Surtur's Fire by raxnae, 1 day, 22 hours ago Literature / Poetry / Spiritual / Free Verse Surtur's Fire Loki Surtur's Fire, an Awesome Foe, Amazing His Power, Overwhelming His Might, His Flames Devoured the World, Though Now a Forgotten Legend, His Fire has a New Host, One Very Easily Pointed Out. The Modern Caliphate of Islam, Devil's Trapped in a Memeplex, Burning Swords and Blazing Guns, Killing the Khafir, The World is Infected by These Flames, Devouring Minds, Killing Bodies, A Prison for Those who Reject or Receive It. And so Ragnarok is Bound Once Again, Though in Different Form, I am but a Simple Trickster, Showing the Future-Past, I Stand for the Truth, and When My Time Comes, I Will Run My Horn, Deep Into His Eye. As Long as Hope Lives, There is a Fighting Chance, It is Either a One World Government to Fight Islam, or a One World Government of the Caliphate, Either Way, We're Burning in the Melting Pot, Stand Strong, Hold Your Ground! Or Maybe We Don't Need Government, But Rather A Mental Revolution, A Grander Memeplex to Swallow the Devil Whole, Whose to Say, What Will Be or Will Not Be, Just Heed the Warning, Because Once You're Burning, You're as Good as Dead.