Cna Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are Dying Like Flies After Covid Injections Connecting Dots

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 30, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    VIDEO of a NURSE from a nursing home
    CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower:
    Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections connecting dots

    CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLies | Minds

    he begs people to ask questions !!!

    comments are interesting:

    I don't know that I agree that this virus is manmade (chimera). Yes, there are many psychopathic eugenicists out there that would do this, as they care nothing for humanity, however they would NOT put themselves as risk, and with a chimera virus its behaviour and its final outcome is unknown, no matter how much testing they have done they HAVE NO IDEA. Also, there was/is no need for a REAL virus. Just manipulate the figures, control/coerce enough people to spout out the designed narrative, just enough hype to say there is a virus and brainwash the majority so they then believe and reiterate the narrative. Just enough needed to create mass hysteria and FEAR, and that was easy. With fear populations can be controlled, just look back at history. They have gained control (right in front of us) over all the systems and processes of modern life - air, water, soil, food, medicine, transport, supply chains, big Agra/Chema/Pharma/Food, all banks, governments, councils, NGOs, eduction systems, the police/courts, our rights and freedoms, vaccinations, the media, the TV shows, even the weather. We are totally at their mercy. We own nothing, not even ourselves because when we register our child's birth we pass it over to become a commodity, the be traded for even more money. Money. That is what is behind all this. The love of money and power and control by these creatures that have sold their souls to the devil and now they want ours.....

    1d ago

    Bless him for having the courage to speak out for those who can no longer speak out.

    1d ago

    You are Correct. Watch on youtube, TOVA FRIEDMAN, holocaust survivor, she describes how the elderly were killed first then intellectual, then children... Also miss communication and cutting off communication.

    1d ago

    I have been working as a homecare nurse since 1999, I will go back to living in the forest and no job before I take C-vac...Love you in Christ. Keep PSALM 91 prayer for you.

    1d ago

    Thank you James for telling the truth. So many of the people are afraid to say no. Afraid to lose their jobs and not afraid to risk their life to hold onto a job and may lose it anyway. Silence is consent. I am 70 yrs old with several health issues. I am taking your warning as the same as when Jesus said what good will us do to gain the world but lose our souls? You are a watchman on the wall if you warn about evil or destructive paths and are heard you save yourself and another person too. You are right you have responsibility and are sharing responsibility with others. You don’t carry it alone. The authorities know this death coming they are projecting population to decline in America from 332 million to 99 million by 2025. 1/28/21. James I will not be taking a vaccination. Another video Thank you.

    1d ago

    Ok, Who wants to act also out of internet ? What exist already and What lack to acheve the job ? God spoke. We have to follow our given parts. I'm in Paris/France . Not so much around me see or want to risk anything. I wrote to my président. To two senators. No answers of course. Did they received for the senators I Sent à mail. Ups express use for thé président. Till when is it gong to go I asked. I m controlled by what pays what I only have to live and is controled by public administration. That's why People fear: they have the power to use and kill who they have in their "shootline". What can we do ? We could gather and strenghten rater than stay apart as evil want us to. So, Who is in Paris and wants to reunit and go on without written all to our ennemi in the net ?

    1d agoEDITED

    I just read "Exposure" by Robert Bilott. "Conscious disregard" This is all about $$. Nothing else matters. The "top feeders" want to stay on top and remain in control. But as we entered the Age of Aquarius last month, their 200-year reign of material security and resistance to change is coming to an end and they are getting desperate to maintain control - or at least what they perceive as control. Desperate men are dangerous men. It is up to each of us, like this wonderfully compassionate soul, to shine a light on our souls and decide what kind of difference we want to make in this world going forward.

    18h ago
    Ephesians 6:12

    THANK YOU for posting and sharing! Anti-Mask LAW~___(KNOW YOUR RIGHTS)__*for those in America*: ~How to "LEGALLY" decline a Vaccine:

    16h ago

    Prayers for ALL

    13h ago

    This is depressing.

    13h ago

    thank you for speaking out

    12h ago

    I know exactly how you feel. The Lord was weighing really heavy on my heart to contest everything that's going on at my job. This includes the forced mandatory face mask wearing, and signing into work every day and taking your temperature. I told them I would not do it. I've just been working from home and been coming into work after work. It's disgusting. I know many people can't work from home like me, but it is very difficult, because there are some things that need to be done at the office. It just sickens me. So I sent a mass email out protesting against it all and I did mention the Lord. I pray that God uses my message, even though I think I could have done better, I hope it was enough.

    9h ago
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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