Earth Is A Sphere. Few Proofs For The Flat Earth Society With Members All Around The Globe ?

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 10, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    if you want to learn something google:

    how to prove the earth is a sphere
  5. BigolFloppyones

    BigolFloppyones New Member

    hah, you must be kidding right? That is what you want to go with as "your" proof. Let's start with the simple fact that I'm guessing you would be unable to in your own words or through any kind of showable way prove we are on a globe blasting through the universe. I mean you are implying you are spiritual and yet you seem to have missed quite the giant first step into a greater understanding of things. Or did you not receive that download?

    I mean at this stage of the game if you or anyone still believe such utter nonsense you probably too far lost in the sauce. Sigh. I would explain how many ways you are obviously incorrect, but seeing where you got your fe info I already know your mind is set and you won't listen. Because ya know good research only looks at videos and one source and can determine truths solely off that. Yup, real strong stuff I tell ya. Either that or you just selling out for some schmuck bucks. Oh well, I don't care what you believe. I just don't much care for coming across people being uneducated and not actually knowing anything other then just copy/paste of the material.

    Please feel free to tell me how you can walk out your door and give some proof of your model. Or is that too hard? I mean it shouldn't right, because clearly we are on a glove right? There should be ample ways to prove this. Let me know when you can achieve that.

    Or you want to just post more videos of cgi space footage or altered by a lens. Obviously if you look at any legit footage of any high altitude vehicle you will only see ---------------- or maybe i should just post stupid shit and videos and lie to people. Yet, I have this thing called integrity and don't much care to lie to others, even online. Do your homework, all i'm saying, thx bye

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    a posting board generally begins with a thread
    with an assortment of information, on a topic
    NO WHERE does it say; i agree, NOR disagree with anything above this post
    • your comments are welcome
    • and, if you have 'real proof' of a 'flat world' please submit it
    • seems you think you've done your homework, and, if so, please submit your 'real findings'
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    You can use simple mathematical-geometric arguments to 'define' the shape of the earth or the topological form of anything Susan!

    Geometric Circles exist, as do physical disks as cylindrical cross sections using the 2-dimensionality of an area enclosed by a circle.
    Projecting the 2-dimensional circle as a plane into 3 dimensions creates a 3-dimensional sphere embedded in a 3-dimension al topological space, but also as being embedded in a 4-dimensional space, also spherical in a local coordinate system with possible global coordinates defining spheres enclosed in spheres and spheres enclosed in cylinders.

    If the encompassing 3-dimensional space is cyclindrical (flat earth notion) as a possible topology, then within 3-dimensional space this cylinder (or torus or other geometric topolgy) could then again become embedded as a cylinder (or flat earth geometry) within an encompassing sphere.

    This inner space being in the same dimension as the outer space, say separated by the surface area of an earth either flat or spherical would then again be encompassed in a greater geometry topolgy in the same dimension.
    It is only when the embedding occurs as a lower dimension say a volume within a higher dimension, that this 'Russian Doll' repetition can be violated.

    A 4-dimensional sphere or 3-ball has a 3-dimensional surface area equal to the 3-dimensional volume of a Horn Torus, encompassed within a 3-dimensional sphere.

    The volume of a 3-ball is V4=½π2R4 with surface area dV4/dR = 2π2R3 = 2πRxπR2 as the volume of a basic Horn Torus in 3 dimensions (Pappus Theorem) and enclosed by a basic 3-dimensional sphere of twice the radius (2R) of a possible cyclinder (flat earth disk of radius R).

    From pure geometric analysis then a 'flat earth' can always become encompassed by a spherical 'bigger' volume and limit for this embedding will be a 4-dimensional volume equal to the volume of a Horn Torus within an even bigger sphere.
    This is shown in the diagram and the second diagram defines the curvature of the earth from first principles, using the Pythagorean theorem and a trigonometric analysis.

    So whilst a cylindrical earth is geometrically possible in 3 space dimensions, such a flat earth would ALWAYS be embedded in a spherical 3D volumar around it, with this encompassment forming a higher dimensional boundary dividing the inner space from the outer space, just as the surface of the earth divides the inner earth from the outer earth.


    Last edited: Mar 16, 2021

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Puzzled Flat-Earthers left raging

    after Nasa astronaut posts photo from the ISS

    • Sean Keach, Digital Technology and Science Editor
    • 16:08, 15 Jan 2020
    • Updated: 10:18, 16 Jan 2020
    FLAT-EARTHERS were left shocked, confused and angry after a Nasa astronaut posted a photo of Earth from space.

    The impressive but unusual image was posted by seasoned space hero Jessica Meir,
    who captured our blue planet from the International Space Station.
    This stunning image was taken from the ISSCredit: Jessica Meir / Nasa

    US astronaut Meir is currently on board the ISS, and snapped the curvature of Earth through a space station window.
    She posted the image to Twitter to show off her lofty view, but quickly drew the ire of conspiracy theorists.
    Many of those replying were Flat-Earthers – people who believe that the Earth is flat, not spherical.
    "Imagine lying to billions of people and pretending to be an astronaut. Your life must really suck," wrote one angry Twitter user.
    Jessica Meir is a seasoned US astronaut with extensive trainingCredit: Twitter
    Most of the Flat-Earthers replying accused Meir of capturing the image using a special type of curved lens.
    "Why do you guys always use fish eye lenses," moaned one.
    Another said: "Yes. That's fish eye lens. Make earth looks like round. Actually, the earth is Flat!"
    And one added: "Nice try with the fish eye, but it's flat."

    Some were simply in disbelief that you can photograph the entire Earth from near-Earth orbit.
    "So from 400km above the earth you can view the whole round earth? Yeah very believable," an angry Twitter user wrote.
    Flat Earth – the key facts
    Here's what you need to know...
    • The Flat Earth model is an outdated and disproven view that Earth is a flat plane or disk
    • Flat Earth theories were widely believed throughout Ancient Greece, the Bronze Age and Iron Age, and even through to the 17th century in China
    • The idea of a spherical Earth first appeared with Pyhtagoras in the 6th century BC, and Aristotle provided evidence for the theory in 330 BC
    • Earth's spherical shape is now proven and has been widely documented by scientists around the world
    • Internet conspiracy theories have led to a modern resurgence in Flat Earth belief
    • Social media sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have struggled to limit the reach of these disproven theories
    Flat Earth theories have been widely discredited for centuries.
    But the rise of the internet and social media has allowed conspiracy theories to flourish.

    Tech firms are now trying to crack down on the spread of Flat Earth misinformation – but their efforts clearly haven't swayed these paranoid Twitter users.

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