Committee of 300 6 languages Article Talk Read Edit View history Tools From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians, is a conspiracy theory[1] that claims a powerful group was founded by the British aristocracy in 1727 and rules the world.[2] Proponents of the theory alleging the Committee's existence believe it to be an international council that organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts. Background[edit] The theory dates to a statement made by German politician Walther Rathenau in a 1909 article "Geschäftlicher Nachwuchs" in Neue Freie Presse:[3][4] Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, guide the economic destinies of the Continent and seek their successors from their own milieu.In context, Rathenau was actually deploring the oligarchic implications of this statement, and did not suggest that the "Three hundred" were Jewish. However, by 1912 Theodor Fritsch had seized upon the sentence as an "open confession of indubitable Jewish hegemony" and as proof that Rathenau was the "secret Kaiser of Germany." The idea became more popular after World War I, and the spread of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Rathenau addressed the issue in a 1921 letter, stating that the three hundred referred to were leaders in the business world, rather than Jews.[5] After Rathenau's assassination in June 1922, one of his assassins explicitly cited Rathenau's membership in the "Three hundred Elders of Zion" as justification for the killing. This prompted the Reichstag to pass a Law for the Protection of the Republic making propagation of the myth a prosecutable offense. Nevertheless, it was still used by the Nazis before and after they took power.[6] Later theory[edit] Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich wrote that the group may also be known as the "Hidden Hand", which is headed by the Rothschild family of international financiers and based loosely around many of the top national banking institutions and royal families of the world.[7] This version of the conspiracy theory claims that the Rothschild family are merely a part of the club and not the leaders.[8] In popular culture[edit] The Committee of 300 is the main antagonist of the Science Adventure series. References[edit] ^ Robin Ramsay (3 February 2012). Conspiracy Theories. Oldcastle Books. p. 10. ISBN 978-1-84243-819-0. ^ Bennett, Richard M. (2003). Conspiracy: Plots, Lies and Cover-ups. Virgin. pp. 27–28. ISBN 978-1-85227-093-3. Retrieved 3 May 2013. ^ Rathenau, Walther, 1867-1922 Zur Kritik der Zeit Berlin, S. Fischer 1922 p.207 ^ Mark Swartzburg The "Three hundred" in Richard S. Levy, ed. Antisemitism: a historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution Santa Babara, California; ABC-CLIO 2005 p.705 ^ Swartzburg pp.705-6 ^ Swartzburg p.706 ^ Cherep-Spiridovich (1926). The Secret Government or Secret Hand. The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association. p. 38. Retrieved 26 March 2016. ^ "CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300" (PDF).
These 13 Families Rule The World: The Shadow Forces Behind The NWO Alexander LightOctober 25, 2014 The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over mankind and our planet’s resources. David Icke coined it the “Totalitarian Tip-Toe,” because “they” are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive enslavement. As a result, the masses remain relatively unaware of the fact that their liberties are being gradually taken away, while the power of the NWO octopus grows steadily. The shadow forces behind the NWO agenda Somewhere near the very top of the pyramid, an extremely elitist organisation known as the Council of the 13 families orchestrates all of the major world events. As the name suggests, the Council consists of the top 13 most influential families on Earth. An increasingly number of people is becoming aware that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled by an “elite” 1%, but the Council of the 13 families consists of less than 1% of the 1% “elite” and nobody on Earth can apply for membership. In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over the rest of us because they are the direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royal. These families are: Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) Bruce Cavendish (Kennedy) De Medici Hanover Hapsburg Krupp Plantagenet Rockefeller Romanov Sinclair (St. Clair) Warburg (del Banco) Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe) Personally, I suspect that this may not be the complete list and some very powerful lineages are still unknown to us. The Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful — visible — bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth is around $500 trillions! They exercise their power through the world banking empire, which is almost entirely owned by them. The most important institutions that work hard to establish the NWO and completely enslave our species, are: The City of London (finance, controlled by the Rothschilds) – NOT part of the UK The US Federal Reserve (finance – private bank, owned by the Rothschilds) – NOT part of the USA The Vatican City (indoctrination, deception and scare tactics) – NOT part of Italy Washington D.C. (military, mind programming, brainwashing and depopulation) – NOT part of the USA All of the above institutions function as individual states, operating under their own laws, hence there is no court of law on Earth that could ever prosecute them. The multitude of Secret Societies in existence today, operate as branches of a mega corporation, which is owned by the Council of the 13 families. Even though they have been handsomely rewarded for their work, the members of these secret societies are not members of the “elite” bloodlines, they don’t know who their masters are and they have no idea what the real agenda is. The brainwashing Another mass-enslavement tool that they are using against us, is the so called educational system. Schools are no longer what they used to be and children are learning to memorize without thinking and obey without questioning. In fact, this established educational system is extremely expensive to keep operational and obsolete in the age of the internet. “Why obsolete?” you may ask. Because the internet gives us free access to almost infinite amounts of information. So why are we still paying huge amounts of money for governmental education? Because the world’s “elite” require that our children learn conformity and inside-the-box thinking. What can we do about it? Mankind’s faith is hanging in the balance right now, as the control of the NWO octopus spreads. On the one hand, we are very close to our complete enslavement, while on the other hand, we could easily crumble to the ground their pyramid of power, by simply uniting against their deception in a peaceful revolution of minds, hearts and souls. I’ve asked myself for years what is their greatest weapon of enslavement. Is it poor education combined with constant indoctrination? Is it the fear generated by religion? Is it the fear of being punished (jailed or killed) by the system, or is it the invisible enslavement of the monetary system? In my opinion, all of the above combined had a huge impact on our society and the way we think, but their biggest weapon is hands-down the financial system! Currency slaves The financial system has stealthily enslaved our species and now we are being used as currency slaves. We work from 9 to 5 every day, in boring and depressing environments, not stimulated by anything creative or constructive. In most cases, the sole motivation for going to work, is the next paycheck — and no matter how hard we work, we never seem to have enough money. Have you ever wondered why mega-corporations (reaping $billions/year in profits) pay dozens of millions to their CEOs and as close as possible to the minimum wage to the rest of the employees? This has been carefully designed, because a person that is constantly “on the edge,” will never have time for self-education, introspection and — eventually — spiritual awakening. Isn’t this our main purpose on Earth? To become spiritual beings (and by spiritual, I obviously don’t mean religious) and complete the incarnation cycle? “They” don’t need educated people, who are capable of critical thinking and have spiritual goals. No, this kind of people are dangerous to the establishment! “They” want obedient “robots,” just intelligent enough to operate the machines and keep the system running, but stupid enough never to ask questions. Money is the eye of the “devil” All of the world’s biggest problems have their roots deeply embedded in the financial plague: wars are profitable, diseases are profitable, Earth’s plundering is profitable, human slavery and inhumane working conditions are profitable. Our leaders have been corrupted by money and mankind’s collective mission on Earth has been hijacked by money. So why do we need the financial system, in the first place? Actually, we don’t need it (at least, not anymore). The planet doesn’t charge us a cent for using its natural resources and we have the technology to extract them without physically working a day. Must-read related article: The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, the British Crown and the Vatican Rule the World The solution More to the point, there are brilliant minds “out there” discussing the concept of a resource based economy for decades. One example is mister Jacque Fresco, a brilliant industrial designer and social engineer, who spent most of his life designing the future. The cities proposed by Mr. Jacque Fresco will be built by autonomous construction robots and will be eco-friendly & self-sustainable, earthquake & fire proof. Learn more here. Other people are already discussing the transition plan towards the economy of the future, where money are no longer required and all individuals will be offered the best conditions to reach their highest potentials — all for the benefit of our species, as a whole. So, my question is: are we ready to embrace the future and escape the control of the “elite” in a world without money, or are we going to allow the New World Order to happen? By Alexander Light, PLEASE VISIT HIS SITE
13 Families Control Everything - From Politics To Terrorism check out this article: 13 Powerful Families In The World That Apparently Control Everything ( "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empir e and I control the British money supply." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild Some say, in an attempt to restore "balance" in the world, a New World Order was formed. Formed by America and Europe's most elite (both in terms of wealth and power) with historical roots that date back centuries. This power-house formed by 13 families is known to be controlling practically everything around the globe. From political parties around the world, courthouses, educational institutions, natural resources, foreign policies, food, national economies, media houses, even terrorist organisations. They are the ones who decide where and when the next terror attack is going to happen, they decide when the markets will fall, they decide when a new government needs to take over, they decide what happens at the UN, they decide practically everything. "The US and UK governments' relentless backing for the global spread of genetically modified seeds was in fact the implementation of a decades long policy of the Rockefeller Foundation since the 1930's, when it funded Nazi eugenics research -- i.e. mass-scale population reduction, and control of darker-skinned races by an Anglo-Saxon white elite. As some of these circles saw it, war as a means of population reduction was costly and not that efficient." - F. William Engdahl in his book "Seeds of Destuction" What we didn't know Modern day democracy, like the way we know it, is not more than 250 years old. The world, as we know it, has always been ruled by the ones with absolute power, those who knew how to control wealth and resources. By those who knew how to control their people, by hook or by crook. The New World Order aims to work on a similar philosophy of absolute power and control, but on a global scale. The plan is to secretly have a single body governing the planet with the elite sitting right on top of the food chain, leaving the rest of the world to fight it out for that 1% of the global economy. Scarier is the fact that they apparently also want to keep control of the global population. They want the global population to be just under a billion, leaving the Earth's resources for their own exclusive use. And to keep the population in check, they are willing to go to any extent, even plan scientifically engineered global population control methods like viruses, vaccines and genetically modified food. It is also said that these families even hold the cure for terminal diseases like cancer and AIDS, but don't want to release it to the public because then there'll be a cure. And a cure is not good for the pharma business. "The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations. But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world. The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up... It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order." - Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File" 1. The Astor Bloodline 2. The Bundy Bloodline 3. The Collins Bloodline 4. The DuPont Bloodline 5. The Freeman Bloodline 6. The Kennedy Bloodline 7. The Li Bloodline 8. The Onassis Bloodline 9. The Rockefeller Bloodline 10. The Russell Bloodline 11. The Van Duyn Bloodline 12. The Merovingian Bloodline 13. The Rothschild Bloodline 13 Families Control Everything - From Politics To Terrorism check out this article: 13 Powerful Families In The World That Apparently Control Everything (