Definition Of The Elite Plan To Victimize Us - The Great Reset :(

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 17, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Beliefs of the Technocratic Globalist Creed

    Universal Genesis - What Banged?!

    Linda Garrett
    Sorry you can create something from absolutely nothing. In the beginning

    James Allen-Linda Garrett
    Creatio ex Nihilo

    Linda Garrett
    How do you have a big bang out of nothing... what banged...????

    Tony Bermanseder
    The 'awakening' of the self-awareness/consciousness in the creator-creation mode within a spaceless and timeless 'eternity' realm (many would describe as the ever existing God) and its 'Sound' or 'Word'.

    The Quantum Big Bang of physics and cosmology then becomes a derivative of this cosmogony and allegorized as the 'Loss of Paradise' or the 'Banishment from Eden', (necessary to image the metaphysical 'true image of God' as Adam in a physical image of Adam as Jesus).

    As there is no 'Mother of Creation' in the metaphysical 'Old Heaven' an 'Old Earth/Universe' must be created (in the Bang) to allow a time dependent evolution of Old Adam having lost his Rib/Eve to regain this loss (Mary Magdalene's mysterious exclamation as to ascension in John.20.17).

    It then is the recombination of JC with CJ as the right-left sides of 'God in the Old Heaven' which allows the creation of a New Heaven with as New Earth in the star-humanity of the encoded 'prophecies'.

    Where is the 'Mother of Creation' as the physical universe before the Bang? She is inside or within the Creator-Creation modality, say as a FatherMother and imaged as something (Adam's rib) required to be taken out from God's Son Adam in archetypical allegory and symbol.

    In the scientific universe, this relates to changing the genomatrix and especially the sexual chromosomes XX as a recursive function of self-propagation/reproduction becomes or transmutates into XX=XY+1 as one digit of the X as X-1=Y to allow XX=XX+XY.

    Therefore the present obsession of the 'illuminated' echeloners of global politics to change the old human genome into a new form of transhumanism. Unbeknown to them, they are not the only 'initiates' into the mysteries of the 'Word of God', they are trying to sequester for themselves in divers methods of obscuration, deception and perversion, especially their hijacking and abuse of human sexuality on all levels, mental, physical and emotional.

    The technocratic cabal-creed-cult attempts to 'fulfil' the 'encoded prophecies' in a manner defined by them and operate under a mantle of secular atheism and scientific superiority. They know of the universal Logos very well and try to forego any manifestation of the 'Word of God' in a manner encoded in the Christian bible and related source manuscripts.

    The present times of tribulation so are necessary to manifest this birth of a New Creation from the ashes of the Old Creation as amply described in the New Testament, many Christians 'believe' in without understanding the deeper agendas of the 'Word of God' and as expressed in the 'Last Supper' (John.13-16) and the 'Sermon of the Mount' (Mat.24).

    One easy way for any Christian to understand the interconnectivity between cosmogony describing metaphysics (or spirituality) and cosmology, say the hard sciences of physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy; is to simply reword the definition of John.1.1-3 and noticing that 'God" was preceded in the creation account by the 'Word' or Logic/Logos of God.

    This rewording then crystallizes the absolute importance and 'redemptive quality' of the 'Word of God' in the physical incarnation of the 'quantum consciousness individuation' most Christian know as Jesus Christ imaged in Christ Jesus.

    The Beliefs of the Technocratic Globalist Creed

    The technocrats at the highest manipulative level know that universal law trumps all man-made laws as mere approximations. Then Universal Law (like say gravity) derives from some abstraction as a metaphysical 'Energy' of the mind/universal consciousness then physically manifested in say a physical material cosmos utilizing the 'laws of abstraction', say mathematics, quantum mechanics or the algorithmic symmetries and geometries of say the 'code of life' in nucleotide base pairings of the DNA and RNA.

    The technocratic elite knows this power of the original universal and not man made law very well and seeks to manipulate this law in the physical realm.

    As said before they BELIEVE in their own 'absolution-redemption-justification' for whatever their manipulative endeavors entail in proclaiming their attempts and aims of manipulation openly, knowing or expecting that the majority of the 'governed' will not discern their actual agendas.

    Do I BELIEVE in Judeo-Christianity as culturally defined?
    I BELIEVE in Definition and ORIGIN of the Universal Law, which allows me to redefine many codes, which are subject to belief and individual interpretation in a knowledge based sense of the Scientia=Gnosis=Knowledge of the Logistics of the Universal Law.

    In the Judeo-Christian source texts, this is labeled as the 'Word or Logos of God'.

    But because the label of 'God' requires scientific or logical definition, before it should be used in a self-consistent and universally-generally applicable manner; appropriate research and study then allows redefinition of a major code in the Judeo-Christian religion in the following manner;

    John 1:1-3 - King James Version (KJV)
    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    2 The same was in the beginning with God.
    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    1 In the beginning was the Definition, and the Definition was with the Source Energy, and the Definition was the Source Energy.
    2 The same was in the beginning with the Source Energy.
    3 All things were made by the Logos; and without the Logos (of the Logic) was not any thing made that was made.

    Can I then associate this Logos, incarnate as a real historical person as Jesus Ben Joseph bar Thomas, the anointed Christ and in perfect quantum energy resonance with the source energy, with the Birth of the physically observed Universe in mirroring a 'Shadow' metaphysically observed or experienced Universe and linked or connected by a higher dimensional physicalized consciousness or 'spirit' from and by the 'Source Energy' assuming a physicalized form?

    Yes, I can and applying the logic of the Logos to 'whatever can be experienced', it was my life long adult quest of say 40 years to logically and in the name of the 'Logos Scientia' to 'rationalize' and 'explain' the many codes and numerical patterns found in the source texts of the Judeo-Christian religion.

    As this Judeo-Christian is subject to political maneuvers and individual interpretation of its source codes and texts; however, I would greatly distance myself from any group of BELIEVERS or followers, unless those groups would adhere to an interpretation of their own source codes and scriptural texts in harmony, compatibility or synergy with my interpretation of those source codes in the mirror of Universal Law, based on Universal and not human-restricted consciousness.

    Tash Stokes
    This DNA codex is only going to be successful to those "not vaccined" is that right ??

    Tony Bermanseder
    This starhuman codex serves as an activation of so called 'junk DNA' (about 70-90% as per the orthodox medical standard atm).
    The RNA-retroactive vaccines pushed onto the global unaware public uses nanotechnology and 5-6G microwave EMR to manipulate the oxygen transport in all biological cells.
    Certain toxic ingredients in those 'modern' vaccines like MRC-5 = aborted fetal tissue from the lung of 14-week old Caucasian (white) males are supposed to trigger certain autoimmune responses in the say human cells to actually manufacture the virus-exosome as genetic material, so creating a self-vaccination in the adjutant-antibody regime.
    It is a most devious and control structure apparently enforced onto the worldwide medical tyranny under the guise of the WHO-UN.
    I posted this as a parallel agenda from 'Nature Itself' to counter the agenda 2010-2020-2030 from the World Economic Forum (UN) in a natural evolution of the human genome using 'nature's immunology' without any drug induction.

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021

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