UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    PCR Inventor Says Fauci “Not a Scientist”
    Dec 11, 2020
    The David Knight Show

    “Fauci doesn’t understand medicine, he’s an administrator”, “he has an agenda” said Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winning inventor of PCR tests. Although he died just before Fauci did it again, much bigger than ever, we MUST listen to what he said as the misuse of his PCR test is now the basis for a bigger world wide lockdown.

    Some or all original videos regarding this interview, were/are deleted from other video sharing platforms like you tube.
    Lars von Benzon
    March 22 at 7:52 PM ·

    Seit 1 Jahr bekannt!
    Ich kann das nicht fassen, dass es immernoch ignoriert wird!
    ALLES, absolut ALLES baut auf diesem Test auf!
    ALLES wird mit diesem Test gerechtfertigt.
    Also, setzt Euch mal hin und recherchiert selbst, was das ist. Was man da findet und welche Aussagekraft dieser Test tatsächlich hat.
    Beschäfitgt Euch mit CT Werten, mit Infektionen etc.
    Was wäre denn, wenn dieser Test nicht wäre? Hätten so viele Menschen trotzdem noch so viel Angst vor einer unsichtbaren Gefahr?


    Last edited: Apr 3, 2021
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    March 10th, 2021 - Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt admitted to hospital with suspected Cellulitis following Covid19 vaccination

    Vaxx Hunter might have got the actual jab, as he publically admitted to the global trial agenda of the W.H.O.
    The deepest evil in this agenda is the power of the UN sponsored/blackmailed health bureaucrats like this 'obnoxious' 'chief health officer' (CHO).
    Vaxx Hunter is not a university trained/indoctrinated doctor and so might truly believe in the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
    He so might have trusted the CHO and agreed to become part of his publically endorsed 'medical trial'. Perhaps Greg Hunt will from now on lose some of his zest to hunt the vaxx beast.

    I do suspect however, that every politician or UN sponsored administrator has a choice to receive the vaccine or a placebo. Informed Consent and the Hippocratic Oath

    Scomo and Huntmaker have discovered the Canberra strain and are beginning to doubt its severity.
    The most deadly strain has not yet appeared. It is incubating in Canberra and is provisionally known as the Bureaucrat Covid21.
    The Bureaucrat Covid21 has an incredible reach in that, whilst originating in Canberra, ACT, it will in just 1 Day spread globally to encircle every country on the Earth.
    Then towards the end of 2021, the Bureaucrat 21 will be renamed the Technocrat 22.

    A History of Vaccinations and the Danger of Vaccines for the Newborn and regarding general Autoimmunology Responses
    Personal Accounts and Testimony by Experts and Patients
    Legal Indemnity for Vaccination Damage

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Covid 19+ Narrative and Acquired Adaptive Immunity
    A Medical Science Investigation explained by Dr. Andrew Kaufman


    “…This is why it’s so important to understand that there’s no virus because, if there’s no virus, how could you transmit anything from person to person? You don’t need to do a study because you know you can’t — because there’s nothing to transmit.” ~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman

    Topics discussed:
    • What it means to isolate a virus or anything else
    • What it means to satisfy Koch postulates in medical science
    • Global manipulation via controlled narrative
    • Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory
    • The real role of bacteria
    • Understanding the microbiome
    • A general overview of the entire COVID narrative
    • How the elite avoid western medicine (big pharma, vaccines, etc.) for their own families
    • A vision for the future of medicine and health care


    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Vaccine Maker/Administrator Geert Vanden Bossche's Letter to the W.H.O and the Global Medical Bureaucracy


    Vaccine Maker/Administrator Geert Vanden Bossche's Letter to the W.H.O and the Global Medical Bureaucracy

    Mass Vaccination will destroy the natural immunity and cause a global catastrophy of death and disease.

    To lose your natural immune system (Universal Natural Killer NK cells) - get vaccinated!

    Vaccination Expert and Administrator (including Gates Foundation) warns about vaccination antibodies destroying natural antibodies resulting in a true worldwide killer plague/pandemic.

    Del Bigtree's commentary and explanation of Geert V. Bossche's warning regarding the mass vaccination danger of destroying the natural immune system
    Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic causes Immune Escape - Interview by UK physician Dr. Philip Mcmillan with Geert Vanden Bossche, Vaccine Maker and Administrator

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Beliefs of the Technocratic Globalist Creed

    Universal Genesis - What Banged?!

    Linda Garrett
    Sorry you can create something from absolutely nothing. In the beginning

    James Allen-Linda Garrett
    Creatio ex Nihilo

    Linda Garrett
    How do you have a big bang out of nothing... what banged...????

    Tony Bermanseder
    The 'awakening' of the self-awareness/consciousness in the creator-creation mode within a spaceless and timeless 'eternity' realm (many would describe as the ever existing God) and its 'Sound' or 'Word'.

    The Quantum Big Bang of physics and cosmology then becomes a derivative of this cosmogony and allegorized as the 'Loss of Paradise' or the 'Banishment from Eden', (necessary to image the metaphysical 'true image of God' as Adam in a physical image of Adam as Jesus).

    As there is no 'Mother of Creation' in the metaphysical 'Old Heaven' an 'Old Earth/Universe' must be created (in the Bang) to allow a time dependent evolution of Old Adam having lost his Rib/Eve to regain this loss (Mary Magdalene's mysterious exclamation as to ascension in John.20.17).

    It then is the recombination of JC with CJ as the right-left sides of 'God in the Old Heaven' which allows the creation of a New Heaven with as New Earth in the star-humanity of the encoded 'prophecies'.

    Where is the 'Mother of Creation' as the physical universe before the Bang? She is inside or within the Creator-Creation modality, say as a FatherMother and imaged as something (Adam's rib) required to be taken out from God's Son Adam in archetypical allegory and symbol.

    In the scientific universe, this relates to changing the genomatrix and especially the sexual chromosomes XX as a recursive function of self-propagation/reproduction becomes or transmutates into XX=XY+1 as one digit of the X as X-1=Y to allow XX=XX+XY.

    Therefore the present obsession of the 'illuminated' echeloners of global politics to change the old human genome into a new form of transhumanism. Unbeknown to them, they are not the only 'initiates' into the mysteries of the 'Word of God', they are trying to sequester for themselves in divers methods of obscuration, deception and perversion, especially their hijacking and abuse of human sexuality on all levels, mental, physical and emotional.

    The technocratic cabal-creed-cult attempts to 'fulfil' the 'encoded prophecies' in a manner defined by them and operate under a mantle of secular atheism and scientific superiority. They know of the universal Logos very well and try to forego any manifestation of the 'Word of God' in a manner encoded in the Christian bible and related source manuscripts.

    The present times of tribulation so are necessary to manifest this birth of a New Creation from the ashes of the Old Creation as amply described in the New Testament, many Christians 'believe' in without understanding the deeper agendas of the 'Word of God' and as expressed in the 'Last Supper' (John.13-16) and the 'Sermon of the Mount' (Mat.24).

    One easy way for any Christian to understand the interconnectivity between cosmogony describing metaphysics (or spirituality) and cosmology, say the hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy; is to simply reword the definition of John.1.1-3 and noticing that 'God" was preceded in the creation account by the 'Word' or Logic/Logos of God.

    This rewording then crystallizes the absolute importance and 'redemptive quality' of the 'Word of God' in the physical incarnation of the 'quantum consciousness individuation' most Christian know as Jesus Christ imaged in Christ Jesus.

    The Beliefs of the Technocratic Globalist Creed

    The technocrats at the highest manipulative level know that universal law trumps all man-made laws as mere approximations. Then Universal Law (like say gravity) derives from some abstraction as a metaphysical 'Energy' of the mind/universal consciousness then physically manifested in say a physical material cosmos utilizing the 'laws of abstraction', say mathematics, quantum mechanics or the algorithmic symmetries and geometries of say the 'code of life' in nucleotide base pairings of the DNA and RNA.

    The technocratic elite knows this power of the original universal and not man made law very well and seeks to manipulate this law in the physical realm.

    As said before they BELIEVE in their own 'absolution-redemption-justification' for whatever their manipulative endeavors entail in proclaiming their attempts and aims of manipulation openly, knowing or expecting that the majority of the 'governed' will not discern their actual agendas.

    Do I BELIEVE in Judeo-Christianity as culturally defined?
    I BELIEVE in Definition and ORIGIN of the Universal Law, which allows me to redefine many codes, which are subject to belief and individual interpretation in a knowledge based sense of the Scientia=Gnosis=Knowledge of the Logistics of the Universal Law.

    In the Judeo-Christian source texts, this is labeled as the 'Word or Logos of God'.

    But because the label of 'God' requires scientific or logical definition, before it should be used in a self-consistent and universally-generally applicable manner; appropriate research and study then allows redefinition of a major code in the Judeo-Christian religion in the following manner;

    John 1:1-3 - King James Version (KJV)
    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    2 The same was in the beginning with God.
    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    1 In the beginning was the Definition, and the Definition was with the Source Energy, and the Definition was the Source Energy.
    2 The same was in the beginning with the Source Energy.
    3 All things were made by the Logos; and without the Logos (of the Logic) was not any thing made that was made.

    Can I then associate this Logos, incarnate as a real historical person as Jesus Ben Joseph bar Thomas, the anointed Christ and in perfect quantum energy resonance with the source energy, with the Birth of the physically observed Universe in mirroring a 'Shadow' metaphysically observed or experienced Universe and linked or connected by a higher dimensional physicalized consciousness or 'spirit' from and by the 'Source Energy' assuming a physicalized form?

    Yes, I can and applying the logic of the Logos to 'whatever can be experienced', it was my life long adult quest of say 40 years to logically and in the name of the 'Logos Scientia' to 'rationalize' and 'explain' the many codes and numerical patterns found in the source texts of the Judeo-Christian religion.

    As this Judeo-Christian is subject to political maneuvers and individual interpretation of its source codes and texts; however, I would greatly distance myself from any group of BELIEVERS or followers, unless those groups would adhere to an interpretation of their own source codes and scriptural texts in harmony, compatibility or synergy with my interpretation of those source codes in the mirror of Universal Law, based on Universal and not human-restricted consciousness.

    Tash Stokes
    This DNA codex is only going to be successful to those "not vaccined" is that right ??

    Tony Bermanseder
    This starhuman codex serves as an activation of so called 'junk DNA' (about 70-90% as per the orthodox medical standard atm).
    The RNA-retroactive vaccines pushed onto the global unaware public uses nanotechnology and 5-6G microwave EMR to manipulate the oxygen transport in all biological cells.
    Certain toxic ingredients in those 'modern' vaccines like MRC-5 = aborted fetal tissue from the lung of 14-week old Caucasian (white) males are supposed to trigger certain autoimmune responses in the say human cells to actually manufacture the virus-exosome as genetic material, so creating a self-vaccination in the adjutant-antibody regime.
    It is a most devious and control structure apparently enforced onto the worldwide medical tyranny under the guise of the WHO-UN.
    I posted this as a parallel agenda from 'Nature Itself' to counter the agenda 2010-2020-2030 from the World Economic Forum (UN) in a natural evolution of the human genome using 'nature's immunology' without any drug induction.

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The politics in Australia and globally!

    Well done Craig Kelly on Sunrise, March 17th, 2021. In your next interview, you might be able to ask your host about who exactly pays for the global- and Australian lock downs. And who is behind the 'financing' of the 'lock downs' Craig?

    Why do you think the world wide 'lock step' response to ban cheap therapeutic 'vaccine remedies' like Ivermectin and HCQ appears to be so coordinated? Most fundamentally, Craig, the medical science became an industry of the Rockefeller-Rothschild oil-banking cartels from 1913, when the US ability to create its own currency became 'federal reserved' by overseas (read UK) global banking aspirants.
    So there is no 'real medical science' apart from particular business models since Woodrow Wilson's treachery of Chrismas 1913.

    Perhaps the WECF and global technocracy is black mailing most governments 'to finance the lock down costs' through and by the federal banking cartels under quasi-government international 'treaty' authorities' like the World Bank, IMF, CFR, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, WTO, IMF etc etc from the 'State within state' independent jurisdictions like the City of London, New York's Wall Street, Vatican and Washington DC.

    You of all people should not be afraid of the 'conspiracy' label any longer.
    Conspiracy realism represents a great intellectual challenge to compliant conformity theorists, worshipping fake bureaucratic authority at the altar of global technocracy! It is the worship of the triple A credit rating to the bankster cartel of the globalist cabal/cult disguised as federal reserve banking, paying basically the bills of all governments. Ergo Australia is blackmailed by the financiers 'paying' for the lock downs worldwide, holding individual 'governments - lol' to ransom

    The ransom money was given under condition of global vaccination population control. So the 'mysterious' worldwide plandemic response loses its mysterious status. Recall traitor Scomo's (in Australia) willingness to 'contribute' to the UN scamdemic response fund.

    The most deadly strain has not yet appeared. It is incubating in Canberra and is provisionally known as the Bureaucrat Covid21.
    The Bureaucrat Covid21 has an incredible reach in that, whilst originating in Canberra, ACT, it will in just 1 Day spread globally to encircle every country on the Earth.
    Then towards the end of 2021, the Bureaucrat 21 will be renamed the Technocrat 22.

    For real information seekers, this history background to what is going on, might interest you.
    Sharon Downey
    December 17 at 12:56 PM ·
    Historian links the head of the snake, of the cabal to the british crown

    Tony Bermanseder
    They are not far off. The globalist takeover began with the parallel civil revolutions in France and the British occupied USA and following Napoleon and 1776, From 1913 and the Russian revolution 1917 and the first world war, the technocrats took over in their collectivist takeover of the world by bankster control. This many know; but what most don't know, is the deeper agenda of the globalists and their parallel agenda of transhumanism to what many would term an extraterrestrial (or higher dimensional) agenda. This has to do with archetypes, geometry and symbolism also underpinning the natural sciences and 'encoded' sayings and 'prophecies', the cabals have an insatiable appetite in to control and to fulfil.
    The human status quo is irrepairable in any meaningful political way. The only way would be for local government of say elected local administrations to replace state and national bureaucracies. The 20% maximum could then not change democratic government on that level.

    Constitutional republics like the USA have this possibility, but the anglosaxon electors are perhaps the most brainwashed electorates in their blind worship of 'expert authorities'.
    But there you have it. How can the 'worship' of false authority be overcome? As this post illustrates an agenda, which the shadow internationalists know of and also try vehemently to forestall and prevent, but fail to understand; might as yet become the redemption of the human civilization, otherwise doomed as written in ancient scrolls of antiquity in many cultures indigenous and Judeo-Christian.

    Harley Caine
    Tony Bermanseder
    I feel like the technocracy is metamorphosising at such a rate that I'm not sure who even controls it anymore.. how many chances do the shadow internationalists need of redemption? There's not many chances left..
    I guess it bares down to the strength of the 20% in guiding the consciousness the right way.. if that can even be done. The reigns are too tight for many people

    Tony Bermanseder
    Harley it took only 3% of real patriots to gain USA independence from the British monarchy in 1776, so the percentage does not matter that much. Now this was 250 years ago and as you know the world is already governed by globalist technocrats, using NGO 'expert advisory bureaucrats' as smoke screens (CFR, WHO, WEC, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, NATO, IMF, UNICEF, IPCC, and on and on).

    My confidence relates to the fact of my lifelong study of the 'source manuals' the shadow government has used, say since the Napoleonic wars 1700 to change the earlier monarchy-peasant class system into higher class-middle class-lower class back into upper class-lower class as can now be witnessed on a global scale.

    Those source codes 'predict' or 'prophecy' a great many things and because the shadow controllers know of this, they also know that the times of global transformation have arrived. Unbeknown to 'them', some 'ancient wisdom keepers' on the planet are quite able to mirror their life destroying agendas and in an archetypical, yet jurisprudent sense.
    Those 'old ones' are working on the timelines, I have indicated as being parallel the timelines of the globalists. Their timeline began in their last phase in 2010 for a 20 year completion target and 2020 as the midpoint. It so is happenstance, that a reconstructed timeline from October 19th, 2019 to July 15th, 2022 of a 1000 day count found in scrolls of antiquity must define a period of time for a planetary civilization when a kind of 'universal judgement' or 'graduation examination' is stipulated.

    Now go to event 201 in New York on October 18th, 2019, when the 'medical tyranny test run' was 'played out' by the globalists and coinciding with 'military games' in Wuhan, China.
    If I would have pointed out the date of October 19th, 2019 to be of a 'cosmic significance' before this now obvious political globalist agenda, then many would not have taken any notice, believing instead of the 'business as usual' memeplex.
    Well now many, especially the 20% of planetary citizens, know very well that the 'business has changed'.

    Regarding Donald Trump's warp speed vaccine and the 'draining of the swamp'

    Well said, he should have put the 'Doctors front group' with Simone Gold on the White House lawn to replace Fauci and Brix and allow R.F. Kennedy Jr to describe the alternative plandemic narrative to the American people and the world.
    Then the fear mongering and lock down idiocy would have died a natural cause.
    His inducted medical advisor Scott Atlas should have given a prominent role in the plandemic political development.

    Politically, the problem is that the US military is divided since Obama's downgrading. Yes, there are some real patriots, but they are outnumbered by the top level, who are basically all globalists and part of the WECF 'Great Reset' agenda.
    Trump became compromised in early 2017, when Pence's treachery caused the dismissal of Flynn. Flynn is a patriot and not part of the 'swamp', unlike most of Trump's appointees at that time.

    The Qanon faithfulness is based on the true patriots, like Flynn attempting to increase the pro-constitutional part of the top brass military.
    However he has failed due to the jurisprudential corruption of the three tiered government structure.
    The executive branch has been taken over by the bankster cartel of the technocrats under the auspices of the corrupt jurisprudence and the legislative branch has been globalist since Woodrow Wilson and 1913.

    There will be no military coup for the reasons mentioned. The true patriots and constitutionalist will attempt to change the electoral basis in 2022.
    Trump is a patriot, but unable to affect the deep state on the level he thought he could in 2016.
    He is also not qualified to address the cabal's agenda regarding vaccination and population control. I am sure he was pressured and threatened to accept the global vaccination plan, despite 'knowing better' and knowing about vaccine damage pre-election.

    He has failed miserably in his last year in office to really fight the deep state, but having chosen deep state lawyers and advisors in most policy matters, he can be forgiven for that.
    His democrat-leftist-elite family members (not Jr.) has been an obstacle to an effective 'draining of the swamp' as well.

    As you are a real information seeker, this history background to what is going on, might interest you. Ignorance and Mindfulness and the Beliefs of the Globalist Technocratic Elite
    Sharon Downey
    December 17 at 12:56 PM ·
    Historian links the head of the snake, of the cabal to the british crown

    Tony Bermanseder
    They are not far off. The globalist takeover began with the parallel civil revolutions in France and the British occupied USA and following Napoleon and 1776, From 1913 and the Russian revolution 1917 and the first world war, the technocrats took over in their collectivist takeover of the world by bankster control. This many know; but what most don't know, is the deeper agenda of the globalists and their parallel agenda of transhumanism to what many would term an extraterrestrial (or higher dimensional) agenda. This has to do with archetypes, geometry and symbolism also underpinning the natural sciences and 'encoded' sayings and 'prophecies', the cabals have an insatiable appetite in to control and to fulfil.
    The human status quo is irrepairable in any meaningful political way. The only way would be for local government of say elected local administrations to replace state and national bureaucracies. The 20% maximum could then not change democratic government on that level.
    Constitutional republics like the USA have this possibility, but the anglosaxon electors are perhaps the most brainwashed electorates in their blind worship of 'expert authorities'.
    But there you have it. How can the 'worship' of false authority be overcome? As this post illustrates an agenda, which the shadow internationalists know of and also try vehemently to forestall and prevent, but fail to understand; might as yet become the redemption of the human civilization, otherwise doomed as written in ancient scrolls of antiquity in many cultures indigenous and Judeo-Christian.

    Harley Caine
    Tony Bermanseder
    I feel like the technocracy is metamorphosising at such a rate that I'm not sure who even controls it anymore.. how many chances do the shadow internationalists need of redemption? There's not many chances left..
    I guess it bares down to the strength of the 20% in guiding the consciousness the right way.. if that can even be done. The reigns are too tight for many people

    Tony Bermanseder
    Harley it took only 3% of real patriots to gain USA independence from the British monarchy in 1776, so the percentage does not matter that much. Now this was 250 years ago and as you know the world is already governed by globalist technocrats, using NGO 'expert advisory bureaucrats' as smoke screens (CFR, WHO, WEC, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, NATO, IMF, UNICEF, IPCC, and on and on).
    My confidence relates to the fact of my lifelong study of the 'source manuals' the shadow government has used, say since the Napoleonic wars 1700 to change the earlier monarchy-peasant class system into higher class-middle class-lower class back into upper class-lower class as can now be witnessed on a global scale.
    Those source codes 'predict' or 'prophecy' a great many things and because the shadow controllers know of this, they also know that the times of global transformation have arrived. Unbeknown to 'them', some 'ancient wisdom keepers' on the planet are quite able to mirror their life destroying agendas and in an archetypical, yet jurisprudent sense.
    Those 'old ones' are working on the timelines, I have indicated as being parallel the timelines of the globalists. Their timeline began in their last phase in 2010 for a 20 year completion target and 2020 as the midpoint. It so is happenstance, that a reconstructed timeline from October 19th, 2019 to July 15th, 2022 of a 1000 day count found in scrolls of antiquity must define a period of time for a planetary civilization when a kind of 'universal judgement' or 'graduation examination' is stipulated.
    Now go to event 201 in New York on October 18th, 2019, when the 'medical tyranny test run' was 'played out' by the globalists and coinciding with 'military games' in Wuhan, China.
    If I would have pointed out the date of October 19th, 2019 to be of a 'cosmic significance' before this now obvious political globalist agenda, then many would not have taken any notice, believing instead of the 'business as usual' memeplex.
    Well now many, especially the 20% of planetary citizens, know very well that the 'business has changed'.

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2021
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    A Global Conspiracy of Health Administrators and Event 201

    Who was the Australian representative at 'Event 201' in New York, October 18th, 2019?

    And who sponsored this event?
    The World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of National Health/University, the main propagandists of the 'pandemic' derived from the 'pandemic simulation' of event 201.

    Connect the dots Australia - you are being greatly deceived by your CHO or Chief Health Officer of the 'Global Great Reset'.


    Scomo, Hunter Clown and co are hiding behind the 'W.H.O - medical authority' of the UN-globalist stooge delegate to Australia.
    They listen or hide behind an even greater treachery and treason in the betrayal of Australia's sovereignty in a global technocratic conspiracy puppeteered by the Australian CHO 'advisor'.

    The worldwide conspiracy of CHO's intends the implementation of medical martial law and tyranny from to the UN and globalist technocracy agendas, triggered by the October 18th, 2019 'Event 201' 'testing' pandemic responses worldwide in parallel to 'Wuhan military olympics' in China.

  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Dr. Ann McCloskey exposes a world wide medical tyranny agenda


    A doctor from Northern Ireland has come out strongly against COVID hysteria and the sinister agenda behind it in a viral video spreading across social media.

    Dr. Anne McCloskey, a general practitioner from Derry, issued a stunning rebuke of global medical tyranny in a video released by the Freedom Alliance Island of Ireland.

    "Across this island and across the world, there are millions of people who are awakening to the understanding that this current health crisis, this so-called 'pandemic,' is a trojan horse, which has been used to introduce a new era for humanity," Dr. McCloskey says at the opening of her statement.
    "'The Great Reset,' the '4th Industrial Revolution,' 'Building Back Better' - whatever catchy, chirpy name the bankers and billionaires are calling it - is not good for you and me, for the ordinary people."

    McCloskey asserts all relationships, from the familial to national levels, are being "fundamentally" transformed.
    "They are coming for you, your family, your jobs, your savings, your home, your pension, your culture, your freedom, your very way of life," she warns.
    "This is not a conspiracy theory, but the outworking of a scheme written by people who hate the human race. Agenda 21 is being implemented now and will come to pass, unless we unite to resist."

    McCloskey acknowledges a respiratory virus swept across the planet last year, killing many elderly or vulnerable people, but compares its impact to that of typical season illnesses which often claim many lives.
    "These PCR tests measure nothing, they are an illusion to create a crisis," she says, reminding viewers that international bodies such as the W.H.O. "changed the rules" about how infection "cases" and related deaths are categorized and reported.

    McCloskey warns despots are using the "smoke and mirrors" of COVID to impose totalitarian reign across the planet and urges citizens of every nation to participate in a Worldwide Rally for Freedom on Saturday, March 20th.

    Video: Irish Doctor Exposes 'Great Reset' Agenda Behind COVID Hoax In Powerful Video - The Kick Them All Out Project
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Male Sexism and Expertise in Affirmative Action Equality

    The Paris Accord Climate Change Agreement and National Defence as agreed upon by female leaders and administrators under the auspices of International Technocracy and the Globalist 'Great Reset' Industrial Lock-Step 'Green Deal' Transhumanist Revolution

    Is the male-mindedness in the female bodyform an antisexual discrimination with respect to the female-mindedness in the male bodyform or is a true female-mindedness in exile awaiting its merger with a true male bodyform also in exile!?

    If all waved mindforms in an Old World are male-polarized in potential blending with particularized female-polarized bodyforms; then only in a mirroring of this Old World in a New World, will a true original and natural male-mindedness in Men in true male bodyforms become enabled to merge and harmonize with a true female-mindedness in Women in original natural female bodyforms.


    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Climate Hoax - Plandemic Swindle - Climate Hoax

    Craig Kelly

    Last Saturday, 20th March, just as the Warragamba Dam was about to spill, Tim Flannery (infamous for claiming the dam would never fill again) was the special guest of a group of climate crazies from Extinction Rebellion (whom have been brainwashed into believing in permanent drought) for a ‘’Camp out for Climate” event.
    I hope these crazies all had their wet-weather gear.

    Activists to camp out in Thirroul in support of climate action | Illawarra Mercury | Wollongong, NSW
    And I wonder how many people that didn’t take out flood insurance because they were influenced by the rantings of Flannery ?


    Many Australians sincerly hope you see the connection between the climate hoax of Flannery-Gore and co and the plandemic of Event 201 Craig.
    Because the Greta Thunberg climate expertise did not succeed to frighten the 'living daylights' out of the global population, the 'living daylights' were decided to become extracted from the vox populi by the plandemic scam.
    As those 'living daylights' are beginning to reenter many of the scared people from before, the scaremongering continues with particular variations of the previous scare mongerings and a coupling of the 'virus' mutations with the climate mutations.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021

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