The New Covenant For A New Heaven With A New Earth

Discussion in 'The Metamorphosis of an Old World into a New World' started by admin, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Pyramid Timeline of Giza and the Hidden Ancestry of Humanity as a Starborn Universal Genomatrix in Graduation in the Apocalypse 2020-2025-2030

    Australia's first monolith appears in Adelaide, engraved with cryptic coordinates
    Emily Olle
    Published: 11/12/2020Updated: 11 December 2020 3:50 PM

    Just days after the discovery and swift disappearance of a number of shining metal monoliths half a world apart, another giant structure has appeared - in Adelaide.
    The three-sided, three-metre-tall silver structure appeared at Noarlunga, next to the Seaford Train bridge, at about 6pm on Thursday.
    The 7NEWS viewer who spotted the giant metal monolith said it was marked with engravings which appeared to be coordinates.
    The top coordinate marks Trump Tower in New York, while the one below takes you to a tiny, uninhabited island named Managaha in the Northern Mariana Islands, near Guam.
    Bizarrely, the bottom coordinates lead to The Sphinx, in Egypt’s Al Giza Desert.

    The three-sided, three-metre-tall monolith in Adelaide was discovered by a 7NEWS viewer just days after three others appeared across the globe. Credit: 7NEWS.

    thub1. Thubanorion.

    pyr5. 2001. odysseyx3.

    December 21st, 2020 and the Great Conjunction


    The 'flat earth' concept is not required to examine and research the significance of the 8 year anniversary of the Mayan 'end date nexus' of a 144,000 Baktun day count
    from September 18th, 1618 (September 8th, 1618 Julian) to December 21st, 2012 to December 21st, 2020

    The 'Great Conjunction' of December 21st, 2020 is the closest such conjunction since the one on July 16th, 1623 and so about 5 years into the last 394.26 Year Baktun cycle.
    The next such close (to 6 arcminutes) approach of Jupiter and Saturn is calculated for March 15th, 2080

    This 'Great Conjunction' relates to the Birth account of Jesus Ben Joseph Bar Thomas for the 2 New Moon Prophecy in Isaiah in the double conjunction between Saturn and the Moon and the Moon conjoining Jupiter in the starsign of the Judaic Kingship in Aries.​
    Regarding Australia's Uluru prophecy with 75+9=84=9+66+9=1260/15 day crucial period December 12th, 2020 - December 21st, 2020 - February 25th, 2021 - March 6th, 2021
    SHOCKING YOU IN SHOCKING BLUE - APHRODITE-VENUS - LOVE GODDESS IN THE FEMININE OF UNIVERSAL CREATION Mariska Veres - A 'heavenly' voice 37 years later from October 1st, 1947-1969-December 2nd, 2006.
    So where is she now lost to a world in dire need of class?
    Well this is the question of hope in a projected future now experienced in dire and gloomy expectations.
    A timeline metaphysically parallel to the political maneuverings, of Cyrus Day 29th October, serves as a memorandum to the historical time line of Zoroaster-Persia-Iran from 539 BC to Shah Reza Pahlavi 1971 to the technocracy agenda 2010-2020-2025-2030.​
    Shocking You in Shocking Blue - Aphrodite-Venus - Love Goddess in the Feminine of Universal Creation
    Shocking You in Shocking Blue - Aphrodite-Venus - Love Goddess in the Feminine of Universal Creation
    Dirac's monopole and the creation of the universe
    Dirac's monopole and the creation of the universe

    A Tribute to AbbA as BaaB in a Metamorphosis of the Old World of Humanity into the New Eternity of Star-Humanity
    Planetary Resurrection
    Planetary Resurrection

    Metropolis (1927) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers
    Metropolis (1927) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers
    1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927 Metropolis by Fritz Lang (projected as occurring in the year 2030) --- 1931 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley --- 1984 by George Orwell --- 2013 Elysium by Neill Blomkamp --- 2020 by Old World Order --- 2025 by ? --- 2030 by New World Order - Can the Old Technocracy of 2020 transform into a New Technocracy of 2030 by Metamorphosis 2025?

    Thuban Mothership.

    pyramidilluminati. dracow.

    The Pyramid Timeline of Giza and the Hidden Ancestry of Humanity as a Starborn Universal Genomatrix in Graduation

    pyr1. pyr2. pyr3. pyr4. pyr5. pyr6. pyr7. Pyramidion. pyrori10.

    Wow one in Adelaide now tony? Have all the risen monoliths stayed up. I read one went down in the desert in America and appeared on the other side of the country? Very very interesting. I think things are gonna start to get exciting now 1f31f. 1f31f. 1f31f.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Even hoaxers and artists can be inspired to do what they do because of evolution pressure - mental evolvement not physical as such. Australia's first monolith appears in Adelaide, engraved with cryptic coordinates. Yes the timelines are converging especially in the next 5 months worldwide

    Tash Stokes
    There's no going back now. This timeline is in full swing now things shall get very interesting 1f30f. 1f308.

    1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927 Metropolis by Fritz Lang (projected as occurring in the year 2030) --- 1931 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley --- 1984 by George Orwell --- 2013 Elysium by Neill Blomkamp --- 2020 by Old World Order --- 2025 by ? --- 2030 by New World Order - Can the Old Technocracy of 2020 transform into a New Technocracy of 2030 by Metamorphosis 2025?​
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Erika Mermuse
    Tony Bermanseder love it!

    Tony Bermanseder
    Your love and affinity for Egypt made me elaborate a bit. Not many have the aptitude to consider and learn and correlate the past with the present to help formulate the future.

    Erika Mermuse
    Tony Bermanseder that’s funny because I was talking about that very concept last night; it’s impossible for me not to think that way and confuses me when others don’t see it 1f937_1f3fb_200d_2640.

    Tony Bermanseder
    The timelines encoded in Cheops are also encoded by indigenous and scripture based exponents and the 'deep state' knows of this very very well and is attempting to manifest the 'fulfilment' of those 'projections' to their elitist benefit. But there exists, by natural law, a parallel agenda (from the stars as human ancestors re-manifesting as their own descendents') and it is THIS agenda you and folks like you feel and intuit on your way to graduate and return to the stars from a earth-cored base. But whilst many are 'forced' by their creature comfort challenged individual circumstances to reconsider their lives and world views, the percentage for full 'graduation' is still small, say as about 50,000 (ex)humans, who feel they should or belong and come from someplace else.)

    Total incarnated human population (7.2 - 7.8 Billion in 2012 - 2020)/144,000 = 50,000 - 55,000 as the encoded 'remnant' prepared for universal metamorphosis from human genomatrix to starhuman genomatrix as acolytes of the ET ancestry-descendancy.

    The New Covenant For A New Heaven With A New Earth | Page 2 | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2021
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Indeed as stated in the Pyramid timeline post. The 'passed over ones' are the dead alive imaged in the alive dead. They are both ancestors and descendants , say as so called ETs.

    You maight like this poem I wrote some years ago in their honour and inspiration.

    {Speak Nothing but Good of the Dead}

    Out in the graveyard;
    inscriptions, words and plaques, all withering away;
    like the flowers adorning them, so the dead do lay.
    Waiting and waiting for someone to remember them
    and not just in photoalbums or on the special days.

    Memorials are built, meaningless constructions - lest we forget!
    They all are forgotten, given time enough to sigh, to pass away.
    The living are so busy preparing for their own demise, to die.
    Little do they know, the busy ones, that the dead are still alive.

    They watch over the living ones, they do, from a place so far;
    yet so near they are, but why would they watch the way they do?
    To understand the mystery is the noble thing to do - a gallant quest.
    They wish to be remembered, to join in soul and mind , the body's zest.

    A marriage betwixt the dimensions, a holy union in heaven with hell.
    But can the fearful thoughts of the living see, their lovehearts tell?
    The living are like snowflakes, made of water, so unique one by one.
    But they melt away, to be fluid again - into the one great ocean, gone!

    The dead are all one in the great seas, waiting to crystallise again in two.
    To wake up to a new life again, as a snowflake-twin, asking: 'Love me too!'
    Eternal life awaits the living, could they only reply to the dead's request.
    But the alive ones linger and doubt, in vanity do they live their only quest.

    {Thus passes away the glory of the world}
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Why is Antarctica shaking like crazy? More than 50,000 earthquakes in 3 months baffle scientists

    Strange Sounds

    Antarctica volcanic eruption
    Many weird phenomena are currently taking place in Antarctica.
    While enigmatic deep space signals are hitting the surface of the continent, more than 50,000 tremors have rocked Antarctica since the end of August. Such an impressive spike in seismic activity has never been witnessed by scientists.
    A major M6.0 as well as thousands of other small quakes were all detected in the Bransfield Strait, a 60-mile wide (96-km) ocean channel between the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula.
    Although several tectonic plates and microplates meet near the strait (and thus frequent rumbling), the past three months have been unusual, according to the University of Chile.
    More than 50,000 earthquakes hit Brainsfield Strait in Antarctica. Map via Armada Project
    Most of the seismicity was concentrated at the beginning of the sequence, mainly during the month of September, with more than a thousand earthquakes a day,” the center said.
    The shakes have become so frequent that the strait itself, once increasing in width at a rate of about 7 or 8 mm (0.30 inch) a year is now expanding 15 cm (6 inches) a year.
    It’s a 20-fold increase … which suggests that right this minute … the Shetland Islands are separating more quickly from the Antarctic peninsula,” said Sergio Barrientos, the center’s director.
    Volcanism in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. Map via Science Direct
    So what’s behind this earthquake uptick in Antarctica?

    There is no clear answer to that geological phenomenon yet. But here some suggestions based on previous similar events.
    Could it be linked to a volcano forming underwater? As seen in the second map, the Bransfield Strait contains volcanoes and volcanic areas. Just remember that the formation of a new volcano near Mayotte was responsible for a strong earthquake swarm.
    Moreover, it is known that many volcanoes are buried under thousand meters of ice in Antarctica and may be one of the reason responsible for the dramatic ice melting on the white continent.


    First an earthquake swarm, now an underwater volcano and in a few thousands of years, a new island (maybe)! [Twitter 1, Twitter 2, Press release]

    This links to the 26,000 Tun year cycle of the Maya as the 9,360,000 day precessional cycle (25,626.8 years) with midpoint of the 10,802 BC as the grand sphinx-Giza Pyramid and Ankor Wat astronomical alignments coinciding with the Young Dryas comet-solar emp event causing global destruction as the 'universal flood memory'.

    The 8 year anniversary of the reset of this 26,000=65x144,000/360 Tun calendar so is December 21st, 2020 and the 7 year anniversary for this from the initiation year of December 16th, 2013 (13 Ahau 18 Mac 52 year synchronization with December 29th, 1961) was December 16th, 2020.

    Particular mirror calibrations then pinpoint December 6th, 2020 as another nexus point to calibrate the 26,000 Tun cycle of the natives. Speculations about hidden extraterrestrial technology being buried-developed beneath the Antarctic Ice derive from those timeline calibrations.

    The Great Precession of Earth in Mayan Time from March 1st, 23,815 BC to December 6th, 2020
    The Mayan Calendar of Pacal The Great 26 Decoded in the Synchronization of Calendars and 5 Tzolkins

    The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega | Page 25 | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927 Metropolis by Fritz Lang (projected as occurring in the year 2030) --- 1931 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley --- 1984 by George Orwell --- 2013 Elysium by Neill Blomkamp --- 2020 by Old World Order --- 2025 by ? --- 2030 by New World Order - Can the Old Technocracy of 2020 transform into a New Technocracy of 2030 by Metamorphosis 2025?​
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    (CSIRO/A. Cherney)


    Mysterious Radio Signal Detected From Our Closest Neighbouring Star System

    21 DECEMBER 2020
    Astronomers hunting for radio signals from alien civilizations have detected an "intriguing signal" from the direction of Proxima Centauri, the nearest star system to the sun, The Guardian reported.

    The researchers are still preparing a paper on the discovery, and the data have not been made public, according to The Guardian. But the signal is reportedly a narrow beam of 980 MHz radio waves detected in April and May 2019 at the Parkes telescope in Australia.
    The Parkes telescope is part of the US$100 million Breakthrough Listen project to hunt for radio signals from technological sources beyond the solar system. The 980 MHz signal appeared once and was never detected again. That frequency is important because, as Scientific American points out, that band of radio waves is typically lacking signals from human-made craft and satellites.
    Breakthrough Listen detects unusual radio signals all the time - between earthly sources, the Sun's natural radio output and natural sources beyond the Solar System, there are a lot of radio waves bouncing around out there.
    But this signal appears to have come directly from the Proxima Centauri system, just 4.2 light-years from Earth. Even more tantalizing: The signal reportedly shifted slightly while it was being observed, in a way that resembled the shift caused by the movement of a planet. Proxima Centauri has one known rocky world 17 percent larger than Earth, and one known gas giant.

    The Guardian quoted an unnamed source with apparent access to the data on this signal as saying "It is the first serious candidate for an alien communication since the 'Wow! Signal,'" a famous radio signal detected in 1977 that also resembled a technosignature.
    But The Guardian cautioned that this signal is "likely to have a mundane origin too."
    Such more mundane sources include a comet or its hydrogen cloud, which also could explain the Wow! Signal.
    Penn State University's Sofia Sheikh, who led the analysis of the signal for Breakthrough Listen, voiced her excitement about it: "It's the most exciting signal that we've found in the Breakthrough Listen project, because we haven't had a signal jump through this many of our filters before," Sheikh told Scientific American, adding that the signal is now being referred to as Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1, or BLC1.
    An inherent challenge in searching for alien communications is that no one knows how aliens might communicate, and no one knows all the potential natural sources of radio waves in the Universe. So when signals arrive that seem even plausibly technological and don't come with easy natural explanations, it's tempting to make the jump to aliens.
    So far, no data on this signal is public, and it's likely that even when it does become public there will be no conclusive answers; that's what happened with the Wow! Signal after all.
    This article was originally published by Live Science. Read the original article here.


    The First Weather Report From Our Closest Star Is In, And It's Bad News For Life

    9 DECEMBER 2020
    We already had a bit of an inkling that our nearest stellar neighbour might be an inhospitable place. In 2017, red dwarf Proxima Centauri was caught belching out a colossal flare 10 times more powerful than the largest eruptions from the Sun, dampening hopes for habitable conditions on the rocky world orbiting it, Proxima Centauri b.

    The outlook for life as we know it just got even more grim. A new discovery has given us evidence that Proxima Centauri may be releasing Sun-like coronal mass ejections, in which vast quantities of ionised plasma and electromagnetic radiation are launched into space, and which are much larger than flares.
    "Astronomers have recently found there are two 'Earth-like' rocky planets around Proxima Centauri, one within the 'habitable zone' where any water could be in liquid form," said astronomer Andrew Zic of the University of Sydney in Australia.
    "But given Proxima Centauri is a cool, small red dwarf star, it means this habitable zone is very close to the star; much closer in than Mercury is to our Sun. What our research shows is that this makes the planets very vulnerable to dangerous ionising radiation that could effectively sterilise the planets."
    Proxima Centauri is Earth's nearest neighbour, just 4.2 light-years away. And the 2016 discovery of a rocky world (like Earth, Venus and Mars) in the star's habitable zone (close enough that water on the surface wouldn't freeze and not so close that it would vaporise) raised hopes that we might be able to find extraterrestrial life nearby.

    But although red dwarf stars are small and cool, they have a tendency to be violent wee beasts. They lash their surroundings with frequent and powerful stellar flares, which scientists have interpreted as bad news for the possibility of life and habitability as we know it.
    It's not the flares themselves that would necessarily be the problem, but coronal mass ejections. The two types of eruption often are linked in the Sun, with the most powerful flares accompanied by CMEs, and while solar flares can disrupt radio communications, it's CMEs that can cause the real problems, such as disrupting power grids. But we're relatively protected here on Earth.
    "Our own Sun regularly emits hot clouds of ionised particles during what we call 'coronal mass ejections'. But given the Sun is much hotter than Proxima Centauri and other red-dwarf stars, our 'habitable zone' is far from the Sun's surface, meaning the Earth is a relatively long way from these events," Zic said.
    "Further, the Earth has a very powerful planetary magnetic field that shields us from these intense blasts of solar plasma."

    Planets orbiting red dwarf stars in close proximity may not be so lucky; even a magnetic field might not be enough protection.
    However, although we've seen plenty of red dwarf flares, evidence for CMEs from red dwarf stars is scarce and subject to interpretation. Candidate CME-like behaviour identified in red dwarf stars, such as prolonged X-ray absorption, or blueshifted Balmer lines, could still be the product of flares.
    Here in the Solar System, when the Sun releases a CME, it often releases a radio burst at the same time. Not to be confused with fast radio bursts, these low-frequency solar radio bursts are caused by different particle acceleration processes associated with the CME.
    These bursts could indicate CME activity. But astronomers haven't detected many solar-like radio bursts from red dwarf stars. Prior to Zic's team's work, only one coherent solar-like burst had been recorded, all the way back in 1982; a handful of other detections were from single-dish telescopes, and therefore susceptible to terrestrial interference.
    So Zic and his team set about looking for robust evidence of a radio flare from Proxima Centauri. They used the Zadko Telescope in Western Australia and data from NASA's TESS to obtain optical data, and the ANU 2.3m Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory for spectroscopic observations.
    Meanwhile, the incredibly powerful radio telescope array of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) in the West Australian desert was used to take simultaneous observations in low-frequency radio.
    And sure enough they caught a flare and a series of radio bursts. The simultaneous observations allowed the team to link the two events; with a probability of less than one in 128,000 that they weren't related.
    The characteristics of the burst were very close to a solar burst Type IV. This is a type of long-duration burst that, for the Sun, is thought to be caused by the continuous injection of energetic electrons into post-flare magnetic structures following a CME.
    "This is an exciting result from ASKAP. The incredible data quality allowed us to view the stellar flare from Proxima Centauri over its full evolution in amazing detail," said astronomer Tara Murphy of the University of Sydney.
    "Most importantly, we can see polarised light, which is a signature of these events. It's a bit like looking at the star with sunglasses on. Once ASKAP is operating in full survey mode we should be able to observe many more events on nearby stars."
    Although it's not direct evidence of a red dwarf CME, it's the most compelling evidence for a solar-like radio burst from another star to date, the researchers said. And, based on the properties of solar radio bursts, it seems very consistent with a CME.
    "This is probably bad news on the space weather front. It seems likely that the galaxy's most common stars - red dwarfs - won't be great places to find life as we know it," Zic said.
    The research has been published in The Astrophysical Journal.


    Starbubble. starplanet.

    Tash Stokes
    Isn't our closest neighbour the plieades?? Lol my home is trying to contact me 1f602.

    Tony Bermanseder
    No Pleiades is a constellation only appearing on the same plane from the viewpoint of the earth observer. The stars are all at different distances. Alcyone is about 440 lightyears away in Taurus as the brightest of this constellation.
    Maia and Merope are measured at so 340 ly as the closest ones to earth.

    In multiD distances are quantum entangled and so the Pleiadean universal intelligence is ET-(dead alive ones) and can be considered as one place in the cosmos. But you must use higher consciousness and the multidimensional universe to blend your feelings with the 3D physics.

    Tash Stokes
    I had no idea that we had closer star systems then the plieades I'm super excited to research these

    Tony Bermanseder
    The Centauri- and Sirius systems are the closest as seen in the chart, only 5-10 lightyears away. Now you see the importance of December 21st, 2012. It started the signal and so in 10 years 2022 the exhumans can turn ET as starhumans. The globalist cabal know this. Therefore agenda 2010-2020-2030 -- see this now? Use it to inform others.

    Cassie is Sagittarius-Jupiter as the Centaur and many of your friends would feel-intuit Sirius as the brightest star in the nightsky as you intuit-feel Pleiadeans, Atlas with Alcyone with 'star children'.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    The Galactic Synchronisation and the Age of Aquarius

    The Ancient Age of Maya Aquarius from March 30th, 23,648 BC to January 20th, 2016
    The Age of Aquarius and the 1st Anniversary of its INAUGURATION on January 19th-21st, 2017

    Ophiuchus as the 13th starsign and the Temple of Solomon

    The Galactic Alignment of the Ourobos with the Warpzone of the Gaian Metamorphosis by the Cosmic Logos of the Serpent-Tamer Ophiuchus from September 17th, 1974 to December 21st; 2012 to December 17th; 2013 in 13,600+360 = Days.

    The Mayan master timeline spans five great cycles of longcounts; each longcount being comprised of 13 baktuns, each baktun encompassing 144,000 kin or days, and as 20 katuns of 7,200 kin each.
    It is the 65th and final baktun, which defines the 'birth of the starhuman' archetype to replace the older 'human' archetype initiated 5x13x144,000 kin or 9,360,000 days before the nexus date of December 21st, 2012.

    As the sun's angular diameter is about 0.53 degrees, the Maya calculated the ending of their long count in the last cycle of the winter-summer solstices as a function of the Mayan Precessional 'Great Platonic Year' of 25,626.81 cycles (or civil Gregorian years).

    5,626.81 years so describe 12 subdivisions of 2,135.6 years each as 12x780,000 = 9,360,000 or 13 subdivisions of 1,971.3 years each as 13x720,000 = 9,360,000.
    More precisely, the dates can be ascertained as ranging from 5x156,000=780,000 KIN to 5x144,000=720,000 KIN.

    A precessional degree then becomes 9,360,000/360=26,000=71.1856.x365.2425 days and so in the Mayan kin count, 71.1856 civil years specify a 1-degree precession and the galactic synchronisation at the winter solstice will be 71.1856x0.53=37.728 civil years or 13,780 = 13,150 + 630 = 13,150 + ½{1260} 'Mean Solar Days' for the solar transit across the galactic centre.

    The 37.728 Gregorian 365.2425 Years defined as 13,780 = 13,150+630 Mayan Kin, then are calibrated as exatly 36 Gregorian years as 36 Haab to which are added 10 Leap-Kin as 36x365+10 = 13,140+10 = 36x365.25+1 = 13,150 and with the additional day counting the boundary such as a week of 8 days from Sunday to Sunday {Revelation.17.11 as the 'beast' from the 'sea as a mirror', that was and is and is not of the seven}.
    Those 36 Years are counted twice in conjunction with the Platonic Change of the Age from Aries to Pisces in the relative past to the next change from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius and so using the March Equinox applicable to the last of the 13x65 Baktun divisions; namely as the 720,000 Days or 1971.293 Days from October 5th; 26 AD to January 20th; 1998 in the Gregorian (proleptic) Calendar.

    As the difference between 1998 and 1971 approximates 26 Years; the common calendar of (B)efore (C)hrist and (A)nno (D)omini is assigned the 36 Years = 5 BC-Years + 31 AD-Years = 31 Years + 5 Years as 7 BC to 32 AD (as the 37.728 years and in 13,980 = 13,780+200 Kin) and to correlate or mirror the 13,780 days of the Pisces-Aquarius Transit to the Aries-Pisces Transit.

    Adding two 630 periods as both lower and upper bounds to both Platonic Age Transitions then satisfies an encoded (prophetic) condition about the 'endtimes' being defined in two 3½ cycle periods and which are scripturally defined in a Cycle of a Time being 1 Mayan Tun or 360 'degree days' in a circle.
    The cycle of a Week or 'Seven' then become 7 Tun = 7x360 = 2520 Kin or 1260+1260 = 4x630 = 8x315.

    In particular two 3½ days become a week of 7 days in the 13th star sign of Ophiuchus-Quetzacoatl-Kukulkan-Hermes Trismegistos-Thoth=... in the zodiak of the constellations with Ophiuchus specifying the annual solar Transit from Scorpio into Sagittarius.
    The Ophiuchian Solar Transit which initiates the Age of Pisces occurs on November 23rd; 7 BC-Julian as the Mayan date = 1 Oc 8 Xul with the central 31st Year (31=36-5) being March 23rd; 31 AD-Julian on Mayan date = 10 Cauac 17 Ceh to forecast the central 18th year for the Age of Aquarius as January 20th; 1998 Gregorian or = 2 Chuen 9 Muan.


    In conjunction with the 'Venusian Transit of the Solar Disc' {8 years apart in 243-year cycles (121.5+16+105.5=243) and manifesting June 7th, 2004 to June 5th, 2012 in the present Logos timeline { }, the Maya obtained the long count from the 'hermetic' tradition (of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek) of Kukulkan (or Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec parallel) and this 'prophecy' relates directly to a scripturally encoded 'day count' of 12,000+1,600=13,600 days in a 'furlong' count of measuring the 'inside' and the 'outside' of the 'great city' {John.2.21; Revelation.11.1-2; 14.20;21.16} as the 'Temple of God'.

    These 13,600 days from December 21st, 2012 to September 27th; 1975 to March 31st; 1975 will specify the 37.728 civil year period of 13,780 days, in adding 180 days as the angular halving of 360 degrees of a circle in 180 days and as say the period between the two equinoxes in March and September or as the 180 Degrees between the two solstices of June and December, each 6 months apart in the assignment of the seasons.

    Those 37.728 years as 13,780 days also specify a 'Cosmic Pregnancy' or 'Universal gestation' of 265 Kin from March 31st; 2012 to December 21st; 2012 in the partition of 13,780 = 12,000+1600+180 = 13,150+365+265 as the Platonic-Mayan Great Age Transition to which are added 1 Haab of 365 Kin and a 265=260+5 Tzolkin and 5 Kin Vayeb Kin period as a 265 Kin Gestation. The 'Universal Pregnancy' begins at the 2012-31=1981 year anniversay or return of the original Easter Sabbath-Sunday 'Resurrection' event of March 31st to April 1st; 31 AD-Julian reckoned in Julian time and so calibrates the 2-day divergence from the Gregorian calendar at that time.
    Day#-12,024 = - = 5 Cib 4 Cumku = March 30th; 23,648 BC||September 25th; 23,648 BC-Julian======Age of Maya Joseph Aquarius for Year 0 Lower Bound
    Day#-5449 = - = 2 Chuen 9 Cumku = March 31st; 23,630 BC||26 September 23;630 BC-Julian================Age of Maya Joseph Aquarius Year 18 Central

    Day#-83 = - = 12 Caban 0 Mac = December 8th; 23,616 BC||June 5th; 23,615 BC-Julian =====June as December Solstice as Solar Transit Gemini|Cancer
    Day#000000000 = - = 4 Ahau 3 Kayab = March 1st; 23,615 BC||27 August 27th; 23,615 BC-Julian

    Day#1126 = - = 12 Cimi 14 Cumku = March 31st; 23,612 BC||September 26th; 23,612 BC-Julian=====Age of Maya Joseph Aquarius for Year 36 Upper Bound

    Day#774,551/780,000 of Aquarius = - = 2 Chuen 4 Cumku = October 24th; 21,495 BC||April 5th; 21,494 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Zebulon Capricorn Central

    Day#1,554,551/780,000 of Capricorn = - = 2 Chuen 19 Kayab = May 19th; 19,359 BC||October 13th; 19,359 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Issachar Sagittarius Central

    Day#2,334,551/780,000 of Sagittarius = - = 2 Chuen 14 Kayab = December 12th; 17,224 BC||April 22nd; 17,223-BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Asher Scorpio Central

    Day#3,114,551/780,000 of Scorpio = - = 2 Chuen 9 Kayab = July 7th; 15,088 BC||October 30th; 15,088 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Naphtali Libra Central

    Day#3,894,551/780,000 of Libra = - = 2 Chuen 4 Kayab = January 30th; 12,952 BC||May 9th; 12,952 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Gad Virgo Central

    Day#4,674,551/780,000 of Virgo = - = 2 Chuen 19 Pax = August 25th; 10,817 BC||November 16th; 10,817 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Judah Leo Central

    Day#5,454,551/780,000 of Leo = - = 2 Chuen 14 Pax = March 20th; 8681 BC||May 26th; 8681 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Dan Cancer Central

    Day#6,234,551/780,000 of Cancer = - = 2 Chuen 9 Pax = October 14th; 6546 BC||December 4th; 6546 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Levi Gemini Central

    Day#7,014,551/780,000 of Gemini = - = 2 Chuen 4 Pax = May 9th; 4410 BC||June 13th; 4410 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Simeon Taurus Central

    Day#7,487,857/473,306 of Taurus = - = 4 Caban 5 Zac = March 21st; 3114 BC||April 16th; 3114 BC===Solar Transit Pisces|Aries Equinox in 3114 BC
    Day#7,487,951/473,400 of Taurus = - = 7 Chuen 19 Muan = June 23rd; 3114 BC||July 19th; 3114 BC===Solar Transit Gemini|Cancer Solstice in 3114 BC
    Day#7,488,000/473,449 of Taurus = = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku = August 11th; 3114 BC||September 6th; 3114 BC===Start of 5th 13-Baktun 1,872,000 Kin Cycle
    Day#7,488,041/473,490 of Taurus = = 6 Imix 4 Uo = September 21st; 3114 BC||October 17th; 3114 BC=== Solar Transit Virgo|Libra Equinox in 3114 BC
    Day#7,488,130/473,579 of Taurus = = 4 Oc 13 Xul = December 19th; 3114 BC||January 14th; 3113 BC===Solar Transit Sagittarius|Capricorn Solstice in 3114 BC

    Day#7,794,551/780,000 of Taurus = = 2 Chuen 19 Muan = December 2nd; 2275 BC||December 21st; 2275 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Reuben Aries Central

    Day#8,574,551/780,000 of Aries = = 2 Chuen 14 Muan = June 27th; 139 BC||June 30th; 139 BC-Julian ===== Age of Maya Benjamin Pisces Central

    Day#8,622,715/-315 = = 1 Men 18 Kankin = May 10th; 7 BC||May 12th; 7 BC-Julian === 630 = 3½ Tun Completion Lower Bound in 13,150+630=13,780=0.53x26,000 Precession
    Day#8,622,762/-268 = = 9 Ik 5 Kayab = June 26th; 7 BC||June 28th; 7 BC-Julian ===== Conception of Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas
    Day#8,622,910/-120/-318 = = 1 Oc 8 Xul =November 21st; 7 BC||November 23rd; 7 BC-Julian === Solar Transit Scorpio|Sagittarius = Ophiuchus ½ Day {120} at 22:04 UCT
    Day#8,622,911/-119/-317 = = 2 Chuen 9 Xul =November 22nd; 7 BC||November 24th; 7 BC-Julian === Solar Transit Scorpio|Sagittarius = Ophiuchus 3½ Kin
    Day#8,622,912/-118/-316 = = 3 Eb 10 Xul =November 23rd; 7 BC||November 25th; 7 BC-Julian === Solar Transit Scorpio|Sagittarius = Ophiuchus 3½ Kin
    Day#8,622,913/-117/-315 = = 4 Ben 11 Xul =November 24th; 7 BC||November 26th; 7 BC-Julian === Solar Transit Scorpio|Sagittarius = Ophiuchus 3½ Tun Completion Lower Bound Ophis
    Day#8,623,027/-3/-201 = = 1 Manik 5 Ceh = March 18th; 6BC||March 20th; 6 BC-Julian ==== Birth of Yeshuah New Moon in Pisces
    Day#8,623,028/-2/-200 = = 2 Lamat 6 Ceh = March 19th; 6 BC||March 21st; 6 BC-Julian
    Day#8,623,029/-1/-199 = = 3 Muluc 7 Ceh = March 20th; 6 BC||March 22nd; 6 BC-Julian
    Day#8,623,030/1/-198 = = 4 Oc 8 Ceh = March 21st; 6 BC||March 23rd; 6 BC-Julian === Solar Transit Pisces|Aries = March Equinox 6 BC at 11:00 UCT
    Day#8,623,031/2/-197 = = 5 Chuen 9 Ceh = March 22nd; 6BC||March 24th; 6 BC-Julian ==== Solar Transit Pisces|Aries = March Equinox 6 BC
    27/-172 = = 4 Cib 14 Mac = April 16th; 6BC||April 18th; 6 BC-Julian ==== Birth of Yeshuah New Moon in Aries
    Day#8,623,227/198/-1 = = 6 Manik 0 Zotz = October 4th; 6 BC||October 6th; 6 BC-Julian
    Day#8,623,228/199/1 = = 7 Lamat 1 Zotz = October 5th; 6 BC||October 7th; 6 BC-Julian
    Day#8,623,229/200/2 = = 8 Muluc 2 Zotz = October 6th; 6 BC||October 8th; 6 BC-Julian
    Day#8,634,352/11,323/11,125 = = 3 Eb 15 Ceh = March 20th; 26 AD||March 22nd; 26 AD-Julian === Solar Transit Pisces|Aries = March Equinox 26 AD at 23:23 UCT
    Day#8,634,353/11,324/11,126 = = 4 Ben 16 Ceh = March 21st; 26 AD||March 23rd; 26 AD-Julian === Solar Transit Pisces|Aries = March Equinox 26 AD
    Day#8,634,551/11,522/11,324 = = 7 Chuen 9 Zotz = October 5th; 26 AD||October 7th; 26 AD-Julian===780,000-720,000=60,000 Kin = 13th Star Sign Ophiuchus

    12,189/11,991 = = 11 Etznab 6 Pop = August 2nd; 28 AD||August 4th; 28 AD-Julian === Baptism by John the Baptizer by the River Jordan
    12,228/12,030 = = 11 Caban 5 Zip = September 10th; 28 AD||September 12th; 28 AD-Julian === 40 Days in the Wilderness
    Day#8,636,178/13,149/12,951 = = 9 Etznab 16 Ceh = March 20th; 31 AD||March 22nd; 31 AD-Julian === Solar Transit Pisces|Aries = March Equinox 31 AD

    Day#8,636,179/13,150/12,952 = = 10 Cauac 17 Ceh = March 21st; 31 AD||March 23rd; 31 AD-Julian === Solar Transit Pisces|Aries = March Equinox 31 AD at 04:26 UCT

    Day#8,636,180/1/12,953 = = 11 Ahau 18 Ceh = March 22nd; 31 AD||March 24th; 31 AD-Julian === Palm Sabbath 31 AD
    2/12,954 = = 12 Imix 19 Ceh = March 23rd; 31 AD||March 25th; 31 AD-Julian === Palm Sunday 31 AD
    4/12,956 = = 1 Akbal 1 Mac = March 25th; 31 AD||March 27th; 31 AD-Julian === Full Moon Libra|Aries for Last Supper Tuesday 31 AD
    5/12,957 = = 2 Kan 2 Mac = March 26th; 31 AD||March 28th; 31 AD-Julian === Passion Wednesday 31 AD
    8/12,960 = = 5 Manik 5 Mac = March 29th; 31 AD||March 31st; 31 AD-Julian === Easter Sabbath 31 AD
    9/12,961 = = 6 Lamat 6 Mac = March 30; 31 AD||April 1st; 31 AD-Julian === Easter Sunday 31 AD
    48/13,000 = = 6 Manik 5 Muan = May 8; 31 AD||May 10th; 31 AD-Julian === Ascension Thursday 31 AD
    58/13,010 = = 3 Caban 15 Muan = May 18th; 31 AD||May 20th; 31 AD-Julian === Pentecost Sunday 31 AD
    198/13,150 = = 13 Caban 10 Zotz = October 5th; 31 AD||October 7th; 31 AD-Julian
    199/1 = = 13 Caban 10 Zotz = October 5th; 31 AD||October 7th; 31 AD-Julian
    315/117 = = 13 Ix 7 Yax = January 30th; 32 AD||February 1st; 32 AD-Julian === 630 = 3½ Tun Completion Upper Bound in 13,150+630=13,780=0.53x26,000 Precession
    Day#8,636,692/315 = = 3 Eb 0 Uo = August 15th; 32 AD||August 17th; 32 AD-Julian === Ophiuchus Image 3½ Tun Completion Upper Bound Ophis

    Day#8,636,693/316 = = 4 Ben 1 Uo = August 16th; 32 AD||August 18th; 32 AD-Julian === Ophiuchus Image 3½ Kin
    Day#8,636,694/317 = = 5 Ix 2 Uo = August 17th; 32 AD||August 19th; 32 AD-Julian === Ophiuchus Image 3½ Kin
    Day#8,636,695/318 = = 6 Men 3 Uo = August 18th; 32 AD||August 20th; 32 AD-Julian === Ophiuchus ½ Day Image
    Day#9,346,220/771,669 of Pisces = = 4 Ahau 13 Cumku = March 31st; 1975||March 18th; 1975-Julian = 180 Kin as 6x30 day Month Initiation for 13,780 = 180+12,000+1600
    Day#9,346,400/771,849 of Pisces = = 2 Ahau 8 Chen = September 27th; 1975||September 14th; 1975-Julian = Start of 12,000 Days of 13,780 as 37 Year + 265 Day Platonic Age Transition

    Day#9,347,346/772,795 of Pisces/-630 of 1260 = = 12 Cimi 19 Pop = April 30th; 1978||April 17th; 1978-Julian of 13,150 Core = 10(1000+315) as Lower Bound 1260 = 3½ Times
    Day#9,347,661/773,110 of Pisces/-315 of 1260 = = 2 Imix 14 Kayab = March 11th; 1979||February 26th; 1979-Julian as 13,780 = 53x260 Lower Bound of 13,150 Core as 630 = ½{1260}

    Day#9,347,976/773,425 of Pisces/0 = = 5 Cib 4 Muan = January 20th; 1980||January 7th; 1980-Julian = Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius at 21:49 UCT as 13,780=53x260 Lower Bound for Year 0
    Day#9,354,551/780,000 of Pisces = = 2 Chuen 9 Muan = January 20th; 1998||January 7th; 1998-Julian = Age of Maya Joseph Aquarius Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius at 06:46 UCT Central Year 18
    Day#9,358,400/3849 of Aquarius = = 3 Ahau 3 Yaxkin = August 4th; 2008||July 22nd; 2008-Julian = 12,000 Days from September 27th; 1975 and 1600 Days before December 21st; 2012
    Day#9,359,735/5184 of Aquarius = = 12 Men 3 Vayeb = March 31st; 2012||March 18th; 2012-Julian = 37 Year Marker from start of 13,780 = 13,600+180 = 13,515+265 Days
    Day#9,359,736/5185 of Aquarius = = 13 Cib 4 Vayeb = April 1st; 2012||March 19th; 2012-Julian = 1st Day of 265 Gestation period until December 2012 December Solstice
    Day#9,360,000/5449 of Aquarius = = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin = December 21st; 2012||December 8th; 2012-Julian = December Solstice as Solar Transit Sagittarius|Capricorn 2012 at 11:12 UCT
    Day#9,361,125/6574 of Aquarius = = 11 Chicchan 13 Muan = January 20th; 2016||January 7th; 2016-Julian = Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius at 15:27 UCT
    Day#9,361,126/6575 of Aquarius = = 12 Cimi 14 Muan = January 21st; 2016||January 8th; 2016-Julian = as 13,780 = 53x260 Upper Bound for Year 36
    Day#9,361,441/6890 of Aquarius/315 of 1260 = = 2 Imix 4 Mac = December 1st; 2016||November 18th; 2016-Julian as 13,780 = 53x260 Upper Bound of 13,150 Core as 630 = ½{1260}
    Day#9,361,124/6939 of Aquarius = = 12 Oc 13 Muan = January 19th; 2017||January 6th; 2017-Julian = Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius at 21:24 UCT

    Day#9,361,125/6940 of Aquarius = = 13 Chuen 14 Muan = January 20th; 2017||January 7th; 2017-Julian = Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius
    Day#9,361,126/6941 of Aquarius = = 1 Eb 15 Muan = January 21st; 2017||January 8th; 2017-Julian as 1 Year Anniversary for the Age of Aquarius proper.
    Day#9,361,756/7205 of Aquarius/630 of 1260 = = 5 Cib 14 Yax = October 12th; 2017||September 29th; 2017-Julian of 13,150 Core=10(1000+315) as Upper Bound 1260 =3½ Times

    We begin with the beginning of the Mayan timeline and coinciding with one of the first urbanisations of the human history and as exemplified in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk about 3000 BC. Others include Nabta Playa in Southern Egypt about 6000 BC and Jericho in Palestine about 9600 BC and Göbekli Tepe and Catal Huyuk about 8,000 BC and 10,000 BC in Turkey respectively.
    This time was also the time of the Pyramids and the time of the Egyptian Sphinx.

    Using certain timeless indicators, the Maya may apply a given Platonic Cycle to substructure the same in any appropriate manner suitable for its purposes.
    One such indicator will be a precise mapping of a precessional configuration with the starry constellations of the zodiac to some monument on the surface of the earth.
    Following are some scriptural encodings and suggested decodings.

    Isaiah 19:19-20 - KJV
    "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them."​

    According to a theory by Robert Bauval, the positions of the Giza pyramids on the ground are a reflection of the positions of the stars in the constellation Orion circa 10,500 B.C.(Graham Hancock, Keeper Of Genesis pp.354-355 ) Five of the 7 brightest stars have pyramid equivalents:​

    "The 3 great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura for the belt of Orion,the pyramid of Nebka at Abu Rawash corresponds to the star Saiph and the pyramid at Zawat al Aryan corresponds to the star Bellatrix. The Nile river corresponds to the Milky Way. The principal Giza monuments formed an accurate terrestrial map of the stars of Orion and Sirius as these constellations appeared in 10,500 BC.​
    Who could have been observing the skies over Giza in 10,500 BC and who, at that date,would have had the technical capacity to realize such monumental works as the Sphinx and the pyramids? Egyptologists assert there was no civilization on Earth at that time, let alone one capable of planning and building such immense, well engineered structures. If they are right, why do the alignments of Giza so plainly and repetitively mirror the skies of the 11th millennium BC?"​

    There is an answer in Scripture:​

    God has set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even to this day.​

    Josephus writes in The Antiquities of the Jews 1.2.3:
    They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.​

    Maya-Epoch 5x13=65 Baktun = 5x13x144,000 Kin = 5x1,872,000=9,360,000 = 26,000x360 Kin Gregorian Platonic Cycle as 26,000 Tun:

    Day#7,632,001-9,360,000 = 65x144,000 = = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin = December 21st; 2012====Age of Maya Joseph Aquarius
    Day#7,488,001-7,632,000 = 53x144,000 = = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku = August 11th; 3114 BC====Age of Maya Simeon Taurus
    Day#5,616,001-7,488,000 = 52x144,000 = - = 4 Ahau 8 Zodz = April 1st; 8239 BC========Age of Maya Dan Cancer
    Day#3,744,001-5,616,000 = 39x144,000 = - = 4 Ahau 13 Mol = November 20th; 13,365 BC==Age of Maya Naphtali Libra
    Day#1,872,001-3,744,000 = 26x144,000 = - = 4 Ahau 18 Ceh = July 12th; 18,490 BC======Age of Maya Issachar Sagittarius
    Day#0,000,001-1,872,000 = 13x144,000 = - = 4 Ahau 3 Kayeb = March 1st; 23,615 BC=====Age of Maya Joseph Aquarius
    Day#0000000-000000001 = 0x144,000+1 =-53. = 3 Cauac 2 Kayab = February 28th; 23,615 BC==Age of Maya Joseph Aquarius

    The correlation between the Mayan calendar and the Gregorian uses the Long Count of 1,872,000 days as 5125.362 Civil Years to specify a Platonic Great Precessional Cycle of 25,626.81 Civil Years as 5 Mayan Long Counts, each one designated by the Mayan epoch of 4Ahau and the Gregorian dates given in the table above. The partial year amounts to 295 days.

    We can so now substructure this Great Platonic Mayan Year into 12 and 13 subcycles. The 13-tier subdivision includes a 13th starsign in that of 'Ophiuchus, the Serpent Tamer' located as the Cusp of the Scorpio-Sagittarius solar transition dated on November 22nd/23rd in a Civil Gregorian Year.

    25,626.81 years so describe 12 subdivisions of 2,135.6 years each as 12x780,000 = 9,360,000 or 13 subdivisions of 1,971.3 years each as 13x720,000 = 9,360,000.
    More precisely, the dates can be ascertained as ranging from 5x156,000=780,000 KIN to 5x144,000=720,000 KIN.

    If we now 'personify' the 13th starsign of the Serpent-Tamer in conjunction with the 'Plumed Serpent' of the 'Office of Christ' or the 'Office of Melchizedek' or the 'Office of Hermes Trismegistos'; then one assigns the solar transit from Pisces into Aries and as the Spring Equinox of some 'personified' year as the change of one precessional age into another.
    The Maya assigns the 'Birth of Ophiuchus' as the 'Birth of Christ' in the form of the historical Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Didymos to the equinox of the year 6BC and so 'fixates' the beginning of the Age of Pisces as March 20th, 6BC or in Julian notation as the date and period of the Spring Equinox in that year and associated with particular conjunctions between the Moon with Jupiter and Saturn as celestial symbols for the land and people of the Jews and their neighbours.
    Specifying this date then allows calibration of the entire precessional cycle into either 12 or 13 'Precessional Starsign Periods' as a superpositioned Platonic Great Year onto the Mayan harmonics of the Tzolkin.


    For this particular Mayan Great Precessional Cycle then, the Age of Aquarius so begins in an interval from 1966-2130 and differing by precisely 60,000 days or 164.27442.. Civil Years.

    The Maya has crystallized a specific date within this interval as January 21st, 1998 and the solar transit from Capricorn into Aquarius as a superposed Mayan Beginning for the 'Age of Aquarius' and in unison with a number of other indicators and in particular a nexus of Edgar Cayce, the 'Sleeping Prophet' of the United States of America, who fixated the 'Birth of an Avatar' in the 'Office of the the Author of the Book of Revelation' for this particular year.

    The Maya now uses this nexus point to assign the Great Precessional Cycle in multiples of the 780,000 KIN or 2135.568 years to pinpoint the 'changing' of the precessional ages from one into the other and as the appropriate solar transit from one starsign into the next.

    Age of Aquarius begins on January 21st, 1998 AD; 731,522 KIN or 2002.84 Civil Years from 'Birth of Christ' March 20th - April 17th; 6 BC and correlated to 21.12-2012 in a difference of 5,448 KIN or 14.916 Civil Years.

    Age of Aquarius began on = 3 Eb 10 Muan = January 21st; 1998 and ends on = 2 Chuen 4 Muan = August 15th; 4133
    Age of Pisces began on = 3 Eb 15 Muan = June 28th; 139 BC and ended on = 2 Chuen 9 Muan = January 20th; 1998
    Age of Aries began on = 3 Eb 0 Pax = December 3rd; 2275 BC and ended on = 2 Chuen 14 Muan = June 27th; 139 BC
    Age of Taurus began on - = 3 Eb 5 Pax = May 10th; 4410 BC and ended on = 2 Chuen 19 Muan = December 2nd; 2275 BC
    Age of Gemini began on - = 3 Eb 10 Pax = October 15th; 6,546 BC and ended on - = 2 Chuen 4 Pax = May 9th; 4410 BC
    Age of Cancer began on - = 3 Eb 15 Pax = March 21st; 8681 BC and ended on - = 2 Chuen 9 Pax = October 14th; 6546 BC
    Age of Leo began on - = 3 Eb 0 Kayab = August 26th; 10,817 BC and ended on - = 2 Chuen 14 Pax = March 20th; 8681 BC
    Age of Virgo began on - = 3 Eb 5 Kayab = January 31st; 12,952 BC and ended on - = 2 Chuen 19 Pax = August 25th; 10,817 BC
    Age of Libra began on - = 3 Eb 10 Kayab = July 8th; 15,088 BC and ended on - = 2 Chuen 4 Kayab = January 30th; 12,952 BC
    Age of Scorpio began on - = 3 Eb 15 Kayab = December 13th; 17,224 BC and ended on - = 2 Chuen 9 Kayab = July 7th; 15,088 BC
    Age of Sagittarius began on - = 3 Eb 0 Cumku = May 20th; 19,359 BC and ended on - = 2 Chuen 14 Kayab = December 12th; 17,224 BC
    Age of Capricorn began on - = 3 Eb 5 Cumku = October 25th; 21,495 BC and ended on - = 2 Chuen 19 Kayab = May 19th; 19,359 BC
    Age of Aquarius began on - = 3 Eb 10 Cumku = April 1st; 23,630 BC and ended on - = 2 Chuen 4 Cumku = October 24th; 21,495 BC

    and correlated in 5,448 KIN separating April 1st; 23,630 BC and March 1st; 23,615 BC.

    The treatize above so superposes the Mayan Great Precessional Cycle onto the Long Count from August 11th, 3114 BC to December 21st, 2012.
    The discovery of Catal Huyuk, an ancient city in Anatolia, now modern Turkey and dating to 8000 BC challenged the accepted status quo of modern archaeology and the orthodox description for the timeline for the evolvement of modern man as an urbanite and city dweller.
    One distinguishing factor of Catal Huyuk was its worship of the feminine principle. It is often called the source of the Mother Goddess religions.

    The Mayan Precessional Age of Cancer spanned the period from 8,681 BC to 6,545 BC and as the starsign of Cancer symbolises the Mother, so does its zodiacal opposite of Capricorn archetype the Father in the older Precessional Mayan Age of Capricorn from 21,495 BC to 19,359 BC.
    As the consensus of the academic orthodoxy requires physical evidence to support hypotheses and theories about the human history and timelines; the physical discovery of Catal Huyuk came as a big surprise.
    Hitherto the Mesopotamian cities of Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid and Uruk were believed to date no earlier than about 5000 BC.
    At that time, the Sumerian cities evolved and with it came the introduction of bronze casting and early forms of writing.
    And the general beginning of human civilisation is dated to this time period and is particularised in the Unification of Lower and Upper Egypt about 3100 BC, which is also the start of the Mayan Long Count.

    The excavation of Catal Huyuk so 'forced' the orthodoxy to revise its beginning of the human urbanisation of regions to 10,000 BC with the discovery of an 'older' Jericho dating to about 9000 BC and the first use of copper in Hassuna ware and the manufacturing and trading of pottery dating to about 7000 BC.

    The building of the Gizean pyramids is conventionally dated to the Old Egyptian kingdom of the 3rd and 4th dynasties from about 2686 BC to 2494 BC.
    In the 4th dynasty, began in reign by Snefru; Khufru or Cheops is said to have built the first one; with Khafre or Chepren the second and with Menkaure or Mycerinus to have built the third one of the Gizean complex.
    Then it is proposed that Khafre also built the Sphinx or Harmakhis, also called Herakhte (Horus of the Horizon).
    This places the 4th dynasty into the Mayan Age of Taurus from 4410 BC to 2274 BC and forms a nexus point with the Heliopolis of the Ra-Sungod worship instigated in the 2nd dynasty but made a state religion in the 5th dynasty.

    Rah or Ra or Re became known as Re-Harakhtys in the New Kingdom from about 1570 BC -1070 BC for the 18th to the 20th dynasties and as the 'Horus of Two Horizons'. This then became implemented in the Mayan Age of Aries from 2274 BC until the time of the Dead Sea Scroll's 'Teacher of Righteousness' in 139 BC and heralding the 'Coming of the Melchizedek' of the fulfilment of scripture in Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Dydimos a little over a century later.

    A period of 'Hellenisation of Judea', instigated by the Seleucid empire established by Alexander the Great, was resisted in a 20-year period from 196 BC to 176 BC by the 'Teacher of Righteousness' and as the Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest Onias III and who was 'born' into this Melchisedecian role in 196 BC and coinciding with Judea becoming a Seleucidean province.
    Onias III was murdered at the instigation of Menelaus in 171 BC and became succeeded by the 'Man of the Lie' in his son Onias IV, who emigrated to Egypt to build a 'substitute temple' in Leontopolis under the patronage of Egyptian king Ptolemy Philometor (182 BC to 146 BC).
    His inauguration of Israelite worship outside of Zion is in direct breach of biblical law, only allowing a single sanctuary at Jerusalem and as coded in Dead Sea Scroll (DSC) 4Q266.Frag.5ii.
    The 'House of Absalom' is the 'House of David' and his son Absalom rebelling against him is retold in Onias IV dishonouring his father Onias III and as encoded in DSC 1QpHab.v.9-12 and in 2Samuel.13.
    The 'Wicked Priest' in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is Jesus-Jason, the brother of Onias III, who abandoned his Zadokian-Davidic heritage for a perceived Hellenisation of the covenant.

    Antiochus-Epiphanes IV deposed the last true Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest Onias III in 175 BC and replaced him with his hellenophile brother Jesus, the latter renaming himself in the Greek style as Jason.
    But in 172 BC, Jason was deposed and his office transferred to Menelaus from 172 BC to 162 BC.
    Following the murder of Onias III in 1971 BC, Antiochus IV and Menelaus plundered the temple at Jerusalem in 169 BC and in 168 BC Antiochus IV was defeated by the Romans in his second campaign against Egypt.
    In 167 BC, Jews who opposed the unification of the Seleucid empire and refused to accept Greek custom and religion were prosecuted in the attempt to 'absorb' the Jewish religion.
    In 166 BC, the Maccabees rose in revolt under the leadership of Judas Maccabee to end a 7-year period of confusion from 174 BC to 167 BC and so fulfilling Daniel's prophecy encoded in Daniel.9.24-27 and related encodings in Ezekiel.3.15 and Daniel.9.26-27 in a timeline dating before the 'Coming of the Shiloh'.

    The exposition on the gnostic meanings in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is actually a continuation of the Babylonian Exile, beginning with the last 'king of righteousness' in Josiah and who was killed in the battle of Megiddo or Armageddon by Pharaoh Necho, king of Egypt, encoded in 2Kings.22.2; 23.25,29-32.
    70 years of the Babylonian captivity so add the 'forsaken period' from 608 BC to 586 BC, when king Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem until the 'Edict of Cyrus' in 538 BC, coded in 2Chronicles.36.1-23.
    390 dayyears from 586 BC lead to the year 196 BC, from which the 22 years from 608 BC to 586 BC are subtracted for the yearweek of confusion encoded in the period 174 BC to 167 BC.

    The 390 years are encoded in DSC 4Q268.Frag.1 and where also the 20 year duration is specified.

    Translation by Geza Vermes
    "For when they were unfaithful and forsook Him, He hid His face from Israel and His Sanctuary and delivered them up to the sword. But remembering the covenant of the forefathers, He left a remnant to Israel and did not deliver it up to be destroyed.​
    And in the age of wrath, 390 years after He had given them into the hand of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, He visited them, and He caused a plant root to spring from Israel and Aaron to inherit His Land and to prosper on the good things of His earth. And they perceived their iniquity and recognized that they were guilty men, yet for 20 years they were like blind men groping for the way."​

    The Babylonian captivity of 70 years is naturally connected with the Egyptian captivity of 430 years and leading to the Exodus under Moses.
    But there are seemingly unsurmountable differences between the historical evidence for such an exodus and the Egyptian history engaging certain Hyksos or 'Shepherd Kings' and a thorough elucidation on this subject matter is warranted.

    sol1. sol2. sol3. sol3. sol4. sol5.

    The 480x480 Cubits square measurement is encoded as the 480 years following the Israelitic captivity in Egypt as per 1Kings.6.1.1 and Acts.13.17-22.
    Those 480 cubit years are also the sum of the four daughter levels in 300+100+60+20=480 as the cubit measurements and so allow the finestructuring of the mothership-daughtership transition.

    The Moses archetype is none other than the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (meaning Living Spirit of Aten or Aton); who renamed himself from his older name Amenhotep 4 to introduce the monotheistic God of Jacob and Joseph in his 17-year rulership from 1353-1336 BC or 1351-1334 BC according to historical sources.

    In the Amarna period (which is given in the pharaoh's residence being located at Akhetaten, meaning the Horizon of Aten instigated by the rulership of Akhenaten 1353-1336 BC), an outbreak of a pandemic and a plague of diseases occurred; from which the symbols of the 'Plagues of Egypt' under Moses originates as a historical licence of interpretation of the Hebrew scribes.

    After four years of reign, like Solomon, Akhenaten began building a new city to serve as the seat of the Aten and a governmental capital of Egypt.
    Superposing the death of Akhenaten as the year 1336 BC then, and specifying this as a Mirror for the Exodus in the year of Rameses 2 as 1237 so defines a 200 year period between the 3 pharaohs of the exodus in Thutmosis 3, Akhenaten and Rameses 2 from 1437 BC to 1237 BC and centred on Akhenaten-Moses in 1337 BC and the transformation of the name Mosis in Thutmosis to Moses in Akhenaten to the Meses in Rameses.

    The 430 year sojourn of the Children of Israel in Egypt (Exodus.12.40 and when Moses was 80 years old; Exodus.7.7), followed by 40 years in the wilderness of Sinai; so become 470 'prophetic' years from the Egyptian captivity from the Thutmosis Exodus of 1437 BC to 1007 BC and encoded as the 'Age of the Judges' in the Torah.

    The story of Saul, as the first King of Israel so 'coincides' with the Birth of David, the 'anointed messianic' King of Israel in 1047 BC and resets the agem or 'time' of Moses as the 80 years from 1047 BC to 967 BC and the construction of Solomon's temple.
    This incorporates the 40 year wilderness of Sinai as the time of David's birth in 1047 BC to his inauguration as Ruler of Israel in 1007 BC for 40 years to 967 BC when King Solomon reigns for yet another 40 years until the dividing of the Israelitic Kingdom following Solomon's death in 927 BC.

    This timeline is then 'adjusted' to the biblical chronologies in resetting the Thutmosis Exodus by say 7 years to 1430 BC for aligning the reign of David as the first millennium BC at 1000 BC and the building of the Temple of Solomon 40 years after this at 960 BC and the death of Solomon at 920 BC as as supported by some historical evidence.
    In this adjustment, the Akhenaten-Moses Exodus becomes 1330 BC and the Rameses 2 Exodus dates to 1230 BC.

    As the time interval between Rameses' exodus of 1237 BC to Solomon's Temple in 957 BC is 280 cubit years as the transition value of Level 5 between the Mothership Level 4 and the Daughtership Level 1, both in the 300 cubit measurement; the encoded timeline for the exodus as described in the Torah is deciphered in the 3 pharaohs of the Exodus and using the racial memory of the 'shepherd kings' in the Hyksos as a historical basis for the metaphysics of the archetypes.

    The 4th year of Solomon's reign so becomes 957 BC in the chronology of the historical archives, setting Solomon's reign and the death of David, his father at 961 BC and beginning the snynchronisation of the parallelism between actual biblical history from the hitherto archetyped symbolisms and allegories.

    As is described elsewhere, Adam and Eve never existed as personas, neither did Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Aaron.
    They are starsigns combined in houses or sectors and in associations of symbols.
    Everyone with a birthday is an Israelite, a Chosen One, by definition of the Word of God.

    The historical correlations do not begin until the times of the first Israelitic Kings: Saul and David and Solomon.
    Moses never existed, neither did the Exodus as dated to Rameses 2 at 1240 BC.

    Solomon's (symbolic and archetyped) Temple was built so 957 BC, 480 years after the Exodus as per 1Kings.6.1; so the time of Rameses 2 and Merneptha, as the 'pharaohs of the exodus', cannot be reconciled with the history of the Exodus; as this would lead to the time of the 1437 BC and the 18th dynasty in pharaohs like Thutmosis 3 and 140 years after the great MOSEAN transformation of Akhenaten and Nefertiti from whom the Moses mythology had developed after the 'real Exodus' of the Hyksos, the 'shepherd kings' who had INVADED Egypt and ruled from in the upper parts of Egypt from so 1620-1530 BC and in the 17th dynasty and back to the 13th in the 1800's BC.

    Ahmose drove the Hyksos from Upper Egypt and this became mythologised as the Exodus of Moses.

    The Hebrew chronicles and genealogies are all made up from the archetypes of the patriarchs and it is this which is chronicled and then made Talmudic Law and Almanacs in the Jewish archives and records.

    There were no pharaohs named Ramses before Ramses 1, founder of the 19th dynasy about 1295 BC and the habit of naming places and locations after the pharaohs is well archived.
    The metaphysical exodus so occurred 1437-1430 BC in the reign of the 18th dynasty pharaoh Thutmosis 3 (meaning Thoth is born), but this became a 100 year displacement from a historical Exodus of the Hyksos 1537-1530 BC under Ahmose 1, the founder of the 18th Egyptian dynasty.

    This century of years also was projected forwards onto the time of the 'God of Israel' as Aten, the God of Jacob and Joseph in pharaoh Akhenaten or Amenhotep 4 at the time of 1337-1330 BC and overall points to the First King of Israel in Saul of 1047 BC and as coinciding with the Birth of the 'Anointed' King David of Israel at 1047 BC and 480 years from the Hyksos Expulsion at 1527 BC in this timeline reckoning and within the historical dating for both of the proposed 25 year reigns of Ahmose 1 from 1550-1525 BC or from 1539-1514 BC.

    This then incorporates the 10 year variation between 430+40+10=470+10=480 as the encoded quasi-historical chronology for the building of the Temple of Solomon and as say the quasi-historicity for the reign of Solomon from say 960-920 BC and from 970-930 BC in the synchronisation between scriptural encoding and historical accuracy.
    The New World according to the Twin Logos

    But the 'Building and rebuilding after its destruction of the temple in Jerusalem' will be shown to be of key importance and so the exiled Maya, who remembers hisher own participation in the story being told here; shall be called to remembrance as to the relevance of this selfsame story being told by the messenger of the 'Little Serpent', the latter who is the creator of the material universe.

    The story shall continue with the importance of the Egyptian Twinship of the Lion and a twinship directly inherited by the 'Teacher of Righteousness' in the Mayan Age of Pisces.
    The evolution of Egyptian mythology has great implication for the later birth of the world religions and the Cosmic Twinship and relates to the Sphinx as the Symbol of Horus as the 'Cosmic Redeemer' and the 'Cosmic Christ' and the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent'.


    IAmWhoIAm! - A Storyteller of the Ancient Times!
    Manethon devz Neith
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020

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