Plato's Dragon Science

Discussion in 'Thuban Cosmology in Quantum Relativity' started by admin, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    orthodoxymoron wrote:


    An Update for you, showing the correct description for the 'Many Worlds' models of both main stream cosmologists and 'alternative' quasi-scientific universe builders.
    And indeed, it became the Maxwell Equations, which created the 'First Light' of the Genesis account in the 'Big Bang of Universal Creation'.
    It was then, that the EMMR of the higher dimensional magneto charges (aka the gluon colour charge of the asymptotic nuclear quark-electron radius-weakon Higgs confinement in the nuclear interactions and Quantum Chromodynamics) became utilized in the inertia dependent ElectroMagnetic Radiation described by those Maxwell Field Equations with its interaction with mass, being associated with the 'Coulombic' electro charges.

    In other, but related semantics; it was the 'God-Particle' of the Eps high energy part of the 11-dimensional supermembrane, which disassociated in the lower dimensions from the 'Devil-Particle' related to the Ess low and reciprocated energy part of this selfsame superstring of 10D extending itself in the manifesto of the first area space and allowing the concept of a 3D volume to take effect.
    Thus became the creation of space and time in spacetimes and timespaces.
    This cosmogenesis can also be allegorised and metaphored and archetyped in a grand original breaking of gauge symmetry, which then becomes the 'Fall of Lucifer' and the 'shattering of the Sephirots' of Ein Sof in say kabbalistic and biblical lore, so expressed in an alternative nomenclature and wordings, often encoded in divers alphabets and encipherments; including the universal languages of music and mathematics.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:

    Hey Orthodoxymoron, forgive me but I fell from my chair with laughing... noticing that, since I left the MoA and came back again, just this Sunday, that you're still not knowing if you're coming or going. Probably we won't find the last words of you yet. [​IMG]
    Welcome back BB. Eschatology is no laughing matter -- but it's not the end of the world. Wait a minute. Yes it is. BTW -- I am so old and senile that I never really know if I'm coming or going!!
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Plato's Dragon Science


    Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:23 am (PST) . Posted by: "Roger Clough"

    How platonic physics helps discover, not invent, the universe

    Sebastian Bach felt that he was discovering, not inventing or composing, music.
    Discovering the laws or cosmology of music. This is a most platonic attitude. Like Mozart, Bach was just writing down what he heard.
    Platonic physics and Leibniz's Monadology give a structured outline of the way things are.

    Life, according to platonic physics

    Life, according to platonic physics, is simply intelligence, where intelligence is the autonomous free will (non-deterministic) ability to freely make choices.

    Autonomous intelligence is necessary to survive. It enables even the bacterium to survive.
    So life, free will (non-determinism), intelligence, Mind, non-physicality all go together.
    Thus life was nonphysically present, as part of Mind, "before" the universe began, and is part of the intelligence of nature today.
    Thus Leibniz believed that the universe itself, and everything in it, is alive.


    1. In the beginning, there was Nothing (Plato's One, or Mind) which is nonphysical (spaceless and timeless).
    {In the Beginning was the Definition-Logos, and the Definition was with the Super Energy (Only Metaphysical/Abstract Before Physicality) and the Definition was the Energy (Physical And Metaphysical)!

    John.1.1 -KJV
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.}

    2. This Nothing that physicists speak of is nonphysical Mind, pure intelligence, awareness, and the capacity to do work.
    {Correct! This statement requires definition of the labels used however. In particular the namings of 'Mind' and 'Awareness' and 'Work' demand definition in basic terms in logical self-consistency. Intelligence as the utility and application of the Mind then can become a consequence or derivative of the 'using of the mind' and the capacity to do work relates to the concept of Energy as the product of an applied Force utilized in an amount or region of Space.}

    3. The One then simply conceived of or engendered Leibniz's Many (quanta or monads), in the Big Bang, creating a dual.
    {Correct! In technical terminology the Infinite Nothingness aka the Eternal Void created its own Unity as a Oneness yet separated across a displacement or barrier or 'quantum tunnel' aka wormhole or 'firmament dividing heaven and earth' or 'abyss' or 'bottomless pit'.
    The dual can be defined as a 11 dimensional super membrane of sourcesink and sinksource gauge string coupling on the quantum state of the microcosm, which macroquantises in a Einstein-Rosen Bridge or a White Hole - Black Hole duality and whose displacement of separation remains macro quantum entangled in the high energy-frequency vibratory sourcesink (as a 'Quasar') as power source for the sinksource (as a 'Black Hole') in its low energy and winded superstring complement or conjugative.}

    4. The physical world is entirely made of matter, the physical correspondents to Leibniz's mental monads or quanta.
    {Not true, as electromagnetic radiation or EMR is massless in its photonic gauge definition, but cannot exist independent of mass itself. All electromagnetic radiation, say radio waves, infrared, visble light, ultra violet, x-rays and gamma-atomic radiation are created by the acceleration of electric charges, which are ALWAYS mass associated in inertial particles like protons angularly accelerated in the interior and surface of the sun and stars. The quality of the 'mind particle' enables the 'higher dimensional' light to remain independent of mass however. This higher dimensional light then can be labelled as the 'spirit' and the basic constituent of the 'soul' and the 'spirit'. A more technical nomenclature renames this 'spirit' then as Electromagnetic Monopolar Radiation or EMMR and it is the EMMR, which can be defined as the dyadic monad of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and as the Infinitesimal of Isaac Newton in an appropriate definition of say the bifurcated multi-dimensional super membrane.}

    5. Thus Mind, the mental correspondent to the physical world, is an infinite collection of monads (quanta).
    {What is infinite is the Eternal Void, from which all existence derived from as a timeless and spaceless plenum. Thus the original Eternity was also the Nullstate without Unity. To manifest the potential for Unity or Oneness, the Void and the Eternity had to blend their undefinable qualities quantitatively and qualitatively and so the idea of the Number 1 was born. As the universe physical is finite, however able to expand eternally in a linear projection of circular or 'cycle quantum time'; the number of actual source energy quanta or monads can be counted as a summation of the wormhole quanta defining the physical singularity from which the so called Quantum Big Bang emerged in mathematical and logistical self consistency and under obeyance to all prior abstractly defined 'Laws of Nature'.
    The formulation is simply the Volume of the spacially and time defined Omniverse divided by the volumar of the wormhole quanta as a Source Energy.

    Using a calibrated Mean-Alignment-Time or MAT of say November 5th, 1996 at 00:00 +11UCT; this number of wormhole quanta is:
    2p2RHubble3x(n/MAT=1.132419321...)/2p2Rwormhole3=8.04999159x1079/7.95774715x10-68 =1.0115917x10147 at MAT
    and adding wormhole quanta every second from its ('Eternal Void Energy Potential' from Abstraction Space of the MATHIMATIA aka the Tetragrammaton I AM THAT I AM aka the pentagrammaton I AM THAT AM I) due to the expansion of the Omniverse from its protoversal seed into Eternity from its reciprocated Nulltime.

    The volume of the universe calculates as a function of quantized time and space and as an effect of the frequency quantum of the cosmogenesis defining the wormhole Big Bang singularity.

    V(t) =6p2c2
    t2 dt for the integration interval from 'Big Bang Time' t=tps=1/fps to expansion time coordinate t=t.

    V(t=tps) = 2p2c3{t3 - tps3 = 0 for the time quantum tps as the wormhole frequency fps

    V(2tps) = 2p2c3{23 - 1}tps3 as the first finite volume after time and space began.

    V(3tps) = 2p3c3{23 - 1}tps3 as the second such volume and defining the size of the universe for cycle time coordinate n=Ho(3tps) for generalised n=Hot and dn/dt=Ho

    V(ntps) = 2p2c3{n3 - 1}tps3 as generalisation for expansion time t=n/Ho

    V(1)=V(3x1030.tps) = 2p2c3{27x1090 - 1}tps3 = 2p2lps3{27x1090 - 1} because c=fpslps and showing the quantization of the volume and size of the universe as a simple count of the unitary wormholes of frequency fps=1/tps=3x1030 cycles per second for the universe being 1 second old.

    2p2lps3 = {8p3}.2p2rps3 then defines the Number of wormholes at any expansion time t as:

    NWormholes = c3t3/lps3 = {Lightpath X=ct}3/{Wormhole Perimeter}3 = {Wormhole Source Frequency x Expansion Time Coordinate}3 = {fps.t}3

    Modular string-membrane duality defines: rps = lps/2p for rps = 1/rss = 2p/lps = 2plss for {8p3} 1

    The expanding universe topologically and geometrically represents a 3D-Surface V3=dV4/dR=2p2RHubble3 from the toroidal Riemann sphere in multi dimensional hyperspace V4p2R4.

    The increase in wormhole quanta therefore multiplies the 2D reduction of the 3D surface area by lightspeed c to add a 'volume shell' for the volume added and integrated over the time parameters.

    dV/dt=dV/dn.dn/dt = (6p2n2RHubble3).(Ho) with Ho=c/RHubble = lps.fps/RHubble for the scale ratio identity for the micro-macro quantization Ho/fps=nps=Ho.tps=lps/RHubble

    For the Quantum Big Bang: t=tps and so NWormholes = {fps.t}3 ={fps/fps}3 = 1 as the wormhole unit for V(tps = 0 INFLATING lps to RHubble and the dimensionally reduced Volume V3 = 2p2RHubble3 as the 11D boundary for the 10D asymptotic wormhole seedling to expand into. The expansion of the universe is both cyclic and asymptotic.
    The 10D open hyperbolic and negatively curved topology describes a 'Seedling Protoverse' which asymptotically approaches but never reaches its 11-dimensional mirror boundary and a boundary which is itself expanding in a particular cyclicity of the wormhole evolution.
    A massless 'Strominger Black Hole' oscillates in a 4 Trillion year 'recharge' cyclicity between the micro- and macro quantum self states.
    This cyclicity is superposed onto the nodal cosmic frequency oscillations of the 'Heartbeat' of the universe at c-invariant lightspeed, one 'heartbeat' taking a full nodal oscillation of the 'Hubble Constant' varying in tandem with the Hubble Oscillation as the RHubble/wormhole oscillations and as the definition of dimensionless cycletime coordinate nps.

    This scale oscillation differs from the Hubble Oscillation in terms of the Black Hole Schwarzschild metric of the curvature radius Rc=2GoMBlack Hole/c2 in the Mass difference between the 11D-Mother Black Hole and a Seedling 'Daughter Black Hole' known as the Sarkar Black Hole of supergalactic gravitational homogeneity further described in the 'dark energy' and 'dark matter' or 'missing mass' encountered in the cosmologies for a Euclidean flat universe of zero curvature.

    In terms of the multi dimensional universe, this flatness is the consequence of the hyperbolic asymptotic cosmology being encompassed by a 11D closed spherical-ellipsoidal and positively curved topology of the 'Inflation Mirror' so producing the overall flatness as a consequence of the toroidal geometry of the Riemannian hypersphere. An observer at the center of a Horn- or Vortex Torus would experience the negatively curved space at the centre as a volume 2p2RHubble3=2pRHubble.pRHubble2 for radius r=R, but also experience its encompassment in a sphere of volume with radius r=2R and so a volume of 4p(2R)3/3 or 32pR3/3, being greater than the volume of the observable universe by a factor of 16/3p.
    The convexity of the encompassing 'Omniverse' so cancels the Concavity of the lower dimensional 'Multiverse' in phaseshifted Universes, centred on the Protoversal Seedling Universe and not parallel as a Many World Multiverse.


    The de Broglie Inflaton phase acceleration is given by adB=RHubble.fps2 for the tachyon velocity vdB=RHubble.fps for the general matter wave speed expression:
    vphase=(frequency).(wavelength)=(mc2/h).(h/mvgroup)=c2/vgroup > c for all vgroup < c using E=hf=mc2 for wave momentum mvGroup=h/l=hf/vgroup

    For the Quantum Big Bang: t=tps and so NWormholes = {fps.t}3 = {fps/fps}3 =1

    For 1 second after creation: t=1 and so NWormholes = {fps.1}3 = {fps}3 = 2.7x1091

    For the Hubble Node: t= 1/Ho and so NWormholes = {fps.t}3={fps/Ho}3 = {fps.RHubble/c}3 = {RHubble/lps}3 = 1/nps3 = {RHubble.1022}3 = 4.078173...x10144

    For MAT-time: t= nMAT/Ho and so NWormholes = {fps.t}3={fps.1.132419321./Ho}3 = 5.92226037...x10144

    For the present time: t= npresent/Ho and so NWormholes = {fps.t}3={fps.(tMAT + 567,993,600)}3 = {fps.(6.030795167x1017)}3 = 5.92226039...x10144
    for nPresent = Ho{tMAT + 567,993,600} = Ho{6.030795161...x1017 + 567,993,600} = Ho{6.030795167x1017} = 1.80923855x1026/1.59767545x1026 = 1.132419322

    (As the time from November 5th, 1996 00:00+11UCT to November 5th, 2014 00:00+11UCT and as 18 civil years or 6574 civil mean solar days or approximately 6574x24x3600=567,993,600 seconds added to the Mean Alignment Time of the Dragon calibration)

    The 'Heartbeat' of the 'Mother Black Hole' AS the spacetimed protoversal seed for the Omniverse is defined in the Hubble Frequency as a 'Outbreath' semicycle to be followed by an 'Inbreath' semicycle, which technically is called the Nodal Hubble Constant defined by the 'speed of light' divided by the total extent of the Omniverse in 11 Dimensions as the 'Hubble Radius' or as Ho=c/RHubble=300,000,000/1.59767545x1026=1.87772805x10-18 cycles per cosmic second.}

    6. The physical world is not an illusion, it is simply the physical world, the domain of conventional science.
    {True! The 'Within' of the physically definable and parametrized universe in self-reference is also the 'Without' of the same physically definable cosmology. The two physical worlds of the 'inner world of the one' and the 'outer world of the many' is then bridged by the label of the metaphysics aka the 'spirit' aka the electromagnetopolar radiation, remaining independent from the physical definitions of mass and matter and antimatter etc.}

    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty." }

    7. The physical world is not either physical or mental, it is both simultaneously. A dual.
    {Correct, it is both in the famous Kitten of Erwin Schrödinger or Albert Einstein's Puppy of the Quantum Relativity.}

    8. The principles of monads are given in Leibniz's "Monadology".
    {One of many labels of semantics, which could be applied.}

    9. The Monadology is thus a form of quantum mechanics, and contains uninvestigated possible new rules of quantum mechanics.
    {Yes, the phenomenon actually describes a dyadic monad as a monadic dyad or a two-sidedness as a doubled one-sidedness topologically and a quantum geometry which can be fractalized holographically across a 12-dimensional superspace and can be visualised in the construction of a Möbius Strip and a Klein Bottle.}

    10. In it, all causation is mental, not physical, and is top-down (cybernetic), from Plato's Mind.
    {The causation is from the metaphysical to the physical indeed; albeit defined and characterised by a cosmic legislature, the so called 'Laws of Nature', applicaple to both without distinctions.}

    11. Thus Mind controls the brain, not the reverse.
    {The definition of 'Mind' depends on the parameters and variables of the phenomenon called Consciousness, which becomes a form of 'Space Awareness' thus defining the 'Cosmic Self'. As the defining qualities of cosmic consciousness engages the quantum properties of spin and angular acceleration acting upon any volume of definable space; it becomes the 'space occupied' by any cosmic intelligence or sentience, which then allows the 'source energy' or 'soul' to grow in experience and self-awareness in the accumulation of 'source energy quanta' or 'universal qualia'. The Mind so becomes the available recall Memory of a soul as a 'shard' of the creator-creation dyadic monad, characterised by the Einstein-Rosen bridge or wormhole in the macro White Hole-Black Hole and the micro supermembrane dyadic monad labelled as EpsEss.}

    12. Life is mental, not physical, and so is part of all reality.
    {Life is defined in the source energy induction of souls and so spans all of existence in the synthesis of a base physics with chemistry and biology evolving through time with utility of the space and so the environments encountered. The physical life becomes the soul experience in incarnation of particular cosmic identity states and apart from the soul in its disincarnate wave state, which can be said to be purely mental with the incarnation allowing the mental experience to become physicalized. and body sensory stimulated-sensational.
    The cosmic agenda of all souls then becomes the simultaneous experience or hybridization of the incarnate self state with its disincarnate Eigen state and to so reform the dyadic monad of unity from its monadic dualism in separation.}

    13. Life is nonphysical intelligence (Mind).
    {An inadequate and vague definition. Whilst it can be said, for 'Intelligence' as the utility of the 'Mind' to be nonphysical; this intelligence is nevertheless associated with the soul and therefore all of Existence in its incarnate parts and experiences. Sentience therefore requires the physicality of space and time to gain and experience in consciousness for the purpose to enhance its accessible data banks or memory storage for the Mind to be usable as an organiser of the self- and other reference point aka the self- and mutual induction mechanisms relating to electric and magnetic components of the EMMR structure of the soul aka the 'Life Energy'.}

    14. Gravity acts in the physical world, but it is mental, not physical, for there is no graviton.
    {False! Gravity is one of four elementary gauge interactions, defining the physical fundamental wormhole structure of space and time and as a function of the 'Cosmic Consciousness' aka the 'Space Awareness' itself.
    Gravitation as a 'long range' gauge force then must unify with the other three gauge interactions of 'long range' or infinite electromagnetism and with the two 'short range' weak and strong nuclear gauge interactions - the former in the macrocosmic winded stringform of the cosmic Yin or Mother and the latter in the microcosmic vibratory stringform of the cosmic Yang or Father.
    The Graviton exists as a necessary double left-handed quantum spin agent to harmonize and unify the right-handed quantum spin couplings of the Source Photon of Electromagnetism and the Gluon of the strong nuclear interaction. The latter coupling the long-range gauge forces to the short-range nuclear forces in enabling the right-handed 'suppressed Weakon' of the weak nuclear gauge to couple with a left-handed 'Restmass Photon' of the Mind, and so adding a 5th 'Gauge Element' to the 'Unified Field of Quantum Relativity'.
    The suppression of the massless weakon gauge then allows a mass introducing 'Higgs Boson' of zero spin to substitute the necessity for antimatter in the Omniverse.
    This defines the origin of the monadic dyad from first principles in the coupling of antiradiation in lieu of antimatter to negate the requirement of mass at the beginnong of the cosmology from its cosmogony of the definition of the Super Energy.
    The Quantum Big Bang emerged from a massless (Goldstone Bosonic) 'EMMR-Anti EMMR' aka a 'Spirit-AntiSpirit' scenario and not a mass original Matter-Antimatter mileu.
    So before the Quantum Big Bang, but after Nulltime and in a so called 'Inflation Planck String Epoch' and when no mass yet existed, the AntiSpirit was coupled to the Spirit and the weakon gauge was not suppressed until the matter emerged in its homestead.}

    15 Thus quantum gravity is not possible, because there is no physical graviton to correspond its possible monad, a quantum.
    {This represents an erroneous statement as a non sequitur, because the Graviton does exist.
    The Graviton is one of five necessary gauge interaction elementary 'corner stones' or cosmic building elements or blocks to construct all other geometries, such as subatoms (quarks and leptons), atoms, molecules, microscopic uni-cellulars like prokaryotes (crystals, bacteria and viruses) and subsequently multi-cellular organisms (eukaryotes) in processes of biochemistry and biophysicality described by endosymbiotic couplings and relationships.}

    16. Mind creates all, and has created all from the nonphysical Nothing, perceives all, and controls all cybernetically.
    {Correct! Provided, the correct definition of what 'Mind' is, namely a inertia independent energy bifurcating into two complementary forms of itself (as a soul) in the 'mind' and the 'body' or the 'spirit' and the 'flesh' is utilized in the emerging consequences and properties. 'Mind' as abstract spaceless and timeless 'Super Energy' then manifesting itself in physical associativity and is utilized to then derive the observed and experienced phenomena, both physical and metaphysical.}

    17. Time and space are physical, but are not ultimately real, because the ultimate reality, Mind, is timeless and spaceless.
    {False! Both time and space are real as the necessary dualism with respect to the original undivided non-unity of the eternal void. Time, in particular, carries the unique property amongst the fundamental physical units of mensuration {Mass, Displacement, Time, Molarity, Luminosity, Current and Temperature}, to be definable as 'Plato's Ideal State' and as the 'Pure Number' of Pythagoras.
    The inverse property of time as Period of Cyclicity becomes Frequency f defined as the quantum form of angular velocity as f=w/2p. It can be shown how the timelessness and the spacelessness ergo the eternal void manifested the physicality of spacetime and timespace as an emergence from itself. Subsequently the emergence of the physicality must be as real or as unreal as the plenar self state this physicality emerged from. its own non-physicality. Both are as real or as unreal as each other and dependent on the realism and imaginations and dreams and fantasies of the observer occupying the space and time of the observed , sensed and measured.

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty." }.

    Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000).
    See my Leibniz site:
    For personal messages use

    (18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
    Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."

    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs

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