UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Treason or political naivety!?
    Carlos Villasenor Aceves
    13 hrs
    A letter to our treasonous government

    Screw you, your Clorox wipes, your masks, your sanitizers, your paranoia, your lying media puppets, your fake ass virus, your social distancing, your terror agenda, and your god damn lies.

    Because I remember 9/11 and the endless illegal wars you brought to the world for almost 20 straight years with no end in sight.
    Because you have a track record that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you could NEVER EVER be trusted.
    Because you murdered a few thousand of us and tried to convince us that aeroplanes can take down buildings into crumbling freefall dust.

    Because of the weapons of mass destruction that were never even in Iraq but you brought the military in to kill and bomb them anyway.
    Because of the murder of millions of innocent civilians as you called it "Operation Iraqi Freedom".
    Because of Afghanistan after that and Syria,
    And every other damn country you have been meddling in and threatening all this time.
    Because you raised prices on everything soon after 9/11 and you rewrote tons of new laws to further restrict us back then.
    Because there's a shit ton of evidence AGAIN for a preplanned agenda by you...

    ALL of the inside trading,
    The articles on a cashless system, the stepping down of CEO's of a ton of high profile companies,
    your constant screwing up of the numbers of dead or sick people.
    It's a sloppy thrown together narrative at best that's as all over the place as a bad movie before all the editing and music are added in afterwards.

    You announced a pandemic and closed things down in the blink of an eye before hardly anyone even died here. 75 people were confirmed dead here and you closed EVERYTHING putting us in a state of panic and discomfort purposely misleading us.
    Not realizing wed be onto you or that wed know that the common seasonal flu, for example, kills over 60,000 annually.
    Our credit card companies are already mentioning this new COVID 19 in our emails, it is in our facebook column where our settings are already. In fact, it's all over the internet. How would that be possible for it to just be everywhere within a week or so? Because it was up n ready to be peddled out to us that's why.

    There's already a pandemic series that just happens to be already filmed and on netflix with the exact same scenarios being acted out months before indicative of a pre-planned event.
    Your horrific war crimes and destruction of our country over the last 20-30 yrs proves you are all lying nazi scum and
    You can fool SOME of the people SOME of the time, but not ALL of the people ALL of the time.
    So please kindly stick your agendas for the hard-working American people of this country straight up your tyrant asses because we've had enough and we're onto you!

    We've been WAITING for almost 20yrs for you to finally bring your atrocities home to our soil.
    Because now WE the people will fight the REAL terrorists to the death.
    The ones that thought they'd catch us sleeping again. We know about your cashless system agenda, and your new laws to further restrict our freedoms and enslave our children with microchips and all kinds of wage slave terrorist bullshit.
    We know.
    And we're saying NO!

    NO to your poisonous and deadly mandatory vaccines that killed and maimed hundreds of people way back in 1976 with your friggin swine flu when you weren't nearly as proficient.
    We're saying no to EVERYTHING you're trying to shove down our throats.
    The American people are sick and tired of paying for your wars.
    Your lies, your corporate and banker bailouts,
    Your thefts of social security,
    Your handouts to Israel, your inflated costs of living, and endless taxation of us.
    So screw you!

    YOU can put your bullshit mask on and run around being terrified for a change because we're not having it.
    We're tired of living in fear.
    Tired of bowing to our filthy rich and greedy oppressors.
    You can't fool us anymore and nothing will be able to protect you from us when you come and further try to insult and destroy us and our ways of life with your terrorism.

    Enough is enough!
    Please read and share. Let's make it go viral. I'd rather get shot and die than cower in the corner living in fear for the rest of my life playing along with another one of their lies in an obvious agenda. Give me liberty or give me death. Either or. I have no bend or compromising left. Sometimes you have to take a stand regardless of the consequences.
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927 Metropolis by Fritz Lang (projected as occurring in the year 2030) --- 1931 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley --- 1984 by George Orwell --- 2013 Elysium by Neill Blomkamp --- 2020 by Old World Order --- 2025 by ? --- 2030 by New World Order - Can the Old Technocracy of 2020 transform into a New Technocracy of 2030 by Metamorphosis 2025?

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdtZv3XROnc
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Pacific Nations and their takeover globalist plan of the UN
    The 'bad' witch and her apprentice(s)!
    Now replace the climate change scam with the plandemic scam and you have updated 2016 to 2020

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Real Epidemic

    3 March 2020

    Big Brother
    The Police State
    Environment and Climate
    Guest Content

    climate change religion.

    Never mind the alleged Corona virus epidemic, there is an insanity epidemic spreading throughout the world and the vector is not a bat from a Chinese food market but the mainstream media. They are infecting the population at an unprecedented rate who are now showing symptoms of uncontrolled hysteria and complete loss of perspective.

    Inaccurate Tests and False Positives

    The novel corona virus Covid 19 outbreak, if that’s what it is, has a reported death rate of approximately 2% This is similar to the annual flu-related viruses. However, these figures are far from precise. As usual, the media would have you believe that when the medical profession make a pronouncement concerning some disease or other it is based on exact scientific methods and is therefore not to be challenged. Reading the media reports you would think that efficient and accurate tests are in place to definitively determine if a person has the corona virus or not. This is totally untrue.

    The only way to really know if a particular virus is present is to isolate it and then grow it in a cell culture or, failing that, carry out an antibody test to see if there are antibodies distinctive to that virus. Neither of these things have been done. The test used is the one most widely used for all virus detection the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test. This test is designed to pick out certain genomes from the suspected virus, duplicate the DNA until there is enough of it to use, and then compare it to a control sample to see if it similar to that virus. As the corona virus is an RNA virus it actually uses a process called Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) to convert the RNA Into DNA first. Unfortunately, there are numerous problems with this test.

    According to Virology-online –

    “PCR has many problems, the chief among which is contamination, since only a minute amount of contamination is needed to give a false positive result. In addition, because PCR is so sensitive compared to other techniques, a positive PCR result is often very difficult to interpret as it does not necessarily indicate the presence of disease.”

    So, before you believe that everyone the media claim has coronavirus actually has it remember that false positives happen all the time and, even when the test is actually positive, it doesn’t mean the host has the disease.

    There really is no definitive test for viral infections no matter what the ‘experts’ say. Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, director of the infectious diseases division at the University of Alabama at Birmingham has stated in a New York Times article –

    “There is no perfect test for pretty much any infectious disease I can think of,”

    Moreover, the same article says that a lot of the test kits in the USA are faulty and there have been cases of samples being mislabeled. Casting further doubt on the accuracy of the tests is the CDC advice not to bother testing people with no symptoms because even if they are infected, if they are still in the incubation period, there may not be enough virus in their bodies for the test to detect. Yet detecting minute amount of virus material is exactly what the PCR test is designed for.

    Is it Normal Pneumonia?

    In addition to this, China has now started to diagnose people differently. Rather than simply saying a patient has Covid 19 when they test positive, they are now diagnosing people by their symptoms and a CT chest scan. Therefore, if a patient has a cough, a fever and breathing difficulties and the scan suggests pneumonia then they will be diagnosed as Covid 19 positive. However, pneumonia has numerous causes including viruses, bacteria, fungi and pollution. It is obvious therefore, that far more people will be considered to have Covid 19 than actually have it.

    At this point it worth highlighting one of those causes of pneumonia just mentioned – pollution. John Rappaport and others have pointed out that Wuhan, the alleged ground zero for the ‘outbreak’, has extremely high levels of pollution and has large numbers of pneumonia cases every year. There have even been protests in the city concerning the pollution. What if the virus is a good cover story for deaths actually caused by air pollution? Pollution is the government’s fault; a virus is not. In fact, the ‘outbreak’ was initially referred to as ‘Wuhan pneumonia.’

    In an article in PLOS 1 from 2010 it was estimated that 2.5 million people contract pneumonia each year in China and 5% of those die. That is over twice the death rate of the supposed corona virus. So, this new deadly ‘end-of-the-word virus’ is only half as dangerous as normal pneumonia cases in China. Moreover, as most people don’t have any symptoms at all, how can it be determined that the corona virus is the cause of the illness in the first place. It was assumed the symptoms were similar to those caused by corona type virus, they looked for it and found it. What if the initial supposition had been pollution or bacteria or fungal infection. Had they tested for these it is very possible they would have found them in a lot of cases as well. It is therefore impossible to say that the corona virus is the actual cause of the disease.

    Why The Hysteria Over This 'Epidemic' and not Others?

    However, assuming that Covid 19 is real and it is the cause of the illness, why the worldwide hysteria? In early 2018 the CDC declared flu and pneumonia to be an epidemic in the USA. It was estimated at one point that 4000 people would die every week. Does anyone remember that headline? Does anyone remember 24-hour hysterical coverage? Where people locking themselves in their houses and emptying shop shelves of hand sanitizers? No? Why the difference in coverage? Could it be that the media and the press love the USA but consider China to be the one of the most evil empires in the world, second only to Russia? I certainly don’t recall the ‘experts’ saying we should all avoid travel to USA or that anyone coming back from America should be tested and quarantined.

    600,000 people contract pneumonia every year in the UK. According to Respiratory Research by the end of 2014 the mortality rate for pneumonia in the UK was just over 23%, In Denmark it was 18% in Belgium it was over 16% and in the Netherlands it was just under 16%, all far higher than the death rate of Covid 19 infection. As pneumonia is contagious why isn’t their daily hysteria about walking about the streets of the UK or visiting our European neighbours?

    Closing the Barn Door after the Horse has Bolted.

    But let us assume that the Covid 19 virus is real, is highly contagious and has a high mortality rate, which it doesn’t. What could you do to prevent it spreading? The answer is very little.

    By the time the first case would have been diagnosed it would have been probably at least a month since the first person was infected, taking into account the time it takes for symptoms to appear and for the Chinese authorities to link what would have appeared as normal pneumonia deaths in the beginning to a possible novel virus. In that time the initial patients would have been in contact with hundreds of people who in turn would have been in contact with hundreds more and so on and so on. There would be no way on earth to stop the spread of the virus spreading beyond Wuhan and China. It would have crossed into other countries before it was even recognized to exist.

    All the hysteria about putting towns in lock-downs and stopping flights is all for show. It is a pointless case of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. Then we have the ludicrous idea of banning large scale events. Suppose a large crowd of people were going to go to a football match and it is cancelled because it is assumed some of those attending would be contagious. What happens on the day of the cancelled match? Do these people just sit in the house or mysteriously become Covid 19 negative? No, they probably go out shopping, to the cinema or to the pub? Wherever they go they will come into contact with dozens if not hundreds of other people and potentially infect them. So instead of infecting a number of people at 1 venue they potentially infect a number of people at various venues. The only way cancelling an event will make any difference is if the potential Covid 19 carriers suddenly become uninfected or they all stay at home and come into no contact with any body on the day of the match. And then what happens the following day? Unless they are now seriously ill, they will go out into the community again. This will happen whether the football match takes place or not.

    The Implementation of the Agenda

    You shouldn’t fear the virus but you should fear what comes next. It is obvious by the media-instilled hysteria that the ‘crisis’ is being manufactured to fulfill an agenda. Number one on the list of will be the elite’s long-cherished goal of introducing mandatory vaccination. Because the vast majority of the public has no knowledge of the multitude of health risks associated with vaccination, they will not think to question it if it is made compulsory and, in fact, in their fear and ignorance, will probably welcome it. Number two on the list will be the acceptance of forced quarantine. There are already a number of UK newspapers stating that the public are too selfish for us to win the fight against the virus because we don’t do what the authorities tell us anymore and we can’t be trusted to self-isolate. One has even said that individuals must do what is required to protect the herd. The deliberate use of the word herd is, of course, intentionally done to make the association with the myth of herd immunity and vaccines. To protect the herd everybody must be vaccinated. In other words, you must be prepared to inject you and your family with dangerous substances and allow yourself to be locked up for the benefit of humanity. Sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Number three on the elite’s wish list is compulsory monitoring of your medical status. Basically, you will soon have to carry medical ID around with you to confirm you have all your required vaccinations or you will not be able to travel on public transport, or enter public buildings and then you will be arrested and forcibly vaccinated. This, in turn, will lead to item 4, the compulsory microchipping of the population. Carrying medical records around with you will be viewed as inconvenient for you and the authorities as you could forget them or lose them. Therefore, to make everyone’s life easier you will be forced to have an RFID microchip implanted with all your vaccination details on it that the authorities can easily read.

    The best bit about this for the Orwellian dictatorship that will soon be in place is that the authorities won’t even have to enforce it. The sheeple themselves will do that. So terrified will the masses become that they will police themselves. If you are unfortunate enough for people to believe you have Covid 19 , whether you do or not, and you do not really fancy being locked up, or If they discover that you are someone that actually knows how dangerous vaccines are and refuse to get the jab, your neighbours and friends will soon be at your door, pitchforks, in hand and will lock you up in your own home, hand you over to the authorities, or as the hysteria becomes more contagious and frenzied, simply beat you to death or lynch you. I genuinely don’t think it will be long before the we see the first person who will become victim to the insanity-ravaged mobs who binge on the daily hysteria fed to them by the disgraceful media.

    On a final note, to emphasise, how the media are distorting reality and feeding people’s fear to achieve the elite’s agenda, the Daily Mail’s website on 02.03.20 had a graph the title of which was UK Corona Cases. Below it, the graph rose steadily until, on the 22nd February, it rose dramatically and frighteningly to the number 10483. As the title of the graph was UK Corona Cases you would assume that this is the figure for diagnosed corona cases in the UK but no, it was simply for the number of people tested for the virus! It bore absolutely no relationship whatsoever to the number of actual cases as was suggested by the title. In fact, elsewhere on their website it said the number of people that have tested positive were 40! This disgusting, irresponsible, fear-mongering ‘journalism’ is going to lead to tragedy when a terrified public start taking matters into their own hands. One would hope when this happens, ‘journalists’ like this will be held responsible but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    One more thing, the Daily Mail graph reminded me of another fake graph that has been the origin of such fear-mongering – the infamous Al Gore hockey stick graph that gave birth to the end of the world climate cultists - another aspect of Project Fear that is being used to fulfill the globalist’s agenda. Maybe they will combine the two and blame the spread of the corona virus on mythical man-made climate change.

    Watch this space!

    Carl Mason
    HOW DARE U.....!

    Rudy Cramer
    I think this virus has put an end to the headlong rush to globalization. It's put it bask a few decades and climate change, (which is total bullshit), will go the same way. I think people want a rest from this overarching UN sanctioned crap. First it was the IPCC and now it's the World Health Organization. I hope after the virus is over, that we can have some time to enjoy life, without the spectre of some fear, constantly being pushed on us. We really have a VALID fear now, because of a contagious disease, and this fear will put a stop to others, I hope.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Instead of 5-10% of unwoke people, this percentage will increase to 10-20%. This will have about 80% of the vox populi to continue trusting government authorities, 'experts of all sorts' and the unelected bueraucrats sponsored by the 'elitist controllers' of the century long technocratic controlleurs.
    Agenda 2021 was implemented in 2020 with projection 2030.

    The next 4 years will either support your optimism or demote the vox populi to an irreversible decline into scientific tyranny.

    1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927 Metropolis by Fritz Lang (projected as occurring in the year 2030) --- 1931 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley --- 1984 by George Orwell --- 2013 Elysium by Neill Blomkamp --- 2020 by Old World Order --- 2025 by ? --- 2030 by New World Order - Can the Old Technocracy of 2020 transform into a New Technocracy of 2030 by Metamorphosis 2025?

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdtZv3XROnc
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Covid19 and WHO-CDC approved Respirators and Boyle's Law PV=Constant

    Excellent post. Yes it is oxygen depletion and pressure build up (Boyle's Law PV=constant). The fluid in the lungs decreases the volume in the lungs and so increases the pressure in the respiratory system. The ventilators are often the cause of death in the critical respiratory cases and the WHO bueraucrats are literally killing people infected with covid19-exosome RNA genetic material segments.

    Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its secret.

    Apr 5 · 8 min read

    In the last 3–5 days, a mountain of anecdotal evidence has come out of NYC, Italy, Spain, etc. about COVID-19 and characteristics of patients who get seriously ill. It’s not only piling up but now leading to a general field-level consensus backed up by a few previously little-known studies that we’ve had it all wrong the whole time. Well, a few had some things eerily correct (cough Trump cough), especially with Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromicin, but we’ll get to that in a minute.
    There is no ‘pneumonia’ nor ARDS. At least not the ARDS with established treatment protocols and procedures we’re familiar with. Ventilators are not only the wrong solution, but high pressure intubation can actually wind up causing more damage than without, not to mention complications from tracheal scarring and ulcers given the duration of intubation often required… They may still have a use in the immediate future for patients too far to bring back with this newfound knowledge, but moving forward a new treatment protocol needs to be established so we stop treating patients for the wrong disease.

    The past 48 hours or so have seen a huge revelation: COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in your red blood cells. People are simply desaturating (losing o2 in their blood), and that’s what eventually leads to organ failures that kill them, not any form of ARDS or pneumonia. All the damage to the lungs you see in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, this overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that nice, always-bilateral ground glass opacity in the lungs. Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovery suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy strengthen the notion COVID-19 patients are suffering from hypoxia despite no signs of respiratory ‘tire out’ or fatigue.​

    Here’s the breakdown of the whole process, including some ELI5-level cliff notes. Much has been simplified just to keep it digestible and layman-friendly.
    Your red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all your organs and the rest of your body. Red blood cells can do this thanks to hemoglobin, which is a protein consisting of four “hemes”. Hemes have a special kind of iron ion, which is normally quite toxic in its free form, locked away in its center with a porphyrin acting as it’s ‘container’. In this way, the iron ion can be ‘caged’ and carried around safely by the hemoglobin, but used to bind to oxygen when it gets to your lungs.
    When the red blood cell gets to the alveoli, or the little sacs in your lungs where all the gas exchange happens, that special little iron ion can flip between FE2+ and FE3+ states with electron exchange and bond to some oxygen, then it goes off on its little merry way to deliver o2 elsewhere.

    Here’s where COVID-19 comes in. Its glycoproteins bond to the heme, and in doing so that special and toxic oxidative iron ion is “disassociated” (released). It’s basically let out of the cage and now freely roaming around on its own. This is bad for two reasons:
    1) Without the iron ion, hemoglobin can no longer bind to oxygen. Once all the hemoglobin is impaired, the red blood cell is essentially turned into a Freightliner truck cab with no trailer and no ability to store its cargo.. it is useless and just running around with COVID-19 virus attached to its porphyrin. All these useless trucks running around not delivering oxygen is what starts to lead to desaturation, or watching the patient’s spo2 levels drop. It is INCORRECT to assume traditional ARDS and in doing so, you’re treating the WRONG DISEASE. Think of it a lot like carbon monoxide poisoning, in which CO is bound to the hemoglobin, making it unable to carry oxygen. In those cases, ventilators aren’t treating the root cause; the patient’s lungs aren’t ‘tiring out’, they’re pumping just fine. The red blood cells just can’t carry o2, end of story. Only in this case, unlike CO poisoning in which eventually the CO can break off, the affected hemoglobin is permanently stripped of its ability to carry o2 because it has lost its iron ion. The body compensates for this lack of o2 carrying capacity and deliveries by having your kidneys release hormones like erythropoietin, which tell your bone marrow factories to ramp up production on new red blood cells with freshly made and fully functioning hemoglobin. This is the reason you find elevated hemoglobin and decreased blood oxygen saturation as one of the 3 primary indicators of whether the shit is about to hit the fan for a particular patient or not.

    2) That little iron ion, along with millions of its friends released from other hemes, are now floating through your blood freely. As I mentioned before, this type of iron ion is highly reactive and causes oxidative damage. It turns out that this happens to a limited extent naturally in our bodies and we have cleanup & defense mechanisms to keep the balance. The lungs, in particular, have 3 primary defenses to maintain “iron homeostasis”, 2 of which are in the alveoli, those little sacs in your lungs we talked about earlier. The first of the two are little macrophages that roam around and scavenge up any free radicals like this oxidative iron. The second is a lining on the walls (called the epithelial surface) which has a thin layer of fluid packed with high levels of antioxidant molecules.. things like abscorbic acid (AKA Vitamin C) among others. Well, this is usually good enough for naturally occurring rogue iron ions but with COVID-19 running rampant your body is now basically like a progressive state letting out all the prisoners out of the prisons… it’s just too much iron and it begins to overwhelm your lungs’ countermeasures, and thus begins the process of pulmonary oxidative stress. This leads to damage and inflammation, which leads to all that nasty stuff and damage you see in CT scans of COVID-19 patient lungs. Ever noticed how it’s always bilateral? (both lungs at the same time) Pneumonia rarely ever does that, but COVID-19 does… EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
    — — — — — — — — — — — — -

    Once your body is now running out of control, with all your oxygen trucks running around without any freight, and tons of this toxic form of iron floating around in your bloodstream, other defenses kick in. While your lungs are busy with all this oxidative stress they can’t handle, and your organs are being starved of o2 without their constant stream of deliveries from red blood cell’s hemoglobin, and your liver is attempting to do its best to remove the iron and store it in its ‘iron vault’. Only its getting overwhelmed too. It’s starved for oxygen and fighting a losing battle from all your hemoglobin letting its iron free, and starts crying out “help, I’m taking damage!” by releasing an enzyme called alanine aminotransferase (ALT). BOOM, there is your second of 3 primary indicators of whether the shit is about to hit the fan for a particular patient or not.

    Eventually, if the patient’s immune system doesn’t fight off the virus in time before their blood oxygen saturation drops too low, ventilator or no ventilator, organs start shutting down. No fuel, no work. The only way to even try to keep them going is max oxygen, even a hyperbaric chamber if one is available on 100% oxygen at multiple atmospheres of pressure, just to give what’s left of their functioning hemoglobin a chance to carry enough o2 to the organs and keep them alive. Yeah we don’t have nearly enough of those chambers, so some fresh red blood cells with normal hemoglobin in the form of a transfusion will have to do.
    The core point being, treating patients with the iron ions stripped from their hemoglobin (rendering it abnormally nonfunctional) with ventilator intubation is futile, unless you’re just hoping the patient’s immune system will work its magic in time. The root of the illness needs to be addressed.

    Best case scenario? Treatment regimen early, before symptoms progress too far. Hydroxychloroquine (more on that in a minute, I promise) with Azithromicin has shown fantastic, albeit critics keep mentioning ‘anecdotal’ to describe the mountain, promise and I’ll explain why it does so well next. But forget straight-up plasma with antibodies, that might work early but if the patient is too far gone they’ll need more. They’ll need all the blood: antibodies and red blood cells. No help in sending over a detachment of ammunition to a soldier already unconscious and bleeding out on the battlefield, you need to send that ammo along with some hemoglobin-stimulant-magic so that he can wake up and fire those shots at the enemy.

    The story with Hydroxychloroquine

    All that hilariously misguided and counterproductive criticism the media piled on chloroquine (purely for political reasons) as a viable treatment will now go down as the biggest Fake News blunder to rule them all. The media actively engaged their activism to fight ‘bad orange man’ at the cost of thousands of lives. Shame on them.

    How does chloroquine work? Same way as it does for malaria. You see, malaria is this little parasite that enters the red blood cells and starts eating hemoglobin as its food source. The reason chloroquine works for malaria is the same reason it works for COVID-19 — while not fully understood, it is suspected to bind to DNA and interfere with the ability to work magic on hemoglobin. The same mechanism that stops malaria from getting its hands on hemoglobin and gobbling it up seems to do the same to COVID-19 (essentially little snippets of DNA in an envelope) from binding to it. On top of that, Hydroxychloroquine (an advanced descendant of regular old chloroquine) lowers the pH which can interfere with the replication of the virus. Again, while the full details are not known, the entire premise of this potentially ‘game changing’ treatment is to prevent hemoglobin from being interfered with, whether due to malaria or COVID-19.

    No longer can the media and armchair pseudo-physicians sit in their little ivory towers, proclaiming “DUR so stoopid, malaria is bacteria, COVID-19 is virus, anti-bacteria drug no work on virus!”. They never got the memo that a drug doesn’t need to directly act on the pathogen to be effective. Sometimes it’s enough just to stop it from doing what it does to hemoglobin, regardless of the means it uses to do so.

    Anyway, enough of the rant. What’s the end result here? First, the ventilator emergency needs to be re-examined. If you’re putting a patient on a ventilator because they’re going into a coma and need mechanical breathing to stay alive, okay we get it. Give ’em time for their immune systems to pull through. But if they’re conscious, alert, compliant — keep them on O2. Max it if you have to. If you HAVE to inevitably ventilate, do it at low pressure but max O2. Don’t tear up their lungs with max PEEP, you’re doing more harm to the patient because you’re treating the wrong disease.
    Ideally, some form of treatment needs to happen to:

    • Inhibit viral growth and replication. Here plays CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC or other retroviral therapies being studies. Less virus, less hemoglobin losing its iron, less severity and damage.
    • Therapies used for anyone with abnormal hemoglobin or malfunctioning red blood cells. Blood transfusions. Whatever, I don’t know the full breadth and scope because I’m not a physician. But think along those lines, and treat the real disease. If you’re thinking about giving them plasma with antibodies, maybe if they’re already in bad shape think again and give them BLOOD with antibodies, or at least blood followed by plasma with antibodies.
    • Now that we know more about how this virus works and affects our bodies, a whole range of options should open up.
    • Don’t trust China. China is ASSHOE. (disclaimer: not talking about the people, just talking about the regime). They covered this up and have caused all kinds of death and carnage, both literal and economic. The ripples of this pandemic will be felt for decades.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Relative (not Universal) Truth of the W.H.O, relative to the 2030 globalist/UN agenda
    R.I.P. Ripley's - Believe it or not!

    Draft Four - 2 April 2020

    Immunization is a global health and development success story, saving millions of lives every year. We now have vaccines to prevent more than 20 life-threatening diseases, helping people of all ages live longer, healthier lives. Immunization is the foundation of the primary health care system and an indisputable human right. It’s also one of the best health investments money can buy. Yet despite tremendous progress, far too many people around the world – including nearly 20 million infants each year – have insufficient access to vaccines. In some countries, progress has stalled or even reversed, and there is a real risk that complacency will undermine past achievements.
    With the support of countries and partners, WHO is leading the co-creation of a new global vision and strategy to address these challenges over the next decade, to be endorsed by the World Health Assembly.
    IA 2030 envisions a world where everyone, everywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines to improve health and well-being.


    Strategic priorities

    IA2030 has been developed through a “bottom-up” co-creation process, with close engagement of countries to ensure that the vision, strategic priorities and goals are aligned with country needs. As an adaptive and flexible strategy, the IA2030 framework is designed to be tailored by countries to their local context, and to be revised throughout the decade as new needs and challenges emerge. IA2030 strategic priorities will be further refined in the monitoring and evaluation framework and will include indicators, targets and methods for tracking progress.
    IA2030 goals are designed to inspire action for implementation. For countries, this could mean setting country-specific targets and milestones for the decade toward those goals. For regions, this could mean contextualising global goals and setting specific targets and milestones in Regional Vaccination Action Plans. For partner organisations, this could mean aligning organisational strategies and indicators to support the attainment of IA2030 goals.


    Core principles

    The IA 2030 strategy—to extend the benefits of vaccines to everyone, everywhere—is underpinned by four core principles: it puts people in the center, is led by countries, implemented through broad partnerships, and driven by data. The IA2030 strategy systematically applies the core principles across each of the strategic priorities.


    Strategic Priority Goals

    Each strategic priority has strategic priority goals as the basis for evaluating progress. These goals will complement existing disease-specific goals, broader health goals, and the SDGs. The strategic priority goals mirror the ambition of these existing commitments and aim to galvanize efforts to achieve important gains in immunization over the coming decade.


    Immunization is playing a critical role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Immunization reaches more people than any other health and social service, making it the foundation of primary health care systems and a key driver toward universal health coverage. This makes immunization critical to SDG3 – to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Because health is so fundamental to development, IA2030 will also contribute—either directly or indirectly—to 13 of the other SDGs.

    Immunization is an investment for the future, creating a healthier, safer and more prosperous world for all.
    Immunisation Agenda 2030: A Global Strategy To Leave No One Behind

  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Treason or political naivety and the plan behind the plans?

    big lie.

    The deception is so thorough and the lies are so big, the general public cannot believe it, due to its scope. It is a daring and incredibly 'sinister-evil' and deceptive agenda. The percentage of folks waking up to it might increase from 10% to 20% because of the plandemic; but any political reformation is imo impossible to implement due to the 'brainwashing' of the 80%-90% and the political stasis of the global populance at the present time.

    You are one of the 10% not asleep in 'trust' the expert bureaucrats.
    Indeed, Australian politicians are well meaning and mean no harm as such. But as they are enslaved (literally research Federal Banking cartel CFR, IMF Club of Rome etc) to the money lenders, threatening them with withdrawal of the AAA credit rating; they naively trust the 'expert bureaucrats' from Canberra and co, sponsored by UN bueraucrats.

    Who runs Australia's economy? Not the politicians, but the money lenders.
    So fellow Australians think for yourself.
    Your pensions and dividends etc etc all is NOT paid from Australian assets, but from UN-globalist fractional banking NGO's or International GO's. The Australian economy of money changing hands is the asset of Australian workers and enterpreneurs and not the asset of the globalist banking cartel. The present globalist agenda has changed gear from the climate scam emergency to the plandemic scam emergency.

    Yes there is a 'beefed up' version of the seasonally changing flu corona virus. As the mainstream will shortly admit via Chinese whistle-blowing; bioweapon research in the USA was transferred to Wuhan for the specific reason to genetically modify common coronovirus with highly infectious bat genetic material. It was an international global collaboration, also including CSIRO from 2015. Check my posts and forums for many details, should you wish to research further.
    So in simple terms, Scomo and co are not to blame for any conspiracy against Australia.
    They are ALL however culpable of not double checking all this 'expert' UN advice they are given by unelected bureaucrats.

    No but they are complicit in trusting the 'experts', the latter being in a hierarchy of a 'need to know basis'.
    Event 201 was indeed the 'test run' on/in October 18th, 2019 to prepare for the plandemic.

    Well you might understand the motivations rather well, because unbeknown to the naive 'anti-spiritual skeptics-atheists', the so called globalists are at large very familiar with encoded ancient scrolls and that certain millennia old 'sayings' must come to pass. In other words 'they' must under the auspices of their information sources, openly proclaim and describe their agendas (see Simpson, South Park and other symbolism in film, art, architecture and culture).
    The rise of the worldwide government technocracy state of scientific tyranny so MUST be paralleled in its mirror or image.

    Subsequently the globalist elite and 'on the need to know' hierarchy will try under all circumstances to squash any encoded future projection like a '2nd coming' (see globalist hatred of true not fake Christianity-revivalist or liberation theology (Vatican) is in the fake camp incl Hillsong) or 'benevolent ET invasion' or the 'force of light'.
    Ergo the globalist armageddon becomes necessity to cement their own power base as having forseen and fulfilled said sayings , futuristic projections' or 'scriptural prophecies'.
    If 'they' would not openly show their agendas and disguise them as science fiction or utopia, then they could not claim world domination as encoded in the millennia old ancient scrolls.

    1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927 Metropolis by Fritz Lang (projected as occurring in the year 2030) --- 1931 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley --- 1984 by George Orwell --- 2013 Elysium by Neill Blomkamp --- 2020 by Old World Order --- 2025 by ? --- 2030 by New World Order - Can the Old Technocracy of 2020 transform into a New Technocracy of 2030 by Metamorphosis 2025?

    View: https://youtu.be/gdtZv3XROnc

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Imperial College is a globalist tool and the 'fear monger charts' published by basically all mainstream media outlets stem from John Hopkins University, also a globalist tool and associated/funded by the the Gates foundation with WHO and the World Economic Forum. The latter is behind agenda 21-2030 and the tyrannical takeover of the western constitutional systems of politics.

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1trzdmwR2M
    The Imperial College is a globalist tool and the 'fear monger charts' published by basically all mainstream media outlets stem from John Hopkins University, also a globalist tool and associated/funded by the the Gates foundation with WHO and the World Economic Forum. The latter is behind agenda 21-2030 and the tyrannical takeover of the western constitutional systems of politics.

    It is called lockstep and was instigated in 2010 to manifest as agenda 21 and event 201 (Oct18,2019 coincident with UN-Wuhan military exercises) in 2020 to complete as agenda 2030 in 2030

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Tyranny is the Deadliest Virus

    By Karen Kataline
    PASSOVER: A Holiday to Celebrate Freedom
    Why do men lust for power over other men? Here, I refer to “men” in the classical sense, as in “mankind.”
    Such men are never content to be masters of their own fate. They are doggedly determined to be masters over others as well.
    This ubiquitous human failing is rooted in hubris, ignorance and insecurity. It has also proven to be as contagious and deadly as any plague. Genocides have grown out of such tyranny when people tried too late to reject authoritarianism and the sick ideologies that have often accompanied it.

    Some, including myself, are stupefied by how few people understand the difference between being asked to do something and being ordered with the power and force of government to do it.

    Before coronavirus changed life as we formerly knew it, we saw numerous manufactured protests over false stories and petty grievances. The primary complaint was usually that the offending word or action constituted tyranny. On it’s face, it was ridiculous.
    Today, those same Leftist agitators and protestors could not have rushed fast enough to comply with orders that are the very definition of tyranny. Not only have they complied but they’ve been among the first to bully those who dare to question or maybe even protest!
    How did we arrive at a place where so few Americans understand the definition and the preciousness of Liberty?

    Indeed, it appears that we are dealing with an ugly virus which is deadlier to some age groups and geographic areas than others, but the same politicians who have zealously shut down entire states have stubbornly rejected any good news. They are committed to ramping up fear which makes it conveniently more likely that citizens will view their extreme orders as necessary and proper.
    It took governor Jared Polis of Colorado 30 minutes into one of his numerous press conferences to mention that 9 out of 10 people infected won’t require any medical treatment at all–not even an aspirin. We’re thankful this isn’t the Bubonic plague. If it were, heightening public fear would hardly be necessary.

    The more that Americans dutifully comply with increasingly strict orders from politicians and government bureaucrats to shut down their lives and their livelihoods and confine themselves to their homes, the stricter and more stringent those orders continue to become.
    In Laredo Texas people are now required to wear a face mask when going out in public or risk a $1,000.00 fine. New York’s Socialist Mayor didn’t just demand that churches and synagogues close, but he threatened to shut down one synagogue “permanently” because they defied his orders.
    New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is telling families to distance themselves from one another even inside their own homes. Can video policing be far behind? In some states, phone companies have made cell phone location data available to government officials to enable mass enforcement of stay-at-home orders.

    Authoritarianism breeds even more authoritarianism and, like a virus, it spreads. We now have “social shaming” and spying on one’s neighbors, all with the nodding encouragement of the same government bureaucrats who continue to ramp up fear and intimidation.
    The virus of tyranny has also spread from governor to governor, from “asks” to orders, and then, to fines, punishment and threats of imprisonment. It hasn’t mattered how biased, subjective or extreme their dictates and demands have been. For example, pot shops and public transportation have been deemed essential in Colorado, but traveling alone in one’s private vehicle or visiting Hobby Lobby are considered “non-essential” and are therefore, forbidden. Is it merely a coincidence that the former two things have been perennial favorites of the Left while they have always detested the latter two things?

    What sort of a mentality cannot tolerate the rights of others to self-determination, personal freedom, and responsibility? Take away responsibility, and you take away freedom as well. That’s why it’s not surprising that the first endeavor of Socialists is to take away responsibility from a willing public with a velvet glove and then take away their freedom with an iron fist.
    Perhaps most disturbing is that so many Americans don’t understand that they live in the most exceptional country in history precisely because it was created to afford every citizen the greatest possible individual freedom and personal responsibility. America’s power and prosperity, which Socialists have so desperately wanted to blunt, was built on exactly those values.

    If Liberty isn’t held as a moral imperative, a virus, or anything else, can and will become the excuse to rob us of it.
    As the virus of tyranny continues to spread through our nation, it is not only possible but essential that we take care of our Liberties as well as our health. If we don’t, we will lose both.

    photo credit: ehpien Passover Seder Plate via photopin (license)

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