Re: Messages From The Little Serpent Abba

Discussion in 'In Lak'ech: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba' started by Allisiam, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°93
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    Owlsden Today at 6:53 am
    Well Rok your personal opinions about me are indeed your own, but for the record this has been footprinted on Skype and elsewhere, now this is not a threat from me to you but words of which you spaketh and indeed have no facts nor merit for which you can back up about my Child. Your attempt talking about my child like this are utterly "disgusting" and you need to go to jail for such!
  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°94
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    Spregovori Today at 7:46 am
    I will not put out chats etc on public forum in my defense or as you said to "back up" things as this would violate the privacy of several people and i will not do copy pastes out of context. Also...I need no defense.

    Your threats (apparently also u threatened to send "dark clouds over me" or i saw you wrote it on chat) are empty and they also hint on guilt. It is not like you can decree anything to happen. No matter where you choose to propagate and spin your wont change anything for me.

    You can attempt to argue and present me as some horrible creature making such an "outrageous" claim and do your best to be very proper and civil at seen as a concerned is the same for me as i know more than what is here on this forum and has been developing for much longer period than just the last few days.

    You may falsely see yourself as the Sun and as the "Eye" that sees and pretends to be a "conduit" for others to show them the "truth" do have many self delusions... it does not actually do anything for anyone. It depends a bit if a person you "lure" has a weak enough mind to fall for it... etc but that is not my concern. My concern lies with the one that is to small to defend and too young to understand. It is like taking a child to a church to be educated about God and threatened with the Devil = a rape (not a physical one)...yet those also do happen....many Roman catholic officials do many things....what came out to public so far is nothing.

    But given that i am not the USA citizen i can not really take things further than to confront you with them. Your reaction to it did not reassure me in a positive was quite the opposite.

    I will finish now here....the continuation of this exchange can ruin this thread...not to mention...mods are very likely to be bothered by it...if not already.
  3. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°95
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    THEeXchanger Today at 9:01 am
    amaSing - but, i have NEVER experienced any of this crap interacting with people on Thuban
    albeit, i NEVER did ever eXchange with this person
    -makes me think, they must be some kind of plant, by dark forces, to try to tarnish things :(
  4. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°96
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    THEeXchanger Today at 9:04 am
    posting private chats, without asking all the people involved in the chat
    - is NOT very classy - NOR is it an acceptable form of behaviour
  5. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°97
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    Brook Today at 9:14 am
    Hmm...well is this a switch?

    Owlsden.....First of all let me tell you I don't follow the Thuban philosophy but there is some damned fine stuff within it's walls if you choose to seek it.

    At one time I was invited into the Thuban skpye chat and have had some damned fine chats with Tony B. Raven is spectacular in her research.....should you choose to seek it. And over all there is some very interesting evolution within the Thubans. So to take one conversation and clump it into the Thubans is spectacularly ridiculous. Based on what?

    the words of one member named "ROC". Really? Let me let you in on something.....Roc does not speak for all the Thubans first of all. He is but one voice.

    So check it......

    ROC: Seems we've been down this road before eh? I remember back on the facebook on MY WALL....Raven posted a picture with some text. And along you come and tell me to "get my love and light "A double S outta there". As if you even know I had to "de-friend" all the Thubans I was FRIENDS with simply to stop getting the stuff on my wall so as not to get such childish labels from YOU! You see....I've been in chat with Tony..and was invited BY HIM to join in the conversations. Raven was and is a friend of mine and I valued her friendship and her research. Yet left it all because I was not going to be degraded by the words of a youngster with a subjective opinion. Particularly when you have no idea what I believe.


    It seems you must have some great fear of the Dragon. Learn to face your fears! Otherwise you'll be chasing your tail. There is nothing to fear here.....I know reptilians..and this in not the house of repute you paint it. It's just a philosophy! Tony B is a brilliant person...who has taken the time to share his discoveries. I do the same. We do not always agree....but the last thing I will tell you now. This group is not here of darkness....but shed some light where it may be needed. Again I don't agree with the whole thing..but that's my free agency. You see I have one perspective they have another.....and yet others have theirs. You Owlsden do not have background to bring this into a subjective light. How can I say that? By the very "bate and switch" of that conversation posted. You took on the youngster of the group....who has plenty to learn .....and easy to trap. I personally would not bother.....but I did a read on that conversation...and you led this boy to the river....he drank and got drunk. You set the bait.

    and ROC.......I will grow up some day....and get over the shock and awe you love to dish out. As for this being about the Thubans...well...guess again. This is not the picture of Thubans....its the impetuous behavior of a youngster who lacks intuitive sense. Because He should have see the bait. have a long way to get where you can actually do what Tony B does....I say this based on the conversation posted.
  6. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°98
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    THEeXchanger Today at 9:21 am
    nice response Brook, thank you for sharing your wise words and your insights
    - it is appreciated by all the good people, who enjoy words of wisdom -
    your comments often bring about a nice calm into a storm :)
    so, thank you, for your sharings
  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°99
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    Spregovori Today at 9:54 am
    Honestly Brook i can not remember me posting on your FB wall. I do not even have you in my FB contact list...never had. It could have been we both commented on some picture topic on FB of our mutual contact? Why would i send you to see some love and light is also not sure to i have forgotten about is likely i based this on the time...words and stance.... You are not the first to take it to the last one also.

    Btw...i almost fell of my chair seeing you talking about Tony this way....given what you did on old Avalon.... Seems u have "grown" some since than. Yet still not did bring a grin...sort of...on my face reading your comments about you said...i do not really know you....this is partly correct...and you also seem to know very little about me or DD. Oh and it is Rok not Roc.....but hehe ok....

    And was my solo action and my own i stated myself before....this is not related to is just DD that wants to do that in her....rather...desperate attempt.....

    Can someone "split" this thread and move the non relating posts into new one (or into the bin). This is highly off topic here.
  8. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°100
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    THEeXchanger Today at 10:08 am
    good suggestion, as, the main information here, someone must NOT want others to see it, in a bad way :)

    funny how that happens, to real good threads !!!
  9. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°101
    Re: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba

    Brook Today at 11:20 am
    Spregovori wrote:

    Honestly Brook i can not remember me posting on your FB wall. I do not even have you in my FB contact list...never had. It could have been we both commented on some picture topic on FB of our mutual contact? Why would i send you to see some love and light is also not sure to i have forgotten about is likely i based this on the time...words and stance.... You are not the first to take it to the last one also.

    Btw...i almost fell of my chair seeing you talking about Tony this way....given what you did on old Avalon.... Seems u have "grown" some since than. Yet still not did bring a grin...sort of...on my face reading your comments about you said...i do not really know you....this is partly correct...and you also seem to know very little about me or DD. Oh and it is Rok not Roc.....but hehe ok....

    And was my solo action and my own i stated myself before....this is not related to is just DD that wants to do that in her....rather...desperate attempt.....

    Can someone "split" this thread and move the non relating posts into new one (or into the bin). This is highly off topic here.

    first of all yes...this should be removed from the thread. I'd be having a fit right now if someone came to my thread to derail it.

    The growth you speak of is the fact that Tony B invited myself and Lionhawk to the skype conversation. In that conversation Tony extended his hand to assist in gaining a better understanding. He did that because I suppose he felt we had something to offer as well. Then we left....with a better understanding. We still don't agree with this philosophy in total..but did gain some understanding we had not had before. Then later Raven invited me into the chat again. I was there for quite a while. I met several people there. Alienne was another I met who I gained a fondness of. So there you have it. Growth? Or understanding. I still don't carry the Thuban philosophy yet I pick up the pearls of wisdom within it. I'm surprised you never saw me there.....because I was there for awhile.

    As for knowing Owlsden /DD....I know even less. But gained a whole lot by the action of adding this conversation to this thread and posing it as Thuban.

    That response to get my A@@ out of the conversation from you was on a picture that Raven attached to my wall. All the comments on it were pinging my "notifications" for which I had to detach from after that encounter. I'm not into what you dished out. So "detach" is always a good recourse.

    You're right...I don't know you either...and most probably never will with responses such as the ones you dish out. Where Tony has the wisdom to shock and awe with are simply emulating what you have yet to gain in the areas he does and can carry it off. Sorry grasshopper...but that is how I see it.

    So I suggest one of you guys or the OP of the thread contact Carol or Merc to remove the offending posts and move them elsewhere.
  10. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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