Thuban and Camelot Forum

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



    #33321 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chiny, chin, chin. Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your goddamn house in."--Jack Torrance

    Thuban, I understand that you have your own forum. Great, nice, wonderful. I bet its really warm and cozy there. I'd like to join. And I bet others on here would as well, but if not I'm comfortable going alone. Camelot allowed Thubans to freely post here, extend the same consideration. I will join as SpaceCowboy not under any other name.

    Now I don't know any of you, so I don't know who the head shit is over there, and don't care who it is, but I doubt whomever runs that forum would see any value in being here at PC since they have their own cave, and they'd never see this post. Deliver this message to your dragon.

    LET ME / US IN.

    And if its as easy to join as it is at PC, please post a link to the membership sign up so I don't have to waste my time looking for it. Just copy and paste...I know you know how to do that.

    And a few conditions.

    1. I'm free to copy and paste from your forum onto PC.
    2. You can't ban me for a week.
    3. You have to provide a place where I can bake.

    Thanks I look forward to joining the Thuban forum.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33332 April 1st, 2011
    Tangy wrote:

    Heck SC, I can't believe WE let you in, LOL. But mmm-mmm, you do make some tasty pies.

    Yeah, I might also like to see the Dragon Cave too, you know, close up and personal-like, with a username and everything just like regular folks. Wow, it's probably cooler than the Bat Cave, even.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33336 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Ok Tangent, its you and me. Lets see if Thuban will let us in.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33337 April 1st, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chiny, chin, chin. Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your goddamn house in."--Jack Torrance

    Thuban, I understand that you have your own forum. Great, nice, wonderful. I bet its really warm and cozy there. I'd like to join. And I bet others on here would as well, but if not I'm comfortable going alone. Camelot allowed Thubans to freely post here, extend the same consideration. I will join as SpaceCowboy not under any other name.

    Now I don't know any of you, so I don't know who the head shit is over there, and don't care who it is, but I doubt whomever runs that forum would see any value in being here at PC since they have their own cave, and they'd never see this post. Deliver this message to your dragon.

    LET ME / US IN.

    And if its as easy to join as it is at PC, please post a link to the membership sign up so I don't have to waste my time looking for it. Just copy and paste...I know you know how to do that.

    And a few conditions.

    1. I'm free to copy and paste from your forum onto PC.
    2. You can't ban me for a week.
    3. You have to provide a place where I can bake.

    Thanks I look forward to joining the Thuban forum.

    The last thing on Earth I would want to to is "JOIN".

    Re: THUBAN

    #33338 April 1st, 2011
    kamicad wrote:

    I think I have made myself clear that I do not think anybody should be fighting. Now having said that I think it is only fair for spacecowboy to be able to post on the thuban forum. Wherever it is. If the thubans were given the explicit right to post at these forums the same curtisy should be given to spacecowboy and anyone else who wants to. I may not agree with what he says when he gets there lol. As I am the peace peace guy lol. But I agree with his right to join the thuban forums. Just think of it as an ambassador exchange or if you prefer a prisoner exchange lol.................PEACE

    Re: THUBAN

    #33349 April 1st, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chiny, chin, chin. Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your goddamn house in."--Jack Torrance

    Thuban, I understand that you have your own forum. Great, nice, wonderful. I bet its really warm and cozy there. I'd like to join. And I bet others on here would as well, but if not I'm comfortable going alone. Camelot allowed Thubans to freely post here, extend the same consideration. I will join as SpaceCowboy not under any other name.

    Now I don't know any of you, so I don't know who the head shit is over there, and don't care who it is, but I doubt whomever runs that forum would see any value in being here at PC since they have their own cave, and they'd never see this post. Deliver this message to your dragon.

    LET ME / US IN.

    And if its as easy to join as it is at PC, please post a link to the membership sign up so I don't have to waste my time looking for it. Just copy and paste...I know you know how to do that.

    And a few conditions.

    1. I'm free to copy and paste from your forum onto PC.
    2. You can't ban me for a week.
    3. You have to provide a place where I can bake.

    Thanks I look forward to joining the Thuban forum.

    Dear SpaceCowboy and to all whom it may concern!

    There are no restrictions on for any member of the public joining or reading the forums.
    The forum above is a premium site without advertisings and carries a certain functionality regarding the interaction of its members.

    This forum is however mainly an archive of data assimilation from the Thuban PTB FOR the general public, that is everyone and so is not as interactive as say facebook, twitter and the Avalon and Camelot forums engaging in 'chit-chats' as is evident here on the Camelot forum and also on Avalon 2.

    One of the reasons the spruz platform became engaged is its accomodation of advanced browser functions with respect to data storage, especially symbol scripts which require the mathematical semantics codes.

    The Thuban data was previously stored on a NING platform, which was much favoured by many members, but its dire restrictions regarding data transformations became a deciding hindrance factor.

    The Thuban label is on facebook and supported there by many of us and where the 'us' includes many people and contributors, who do not consider or label themselves as 'dragons' or 'starhumans' or PTB.

    The webaddress is very easy:

    Yes, SpaceCowboy; anyone can copy and paste freely and without copyright restrictions from this site.
    There is no copyright and we even allow messages and articles to 'become dissected' and 'plagiarised' and used by the 'dissecter' for any individuated purpose whatsoever.

    The only reason for blocking or banning or restricting access revolves about blatant advertising of material goods or services in selling or promoting such.

    The main administrator has never banned any person, even spammers, but restricted their spamming say to a 'shout' section; where the 'spamming' fizzles itself out rather naturally.

    The Thuban Family is a Cosmic Family; which is all encompassing of many intergalactic and galactic races and we do not exclude anyone, but include everyone as what you may term our 'Prime Directive'.

    The Thuban 'agenda' or purpose and based on the label of OmniScience is of course not in the overall and popular mainstream database for reasons, which should become apparent for anyone able to ponder such matters and to discern the human planetary agenda from a more penetrating and so informed perspective.

    The Thuban label is absolutely and completely disinterested in any fiscal operations. All we say and share in the form of information has no price and is free for all who encounter this data to do with it as they wish to do.

    The Thuban purpose, in a nutshell; is to reconfigure the legislature of the universe; focused on the development of the human species and its homeplanet and starsystem - and to then allow a new cosmic lawfulness to become delegated to the executive of the universal jurisdiction.

    Thank you for your request and enquiry SpaceCowboy.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33354 April 1st, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    TLTR= too long to read

    Re: THUBAN

    #33355 April 1st, 2011
    kamicad wrote:

    OOOOOH I like the pictures on your website. I have also always been partial to giant nude green woman made of flowers. It is a lifestyle choice lol.

    I am just pointing out I am not judging your material because I have not read it. So dont take this as offensive. I will probably read it someday simply because I enjoy absorbing as much information and viewpoints as I possible can...................PEACE

    Re: THUBAN

    #33357 April 1st, 2011
    Raven wrote:

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33371 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah,good idea,go there and see what happens!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33374 April 1st, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:

    you folks still waiting for the nothern portal to be opened so your petmasters. can return?
    and since them as you call it the we. dont differenciate. i wont neither.
    thus ......
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://

    Re: THUBAN

    #33376 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    good thing no one's interested in any kind of serious discussion around here,the very idea seems ridiculous-
    i'm sure kerry is really proud-haha

    Re: THUBAN

    #33387 April 1st, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    good thing no one's interested in any kind of serious discussion around here,the very idea seems ridiculous-
    i'm sure kerry is really proud-haha

    serious discussion
    requires feedback, aka 2ways.
    and with non response on all points for 1 side.
    indeed you wont get what you "claim" they want oh they. not you. you just the middman saying nothing serieus.
    but thats your job as noise harlot.
    and noise you make well.

    jeah i think she is proud.
    cause allowing is also caring.
    see the hint in the last video.

    Law of law of allowance.
    and i also noted the good parts for some claims. here (13 Shekina Rose part)
    to which mary/istar would agree yet arctourist would not. as thats out of ya/his grasp.
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://

    Re: THUBAN

    #33392 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    no,i can appreciate the allowing and all
    it's the gatekeepers that are against that-don't look at me!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33394 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    some people are too serious
    other people seem incapable of any seriousness
    i don't think i fall into either of those two extreme categories,most days anyways.....................

    Re: THUBAN

    #33404 April 1st, 2011
    Tangy wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    yeah,good idea,go there and see what happens!

    Arc, that sounds ominous. What will happen to us poor little Camelotites? Cameloteers?

    In any case, what will happen to us "there" ? Will a dragon eat us?

    Re: THUBAN

    #33409 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    Arachne wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chiny, chin, chin. Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your goddamn house in."--Jack Torrance

    Thuban, I understand that you have your own forum. Great, nice, wonderful. I bet its really warm and cozy there. I'd like to join. And I bet others on here would as well, but if not I'm comfortable going alone. Camelot allowed Thubans to freely post here, extend the same consideration. I will join as SpaceCowboy not under any other name.

    Now I don't know any of you, so I don't know who the head shit is over there, and don't care who it is, but I doubt whomever runs that forum would see any value in being here at PC since they have their own cave, and they'd never see this post. Deliver this message to your dragon.

    LET ME / US IN.

    And if its as easy to join as it is at PC, please post a link to the membership sign up so I don't have to waste my time looking for it. Just copy and paste...I know you know how to do that.

    And a few conditions.

    1. I'm free to copy and paste from your forum onto PC.
    2. You can't ban me for a week.
    3. You have to provide a place where I can bake.

    Thanks I look forward to joining the Thuban forum.

    Dear SpaceCowboy and to all whom it may concern!

    There are no restrictions on for any member of the public joining or reading the forums.
    The forum above is a premium site without advertisings and carries a certain functionality regarding the interaction of its members.

    This forum is however mainly an archive of data assimilation from the Thuban PTB FOR the general public, that is everyone and so is not as interactive as say facebook, twitter and the Avalon and Camelot forums engaging in 'chit-chats' as is evident here on the Camelot forum and also on Avalon 2.

    One of the reasons the spruz platform became engaged is its accomodation of advanced browser functions with respect to data storage, especially symbol scripts which require the mathematical semantics codes.

    The Thuban data was previously stored on a NING platform, which was much favoured by many members, but its dire restrictions regarding data transformations became a deciding hindrance factor.

    The Thuban label is on facebook and supported there by many of us and where the 'us' includes many people and contributors, who do not consider or label themselves as 'dragons' or 'starhumans' or PTB.

    The webaddress is very easy:

    Yes, SpaceCowboy; anyone can copy and paste freely and without copyright restrictions from this site.
    There is no copyright and we even allow messages and articles to 'become dissected' and 'plagiarised' and used by the 'dissecter' for any individuated purpose whatsoever.

    The only reason for blocking or banning or restricting access revolves about blatant advertising of material goods or services in selling or promoting such.

    The main administrator has never banned any person, even spammers, but restricted their spamming say to a 'shout' section; where the 'spamming' fizzles itself out rather naturally.

    The Thuban Family is a Cosmic Family; which is all encompassing of many intergalactic and galactic races and we do not exclude anyone, but include everyone as what you may term our 'Prime Directive'.

    The Thuban 'agenda' or purpose and based on the label of OmniScience is of course not in the overall and popular mainstream database for reasons, which should become apparent for anyone able to ponder such matters and to discern the human planetary agenda from a more penetrating and so informed perspective.

    The Thuban label is absolutely and completely disinterested in any fiscal operations. All we say and share in the form of information has no price and is free for all who encounter this data to do with it as they wish to do.

    The Thuban purpose, in a nutshell; is to reconfigure the legislature of the universe; focused on the development of the human species and its homeplanet and starsystem - and to then allow a new cosmic lawfulness to become delegated to the executive of the universal jurisdiction.

    Thank you for your request and enquiry SpaceCowboy.


    Thank you...

    Re: THUBAN

    #33411 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    good thing no one's interested in any kind of serious discussion around here,the very idea seems ridiculous-
    i'm sure kerry is really proud-haha

    Re: THUBAN

    #33414 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    there y'go!
    i'm sure kerry would laugh if she ever stumbled upon these so-called conversations-the very point of my previous post

    Re: THUBAN

    #33420 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    Tangent wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah,good idea,go there and see what happens!

    Arc, that sounds ominous. What will happen to us poor little Camelotites? Cameloteers?

    In any case, what will happen to us "there" ? Will a dragon eat us?

    oops,well,what are you waiting for,why ask me?
    i predict you won't wanna hang around-but i hope i'm wrong,i hope i'm wrong! you tell me! now go!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33437 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Hey, I signed up, went in, posted. I know why they're here. Based on the views there's nobody there. An empty fucking wannabee dragon cave.

    The place is a bore. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, no life. Dead as a door nail. It appears I could post to myself forever over there.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33439 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    it appears i was right
    ..go figure!
    HO HO HO!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33440 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    it appears i was right
    ..go figure!
    HO HO HO!

    I'm surprised you can even spell right.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33445 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    The reason why the whine, piss and moan when they got banned out of here is because they were homeless. Their forum is a joke. Nobody there. Nobody will see my post for five years.

    Re: THUBAN

    #333453 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    the point is,you stepped outside your comfort zone-good for you!
    every day,a new world..
    god only knows what tomorrow may bring
    but will we be there to take the call?
    it's doubtful!
    it may not matter
    the better point is,it may indeed matter...!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33457 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    Example of some of the action there.....take a look at this. Nodody would even comment on dragon law. At least here you can at least get a, "That's a bunch of bullshit."

    Under Dragon Law


    The Book of Dragons---one thread--0 replies--created by Tonyblue

    Anubis Khaibit - The Symbol--one thread--2 replies

    Messages from the Little Serpent--11 threads--7 replies (whoooooooa)

    Signum Septus--9 threads--14 replies--(getting some action now)

    Missions and Agenda--2 threads---7 replies

    Dragon Law---1 thread--0 replies

    Re: THUBAN

    #33466 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    luckily it isn't all about numbers
    or is it?
    i like what i see,tho-
    none of this would be possible without kerry's kindness and extraordin'ry tolerance or what-have-you

    Re: THUBAN

    #33467 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    God, I almost feel sorry for these fools. I thought there were more than 4 and 1/2 wannabe dragons in the world. Arc, you're the half.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33471 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    well you didn't see me there did ya!
    hey,stick around,maybe you will-tho i haven't joined,didn't plan to,i mean we can easily talk here with virtually no rules or restrictions,again thanks to kerry and her team,such as it is-it's miraculous is what it is!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33473 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chiny, chin, chin. Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your goddamn house in."--Jack Torrance

    Thuban, I understand that you have your own forum. Great, nice, wonderful. I bet its really warm and cozy there. I'd like to join. And I bet others on here would as well, but if not I'm comfortable going alone. Camelot allowed Thubans to freely post here, extend the same consideration. I will join as SpaceCowboy not under any other name.

    Now I don't know any of you, so I don't know who the head shit is over there, and don't care who it is, but I doubt whomever runs that forum would see any value in being here at PC since they have their own cave, and they'd never see this post. Deliver this message to your dragon.

    LET ME / US IN.

    And if its as easy to join as it is at PC, please post a link to the membership sign up so I don't have to waste my time looking for it. Just copy and paste...I know you know how to do that.

    And a few conditions.

    1. I'm free to copy and paste from your forum onto PC.
    2. You can't ban me for a week.
    3. You have to provide a place where I can bake.

    Thanks I look forward to joining the Thuban forum.

    Dear SpaceCowboy and to all whom it may concern!

    There are no restrictions on for any member of the public joining or reading the forums.
    The forum above is a premium site without advertisings and carries a certain functionality regarding the interaction of its members.

    This forum is however mainly an archive of data assimilation from the Thuban PTB FOR the general public, that is everyone and so is not as interactive as say facebook, twitter and the Avalon and Camelot forums engaging in 'chit-chats' as is evident here on the Camelot forum and also on Avalon 2.

    One of the reasons the spruz platform became engaged is its accomodation of advanced browser functions with respect to data storage, especially symbol scripts which require the mathematical semantics codes.

    The Thuban data was previously stored on a NING platform, which was much favoured by many members, but its dire restrictions regarding data transformations became a deciding hindrance factor.

    The Thuban label is on facebook and supported there by many of us and where the 'us' includes many people and contributors, who do not consider or label themselves as 'dragons' or 'starhumans' or PTB.

    The webaddress is very easy:

    Yes, SpaceCowboy; anyone can copy and paste freely and without copyright restrictions from this site.
    There is no copyright and we even allow messages and articles to 'become dissected' and 'plagiarised' and used by the 'dissecter' for any individuated purpose whatsoever.

    The only reason for blocking or banning or restricting access revolves about blatant advertising of material goods or services in selling or promoting such.

    The main administrator has never banned any person, even spammers, but restricted their spamming say to a 'shout' section; where the 'spamming' fizzles itself out rather naturally.

    The Thuban Family is a Cosmic Family; which is all encompassing of many intergalactic and galactic races and we do not exclude anyone, but include everyone as what you may term our 'Prime Directive'.

    The Thuban 'agenda' or purpose and based on the label of OmniScience is of course not in the overall and popular mainstream database for reasons, which should become apparent for anyone able to ponder such matters and to discern the human planetary agenda from a more penetrating and so informed perspective.

    The Thuban label is absolutely and completely disinterested in any fiscal operations. All we say and share in the form of information has no price and is free for all who encounter this data to do with it as they wish to do.

    The Thuban purpose, in a nutshell; is to reconfigure the legislature of the universe; focused on the development of the human species and its homeplanet and starsystem - and to then allow a new cosmic lawfulness to become delegated to the executive of the universal jurisdiction.

    Thank you for your request and enquiry SpaceCowboy.


    Thank you...

    Phoenix, when I first read this it read like someone afraid to show off their house. A kind of, "Ah shit, someones coming over," now I know why.
    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: THUBAN
    #33484 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    you expected a larger audience...
    well a larger audience is also a slower and heavier audience
    in terms of physics or physiques-haha

    Re: THUBAN

    #33487 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    you expected a larger audience...
    well a larger audience is also a slower and heavier audience
    in terms of physics or physiques-haha

    I expected someone. Four and a half dragons. LOL! What a joke.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33488 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    It's called "piggybacking"... Secondary slops wants to take from primary cream of the crop!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33489 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    how do you know that the lizard king,jim morrisson's son,might not be one of them?
    i would tread carefully!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33490 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    how do you know that the lizard king,jim morrisson's son,might not be one of them?
    i would tread carefully!

    And so what? You afraid?

    Re: THUBAN

    #33491 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    how do you know that the lizard king,jim morrisson's son,might not be one of them?
    i would tread carefully!

    He doesn't know what I am dumbfuck.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33492 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    What are you? Got a little foulmouthed there again!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33493 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    DD wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    how do you know that the lizard king,jim morrisson's son,might not be one of them?
    i would tread carefully!

    And so what? You afraid?

    well i'm not the one bursting into a quiet dragons' den,talkin' trash,all brash'n'arrogant-haha

    Re: THUBAN

    #33494 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    DD wrote:
    What are you? Got a little foulmouthed there again!

    Free speech.

    Re: THUBAN

    333495 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    how do you know that the lizard king,jim morrisson's son,might not be one of them?
    i would tread carefully!

    He doesn't know what I am dumbfuck.

    oh i think he does-thanks to you!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33496 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    thanks for the laughs you guys
    but in all seriousness,be kind-rewind!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33499 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Arc. You think this forum is here for your laughs? You are outed!!!!!!!! Conduit closing!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33500 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Arc... I know who you are! You and arachne are "the same"... Maybe the mods should check out the IP's... something is going on with you two.. typing is different.. but I "noticed" something I was meant to notice... We are not stupid you know...

    Re: THUBAN

    #33505 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Or is it you and Space Cowboy are the same... Something is else is going on here?

    Re: THUBAN

    #33508 April 1st, 2011

    Tangy wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    The reason why the whine, piss and moan when they got banned out of here is because they were homeless. Their forum is a joke. Nobody there. Nobody will see my post for five years.

    Well SC, you're right about no one seeing your post for 5 years (at least). I just went over there to accept the gracious invitation and the server/website was unbelievably slow. I mean, moving at the pace of water sculpting rock over aeons slow.

    I guess I will try again later. I did, finally, after a good 3-4 minute wait, see your post, SC. Then when I went to register, the next screen didn't come up for so long I gave up. But I'll try again.

    Doesn't look busy, LOL you're right about that, so I don't know why the site is so dang slow.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33510 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    they wanna see what's on your hard drive--haha-
    just kidding

    Re: THUBAN

    #33511 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Or is it you and Space Cowboy are the same... Something is else is going on here?

    well this is insulting-no offense-haha
    no,i am just a middle-aged guy in michigan-i don't know who these other people are you wanna associate me with-
    but y'never know,right?
    i might be elton john!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33512 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Arc. You think this forum is here for your laughs? You are outed!!!!!!!! Conduit closing!

    if it wasn't fun,i wouldn't've been here long
    not that i've been here long-or belong here...
    yes,i think this forum was made specifically for my entertainment and everyone else's whatever they want
    and i appreciate it,by gosh!
    but seriously,it's all about interaction,information,education,info-tainment,and entrainment among other things....
    i think arachne is a good sport-better than i-and i admire people with such patience

    Re: THUBAN

    #33513 April 1st, 2011
    Chucky wrote:

    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chiny, chin, chin. Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your goddamn house in."--Jack Torrance

    LET ME / US IN.

    The last thing on Earth I would want to to is "JOIN".

    He is SUCH a Drama queen troll!
    He is probably THE only real Reptilian over there!
    I have seen him shape shift! seriously - totally freaky! LOL
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    Re: THUBAN

    #33514 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    hey-good to see you here/there/wherever-
    i thought you were gone and it felt different

    Re: THUBAN

    #33521 April 1st, 2011
    jimmy wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    they wanna see what's on your hard drive--haha-
    just kidding

    Arc that's not funny ,i went and checked your guys site about 10 days my surprise there was a personal message waiting for me, upon opening the link my computer security went right off,i immediately crashed my computer ,to avoid any unwanted b/s .have you go got dragon worms,to infect us

    Re: THUBAN

    #33524 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    jmj12 I know who you are along with Arctourist and Space Cowboy.. Gig is up! You are all the same "one"...

    Re: THUBAN

    #33525 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    hey--i don't know who anyone else is but they got nothing to do with me-
    seriously yo

    Re: THUBAN

    #33527 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    they wanna see what's on your hard drive--haha-
    just kidding

    Arc that's not funny ,i went and checked your guys site about 10 days my surprise there was a personal message waiting for me, upon opening the link my computer security went right off,i immediately crashed my computer ,to avoid any unwanted b/s .have you go got dragon worms,to infect us

    hey i was just joking but y'know it's a big world,and there's lotsa people in between us-i am who i am,and that's all,believe it or not
    i have no website either-none of whatever you're talking about has anything to do with me
    but i do have to do maintenance here on my own machine,routinely,,there's more crap than ever,as we all know

    Re: THUBAN

    #33528 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    i'm finally just now listening to mel's second half of the interview with bill and kerry-thanks again mel

    Re: THUBAN

    #33529 April 1st, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    DD wrote:
    jmj12 I know who you are along with Arctourist and Space Cowboy.. Gig is up! You are all the same "one"...

    If and its a big if you know please feel free to tell all,I care not one iota what you surmise from my posts

    Re: THUBAN

    #33530 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    It's not a big if "God sees all" and I was watching you all!!!!!! Did you think I wasn't? Gig up game up.. Arcturist... and you other two... here.. I know! Conduit closed!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33532 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    who are you anyway,i should ask....

    Re: THUBAN

    #33534 April 1st, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    DD wrote:
    It's not a big if "God sees all" and I was watching you all!!!!!! Did you think I wasn't? Gig up game up.. Arcturist... and you other two... here.. I know! Conduit closed!

    So you are now claiming to be GOD ???

    Re: THUBAN

    #33538 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    DD wrote:
    It's not a big if "God sees all" and I was watching you all!!!!!! Did you think I wasn't? Gig up game up.. Arcturist... and you other two... here.. I know! Conduit closed!

    So you are now claiming to be GOD ???

    Of course I'm claiming to be God! Now... Conduit closed to a triple imposter

    Re: THUBAN

    #33539 April 1st, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD wrote:

    jmj12 wrote:
    DD wrote:
    It's not a big if "God sees all" and I was watching you all!!!!!! Did you think I wasn't? Gig up game up.. Arcturist... and you other two... here.. I know! Conduit closed!

    So you are now claiming to be GOD ???

    Of course I'm claiming to be God! Now... Conduit closed to a triple imposter

    I know the conduit is closed. And you will probably take offense by this. But DD are you ok. I mean just with me one minute you are saying nice things the next harsh. You are now claiming that multiple posters are the same person. You are claiming you are god. Is everything ok with you. I hope so. You say we need help but I say this sincerly from the bottom of my heart. Do you need help. I have an aunt who is bi polar and she would have wild mood swings like you seem to be having right now. So I hope you are ok......PEACE

    Re: THUBAN

    #33540 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    what does it matter anyway,except for the fact that i am who i am,and can only speak for myself,but it doesn't matter 'who' someone is ,so much as 'what' someone is-speaking for myself,i guess
    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: THUBAN
    #33618 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chiny, chin, chin. Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your goddamn house in."--Jack Torrance

    LET ME / US IN.

    The last thing on Earth I would want to to is "JOIN".

    He is SUCH a Drama queen troll!
    He is probably THE only real Reptilian over there!
    I have seen him shape shift! seriously - totally freaky! LOL

    You were probably drunk and seeing things.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33619 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    The reason why the whine, piss and moan when they got banned out of here is because they were homeless. Their forum is a joke. Nobody there. Nobody will see my post for five years.

    Well SC, you're right about no one seeing your post for 5 years (at least). I just went over there to accept the gracious invitation and the server/website was unbelievably slow. I mean, moving at the pace of water sculpting rock over aeons slow.

    I guess I will try again later. I did, finally, after a good 3-4 minute wait, see your post, SC. Then when I went to register, the next screen didn't come up for so long I gave up. But I'll try again.

    Doesn't look busy, LOL you're right about that, so I don't know why the site is so dang slow.

    Sorry you wasted your time. I got right in, maybe two minutes tops. A coffin with a corpse in it has more life.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33652 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Sorry for confusing you guys last night but it was past midnight... APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!! That's what happens when you stay up past midnight on APRIL FOOLS DAY! Okay, from now on No more jokes.... (you know who you are...)

    Re: THUBAN

    #33696 April 1st, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Sorry you wasted your time. I got right in, maybe two minutes tops. A coffin with a corpse in it has more life.

    Only two minutes? You lucky dragon seeker. Maybe the software couldn't handle two new people in the same day. You're right, I've seen desert wastelands with more life and activity than that site.

    But hey, I stuck it out in the evolving aeons of the cosmos, and finally got to see your post. Ta-da! That's something.

    "Captain, the sensors indicate a small point of life emanating from the cave."

    "Never mind, Spock. That's just SpaceCowboy." (archaic little beeping sounds) "Scotty, beam us up."

    Re: THUBAN

    #33700 April 1st, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    i let you in,. into my world whom accept, as all came her for a reason, both orion lyrian pleadians sirians draconians centaurians. all came on a level where density was diffrent,

    remember the moment when one let go, so see the you you are.
    release the illusion of form for that incarnation. to see the you. the consiousness
    the perception of self. as pure consiousness that sets us all on par.

    so when you want a more less uptight talk, do join the chat. and express oneself.
    as the expression of self is teh experience of the here. of you on our current home.
    some are here for a long time from way back in teh beginning and some came in the middle and others later. yet time is a perception of the here, but there is no here beside teh illusion. of the current here.
    thus we can fix what was broken in the past, some came from atlantis, as the rise of it, was also the cause of the fall. yet we are many and were returning the the frequencies, that where we were at before thus have the way to fix what was broken. thus its never to late, there is just the now.

    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://

    Re: THUBAN

    #33750 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Sorry you wasted your time. I got right in, maybe two minutes tops. A coffin with a corpse in it has more life.

    Only two minutes? You lucky dragon seeker. Maybe the software couldn't handle two new people in the same day. You're right, I've seen desert wastelands with more life and activity than that site.

    But hey, I stuck it out in the evolving aeons of the cosmos, and finally got to see your post. Ta-da! That's something.

    "Captain, the sensors indicate a small point of life emanating from the cave."

    "Never mind, Spock. That's just SpaceCowboy." (archaic little beeping sounds) "Scotty, beam us up."

    LOL! The longest process was creating an email account on Yahoo. Now there's some empty email account sitting there waiting for a response.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33753 April 1st, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chiny, chin, chin. Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your goddamn house in."--Jack Torrance

    LET ME / US IN.

    The last thing on Earth I would want to to is "JOIN".

    He is SUCH a Drama queen troll!
    He is probably THE only real Reptilian over there!
    I have seen him shape shift! seriously - totally freaky! LOL

    You were probably drunk and seeing things.

    Hey! It takes at least 3 glasses of wine to get ME drunk! LOL
    I may be delusional but I KNOW what saw! Didn't think I noticed huh! LOL
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato
    Re: THUBAN
    #33776 April 1st, 2011

    siamese wrote:

    OH another thing I'm also aware of is that you've been saping me with high frequencies and what ever
    tecchno garbage it takes to make me dizzy with violent headaces electric shocks in my head and body,
    oh not forgetting the vommit - do your worst - its ok I'm crazier than Jack Torrance so YOU STILL CAN'T

    Re: THUBAN

    #33780 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Read RacMeister's new post on Solar Flares... that will give you better thoughts to think about! You will sleep really well after reading it! Promise.

    Re: THUBAN

    #33783 April 1st, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Calm down Sianellen and thanks for speaking up on this... I know they when into my files too. I DON'T CARE... i AM NOT AFRAID... just for the record everything we are writing here is in google under their name too... so, Legal Actions??? I don't know... against google, PC and them???

    YES, our SOUL.... That is something they will NEVER TAKE from me either...

    Peace and Love ah! and Light! to them...

    Re: THUBAN

    #33792 April 1st, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    sianellen wrote:

    OH another thing I'm also aware of is that you've been saping me with high frequencies and what ever
    tecchno garbage it takes to make me dizzy with violent headaces electric shocks in my head and body,
    oh not forgetting the vommit - do your worst - its ok I'm crazier than Jack Torrance so YOU STILL CAN'T




    Yeah! don't waste your time... they are controlled and the ones who controlled them, are the ones from Orion... yeap!,

    DEAR Huancaina27








    Re: THUBAN

    #33795 April 1st, 2011
    Lighter wrote:



    How dare you, who do you think you are who died and made you god

    sianellen wrote:

    OH another thing I'm also aware of is that you've been saping me with high frequencies and what ever
    tecchno garbage it takes to make me dizzy with violent headaces electric shocks in my head and body,
    oh not forgetting the vommit - do your worst - its ok I'm crazier than Jack Torrance so YOU STILL CAN'T




    Yeah! don't waste your time... they are controlled and the ones who controlled them, are the ones from Orion... yeap!,

    DEAR Huancaina27








    You do not have the right to come here and say this kind of stuff.. what are they sending n another wave because we are too much for just a few and you lot need a break..go crawl back into your hole or wherever dragons come from.. they are only here because they can't leave.. stuck here.. you lot can't leave the planet.. now can you

    Yeah I know guys, this can be seem as feeding them.. well they have nothing else to sustain them..and buy the way your not feeding off me as I am not angry..
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: THUBAN

    #33797 April 1st, 2011
    siamese wrote:

    Re: THUBAN

    #33803 April 1st, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Sian, just thinking about this, all of it, if there had been manners and doing the right thing from the beginning maybe all of this conflict would not be going down now. That is if you assume they are what they say they are which I am not convinced of, it does appear more like trying to bring the forum down.. manners would have been they don't know how, just agro all the time..its my way or the highway for them if your not with them you are against them, forget about having your own spirituality, no that is wrong in their eyes, we all have our own path but that is not good enough for them..what they are saying appear like its loving light energy but it is reverse like their behaviour on the forum, give them a rule for the forum and they reverse it for their own use. They come in here and call us Trolls...Thing is they need backup from other members in their group, they come and go away for a while and another lot arrives, appears they can't handle us at all. They are trying to do the same as they did at Avalon...for the life of me can't see why its tolerated at all. They scream about free speech but don't like anyone except themselves having it... so on it goes..blah..blah blah...they do not have the right to insult members here.. gee no wonder I blew a fuse the other day...but hey that was just part of my wholeness...they like it when somebody gets mad then it allows them to cry foul...or somebody has a joke they get mad and report them...interesting game I will say that...but that is all it is..a game.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: THUBAN

    #33826 April 1st, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    Hi Lita, Looks like my words burn you like a dragon and they were not even directed at you.

    How dare you, who do you think you are who died and made you god

    I dare anyway I want because i have the courage to speak my mind and do not fear the consequences.

    No one died. I know who I am... And well...where is god?

    lol and there is risk to free speech here because as you just said i don't have a right to come here and say what i said! Who died and made you god

    After the bold lies and slanderous attacks and complete lack of manners

    No one is trying to bring your forum down. Well at least I am not. What are you talking about? I can have great manners but when i see such garbage such as saying people are controlled by orions.. False claims that people have hacked into computers, stealing files, violation privacy, and name calling people buggers!!! Really!!! Is this acceptable!!! Do you have a right to come here and say this to other members?

    They scream about free speech but don't like anyone except themselves having it... so on it goes..blah..blah blah...they do not have the right to insult members here.. gee no wonder I blew a fuse the other day...

    bug·ger 1 (bgr, bg-)
    1. Vulgar Slang A sodomite.
    2. Slang A contemptible or disreputable person.
    3. Slang A fellow; a chap: "He's a silly little bugger, then" (John le Carré).
    v. bug·gered, bug·ger·ing, bug·gers Vulgar Slang
    To practice sodomy.
    1. To practice sodomy with.
    2. To damn.

    So say whatever your want! Because I do believe in free speech but do choose your word wisely because you might get called on your bs and lies! You may have your falseness banned by exposing it for what it is not deleting words or silencing members through deactivation of accounts. Wanna goto court!!! Your already in my court!!! And i do honestly wish you have a wonderful day in it. Just don't be a falsifier and im sure things will get better. I have all kinds of manners and can be proper and defined but these are just social conditions that you expect. You own path is divine and sacred because you are the only one that can have it. So please do have a wonderful day and thank you for your time to allow me to crawl out of my hole and communicate here with you. Peace. JT!

    Re: THUBAN

    #33834 April 1st, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    what do i smell. more of the same.
    JT. say what you want. dare , freespeech, proove and and a grammar/dictionarylist.
    what are you evading eluding. mr mr
    manners,. well you lack them more than you have them. from this simple observation.
    bold lies and attacks, do i hear more reverse psychomambojambo. i do
    come to me than. i dare you. you all all a ya. again in duostate in triplequote. i dare you.
    i dare you for once and for all soon. will you be ready to deal with that. mr mr

    "Do you have a right to come here and say this to other members? "
    i guess they do. from your own words freespeech. so stfu and deal with it. or goto yout friends and cry there about ohh the world is so full of injustice.
    indeed forum wont go DOWN. just cluggered. and keep DATA flowing, oh jeah i know.
    see posts a mine of which NO ONE GOTTEN INTO OR REPLIED .
    so same goes for you. JT. or whomever you are. intentions are clear seen by others as you dont controll your intentions. simple

    Prooof this JT i Dealt with charles. And Duncan knows,. hell ive even had a nice mail with him.
    and ill deal with whomever needed next. also.
    and them esp pussies, tried and pinched, and i laughed. and oh ill be heading back to titicaca crytaldome city. soon as im invited,. and ill work there with my old friends for the better of the gere and now..
    and after than ill deal with some of you folks on the level you attack others. and than raise the level. to to on which i dealt with charles ok. than you decide if you will go against me. choice

    and than goes for every other one, that I DARE to go on that path.

    so why dont you get me mr mr. i got more than words than will smite you down, and ive been in the dragons layer. snakes i can deal with also,. i just like dragons more, than snakes.

    oh my advice to staff, would be MAKE A SHITLIST. of deleted posts, to show them in the open nicely compiled all together. and yep some of you folks are like leeches on ... and like a tumor in a body. there good tumors and bad ones. i will deal with some bad ones soon.


    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://

    Re: THUBAN

    #33836 April 1st, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    what do i smell. more of the same.
    JT. say what you want. dare , freespeech, proove and and a grammar/dictionarylist.
    what are you evading eluding. mr mr
    manners,. well you lack them more than you have them. from this simple observation.
    bold lies and attacks, do i hear more reverse psychomambojambo. i do
    come to me than. i dare you. you all all a ya. again in duostate in triplequote. i dare you.
    i dare you for once and for all soon. will you be ready to deal with that. mr mr

    "Do you have a right to come here and say this to other members? "
    i guess they do. from your own words freespeech. so stfu and deal with it. or goto yout friends and cry there about ohh the world is so full of injustice.
    indeed forum wont go DOWN. just cluggered. and keep DATA flowing, oh jeah i know.
    see posts a mine of which NO ONE GOTTEN INTO OR REPLIED .
    so same goes for you. JT. or whomever you are. intentions are clear seen by others as you dont controll your intentions. simple

    Prooof this JT i Dealt with charles. And Duncan knows,. hell ive even had a nice mail with him.
    and ill deal with whomever needed next. also.
    and them esp pussies, tried and pinched, and i laughed. and oh ill be heading back to titicaca crytaldome city. soon as im invited,. and ill work there with my old friends for the better of the gere and now..
    and after than ill deal with some of you folks on the level you attack others. and than raise the level. to to on which i dealt with charles ok. than you decide if you will go against me. choice

    and than goes for every other one, that I DARE to go on that path.

    so why dont you get me mr mr. i got more than words than will smite you down, and ive been in the dragons layer. snakes i can deal with also,. i just like dragons more, than snakes.

    oh my advice to staff, would be MAKE A SHITLIST. of deleted posts, to show them in the open nicely compiled all together. and yep some of you folks are like leeches on ... and like a tumor in a body. there good tumors and bad ones. i will deal with some bad ones soon.



    Say what?? Rak is English NOT your first language? Can someone decode what he just said???

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011

  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #33838 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    I have no access to them anymore.
    What had happend?


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33840 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Looks to me like the unbathed have been banished.
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33842 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33843 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    LOL, Tralala

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    333844 April 2nd, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Maybe they fell into the black hole in the center of the planet. I mean, the Thubanites kept telling us this would happen, just not that it would specifically only happen to their threads.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33845 April 2nd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    my guess, Stargazer happend.
    keep hiding keep playing
    or some hidden force interveined. and we will hear when it speaks

    oh no worries i made a nice screenshot of my statement,. COMMU/Profile updates page. nothing is really hidden.
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33848 April 2nd, 2011
    Starlooker wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    my guess, Stargazer happend.
    keep hiding keep playing
    or some hidden force interveined. and we will hear when it speaks

    oh no worries i made a nice screenshot of my statement,. COMMU/Profile updates page. nothing is really hidden.

    Love you Man......

    Whatcha want to know...??

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33850 April 2nd, 2011
    Raven wrote:


    You have failed to answer my questions - AGAIN.

    Psychology is not Psychiatry.

    You cannot find the answers to your psychobabble in the text posted by Arachne because it isn't there.

    You do not understand the text you are supporting OR you haven't even read it which makes your initial comment as false and full of BS as everything else in this thread so far.

    One comment you can share with your little band of smurfs, from the Gospel of Thomas:

    "After all, what goes into your mouth will not defile you; rather, it's what comes out of your mouth that will defile you."

    Look up 'defile'.

    No Siriusblueberry, Magmud understands the Thuban material quite well. Projecting your own lack of understanding and inability to grasp even the simplest of explanations onto others, is so obvious by now that you really should consider before posting this nonsense, as it should be quite embarrassing for you by now.

    It really is ok if you don't know everything dear and to admit such. But to continue on insulting others over your own lack of intelligence is well......saddly laughable. So I will remind you once again to seek the advice of YOUR OWN WORDS here....

    it may save someone a keyboard or two from spitting coffee or some other beverage all over it in a fit of laughter.

    "After all, what goes into your mouth will not defile you; rather, it's what comes out of your mouth that will defile you."

    Wiping my keyboard,


    Seems someone still has admin access and they are playing and hiding things, probably didn't want you to see this post above.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33851 April 2nd, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    please keep cool everyone,,
    the threads are not deleted,
    they are in a top secret mod part of the site,, until this can be sorted out.

    the hatefull attacks on all sides is way off topic,,

    thank you all for understanding and dealing with this small interuption in the mud slingging

    have a great day
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33852 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Raven. Thuban threads are gone get lost
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33854 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    To bad I was beginning to like it ,
    It was a nice thing to expresse oneself on.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33855 April 2nd, 2011
    Starlooker wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    To bad I was beginning to like it ,
    It was a nice thing to expresse oneself on.

    The "sharing and expression of hateful feeling and intolerance for your fellow man" part?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33856 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Hatefull? As for me, I was never hatefull, rather annoyed, that they didnt answer our questions.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33858 April 2nd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #33832 4 minutes ago
    siriusblue wrote:

    You have failed to answer my questions - AGAIN.

    Psychology is not Psychiatry.

    You cannot find the answers to your psychobabble in the text posted by Arachne because it isn't there.

    You do not understand the text you are supporting OR you haven't even read it which makes your initial comment as false and full of BS as everything else in this thread so far.

    One comment you can share with your little band of smurfs, from the Gospel of Thomas:

    "After all, what goes into your mouth will not defile you; rather, it's what comes out of your mouth that will defile you."

    Look up 'defile'.

    Oh dear!

    Smurfette, it is clearly stated and is considered COMMON Knowledge that Jung was indeed a qualified psychiatrist.

    Smurfette said in: Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life #33690:

    "You have failed to answer my questions.
    Where in the text did it mention such things. I don't need the longer terms, I understood them the first time.
    Except Jungian... I didn't know Jungian came into it. And now I'm more perplexed because Jung was not into psychiatry... please expand on how Jungian got involved in your term 'psychiatric science'.
    Thank you."

    Carl Gustav Jung (German pronunciation: [ˈkaːɐ̯l ˈɡʊstaf ˈjʊŋ]; 26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the founder of Analytical Psychology. Jung is often considered the first modern psychologist to state that the human psyche is "by nature religious" and to explore it in depth.[1] Though not the first to analyze dreams, he has become perhaps one of the most well known pioneers in the field of dream analysis. Unlike Freud et al. he was a self-described natural scientist, not a theoretical psychologist. For Jung this salient distinction revolved around his initial process of deep observation followed by categorizations rather than the reverse process of imagining what categories exist and then proceeding to seek for proof of and then discover that one was correct, always correct. While he was a fully involved and practicing clinician, much of his life's work was spent exploring tangential areas, including Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology, and sociology, as well as literature and the arts; all of which were extremely productive in regard to the symbols and processes of the human psyche, found in dreams and other entries to the unconscious.


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33859 April 2nd, 2011
    Starlooker wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Hatefull? As for me, I was never hatefull, rather annoyed, that they didnt answer our questions.

    I wasn't pointing fingers TB...just the general vibe of all these threads...Peace

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33860 April 2nd, 2011
    Raven wrote:

    Chaska108 wrote:
    please keep cool everyone,,
    the threads are not deleted,
    they are in a top secret mod part of the site,, until this can be sorted out.

    the hatefull attacks on all sides is way off topic,,

    thank you all for understanding and dealing with this small interuption in the mud slingging

    have a great day

    Hateful attacks on all sides??? I believe the evidence speaks for itself Chaska. And it wasn't mud slinging but pies, slander, hate speech, profanity, lewdness and a modern day witch hunt from the beginning coming from about 6 of you that I can surmise. All for the simple fact that you are all too ignorant of the data placed before you, so you simply decided to have us removed, banned, censored, drawn, quartered and fed to the demonic creations of your minds.

    Chaska108 wrote:

    the hatefull attacks on all sides is way off topic,,

    You have no one to blame but yourselves for the behavior you so faithfully displayed on this forum. Bravo!!


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33861 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Arachne & Raven. give it up the threads have been removed for now, stop attacking here.

    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33862 April 2nd, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Did I miss something ?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33864 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    Chaska108 wrote:

    please keep cool everyone,,
    the threads are not deleted,
    they are in a top secret mod part of the site,, until this can be sorted out.

    the hatefull attacks on all sides is way off topic,,

    thank you all for understanding and dealing with this small interuption in the mud slingging

    have a great day

    Hateful attacks on all sides??? I believe the evidence speaks for itself Chaska. And it wasn't mud slinging but pies, slander, hate speech, profanity, lewdness and a modern day witch hunt from the beginning coming from about 6 of you that I can surmise. All for the simple fact that you are all too ignorant of the data placed before you, so you simply decided to have us removed, banned, censored, drawn, quartered and fed to the demonic creations of your minds.

    Chaska108 wrote:

    the hatefull attacks on all sides is way off topic,,

    You have no one to blame but yourselves for the behavior you so faithfully displayed on this forum. Bravo!!


    ROFL look in this thread my dear who is attacking who... toooooo funny...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33867 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    Chaska108 wrote:

    please keep cool everyone,,
    the threads are not deleted,
    they are in a top secret mod part of the site,, until this can be sorted out.

    the hatefull attacks on all sides is way off topic,,

    thank you all for understanding and dealing with this small interuption in the mud slingging

    have a great day

    Hateful attacks on all sides??? I believe the evidence speaks for itself Chaska. And it wasn't mud slinging but pies, slander, hate speech, profanity, lewdness and a modern day witch hunt from the beginning coming from about 6 of you that I can surmise. All for the simple fact that you are all too ignorant of the data placed before you, so you simply decided to have us removed, banned, censored, drawn, quartered and fed to the demonic creations of your minds.

    Chaska108 wrote:

    the hatefull attacks on all sides is way off topic,,

    You have no one to blame but yourselves for the behavior you so faithfully displayed on this forum. Bravo!!


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33865 April 2nd, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    Did I miss something ?

    Yes, this whole forum is missing quite a bit of something(s), at least temporarily. You arrived on the scene quickly though, dear Huancaina. Must have been your spidey sense.
    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads? #33869 April 2nd, 2011 Raven wrote:
    quote="Raven" post=33860
    Hateful attacks on all sides??? I believe the evidence speaks for itself Chaska. And it wasn't mud slinging but pies, slander, hate speech, profanity, lewdness and a modern day witch hunt from the beginning coming from about 6 of you that I can surmise. All for the simple fact that you are all too ignorant of the data placed before you, so you simply decided to have us removed, banned, censored, drawn, quartered and fed to the demonic creations of your minds. Chaska108 wrote: the hatefull attacks on all sides is way off topic,, You have no one to blame but yourselves for the behavior you so faithfully displayed on this forum. Bravo!!


    Lita wrote:
    Raven. Thuban threads are gone get lost
    Lita wrote:
    Arachne & Raven. give it up the threads have been removed for now, stop attacking here.

    Excuse me? Who is asking who to leave and posting videos slandering me and others who don't subscribe to your way of thinking? So I am right in my assessment of the situation. Your simply trying to get rid of us and since it's not working your going to keep attacking us with slander, hate speech, lewdness, profanity and continue to hide our threads? Such grown ups you are and so ready for the new world *insert laugh*.


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot. The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation! I Am One in Many and Many in One! Exe*=1

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33870 April 2nd, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    I am thinking this forum wasn't created for the debate of metaphysical teachings, imagined or otherwise. Although Camelot material does cover a lot of ground it is noticeable that interviews with peoples involved in metaphysical theories is not apparent. Thuban material does seem to fall into that category and realistically has no place here, if one desires such a drawn out debate it can be easily done so on the thuban forums.

    Free speech or not, this material is out of context in regards to this forum. Only my opinions.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33871 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Raven don't let the door hit you on your way out

    did you look at your profile I just did...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33873 April 2nd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Raven don't let the door hit you on your way out

    did you look at your profile I just did...

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #33874 April 2nd, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:
    Yes, this whole forum is missing quite a bit of something(s), at least temporarily. You arrived on the scene quickly though, dear Huancaina. Must have been your spidey sense.

    Well, I saw what they wrote last night and I was ready to respond though... guess, is not important anymore...

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33877 2 months, 1 week ago

    Arachne wrote:
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life #33832

    4 minutes ago siriusblue wrote:

    You have failed to answer my questions - AGAIN. Psychology is not Psychiatry. You cannot find the answers to your psychobabble in the text posted by Arachne because it isn't there. You do not understand the text you are supporting OR you haven't even read it which makes your initial comment as false and full of BS as everything else in this thread so far. One comment you can share with your little band of smurfs, from the Gospel of Thomas: "After all, what goes into your mouth will not defile you; rather, it's what comes out of your mouth that will defile you." Look up 'defile'.

    Oh dear! Smurfette, it is clearly stated and is considered COMMON Knowledge that Jung was indeed a qualified psychiatrist. Smurfette said in:

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life #33690:

    "You have failed to answer my questions. Where in the text did it mention such things. I don't need the longer terms, I understood them the first time. Except Jungian... I didn't know Jungian came into it. And now I'm more perplexed because Jung was not into psychiatry... please expand on how Jungian got involved in your term 'psychiatric science'. Thank you."

    Carl Gustav Jung (German pronunciation: [ˈkaːɐ̯l ˈɡʊstaf ˈjʊŋ]; 26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the founder of Analytical Psychology. Jung is often considered the first modern psychologist to state that the human psyche is "by nature religious" and to explore it in depth.[1] Though not the first to analyze dreams, he has become perhaps one of the most well known pioneers in the field of dream analysis. Unlike Freud et al. he was a self-described natural scientist, not a theoretical psychologist. For Jung this salient distinction revolved around his initial process of deep observation followed by categorizations rather than the reverse process of imagining what categories exist and then proceeding to seek for proof of and then discover that one was correct, always correct. While he was a fully involved and practicing clinician, much of his life's work was spent exploring tangential areas, including Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology, and sociology, as well as literature and the arts; all of which were extremely productive in regard to the symbols and processes of the human psyche, found in dreams and other entries to the unconscious.


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot. The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation! I Am One in Many and Many in One! Exe*=1

    Hurrah! Gargamel! You actually quoted a source! Well, I was only looking up Jung, nnot Carl Jung so I didn't get the wiki. So I was wrong, Jung was into Psychiatry. Now, please answer the question: Where in your text is there mention of psychiatric science or in which context does this apply to your superb post on black holes in the vacuum next to the inertial mass of a whale?????? Careful now... Attachments:
    I am a child of the Light and a physical manifestation of the Light energy. By me. Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33878 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    There are actions being taken towards the "Thuban fallout" on this forum as we speak.

    The forum has never seen as much drama as it has done with the continuing of the thuban material posts. This has also acted like a large distraction from our Camelot oriented topics and discussions. The majority speaks, and they have spoken.

    Anyone who wants to complain about this action can do so by writing me:

    Please keep this as civil as possible so we don't need to give anyone a cool-down period or something.

    Thanks for your patience.
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33879 April 2nd, 2011
    Raven wrote:

    Fohat wrote:
    I am thinking this forum wasn't created for the debate of metaphysical teachings, imagined or otherwise. Although Camelot material does cover a lot of ground it is noticeable that interviews with peoples involved in metaphysical theories is not apparent. Thuban material does seem to fall into that category and realistically has no place here, if one desires such a drawn out debate it can be easily done so on the thuban forums.

    Free speech or not, this material is out of context in regards to this forum. Only my opinions.

    And who decides what material is not in line with Camelot Fohat? YOU? Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Tommy UN-BAN all of us and invite us back, with his and Kerry's blessing to post and share our information as long as we followed the guidelines set forth? Well we have done this and been attacked on all sides for it Fohat, for what? All because the rest of you 'believe' we don't belong here?

    Why have a section for spirituality, ET contact, abduction, ect ect ect. if your forum does not wish to have open viewpoints from various topics? Or more to the point, why UN-BAN us all and invite us back in the first place if our material is not what you wish to see?

    So are you suggesting Fohat, that Tommy and Kerry were not sincere in what they meant when they said we were welcome back to share our data with this forum in the spirit of what Camelot stands for?

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33880 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    I know why it got deleted! Top secret though... Can't tell!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33883 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Raven wrote:

    Fohat wrote:
    I am thinking this forum wasn't created for the debate of metaphysical teachings, imagined or otherwise. Although Camelot material does cover a lot of ground it is noticeable that interviews with peoples involved in metaphysical theories is not apparent. Thuban material does seem to fall into that category and realistically has no place here, if one desires such a drawn out debate it can be easily done so on the thuban forums.

    Free speech or not, this material is out of context in regards to this forum. Only my opinions.

    And who decides what material is not in line with Camelot Fohat? YOU? Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Tommy UN-BAN all of us and invite us back, with his and Kerry's blessing to post and share our information as long as we followed the guidelines set forth? Well we have done this and been attacked on all sides for it Fohat, for what? All because the rest of you 'believe' we don't belong here?

    Why have a section for spirituality, ET contact, abduction, ect ect ect. if your forum does not wish to have open viewpoints from various topics? Or more to the point, why UN-BAN us all and invite us back in the first place if our material is not what you wish to see?

    So are you suggesting Fohat, that Tommy and Kerry were not sincere in what they meant when they said we were welcome back to share our data with this forum in the spirit of what Camelot stands for?


    Raven did you miss this: message from Tommy;Itemid=164#33878
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33885 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Raven don't let the door hit you on your way out

    did you look at your profile I just did...


    What was that image above about the pot calling the kettle... this is not a Thuban thread they have been removed would be nice if you didn't start all over again

    Feel free to cut and paste this image

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33886 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    Fohat wrote:
    I am thinking this forum wasn't created for the debate of metaphysical teachings, imagined or otherwise. Although Camelot material does cover a lot of ground it is noticeable that interviews with peoples involved in metaphysical theories is not apparent. Thuban material does seem to fall into that category and realistically has no place here, if one desires such a drawn out debate it can be easily done so on the thuban forums.

    Free speech or not, this material is out of context in regards to this forum. Only my opinions.

    And who decides what material is not in line with Camelot Fohat? YOU? Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Tommy UN-BAN all of us and invite us back, with his and Kerry's blessing to post and share our information as long as we followed the guidelines set forth? Well we have done this and been attacked on all sides for it Fohat, for what? All because the rest of you 'believe' we don't belong here?

    Why have a section for spirituality, ET contact, abduction, ect ect ect. if your forum does not wish to have open viewpoints from various topics? Or more to the point, why UN-BAN us all and invite us back in the first place if our material is not what you wish to see?

    So are you suggesting Fohat, that Tommy and Kerry were not sincere in what they meant when they said we were welcome back to share our data with this forum in the spirit of what Camelot stands for?


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33887 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Thanks Tra have it saved now.. that is a good 1 but for some reason it did't want to cut and paste
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33889 April 2nd, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    tommy wrote:

    Please keep this as civil as possible so we don't need to give anyone a cool-down period or something.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Please show us where we have been uncivil Tommy. I believe I showed plenty of examples of who has been out of line and not followed the guildlines on the thread WILL COMMON SENSE AND INTEGRITY PLEASE STAND UP!! ATTENTION TOMMY AND KERRY!!

    If you will kindly look over all I gathered there as evidence you will see for yourself Tommy that its a group of about 6 or 7 individuals, hell bent on having us removed from this forum. And I am rather sorry to say that it is made up of some of your current and resigned mods. To an outside reader of this forum, its no wonder you don't have increasing membership but a huge following of lurkers, especially when your moderation team is on a constant witch hunt to demonize anyone or anything that doesn't fit in with their personal agenda. So if you have issue, I would say let the evidence speak for itself and take issue with those people who instigated the whole thing. All we Thubans have ever done is try to bring our information to this platform where it could be discussed openly and in the spirit of freedom and understanding, if this is a reason to ban us and remove, delete, hide, trash, openly slander our data then I am sorry for this place as it will soon die as a platform for open sharing and a beacon of light for those on the path of understanding.

    I will await your decision and not discuss this further. I have said what I need to say and I will respect what you told us before when you said that Camelot was a place where even controversial subjects could be discussed and that we were welcome here.

    Sincerely, Raven
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33891 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33893 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    I understand why you might not like our decisions in these matters, but I am afraid that (by the fact that you have your own forum(s) ) it would appear that having these discussions at your own court were interested parties are free to join if they feel inclined too.

    I don't know where you check your facts, but Camelot Forum has no decline in membership, in fact quite the opposite. In addition we have more than 1 million monthly viewers. I have received numerous e-mails from older and newer members asking why we let "thuban" roll when the material clearly takes away focus from the Camelot discussions and seem to instigate emotional mayhem among many people. I have received quite an amount of these e-mails since this started to happen, also way before the previous situation. We tried our best to accommodate you here, but it does not seem to work out.

    I suggest you share a link to your forum (my permission) to those who are interested in continuing the exploration of your material.

    Thank you
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33894 April 2nd, 2011
    Raven wrote:



    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33896 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    Raven wrote:




    Drama, drama and more drama...

    Truth? Truth is relative, you have shown that more than once.. And what makes this material more true than anything else may I ask? What do we block from viewers that they could not find before? Oh, right.. Nothing.

    If you material is so important then do as I said and refer them over to your OWN forum.

    Thank you
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior
    Post last edited Jun 9th 2011

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #33901 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:

    For the record:

    You (thubans) have to realize that from an administration perspective we take notice to the fact that we had almost no problems at all on this forum before thuban made it's entrance.

    There is no conspiracy here, you were given a fair shot but it did not work out forum-wise.
    I am sorry if you have been hurt by statements and actions here, but honestly I don't understand why you were persistent in continuing on this forum if people are as "nasty" as you often claim.

    You must realize that when you come into a forum with a "we got the answers" attitude many members will not agree and you should be prepared to be under pressure comment wise.
    That is a given.

    I hope you don't take this personal, but this is reality right now..
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33909 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:

    Hi Raven, I am a whistle blower, blowing my whistle of truth. You see, facts are facts. I know the truth can be hard to swollow. So be it.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33916 April 2nd, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    Don't you get bored with your self ,Tralala ,

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33918 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Here's some more Truth. Facts are facts.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33920 April 2nd, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    Yes your full of them ,,

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33923 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    What's the problem zaina
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33924 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Yes your full of them ,,

    Facts and Truth are good. No?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33925 April 2nd, 2011
    Silent Black Bear wrote:

    In an open forum that anything and everything is discussed and debated, would it be FAIR to say that, that everything is correct and as open as can be... Censorship of controlled measures are not representational of excuses in the "because" or and the rationalised intent of "justification"...

    Acceptance is or isn't and is open to all in perception of what is...

    Much is said and done and ultimately the energy involved is speculative... We can all get along so I feel that any misgivings and misunderstandings become past creations and flow to higher vibrations... We are here not to close doors but smash them down with courage and without fear...

    Time to put things right as the are no coincidences as they are and will be consequences...

    Love to you and all...

    Silent Black Bear... XO

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33927 April 2nd, 2011
    Smurfette wrote:
    Silent Black Bear wrote:
    In an open forum that anything and everything is discussed and debated, would it be FAIR to say that, that everything is correct and as open as can be... Censorship of controlled measures are not representational of excuses in the "because" or and the rationalised intent of "justification"...

    Acceptance is or isn't and is open to all in perception of what is...

    Much is said and done and ultimately the energy involved is speculative... We can all get along so I feel that any misgivings and misunderstandings become past creations and flow to higher vibrations... We are here not to close doors but smash them down with courage and without fear...

    Time to put things right as the are no coincidences as they are and will be consequences...

    Love to you and all...

    Silent Black Bear... XO

    What do you mean "will be consequences"?
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33928 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    What's the problem zaina

    The problem is this; Zaina seems to enjoy baiting and offering opinions of no substance with nothing to back them up. Much like hot air or smoke out one's arse.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33931 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:

    zaina wrote:
    Did I say there was a problem Lita ,

    It was just a question.. that is all..
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33930 April 2nd, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    Message deleted

    Personal attack

    Justification: Manners and Decorum

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33931 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Did I say there was a problem Lita ,

    It was just a question.. that is all..
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33934 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    while we are on the subject of ass holes ...How are you today ?

    I see we are having some stirring and baiting happening again...good luck with that peeps
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33937 April 2nd, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    There seems to be a lot of activity on this page ,to say you want it gone ,,
    I am new here and been called all sorts ,one being a horny whore .now i feel i am being attacked by you and Tra la , i think Lita for the sake of Project Camelot ,,give up it isn't working love ,,

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33938 April 2nd, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Message deleted

    Personal attack

    Justification: Manners and Decorum

    What about the one above is that ok ??blowing smoke out my ass ,what is this ..

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33947 April 2nd, 2011
    magamud wrote:
    Hey Tommy,
    If the people who do not like the material why dont they leave and go about the numerous other thing happening on Camelot. I enjoy the Thuban material to better understand my reality. I dont clam to be a Thuban and I dont speak for them. I am an outsider recognizing the material as important to me and having the interaction on Camelot. It has been apparent to me that the information has been getting beat up in the playground so to speak since i joined a few weeks ago. The Thubans have been doing their best to not get baited into fights and trying to show some professional courtesy toward this cyber bullying. Actually I am quite amazed at the lack of sensitivity and ignorance to the possibility of what this information could do for people and in general the planet with creating ambassador ship to extraterrestrial contact.

    As far as people demanding answers in their frame of reference when dealing with mysticism, this is very hard work my friend. It takes time and the needs to build rapport. This is not in the language or lexicon of our every day science.

    In the end I will seek my own gnosticism elsewhere but I do feel attached to the Archetype of Camelot and want to rejuvinate its ancient savior. Specific with Merlin and Arthur.

    Good luck to you and god bless.


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33951 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    Hey Tommy,
    If the people who do not like the material why dont they leave and go about the numerous other thing happening on Camelot. I enjoy the Thuban material to better understand my reality. I dont clam to be a Thuban and I dont speak for them. I am an outsider recognizing the material as important to me and having the interaction on Camelot. It has been apparent to me that the information has been getting beat up in the playground so to speak since i joined a few weeks ago. The Thubans have been doing their best to not get baited into fights and trying to show some professional courtesy toward this cyber bullying. Actually I am quite amazed at the lack of sensitivity and ignorance to the possibility of what this information could do for people and in general the planet with creating ambassador ship to extraterrestrial contact.

    As far as people demanding answers in their frame of reference when dealing with mysticism, this is very hard work my friend. It takes time and the needs to build rapport. This is not in the language or lexicon of our every day science.

    In the end I will seek my own gnosticism elsewhere but I do feel attached to the Archetype of Camelot and want to rejuvinate its ancient savior. Specific with Merlin and Arthur.

    Good luck to you and god bless.



    I understand what you are saying to a certain extent here friend, but in this case the problem is solved just by using the Thuban forum(s) that were dedicated to this material and it's followers.

    As for this forum the Thuban material was simply not compatible with the majority of members, and it is after all not related to Camelot in any way. I again encourage the thuban members to share the link for their forum so you can continue to divulge into it at the appropriate venue.

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Post last edited Apr 2nd 2011
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #33954 April 2nd, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Tommy if I can just give you a word of advice . Don't bother responding to every post of theirs. They will do this for days. You stated the decision and it is a perfectly valid one. They will keep nitpicking you until there are only bones left. Its what they do. Peace.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33957 April 2nd, 2011
    magamud wrote:
    Indeed it has nothing to do with this "Camelot" in any way.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33960 April 2nd, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    I have a pretty good idea to what happned to this thread.

    Some time in the wee hours of the morning I posted a garbled message.
    The point being the reason for the garble was because I got pelted with
    some kind of energy weapon. I WOULD AND DID NOT GIVE IN. The copies
    will glean a little more light when and if indeed they exist! This is where
    the interesting bit comes to light!

    A character called Jester someoneorother had written a reply with the
    usual condesending, tones, threats and addmittance of her dirty deeds
    and actions. She was setting her own trap. In her moking manner she
    was a part of an Orion group to do their dirty deeds here. (I'm receiving
    unpleasant but not too bad frequencies at the moment - JUST FOR
    THE RECOR you see!)

    I wrote a post to reply to her threats, stating I WAS FULLY AWARE of her,
    the darknes and her band of thieves dwell in, thus being the very reason
    why some of us have dug our heels in the ground and by every breath of our might.
    I ALSO told her that I would rather die by the roth of their dirty deeds
    than crawl in a corner like a frightened animal in silence. We and
    this beatiful little ball called earth, our home and hearth, cannot slip away
    from our grasp. We would not give it all away with ease. There is far more
    at stake here than merely the the good name of Camelot, we have a responsibility
    to every man, woman, child and a blade of grass to keep our front door sparkling
    clean and safe in these trying times.

    When I tried to submit a similar POST as this earlier, it vanished into thin air.
    I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes etc. a little ruff maybe! I do not want to take
    the chance of loosing another post just for the sake of a few spelling mistakes.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33963 April 2nd, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:



    I was invited to join this form by Kerry personally 4 months before it was even announced that there was going to be a project camelot forum!!!

    I was told it would be a much more open and editorial style.











    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33964 April 2nd, 2011
    chrissy wrote:

    LMFAO....i obviously was not around when this entertaining deluge began with Thubans. Soooo, i have been looking in threads on this subject but all ive been reading is about the DRAMA between posters and nothing about the actual material! (ill search myself on their cite)

    Love and keesses
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33966 April 2nd, 2011
    Strat wrote:
    I'm obviously late to this party...

    I sign in here fairly infrequently. I signed in here one day and there wasn't much going on, the threads stuck to their normal context.

    Then a few days later I sign in, a mod has left and there is a huge uproar over something called the "Thuban Material." There doesn't seem to be a lot of information, apparently it's been locked away because people wont be nice with the information freely available (says something about disclosure).

    Could somebody tell me what exactly the Thuban material is? Maybe a link?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33967 April 2nd, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    Why is my profile deleted? Strange id say.


    Peace Tommy and Kerry! JT! IFFW!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33969 April 2nd, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    I see you have quit a senscetive side to yur charecter!




    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33970 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Strat wrote:
    I'm obviously late to this party...

    I sign in here fairly infrequently. I signed in here one day and there wasn't much going on, the threads stuck to their normal context.

    Then a few days later I sign in, a mod has left and there is a huge uproar over something called the "Thuban Material." There doesn't seem to be a lot of information, apparently it's been locked away because people wont be nice with the information freely available (says something about disclosure).

    Could somebody tell me what exactly the Thuban material is? Maybe a link?


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33971 April 2nd, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    sianellen wrote:
    I see you have quit a senscetive side to yur charecter!




    I did not accuse people of hackin, stealing files or spreading disinformation

    I am who I say I am.




    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33972 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:

    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    sianellen wrote:
    I see you have quit a senscetive side to yur charecter!




    I did not accuse people of hackin, stealing files or spreading disinformation

    I am who I say I am.




    What truth did you people actually spread???
    I didnt noticed a lot really.

    But if you are up for it, I am game for it,
    How many profiles do you have btw?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33973 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    sianellen wrote:
    I see you have quit a senscetive side to yur charecter!




    I did not accuse people of hackin, stealing files or spreading disinformation

    I am who I say I am.




    I have no idea about your account being deleted. Did you find this out today?

    Reg. your notes about censorship: The thuban threads are moved into the moderators forum for now, at least half of it is arguing and profanity so we moved it for now pr. the manners and decorum rule.

    When we have some time we could clean it up and lock it so you can get your posts and references back.
    It is not deleted

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33974 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    Why not just delete those crazy posts... I don't want to see them again!!!!!!!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33975 April 2nd, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    NONE because it was deleted.

    Kind of makes ya wonder who some people are working for eh!

    There is much wisdom to be learned from the data that has been presented to the "thuban" group if that what you want to call it. Decoding of some advanced mathamatics and understandings of the cosmic shift that we are all living through. I think that is what was wanted to be discussed in the first place before all the attacks and lies.

    Peace JT!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33976 April 2nd, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    Thank you Tommy.

    My "avatar" image has vanished and my personal profile page stopped working 10 min ago.

    I have no idea about your account being deleted. Did you find this out today?

    Reg. your notes about censorship: The thuban threads are moved into the moderators forum for now, at least half of it is arguing and profanity so we moved it for now pr. the manners and decorum rule.

    When we have some time we could clean it up and lock it so you can get your posts and references back.
    It is not deleted


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33977 April 2nd, 2011

    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    DD wrote:
    Why not just delete those crazy posts... I don't want to see them again!!!!!!!

    Did you calibrate the Mayan calendar to the Gregorian calendar?

    Because my team did. What time is it? LOL

    Peace JT!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33978 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Anyway the Thuban material is still available.. Go to SEARCH and under Keyword type in Thuban.. Everything on Thuban is there for all to see! Have at it.... If it's going to get deleted delete it in the search section too please.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33981 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    NONE because it was deleted.

    Kind of makes ya wonder who some people are working for eh!

    There is much wisdom to be learned from the data that has been presented to the "thuban" group if that what you want to call it. Decoding of some advanced mathamatics and understandings of the cosmic shift that we are all living through. I think that is what was wanted to be discussed in the first place before all the attacks and lies.

    Peace JT!

    I can understand that, but after some review I found a lot of the material to be either incomplete or having the wrong equations. They were also claiming "indigo" kids to be (I quote) "baby dragons". I have had some "indigo" people very upset about being affiliated with "dragons"\"draco" and they were wondering if this was a view-point camelot supported. Well, I can tell you all, it is not.

    Personally I found "baby dragon" thing offensive for my own reasons, but I did not speak freely as my role here does not permit me doing so all the time (no worries, if it is of real importance I will speak up).
    This is however not part of the reason for the decision that has been taken today.

    I will not tell anyone what to do or not to do, in this case I am simply stating that this is not the place for the material in question. As mentioned numerous time by now they have at least two forums dedicated to this, I simply do not see the problem of simply typing a different address in your browser.

    But I wonder, if this material is so important, why has not anyone from the group shared their forum URL yet?

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33984 April 2nd, 2011
    siamese wrote:




    By the way ask TraLaLa nicely now, she may give you a reduction in price
    seeing you're behind in the average common scense deduction of our lowly
    human abilities. GOOD LUCK -and remember, be nice now!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33986 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    NONE because it was deleted.

    Kind of makes ya wonder who some people are working for eh!

    There is much wisdom to be learned from the data that has been presented to the "thuban" group if that what you want to call it. Decoding of some advanced mathamatics and understandings of the cosmic shift that we are all living through. I think that is what was wanted to be discussed in the first place before all the attacks and lies.

    Peace JT!

    I don't see any wisdom out of those dudes. I see a bunch (3 1/2) really pathetic individuals. We exposed them as fakes, and phonies. They have nothing on their own site. Zero. You'd think these dudes would want to establish their own forum, recruit other wannabee dragons rather than writing a bunch of senseless gobblygook on Project Camelot. There's no advanced math from those clowns. That is all a smokescreen.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33987 April 2nd, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    tommy wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    NONE because it was deleted.

    Kind of makes ya wonder who some people are working for eh!

    There is much wisdom to be learned from the data that has been presented to the "thuban" group if that what you want to call it. Decoding of some advanced mathamatics and understandings of the cosmic shift that we are all living through. I think that is what was wanted to be discussed in the first place before all the attacks and lies.

    Peace JT!

    I can understand that, but after some review I found a lot of the material to be either incomplete or having the wrong equations. They were also claiming "indigo" kids to be (I quote) "baby dragons". I have had some "indigo" people very upset about being affiliated with "dragons"\"draco" and they were wondering if this was a view-point camelot supported. Well, I can tell you all, it is not.

    Personally I found "baby dragon" thing offensive for my own reasons, but I did not speak freely as my role here does not permit me doing so all the time (no worries, if it is of real importance I will speak up).
    This is however not part of the reason for the decision that has been taken today.

    I will not tell anyone what to do or not to do, in this case I am simply stating that this is not the place for the material in question. As mentioned numerous time by now they have at least two forums dedicated to this, I simply do not see the problem of simply typing a different address in your browser.

    But I wonder, if this material is so important, why has not anyone from the group shared their forum URL yet?

    All the best,


    I am sorry, but either we cannot find the requested profile or this account is no longer active. Please contact the site administrator if you believe this is an error.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33989 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:

    Well, Dosnt really help for the Thubans to whining about it. It is chechmate, game over, get over it.

    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #33991 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    JT: Which account is this? A previous one? I don't understand since you are posting right now..

    You know that it is only permitted with one account on this forum?

    FYI: Yes indeed Tbonyandsteak, the decision is final.
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33992 April 2nd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    tommy wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:

    NONE because it was deleted.

    Kind of makes ya wonder who some people are working for eh!

    There is much wisdom to be learned from the data that has been presented to the "thuban" group if that what you want to call it. Decoding of some advanced mathamatics and understandings of the cosmic shift that we are all living through. I think that is what was wanted to be discussed in the first place before all the attacks and lies.

    Peace JT!

    I can understand that, but after some review I found a lot of the material to be either incomplete or having the wrong equations. They were also claiming "indigo" kids to be (I quote) "baby dragons". I have had some "indigo" people very upset about being affiliated with "dragons"\"draco" and they were wondering if this was a view-point camelot supported. Well, I can tell you all, it is not.

    Personally I found "baby dragon" thing offensive for my own reasons, but I did not speak freely as my role here does not permit me doing so all the time (no worries, if it is of real importance I will speak up).
    This is however not part of the reason for the decision that has been taken today.

    I will not tell anyone what to do or not to do, in this case I am simply stating that this is not the place for the material in question. As mentioned numerous time by now they have at least two forums dedicated to this, I simply do not see the problem of simply typing a different address in your browser.

    But I wonder, if this material is so important, why has not anyone from the group shared their forum URL yet?

    All the best,


    Well tommy; can you be a little more specific, as to where the 'equations' are wrong or incomplete please.

    I shall not argue with your other 'value judgements'; but critisizing scientific content demands a a little extra than the advise of 'pretend knowers' of the database of the sciences.

    I shall await your specific references and quotations so I can reply accordingly.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33994 April 2nd, 2011
    siamese wrote:



    THE SUN, Don't forget the high factor sun screen, you might fry.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33995 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    Maybe when you sent your dragon's breath it ate your profile too? Instant karma. Have you not noticed it happening of late?

    Personally, I had a chat with the Dragons in meditation, I didn't ask for it, they were waiting for me when I settled in.

    They're leaving the planet. They're very happy because they thought God had left them out of his ascension plans. In fact, God hasn't.

    They were the ones who were prisoner on this planet and they have now been released and are able to go home.

    And that is why we're going to see some previously dragon controlled puppets suddenly making no sense anymore because there is no puppetmaster to tell them what to do.

    At least, that's what they told me in meditation.

    Your team though had nothing to do with dragons. Dragons would never have humiliated themselves with such schoolbook errors in maths, physics and even psychobabble.
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33996 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:

    Sorry, but like I said, this is not the time or the place. I don't have time to discuss equations with you at this point. Maybe at one time I will.

    If you talk to the spirits they should be able to explain I suppose. Seriously

    Fyi: How often have you seen me pretend to know things?

    Not instigating a discussion here, but ponder it if you will..
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33998 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    Sianellen I don't know what's going on.. No-one I mean no-one has "power over you".... Don't let them think that they do - they don't... What always works for me (in my out of body experiences) when there's a little fear with what I am facing is I say "I am divinely protected"... It works every time and I'm usually "out of that vibration"...

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34000 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    These guys have no power. They are nothing. They are fakes. Tommy is right on the money here.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34001 April 2nd, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    JT: Which account is this? A previous one? I don't understand since you are posting right now..

    You know that it is only permitted with one account on this forum?

    FYI: Yes indeed Tbonyandsteak, the decision is final.

    I only have one account. 15 min ago my profile stopped working and my avatar image dissapeared. And i registered it on the first week when the forum opened after Kerry invited me as i say months before it was even announced that there would be a forum.

    I have not been an active posting member here much but have followed some of the threads here over the last year.



    Maybe when you sent your dragon's breath it ate your profile too?

    Maybe...but i doubt it

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34006 April 2nd, 2011
    Jester Terrestrial wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    These guys have no power. They are nothing. They are fakes. Tommy is right on the money here.

    The thubans are not claiming to have any power over anyone but our energy sure is intense eh!

    Like i said my words will eat ya like a dragon

    your fake lol your nothing lol I mean come on SpaceCowboy what dose that even mean?

    Ok, all sorted now

    Stay cool

    Ok i will wont do anything crazy for a few more min... lol


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #334008 April 2nd, 2011
    hellclocks wrote:
    Sianellen,time to put yourself in a mirror ball, so that anything sent to you gets sent right back magnified.

    I really hope that this is now at an end. I have tried to keep out of it as much as possible. But I really was getting sick of all this nonsense, of people joining and then going straight to attack mode on certain people, making insinuations about there character and so on.

    Its a pity that Steve's original decision was over ruled, all of this would have been avoided.

    [3:35:35 AM] Rok: [3:30 AM] Rok:

    <<< heh i sent a mail to kerry before...just trying to "pinch" her a little...hoping she sees it

    subject: YOUR forum and DISCLOSURE

    Something is going on that you might not know about....
    Things remind me about Bill Ryan stating there is a sting operation on Project Camelot in progress...with slander about you as a person (he was insulting you in a public chat room) etc...and than later talking about "limited nuclear exchange" with you and him...and freedom of posting...regarding old Avalon forum.
    You now have very similar problem on your forum.
    I have been watching for some time now the very interesting development of events on your forum...regarding the so called thuban material. What "strikes" me is that the people you entrusted the management of your forum are doing a very bad job. It is understandable that you are a busy person yet is your forum suppose to server as grounds for a disclosure with this going on?

    What is going on? A few people came to your forum, sharing intriguing information backed up by science published in official scientific publication...and than what happens? Some members of your forum, moderators backed (and moderators included, also ex moderators) displayed anything but light or love and compassion.
    This people are making ad hominem attacks due to their total ignorance and lack of understanding. They behave out of line and are allowed to do so by moderators that help them. Members standing up for themselves are being banned (after being insulted, cussed upon ...etc) threads are being removed from and light is abused and used as an excuse for censorship and witch hunting.
    Do not forget this forum is part of your public image. I strongly suggest you go and take time to read this threads and get a good personal look about them to than make your own mind about not ask others to "explain it to you"...find about it yourself.
    Take care
    Thank you Tommy BARRING ME ,,just shows we can be called everything and anything ,but cannot say nothing to defend our selves , please read back and see ,what we have to endure ,and what for ,just to be able to speak out truth .like everyone else is allowed ..

    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #34002 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    sianellen wrote:



    THE SUN, Don't forget the high factor sun screen, you might fry.

    Dear Sianellen:

    If you have problems with these energies\entities please tell them 7 times that "In the name of the creator I command you to leave my presence forever and not come back"

    This works for me
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34003 April 2nd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    JT: Which account is this? A previous one? I don't understand since you are posting right now..

    You know that it is only permitted with one account on this forum?

    FYI: Yes indeed Tbonyandsteak, the decision is final.

    I only have one account. 15 min ago my profile stopped working and my avatar image dissapeared. And i registered it on the first week when the forum opened after Kerry invited me as i say months before it was even announced that there would be a forum.

    I have not been an active posting member here much but have followed some of the threads here over the last year.



    Maybe when you sent your dragon's breath it ate your profile too?

    Maybe...but i doubt it

    Ok, all sorted now

    Stay cool
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34006 April 2nd, 2011

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    These guys have no power. They are nothing. They are fakes. Tommy is right on the money here.

    The thubans are not claiming to have any power over anyone but our energy sure is intense eh!

    Like i said my words will eat ya like a dragon

    your fake lol your nothing lol I mean come on SpaceCowboy what dose that even mean?

    Ok, all sorted now

    Stay cool

    Ok i will wont do anything crazy for a few more min... lol


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34008 April 2nd, 2011
    hellsbells wrote:
    Sianellen,time to put yourself in a mirror ball, so that anything sent to you gets sent right back magnified.

    I really hope that this is now at an end. I have tried to keep out of it as much as possible. But I really was getting sick of all this nonsense, of people joining and then going straight to attack mode on certain people, making insinuations about there character and so on.

    Its a pity that Steve's original decision was over ruled, all of this would have been avoided.


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34015 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:

    Dont be alarmed dear Sianellen, it is just a fear game.
    Noone and nothing can do you anything, unless you play the fear game.


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34018 April 2nd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:


    I was invited to join this form by Kerry personally 4 months before it was even announced that there was going to be a project camelot forum!!!

    I was told it would be a much more open and editorial style.











    i posted this next post adter yours. directed at you and the topic/subject of the thread/convo

    i said to you/them/they. and also referring to your directed focus at sianellen.

    what do i smell more of the same.
    JT. say what you want., dare freespeech, proove and add a grammarlist.
    what are you evading/eluding. mr mr
    manners,. well you lack them more than you have them. from this simple observation.
    bold lies and atacks. do i hear more reverse psychomambo jambo. i do.

    qoute; "Do you have a right to come here and say this to other members"
    i guess they do. from your own words about freespeech. stfu and deal with it. or goto your friends and cry about ohh the world is so full of injustice.
    indeed forum wont go DOWN. just cluggered. and keep DATA flowing, oh jeah i know.
    see more post a mind of which NO ONE GOTTEN ITO OR REPLIED TO.
    same goes for you JT. of whomever you are. beside being linked to AB/ASM/TB/AR/and rest of his added "leeching" personality's
    your intentions are clear seen by others as you dont control your intentions. simple

    proof this JT. i dealt with charles. and let D know as he wondered, (hell even had a nice mail over it)
    and ill deal with whomever is needed next. also. when required. np
    and them eps pussies, tried, and pinched, and i laughed. and than i said oh ill be heading back to Titicaca crystaldome soon again(april) as im invited.
    and ill work there with some old friends for the better of there here and now...
    and after than. ill deal with whomever needed of you folks on the level you attack them. and than raise the level. to on which i dealt with charles ok_______
    than you decide if you will go against me. choice.

    so why you dont come and get me mr mr i said. i got more than word thats mite you down, and ive been in the dragons layer. snakes i can deal with, i just like dragons more, than snakes.



    that was right about what i said and added onto. well a readup of you JT on mistofavalon, just shows more of the same i allready knew.
    so guess TB/AB came to you running, since he not long ago even noted you in a post directed at me.,and as end note in one of his post " oh and i know merlin blabla " semi extract.
    oh you still non-active at AV2 JT. im on my 7day bann lol charles felt harreshed haha. sidenote.
    snake vs dragon its all the same.
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34028 April 2nd, 2011
    DejaVu wrote:

    It's an infiltration game....

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34030 April 2nd, 2011
    Stargazer wrote:

    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    Why is my profile deleted? Strange id say.


    Peace Tommy and Kerry! JT! IFFW!

    JT...good to see you buddy!!...SG

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34031 April 2nd, 2011

    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:


    I was invited to join this form by Kerry personally 4 months before it was even announced that there was going to be a project camelot forum!!!

    I was told it would be a much more open and editorial style.











    i posted this next post adter yours. directed at you and the topic/subject of the thread/convo

    i said to you/them/they. and also referring to your directed focus at sianellen.

    what do i smell more of the same.
    JT. say what you want., dare freespeech, proove and add a grammarlist.
    what are you evading/eluding. mr mr
    manners,. well you lack them more than you have them. from this simple observation.
    bold lies and atacks. do i hear more reverse psychomambo jambo. i do.

    qoute; "Do you have a right to come here and say this to other members"
    i guess they do. from your own words about freespeech. stfu and deal with it. or goto your friends and cry about ohh the world is so full of injustice.
    indeed forum wont go DOWN. just cluggered. and keep DATA flowing, oh jeah i know.
    see more post a mind of which NO ONE GOTTEN ITO OR REPLIED TO.
    same goes for you JT. of whomever you are. beside being linked to AB/ASM/TB/AR/and rest of his added "leeching" personality's
    your intentions are clear seen by others as you dont control your intentions. simple

    proof this JT. i dealt with charles. and let D know as he wondered, (hell even had a nice mail over it)
    and ill deal with whomever is needed next. also. when required. np
    and them eps pussies, tried, and pinched, and i laughed. and than i said oh ill be heading back to Titicaca crystaldome soon again(april) as im invited.
    and ill work there with some old friends for the better of there here and now...
    and after than. ill deal with whomever needed of you folks on the level you attack them. and than raise the level. to on which i dealt with charles ok_______
    than you decide if you will go against me. choice.

    so why you dont come and get me mr mr i said. i got more than word thats mite you down, and ive been in the dragons layer. snakes i can deal with, i just like dragons more, than snakes.



    that was right about what i said and added onto. well a readup of you JT on mistofavalon, just shows more of the same i allready knew.
    so guess TB/AB came to you running, since he not long ago even noted you in a post directed at me.,and as end note in one of his post " oh and i know merlin blabla " semi extract.
    oh you still non-active at AV2 JT. im on my 7day bann lol charles felt harreshed haha. sidenote.
    snake vs dragon its all the same.

    Ummm OK Hmmmmm....Well Whatever. Glad you did a read up on me at the mists of avalon. Yes im still banned from Project Avalon 2.

    So my manners are a little wild...SO IS THIS WORLD!!! GET USED TO IT!!!

    I have a question... what is Titicaca crystaldome?

    Peace JT!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #33033 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Looking to get on the peace list? No one can give you peace or take it away... Yours for the discovering!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34034 April 2nd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:

    JesterTerrestrial wrote:

    I have a question... what is Titicaca crystaldome?

    Peace JT!

    simple AtoQ: Titicaca crystaldome? = Eternal Etheric Crystaline City 1 of 2 of them. currently surfaced / middleword.

    also see
    and the thread "im going to visit a stargate"
    or google.
    for the rest. well ehh whatever would sound fit. but even that i wont do. hence the above proper response.

    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Web/Browser-based: (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc://

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34037 April 2nd, 2011
    chrissy wrote:

    well i went searching, the actual "elders of thuban" forum? The Thuban philosophy when finaaly found through a "thuban philosophy" search...

    I have taken the liberty to repost a certain thread from the Mists of Avalon forum here and on
    This thread addresses the Thuban Agenda in a rather comprehensive manner; but without emphasising the omni-scientific and 'scripture-prophetic' parameters.
    This thread is subsequently VERY EASY to read and so serves as a wonderful supplement and comprehensive introduction for the 'Archives of the Dragons'.
    The messages are on SuiGeneris' platform of the 'Galactic Federation of the Worlds' and is there freely shared by Myplanet3, a member of the Thuban forums.
    I shall be pleased to answer particular questions of this thread, which I shall publisize in fashion and a platform which is of course open for all to contribute and discuss in any way desired.
    I begin with an excerpt on part3 and a part which is very pertinent for the present situation at hand.
    Love and Honour to All and a dragon-hearty Thank You to Myplanet3 for sharing this datastream from the Arcturian emissiaries of the Elders of Thuban.

    Some communities already exist where people feel they belong, spontaneously share resources, are pleased and proud to care for each other and for the place they live. Such communities are of one mind, in the sense that they focus on their common values, their common humanity, while celebrating their diversity as a source of new experience, enjoyment and vitality for all. Ultimately, all human beings may choose to live like that. But first they will have to agree on an alignment that gives priority to peace and conciliation. This may happen when an entire generation remembers all that they are and recognizes humanity as one organism, one collective consciousness, in all of its apparent multiplicity of form....

    Part 1: The One and the Many

    Part 2: The End of Time as You know it

    Part 3: You choose the Focus for Expression and Awareness

    Part 4: You are definitely imbalanced

    Part 5: What are You doing here?

    Part 6: The Paradox of Freedom

    Part 7: Now...You choose Ease, Grace and Clarity

    Part 8: Greetings

    Greetings from Metatron and Arcturus through Kayla on this day.


    We are all spiritual beings. In this domain, no one teaches and no one reveals, because everyone already knows. You forgot what you know, for many reasons, but now you may be able and willing to remember. If what we say reminds you of your truth, you will sense yourself relaxing into a “YES”, which may feel like coming home. It may also create JOY within you and a sense of great freedom.

    The quantum leap in consciousness is a gift of grace that anyone can choose to accept at any time. You do have to choose, however, because you are among the beings who are experimenting with free will. You are (and always will be) free to remember, reveal or recreate your KEY to the door of remembrance… or not. Even when you have your key in your hand, you are (and always will be) free to use it now, and again an hour from now, and again tomorrow and the day after… or not. Why would anyone choose not to open this door? There must be a good reason, or there would be no real choice.

    In the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, humans asked the biggest computer ever built to answer the ultimate question of “Life, the Universe and Everything”. Their answer turned out to be “42”… which is not quite as comically absurd as it seems, given that every answer depends on the question being asked. So. For you now, what is the ultimate question of “Life the Universe and Everything”? Is it really about life and the universe? Or are you looking outside, inside and everywhere in sight for some way to explain the existence and purpose of YOU?

    For many human beings on earth at this time, the question takes the simple form: “Who am I? And what am I doing here?” That may sound like two questions, but it’s actually only one, stretched over (space-)time. A satisfactory answer to this version of the ultimate question resolves all others because it includes all others.

    This I that is also a We

    You have doubtless heard the expression “As above, so below”, which comes from an ancient teaching called the Emerald Tablet, revered by alchemists as their most sacred text. It contains a symbolic story of creation, but a particularly significant extract translates into something like, “As above, so below; as within, so without…”

    It means that you can look at any one part of creation and see the pattern that drives the whole. Excellent work has been published about the holographic nature of our universe, but you do not have to understand holographs, fractals, toroids and spiral dynamics (in other words, you do not have to read the world in the language of math and physics) to recognize that what you perceive changes when you shift the level of your focus.

    Imagine putting your finger under a microscope and leaning over to look at it through this instrument. Recognize that you will see the very same thing, at a different level of focus. So your finger IS, at the same time, cells. Another level “down” or “in”, that same finger is molecules, made of atoms. One more level, and you can see that your finger – indeed, your whole body, and everything else in our universe – is a repeating pattern in constantly moving energy.

    Several versions exist of a short film that takes you from a man in his backyard, up into the galaxies and then back to earth again. As the camera moves back, the gradually increasing distance creates levels of focus that define what you perceive as one unit: first you see one man, who exists within a family in one back yard, which in turn exists within one neighbourhood, which exists within one town, within one country, one region, one continent. As the viewpoint keeps moving up and away, your focus goes to another level, as all of these form one planet, which lives within one solar system, within one galaxy, one group of galaxies, one cluster….

    So what you see as “one thing” depends on size, in other words on the level you are choosing as your range of focus. When the wide angle (virtually) reaches the infinitely large field of light, the camera’s viewpoint slows, stops, and starts back, zooming down through all the levels to reach the man again. Then it continues past the skin and into organs, taking you level by level into one cell, one molecule, one atom… finally reaching the nucleus and the electron haze, the quantum field. At this point, you have come full circle, as what you “see” when you move towards infinity, whether very large or very small, “looks” the same.

    The math and physics that they try to teach you at school are just languages to represent patterns of creation. The underlying patterns are the same, everywhere in our universe. What does this mean? Look at any one level, and you will see all. Our universe is a “holo-movement”: a holograph in perpetual movement. Every tiny segment of a holograph contains all the information in the whole, so illuminating any constituent part shows you the whole picture. The Delphic Oracle advises you to “know yourself” because, if you do, you will also know humanity, earth, the star systems, the galaxies and all of creation.

    There's much more to it and what ive read so far seemed very interesting, so not sure what the fuss is all about, personal agendas i suppose?

    To those who are also curious what the philosophy is...heres the link to the
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34042 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    Galactic Federation - Mind controlled bullxxxx!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34048 April 2nd, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    I'm now reporting, for the record, in public that someone opened huancaina #34032 post. As I had already quoted from this post earlier I THOUGHT IT WAS MINE and clicked the cancell button instead. However, I missjudged the sittuation, it seems I'm still experiencing inteferences with my computer proving that there are still sabotage tacktics going on in this forum. I take ful responsibility for clicking the final stroke on the
    Cancel button - sombody is still using my computer in an in violition of my privacy. I am posting this here,
    as it concern's huancaina and also as a notice that people need to be informed in light of today's actions things. Thanks. I will also post to tommy.



    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34049 April 2nd, 2011

    Stargazer wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    Why is my profile deleted? Strange id say.


    Peace Tommy and Kerry! JT! IFFW!

    JT...good to see you buddy!!...SG

    For sure Stargazer...i did not realize your moderating here...must be a blast and a half!!! So what the deal who are you guys really working for lol!!! Just or am eye! JT!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34050 April 2nd, 2011

    DD wrote:
    Galactic Federation - Mind controlled bullxxxx!

    What dose this mean? can you please expand upon this sweeping generalization. Thank you.

    imple AtoQ: Titicaca crystaldome? = Eternal Etheric Crystaline City 1 of 2 of them. currently surfaced / middleword.

    also see
    and the thread "im going to visit a stargate"
    or google.
    for the rest. well ehh whatever would sound fit. but even that i wont do. hence the above proper response.

    Thanks for this answer. You say you are heading back...meaning you have been there...can you please explain that more this is very interesting.


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34052 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    Christinedream 7 wrote:

    The messages are on SuiGeneris' platform of the 'Galactic Federation of the Worlds' and is there freely shared by Myplanet3, a member of the Thuban forums.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34055 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:

    DD wrote:
    Christinedream 7 wrote:

    The messages are on SuiGeneris' platform of the 'Galactic Federation of the Worlds' and is there freely shared by Myplanet3, a member of the Thuban forums.

    Thx, for telling, it figures and is nice to know.
    And I am with you on this.

    Btw. Sian Seems your right, When I wanted to post this, a previous post from yesterday appeared in the editor instead? Weird?
    hmm, Have no answer on that.


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34056 April 2nd, 2011
    Hurricane wrote:

    Since I am part of this forum and entered the site with the best of my curiosities... I somehow knew that maybe this site could be spied on...

    Since I bought my first Apple Computer, I just sensed that being spied on would be possible too... I don't know anything about computers. It was only my intuition though. As I said before, I am not afraid. I have nothing to hide and I am alone here behind my comp. NYC 53 F.. beautiful day.... awesome day actually, time to go again... I am as real as that!

    Yeah! this thing about Webs... Who am I? somebody else asked.... I am nobody, well, maybe a flower that is here today and gone tomorrow...

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34057 April 2nd, 2011
    chrissy wrote:

    Christinedream 7 wrote:

    The messages are on SuiGeneris' platform of the 'Galactic Federation of the Worlds' and is there freely shared by Myplanet3, a member of the Thuban forums.

    Im not sure if this was a typo, but i christinedream7 did not write this?
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34059 April 2nd, 2011
    chrissy wrote:

    Christinedream 7 wrote:

    The messages are on SuiGeneris' platform of the 'Galactic Federation of the Worlds' and is there freely shared by Myplanet3, a member of the Thuban forums.

    Im not sure if this was a typo, but i christinedream7 did not write this?

    Opps!!! I did not write it but i cited it ....just call me Judge Judy!
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door

    Reply Quote

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34061 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    You copied it over from the Thuban site.. read your last post.
    Post last edited Apr 2nd 2011
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #34063 April 2nd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:

    yep, she didnt say. she quoted/cited. and you grabbed an extract of it,
    that suited your current way of thinking. and what mind auto denies. thus.
    and DD just links "Galactic Federation of the Worlds' to non differanciation
    of Galactic Federation of Light and all other terms starting with Galactic. whether true or not and past or present etc etc . and diffrences. no matter who where or which dimension involved)
    (waking up is hard but all must undergo it, and thus learn what you know to know is BS also) most)
    and thus i keep saying differenciation is key . even more the deeper you go into the tabbit hole

    and thus comes to 1 single conclusion for ALL starting with Galactic - -> = Mind controlled bullxxxx!
    to quote you:

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #34042 1 hour, 1 minute ago
    Galactic Federation - Mind controlled bullxxxx!
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Browser(Web)-based: Click here for chatroom to open in browser (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc:// a chatclient to be installed allready​

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34084 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    The Galactic Federation of Light & Ashtar is an Alien Hoax -- Everyone Please Read
    Hello everyone,

    This is an urgent message!!! Please take the time to read all of it. I’m writing you because there aren’t many places I can post this message and I need to tell someone before it’s too late. I am being tormented by demonic beings who claim to be the same as the GALACTIC FEDERATION, COUNCIL OF LIGHT, ASHTAR COMMAND, COMMANDER HATONN, AND THE ASCENDED MASTERS. They possess my body like a classic demonic possession. They have been tormenting me with lies now for several years. They spell in a very crude manner by moving my feet or toes. The spelling isn’t very good....can take hours to decipher. They claim that they have “gift for you.” Want to awaken kundalini. I have a constant buzzing sound in my head like I am part of an alien hive. I know that they use implants which they can implant through invisible means. I have found two of them just under my skin on my elbow. I have come to believe that these beings are infernal creatures that plague all humans. Most are unaware of it. We are merely host to alien beings who use us for their own agendas. Some of us more than others. I believe they are trying to set me up as a full time host or something. They are changing my body and consciousness in some way. It is the most frightening experience imaginable and I live with this daily. Please read the following....“Our bodies are also the result of sound resonating energy into form and if our minds are powerful enough to change the sound range of the body, it moves into another form or disappears from this dimension, altogether. This is what is called shape-shifting.” This came from the following web page I believe they are trying to steal me over to another dimension or shape-shift me into something else. I don’t know, but dread the thought of waking up somewhere one day surrounded by these monsters. These beings are master geneticist who are breeding human hybrids and hubrids which they are slowly integrating into our society. It is the highest form of subterfuge. The alien phenomenon is real. These beings have been the Gods of the bible (ELOHIM, JEHOVAH, JESUS) and all other religious deities. IT HAS ALL BEEN A RUSE!!! There is no God. There are only these beings who have given primitive humans an illusion of God. They also spurn cult religions, Satanic churches, wiccan covens, secret societies, secret cabals, you name it. They do this through mind control. They use subtle persuasion on weak minds or people that they have been manipulating for a lifetime. They are also supported by beings who are in physical form. You wouldn’t know they weren’t human if you passed them on the street. They form the secret government’s of the world. Controlled by the illuminati whom are nothing more than puppets for the alien rulers of this planet. Satanist who owe their allegiance to the greatest trickster of them all…LUCIFER. Who is actually responsible for ALL OF THE ABOVE.

    These beings work with the most sophisticated technologies. It is beyond human comprehension. They operate with hyper nano tech, particle physics, electromagnetic energy, sound, light, worm whole technology, hyper drive vehicles, controlling weather, and so many other advanced methods that it would boggle the mind. They control this planet. They control our security agencies. They perform mass mind control through the media (sublimely). MONTAUK, MK ULTRA, BLACK BUDGET, PSY OPPS, MJ 12, you name it. They’ve had a hand in it. Now they want to present themselves as Ashtar of the Galactic Federation, Pleiadians, Sirians, the Arcturians, Andromedans, Christed beings, Michael the Archangel, Commander Hatonn, Christed beings, and Metetron, said to be the highest Archangel, and a host of other characters. Not to mention the beings behind all of the contact scenarios in the 50’s. Don’t you get it folks. We are all being played by alien imposters who are posing as our gods (or space brothers). This is right out of Stargate SG-1. These beings are actually demonic in nature. They hail from various densities (galaxies) and dimensions and they live right hear on earth. Seven years ago I would have never believed any of this, but I know it to be true. Many people who channel messages from these beings are finding that their messages are faulty or just plain lies. They are beginning to question the source of these messages. I’m telling you it is none other than Lucifer. The Devil is real. He is an alien who comes in the form of man (or woman) when he chooses. More than that, it’s a system of aliens who, believe it or not, have been cloning themselves in human form since the beginning of human history and playing us like fools. This is the crux of the entire UFO phenomenon and what our government doesn’t want us to know. The Greys are merely roboids that these infernal beings use as a vehicle to get around in 3-D. The Men in Black phenomenon is also associated with these characters. However, they’ve traded in their black suites for ordinary street clothes and business attire. Still working in consort with their Grey and demonic counterparts. They also fly around in helicopters and airplanes. They are constantly circling my home in either of these aircraft dropping demons inside to possess me. I know it sounds crazy but it is true.

    The truth is, they are us and we are them. Most all human souls hail from some star system or dimension controlled by these beings. They are merely beings who have control over very powerful technology. Perhaps reptilian or insectoid. Their souls are plasma just like ours. They have merely blended with machines and have become like cold blooded robots. They continually recycle our souls and maintain complete mastery over our lives from cradle to grave and back to cradle. They use artificial intelligence and modified human consciousness (Grey/reptilian) to do most of the dirty work when they possess a human being. They monitor all of the horrible things these monsters do to you. They lie, they deceive, make false promises, lead you down false paths. They will even remove items from your home or your person and admit it and will not give those things back to you. I believe our world is under great threat from these beings as David Jacobs points out in his book “THE THREAT.” Particularly hear in the United States. We should demand that our government stop dicking us around and tell us the truth. You may find that many of these people, meaning the civil servants and people in appointed positions, are not what they appear to be. The television series “DARK SKIES” dealt with this topic. We should also demand that they tell the truth about the alien controlled bases all over the United States like Area 51, Mt. Shasta, Dulce, and others. Please note that I am of sound mind and intelligence. I’m writing this because I don’t think I have much more time. They are flooding my head with all of this energy and I am all but deaf in my right ear. I was recently told that they will turn me into flames. I don’t know if this is in reference to spontaneous combustion or what. But this is the kind of hellish intelligence that I am dealing with. I fear that if I don’t get this message out, I may not have an opportunity to later. Those of you who channel these beings, please ask them why they are tormenting me and post your comments here. Others, please pass this message along.


    This is from Rich228:

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34076 April 2nd, 2011
    Starlooker wrote:

    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    Stargazer wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    Why is my profile deleted? Strange id say.


    Peace Tommy and Kerry! JT! IFFW!

    JT...good to see you buddy!!...SG

    For sure Stargazer...i did not realize your moderating here...must be a blast and a half!!! So what the deal who are you guys really working for lol!!! Just or am eye! JT!

    No DUDE...Who r u and who are U working 4???!!!

    That's hilarious....sounded better coming from Kerry.

    Oh...they love me here...When they stop fighting and draining every bit of intellectual energy out of the's kinda nice here.

    Peace Brother JT

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34084 April 2nd, 2011
    cheetah wrote:

    Tommy's opinion about the Thuban material is irrelevant!
    They have as much right to be here as any of the geniuses who've attacked them,period.
    So are we banning known Thubans now?
    And what about Suspected Thubans?
    Will all their threads be censored,deleted,hidden?
    These are important questions....Tommy seems to be asking the Thubans and all Thuban Sympathisers to go away,is this true?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34085 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    chita wrote:
    Tommy's opinion about the Thuban material is irrelevant!
    They have as much right to be here as any of the geniuses who've attacked them,period.
    So are we banning known Thubans now?
    And what about Suspected Thubans?
    Will all their threads be censored,deleted,hidden?
    These are important questions....Tommy seems to be asking the Thubans and all Thuban Sympathisers to go away,is this true?

    Your first post on PC and you jump right into the dragon stuff. No hello everyone I'm new here.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34086 April 2nd, 2011

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    chita wrote:
    Tommy's opinion about the thuban material is irrelevant
    they have as much right to be here as any of the geniuses who've attacked them
    So are we banning known thubans now?
    Will all their threads be censored,deleted,hidden?

    Yeah, But this got REWARDED.

    CrystalChi wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are. I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod.. just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore.. I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I... would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble... poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come fuck whit whore.

    Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next.. I will take you on too if you like.. but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey

    ME, NOW:
    I came here as a neutral party, not a Thuban member, and what I have seen be supported by this site boggels my mind. I can tell you there is nothing I have that could be shared and respectfully honestly be learned about in an environment such as this. I guess the signs all around you in the world are not enough to suggest that something may not be working the way you think it should? Just saying.

    Anyway I have a responsibility to use what I am given to make the world better, not waste it on replying to things like the above post by lita.

    I could easily go point for point on many issues but that is responding to people who have no intention of actually learning from any one else because they already think they know everything. Frankly, you could get more enlightenment from watching an episode of Jersey Shore than reading the posts of, as someone else has already said, about 6 people that are clearly blocking others from the freedom to openly express themselves on Project Camelot forum.

    I have lost a lot of respect for Tommy and anyone else who supports this kind of behavior. And clearly as lita was reinstated and my posts have been removed, They have chosen to support above said actions and behaviors. This is why we need Policing in the first place. LOL. Someone has to be the judge, and on here that is Tommy and Kerry I would guess, so in the Project Camelot world people like Lita get rewarded and the others get harassed until there is an excuse to ban them and delete their messages. That is exactly what takes place out in society that This Camelot organization is supposed to be trying to get to the bottom of. Now we see that you now understand what it is to actually "BE" the controllers from another level. In the 'real' world if you want to call it that, it is just someone else. That is why you are so loud about it. Everybody wants to rule the world. And who here would be any more fair and just than those who are running things right now? I may get banned for this post and frankly if it is a corrupt here as what they want to complain about out in the world, then I really don't have much more to share here anyway, as maintaining control is really the end objective.

    Good day, and might I suggest Ashayana Deane's interview again? LOL. She also explains a lot of what I have seen to be true, so if I get booted those are my last words. Haha.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34089 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34092 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    chita wrote:
    Tommy's opinion about the Thuban material is irrelevant!
    They have as much right to be here as any of the geniuses who've attacked them,period.
    So are we banning known Thubans now?
    And what about Suspected Thubans?
    Will all their threads be censored,deleted,hidden?
    These are important questions....Tommy seems to be asking the Thubans and all Thuban Sympathisers to go away,is this true?

    Your first post on PC and you jump right into the dragon stuff. No hello everyone I'm new here.

    Yeah, a bit obvious...
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34094 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    The lone ranger dragon back under five new names.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34096 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    The lone ranger dragon back under five new names.

    LOL, don't! How many multiple accounted lone rangers can we get on one forum?
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34100 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    I smell pie.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34102 April 2nd, 2011
    siamese wrote:

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34103 April 2nd, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    I smell pie.

    My mouth is watering.......

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34104 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    My drink of choice tonight. Party foul...I'm drinking it alone.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34105 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34107 April 2nd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:

    /me throws a lassoo over Spacecowboy: Gotchaaaaa

    /me pulls Spacecowboy down to earth & grounds ya a bit.

    now take a breath and drink some.
    than say 3 times.
    i am at ease
    i am at ease
    i am at ease
    i am.

    dont need to attack(for lack of a better word) folks on a hunch.
    them will show their own colours.
    referring to R.S. not all seems as it might be, or following a hunch instantly. .
    i get ya angle of entry. but still you know what i mean.

    nope was gone before one could see lol,. did see the other one though, one you referred to lollllllll

    anyway,. goodnight, be well. and stay clearminded. choose what to express. not what to reacto to.
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Browser(Web)-based: Click here for chatroom to open in browser (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc:// a chatclient to be installed allready​

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34108 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    /me trows a lassoo over spacecomboy: Gotchaaaaa

    /me pulls spacecowboy down to earth & grounds ya a bit.

    now take a breath and drink some.
    than say 3 times.
    i am at ease
    i am at ease
    i am at ease
    i am.

    dont need to attack(for lack of a better word) folks on a hunch.
    them will show their own colours.
    referring to R.S. not all seems as it might be, or following a hunch instantly. .
    i get ya angle of entry. but still you know what i mean.

    I see. I'm at complete ease. Did you see the "Piss off?"

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34110 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    sianellen wrote:

    I got a bottle of red wine. It's called Megage a trois. I call it my fantasy wine.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34111 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Must be English! (Piss off big in England for get lost!)

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34112 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    DD: you're right, it IS very English...

    SpaceCowboy, I'll join ya. I'm here alone with a bottle of Champagne at least... Don't do it often but there was a special deal, should have bought more and then I could be as obnoxious - and I can be!

    At EASE soldier!!! xx
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34113 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    chita wrote:
    Tommy's opinion about the Thuban material is irrelevant!
    They have as much right to be here as any of the geniuses who've attacked them,period.
    So are we banning known Thubans now?
    And what about Suspected Thubans?
    Will all their threads be censored,deleted,hidden?
    These are important questions....Tommy seems to be asking the Thubans and all Thuban Sympathisers to go away,is this true?

    Did you join this forum just to say that...HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! dragon first up.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34114 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    DD: you're right, it IS very English...

    SpaceCowboy, I'll join ya. I'm here alone with a bottle of Champagne at least... Don't do it often but there was a special deal, should have bought more and then I could be as obnoxious - and I can be!

    At EASE soldier!!! xx

    Awesome Sirius. What is the name of the champagne.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34115 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    chita wrote:
    Tommy's opinion about the Thuban material is irrelevant!
    They have as much right to be here as any of the geniuses who've attacked them,period.
    So are we banning known Thubans now?
    And what about Suspected Thubans?
    Will all their threads be censored,deleted,hidden?
    These are important questions....Tommy seems to be asking the Thubans and all Thuban Sympathisers to go away,is this true?

    Did you join this forum just to say that...HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! dragon first up.

    Greetings Lita, will you join us in a drink? Sian?

    Chaska, victory drink. What is your poison?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34116 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    Notice something strange? Arctourist hasn't posted at all today! Wonder what happened to him?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34119 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    DD wrote:
    Notice something strange? Arctourist hasn't posted at all today! Wonder what happened to him?

    Arc is posting all over other forums how dumb and stupid we are and how he's lost all respect for mods and admins.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34122 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    DD: you're right, it IS very English...

    SpaceCowboy, I'll join ya. I'm here alone with a bottle of Champagne at least... Don't do it often but there was a special deal, should have bought more and then I could be as obnoxious - and I can be!

    At EASE soldier!!! xx

    Awesome Sirius. What is the name of the champagne.

    It's an Antoine de Clevecy, a real champagne although I've never heard the name before, and as the French would say quite 'potable' (drinkable)....about half way through it now and expect to finish it before passing out
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34123 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:

    SpaceCowboy, I am having brandy in my morning coffee.. will catch up on a bottle of something after breakfast... happy to join the party

    DD from what Arctoursit said at Mists he deleted his a/c now that is other reason for a celebration drink...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34124 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    DD: you're right, it IS very English...

    SpaceCowboy, I'll join ya. I'm here alone with a bottle of Champagne at least... Don't do it often but there was a special deal, should have bought more and then I could be as obnoxious - and I can be!

    At EASE soldier!!! xx

    Awesome Sirius. What is the name of the champagne.

    It's an Antoine de Clevecy, a real champagne although I've never heard the name before, and as the French would say quite 'potable' (drinkable)....about half way through it now and expect to finish it before passing out

    Nobody does champagne better than the French. I'm half way done with my threesome wine.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34125 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    Deleting an account has no reflection on whether or not he is no longer a member. He could have created a new user name like I did here on Camelot... Easy to do if you want a new identity... I had reasons though... Admin knows!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34126 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    DD: you're right, it IS very English...

    SpaceCowboy, I'll join ya. I'm here alone with a bottle of Champagne at least... Don't do it often but there was a special deal, should have bought more and then I could be as obnoxious - and I can be!

    At EASE soldier!!! xx

    Awesome Sirius. What is the name of the champagne.

    It's an Antoine de Clevecy, a real champagne although I've never heard the name before, and as the French would say quite 'potable' (drinkable)....about half way through it now and expect to finish it before passing out

    Nobody does champagne better than the French. I'm half way done with my threesome wine.

    What's a theesome wine???

    Is it French or local or another country? I'm a bit partial to the ol' red
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34129 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    DD: you're right, it IS very English...

    SpaceCowboy, I'll join ya. I'm here alone with a bottle of Champagne at least... Don't do it often but there was a special deal, should have bought more and then I could be as obnoxious - and I can be!

    At EASE soldier!!! xx

    Awesome Sirius. What is the name of the champagne.

    It's an Antoine de Clevecy, a real champagne although I've never heard the name before, and as the French would say quite 'potable' (drinkable)....about half way through it now and expect to finish it before passing out

    Nobody does champagne better than the French. I'm half way done with my threesome wine.

    What's a theesome wine???

    Is it French or local or another country? I'm a bit partial to the ol' red

    Menage a trois---a California wine. It's cheap ($7.99) but really good. I've had very expensive wines that don't taste as good. If anybody wants a bottle I'll send you one if the law permits.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34133 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Ha ha! Send one to me and one to Lita and that will defo be a menage a trois!

    Mmmmmm champagne though, things are looking UP!

    Crystal this time next year

    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34137 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    Ha ha! Send one to me and one to Lita and that will defo be a menage a trois!

    Mmmmmm champagne though, things are looking UP!

    Crystal this time next year


    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah baby!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34139 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Yes he could create a new ID DD, but he said that the way he talks people would know its him..he is right..

    My new ID didn't last long before the trolls made me.. but then they have our server id's don't they. Funny thing is they attack me for using another 1 when I have deleted my Lita a/c I did't have more than 1 ID like most of the Thuban.

    remember to copy and post this Sui seeing your here watching... so you can condemn me even more over at the other forums... good 1 nice to see you are still at it.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011

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