Principles 13 - Kindred Spirits

Discussion in 'Principles' started by admin, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Kindred Spirits

    People Inside


    We are dancing with joy you found us!! We are your angels and heroes and then some. Say hello to your friends Wind, Waters, Earth and Sun . . .


    Unity Consciousness
    the people inside you phenomena


    Unity consciousness is when more that one shares the same consciousness -- an experience of good friends (women are especially good at this) or brainstorming for a common solution at work.

    Divine unity consciousness is unity consciousness with an awareness of our divinity.

    Seeing True


    I think unity consciousness is not something out there we have to be a saint to experience. It's something in us already. When we see ourselves as we are, we also see a friend. This awareness radiates outward of its own accord. This is unity consciousness.

    en point

    This may be what happens when all our parts are working together as a team.

    The way we are

    This is Goddess Nuit. It shows the heavens and the stars inhabiting her body.


    . . . I think the body we experience things in can be anything anywhere.

    When we feel something, that something is not confined to the body we know -- it might be the sound of rain bouncing off the roof being cozy inside or the click clack of a train on a moonlight night. And so we feel through the rain, the quiet of the moon or maybe a voice out of nowhere that says "You're doing Ok".


    I get this sense when I suspend the chatter in my head for awhile --

    The “real you” is nonlocal. It is not limited to a particular space-time location. If you have had an extensive out-of-body experience or a near-death experience, you might have realized that once you were free of your body, you could see in all directions at once. However, that still provided the experience of perceiving through a particular and fixed position.

    As an expression of the Creator, you exist everywhere at once. You exist in everything you perceive, and just as the Creator experiences Itself through Its creations, you also experience yourself through all of the creation that you intersect with from your individualized point of awareness.


    Unity Consciousness
    Many Talks One Body[/B]


    When I hear Rain talking, I might feel the beauty and delight of a light summer rain. It feels good all over. Any kind of water does this to me.

    When Sun speaks, I feel all my atoms lounging in healing energy. Lathered in SPF 80 I have not a care in the world!
    When Wind speaks, there’s change in the air. Maybe an adventure is about to happen!
    When Earth speaks, it gets all quiet inside.

    It’s the delicious experience of being one and enjoying each other at the same time. Like friends who can talk to each other at the same time and still know what they’re talking about!

    Our Bodies

    They are not really our bodies; they just live within us --like a family lives under the same roof. We call these people our wife, our husband, our child -- but everyone knows (or soon finds out!) we don’t own them.


    They are living, sovereign beings who share the same life and the love we do. From our perspective they are like vehicles or bodies because it is through them they we know and experience life (like getting to know life initially through the members of our family). But they are in fact living beings in their own right.

    You know they are independent with a life of their own when someone tries to play Top Dog. No one likes that . . .


    There are many kinds of beings within us. Some of the most interesting are the archetypal. When someone says she’s a real woman or he’s a real man, they refer to beings of archetype within us.

    Body speaks . . .

    Archetype Man and Woman
    Seen by Spirit Man


    I am Spirit Man of sun and sky. She is of fire and Earth. We are really just one -- one of center; one of flow -- but of just one energy both.

    The energy does not really take you up (to the sky) or down (into the center of the Earth) though it may seem that way. Rather our energy radiates inward and outward and in all directions.

    We do not live outside you. Guides, map and compass may prove useful but are not necessary. You need only remember us. We're here at the phone.

    We are already with you. That’s why you can resonate with the opposite. We are both there. Your physical sex has a built-in bias to one of us. But we are both there. You know what a real man is and what a real woman is because of this.

    From one you know truth and beauty -- and knowing things without having to look it up or figure it out. From the other you can make dreams happen, be the captain of your soul and experience things not experienced before.

    Something special happens when you wake up to the both of us. A new energy pattern is created causing a light to form in the universe.

    Pop Quiz!

    OK. Which photo goes to who? You're the one that gets to decide . . .








    Kindred Spirits

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2015

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