density then manifests as the nuclear interaction asymptotic confinement scale of the classical electron radius mapped onto the ZPE of the Heisenberg Vacuum (say).

    For a wormhole-density of ρw=2.8x1047 kg/m³ , the nuclear/wormhole modulation gives a Cosmic String density of ρcosmicstringw.(Re/rw)³ or so 1.5x1072 kg/m³ .

    So the Cambridge statement should read:

    "...They are very thin and may stretch across the visible universe. A typical GUT string has a thickness that is less then a trillion times smaller that the radius of an Hydrogen atom. Still, a 1 mile length of one such string will weigh as much as the sun itself!......

    Tony B.


    Cosmic Strings & other Topological Defects

    What are topological defects?

    Topological defects are stable configurations of matter formed at phase transitionsin the very early universe. These configurations are in the original, symmetric or old phase, but nevertheless they persist after a phase transition to the asymmetric or new phase is completed. There are a number of possible types of defects, such as domain walls, cosmic strings, monopoles, textures and other `hybrid' creatures. The type of defect formed is determined by the symmetry properties of the matter and the nature of the phase transition.

    Below you can find a brief description of each type of defect:

    Domain walls:

    These are two-dimensional objects that form when a discrete symmetry is broken at a phase transition. A network of domain walls effectively partitions the universe into various `cells'. Domain walls have some rather peculiar properties. For example, the gravitational field of a domain wall is repulsive rather than attractive.


    Domain walls are associated with models in which there is more than one separated mimimum.

    Cosmic strings:

    These are one-dimensional (that is, line-like) objects which form when an axial or cylindrical symmetry is broken. Strings can be associated with grand unified particle physics models, or they can form at the electroweak scale. They are very thin and may stretch across the visible universe. A typical GUT string has a thickness that is less then a trillion times smaller that the radius of an Hydrogen atom. Still, a 10 km lenght of one such string will weigh as much as the earth itself!

    Cosmic strings are associated with models in which the set of minima are not simply-connected, that is, the vacuum manifold has `holes' in it. The minimum energy states on the left form a circle and the string corresponds to a non-trivial winding around this.


    These are zero-dimensional (point-like) objects which form when a spherical symmetry is broken. Monopoles are predicted to be supermassive and carry magnetic charge. The existence of monopoles is an inevitable prediction of grand unified theories (GUTs); this is one of the puzzles of the standard cosmology.

    Only the three-dimensional `hedgehog' configuration on the left corresponds to a monopole.


    These form when larger, more complicated symmetry groups are completely broken. Textures are delocalized topological defects which are unstable to collapse. The potential cosmological implications of textures are described here.

    Examples of delocalized texture configurations in one and two dimensions.

    Have they been seen?

    Due to their extremely high energies, cosmological defects have not yet been detected, and it is virtually impossible to produce them, even in the most powerful particle accelerators. On the other hand, this is one of the reasons why people are interested in them - if they can be found today, they will be a unique direct link to the physics of the first moments of the universe. Some observational searches are already under way!

    However, defects are not exclusive of the early universe! they exist and have been studied in a wide variety of more `down-to-earth' contexts. In the laboratory, topological defects are commonly observed in condensed matter systems. Simple examples are the domains in a ferromagnet; regions in which the magnetic dipoles are aligned, separated by domain walls. Liquid crystals exhibit an array of topological defects, such as strings and monopoles. Defects can also been found in biochemistry, notably in the procees of protein folding.
    As an example, here are two photographs (obtained with an optical microscope) of strings in a nematic liquid crystal (from I.Chuang et. al., 1991):

    Fig.1: Long-string intercommuting in a liquid crystal. The two strings excange ends at the crossing.
    Fig.2 : The evolution of a string network in a liquid crystal. The four snapshots have the same size, but were obtained at different times. Notice the progressive dilution of the string network.

    You might want to refer back to these for comparison when we describe the evolution of the strings in the cosmological context...

    Why do they form?

    If cosmic strings or other topological defects can form at a cosmological phase transition then they will form. This as first pointed out by Kibble and, in a cosmological context, the defect formation process is known as the Kibble mechanism.

    The simple fact is that causal effects in the early universe can only propagate (as at any time) as the speed of light c. This means that at a time t, regions of the universe separated by more than a distance d=ct can know nothing about each other. In a symmetry breaking phase transition, different regions of the universe will choose to fall into different minima in the set of possible states (this set is known to mathematicians as the vacuum manifold). Topological defects are precisely the `boundaries' between these regions with different choices of minima, and their formation is therefore an inevitable consequence of the fact that differentregions cannot agree on their choices.

    For example, in a theory with two minima, plus and minus -, then neighbouring regions separated by more than ct will tend to fall randomly into the different states (as shown below). Interpolating between these different minima will be a domain wall .

    The Kibble mechanism for the formation of domain walls.

    Cosmic strings

    will arise in slightly more complicated theories in which the minimum energy states possess `holes'. The strings will simply correspond to non-trivial `windings' around these holes (as illustrated below).

    The Kibble mechanism for the formation of cosmic strings.

    Why do we want to study them?

    Because, as we pointed out above, they provide a unique link to the physics of the very early universe. Furthermore, they can crucially affect the evolution of the universe! So given that they must necessarily form, their study is an unavoidable part of any serious attempt to understand the early universe.
    The detailed consequences very with the type of defect considered. On one hand, domain walls and monopoles are cosmologically catastrophic. Any cosmological model in which they form will evolve in a way that contradicts the basic observational facts that we know about the universe. Such models must therefore be ruled out!

    On the other hand, cosmic strings and (possibly) textures are much more benign. Among other things, they could be the `seeds' that led to the formation of the large-scale structures we observe today, as well as the anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background. They could also be at the origin of some of the `dark matter' of the universe.
    However, before one can analyse all these scenarios, one should make sure that one understands how strings evolve. And in order to do this, one must inevitably resort to numerical simulations.

    [Back][Hot big bang][Galaxies][Relic radiation][Cosmic strings][Inflation][Cosmology][Next]

    Quantum Gravity and the Higher Dimensions

    Reference: Z.K.Silagadze's paper at:
    Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 630 090, Novosibirsk, Russia

    "TeV scale gravity, mirror universe, and ... dinosaurs"

    (I have corrected some of the English and elborated on the equations (I do not like the geometrization of units for example. The main formulas are from the Silagadze paper referenced however and are common knowledge in the scientific data base. Tony B.).

    The hierarchy mystery

    The energy scale where gravity becomes strong and quantum gravity effects are essential is given by the Planck mass.
    This mass can be estimated as follows. Suppose two particles of equal masses m are separated at a distance which equals to the corresponding Compton radius:

    If the gravitational interaction energy of the system mc²=Gm²/Rc= 2πGm³c/h is of the same order as the particle rest mass m, then the former can not be neglected.
    This gives for the Plank mass: m=MP=√(hc/2πG)~1019 GeV and as the energy scale for quantum gravity.
    The energy scale for electroweak unification (EEW) is the Fermi scale of about 300 GeV and the GUT-Monopole scale (EGUT of Grand Unified Theories) is at 2.7x1016 GeV for inclusion of the strong nuclear interaction.

    This huge difference between this quantum gravity energy scale and the electroweak scale is astonishing and constitutes the so called hierarchy problem. There is also a gauge hierarchy problem: the Grand Unification scale EGUT is very big compared to EEW.

    Any successful theory should not only explain these hierarchies, but also provide some mechanism to protect them against radiative corrections. Recently an interesting idea was suggested by Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos and Dvali [38] how to deal with the hierarchy problem. Certainly, there will be no problem, if there is no hierarchy. But how can we lower the quantum gravity scale so that the hierarchy disappears? It turns out that this is possible if extra spatial dimensions exist with big enough compactification radius.

    Suppose besides the usual x,y,z coordinates there exist some additional spatial coordinates x1,x2,...,xn, which are compactified on circles with a common (for simplicity) compactification radius R. In such a world with toroidal compactification, the gravitational potential, created by an object of mass m, should be periodic in the extra n-dimensions.
    That is, it should be invariant under replacements (xi → xi ±2πR).

    Besides it should vanish at spatial infinity and obey the (n+3)-dimensional Laplace equation. These requirements are satisfied by the following function [39]:

    V= -ΣG*m/[r²+Σ(xi-2πRn)²]½(n+1)

    Here summation is for n from 1 to n and where G* is Newton's gravitational constant for (n+4) space-time dimensions and with r²= x²+ y²+ z² as the usual three-dimensional radial distance. If the compactification radius R is very large, only the term with n1 = 0,...,nn= 0 survives in the sum and we get the Newton law in n 4 dimensions:

    V~ -G*m/r*(n+1) and where r*=√{r²+Σxi²}..............{Equation #4}

    This reduces to the 4D spacetime form for n=0, i.e. no additional spacial dimensions for the gravitational potential with G*=G and r*=r:

    V=∫(Gm/x²)dx= -Gm/r for the integration from x=0 to x=r.

    But if R « r, the sum can be approximated by an integral:

    V~ -G*m/(2πR)n∫dnx/[r²+x²]½(n+1) ~ -G*m/r.Rn= -Gm/r.

    Therefore for the conventional 4-dimensional Newton constant we have G=G*/Rn.

    On the other hand, the fundamental multidimensional quantum gravity scale MP* is now determined from (#4) and for a compactification radius R=R0, which transforms the Planck-Length LP=RP=h/2πcMP into r*=R0.

    MP corresponds to LP=RP=h/2πcMP for r*=r=LP and MP* corresponds to r*=R0=h/2πcMP* for r*=√{r²+Σxi²} and with r*(n+1)~r.Rn for low scale quantum gravity.

    The potential V is given by the equation (#4), and we have the gravitational interaction energy (with mc2=MP.Gm/r in 4D spacetime):


    Therefore mc2= MP*.G*m{2πcMP*/h}(n+1) or MP*=(c2/G*).(h/2πcMP*)}(n+1).

    So MP*(n+2)=(1/G*)(h/2πc)n.(hc2/2πc)={hc/2πG*}(h/2πc)n.

    Also, G=G*/Rn = hc/2πMP2 for MP*(n+2)=MP2/Rn(h/2πc)n.

    This is {MP/MP*}2={R/R0}n as MP*=h/2πcR0.

    Ergo MP/M*P~√(R/R0)n ...................................{Equation #5}

    Here R0 = 1/MP* and R0 ~ 10-19 m (m – one meter), if the fundamental quantum gravity scale M*P is in a few TeV range. Therefore the initial MP/EEW hierarchy problem can be traded to another hierarchy: the largeness of the compactification radius compared to R0.
    Namely, we get from (5) the corresponding compactification radius as:

    R=(1.6x10-8/1.6x10-24) (2/n).{R0}~10(32/n)-19 m.

    For one extra dimension this means modification of the Newton’s gravity at scales R = 1013 m and is certainly excluded. But already for n = 2, R ~ 1 mm – just the scale where our present day experimental knowledge about gravity ends.

    Tony B. commentary:

    The above is the appropriate multidimensional treatment of quantum gravity.
    The missing ingredient is simply the assumption of the Compactification radius to be R0=10-19 m, which gives the mm scale.
    The correct compactification radius is R0=10-22/2π metres for a characteristic:

    MP*=mps=Eps/c2=hfps/c2=h/lpsc=2.22x10-20 kg or 1.24x104 TeV.

    R=(MP/mps)(2/n).Rps=(λps/2π).{c³λps²/2πGh} (1/n).
    This approximates as ~(1.6x10-23).(5.8x1023) (1/n).

    For n=1; R1=9.23... m and macroscopic as the result above.
    For n=2; R2=1.21..x10-11 m and the typical atomic scale.
    For n=3; R3=1.33...x10-15 m and the typical nuclear/subatomic (fermi) scale.
    For n=4; R4=1.39...x10-17 m and the typical mesonic scale.
    For n=5; R5=9.05...x10-19 m and the typical outer neutrino-kernel scale.
    For n=6; R6=1.46...x10-19 m and the typical mean neutrino-kernel scale.
    For n=7; R7=3.97...x10-20 m and the typical inner neutrino-kernel scale.
    For n=8; R8=1.49...x10-20 m and the typical gauge/graviton-kernel scale.

    8 extra spacial dimensions so define the heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8) of octonion normed lie algebra of exceptional class E8 in 12D-F-Space.
    The bosonic superstring resides in 26 dimensions for which n=22 for R22=1.92...x10-22 m and additional dimensions approach the wormhole limit of the Weyl geodesic as the Big Bang quantum gravitational 'singularity'.

    The limit for n→∞ so is Rpsps/2π=10-22/2π=1.591549..x10-23 metres and as the wormhole radius which is the scale of the Kerr-Torus of cross-sectional area of LP2.
    The supermembrane EpsEss has eigenenergy R0=Rps and the transformed and magnified Planck-Mass mps=hfps/c²=h/cλps.

    It is this eigenstate, which applies for the physical universe observed and measured in the pursuits of historical science.

    Tony B.

    Everyone reading this is so rather 'a few steps' ahead of the multitude of renown string physicists around the globe.

    Kryon continues the Live Channelling from Mt. Shasta, California on Saturday, April 24th, 2010:

    An example:
    Did you know that very low, deep audio sounds have no discernable, directional source? In other words, the Human ear can't tell where they are coming from. High sounds are very directional. Testing this is easy. Place a deep sound [very low vibrations per second] speaker, hidden in a room, and you can't identify where the sound is coming from. Place a normal speaker in a room [with higher sounds] and you can target where the sound is coming from instantly. The reason is that the vibrations are so far apart in the lower sounds that the ear can't distinguish "location." It's the same principle with things that are in a quantum state. They are not perceptually in any "place" and no 3D instrument is going to locate "where" they are coming from. In fact, the very idea of "where" is very funny, for "where" is just for 3D creatures. That's why "God, where are you?" is a very cute and simple-minded question. The answer is, "Yes."

    There is what your science has called a singularity at the center of the galaxy. They also call it a black hole. Now we have told you there is no such thing as singularity, and even your science knows it is an oxymoron in physics. It's also only a black space called a hole, since you can't see any light there. Because you have no interdimensional physics laws yet and because you have absolutely no instruments that can "see" interdimensional energies, you still don't really know what's actually there. Long after my partner is gone, you can read these words and know the truth, as you eventually develop these things. When you turn them upon the center of the galaxy, you will see two very clear sources.

    Instead of one singularity, there is instead a polarity. This polarity is a push and pull attribute of an interdimensional law you have not yet discovered or at least not yet recognized. Once you do, you will have the missing two laws of physics, for there are six, not four. This push-pull polarity blasts out its own interdimensional message to the entire galaxy and your sun receives it as well. These polarities at the center of your galaxy have a connection with all the other galaxies, too – something for another channelling. You might say that matter has a message, or matter that cannot be seen has a message and it hits the earth constantly and powerfully in ways that "talk" to Gaia.

    So here you sit, Human Being, feeling that you are a victim of what happens with Mother Nature. But we are telling you this: the message of today is to reawaken the relationship with Mother Nature, the Gaia source. Once you are able to do that, you will understand that you are in control of all of it. No matter what the instruction sets for the water cycle, for the seasons, for that which you think is uncontrollable, you are more powerful than you can imagine. The intensity and locations of volcanic activity and earthquakes are alterable with this relationship to Gaia and the indigenous knew it! They could make rain when none was in the forecast. You called it ignorance! They could grow crops in places where they shouldn't grow. You called it lucky. They honored the land and gave gifts to it, and they received from it. This is absolutely real and is everywhere in your history.

    Humans tend to feel they are so modern in their thinking. The elders of old would look at you and shake their heads. You have figured out how to make machines and artificial brains and even life! But you have left the real power in the dust.

    The Shift

    Now we get esoteric. In these past years, something has happened. We have described this in the past and we're going to give it to you again. Added to the puzzle of your shift in consciousness, and trying to figure all this out, is the attribute that is starting to seemingly speed up time, as we discussed. Again, it is the perception caused by you vibrating faster and, therefore, slowing your spiritual time down. However, this creates a perception that what is around you seems to have sped up. Think of it this way: many of you feel you are vibrating faster. Buzzing, are you? Anyone relate? [Kryon smile] At the same time, you feel things around you are going faster. Now you know the reasons for all this.

    Some of you [get ready] are actually able to go from point A to point B in a time faster than is possible in 3D [even in your car]! This is not that weird, for you are simply moving between your time and the earth time.

    I told you I'd speak of that and here it is. In a past spiritual scenario of birth and death, in an older energy, the Human comes to the planet and learns whatever it is he wishes to learn and then passes away. What you call death is simply a shift of energy and is the coming and the going of an incarnation that we call an expression. In that scenario, there is a visit two times to the Cave of Creation - once coming and once going. The Cave of Creation, more than an esoteric place, is a physical place that we told you is interdimensional. Therefore, it is invisible and will never be found. But it is on the earth and needs to be because of its relationship to Gaia. The Human Being's core soul record - that which is your record of the piece of the creator, is stored in the Cave of Creation. Every time you come and go, you rekindle that expression's energy.

    You might think of it perhaps as a crystalline structure with a stripe put upon it for every lifetime you live [like the rings of a tree]. But it is the spiritual accounting of the Akash for the earth. It is different than the Akashic Record that resides within your DNA. It's a separate one, which represents the planet's accounting system. And in the past, here's how it worked. Whatever you accomplished on the planet when you passed on created an essence that was left in the cave. All that you knew, had done, and learned became part of Gaia. The vibration of the planet, therefore, is postured by what you do and what you become. This is how the planet's vibration either increases or decreases, depending upon what Humans do collectively while they're here.

    With the next incarnation, you came into the planet and visited the Cave of Creation first and activated the essence of your soul crystal. Then you lived another lifetime, passed over, came back to the Cave of Creation and another stripe was put upon the crystal. All that you had learned was again deposited there upon what we have called the Crystalline Grid. That's the part or Gaia that vibrates esoterically. And this is how Human consciousness in the past has affected Gaia. In 1987, you gave permission to change this system.

    This is why we're here. I arrived in 1989. I've always been here and I always will be. The grid adjustment group left in 2002. But the manifestation of the messages happened in 1989 and through my partner's willingness, we started to give you messages that were not available before that time, for the earth was not vibrating high enough yet to receive them before then.

    That's when you changed the rules [1987]. This met with opposition from those who were metaphysical that such a thing could be, that the actual esoteric system would evolve. For the bias of esoteric thinking was just like it is in science – that there is a static system that never changes and all you have to do is figure out the attributes of the energy of something that never changes and you will be able to control it.

    There is very little understanding to this day that even the rules of physics evolve. As the planet vibrates higher, the rules change, the formulas change. This is the quantum attribute of physics in general, and it's very much the way of esoterics as well. You have evolving galaxies, evolving solar systems, evolving planets, and evolving consciousness. This is all because there is no such thing as a static set of laws for everything. You just changed them.

    Since 1987, here is the new scenario: Human Beings come into the planet; they visit the Cave of Creation and they put their essence into the crystal. Then they begin to live their lives. Ahhh. But now, as they live their lives, have epiphanies, hold their light, learn what they have to learn as old souls, it is going directly to the Crystalline Grid in real time. Death is no longer required to transfer the information to the planet. This new system even changes how long the Human stays. In an old system, which had you die before the Crystalline Grid could receive what you learned, it was imperative that you die to allow your information to pass to Gaia via the cave. Now it isn't.

    Listen. It's time to start understanding that your life span is now in your hands. It is not part of an ancient energy system that needs death as a transference vehicle. Karma doesn't matter, and here you are with control over your cellular structure, the Crystalline Grid, what you learned, the very time frame of the planet, volcanic activity, earthquakes, and even when you leave! You might say, "Well, Kryon, really only a master could do that." And we say, exactly! You're studying mastery. The energy systems being given to you today that are new and have happened in the last 20 years are mastery systems. They are all about you changing your perception of you. So we are saying that you are slowly returning to the ancient system of a powerful relationship with Gaia. And the one who channels Gaia will tell you this, for she knows. She'll also tell you that you did not cause global warming, because she knows.

    So here we are, dear Human Being, with knowledge we've given you today that invites a rekindling of a process that some of you are ignorant of. So the lesson of the day is this: go study the indigenous, for they had it right. Take a long look at those who tilled the land even where we sit, for they had it right. Look at the mythology they had and find the seeds of truth within it, for they had it right. They saw Gaia as a friend, as a mother/father.

    Before we close, I want to return to basics.

    When we first came here using a channelling communicative process, we told you that things had changed. What we've just described is only one of the changes, and it was controversial. But the one I'm giving you now is even more controversial. It stirs up a lot of emotions. It is that masters are self-enabled, and you are learning to become masters. As you vibrate higher, you reach out in a metaphoric way and touch the face of God yourself. No intermediate Human Being or process is needed, ever. A Human Being alone in the closet discovering all the parts and pieces of themselves is all that is needed. Look at the majesty and the light that is there. Feel the self-worth. It doesn't require that you come to a lecture or hear a heart-warming channel or read a book. Just being alone, with the discovery of who you are, is the way to your mastery lineage.

    Old soul, it is what you've known and lost and are now rediscovering. Go out enabled. These things I bring you in this time, in this day, in this way, are truth. For in the process of this, you kindle even greater light. In the process of this, it goes right to the Crystalline Grid and Gaia responds. And before you know it, you'll have that percentage we spoke of; less than one half of one percent of humanity has to plant the seed of an awakening consciousness within. Blessed is the Human Being who asks the questions, for in the asking of the questions about God in them is pure intent to let the seed grow into knowledge and over time into wisdom, then discovery.

    That is the message of today. It's all about Gaia. Or is it? Perhaps it's all about you? Take these things that are given and translate them into your reality. This message is given this day under the shadow of the mountain that speaks so clearly of these things [Mt. Shasta]. The family is there, and if you look hard you can see that they walk the streets of Shasta, because it is time for them to do so. And if you really want to know more about that, just travel up the hill a little ways, and perhaps some of them will even give you a hug. And you'll know it.

    And so it is.

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  6. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    shiloh on Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:18 pm
    MP33 - Posted Jul 29th 2010​

    Another interesting piece from Kryon, via Lee Carroll.

    DNA's healing layer nine.

    Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are some who say it happens too quickly, for a Human Being to cross the veil as you just saw. They say it should take more time, as it used to in an older energy. What you see now is a man who never quite closes the door to his Higher-Self.

    It's an agreement I have with him, so it's not a situation where he has to sit and prepare, change his attitude, or call upon the angels. I'm always with him and always ready. Some of you have seen it even in the lectures he gives, for some of them are ones I give. [Kryon smile] This is the meld we talk about. It's not just for channellers. It's a meld where the multidimensional-self joins the physical-self, and in that, there's communication given. This is the process we teach that becomes an enhanced intuition for the Human. It's a process that allows regular, ordinary Human Beings to become masters. It's not that they know what's coming around the next corner, but they have an intuitive sense of what to do next - outside of 3D. They have an intuitive sense of what not to worry about. They have an intuitive sense of the love of God.

    Tonight's message is different. It's going to be about biology, and it's going to fit in perfectly with that which we call quantum DNA. "Kryon, why do you always talk about DNA?" many ask. "We want to hear about spiritual things. We want to hear about angelic things. You keep talking about chemistry." If that's what you think, you haven't been listening very carefully.

    There is a field around each of you that is completely and totally multidimensional. That field is generated by about 100 trillion pieces of chemistry called DNA. Science still does not know how they communicate with each other, and science cannot see the multidimensional properties within it. They don't see the quantum attributes yet of DNA to the fullest.

    DNA "knows" who you are. One hundred trillion double helix molecules of DNA are all identical in your body. They form a field around you that's approximately eight meters wide, and it has a Hebrew name: The Merkabah. That's what it is. You see, DNA represents the sacred element in you.
    A Short Review

    Let me do a brief review before I continue with the information we're going to give you tonight. You think DNA is chemistry. It is, but only about 3% of it is 3D chemistry. The rest is multidimensional information, hiding in a seemingly random chemistry. Science sees this in its own way, for it looks at the double helix where there are three billion chemical parts in each DNA molecule. Each active loop of DNA has three billion chemicals. But when science looks at that chemistry, it only sees 3% of it that actually does anything. That 3% is the linear system that creates all the genes in the Human body.

    All the rest of the chemistry is not understood, representing more than 90% of your entire DNA, for science is always looking for the linearity. They want to examine the things they expect in their own reality. Even after they saw that 90% as a seeming mystery, they continued to concentrate only on the 3%, for it seemed to do all the work. Human Being, if you have a linear consciousness, that's all you're going to see - linear systems and linear behavior. That's what we want to tell you about tonight.
    The Only Way to Teach Multidimensional Things

    In the study of DNA brought to you four years ago here [Moscow], my partner brought you all of the 12 layers and the information they represented. And at that point in time, he explained the teaching of Kryon regarding DNA. Within that explanation, he gave you the information that there's really not 12 layers at all. Instead, there are 12 energies that are interactive. So, if you're going to learn what is in the DNA, it has to be broken down into a linear fashion for teaching purposes - therefore, the 12 lessons.

    What if I gave an entire channeling on love? How many parts and pieces do you think are in love? Start to make a list. Look at all the kinds of love there is, the different feelings, the different emotions, the complexities - yet that's just to study it, isn't it? When you love someone, you are not thinking about the parts or following a list!

    When you talk about love, it's really a big subject. So, to study it is one thing, to experience it is another. DNA can only be explained if we linearize it, for Human Beings cannot examine something that is beyond their dimensional capacity to understand. You've reached a limit of logic and the concepts fall on deaf ears, on a deaf consciousness, for there is no understanding. Things that are not in your reality are inconceivable to you. So the entire study of a multidimensional aspect has to be put in a straight line to study it. That's why we give the metaphors for you and the examples, and why we break down multidimensional attributes into 3D parts.

    Within the 12 energies of DNA, there are several that are very interesting to humanity. My partner is right now channelling the final pages of the book about this subject. For more than five years, I've been giving this information to him very, very slowly, so that he could put it in linear form and make it understandable to you. So this night we would like to take you on a journey into just one of the energies of DNA. And that energy has the number nine around it.

    In a linear teaching, we're going to call it DNA Layer Nine. At the same time we say that, we're going to tell you there is no such thing as DNA Layer Nine! It's only on the blackboard in the school we teach today that Layer Nine appears. It's only in teaching that it becomes linear. The numbers assigned to the layers are energies and are only numerological hints, each one of them. When you get to read the book my partner is preparing, you'll see this. There is no "one through 12." They're all together in a soup of energetic information that interacts one with each other.

    We give an example of number nine because this particular weekend is concentrated on the attributes we want to tell you about. Now, my partner, I want you to go slow here. [instructions to Lee] Even though I have given you these things in publications, there are some new things to be revealed here as examples for learning.
    The Shift is Here

    Let us speak of the Human body and the one attribute that is the most interesting to many - healing. So we're going to call Layer Nine, the Healing Layer. And I'm going to do my best through my partner to explain something that is unexplainable.

    There's something going on in your body, something you were born with. It's something very old and something ancient, and it is starting to reawaken. A shift is going on within the planet. It's the shift the Mayans spoke of, and it's a time fractal of potential for consciousness awakening - the ability to vibrate higher in Human thought than you ever have before. It creates the potential of an alliance with your Higher-Self. Many of you are having thoughts that are quite high. You're beginning to discover that which is in you that you never had thought about before. So I'm going to enhance this tonight and tell you about a beautiful two-part system.
    The Strength of DNA

    DNA works this way: There's a strong duality present. That is to say, there is a part that is linear and a part that is multidimensional. The linear part is easy and simple and occupies less than 5% of the whole. The multidimensional part is most of DNA, complex and difficult to teach about. Your Akashic Record is in there - that is, an energetic informational package of the lifetimes you've ever lived are in there. That which you were given by the Pleiadians is in there. The Higher-Self is in there. All that you call spiritual is in there. DNA is spiritually intelligent, but not unless you're vibrating at a high level that will allow it to fully work. This is why most of humanity is only aware of the 3% of DNA, not giving credibility to the other part at all.

    Let us speak of that which is health and healing. Slowly, for more than 20 years on this planet, you are receiving new tools to work with this attribute of multidimensional DNA. Oh, the healers in the room, they know it! They know what happens to a healer who stands in front of a Human Being. The healer and patient are in the same room, and both DNA fields are eight meters wide. The healer stands in front of the one to be healed and the fields overlap. As they talk to each other, there can be information transferred. In that transfer is knowledge - knowledge of everything, reacting in a quantum, timeless way. And those in this room know what this feels like, because I know who is here. They are receiving intuition about what their patient needs - from the DNA of the patient!

    The healer can become one of the finest multidimensional doctors on Earth because the overlapping, multidimensional parts are there that are within the DNA and designed to be smart. That is why today's medicine is reactive. That is to say, it's chemistry put into the body and a 3D chemical reaction takes place. And that's as good as it gets.

    Even at that, it's amazing what you've done with the chemistry healing you have. But that's the way it's looked at. There's no credibility for a smart body. In fact, allopathic medicine it's actually dishonoring. It assumes the body doesn't know and needs to have help. It looks like the body is sitting there unaware and stupid. And who can blame them, really, for in 3D it indeed seems that way?

    DNA - Designed to Work in Many Dimensions

    Let me explain a little bit about Layer Nine and a little bit about the two-part scenario of healing within the Human body and of the incredible self-diagnostics available within the DNA.

    First, let's look together at the linear side. Here you are, Human Being. What if you had a virus right now? Does your body tell you? What if you have an amazingly threatening cancerous growth attaching itself to an organ? Does your body tell you? No. Don't you find that disturbing? Isn't it odd that you have to go to a doctor to find these things through tests? Doesn't this shout to you at a cellular level, "Something is missing"? Indeed, there is, and what's missing is the 90% quantum information in DNA that was designed to not only know it, but take care of it. But it's not working.

    DNA was designed to work in two parts, much like the chemistry has been itemized in the Human genome. Less than 5% is linear, and the majority is waiting to be activated. Think of it as 5% being the genomic engine and 95% being the instructions for that engine to work.

    Part one of the immune system is linear. That's the part you know about and that's the part that medicine deals with, as you know it today. The other 90+% can only be activated with multidimensional energies - energies you have known about in the past but have lost.

    Now this is ancient information. The ancients may have not known specifically about DNA, but they knew there were esoteric principles that could accomplish healing. What do you think are the meridians of the body, and how many are there? Do they show up on X-rays? No. Are they real? Yes. There are 12 of them. Each one represents the simplest kind of multidimensional portal of the Human body to access the "intelligence" of DNA. For thousands of years, humanity has known this. Now, how do you use that today in your "modern medicine"? The answer is that you don't, for modern medicine sees it as an old tradition of ignorance.

    What is acupuncture or other like systems that address these meridians? These are energetic informational transfers to the multidimensional smart parts of DNA. They help to let the body heal itself with its own instruction sets to its own chemistry, instead of blasting it with outside chemistry as though the body was ignorant and needed help.

    Let me give you one that you don't think about: Homeopathy. You might say, "Well, that's actually chemical." Really? You think that a tincture, an almost immeasurable amount of chemistry inserted into the body's system, is reactionary? Medical research says homeopathy is an "impossible reactionary system," and that a substance that represents only a few parts per million can't have an effect on the Human system. This is because it's only an "informational signal" to multidimensional DNA. At its simplest form, it gives the body information to help it understand what to do. It's an intent signal that assumes the DNA is smart and only needs information, not chemistry, to heal itself.

    There is a tremendous healing energy within Layer Nine of your DNA waiting for quantum instructions to systemically change its own design. Because DNA works in multidimensional ways, it is not all that logical to your understanding. Think of an actual quantum effect in physics. Small particles behave very oddly indeed and not in 3D at all. The simplest experiments with light (the double slot experiment) show this. Light can be in two places at the same time. Light can even be observed to change its state of being from a wave to a particle simply by the act of having it observed by a Human Being. What does that tell you about light? It's multidimensional and smarter than you think. Well, so is your biology!

    It's about time you heard about it. I will reveal to you the strongest energies available to multidimensional DNA: Human consciousness. You have a sacred consciousness in the DNA field that we have mentioned before. Your consciousness can talk to the cellular structure of your own body on a daily basis. It can strengthen your immune system and chase away disease, for the energy of Human consciousness is really only "information" energy. It sends instructions for your body to shift.

    I want to give you some examples. I want to show you these things that are happening. In 1987, the Harmonic Convergence started the fractal time wave you are now in. The shift of consciousness that has been foretold through the ages is upon you, and here you are sitting within it more than 20 years later. Almost everyone who would come to a meeting like this, knows that this is, indeed, what is happening. Look at yourself today. Now look 30 years ago [speaking of looking at the Russian culture]. Something happened, didn't it? Somehow a very old and consistent consciousness shifted and changed - and so did your way of life. It's all part of the scenario we told you about in 1989.

    Something else also happened, almost like a portal opened. And in this opening, my partner [Lee] became aware. The engineer he was and the 3D stubborn brain he had opened up, despite the logic of more than 40 years that said that channelling was a ridiculous scenario. Let me tell you how we accomplished it: We loved him into it. [Kryon smile] He could not deny the energy and the proof of the love of God inside that spoke to him at a DNA level.

    At about the same time this was happening, many new processes were coming in to being. The teacher Peggy stands before you on a regular basis [Peggy Phoenix Dubro]. She was given a vision that there was something around the Human body, a pattern. She was told there was quantumness within it. It was multidimensional. She started working with the patterning and the processing of the Human Merkabah. The patterns looked like a lattice-work to her. Slowly over time, she was given the various layers or phases of how to work with this Cosmic Lattice. Her information became a multidimensional instruction set for balancing DNA.

    So energy work becomes one of the attributes that speaks to 90% of DNA. This new energy really can be seen as "information to the DNA." Can you somehow measure it, or the results of it? The answer is yes, and recently it was actually validated scientifically in this very country [Russia]. So energy work makes a difference in biology! Something seemingly missing the logic of 3D is being now seen as having some kind of valid information exchange with the Human body. There's so much hiding here!
    Layer Nine

    DNA Layer Nine is the healing layer, but it has to work with DNA Layer One, which is the chemical 3D double helix layer. It has to! For you can be as multidimensional as you want, but if you're going to heal yourself, you're going to see it in your own reality, aren't you? The multidimensional part, the second part, must work with the 3D part - the engine of the genes. Suddenly, you have a nine working with a one. When you add them together, you get a 10. In numerology, that reduces to a one. Look at this. The beginning and the end (9 and 1), completion and renewal. Numerologically, you have the beginning and the end. They work together as a completion of old information and the beginning of the new.

    There's a famous Lemurian among you disguised as a medical doctor and DNA researcher. He awakened about the same time as the teacher Peggy and my partner [Lee]. He sits before me tonight. I know that he is just rediscovering what he already knew. He's bringing you a multidimensional physics invention that speaks to the multidimensional aspects of the DNA.

    I want you to get this clear. There are several attributes of communication possible to the 90% percent of DNA (the quantum part). Human consciousness is the strongest and will become the most effective when Humans can remove themselves from a 3D construct. Many have, and do! Energy work is the next strongest, and is becoming more popular on the planet. The ancient methods are simple and have been with you many, many years. Then there is basic physics. Listen to the way this works.

    How can the physics of an invention affect multidimensional, intelligent DNA? There's only one way: The very invention sees the intent of the inventor. Here you have something so out of 3D it seems eye-rolling. But quantum physics is like that. If light can change its form by being observed by a Human, is it so odd that the inventing consciousness of the Human brain might be affected by purpose and intent? In this case, the answer is that it is the way of it! Why was Tesla so brilliant in a nonlinear way? Because his brain was tuned into a nonlinear intent. Did you know he discovered tunable mass? [This is Kryon's description of anti-gravity.] You can make objects lighter and heavier by tuning the mass. It's done with clever designer magnetics. But he couldn't control it since there were no computers yet. But his brain was tuned to multidimensional frequencies and gave him the ability to "think out of the box."

    The Human consciousness that gives you an interdimensional invention is imbued into the very attribute of the invention itself. This is hard to explain. Think of it as an energy stamp of the inventor's intent upon the metal of the device. No matter how it's used, it speaks to the DNA and the DNA reacts to the information.

    Now, multidimensional states are not linear, so you have to throw away all of the logic of everything you know in order to try and understand how they operate. You have to throw away all the mathematics you learned in physics, especially the ones that deal with energy in general. The law of the inverse square, for instance, is a totally 3D law. In a multidimensional state, however, a little goes a long way. Sometimes an energy is given that actually seems to multiply. The reason is because multidimensional energy is really an information transfer.
    Going Into Cellular Structure For a Look

    In a linear chemical state, you throw the mass of chemistry against other mass of chemistry to get a reaction that you want. In a multidimensional state, you give subtle instructions. I want to take you into the cellular structure for a moment. I want to show you the handshake. Now go slow, my partner, because we've never taken you this far into this attribute.

    Imagine cellular structure - it's beautiful and has elegant patterning. Now cellular structure, like DNA, is two parts. One part is linear and one part is multidimensional. Look at it under the microscope and you see only the linear… the chemical parts. You don't see the multidimensional, invisible part. But the multidimensional is as real as your 3D. It's as real as anything you have chemically. You could see it, too, if you had a multidimensional microscope. It is not esoteric - that is, invisible to Humans. It's real. There it is, a beautiful cellular structure that is in many dimensions.

    Now, watch how the cells work with each other in this super simple diagram I'm giving to my partner. Look at the way they attach to each other. They are intelligent. In fact, there are things here I have not shown you. There's a series of holes and raised areas that push out like dimples. One cell sees the other and if they match one with another like keys in a lock, they align to one another and divide using the systemic information they have to give them the information of creation. They create the chemistry of life this way. They are getting ready to divide, to regenerate. They see each other's polarity patterns.
    The Way It Works

    Dear one, there is a multidimensional attribute here called magnetism and I just happen to be the magnetic master. Perhaps you thought all this magnetic talk was about Earth? No. It's about DNA. The cells are magnetic - not just magnetic, they are complexly magnetic. Each one. Biology thrives in this way. One cell sees the magnetic pattern of the other and like a key in a lock, they match up; they know what to do. So let's give you a common scenario. Along comes a virus, a smart one, a magnetic one! The virus is also biology and also multidimensional. It has DNA, too. Never doubt that. It has agendas and intelligence also. It has survival at its core, just like you do. Watch: It attaches itself cleverly to the cell. How? It mimics the magnetics of a healthy cell that belongs there! It's clever and smart.

    The host cell is taken in by this handshake ruse and they come together. Suddenly, the virus is "in." It's within the system and can begin to thrive and quickly replicate. Now, here's the 3D reaction of the body. Once the cells are together, the chemistry of the cell knows it's been tricked. For once the virus is "in," it can't disguise itself any longer. So the host cell sends for help. Here comes the army! The huge white blood cells, designed to fight disease and kill the invader, come rushing in. The white blood cells arrive en masse. They get there and the virus is completely invisible to them! They can't see it, because it mimics regular cellular structure via the magnetics that it has been able to duplicate. The white blood cells don't know what to do! They received the signal that something was wrong, but they can't distinguish the enemy.

    Now, there's something wrong with the above scenario and about the way your body is designed to work. Let me give you the rest of the story. Suddenly, in comes an interdimensional instruction set. Perhaps that's you addressing the lattice - your own quantum field - a system designed so that you can work with it in a step-by-step process. Or, perhaps you're vibrating at a high enough level that you don't need that. You can talk to your cells directly without any 3D structure. That's good. It's what all the masters of the planet did. Or perhaps there has been a multidimensional intervention, like an invention, for instance, that gives instructions to intelligent DNA. That's the part that's missing today that the ancients knew how to do.

    Now, let us run the story again. There's the cell, all healthy, and ready for the handshake of division. Here comes the virus, just as before. But this time, there has been additional information given to the DNA. The host cell can now see the virus! It has received information that says, "When you see the virus coming, change your magnetic pattern." The virus comes at the cell as before, but this time there is no key in a lock. This time there is no handshake for validating cellular division or a deception. The cell yells for the white blood cells. Here they come again, but this time they will see the virus since it has been unable to trick the host into combining with it. It stands alone. They destroy it immediately.

    Oh, but that's not all. You see, DNA is intelligent. It's quantum and, therefore, it sends out a system-wide signal. Layer Nine steps forward, the healing layer, and alters the magnetic properties of 100 trillion pieces and parts of the Human body; the entire DNA systemic instruction set changes all at once. The virus doesn't have a chance. The whole body knows. It's built in! Layer Nine is your own best defense against the most aggressive diseases known to man, even the "incurable" ones. An interdimensional force rewrote the program that allowed the cells to defend themselves.

    Cancer is aggressive and tricks the body into accepting it. The body does not see it as an out of balance growth. It doesn't even send for help. The truth is that Layer Nine is designed to see it and stop it. But without any kind of new instruction sets to the existing DNA, nothing works. It needs human consciousness to work with it. Have you heard of spontaneous remission? Did you ever think I just gave you the answer to it? It isn't a mystery. The Human Being rewrote the instructions to the DNA!

    How do you create a new cellular tissue pattern? You change its magnetic structure. There are systemic instructions you can give your cellular structure to build new tissue that was never there before. I've told you this many times in the past and here it is again. There'll come a day when you can grow back an arm and a leg. How? All you have to do is to give DNA new systemic instructions. The old instructions tell it to only accomplish this in the womb. Change the instructions!

    Finally, you know the secrets that the ancients knew. Did they really live for hundreds of years? Yes, many did. They knew about creating outside of 3D. What would seem to be mythology and silly superstition to modern medicine was interdimensional mechanics. It's time to revisit the reality you live in. When physics says you have more than 11 dimensions at the center of each atom, why then do you decide that only four of them work? Why not accept the fact that there is an energy in your body [Layer Nine] that works with your 3D biology and is ready to work for you? At the moment, modern medicine is ignoring it. It would rather blast you with chemistry, some of which does major damage, then to work with a system of systemic instructions.

    The shift you are in is giving you the ability to again work with the multidimensional parts of DNA. You did as ancients, and it was lost. Now it's on the table again, and parts of your culture are on the brink of bringing it to the rest of the world. You have 12 layers of DNA. I just gave you one. Think of the beauty and the tools that are yours!

    I understand there's a limit to what you can endure regarding the time of a Kryon channelling. It's a linear concept. So we close.

    Human Being, you're here on Earth doing the work. Oh, there's so much happening and so much good news here. Maybe we've been a little too scientific tonight, but this message was for this group. All of these channellings are going to be published, but this message is for this group. [The ones at the Moscow seminar] What can you do with your cells? Look at the power I just described. All of the ancients knew it, and the Lemurians knew it. Now you again know it.

    Future generations are going to know all about this someday, all in the name of new science they're going to discover multidimensional devices that interface with Human consciousness. There are a lot of Lemurians in the room, and each one of them knows that I have just given the secret to the Temple of Rejuvenation. It's not that hard of a concept. The Lemurians did not have computers. Lemurians did not have any of the tools you now have in modern science. But they knew all about Layer Nine because they had quantum healing information that was intuitive. That's what's now being reawakened within you.

    You're bigger than you think. It's beautiful. There's mastery inside. There's the love of God there!

    And that's the message. And so it is.

  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    Post n°12

    shiloh on Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:18 pm

    Posts: 22​

    MP33 - Posted Sep 14th 2010​

    Energetic Consciousness, from Kryon, via Lee Carroll. There's more on healing capacity, as well.

    This live channelling was Given in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia
    Saturday July 17th, 2010

    Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The pendulum of reality swings yet again into my corner and there is an element of disbelief here. In a group of old souls, there is always this. They say it's too easy – too easy to fake. So we say this to you before we begin this discussion: It's about love… that's what it's about. It always has been and it always will be. It's not the love that you think, for there is a force in the Universe even your astronomers have recognized and seen and identified. They call it intelligent design.

    They are correct, since the Universe itself is biased. It's biased in life creation; it's biased in love. There is conscious purpose for everything, and astronomers, scientists, physicists, they want to see a complete and total neutrality within all things, yet they don't find it. Isn't it funny that you have put your own idea of "the logic of the scientific method" right onto what you expect to see in the Universe? When you don't get it back from the study of the Universe, you don't wonder if the method is wrong, you question the data! That's funny to us!

    We wish to discuss some of the things you are discovering, and also some of the things that you already are seeing but have not labeled correctly. The power that is starting to become yours requires the understanding of energies around you that you have never identified correctly. You wish to see many things as energy, when they are specifically "energetic information." So this is one of the first multidimensional channellings of a series that may last a long time and be given over time, that begins to explain to you in a better fashion the concepts that have been misunderstood or not explained at all.

    There is a huge distance between the nucleus of the atom and the electron haze. If you could go with me to the smallest of the small, you'd find an enormous amount of emptiness there... a puzzling amount of it, actually. Physicists will tell you that most everything is "made of nothing," since the majority of mass is made up of this mysterious space in atomic structure. But it's only because science just can't see what's "in the dark." This is a phrase we will use for the 3D mind trying to examine a multidimensional reality. The multidimensional truth is this: Between that which is the nucleus of the atom and the electron haze, there seems to be nothing, but it is actually filled with energetic information, which science then calls intelligent design.
    This is difficult to explain, especially how this manifests itself to your reality, but that is, indeed, the subject. So we'll start slow and easy.

    Here is the Rose

    There it is, my friends – a rose for you to imagine and examine. It's a beautiful, red rose, but perhaps you don't like it? You don't like the thorns, perhaps? Maybe you don't even like the color, perhaps? Maybe you don't even want a rose? So you say to yourself, "I'd like it much better if it was a daisy." But it's a rose. So you shrug and say, "My reality is that I have a red rose with thorns." Now, in single, dimensional digit thinking (3D), the scenario is static and unchangeable. It is what it is. It's too bad you got a rose when you wanted a daisy because it will always be a rose. If you could look at the seed that the rose grows from and germinates from, it will always be a rose. "Too bad," you might say. "It's forever a rose." So the consensus of thinking and the actions around it are this: It will always be a rose; therefore, I will never be able to change it. The concept of changing the rose in any way, or of actually creating a daisy from the rose, is not in your scope of thinking. You learned everything you know in 3D.

    Now consider for a moment a multidimensional scenario, one where the master gardener visits the seed. Imagine for a moment that the master gardener can tell that which is the seed to systemically alter the information within the seed, to change what it is now to something else. So the next time the cells start to divide, the thorns drop off and the color changes. Or, perhaps, even maybe, a daisy grows instead!

    Now, if this actually happened, what would you call this? The answer is, you would call it a miracle! Unbelievable! Impossible! We call it basic, multidimensional physics, ready to be discovered and understood. But your reaction is how you define things that look out of the purview of your dimensional reality. I want you to start looking at these things differently. I want you to start seeing energy that is multidimensional as energetic information. A tremendous amount of what you just call energy is only information. It leads us to the next phase of this teaching.

    A Discovery Has Been Made – A Report

    For now, we give you a discovery on the planet that has been made and is being used, and the discovery is this: You can change the information within the cells of your body. That is to say, science has discovered how to rewrite systemic portions of the DNA of the Human body – to change its informational structure. Not to belabor an issue [discussed many times by Kryon], but you must remember what the scientists discovered about DNA. Only 5% of the 3 billion chemicals in the DNA molecule are protein-encoded and gene producing. That is, 95% of the DNA chemistry seems to do nothing at all. So what you have is a DNA structure, a DNA loop that has 3 billion chemicals in it and 5% is the engine of the biological race car called the Human Being (gene producing), while 95% is the driver (telling the car what to do). Therefore, the largest part of DNA, which has been called "junk DNA" in the past, is a consciousness of instructions. It's energy. It's information, and it's huge!

    What if you could change the information in those instructional DNA parts? What would you say to them? Well, let me give you an example of something that's already been done… a scientific breakthrough.

    Rewriting the Information

    Let us say that you're born with a deformed heart. Here is a heart that is not operating properly. The valves don't fit. Let us go on to say that that is who you are. You are a red rose with thorns. So, in your reality, you're going to die sooner, not operate normally, perhaps have to be on drugs when you're older, and you'll always have a deformed heart. Now, I want you to use some logic of the kind you have not used before and ask a biological question of significance. Since all of the organs in your body rejuvenate many times over your life, why is it that the heart remains deformed? Why doesn't the Human body repair it over time? Certainly it does a good job with skin injuries when healing itself (the skin is the largest organ of the Human body, after all). Why does it continue to create a deformed heart then, over and over, regenerating valves that don't fit?
    Here is the answer: Because the systemic information in every heart cell remains static. That is, today, all the information in each DNA molecule of the heart that is systemic (stem cells) contains the blueprint for a deformed heart. Without something to change the energy of the information within this systemic system, it will always repeat what it has. A rose will always be a rose and the thorns will always grow there.

    So, what if you could literally change the information in the 95% of your DNA? The majority of chemistry in your body is information, driving the car of health and regeneration. It's the driver of the car of chemistry and gene production. Is it possible to instruct it to go a different way, steering the genes to another creative place? Yes.

    Science is starting to learn how to address basic cellular information, addressing the information energetically in DNA so that the stem cells are given a pattern of perfectness instead of the deformity.* Then, as the heart then starts to regenerate as all organs do, it slowly becomes a functioning heart with valves that fit! Is this science fiction? I'm telling you, it's being done now. For on the planet, multidimensional inventions are starting to occur. There will be many more. It will push the envelope of your believability and change physics. You've seen this and you don't even know you've seen it.

    Changing the Human Body's Reality

    I'll ask you some other questions that you haven't really thought about. We've brought these up before and now we can discuss them more fully. Why can a starfish grow back an arm and you cannot? It's because the basic programming DNA information in your body, in your DNA, in the information portion, won't allow it. Does this make sense to you? Can it be changed, or is that just too weird for you? Will you accept the ability to change these things, or will you run from them and call them ungodly, evil, and things you just "shouldn't do"?

    These very things came to pass with the first heart transplants on the planet, and the reactions were predictable. It was out of the box of your reality and, therefore, became a religious controversy. This one will, too.

    The race car driver, driving the information car of DNA, has instructed the chemistry in your body that changing the rose into a daisy is to be done only in the womb. Then the chemistry remains static and never is adjusted by the body. So the instructions are always that way every time a cell divides. So each time the deformed heart cell creates a new, fresh heart cell, it is from the same deformed blueprint. There'll come a day when you can change the instructions and you'll be able to grow back a limb. All of the chemistry is there, and it's not that hard. But the instructions at the DNA level say you can't do it, therefore, you have never seen it done and, therefore, you can't imagine it.

    Changing Your Way of Thinking

    The energy around you is changing and it's necessary for you to change your perceptions of what is around you – what is yours to manage and change and how you can actually call upon the creator inside to recreate what you thought was unchangeable. Many will see you as even stranger than they imagined you were, saying that you can manifest seeming miracles, but you are just learning the way things really work.

    Imagine the race car driver in a splendid machine, but he is only able to give it instructions to turn left. That's what a race car driver does, you know? [left turns only] What happens to the driver when the race track straightens out and he doesn't know how to do anything but make left turns? You've got to change the information that he has and let him learn how to finally take advantage of everything his car can do. That is what is being done.

    When the spinal cord is severed, there is chemistry that races to the place of the severing so it won't grow back. Did you know that? There is a hormonal protein structure that actually keeps it from growing back. How does that serve humanity? Well, it doesn't. It's a product of evolution, and evolution doesn't always produce the kind of result you might think. It's also slow and sometimes stops, depending on what the evolving species does. It's not perfect, and you can see this everywhere in the Human body – things that don't make sense.

    Nerves are designed to grow back, yet they don't. Did you know that the nerves of the Human body even have addresses so they can find themselves and grow back? Yet in a spinal cord injury, they don't. It's because it is built into the race driver's information to the car not to grow back a spinal cord severing! This is an oxymoron in a biological structure that seems to be designed to survive, yet sometimes shows you differently.

    There'll come a day when you can reprogram the systemic systems of your body with consciousness and invention. Stem cells exist everywhere in the Human body, alive and well. They are what pattern what happens. Chemically, they are responsible for a Human that is predisposed to disease. That predisposition then will be carried to the child and the imprint and the energy and the information of the 95% will continue and continue and continue, unless it's reprogrammed. Listen: It's not chemical! It's informational energy. It is multidimensional energy.

    There is new technology coming to reprogram pieces and parts of the body at the stem cell level (systemic level). Do you know what this means? There are young women in the room who may carry a specific gene that their ancestors carried, one that will pass on the predispositions of cancers and weaknesses. Listen: When you can rewrite your genetic print, none who follow you will have it either. Do you understand what I'm saying to you? Your children and your children's children will only have the reprogramming that you do. They will not have the original information. The cells in your body will take the new systemic information and claim it as your blueprint and pass it to your children.

    Energy is like that. Informational energy is like that, and there's a lot of it on the planet. There are systems on the planet that have been misunderstood for a long time. Let me give you a couple. This is controversial. You may not agree. You may not like it, but I'm going to give it to you anyway.

    Ghosts – Multidimensional Information or Trapped Souls?

    Humans love things that go bump in the night. They love to be frightened and they love to be scared. They love movies that scare them and they love haunted places. Have you seen the upsurge in the interest of haunted places lately? Much of your media is creating new shows around them.

    Now, let me tell you what they are and why they work the way they do. Now we get into the power of the information of the Human lifetime and the Akash. Human consciousness carries an imprint that affects the planet and we have told you this from the beginning of our teachings. Human consciousness is what is going to change the planet. Human consciousness is information. It is information, not just random energy, that you develop based upon what you think and it's powerful. Human consciousness actually goes into what we have called the Crystalline Grid of the planet, which is a multidimensional grid. You can't see it, but it holds energy. It holds multidimensional information.

    When we measure the planet for spiritual vibration, it is the Crystalline Grid that is measured. The Crystalline Grid only has on it what Humans have put there. It is an multidimensional record of thought, of lifetimes and of happenings. Why is it that certain land seems filled with old, layered energy of war and other land is clear and clean? The reason is always the same – it's what happened on the land that Humans created. Therefore, you already have the concept of Human energy affecting places.

    Here's what I'm going to tell you: In certain conditions and in certain ways, a Human life or an interaction of multi-lives together in a profound scenario will create an energetic informational imprint in a place. It's information and energy that will replay itself over and over and over like a recording tape in 3D. You see it as a haunted house! So here is some of the things that will give you something to think about: Did you notice that in a haunting, you have a scenario that repeats itself over and over? Nothing new ever happens. The man comes down the stairs, the man goes up the stairs. The woman in the kitchen moves from the left to the right, sits in a chair, rocks for awhile, moves away. If it involved dramatic things such as murder, the man comes down the stairs with the ax, over and over and over and over. It's a good movie, isn't it? And that's all it is! "Why does it feel the way it feels, Kryon?" Because it's the result of a Human consciousness imprint and you've got one, too. When you're there overlapping with it, it gives you chills because it's real. It happened. It can even interface with you!

    Now, science has gotten involved also, as they should. They're noticing something about true "haunted" areas. The imprint (the haunting) carries scientific attributes that are measureable and – ready – they're all multidimensional! Guess what changes they have measured in these places? Magnetics, gravitation, light and even time anomalies, because what it is, is a multidimensional event, imprinted onto a place on the planet that plays over and plays over and plays over. Multidimensional attributes also often carry temperature change, always to the cold side. We even told you that if you are going to develop a multidimensional lens, you will need to have a super cryogenic attribute. Do you remember? This is an attribute of things "out of 3D."

    Can you capture it on your video recording devices? Yes. Because it knows it's being observed. (Just like light knows it's being observed in physics experiments.) Because it's part of an imprint that is multidimensional. In a quantum sense, it knows. I can't explain this to you, since your bias is that you assign knowing to specific consciousness. That is to say, you feel something can only know if it's intelligent and Human, or animal. This isn't either of those. It's a knowing that is quantum. Much of your quantum physics lets you see these very unusual attributes of light and magnetics where there is no distance or time. It's present here, too.

    Don't ponder this too much, for you won't like it. You absolutely want and need for there to be an intelligent "soul" where you feel something seemingly intelligent. How can it just be information? The answer is beyond your experience, so you can't understand it. But multidimensional information seems to have what you consider to be "life consciousness," yet it isn't. Let me asks you this: When you interface with your artificial intelligence machines (computers), and they talk to you and call you by name, do you then panic and say there is a "ghost in the machine?" No. It's only code… information. Now, amplify that by a million-fold and you have multidimensional imprints.

    How to Get Rid of a Ghost or Haunting

    Oh, I have more to tell you. There are things that you wouldn't believe that you can do to change this imprint. How would you like to get rid of a haunting? Careful, you better not do it in a commercial area, since the tourists won't like it! [Kryon humor] They depend on the tape playing to sell tickets.

    So, let's say it's in your house. You're going to have to present an energy that is stronger than the imprint of the haunting. Got that? You cannot order it away. It's not an entity, dear ones (told you it would be controversial). No amount of huffing and puffing or calling upon God will make it different. The imprint was created by magnificent, powerful beings (called Human), sometimes seeming to do ordinary things. There's a reason for that as well. I digress; you really don't know the profundity of old soul energy. Have you ever wondered why all the indigenous of the planet call upon their ancestors and give them the honor that they do? Because there is a knowing of the power that is there! Sometimes a person who seems to be ordinary to you instead is a very old soul and carries much information and energy to the grid. This is all about the Akashic Record that is contained in the Human DNA.

    Back to the subject, to rid yourself of an imprint (haunting). You've got to present an energy that is stronger than the haunting. Now, what could that be? As inappropriate as it is, I will tell you. Why don't you bring lovers into that room? That will do it! That will do it because that's a much stronger energy than the information in the multidimensional "tape" that's playing. There are those who have been in love here in this room. There are beautiful secrets here that I know. Some of you know that I teach that the power and the energy of Humans coming together in intimacy, which creates a third energy, is far more powerful than the two creating it. It almost creates the sound of angels singing, far greater than any physical act. And you know it, Human Being. It is sacred. It's beautiful and stronger than any haunting. Maybe you didn't want to hear that today? [Kryon smile]
    All right, perhaps you want another method? Then present the love of God in that place with celebration and ceremony that will eventually reduce the haunting to nothing, and will instead replace it with strong love energy of creation. It takes the powerful emotion of love! And, you might even call upon the ancestors for help. [bigger Kryon smile]

    Even More Controversial

    "But what about other things? Kryon, what about demon possession and those kinds of things?" So I will tell you this: It's far different than you think, because there are no demons. Humanity can conjure up the most evil things imaginable, and it can do it very well. But you knew that, too, didn't you? Because you're powerful, the pieces in God in you, even in your mythology, are responsible for the devil himself. A fallen angel became the devil? How can that even be? It can't. God does not create evil; Humans to. Evil is the metaphor of what a Human can do on the earth with the energy that they have. Things are not always what they seem, Human Being. Demon possession is the work of Human unbalance and supported by Human mythology. Is it real? Yes. But it's Human created.

    You see what you believe and create what you wish to have there. Creating your own reality is one of the powerful attributes of the Human Being, and they can do it in the negative as well as the positive. You can even create the devil if you wish, with all the trappings of smoke and fire. This is free will. But be aware that it all will disappear when the light is turned on. This is a very difficult subject to convince you of. Humans always want a devil to blame for evil things.

    Talking to the Dead: Different Than You Think

    "What about talking to the dead? How would that work, Kryon? How could you talk to famous people when, in the scheme of soul incarnation, they've already come back as other people? If they've already left and their soul is back as another, how can you talk to them?"

    The answer is this: They haven't left! Oh, the part that you think is the Human soul has left, but the imprint of their lifetime information and everything they knew – their consciousness, their wisdom, their knowledge – goes right into the Crystalline Grid and stays there. We've talked about this before. Can you contact famous people and get information? Yes. Will it be accurate? Of course. Because you're talking to the source information, which is accurate and represents their life. The imprint remains. "You mean you're not actually talking to them, you're talking to the imprint?" Let me give you something to think about. I'm going to ask a question right now. It's going to be a rhetorical one. Who are you? I have old souls in front of me and reading this. There's a woman in the room who won't wear red, and you know who you are. I'll tell you why. Because it got you killed! Because that was the color of the plume on your helmet, warrior. Because you were the captain and the enemy before you in that battle knew if they would take you out, your whole regiment would be in disarray and that's what happened. Wearing red not only killed you, it killed everyone around you! You'll never wear red. You just don't like the color. It's just not for you. You shun it, don't you, old soul? Therefore, as you sit here, who are you? Are you the warrior who got killed, or the woman in 2010 who won't wear red?

    Indeed, it is a rhetorical question, because in my reality you are a piece of God. I see you in all your incarnations. You see? You can't wallow in the singularity of Human bias when you discuss these things. You are more than you think and, metaphysically, this is the way God sees you and the way you are just barely beginning to see some of those around you.

    So, getting back to the question, when you wish to conjure up one who has lived before and ask them questions, who are you talking to? Are you talking to the Akash of a soul? Are you speaking to that which is alive or dead? I will tell you: None of those things are accurate because it's far more magnificent than that! We have told you before. Can you ask Aunt Martha where the treasure was buried? Yes. And she'll know! Why? Because you're talking to Aunt Martha's informational imprint and the information is the information, preserved in a form that you absolutely feel is Aunt Martha!

    However, can you ask Aunt Martha, "How are things on the other side?" Go ahead, but the imprint has no idea! It will only give you the platitudes that it was told during the life of the Human it represents.

    She'll say, "Beautiful."
    "What's it like over there?"
    "No, give me some specifics."
    "I love you."

    She doesn't know! Aunt Martha's imprint knows what Aunt Martha knew, since you are not talking to anything actually on the other side of the veil. You think of it in singularity, but it's not. It's powerful, and it's real, and it can be accessed and even dialoged with. It's multidimensional and those with gifts can access the wisdom of the ancients. Go back and ask them what they knew. Go back and ask them how it felt. Go back and ask them where the treasure is buried. You're going to see some of this soon, but be aware – those in the places of power on this planet, wearing the costumes of spirituality and the heads of state in religion, will call it evil and will call it a cult. They do not understanding that you are moving into a multidimensional state—appropriate, accurate, true, useable, correct, helpful, and very much seen as something you should do. Asking the ancients what they knew will bring you full circle to what you are now studying.

    Time is Complex

    Let me give you a concept and this will be the last one. I've saved the complicated one for last, but it's my favorite one. We haven't done this before, my partner, so get it right. [an admonition for Lee to slow down and not be concerned that the channelling is too long]

    I want to show you how time works, but I can't. It's because the reality of the complexities of multidimensionality preclude the Human Being's ability to understand it. It's simply not teachable in your 3D perception. So I will metaphorize it and give it to you in its simplest form, which is only a fraction of its reality.

    Time. We mentioned today that it is a singularity for you. For the Human in 3D, there's only one time line. There's no multiple times, but rather only one and it's the one you're on, in your reality. You see it as a singular, straight train track into the future. It only goes one speed and one direction for your life and that of the earth. It doesn't move. The truth of it is it moves all the time. Another truth you don't understand is that each of you can step off the track and create a faster or slower one. You don't know that either.

    How do we explain this? Let me singularize it and pretend you're all on the same track for a moment. That's what you think anyway, so that's easy. I want you to build a track in your mind, a train track that is time. I want you to put a locomotive engine upon it that goes in one direction very slowly, at one speed, and that's you and your life. You are riding the train car you create.
    Now I want you to create the vision of this train track going all the way around the earth. Now, to your perception, because you can only see to the horizon, the train track goes straight. The truth of the matter is that this track you created goes all the way around the earth, so (aha!) it's in a circle. That means you're also looking at the same track as behind you. So this puts time in a circle, and so far you can visualize that, although what comes next is confusing.

    It's a conundrum for you that time is in a circle, since in three dimensions, it's a straight line with a beginning and an end. By the way, you have no idea about how either one is created; the beginning and end are mysterious, but you still like to see it that way, for it suits you. But suddenly in this model, it is in a circle around the earth. So take a look at some of the attributes of time in a circle that are confusing to you. Let us say your lifetime takes about 30 meters on this track. Not very far, is it, but it lasts a lifetime? The train moves very slow as it goes around the earth. So you never have to really worry about meeting your past, do you? At 30 meters a lifetime, you won't ever meet the past. But let's pretend for a moment you could. What would happen if you drove that engine around the earth? Eventually, you would be running over the same energy of what used to be, wouldn't you?

    In the same way of thinking, if you went around the earth several times, eventually you also might be running over what might become! Ah! Suddenly you have an attribute of time you haven't thought about. If it's in a circle, it means that the future affects the present! But in 3D, you think the future hasn't happened yet. But it has in a quantum sense. Remember that a true quantum state does not deal with empirical singular concepts. It deals, instead, with constantly changing potentials.

    Now I'm giving you information and I'm giving it to you this way because there are scientists looking at it the same way I'm giving it to you. Is it possible that the future could give you energy and information now? Think of this train track for a moment and let's get more complicated. It's got layers now. Every time the train goes around the earth, it creates a past and a future. What if it was humanity in that engine? Now you have the past, present and future of everything that's ever happened on one train track in a circle.

    Now, let's create a temporary situation where you could stop the train, dig down into the tracks, and pick up something that either hasn't happened yet or happened before. I didn't expect you to understand it, dear one, only listen to it. Because that's what's happening on the earth right now.
    Let's add to the puzzle. Let's say this track has to go up some hills and down some valleys. The hills and the valleys are always the same with this time track. So as you go around and around, if you were smart enough and had a system that understood this time track, you might even create a map of the hills and valleys that your time engine will climb or coast down. You might even call them time fractals and you might be right. [Kryon smile] Every time you hit that place in time, whether it was in the future or the past, you got the same hill or valley.

    What I want to tell you now is what's happening at this moment, dear Human Being. I just gave you the simplest way I can give you of the attributes of multidimensionality when it comes to time. You are visiting potentials that in your mind have not happened, but in a quantum sense have. You are receiving a vibrational increase on this planet so that you can look at the track of time and select where you want to go. You are looking at the potentials of the quantumness of a vibrational shift and creating a culture that is going to go beyond what you think it could. Because this information, it's going to fly in the face of all prophecy. Because prophecy is based on one track that does one thing over and over in 3D. But as soon as you start to become multidimensional, information becomes energy and on that track of time is information of the potentials of Earth.
    Is it possible that the ancients knew this? Yes, they did. Is it possible that those in a potential future know this? Yes, they do. Against all your 3D perception, they do. It would seem like I just turned a page because there's someone in here who wants to know what a crop circle is, so I'll tell you. It's a good thing you ask, since it is a very intuitive question. Many crop circles are energy stamps from the future. How about that? Now you don't know anything more than you did before, do you? It does not make sense, does it. But perhaps with your train track example, you can at least see how it might work if everything was different than you believe it is.

    You are currently in an entangled state with a reality that's outside of your dimensional perception. This is hard to teach when your reality has you in a straight line. It's even harder for you to understand. But it's easy to feel. Imagine the solution is upon you. Imagine those things that you're planning already are completed. Imagine yourself looking backwards and saying, "Now that wasn't too hard, was it?" Imagine the most perplexing things you brought to the meeting today, done and over with. Now, how do you feel about it?

    Human Being, take a breath of quantum release and look at it like I can. Then, indeed, you are becoming quantum. And, in the finest sense, you've just created it. Congratulations. Now go from this place in your three-dimensional way and walk through the steps that you've already done.
    That's my message. Information is energy in a multidimensional state. All things are possible since all things are changeable. If you've come here to this place or this page to see this, you are probably an old soul. For those are the ones who are awakening right now. So, old soul, you wouldn't have missed this, would you? I'm not talking about this meeting. I'm talking about this life. How many times have you lived waiting for this shift? What do you think the wisdom factor is in your Akashic Record? If you've lived and lived, how many trips around that track of time have you made? Do you understand that you are the ancestors? Now, do you understand that everything that ever was, and is, is in your Akash? It's available in your DNA. It's about time you started seeing it in that way. My partner says, "Leave differently than you came."
    He got that from me.
    Do it. And so it is.


    * FROM LEE: Kryon is speaking of research being done in Russia, which has just confirmed the ability to rewrite information at the stem cell level within the human heart, allowing it to regenerate in a more perfect manner, greatly reducing the chance of death or heart attack from enlarged hearts and common heart disease. It confirms the idea that stem cells exist everywhere and allows us to rewrite the "code" within the DNA, which is now being seen as information contained in the 95% of non-protein encoded DNA molecule. This technology will be available to the public soon, but only in Russia. More information is to come. I have seen the research while in Moscow, accomplished in main-stream Russian labs, and I will make it available on his Web site when appropriate and provide the research links to show it is real. The link will be in this channelling section.


    MP33 - Posted Oct 9th 2010​

    Here's something from Kryon that gave me a new perspective on ways to view past lives. I've been doing some reconciling of the normal idea of linear past lives and the more expansive but slippery idea of multi dimensionality in reference to the fractal nature of conscious manifestation. Again, it's a Lee Carroll channeling.

    The Energy of the Planet and the Akash

    Let us speak of Gaia and the Akash. You might have heard that Gaia is an energy, which is of the planet Earth. Gaia is sentient [conscious]; Gaia has innate intelligence; Gaia, therefore, has an intelligent consciousness that "knows" about you. Gaia is able to converse and speak much like Kryon does. If you have heard that, you'd be right.

    Gaia's energy speaks in so many ways, and one of them is seen by looking at the Akash. If you asked Gaia what this is, it would be defined as the "life force of the planet." This takes into consideration everything that is alive, including those things you don't even think are alive. So the concept of the Akash of Gaia is huge and is very grand. I wish to speak specifically of Gaia's system of the Akash of the Human Being in relationship to the earth. We speak of Gaia's cooperation in the Human spiritual experience, and that essentially everything revolves around the Human, even the planet's purpose.

    If we start at the beginning and give simple definitions, we will say that there is a system to keep track of who is on the earth. Now you may not think Spirit wouldn't need a system at all, and you'd be right. But Gaia does, and there is a reason. For every single Human soul that comes to this place called Earth makes a difference as a unique energy that actually modifies the life force of Gaia. So when that soul arrives, Gaia creates a record, and more. So here come the specifics.

    The Cave of Creation

    Many times I have reviewed a concept with you that I again present. Deep within the earth, there is an interdimensional cavern that will never be found. It has 3D properties that connect it with Earth reality, but it is also multidimensional. This is difficult to explain to you since you only perceive reality in a single-digit dimensionality. So I can explain all I want, but my explanations fall short of your understanding. It would be like I spoke to you in your language and suddenly changed to one you had never heard, where the words were jumbled, backwards, and all rearranged in a nonlinear way. Not only would you not understand the message, but the very strange language itself would be disturbing for you to hear. This is how multidimensional things appear to you - chaotic. But I will at least give the information as best I can so you will know the "what," if not the "how."

    The Cave of Creation is one of the only physical objects on the planet that is a dimensional hybrid. That is to say it has three-dimensional properties that absolutely you would see and understand if it were visible, which it is not - for it can never be found or detected, and it won't be. Within this mulitdimensional place is the record of who you are. Again, it's called the Cave of Creation.

    When you come to the planet, this is the first place you visit, even before the birth canal. When you leave the planet, it's the last place you visit before you come home. It, therefore, is the depository of the record of humanity - all of the lives that humanity have lived and the very core soul essence of who each of you are. Here is more information on how it works. It is the Akashic Record.

    Each soul in the Cave of Creation is unique. Let us take yours, for instance. What is your spiritual name? It's not a name you can pronounce, dear one, but rather an energy. That energetic name is partly the name of God and is recorded in the Cave of Creation metaphorically, as a stripe on a crystalline structure. The crystalline structure, you might say, is that which remembers the vibration of who you were. So when you come into the planet for the first time, there is a crystalline structure waiting for you (since the potential of your arrival is known). As you live on planet Earth, Gaia and the entire system "knows" you are here. Then you pass over to the other side of the veil. When you leave, you visit the cave again and enhance that crystalline structure with an energy of everything you have done. Then you leave the earth, but the crystalline structure with your information remains.

    Now, let us say you come back to Earth, and you're going to have another life and another earthly name. Before you arrive within the birth canal, another stripe is added to the crystalline structure. Note: It is the same soul, but now has stripe number two. As it develops on the planet, the cave knows you will return and activate or awaken the stripe every time you return. So, therefore, you have a crystalline structure for every soul, not every lifetime. Some of the souls represented have a thousand stripes! So perhaps you might understand that there are far fewer of these crystalline soul records than you thought. One for every soul, not every life.

    Now I want to tell you something: There are old souls reading this. That's who you are. Even the one or the two here that have come to this place not necessarily for the program, but to be with somebody else, are old souls as well. You don't have to know about spiritual things to be an old soul. Many walk this earth and never awaken to who they are, for this is their free choice. But the fact is that the Humans who often come to meetings of this kind are the ones feeling the calling to be part of a shift of the planet, the end of one age and the beginning of another. These are the ones whose eyes are on the page now.

    The Mysterious Functions of the Cave

    So the Cave of Creation becomes the Gaia record of who is here and who has been here. This, then, is the physical part. What I tell you next is the interdimensional part that is confusing to the Human Being. Listen: The cave is static in 3D and yet dynamic in multi-D; that is to say, there are never any crystals added or taken away in 3D. That means that there's a crystalline structure for every potential Human Being who will ever live on planet Earth. Now you might say, "Oh, no, that doesn't make sense. It sounds like predestination. Spirit knows everyone who is coming?" No we don't, but this is not predestination. Instead, the cave is predisposed in a quantum way to be complete every moment. A quantum energy deals with potentials, and not empirical [absolute] attributes. Therefore, as things change on the planet, the cave changes quantumly, but not physically. The crystalline structure counts do not change. I can't explain that to you except to say this is a quantum event. The cave is always complete. It always has all of humanity in it. It is connected to the past, present and future.

    The very confusing thing for you is that this means you are actually interacting with those who are not here yet. Again, I can't explain it any better than that, and your three-dimensional mind is not ready to go on that journey. But know this.

    The cave is complete.

    It's sacred.

    It's sealed forever.

    The soul crystals remember your lives and the energy of your lives.

    The soul energies within the crystals interact with each other.

    The lifetimes you live modify the energy of the cave and, therefore, Gaia.

    Gaia is there, since the cave resides interdimensionally within Gaia.

    So, in summary, this cave becomes the record of souls, of their many lifetimes and the energy that they create. Now listen to me, for this is the focus of this message. Whatever you do on the planet, whatever vibrational energy you create on the planet, is imbued into these crystalline substances. The record of that life energy remains on the planet with the accompanying vibration within that crystal - forever.

    Thank You mp33, an excellent contribution to the forum.

    Planet Earth, ETs and the Akashic Sphere of the Remembrances

    Indeed, the Akashic Record is often misunderstood and misinterpreted; as it is a 'quantum event'; meaning it is connected not only to the planetary consciousness, called Gaia, but to all 'souls' of the linear past, present and future.

    All souls are quantum entangled, meaning that many nested collective and encompassing energies interact holographically.

    In simple words, and as Kryon says unequivocally; all souls in a planetary realm are part of and enveloped by the Gaian planetary consciousness.

    Then all planetary consciousnesses with their integrated 'soul families' and individual souls become integrated in a solar star consciousness; becoming galactic, groupgalactic and supergalactic before unifying in the cosmic- or universal consciousness of the Genesis Monad splitting into a Creator-Creation Duality, which then recombines in a Creator-Creation Duad as a Shadow Monad and potentialized in the original Genesis Monad in what might be termed the Cosmic Genome of the 'Masterplan'.

    Then the Gaia Akash or soul-collective becomes the repository of this 'Masterplan' in holographically Imaging the rest of the universe in what Kryon calls the 'Inner Crystal'; which by necessity must so be within every individuated soul incarnated within the Gaian 'Noosphere' or 'the Quarantine Zone' defined as the Lagrangian P1 point between the Solar and the Gaian nexus of gravitational potential equilibrium.

    The balance of the gravity between the central Sun and Gaia as a 3D planet so defines two interacting spheres in higherD spacetime.

    In particular, this L1 nexus can be defined in an alternative higher dimensional form; showing what this 'Cosmic Mother Planet' Gaia represents as a higher D and not as a necessarily physicalised 'Quantum Energy'.

    The cosmogenesis of the birth of the universe in a Quantum Big Bang from a prior undefinable VOID=Infinitum coincided with the bifurcation of the FatherMother (just a common label for the CreatorCreation or the YinYang say) into an Outside-Inside dimensional split; something termed 'The Veil' by Kryon and the 'Dividing of the Firmaments' in say Genesis in the Torah (OT).

    So the Outside Father became 'separated' from the Inside Mother and this Inside Mother is termed Gaia in many accounts as the Universal Mother for all Life (ET and human and nonhuman terrestrial); with the Outside father being associated with the names of the Creator such as God, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva, Brahman and so on.

    This is 'common knowledge' and has been a foundational part of the so called 'Perennial Philosophy' aka the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' throughut the histories of the cosmic sentiences.

    What has not been known, is the 3D dimensional intersection of the Akash with its higherD envelope and hinted at by Kryon.

    This interaction realm defines the 'Quarantine Zone' of Gaia; established necessarily at the birth of the universe into physicality and so 15 billion years before the local galaxy and subsequently the local solar system and the planet earth entered 3D physical existence.

    The birth of the universe engaged a higher dimensional lightspeed expansion of a then physicalised spacetime from the outside into the inside.

    This then resulted in a Big Bang Cosmology as being rediscovered by the Gaian scientists and astrophysicists.

    However this outside-in cosmo mechanics had to be mirrored in a inside-out cosmo mechanics and this by conservation and equilibrium principles required the Inversion of the Big Bang expansion in a lightspeed inverson centered on the Mirror Image of the 'Creator-Monad' or 'God' and as the 'Creation-Monad' - namely Gaia, the Cosmic Goddess.

    Then a simple calculation of this inversion lightspeed as the 'Big Crunch' of the higher dimensional cosmogenesis for the 'Big Bang' will show that the 'Gaian Quarantine Zone' is defined by an increase of a spherical bubble in a radius of about 105 millimeters per year (or about 4 inches).

    {Lightspeed=c=300,000 kilometers per second for 1/c=0.00000333... kilometers per second or about 3.33 microns per second.

    As there are 365.2425 days in a Civil year for 24 hours of 3600 seconds each: 365.2425x24x3600/c=0.10518984 meters}.

    Then the 'Bubble of the Akashia aka the Noosphere of Velikovsky/Teilhard de Chardin/Sheldrake/Lovelock becomes defined in this calculation in multiplying by the Age of the Universe or the Big Bang.

    So for an age of 15 billion years, Akashic Radius=1.6 million kilomters and for an age of 20 billion years it is 2.1 million kilometers and as defined by empirical measurements in 3D space in the extent of the Lagrangian P1 nexus and the so termed Hill Sphere.

    Kryon is reluctant to explain this inter- and multidimensionality further, because to understand these concepts mentally, requires a selfconsistent logic and modus operandi of thinking - a methodology which is not enganced by present educational systems on the planet earth.

    Subsequently, this kind of approach to thinking patterns and selftraining has hitherto remained in the realm of the 'specialists', the percentage of the incarnated souls predispositioned to abstract model buildings in terms of mathematics and semiotiks - the logos of symbols and archetypes.

    All Extraterrestrial Intelligences consider Gaia to be their Mother.

    All ETs could begin their own homecoming from so 2.2 billion years ago and at an approximate halfway point of the physical creation of Gaia as a planetary sphere of influence within the Milky Way galaxy and when the Big bang lightspeed expansion reached its mirror potential (situated omni-scientifically at a 16.9 billion spacetime coordinate).

    At this nexus point, the extra-Gaian realm became potentialized (in memory activation) in the electromagnetic return of the higher dimensional timearrow coordinate and when technically, the Universal Protoverse Seedling in 11 dimensions first attained its maximum potential to extend itself and so reflect back into the lower dimensional realms and also to refract into the higher dimensional spacetime of 12D, namely the 'Outside Exile' of the Creator/Father.

    As Gaia as a soul, existed in physicality at this nexus coordinate; the extraterrestrial universe became conscious and aware of their own Mother and could begin to focus their attention and homecoming plans on their 'Womb of the Physicality' of their origins.

    So the ET visitations begun about 2.2 billion years ago and when the terestrial atmosphere became oxygen enriched to allow hitherto aquatic primitive lifeforms to extend thier habitats into airborne and terrestrial environments.

    On a soul level, the encompassing Gaian planetary mother soul then greatly enhanced its own experiences and partitioned interactions in environmental coevolutions of increasingly complex biological and biochemical lifeforms.

    This coevolution was 'watched' by the extraterrestrial lifeforms not evolved from the Gaian soul complex and for the purpose to eventually synergize their own ET cosmo evolotions with that of their Cosmic Home of the Cosmogenesis of the Universe.

    This 'watching' and 'waiting' by the ETs would end, once the 'Earthlings' would have evolved physically and mentally to a stage of self remembrance regarding their own familiar relationship and partnership with the original CreatorCreation Monad of the FatherMother defined before the Universe was born into physical materiality.

    All 'Human Recallers' would be required to claim their cosmic inheritances as Sons and Daughters of their Father Creator and their Mother Gaia.

    In doing so, their old humanity would graduate to a Starhuman Remembrance and all such acolytes would become enabled to process their own Shadows in the Sons transmutating into SonDaughters and all daughters metamorphosing into DaughterSons - so RECREATING the original FatherMother of the Monadic Duality in a Mirrored FatherMother+Motherfather Dyadic Monad or Harmonized Unity, Oneness or Wholesomeness.

    Kryon's Inner Akash, which will never be discovered by direct measurements; so resides within any and all StarHuman Children of the FatherMother.


    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  8. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    Post n°130

    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba


    shiloh on Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:15 pm​

    mp33: Hi Tony. You appear online.
    Tonyblue: I am on the mists about magnetics
    mp33: Oh. I have a story to share when you are free for a few
    Tonyblue: Sure shoot
    mp33: I'll just type it out and send it. I thought of you when it happened, and thought it may be of interest to you. I was sleeping less than a week ago, and awoke in what I took for a rather lucid dream. It was about Dragons.
    Tonyblue: Interesting
    mp33: I think I told you about my encounter with my mother the Dragon queen something over a year ago. We had a visit and a chat, and she tried to kill me, but in a nice way, and we sorted some things and she's popped in to visit a few times since, with a more pleasant demeanour.
    The other night, I was travelling to find my Dragon family to deliver a message.
    I don't know under what circumstances I came to be messenger, but anyway. I found them. In a huge cave, in what I take to be a small moon or perhaps large asteroid. I was met with suspicion when I arrived until they "sniffed out" my identity and welcomed me.
    My message was simply "It's safe, and it's time to come home". There was much joy and they dropped from their perches and few exhuberantly around.
    Tonyblue: lol

    mp33: Then time jumped forward and I was off at a distance, and saw them starting to exit the cave and fly into space.
    The performed an aerial dance, and formed a couple of sacred geometries with slightly rounded corners, which I was able to see from the light energy streamers they trailed. It was beautiful, and I could feel their joy building as I drifted off.
    I was quite "awake" for most of this and only is a slight meditative state.
    The one Dragon which met me when I arrived there, was more plain than my Mother was, but was a beautiful irredescent green/blue and almost peacock. That's it.
    Tonyblue: Nice experience
    mp33: Very.

    Tonyblue: yes this relates to the timelines of the time from January 22nd to February 5th.
    mp33: It doesn't have any great meaning for me, but the message quality was very real
    Tonyblue: Dragon new Year
    mp33: ah.
    Tonyblue: When exactly was this? Yes of course and the New Moon
    mp33: I'd say 4 or 5 nights ago
    Tonyblue: Yes it went Sunday-Wednesday-Sunday-Wednesday-Sunday
    So your experience was at the exact halfway mirror point, close to Sunday last
    mp33: Yes
    Tonylue: I am also reposting a post of yours very soon on mists
    mp33: Yes? about?
    Tonyue: Magnetics are changing
    mp33: Ah. It's still being talked about in the channeling circles.
    Tonyblue: Kryon is more science based at times and so I can use Carroll's 'mysteries' in elucidations.
    Yes you would know all this from the mathless and more general perspective
    mp33: That's me; I think with my eyes. all 3
    Tonyblue: It will be here. But give me a few minutes -
    mp33: Thanks. Yes, I remember some of that stuff.
    I should run along. I just wanted to share my experience with you as it had to do with Dragons.
    Oh. I just thought of something else that happened a couple of months ago.
    I was guided to a situation that had me digging up someones house, and I spotted something that I knew was significant
    Tonyblue: Gracias mp33!

    mp33: Sure. I found a mud encrusted stone and I picked it up. It was shaking in my hand. I cleaned it off, and somehow recognized it. I called it my treasure stone at once.

    fritz5. fritz3.

    mp33: My Wife is into stones and crystals by me not so much.
    I brought it home and cleaned it off and started examining and "experiencing" it.
    It's really remarkable. It has several dozen embossed faces and some symbols on it.
    I had Dori go into channel and ask her guides about it, and they said it was from off world, and that it held a library, which is kind of personal to me.

    Tonyblue: Would link to the Crystal Skulls the Maya talk about now.
    mp33: I intuited that I'd sent it here from outside of present time, and they confirmed.
    Tonyblue: Any 'selfrelative' gemstone etc can now be used as the 13th encompassing Crystal Skull
    mp33: Another friend of mine is a Crystal intuitive and I had him do a reading on it, and he said it was a fragment of Maldek
    Tonyblue: Very powerful energies are around for selfempowerment for the people who are ready for the nonduality
    mp33: Then he got some info on one of my past lives on maldek as a warlord and that I sent that stone through time to my now self so the histories of Maldek could begin to be reconstructed and the Karma finally addressed
    I can attach pictures here right? I should send you a couple of it.
    It also has a seam all the way around it, and the Pleiadians said it was fuzed by some process we no longer know how to use.
    Tonyblue: Yes the 11th Sefiroth called Daath, as the hidden or forbidden path - well for most.

    fritz1. fritz2.

    [1:15:33 PM - February 3rd, 2012 +11 UCT] Tonyblue: This looks like the head of a serpent mp33 - a python!

    mp33: Interesting eh? I'll send one more that shows the seam

    fritz4. fritz2.

    mp33: There. the last one shows one of the symbols. A serpent.

    Tonyblue: I'll add those to your posts Fritz as an energy signature
    mp33: Ok
    Tonyblue: Thanks
    mp33: Sure.
    Tonyblue: So check out this link a little later, if you can.
    mp33: I'm slow in accessing it. I guess when I'm more ready. Anyway, Hope all is well with you.
    Tonyblue: I am ok
    mp33: That's good. See you around then.
    Tonyblue: Sure mp33, all the best to you and yours
    mp33: Likewise.
    Tonyblue: Thanks for your contributions
    mp33: Happy to add. I have a large Dragon past. I just don't yet know much of what it means to me now.
    But self discovery is a daily thing with me, so I've learned patience. See you!
    Tonyblue: Indeed ciao!
    You mind if I add your story of the crystal to your cystal post?
    mp33: Of course not. You can share anything I share with you.
    Tonyblue: Thanks excellent. It might help others and is a nice testimony
    I edit of course
    mp33: Good; to protect the identity of the guilty? lol
  9. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°131
    Himalaya Dragons

    Ashera Yesterday at 11:19 pm


    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  10. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°132
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    THEeXchanger Today at 2:42 am
    interesting rocks - good find for fritz and his wife dora

    "Will it to be, so, it will be, and, so it is " 13 - Susan Lynne Schwenger
    "The Bermanseder - Schwenger - 65 AHAU - 16 DEC 2013 at sun set - along with 17 DEC 2013 at sun rise - The neXt grand cycle

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