Butter and Fat Adventure and freedom feel, taste the same. I like adventure 'cause it's necessary to keep my eye on the ball. This mindfulness makes everything better. Like unbridled freedom. Like Butter and fat. ref http://mrsmindfulness.com/how-you-can-enter-mindfulness-in-4-simple-steps/
How to enter The Zone Being in the zone, in the flow feels the same as being fully present. It’s not a place, Not something we do really. It's the state we fall into when we're in sync with our body -- survival, creativity, passion, awareness, things of life. Our body remembers the gritty granular taste, touch and smell of being alive. It remembers the sensations and feelings of all that we do. Thus our body is the portal to the zone. Our body remembers our core being before things were divided and made many. It thus serves as a portal to an undivided reality we know exists but cannot always see. To enter this portal, we speak the native tongue (our feelings) and see as the heart sees (a world undivided). it is a remembering without distraction from that which is outside ref http://mrsmindfulness.com/how-you-can-enter-mindfulness-in-4-simple-steps/
Breathing in the moon Saying these words does something good for me at night looking at the moon from my balcony.
The Traveler The traveler has no safety net. At home the familiar and unchanging serve as a safety net. But the traveler needs to be in the zone, and in the flow. Otherwise he can get lost with no one to help him. He can’t bother with worry or fear. So he allows for everything and can know nothing for sure, trusting that in the end things will be as they need to be. Life moves through him.