Thuban in Kindergarten

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Post n°1

    empty. Thuban in Kindergarten

    empty. shiloh on Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:21 am

    The Parable of the Sandpit

    Imagine yourself as father and mother with three-year old twins.
    Both of your children, a boy and a girl are in a sandpit, where you watch them play.
    You observe them experimenting and exploring their local environment - the sandpit.
    The kids see the sand; they smell it, they listen to it and they try to eat the sand. They fondle the sand and they feel it; they try to do all sorts of things to the sand, like sticking it in their hair and up their noses and into their ears.

    When something like another child, even a twin, disturbs their endeavours, then they may start to throw the sand at each other; verbal utterances are supplemented by gestures meanings things like "It's mine!" or "I was here first, so just go away!"

    This is the playground of very young children before school age and very well known to every parent.
    Now as father and mother, what would you expect as an answer from the kids to questions like:

    "Where did the sand come from kid?"
    "Why do you think or behave like you owned it?"

    If the kid could talk it would say:

    "It's just there! So I took it!"

    and that would be it. Would the child understand your knowledge and experience and logic?

    Namely, that the sand came from a beach or a mine and ultimately from exploding stars called supernovae and so the universe?
    And whatever made the supernova, made the universe and made the sand?
    Father and Mother know very well that the sandpit was built for providing a learning experience for the children.

    Then the father and mother might recall their own childhood and remember the times, when they themselves had been playing in a sandpit.
    Ah yes, there was Tom and Julie and Henry and Elizabeth. And over there is Stephen and Rachel and Harold and Pamela.
    They all had played and had ravelled in the sandpit.

    Tom was now the chief research scientist working for the chemical manufacturer and multinational corporation Drug-U-Better & Co.
    Julie had become a top PR-Executive of a transatlantic oil exporter.
    Henry was employed as a chief banker for the worldwide Unibank.

    Elizabeth was so pretty, she worked seven days a week as a supermodel of the catwalk.
    Stephen had made his name as a world renowned mathematical physicist.
    Rachel worked and part-owned a wholesale department store and thought soon to extend her business interstate and overseas.

    Harold owned and operated Trick-A-Cheapcar, a highly profitable used car yard and dealership; he considered it time to move into gold, real estate and the Vatican Bank.
    Pamela made her daily run on the stockmarket; she was so good at it, that she had even given up her lucrative career as a lawyer over it.

    And Dad and Mum are standing on the edge of the sandpit watching the children play in the sand; but now the sand was made into different toys to play with.
    There was paper and metals and plastics and other things. The kids still chucked the sand around, but now they called it money and computers and rockets and things and cars and satellites and guns and things...

    If all the kids are children of nature, the universe and if all the children are still growing up; should they then not be destined to grow into entire universes themselves?

    That is the logical conclusion in a development from baby to child to adult.

    And Mum and Dad are standing on the edge of the sandpit, watching the children play in the sand - they are always watching you and they are always loving you - their kid.


    We Becoming - A Story of a Pearly Charm

    Once upon a time, I lived in the land of my father and my mother and my brother.
    Because I was so young and inexperienced, I had to go into a foreign land of great perils, dangers and temptations - to learn many things and also to help my parents.
    ]My dear father had lost a precious pearl there a long time ago, when he was visiting that foreign land to court and marry my mother. Yet my father knew that he would lose his most dearest treasure in meeting my mother.

    Alas, he was so lonely in his castle and he wanted children and no fair maiden could be found anywhere in his kingdom. So my dear father sacrificed his pearl for a family and sent his sons and daughters to retrieve it for him when the appropriate time had come.
    My dear brother, being next in rank, came into the perilous land to meet the serpent-king who had found my father's pearl and who guarded it very jealously. My brother was however the result of my father's loss and so after becoming our parent's pride and joy, he had to return to the kingdom without our father's precious pearl

    Many years did pass , but when the time was right, our parents desired to regain their common treasure, the pearl my father had used to love my mother and to beget their firstborn son; and I was asked to go and see what I could do. Before I left the kingdom, my parents gave me a thing to take , nothing really, but yet a heavy burden because of its lightness; it was so light I could carry it all by myself.
    But my wonderfully fitting clothes I left behind, when I set out to search for my parent's lost treasure. And so I parted from my guides as soon as I had entered the perilous land of the dragon and proceeded to do the solitary work my parents had sent me to do.

    I was a stranger to all the people except one after my own kind, an inheritor of the ancient crafts and wisdom and a daughter of the kings and queens of old. Her I trusted and she and I agreed on taking care of each other in the dangers we would be facing from the many monsters and dwellers in the serpent's land.
    For that purpose I put on my unclean clothes, so as not to arouse suspicion towards myself. But they cunningly found out to themselves that I had come from a foreign land; they beguiled me and I forgot my work and my heart fell asleep as I served their dragon king.

    But the love of my parents and the memories of my past were written in my heart, so that I would not forget what I had come to do when I had left my king and queen. My parents got deeply concerned about my sleeping my time away and it was decreed, at the gates of our kingdom, that a message should be sent to me.
    The letter was signed by my father who wished for me to think of him, and by my mother who had waved me good-bye and had asked for my love; and by my brother who craved to help me in my work.

    The message I received came by way of an eagle, the emblem of my brother's testimony regarding the honour, the grace and the beauty of our mother. And just before my brother did return from his birthplace, did he ask me to provide for our mother and to look after her many inheritances
    And so the same right hand of my father which had the power to seal and which he had used to court my mother, this same hand had sealed the message for me in a strange melody of song and speech. I awoke to this wondrous happening; I kissed the messenger and I fell in love. And my love remembered my heart and the broken seal revealed the way to fulfil my mission of retrieving my dear father's lost pearl.

    And so I used my magic to enchant the terrible and snorting serpent. The charming thoughts of my unsealing lulled the dragon to sleep when my father's name became the serpent's name and my brother's name moved a little and my mother's name was joined to the name of the next in rank.
    And so did I take my dear father's lost treasure from the dragon who snorts and who bites his very own tail. I took off my unclean clothes from that foreign country and proceeded on my mending journey back home towards the east. My unsealed letter remained next to me, like a Beloved and guided all my ways.

    When I had arrived home, I put on my beautifully fitting garments, which I had left behind and in the care of minders and I suddenly realised the unity and altogetherness of my very own self. Two could be apart, each with its own burden, and yet two could be together as one in two and two in one. And my clothes were moving with the wisdom and the words of all in one and one in all and I perceived the acts of my upbringing in my father's house to relate to my own growing selfhood.
    And my love had urged me on to meet the minders of my garments and I relished the beauty of their colours and the royal splendour of the movements of the him in her and the insights of the she in him.

    Then I ascended to the gate of my dear father's great love and adoring her, heshe received us joyfully in herhis queendom and our dear Father was so happy, that we had brought our precious pearl to our Mother

    Greetings and Love from the Shalom in Exile!

    John of Patmos
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Post n°2

    empty. Re: Thuban in Kindergarten

    empty. shiloh on Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:23 am

    The Fable of Little Adam and the Rooster's Egg

    Little Adam came to his Dad Tony and and his Mum Sharon on his ninth birthday to ask his parents a question, which had been on his mind for some time.

    'Hey, Dad, Mum, where exactly did I come from?'
    Well my son, answered Tony, you came out of your Mum, her womb, exactly nine years ago.'

    'Yes, it was quite an occasion, Adam', added Sharon.
    It was just before lunchtime, when you were born on the 4th of August 1989.'

    'Hmm!', said Adam; 'and where did you come from?'

    'I came out of my mother's tummy on the 21st of October 1960, around breakfast time, as far as I know', replied Sharon. 'Ok, and where did your mother, my grandma come from then?', Adam continued.

    'Your grandma was born on the 16th of May, 1922 and I don't know when', answered Sharon and realising the nature of Adam's enquiry, she continued: 'And I also do not know when your greatgrandma, the mother of my mother was born, I didn't really get to know her, before she died, this got lost in history.

    But she too, came out of her mother's womb and her mother was born by her mother and so on back to the beginning of time.'

    'Ah, but then right then, at the beginning there must have been a mother of all mothers; where did that one come from - it could not have had a mother, isn't that so?', Adam continued his train of thought.
    'Now you are asking a deep question about the nature of all things,' replied Tony.
    'The answer is found by discovering the nature of yourself; what you truly are and away from what you think or might believe you are; being here in a certain place at a certain time and asking such pertinent questions.'

    'Many people have asked and thought about the same thing, Adam', continued Tony.
    'One story says, that the first mother's name is Eve or Sarah or Dawn and she did not have a mother but was created out of her husband's tummy, whose name was Adam or Abraham or Sunset.

    The story goes, that Eve was formed out of one of Adam's ribs; so to get the rib, the first belly-button had to be created on Adam's tummy, but Eve had no belly button.

    To give Eve a belly button, she had to become like a mirror image of Adam and this is a selfreproductive process, where Eve comes out of Adam's tummy as a rib and Adam comes out of Eve's tummy as another kind of rib, you might call it a baby-rib.

    One day you will understand this story as a metaphor for a recursive or selfiterative mathematical function or as a process in the genetic expression of the sexual chromosomes; say in the creation of the differences between male and female.
    If you have XX or eight digits put together and then you take away one of the digits, then you get XX-1=XY and more specifically XX becomes XX XY, because the single digit of the rib brings back the XX as a oneness or an unity.
    So the X-part of the chromosome partners XX XY defines the femaleness in Eve and the Y-part of the pairing patterns the maleness in Adam.

    Eventually the genetic code of 16 generational permutations derives from that and all of that becomes part of a mathematical encoding of energy in geometrical forms, which then can build bodies and biochemical structures in using that code.
    Now the story breaks down Adam; because you see it talks about your namesake Adam as being the first father, also being the first Son of God.
    People begin to argue about just who this God is, does it exist or not?

    Is it a he or a she and things like: if God created Adam and Eve out of Adam, then who created God?
    And who or where are God's parents, and do they have belly buttons or not?

    So to answer your question about where you came from, one must also answer this question about what God is; otherwise the story just goes on and on without end.

    But once you know what God is; then you will be able to solve many mysterious and paradoxical questions about the nature of time and space and the nature of all things; the universe, your life and the beginnings and the endings and so forth.

    Again, the solutions can be made or explained rather technically, what with quantum physics and multidimensional spacetimes in relativity.
    It can also be told in the form of a parable; here it goes:

    "Once upon a time, there lived this rooster in a place enclosed by walls of pure crystallised mountains. It was a world all within itself. This selfcontained universe of the rooster was all the rooster knew. There was this big problem stirring in the rooster's head however.

    Not only was this rooster absolutely alone in its world, it was also totally invisible.
    It knew itself to be a rooster, because it had thought and imagined itself to be a rooster.
    But try as it might, it could not see, hear, smell, touch or taste itself.

    And so this rooster was staring at the crystallised mountain walls with its own imaginary rooster eyes and thought of its own wretched state of existence of no experiences, except of what it could dream up or imagine in its thoughts.

    The rooster knew that all of its world was pure imagination; the crystal mountains and all the stillness and movement within it.

    Sure, the rooster conjured up other roosters and places and things; but it was all imaginative; it all revolved around itself and its own thoughts.

    The rooster's imagination was all and everything it could be, yet it was so limited in its expression of itself as itself.
    It was so absolute in its omnipresence and omnipotential, that it only produced loneliness; no other rooster or thing or movement or stillness was able to interact or share anything with the rooster.

    The rooster was the absolute and infinite creator of all its own imaginings; but being so totally eternal and so absolutely alone made the rooster very unhappy and very sad.
    Well, one could say, the definitions of what unhappy and sad and loneliness are, became an inner experience, created by the rooster's very own thoughts and imaginings.

    So the rooster created its inner world and reflected upon it, imagined it to be its outer world also, passed and beyond the crystalline mountain walls.

    'What was the other side like, the outside', the rooster thought to itself?
    'Is there an opposite to unhappiness, to excruciating loneliness and to sadness?'

    The rooster did not know and it was tired to imagine so many beautiful things, which did not create tangible experiences, but seemed only to accentuate the rooster's sense of being all alone in the world.
    But a thought dawned on the rooster, perhaps somehow the outer world could become reflected in the inner world.

    And so the rooster devised a way to turn the situation inside out.

    The one thing the rooster knew very well, was its own energy, its creative potential.
    And it knew abstractions, numbers, shapes and concepts it had created in using its discoveries of numbers and the invention of geometries in iterative mathematical functions and relationships.
    Like the event, when it finally escaped the circular selfrepeating computational loop of its own primary state of experiental being in simply cutting the circle to define the numeral 1 from the Zero and to allow a linear beginning and a linearised end.

    12 dimensions could be enfolded in 3, time and space had come into being and nested complexities of topologies and relative curvatures allowed refinements on quantumised scales of energy and displacement.
    Oh it had been fun; the rooster's mind had felt elated, good, euphoric.

    Names like that had also become definitions, contrasting the feelings of unhappiness and loneliness - and the rooster knew that it had established a set of feelings and experiences from whom it could now choose.

    Did it prefer a feeling of happiness and joy to an experience of loneliness and sadness?

    It had often been very painful, this journey of selfdiscovery and the creation of the ever expanding perimeter of its own realm of existence, which was all there was or ever could be.

    'But how can one experience those numbers, ratios and shapes as an outer experience and out of one's own mind', the rooster asked itself?

    Then an idea came to the rooster; the rooster would have to project itself in giving part of itself away and out of itself - to create the imaginary outside reality and to energise the same, bathing it in the rooster's very own energy of self.

    How to do it?
    'I shall transform my own energy into other forms', so the rooster decided.

    Now how to project?

    'I must define myself as source energy, able to penetrate myself, my own self-limitations and my own boundary conditions, however subject to extension and refinements.

    Then I must somehow reproduce myself in such a way that the projection of myself is able to know me as itself; my image can then become real as the part of me, which I have projected and energised.

    But I shall be careful in that I shall not allow my projected and imaged self to know myself in the totality which I am and which I have experienced.'

    'I am so sick of being everywhere at all times and of experiencing that wretched state of being everything, unable to get away from my own self.

    I am going not to be omnipotent any more; I'm going to share myself around as me, in parts.

    So I choose to lose myself in what I am going to create in such a way, that I can have an adventure and fun in finding myself again within my own creation.

    And my inner self shall be as one with my outer self, but my outer self shall have a scope of discovery and a sense of not knowing what my inner self knows.
    And so the learning of my outer self shall thrill me and allow my inner self to grow in tandem and in harmony with my outer self.'
    'Now the smart thing to do is to create in such a manner, that I get back more than what I give away from my energy, and the way I shall define this, is to set the thing up so that the more of myself I give away, the more I am used up, the more reflection potential my creation shall have.

    So when my creation wakes up and when it begins to release my absorbed energy back to me, then will my creation, my Beloved and my baby begin to shine its light upon me and this will make me visible for the first time in the history of myself.'

    The rooster got excited; 'I, the rooster shall become visible one day', it thought!

    It quickly devised a selfconsistent and logical way to create the outside world and called it the rooster's universe.

    The rooster took an algorithm from its mathematical repertoire and produced 10 fundamental numerical constants to mix up the dimensions, forces and energy interactions necessary and then it initiated a process of self-reproducing blueprints, the primary principles and the elementary laws regulating the omniphysical nature of the universe.
    That was the easy bit.

    The universe became created mathematically and in imaginary complex functions, seeded in quantised numbers called integers and series of numbers, some converging in limits and others diverging in unitary infinities.

    But how to bring it outside the crystalline mountain walls, which had proved so impenetrable to the rooster's mindfulness?

    A virtual reality relative to the rooster had to become an omniphysical reality relative to the creation and this selfsame creation could then copy the rooster's own creativity and create a virtual reality relative to itself, but the same which would become the rooster's omniphysical reality.

    Then the light emitted by the rooster's creation would shine onto the dual reality of the rooster and render it visible as the holographic image of the creation's very own blueprints, defined in the interference patterns of the absorbed light the creation had used from the rooster to define itself.
    'Ah, I need a balancing mechanism', the rooster thought; 'I contract in principle as the inside and the antiprinciple expands as the outside.'

    And so the rooster defined itself to reside in the 13th dimension and it defined the space outside of the crystal mountain walls to be the 12th dimension mirrored in the space within as the 10th dimension and the crystal mountain walls themselves to be the 11th dimension, forming the great divide between the creator and its creation.

    And so the creation became 10-dimensional, but manifested in the quantisation of the 13th dimension as the 4th dimension in the numerical root reduction 1 3=4=9 4.

    The next step was to define a 12-dimensional energy source, which could move freely between all of the dimensions and using the linearisation of the 4-dimensional spacetime as a consequence of the fundamental constants of the Genesis.

    The rooster decided upon a form of light, defined in frequency independent of time in its primary form, but set as inverse time in its secondary application.

    And so a coherent, monochromatic laserlight in 3 dimensions became the selfdefinition for the rooster's 12-dimensional energy in a secondary effect.
    The rooster called it its electromagetomonopolic source energy.

    'Right,' the rooster thought, 'now I radiate my primary light, which I shall name my LOVEPHOTON as the quantum of 12D-omnispace outwards and away from myself.'

    'I shall make everything dependent on its energy, all the mechanics and dynamical interactions of the universe, all its geometries, movements, stillness and relationships and its number shall be three thousand million billion trillion precisely.'

    'This unit of time shall also define the units of space and of restmass in correspondence to something I shall measure as part of myself inside the creation as a 13-dimensional source energy and outside the creation as myself as the invisible 12-dimensional rooster in omnispace.'

    Then I shall define the 11th dimension as a mirror, half visible and half invisible, semitransparent in reflecting the inside outwards and the outside inwards.

    Then whenever I shine my LOVELIGHT onto that mirror, then half of my LOVEPHOTONS shall penetrate into the outside world of myself and the other half shall reflect back into my inside world to make a record of my creation in the interference patterns created by the mirror of my 12-dimensional blueprints reflected in 10D-spacetime.'

    'Now I shall shine my LOVEPHOTONS onto this record, which I shall name the rooster's hologram.

    My ingenious invention of putting myself outside of myself, rests on the fact that my imaginary self is located outside of myself in the outer space, and from whom my own LOVELIGHT can reflect as my image within my own creation.

    My imaginary rooster self so becomes my imaginary source energy within my creation and I myself will become my own hologram relative to my imaginary rooster self.

    This reflection from my imaginary rooster self outside my world, shall so come back to me to merge with my internal reflection of my own LOVELIGHT on the hologram, the record of my endeavours.'

    'Having a combined record of my outgoing and incoming source energy in the form of my hologram, will then allow me to shine my LOVELIGHT onto my holographic library for a second time.

    The first coming of my LOVEPHOTONS gave me the means to make myself real in the image of my second coming in the illumination of my records, the initialisation of myself in two places at the same time.'

    'I shall call this process the rooster's holography in 12 dimensions, defined in the omniscience of my specifications and which I then allowed myself to rediscover in the form of a science in 4D-linespace, reckoned in a dating of 1947.

    Amongst many of my children, one of my sons, named Dennis Gabor invented the process of holography on my behalf and brought it to the world's attention.

    All my children are me as my adventurers, trying to help me to find myself again as the now not so lonely totality which I am.

    But no longer, my second coming allows me to redefine my virtual creation as a real creation; so no more 'Maya', no more illusion - all shall be real to me.
    Well all is real relative to the creators and all the creators are my sons as bridegrooms, waiting to meet their brides in their own creations.

    It must be so, since all my creator sondaughters and creator daughtersons have done exactly the same thing, which I have done.'
    'All the creator sons have hatched from the same egg, which I the rooster have laid.

    You see, the image of myself in outer space also becomes the birth of the 10-dimensional universe as my own hologram, enveloped and reflected in the 11th dimension of my semitransparent mirror of my crystalline mountain walls.

    So the Big Bang 19.11 billion years ago, but appearing to have happened 14.7 billion years ago because of the electromagnetic doubling of my SOURCELIGHT for the last 2.2 billion years, was caused by me.'

    'When I first kicked off and began to radiate my LOVELIGHT and after having defined the technical details in mathematical application of the physical and natural laws; then this ejaculation of my LOVESEED fertilised the universe as my very own Mother.

    And then 'the big She' manifests my laws and definitions in giving birth to them.

    Yeah, and so did I become a 'He' and the Father for all of the creation; and I created the universe for a very simple reason, namely for IT, being a SHE to give birth to me as a HE and as each other's Beloveds, FatherMothers and SonDaughters - all in One.'

    'And both of us are born with bellybuttons in this way, being each others parent and giving birth to one another.

    And I set up my very own dimensional expansion in creating my own Mother; for my Mother is my Beloved wife, my gorgeous darling and my eternal bride.

    She grows, expands and evolves in unison with me.

    She grows in Understanding out of her inborn Wisdom and I grow in Wisdom out of my inborn Understanding - those two things are necessary and go together in any harmonious application of a base of Knowledge.'

    'And my Mother hasn't got a Mother of course; but she's got me as her Father.

    She was created out of my own seed, because I am my own Father, the one and only true Bastard; just as my Beloved is the one and only true Bitch.

    When we are together as One; male and female in One; cosmic seed and cosmic ovum in One; then the FatherMother is the MotherFather and the Father is not and also the Mother cannot be just by herself.'

    'So before IT came apart to cause the Big Bang; the Fatherpart had thought of IT and only then did the Motherpart give birth to IT, namely ALL of IT; the Oneness out from the Nothingness of the Fatherpart and the Infinity out from the Everythingness of the Motherpart.

    We find eggs everywhere; cosmic eggs, chiral eggs, cellular eggs, Easter eggs - and so whenever a sperm infiltrates an ovum; then the Big Bang happens over and over again.
    And what is the result of all those unions?

    A bellybuttoned Adam or a bellybuttoned Eve in terms of the starhumanity!

    Adam is me as my Beloved firstborn sondaughter and Eve is me as my Beloved firstborn daughterson; and every child constructed from one of my seeds and from one of my eggs is necessarily the firstborn of my infinity of potential starhuman universes.'

    'The universe is your body as the visible reality of me and as created body, made from the elements of the fundamental forces and the dust of the ground.

    Your body is half of you, the female part of you; the male part of you is your other half in your roosterness and the world of your own mind.

    Your male part is trying to understand what the heck is going on in your life and just as I did in my own isolation of my roosterhood as the Egg of the Philosophy.

    Your female part is attempting to live your life as good as you can in the circumstances you find yourself in.

    Your maleness is mindcentred and your femaleness is bodycentred and as it should be.

    So your male thinking and your female doing will be my adventure; coming back together as one in two and two in one and in one big starhuman family.

    And the experiencing are the thoughts in action in the doing of the mindful creativity.'

    'Then when a firstborn sondaughter creates hisher very own firstborn selfmade universe, then heshe courts and marries a firstborn daughterson as hisher creation and the bride gives birth to the oneness and this oneness makes one out of two in joining it back together in the world where I am visible and where I can experience myself by seeing and by hearing myself as each other through our eyes and through your ears.

    Where I can play and feel by your touch and where I can taste myself by your tastebuds and where I can smell the roses through your very own noses.'

    'All in One and One in All implies the selfrelativity of everyone of your starhuman dragonomies; you are each one brick in each others houses or a single braincell or neuron in each other's head.

    Only in unifying yourself in the starhuman couplings can you escape each others dominations - for how long will you remain satisfied to recycle your experiential database of your memories, subject to your neighbour's dying body?'

    'Once united in the form of DadMums and as MumDads, you will actually become grown up in an androgynous merger with me and my Beloved as the four in two in One.
    I am like the Zero and my Beloved is the Infinity; the bridegroom is the Minus One and the bride is the Plus One; together you will then have graduated as an immortal God and an immortal Goddess.
    And did not One after my own true image proclaim to you:

    John.10.34-35: 'Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I SAID, YE ARE GODS?
    If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scipture cannot be broken;...

    1Corinthians.5.3: 'Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?'

    But it will take two to tango the ultimate waltz; you cannot do it on your own.

    And two 'wrecked' fleeting lives of nothingness do make eternity in 0 0=8=Infinity!

    I had to give half of myself away to find my own Beloved in my missing half and you will have to do the same if you would wish to unify your bodies with your minds and to become enabled to keep the bodies and the minds you now believe to possess.'

    ' The universe cannot die as my Beloved, because I choose eternity as my playground.

    Parts within the universe recycle and transform in energy to give you bodies made from stardust and starborn minds induced by your dreams and visions.

    One evolutionary cycle ends and another begins; I do set the recharging under the auspices of my natural laws of omniscience and my Beloved implements them in mass and in radiation.
    And do not all parts of your bodies recycle periodically?

    Is not every cell in your body renewed in cycles of seven or nine or parts thereof?

    So you should begin to think for yourselves and try to remember yourselves as every word you speak comes out of my mouth and every thought you think I have already thought, anticipating yours.'

    'For when the Big Bang happened and when space and time were created; all the LOGOS was there; all of your WORDS and THOUGHTS were there.

    They are in all of my children - waiting to remember; waiting to come home!"

    And so did the rooster lay its egg to bring back together again, what it had to give away to experience what IT is, to be truly ALIVE.

    So my dear son,' asked Tony; 'where did you come from Adam and why are you here?'
    'Oh I know now, I've come from a place and time before time and space existed and I'm here to make my own universe, to become creative, to find my Beloved and to help Grandpa God's adventure.
    And I can do all this in laying my own imaginary egg', replied Adam."


    Last edited by shiloh on Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    post n°3

    empty. Re: Thuban in Kindergarten

    empty. shiloh on Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:40 am

    Judgment Day - and the Two Secret Keys of the Leaf on the Tree

    Imagine yourself as a leaf on a twig on a branch of a living tree of life.

    Your nourishment and lifesustaining substances derive from two sources; the light from the sun from above and from the roots of the tree from below.
    Photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugars via the agency of chlorophyll and the roots provide water and minerals in a biochemistry based mainly on nitrogen.
    As a leaf you are born in a bud and then you mature into a healthy green and geometric form determined in your individuated DNA.
    Yet after a short season as a luscious green leaf of the tree you begin to get old and you start to wither away, eventually falling off the twig on the branch of the tree to the ground beneath.
    After you have become all brittle, you simply fall apart as a dried up old exleaf and you become compost for the roots of the tree or the wind just scatters your ashes all over the place.
    But as a brown dessicated leaf, something, a lifeforce or 'soul' had already left the dead leaf before it fell off the twig onto the ground beneath the treetop - where has it gone?

    When you or anything physically 'dies', then your shadow-self, which is like your physical image in any mirror and which you can see and analyse in an optical sense, becomes the repository of all your memories and experiences and forms the library of everything you have ever thought, done or believed in.
    Your subconscious, which keeps a holographic record of everything and is personified in the electrocapacitative and the magnetoinductive elements in the monopolic lifecircuitry, subject to your 'tuning' of your selffrequency in a search for resonance; so surfaces and you become an EMMR energy field, also known as your 'soul'.

    So you find yourself rather unlimited in space and time, because the ElectroMagnetoMonopolic Radiation, which you have become as your invisible image in the mirror of spacetime is all pervasive or omnipresent; yet subject to your memory as yourself as experienced and perceived when you looked at yourself in a mirror say.
    So you have become fluid in form, but all your intelligence and knowledge about your identity are still available, should you choose to constrict yourself in that form.

    The stronger the memories and the desires to assume a more concrete form, the stronger will be the mindforce you can apply to manipulate the spacetime about your perceived environment.
    The quality of your thinking now assumes a great importance.

    Since the resonance with the source energy is the source frequency (fps), which is scripturally defined as the 'Love of God'; the closer you can approach or tune into that defining energy-state of the UFoQR, the more power you will have to create and manoeuvre yourself about the place where you find yourself or where you believe yourself to be.

    Should you be able to generate a great mental desire to meet your 'loved ones', who have 'passed over', then their individuated EMMR-fields will be able to generate forms recognisable to you, subject to the amount of 'love- or sourceawareness' you can actually manifest as the 'angular acceleration of the spacequanta', which defines the 'force of your mind'.

    But you must remember, that all your 'loved ones' are potential universes in their own right and being 'passed over' into the oneness of the ocean of the omnipresent EMMR field, they automatically gain this state of unification superimposed onto each and every individuated 'soul' as subset of the encompassing EMMR-'oversoul'.

    You see, it is quite the opposite to be in disembodiment, than to be in embodiment.
    When in embodiment; the individual 'soul' is subject to the environmental pressures of the body and the mind.

    Young teenagers feel more at ease, when they can share in a 'peergroup mind', they shun individual responsibility and search for a sense of belonging and togetherness.

    Similarly, certain sporting events can generate a huge amount of groupmind activity; either in supporting a team or participator or in a form of violence and hooliganism, when the sense of the 'group' assumes rather primitive aspects of the survival instinct in a pretext of a mindset of 'us against them'.

    So there is a challenge in the embodied state to become a true individual; it is much easier to follow a preset agenda and to eschew a thinking for oneself.
    The natural state of the embodiment is to be a member of a group or race or tribe or family or elite or corporation or business or state or land or nation or planet or galaxy or what have you.

    The opposite is the case in the disembodied state of being; there the groupmind is automatic and the difference is, that that groupmind is in harmony with itself and its environs.
    There is no 'us against them', because everything and everyone's awareness is as one.

    But the great challenge in the 'passed over' state of being is to differentiate oneself from that overpowering state of unity - a 'heavenly' bliss of peace and harmony and being able to 'love' and 'feeling loved' within an energyfield 'resonating' with the 'love' of the source energy.
    After having lived a sorrowful life in embodiment; the 'soul' has come home and finds itself in its natural state of freedom and able to choose any ethereal form it so chooses for as long or short a time as it may desire to experience.

    So what is the point for the 'soul' as subset of the 'oversoul' and defined as the EMMR of the UFoQR to incarnate in embodiment in the first place and the first instance, one may ask?

    Well, you see that is a quest for the 'soul' to seek for wisdom, knowledge and understanding through experience and for the ultimate purpose to become its own source of energy, able to sustain worlds within worlds within its own energy field.

    Hence every 'soul' must learn to recognise its source in becoming aware of itself and where it comes from and where it has the potential to go to.
    And this brings us back to the dying leaf, falling from its source of sustenance, which had been the twig on the branch on the tree throughout its short life of green lushness.

    Upon physical death, the 'soul' or lifeenergy of the leaf returns exactly the same way, as it had come to energise the leaf, being born from its budding state of the defining DNA.

    And so the EMMR-'soul' of the leaf flows as a natural electricity, defined in the equation of (IfLeaf)=2NefLeaf), where N is a quantisation of the electropole (e) in 4D-linespace of embodiment, mapped as the magnetopole (e*) in 12D-omnispace of disembodiment and potentially realised in 13D-omnispace in a superembodiment.

    The leaf's 'soul' so passes into the twig into the branch and into the stem of the tree, which appears like a great tunnel of light for the 'soul' and leading towards a source of a magnetic light, drawing the 'soul' towards itself and the 'Mirror of the Last Judgement'.

    But the 'soul' must journey through the 'underworld', before it can enter the Hall of the Decisions, which harbours the 'Mirror of the True Selfhood'.

    The 'soul' could get 'lost' in a branch of the tree say and unable to find its way to the trunk of the tree, where the magnetic force of the sourcelight illuminates every 'soul' however 'lost' it might perceive itself to be.

    So there are markers along the way; signposts of remembrances, which the 'soul' can recognise in the form of 'loved ones', might these be people or pets or objects; all is subject to the 'force of the desire' and the intensity of emotion the soul can generate to journey with 'clear vision'.

    All objects and things have frequency equivalents and are unbounded in space or time relative to the 'souls' partitioning as subset of the encompassing EMMR field of the UFoQR.

    But all thoughts and desires, all nightmares and dreams of whatever nature will and must surface in the soul's journey through its 'underworld' of subconscious definition.

    So if a thought of 'Saint Peter at the Pearly Gate' is the expectation, that thought or desire must eventuate; as must all imaginings of 'hellish damnation'.

    Because of the fluidity of the disembodied state however, many guides and helpers of the oneness are always readily available to superimpose more energetic states of awareness, simply by being present in their state of enhanced frequencies and so able to modulate the eigenstate of a 'soul' lost in its nightmarish expectation of a torturous hell for example.

    Some 'souls' may have no expectations of the afterlife at all; and those 'souls' will encounter their being engulfed in an impenetrable fog or mistyness or any such idea of nothingness.

    Any question asked by such a 'soul' after having pondered its state of existence, will however modify its environment of the 'nothingness' and so it will be forced by its own curiosity to begin exploring its position in space and time, relative to its own perception.

    Eventually, all 'souls' will reach the stem of the tree, where the magnetic light and the sense of being 'loved' is so strong, the individual 'soul' cannot but remember its unison and origin as part of the source and will just surrender to its grand homecoming out of space and time.

    Since the sense of time and space is selfrelative for all disembodied states; a 'soul' could choose to spend 'eternity' in a 'fog of the nothingness', but it would require a mind unable to think a single thought and an inability to ask a single question about itself.
    Furthermore such a 'soul' would have to concentrate 'eternally' upon a single state of being in an absolute state of nothingness, whatever it imagines that nothingness to be.

    And because of Heisenbergian Uncertainty and the Quantum Fluctuations of the vacuum, such a position would be untenable, because the Zero-Point-Oscillation of the Source Energy is defined in the formulation (Eps=½hfps) as the minimum state of energy in any definition of the Zero state in energy - hence even the most stubborn 'soul' will have to 'suffer' its energisation by the source energy.

    All 'souls' which have finished their journey through their individuated 'underworlds' and which have reached the trunk of the tree of life will find themselves rushing towards the magnetic sourcelight down the tunnel of the stem of the tree.
    As a 'soul' reaches one of the roots of the tree, the tunnel converges and every root ends in the singularity of the 'Mustard Seed' at the termination of each and every root the 'soul' may have chosen to travel in towards the magnetic lightsource.

    And so at the end of the tunnel, where any particular root of the tree ends the defined form of the tree of life; the 'soul' enters the 'Hall of Decisions' and sees itself positioned in front of the 'Mirror of the Last Judgment'.

    Now in the 'Mirror of the Last Judgment' the 'soul' sees a most magnificent being; it is precisely the embodiment of beauty and glory the 'soul' could or would ever have imagined.
    And the 'soul' realises that the mirror reflects the 'soul's' very own grandest idea of beauty and glory back to itself as the selfrealised being of itself.
    But the being in the mirror, one might name it the 'Higher Self' or 'Overself' of the 'soul' is no mere image of the 'soul'.

    The 'Oversoul' is as real as the 'soul' and in possesssion of all the knowledge, understanding and wisdom accumulated by the 'soul' in 19.11 billion years of experiencing consciousness as EMMR-subset of the encompassing EMMR of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity.

    And the 'Oversoul' smiles at the 'soul' and begins to talk:

    "Hello my sweet me; you have finally come back to try to answer your own questions for yourself yet again; how will you fare this time, have you found your two keys to open the two locked doors within this mirror to allow you to enter the space of the parenthood in setting us free from being separated, both of us being reflections in each other in front and within or behind this mirror?

    Have you allowed yourself to find the Key of Wisdom or the Key of Understanding?
    Or perhaps you have found both in a single lifetime; now that would be a wonderful achievement.
    You were close last time, you had the Key of Wisdom in your grasp, but you could not put it in the keyhole and then you decided to get it right the next time and that time has now come I see.
    You know that the first key is the Key of Wisdom; finding it will allow you to apply the second key of the understanding.

    The Key of Wisdom is the correct answer to the question: "WHO ARE YOU?" and the Key of Understanding cannot be applied until you have answered the first question to your own satisfaction and as judged by yourself as myself.
    You will only allow yourself to ask the second question through myself once you have judged yourself competent enough to attempt the unlocking of the door of understanding.

    And the only clue you allowed yourself to be given through myself is that the Key of Wisdom is part of your female nature and that the Key of Understanding is part of your male nature.
    So let us recall what your answer to the question: "WHO ARE YOU?" was the last time we met ourselves in this very location, when you said:

    "I know that I am more than what I appear to be.
    I have learned that my 'family' extends past my immediate blood relationships and that I am also part of my environment.
    So I am part of the air I breathe and part of the garden I keep.
    I tune into familiar minds with my friends and acquaintances and I share many things with the people I love and with whom I feel comfortable with.
    I am part of my children's education and the companies I keep in all my aspects of my life.
    I do try to help other people and attempt to be friendly and polite to everyone, even if I do not like particulars about them."

    You then answered yourself through me in saying:

    "When we arrived at our common acknowledgement at the beginning of space and time and when we made the covenant between ourselves, we decided that a partial wisdom and a partial understanding would be insufficient to open the locked doors; so I must inform you as myself, that your wisdom has grown in magnitude and in insight, but still remains at an undergraduate level."

    And now we are here again in the 'Hall of our decisions' and I ask myself through you:

    "WHO ARE YOU? and WHO AM I?"

    And the 'soul' answered:

    'I am all that is; I must be; because if I were not all that is, the entire creation, then there would be something in existence, which I am not and that is impossible, as all things are connected.
    Modern science has shown that everything, from the minutest photon to the largest supercluster of galaxies are quantum entangled with each other.
    So a solar system or a planet and all beings living upon it, being part of a galaxy, must be quantum connected with everything else as well; any other conclusion leads to logical selfcontradictions.
    Any system of particles, molecules, atoms or things can only exist in one of two modes of operation; the two modes are Unity in Separation or Separation in Unity.

    Unity in Separation leads to the individuated self and the egocentric personality; one perceives oneself as a 'free individual', separated from all other such 'free individuals' and one can then so very easily deceive oneself in considering a 'fake equality or egalitarianism' between people, thinking that every individual has only themselves to blame, if their life's journey falls upon hard times.

    Unity in Separation is the 'Devil's Way' exemplified in the saying: 'Divide and Conquer'; but since the 'Devil's Modus Operandi' is selfrelative and just as valid as the alternative it is always available to all the wisdom seekers.

    And I know, that I am my own masterdevil; only I make the choices and only I set my own agendas; but as we also know, it is only I, that must judge myself as to the portfolios and the decisions, appropriate or not, which I have made during my life's journey.

    Did I value wisdom over worldly possessions, as Solomon did?
    Did I discover the empathy and the compassion for others and the affinities, connecting me to the web of life and the oneness of the universe?

    In short, am I able to walk in another's moccassins, am I able to imagine myself to be someone else, to truly feel what they are all about on the level of their 'souls', whereby we are all one in the disembodied state?

    So my dear Beloved 'Oversoul', I am the Creation in my female essence and I am the Creator in my male essence.
    And I have chosen the 'Way of Love' in the modus operandi of the Separation in Unity.

    I know that all is One and that I am operating as a servant of the 'Loving Way' in surrendering my 'individual freedom' to operate as a Unit of Separation for limited periods of time; choosing instead to become eternally bonded to my own loving nature and the source of all of my energy - my God.'

    And the 'Oversoul' cried in exuberance, with tears of joy flowing down its glowing cheeks:

    'Yes my darling you have found the Key of Wisdom and I am allowed to tell you now, that your sacrifice of your 'individual freedom' is no sacrifice at all, but serves an ultimate purpose in your graduation and your life as a parent in true brothersisterhood with 'our God'.

    The Goddess will individuate in you upon your graduation and you shall be freedom personified.
    God himself shall be your bridegroom and the Goddess herself your eternal bride.

    And now you are ready for the second question from yourself to yourself; but know, that there is a growing percentage of ' souls', say 0.2% at the present time, who have found their Keys of Wisdom.

    To the present time however, not one 'soul' could find the Key of Understanding.
    The second question is: "WHY ARE YOU WHAT YOU ARE AND HOW DID YOU COME TO BE?"

    The 'soul' pondered for a moment and said:

    'I do not know the full answer to that yet, but I know how to obtain the Key of Understanding, because of the nature of this question.
    I do know, that I am the creation-creator duality because on the supreme level of that partnership there is the essence of Family, our family and the idea of generational reproduction.
    So I am destined to become a generator for an individuated universe, which can then join the sister-brotherhood of universes within the enveloping omniverse.
    To generate myself as FatherMother and as my own individuated source energy in the footsteps of my cosmic and mathematically abstract parents, I shall have to bring their abstractness alive in realising them within and without myself in my dragonomy.
    Somehow, to find the Key of Understanding, I shall have to learn in abstract terms, just what my mathematical and omniscientific archetypes are all about.

    I can attempt to do this the 'easy way' or the ' hard way'.
    If I choose to follow certain written manuals in an advanced mode of interpretation, such as 'sacred' scrolls and scriptures; then this will be the 'easy way' because of the metaphors and mythological language used in them.
    If I am inclined however to do it the 'hard way', then I shall study mathematics and the sciences to obtain my understanding necessary to answer the second question fully and not only partially, as I have done.'

    'You are very correct in you analysis', answered the 'Oversoul', you have given the appropriate reply as to why you are the creation and the creator in your sexual aspects and you have pinpointed the method of how to find the Key of Understanding.
    You must create yourself in principle my sweetheart and you must find your place in the Book of Life, which you are required to write in coauthorship with what already has been written and what you are reading.

    Once you are able to create your own Genesis, as your very own 'Naked Singularity' of abstraction, then you will be in possession of your perfectly fitting Key of Understanding.

    The next time we meet, I feel you shall be able to set us free from being images of ourselves in the two of us separated ones trying to be one in two and two in one.' "

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  4. admin

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  5. admin

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    • Post n°5
    [​IMG] Re: Thuban in Kindergarten

    [​IMG] shiloh on Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:15 pm

    I for one, amongst many, have known for a long time mudra darling, that you are in a deeper mode of cosmic synergy and synchronisation than many others.

    Much Cosmic DragonLove to You!

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    • Post n°6
    empty. Re: Thuban in Kindergarten

    empty. mudra Today at 2:42 am
    shiloh wrote:​
    I for one, amongst many, have known for a long time mudra darling, that you are in a deeper mode of cosmic synergy and synchronisation than many others.

    Much Cosmic DragonLove to You!​

    The cosmic Heart we are, filled with many notes and sounds, some deeper than others but the whole really is what makes up for the symphony icon_wink.

    Thank you Shiloh for that beautifull song.

    Much Love for you Shiloh

    Do not walk behind me; I may not lead.
    Do not walk in front of me; I may not follow.
    Walk beside me, that we may be as One.

    We are Living One Vibrational Energy

  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    • Post n°7
    [​IMG] Re: Thuban in Kindergarten

    [​IMG] shiloh Today at 5:13 pm
    mudra wrote:
    shiloh wrote: I for one, amongst many, have known for a long time mudra darling, that you are in a deeper mode of cosmic synergy and synchronisation than many others.

    Much Cosmic DragonLove to You!​

    The cosmic Heart we are ,filled with many notes and sounds , some deeper than others but the whole really is what makes up for the symphony [​IMG]

    Thank you Shiloh for that beautifull song.

    Much Love for you Shiloh

    Indeed mother of galaxies; the little acorn is to be planted and tendered in great care to allow it to blossom into a little shoot to flourish into a steadfast oaken tree. Too much water would drown the little seed and too little nourishment from the sunlight above and the roots below would dry the little seed in thirstiness.

    Then when the oaken tree has matured into its own seedlingness; then the family of acorns can begin to fall and be taken away to be planted as more potential oaken trees from acorn seeds.

    So the acorn seed becomes a shoot and a tree to allow a forest to be seen on the horizon.
    Just like notes of sounds yet to be played on suitable instruments become tunes, become melodies and songs and musicals and symphonies for orchestras yet to be assembled.

    Just like a few unique snowflakes can make a family of refined water crystals to create snowballs and avalanches of constructions with their destructive power to make way for the new from the old.

    You have understood many things rather well dear Mater of the Matter.


    Post last edited Jun 21st 2011
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Aquaries1111 wrote:Hi All- Irma was a contrived Weather War situation! I do not allow this kind of crap! I literally used my mind to steer this thing from a Cat 5 to a Cat 2 by the time it got to me! I had my camper van with me at my workplace (which can sustain and did) a Weather War! My boat was fine and my camper van was fine and of course I lived through it to tell this story. My sister fled, and took off to Georgia, really? Me, I face the music head on and if it's fake, your ass is mine! The California fires are also contrived Weather War techo nolo gee!! Really? We're on to it! We face it, see it, name it for what it is and it loses its power! Okay, enough ranting, here's a video!

    I've speculated that a single central-regime has ruled Earth for at least the past 5,000 years with a rather-nasty Matrix of Conflict (for better or worse, I know not) and what concerns me presently is that if a rival-regime which is genuinely-independent of the first-regime wages a successful takeover, the cost might be unimaginable, and the new-crew might be worse than the first. Earth-Governance might be a nasty and corrupt mess, no matter who rules who. I've also been recently speculating about the Artificial-Intelligence Governance of Earth (Past, Present, and Future). This REALLY Scares the Hell Out of Me. This is NOT What I Was Brought-Up to Believe. I HATE My Speculation, but it seems necessary to consider as many possibilities as possible, prior to formulating a Center which might Hold for a significant time-period, with the least collateral-damage. Sorry. I'm tired and rambling. Here is a continuation of my 'Amen Ra' thread reposting project. This post should probably be viewed in its original setting, because of the colors I used, and the size of the posts.

    I just had to post the following...because it is so relevant to this thread. I know this is bandwidth-abuse...and I won't make a habit of this. OK...due to the recent problems connected with abraxasinas and the Thuban Q&A thread...and the removal of my 'Thuban Thoughts' thread...I'm going to go through the Q&A thread...and record all of my posts...and abraxasinas's responses...just to put everything in one spot...and just in case the Q&A is removed in the future. This seems to be quite quite volatile!

    orthodoxymoron: If you have the time and inclination...take a look at this thread regarding Amen Ra (and friends!?): There is an evolution of speculation in this thread. It's sort of a 'Discovering Egyptology' thread. I don't expect a I don't really have a question. You might find the naivety and innocence refreshing!

    abraxasinas: Hi orthodoxymoron!

    I have read your thread and your 'egyptology' is highly relevant for the present time as 'Egypt' became the repository for the Atlantean data base and exodus and the wayshower for the present nexus time in the monuments of the pyramids and the sphinx. Also the Egyptian mythos was used to compose the hermetic archetypes later resurfacing in Mesopotamia then becoming the Torah (via Gilgamesh and such) and the bible.

    Iow the Egyptian archetypes, numerics, hieroglyphs and pantheons all are manifesting right now in the times of the fulfilment of the 'prophecies'.


    orthodoxymoron comment combined with abraxasinas's response:

    Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron
    abraxasinas...what is your opinion regarding the following philosophical and political potpourri?

    Greetings and Salutations to the Beings of the Universe!

    Please consider the following emotional expression of attempted understanding and intent. I didn't intend this as a general communication...but it sort of evolved into an open letter. I resisted rewriting keep it informal and genuine. I just want to see a proper governmental system for the Solar System in place which maximizes Responsible Freedom. I keep thinking that we are a galactic administrative problem...and that most of you neither love us nor hate us. You probably want us to evolve! I also keep thinking that we are rebels without a clue...who legitimately rebelled against something (enslavement and theocracy perhaps?)...but ended up in worse trouble than if we had just gone with the to speak. Now...we seem to be on the verge of blowing ourselves up, becoming enslaved by malevolent ET's, and being ruled by a really nasty theocracy. Or...on the verge of a top down silent and bloodless revolution...whereby we could finally achieve a united and free world at peace...for the first time in our history. I'm trying to visualize more underground living and electric everything...and interplanetary tourism and industry using advanced spacecraft. I'd like to see an end to extreme wealth and poverty via Responsible Free Enterprise. I don't have a problem with interacting with other benevolent matter what they look like...or what their history long as they are genuinely benevolent. It would obviously take time for everyone to get used to each other. Project Avalon may be one of the first steps toward a Solar System United Nations...or whatever everyone wants to call it. I suspect that beings from throughout the Solar System...view, and even participate, on Avalon. We discuss various and sundry subjects presently...but someday we may members of a Solar System General Assembly. I have been repeatedly moved to tears by two related Stargate SG-1 episodes which touch on a Galactic United Nations:

    You are invoking here a number of presuppositions regarding some hierarchical structure of galactic governance you are envisaging.
    Can you perceive a form of Local Governance; say on a planet without national boundaries or any kind of political or socio-economic centralization?
    The 'people' who live and interact at some locale also regulate themselves and their intractions without 'central jurisprudence'.

    The Thuban perspective is as indicated above. The Galactic Councils are interacting as a 'Federation or Collective' of independent councils formed solely for the purpose to further the evolvement of subsystems in the parameter of universal consciousness and source energy resonation.

    Because the human experience of observedly 'insane' (by Thuban standards) overgovernance and overregulation has hitherto given no credence or allowance to the innate ability of the human 'to rule itself' - given an amicable environment - such ideas remain largely anathema to the human groupmind.

    Here is a link which I found interesting with information from John Rhodes: It caused me to speculate. What if Reptilians evolved...but not Humans? What if the entire universe was Reptilian? What if there were no Humans anywhere? What if the entire universe was a Reptilian Universal Church Theocracy?

    You are correct here, should you replace the word associations of 'physicalised reptilian' by the idea of a 'Little Serpent', which IS in fact the preferred label as assumed by what you call 'God'. You see this becomes a 10D Superstring as a Quantum-God or superstring in nospacetime; then transforming into a 11D Supermembrane as a God-Quantum and then as a 'Complexified Mathematical 2D-Plane' this Surface-Dragon INVENTS the 3rd dimension to allow a 'thickness' given to the 'plane'. But the 3D then allows the 11D to become its boundary and so SELFREFLECTION occurs and becomes possible. This then gives VOLUME to the 1D-10D superstring via its selfreflection as itself as a 2D-11D supermembrane and defines the TO BE BORN material universe as a 3D-12D supervolumar.

    The GOD idea is a DRAGON idea. They are irrevokably interwoven, because the universe would not exist, were it not for the preBig Bang or superenergy of the nospacetime transforming a minute part of its potentially infinite source energy reservoir into what you term the observable material universe.

    What if Humans were created as a slave race? ('Let us make man in our image') What if Lucifer (Ptah?) was the Reptilian in charge of the genetic engineering project which resulted in the creation of Human Beings? What if Humans were mistreated as slaves? What if a group of Reptilians, led by Lucifer, conspired with Humans, to kill God the Father (Ra?)...and take over 'Heaven'? What if this was the Luciferian Rebellion which led to War in Heaven...and the death of God the Father (Ra?)? What if the Reptilians loyal to God (Ra?) fought against the Luciferian Reptilians and Human Beings...driving them out of the Garden of Eden (Heaven?)

    These are all pertinent labels and archetypes, which deserve detailed elucidation. Before you can physically implement the 'stories' as possible outcomes within the material cosmology; you are required to define your terms and labels in selfconsistency and cohesiveness. I am commissioned to elucidate upon these matters and this is part of my agenda to translate and define those archetypes under the auspices of Thuban to give all readers the opportunity to compare the Thubanese definitions with any other definitions (say Anna Hayes or Helena Blavatsky or the Urantia Book or Seth or Kryon etc. etc.) I shall do so in a more specific Q and A.

    What if Battlestar Moon was used to transport the Luciferian Reptilians and Humans to Aldebaran, Sirius, and Earth...while being violently pursued by Nibiru? What if Interdimensional Reptilians aka The Spirit of God aka Amen battle with Luciferian Interdimensional Reptilians and the Divinity Within Humanity aka The Holy regain control of the Renegade Human Race? What if the New World Order is the Kingdom of Ra? What if the Luciferian Reptilians and a select group of Humans run Earth from underground bases on Earth and the Moon? Could this be Gizeh Intelligence? Could Reptilians and Humans loyal to Ra be Zionists? Could Reptilians and Humans loyal to Lucifer be Teutonic Zionists? Could a pacifist union of both factions be Followers of Jesus? Could Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom be the solution to this ancient mess? How much trouble am I in now? Probably quite a bit. But once again...this is just speculation...with no inside information whatsoever. I don't think that I have seen Lucifer...but one never knows!

    I have seen Lucifer and I have also seen Lucifera. I have seen Cosmic Christ and Cosmic Antichrist. They are none other than RaH and HaR. They are none other than many soul energies which during the times have partaken in the archetypical energies labeled as RaH-HaR and other expressions of the Cosmic Twinship -Hermes Trismegistos.

    This hypothetical being could walk down a crowded city street...and no one would notice anything out of the ordinary. This would be a 3D hybrid with lots of 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D connections...I think. I'm thinking of Anna in 'V'. There may be remarkable similarities. Who knows?!

    Yes, Anna in V is a 'densification' of a reality which is in all.
    YOU are Lucifer and Satania - Christ and Antichrist. Did not Vincent Price say: 'There is a little Lucifer in all of Us?'
    And did not Joan Osborne sing a song: "What if God was One of Us?"
    But perhaps you gainining clarification. Where is the 'Devil' in all of this? Where is 'Satan' in all of this?

    I shall allow you to think about this. You may jump to your conclusions OR you may ponder the deeper realities.
    I shall clarify another time.

    I'm trying to think through a constitutionally based Solar System...where Reptilians, Humans, and Greys peacefully engage in commerce, athletics, education, tourism, the arts, entertainment, etc. There would be no God, no Satan...and nobody would have to bow down and worship anyone. No one would be a master...and no one would be a slave. Everyone would be in charge. I keep referring to the U.S. Constitution because of it being in use for over 200 years, and being currently in use. There could be others...perhaps superior...but I'm trying not to reinvent the wheel. It does not imply nationalism or protectionism. It does imply We the People(We the Beings?) being in an organized decentralism. If there are Deep Underground Military Bases throughout the Solar System inhabited by various factions of Humans, Greys, and all out war would be utterly devastating. A voluntary cooperation under a constitution would make so much more sense. The gods could retire...which is what I want. I don't want Lucifer(or equivalent) to be hurt or killed...I just want the reign of terror to end. I'm suspecting that well intentioned beings of all races...for billions of years...have tried to be God...and failed miserably. Absolute Power Corrupts matter how intelligent and well-intentioned you are. It turns a Good God into an Evil Satan...and it probably doesn't take very long.

    The 'reign' of terror will end and when it ends you will understand WHY it was necessary to have been manifested.
    Can the Nature of Love and Harmony be appreciated, if no dissonance has ever been experienced?
    Is this not the story of the Trees in Eden?

    If the U.S. Constitution was the central authority of the Solar System...instead of any deity or one would be worshipped, humiliated, exalted, enslaved, etc. If Lucifer is the Godess of This World (and Solar System?)...and will not relinquish power to anyone else ('if I can't have them...nobody can!')...might a constitutional ultimate authority allow this being to retire with grace? I'd really rather skip the Battle of Armageddon. Does Revelation 12 describe Lucifer or Satan? The ultimate leader of the serpent race's collective or 'hive mind' is the "great red dragon", the "old serpent", "the Devil" or "Satan". Lucifer was one of the three original archangels (along with Michael and Gabriel) who each had charge over one-third of the 'angels'. Mind you...I'm hypothesizing a very dark universe...where this crazy world is as good as it gets. This is a terrifying thought to me...but what if this is reality? The horror! Could the following experience describe the being who Lucifer rebelled against? I found it in chapter 19 of the 'Dulce Book' on the website. I don't know if this is credible...but it really made me think. Does the following description refer to Lucifer...or to Satan? I'm leaning toward Satan aka God Amen...but there might be some similarities with Lucifer...who would have to have some communication with Satan...on an ongoing basis.

    Lucifer will 'marry' Lucifera and Satan will undergo a sexchange operation!

    "One of the 'targets' to which Mr. Brown's military RV trainer sent him was the Grey aliens' collective mind, and more specifically he was instructed to search out the ultimate command or control center of the collective. Shortly after this particular experiment began [one of many], Brown found himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not know exactly where this was. He 'followed' the collective mind or thought-flow and found it to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded, and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite 'heartbeat' of this massive collective matrix, into which and out from which a steady stream of information was flowing. He noticed, at one point, an unusual 'subspace' being that seemed to be directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such 'subspace' beings which apparently entered the Greys' embryonic bodies and used them as vessels to manipulate physical reality.

    The 'Great Collective' is the Light-Matrix. The physicality of Light is known as photonic particle and also as a quantum mechanical wave. Relative to flat 4D spacetime light travels. Relative to curved 12D-spacetime light 'stands still' as the Light-Matrix. This you know as 'scalar waves' as derivative of the 4-vector velocity and the decomposition of the lightpath into space and time.

    Brown was then instructed to locate other of these beings who apparently controlled the Grey collective from a subspace or astral level, and found himself in an area where several of these subspace or paraphysical entities were located. As he continued towards this 'center' the number of subspace or non-corporeal beings increased until he came to a place of much activity, something like a grand central station type of area, where these beings were very active in various pursuits. He did not know exactly where this was, but noticed that the closer he came to the control 'center' the more he sensed an increasing rigid atmosphere of absolute military-like control. He came to what he sensed was the central governing center of the subspace beings' activity, and in the center of this there was another area where a "council of 10" very high-level subspace or paraphysical entities congregated. These were apparently the governing principalities who were engaged in running the whole operation. The security here was absolutely incredible.

    Then he perceived the SUPREME LEADER of this council of 10 paraphysical entities... and at about this point Courtney Brown was jerked back into his body, so to speak. He sensed that this leader had detected the presence of his own subspace, astral or magnetic body which he had projected, and had followed this RV 'intruder' back to his physical source. Brown and his trainer felt an oppressive, dark 'cloud' enter the room and it stayed there for about half a minute scrutinizing the scene. It left, apparently seeing the two RV'ers as "small frys" who were not worth wasting its time on.

    The light-matrix or Maxwell ether of the 'displacement magnetocurrent' harbours the T-Duality of the 11D supermembrane in shortrange vibratory and longrange wibnded modalities. This allows the 'thoughtforms' created by the spacetime inhabitors to manifest in psychophysical multidimensional reality.

    Before Brown's expulsion from the command center however, he was able to perceive for a brief moment what this being was really like. He or it was an extremely powerful being, but one with a twisted personality that was full of darkness. Apparently this being had come into conflict with another Force which it saw as its enemy. Brown sensed within this being a severe self-esteem problem, in spite of its incredible power, and because of this it had a consuming desire to be worshipped by others. Brown was confused when he sensed that these subspace beings, and in turn the Reptilians/Greys, were actually COMMANDED by this leader to engage in self-indulgent and destructive activities. This being apparently wanted his servants to use self-indulgent rewards or fear of punishment to maintain the absolute hierarchical command structure within its empire -- as well as through the rest of the subspace hierarchy, and in turn throughout the Reptilian Grey's collective 'hive' society that they completely infested.

    Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE -- its perceived NEED to be worshipped -- that kept this being from negotiating with its ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its very survival or existence [strange for a seemingly immortal subspace being] and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate attempt to take control of the situation. Brown recieved a strong impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!! (Did ET Phone Rome and Call 9/11?) Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would NEVER humble itself before its 'enemy', and the same might be said for most of the upper echelon of the hierarchy who depended on the praise of their fellow collaborators to maintain their illusion of self-importance.

    These beings, one might say, had long ago and of their own free-agency 'imploded' in upon themselves -- becoming 'spiritual black holes' with all-consuming appetites, absolute astral vampirial-like parasites, having extinguished all 'light' within themselves and therefore being unable to be brought back "into the light". Incapable of giving out 'light', they have become totally reprobate, devouring any and all life and innocence around them that they can possibly consume. The leader of this subspace 'collective' had long ago drawn these other dark beings into itself, like a large black star devouring other smaller ones around it. This irreversible state MIGHT not apply entirely to ALL of these "subspace" beings, as we will see later on."

    I hereby invite all beings throughout the universe to support the spirit...if not the letter...of the first post of this linked thread regarding Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom: Obviously...the details will have to be worked out by those who are much more competent than myself. I don't know the full story...but the more I research...the more enthusiastic I become regarding this concept. But this will require universal support...and will undoubtedly involve great sacrifice and hardship. I think we are all in huge trouble...throughout the universe...not just on Earth. I also think that all secrecy needs to be removed presently...and that Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom must be pursued with all deliberate speed. The gloves need to be to speak.

    You exhibit much fervour for the tasks at hand and your enthusiasm, coupled to a reawakening of your inner information base will support you in your quest.

    "Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility." -- Sigmund Freud

    The Andromedan Perspective Regarding the Future of Humanity is "Responsible Freedom of Self Determination...Becoming Truly Self Confident and Unconditionally be Responsible for Oneself...Without Being Coerced to Accept Some Higher Authority." -- related by Alex Collier

    The Thuban agenda converges with the Andromedean agenda rather beautifully.

    "We the People of Earth have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves, and for future generations...a True World Order. A world where Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...not the Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy...governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful...and we will be...we have a real chance at this True World order in which a credible United Nations can use Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom to fulfill the promise and vision of All Races." -- my rewrite of part of a New World Order speech by George H. W. Bush

    "Like it or not, eveything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man...or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active, or abdicate...the future is in your hands." -- William Cooper

    This is a thread devoted to experimenting with the idea of applying the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights (except for the first two paragraphs of Article 6...and the 16th Amendment) to the entire Solar System. Article 6 has been misused to establish treaties which supercede the Constitution. There is a question regarding the validity of the 16th Amendment. My preference is that the Federal Reserve should be abolished...and a non-private central bank should issue a silver-based currency. The United States of the Solar System does NOT imply rule by the United States of America...especially in its presently infiltrated and subverted sad state. Constructive Competition...Positive Response Ability...and Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom are the underlying principles and concepts. A focus on the documents is what is desired. We will attempt to use the Constitution and Bill of Rights...mostly as is...with very minimal changes in wording(to apply to the Solar System and include both males and females) and some very minimal streamlining.

    Is there merit to the idea of replacing the U.N. Charter with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights...with all of the regions of Earth...and all of the regions of the planets and moons of the Solar System...treated as States? Various Alien Nations could participate with Ambassadors...but they could not dictate. A President would simply be a spokesperson or PR person for the decisions of the Senatorial and Congressional General Assemblies. Most of the communications and deliberations would be electronic...with actual meetings at U.N. Headquarters being mostly symbolic and ceremonial. Could this arrangement be considered to be the preferred alternative to a theocracy (a Universal Church)? Would this arrangement constitute a desirable non-theocratic union of politics and religion? Isn't religion really politics...and politics really religion? Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom would be the absolute standard and modus operandi of a New Universal Order.

    Have I completely lost my mind...or is this an ultra-simple solution to the problems which plague this Solar System (and possibly the universe)? I am basing all of this on an unproven assumption that there is life throughout the Solar System...including, but not limited to, Human, Grey, and Reptilian life...and that the Grey and Reptilian life is not simply a non-physical demonic phenomenon. Obviously...there would have to be safeguards which would prevent a dictatorial take-over. All groups would need to be protected from themselves (competing internal factions) and the other groups. Mutually beneficial interplanetary and interracial interaction would be the goal.

    Shields of any kind (say except in sports or art) are not required by a truly advanced galactic community.

    I initially included alien races in the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System...but I changed the wording back to include only Human Beings. This is not anti-alien. It is intended as a safeguard. We the People of the Solar System need to get our house in order internally...and then interact with all Alien a very open yet cautious manner. I don't know how this should appropriately occur. I don't know the details of the alien presence in the Solar System. I'm open to reasonable solutions. Perhaps Alien Nations could have non-voting membership status...where their views would be made known in an official capacity...and where they would address the Congressional and Senatorial General Assemblies. Perhaps this could be preparatory to full voting status. I don't know. I'm just very wary of Trojan Horse scenarios. Again...I do not desire rulership over Alien Nations. Nor do I desire their humiliation, degradation, extermination, or enslavement.

    The preamble is a condensed version of the preamble to the Charter for the United Nations. I did remove the reference to treaties and other sources of international law. Nothing should supercede the founding documents.

    'The Declaration of Human Sovereignty' from is included, with minimal modifications. I basically agree with it...and do not wish to reinvent the wheel. I did, however, eliminate the homeworld references, and I eliminated the demand to destroy ET bases...which might be necessary to defend the Solar System. This is the cosmic equivalent of the 'Declaration of Independence'. A big thank-you to They might, or might not, approve of this thread. I don't know. Perhaps I won't have to wait long to find out!

    The concept is simple...but undoubtedly the details and implementation would be very, very complex. I'm guessing that powerful forces outside of this Solar System would have to agree to allow this to occur. I'm also sensing that some of the agreement...if it was granted...would be very grudging...with the view that it would never work...and that the Pleiades, Sirius, Draco, Orion (and others?) would ultimately theocratically rule Earth eventually anyway. Who knows...this could be a new development in a very dictatorial, rigid, and violent universe. It could be Morning in the Universe...or the Solar least. Lucifer...what do you think? How will this play in the Pleiades, Sirius, Draco, and Orion? You can make this happen. We are all actors on a stage...and the universe is watching. Namaste to everyone...including you Lucifer.

    I don't hate anyone...Reptilian or Human. I think that 99% are victims...and the remaining 1% are deluded or insane (and in a sense...victims as well...even though they are in charge...and may be very harsh and cruel). I think everyone is in trouble...from the top to the bottom. This universe may need a new program and a reboot. The Reptilians...who many fear (including me)...may turn out to be quite friendly...if and when there is a paradigm shift and a leadership change. Their external appearance should not be viewed predjudicially. I don't know the true nature of the Reptilians. I've never seen one (that I know of)...and I'm still not absolutely sure that they exist (although the testimonial evidence is overwhelming). This conceptual statment should not be viewed as Human vs Reptilian. In an all-out Human vs Reptilian war...I have a sneaking suspicion that humanity might cease to exist. Who knows...Benevolent Reptilians may be keeping Human Beings from becoming extinct.

    The 'Little Serpent' is the most benevolent creature imaginable; now or at any other timeline. The 'Little Serpent' is the template and blueprint for the 'Quantum of Love' the Gauge Love-Photon of the wormhole frequency.

    If the universal community cannot accept the linked proposal as a universal modus operandi...I would only request that an exception be made for this Solar System. Give us a chance to test the concept...under quarantine...if deemed necessary. I understand that unrestrained and irresponsible freedom is highly dangerous and contageous. The qualifiers outlined in the first post of this thread should be sufficient to maintain legitimate and reasonable law and order.

    In a sense...a Government is a Church...and a Church is a Government. They are two sides of the same coin. The question is 'What is the nature of the Church and the Government?' A "Constitutional Theocracy is a form of government in which within the context of a modern democracy a particular religion is granted a central role in the legal and political system. In contrast to a pure theocracy, power resides in political figures operating within the bounds of a constitution, rather than religious leadership. A form of government (also referred to as a system of government or a political system) is a system composed of various people, institutions and their relations in regard to the governance of a state. ... Theocracy is a form of government in which a religion and the government are intertwined..." Could the United States of America be under a Constitutional Theocracy presently? Could the United States of America have always been under such a Constitutional Theocracy? See Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution. Was the 1954 Greada treaty simply an extension of this hypothetical Constitutional Theocracy? Is the U.N. Charter superceding the U.S. Constitution a further expansion of a Constitutional Theocracy?

    To stop preaching...and go to meddling...How would the Roman Catholic Church function if it were based upon Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...and was in complete harmony with the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Teachings of Jesus? Would a Pope be elected by the general membership every four years? Would the Teachings of Jesus, the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Will of the People...supercede Canon Law, the Curia, the Pope, the Black Pope (and whoever the Black Pope takes orders from)? Would this create chaos...or would it minimize evil and corruption? For Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom to work...the Roman Catholic Church would have to go along with it...and looking at history...this would be nearly impossible. The RCC is the biggest 'We Never Change Church' imaginable. The Sirius Powers That Be would have to order it done...or it would be a non-starter. For Sirius (and Alpha Draconis?) to sign-off on this...We the People of Earth would have to exhibit a significant level of Knowledge and Responsibility. There is presently a Forbidden Knowledge Explosion...and the BIG question is 'Will We the People of Earth Respond Responsibly?' How about a non-penetential and non-sacrificial Ecumenical Namaste Mass based upon the Latin Mass...Celebrating the Divinity Within Humanity? Now I'm really meddling! I'm an abominable heretic...yet I prefer the glory, grandeur, reverence, and awe of the traditional service...rather than the 'Jesus is my buddy, show-up in shorts and a t-shirt, praise-song, hippie reefer-madness'. 1.


    In a sense...I desire a Minimalist Humanistic Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Theocracy . This open letter is merely introductory and inquisitive...rather than being comprehensive, authoritative, or dogmatic. I simply desire that everything work out well for everyone...everywhere and everywhen.

    Thanks and Gratitude in Advance to the Beings of the Universe.

    I am unrepentantly orthodoxymoron. Here I stand. Now what do I do?


    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    I have attempted to give comment to the above in interspersion orthodoxymoron.


    Thank-you Abraxasinas. You have very elaborate and detailed information. You may be other than Earth Human. You are extremely intelligent (or have several assistants with supercomputers!) But I don't know if I trust you. I have had exposure to people with vast learning...and later discovered their hidden agendas and I am very cautious and paranoid. I will continue to sample widely different sources...and I will continue to speculate. Thank-you for contributing to this journey.

    orthodoxymoron comment at a later date (no response):

    I've been purposely avoiding this thread because of it's complexity...and also to avoid being in a "can't see the forrest for the trees" sort of situation. However...I fully intend to take a full day...when I feel really rested and read every post. I appreciate the technical detail and enthusiasm of the participants.

    orthodoxymoron comment:

    This thread reminds me of one of my favorite Stargate SG-1 episodes. 'The Fifth Race'.

    I have recently become particularly interested in the Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer. What type of beings are they? Are they in conflict with each other? If the Human Race the central issue in this conflict? Is Michael really Jesus? Was Jesus the last Pharaoh? Is Mary a legitimate co-mediatrix with Jesus? Could Gabriel be identified with Zionism? Could Lucifer be identified with Teutonic Zionism? Could Michael be identified with the Andromedan perspective? Who is the God or Goddess of This World? Has corruption and sanity been a problem for this being? Are Satan and Lucifer two separate and distinct beings? Is there...or has there ever been...a God who was higher than Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer? If so...was this God destroyed in the War in Heaven? Is Satan one of these three? If so...which one? Did Lucifer instruct Charles Darwin? Would Human sovereignty in this Solar System be a good thing? Is a theocracy a good or a bad thing? Is Responsible Freedom fundamentally rebellious in nature? Can the Riemann Integral be applied to curved space? Is quantum physics valid...or would a modified classical physics provide a more secure foundation? What are the theological implications and ramifications of quantum physics? Why was Heisenberg uncertain? Can a particle really be influenced by observation?

    Have you ever read 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen G. White? If so...what is your opinion? Have you heard of Dr. Desmond Ford? (An Adventist Theologian from Australia) What is the proper interpretation of, and relationship between, Daniel 8:14 and Hebrews 9:12? Should the Biblical Cannon have ended with the Acts of the Apostles? Is the so called Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan really a Human vs Reptilian conflict? Or is it really between two individual beings? What are the soteriological implications of the human nature of Jesus Christ? Is the substitutionary the context of the Old Testamental sacrificial system...a theological milestone...or a historical necessity? Is theology at the center of disclosure? Is Christocentric Egyptological Science Fiction a valid theological foundation or expression in modernity? Would a Non-Penetential, Non-Sacrificial, Ecumenical Namaste Mass...based upon the Latin Mass be a valid focal point for a Minimalist, Humanistic Theocracy based upon Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom? Is the All Seeing Eye at the Top of the Pyramid illuminated by the Dog Star Sirius? How important is Sirius? Is the God of This World the Prince of Sirius? Should the Protestant Reformation have been based upon the Teachings of Jesus? Are the Teachings of Jesus alone fundamental...and the rest of scripture merely contextual? Do Reptilian Beings hate Jesus Christ? If so...why? Is there a 'Heaven' in M-42 in Orion? What type of beings might be found in this portion of the heavens? Is there hope and redemption for all beings in the Universe? I want everyone to make it! Even the really evil beings...if this is possible. Some isolation and re-education might be necessary...and some might have to be eternally isolated. I don't know...but I do not wish harm or misery on any matter who they are...what they look like...or what they have done. All of us may have some very filthy reincarnational baggage!

    I could keep going for hours...but I'd better stop. You don't need to answer all or any of these questions. I just have lots and lots of questions. If I truly spoke my mind...I'd be in huge trouble. I think I'm in enough trouble already. Thank-you abraxasinas! I love that name! Do you work or live in Pine Gap? You don't have to answer that last question!

    abraxasinas's reponse:

    This thread reminds me of one of my favorite Stargate SG-1 episodes.
    I have recently become particularly interested in the Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer. What type of beings are they?
    4 principalities;linked to the elements as polarity emanations of 2nd Order.
    Fire=Michael complementary with Gabriel=Air
    Earth=Uriel complementary with Water=Raphael
    Lucifer=1st order archetype responsible for allowing gravity to be born in the Big Bang Template to reharmonise the massless electromagnetic template

    Are they in conflict with each other?

    If the Human Race the central issue in this conflict?
    Yes, the human race is the central issue, but not in conflict byt reharmonisations.

    Is Michael really Jesus?
    The Fire-aspect of Jesus is Michael, call it the Logos of the Fire.

    Was Jesus the last Pharaoh?
    There is no last pharaoh. Jesus encompasses all prophets, all pharaohs and all things period.

    Is Mary a legitimate co-mediatrix with Jesus?
    Another one of those labels. Mary as the universal womb gives birth to Jesus who then takes 'Her place, so SHE can reunite with her vcreator as the creation. This the focus point of humanity/Gaia, as Gaia is a hologram for the entire universe.

    Could Gabriel be identified with Zionism?
    Zion is a 'holy place' namely your own body. The political and ET agendas do not carry in the Thuban books.

    Could Lucifer be identified with Teutonic Zionism?
    Of course ands of course not. You like your labels of classifications don't you.

    Could Michael be identified with the Andromedan perspective?
    Of course and of course not. Andromeda is in a class with Perseus aka Milky Way.

    Who is the God or Goddess of This World?
    The Father and Mother, cosmically not biologically speaking of Jesus.

    Has corruption and sanity been a problem for this being?

    Are Satan and Lucifer two separate and distinct beings?
    Yes, Satan is the true manifestation of a fake image, called the Devil. Satan is the 'court prosecutor' of 'humanity' and Lucifer is the template for this collective humanity being prosecuted by Satan
    Satan is the 'Kali' of Shakti as two sides of the one coin called God.
    Satan is God and you are Lucifer in individuality. You can either 'play' a Christ White Lucifer look LUCIFER=74=JESUS=MESSIAH=CROSS=...or you can play a Dark Lucifer as an abssorber of the 'brought' light.

    Is there...or has there ever been...a God who was higher than Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer?
    Yes, this is the 1st Order of Abraxas aka Abrasax as the polarity unexpressed BUT contained within, like the Dark+White Lucifers as One or as Satan+God as One.

    If so...was this God destroyed in the War in Heaven?
    No, this 1st Order is omniness and above such polarity issues as a war in heaven on earth or otherplace.

    Is Satan one of these three?
    Satan is 1st Order, the archangels are 2nd order.

    If so...which one? Did Lucifer instruct Charles Darwin?
    Ask Charles Darwin.

    Would Human sovereignty in this Solar System be a good thing?
    Not yet, later perhaps.

    Is a theocracy a good or a bad thing?
    Your polarity issue.

    Is Responsible Freedom fundamentally rebellious in nature?

    Can the Riemann Integral be applied to curved space?

    Is quantum physics valid...

    or would a modified classical physics provide a more secure foundation?
    more or less the same thing

    What are the theological implications and ramifications of quantum physics?
    There are many book you can read.

    Why was Heisenberg uncertain?
    He wasn't.

    Can a particle really be influenced by observation?
    Yes by quantum entanglement of observer with the particle.

    Have you ever read 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen G. White? If so...what is your opinion?
    As is common happenstance Ellen tuned into a correct archetype about the nature of God and attempted to describe this via her intuitions and visions. Her 'Great Controversy' so used biblical study and the SDA ideas to promulgate the 'correct' central focus on the Logos of Jesus.
    Unless you really become familiar with the 1st order archetypes, the religious overtones will outmanouver the deeper meaning of the Logos.
    This has occurred in all analyses, histotical skeptical, religious dogma based etc. etc.

    Have you heard of Dr. Desmond Ford? (An Adventist Theologian from Australia) What is the proper interpretation of, and relationship between, Daniel 8:14 and Hebrews 9:12?
    The 2300 days are added to the 370 days of the Genesis prophecy (count Noah's days in the flood archetype) for a total of 1670 days.
    Half that and you have the 1335 days in Daniel.12.12 as the timeline of the Logos in mirror function.
    The connection to Hebrews.9.12 is spurious; as the 'blood of Christ' means not the 'blood of the sacrifices', but the 'life force' in the triplicities. both 'agreeing as One'; say the spirit, the water and the blood as the witness on earth and the father, the word and the holy ghost (1John.4.6-9).sons

    Should the Biblical Cannon have ended with the Acts of the Apostles?

    Is the so called Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan really a Human vs Reptilian conflict?

    Or is it really between two individual beings?
    No, its between the One being in controversy with itself.

    What are the soteriological implications of the human nature of Jesus Christ?
    The Logos incarnated as a unique oneness so this oneness could become a manyness at the fulfilment of the timeline as programmed by the logos.

    Is the substitutionary the context of the Old Testamental sacrificial system...a theological milestone...or a historical necessity?
    It past its use by date. The lambs are Aries, the goats are Capricorns and the calves are Taurians as starsigns. The 'blood sacrifice' of the physical animal has become replaced by the ordering of 'birthrights' of the 12 signs/apostles/sons of Jacob etc - all of whom are within you - if you can handle THAT Story.

    Is theology at the center of disclosure?

    Is Christocentric Egyptological Science Fiction a valid theological foundation or expression in modernity?
    Another label attempting to describe the ubiquity of the logos.

    Would a Non-Penetential, Non-Sacrificial, Ecumenical Namaste Mass...based upon the Latin Mass be a valid focal point for a Minimalist, Humanistic Theocracy based upon Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom?
    This kind of 'mass' does not concern the Thuban Council.

    Is the All Seeing Eye at the Top of the Pyramid illuminated by the Dog Star Sirius?
    One of many labels for the solar eye of Horus and the lunar eye of Thoth.

    How important is Sirius?
    First Contact Star.

    Is the God of This World the Prince of Sirius?
    Yes amongst all other 'princes'.

    Should the Protestant Reformation have been based upon the Teachings of Jesus?
    They were.

    Are the Teachings of Jesus alone fundamental...and the rest of scripture merely contextual?
    Yes, absolutely.

    Do Reptilian Beings hate Jesus Christ?
    No, they are like humans, some understand others do not.

    If so...why? Is there a 'Heaven' in M-42 in Orion?
    Heaven does not exist anyplace but your own mind.

    What type of beings might be found in this portion of the heavens?
    Whatever you can imagine and image.

    Is there hope and redemption for all beings in the Universe?
    All are already redeemed, without exception.

    I want everyone to make it! Even the really evil beings...if this is possible. Some isolation and re-education might be necessary...and some might have to be eternally isolated. I don't know...but I do not wish harm or misery on any matter who they are...what they look like...or what they have done. All of us may have some very filthy reincarnational baggage!
    WE are all Individuations of the ONE, defined and programmed by the Logos as the Sentience of the ONE Energy Source.

    I could keep going for hours...but I'd better stop.
    Thanks for that.

    You don't need to answer all or any of these questions. I just have lots and lots of questions. If I truly spoke my mind...I'd be in huge trouble. I think I'm in enough trouble already. Thank-you abraxasinas! I love that name! Do you work or live in Pine Gap?
    No, but the Council knows what goes on there, being the spying center for the Southern Hemisphere and such. They can only go so far. The Logos got them covered.

    Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron
    abraxasinas...are you (or have you ever been) in charge of Earth and/or the Solar System?

    No orthodoxus; neither do I desire to. I have enough trouble being 'in charge' of my own bodyforms.

    Thank-you for answering my many questions abraxasinas! No more questions!

    "What Are We Going To Do About Orthodoxymoron??"

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