Rok Rok Posts: 15 Join date: 2013-03-01 Post n°30 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? Rok Today at 11:00 am how very informative, i shall immediately summon the order to consult this matter with our reptilian overlords
Didymos Didymos Posts: 688 Join date: 2010-05-20 Location: Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia Post n°31 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? Didymos on Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:40 pm _________________ shiloh Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34 I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise! Bluey Dracs The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation! I Am One in Many and Many in One! Exe*=1 GODGOD=DOGDOG=DEMONA=DEVIL=LIVED=FINANCE=PRIDE=EARTH=HEART GODDOG=DOGGOD=JCCJCJJC=52=26+26=13+13+13+13=5+2=7 7=7dec=7bin=111=DRAGONHEART Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE MICHAEL SUN = INFINITY-1 = JERUSALEM+1 = EARTH1HEART = DEMON GABRIEL = LOVE MICHAEL
orthodoxymoron orthodoxymoron Posts: 6367 Join date: 2010-09-28 Post n°490 Re: The United States of the Solar System: 2133 A.D. Book Two. orthodoxymoron on Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:55 pm "I fight with myself 24/7 and I just knocked myself out!!" SuiGeneris wrote: rich228 wrote:I would like to ask Abraxas and her so called 'Council of Thuban,' why they are possessing people and holding them hostage in their own bodies and implanting them with excruciating devices that causes intense suffering for years on end (12 years and counting in my case)? Oh...and why they lie, and deceive, mislead, act in a degenerative manner, disrespect the body of the host, causing them to hurt themselves in agony, pain, and unrelenting suffering caused by the entities possessing the body. Is this part of the dragonization process? Is this legit? Dear Rich228, tsk tsk tsk... *sighs* Ok i wasn't going to answer this at first, but then on second might need to hear this... I don't know who you are or how you've come to this conclusion that what you call the 'Council of Thuban' is doing all that, but let me make it clear to you that it is not Abraxas or our Thuban Coven. If it is in fact a 'Council' who is doing this to you, then it has to be a different Council altogether...but let's try to examine this further... The type of "possession" you are describing seems to be the result of a psychic self-attack that originates in the mind of the believer and inevitably expands onto all the rest of the person's bodies (emotional, physical, etc, etc..) causing great havoc in its path and duration. It often arises form a series of half understood religious and pseudo-religious dogmas, conditionings and deeply rooted memeplexes with its often missed but no less dangerous fanatical ideologies and delusions. Of course you would believe that this entity or entities who are doing this "possessing" are mean and evil because they have more power than you and are therefore abusing you in order to gain something out of it...right? If this is the case then you are seeing yourself as a helpless victim and you are placing yourself exactly right where these so called "entities" want you to be. Perhaps one day you would be able to verify first hand if these entities truly exist in the physical and/or ethereal plane...but until then let's just assume they do exist "somewhere out there", "behind the veil" as the Wizard of Oz ok? a separate entity from yourself. "How could I stop these attacks?", "Why me?" I bet you asked yourself these questions and more for the past 12 years...yes? If you are thinking you are struggling against principalities, against "powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" then you might be closer to the truth than thinking you are struggling against someone, of flesh and blood, found here on this planet that is separate from you, who is somehow remotely sending some of his weird voodoo stuff to you because well...he might have nothing better to do. To answer your question..."Is this legit?" What i just said to you about the "powers" is legit. Your misconceptions are not. "Is this part of the dragonization process?" The struggle is. As it has to be present to some degree in all transformations. You see you cannot become a "Dragon" (Starhuman, Superhuman, evolved entity or however you want to term it), by merely sitting there dramatizing about being a victim wishing for an easy way out, for the Et's to land and rescue you or for the rapture to happen. And I am not trying to diminish your pain and suffering either. I am sorry to hear you have suffered so much for so long. I know the pain experienced is real and it is unfortunate that so many millions of people all around the world go through this same type of pain everyday not finding a solution and losing all hope as a result. But if you would only just consider that all this evilness is not only found outside of you but also inside, then you would perhaps begin to realize how much you yourself are involved in the creation of all this "unrelenting suffering". Now in these end times it is critical for all who wish to exit this Prison World to first be able to exit the prison of themselves. And how do you do that? First you need to be able to recognize it. Look in the mirror and really see what reflects back. If you really seek..."it" will choose you and it will try to kill you. Yes...kill you. Just like Neytiri explained to Jake Sully as he was seeking his "Dragon"... Just how the mirror became black and tried to 'eat' Neo alive...and so the real battle begins.... Will you take the blue pill or the red pill? take the blue pill and you can continue to believe you are being attacked and there's nothing you can do about it, take the red pill and you can begin to do something proactive for your own benefit, but first you must fundamentally change the way you think. Are you willing to do that? Do you see now why it is a struggle for most? .....hell and EVEN IF..the Matrix with its huge oceans of energy being guided by this invisible "Council" ARE coming 'into you' taking possession of your soul, raping you, torturing you, sucking every last bit of energy possible from you...and all the rest of it...the second that you become aware of "IT" it's checkmate, it loses control over you. The all seeing eye is not used to being likes no competition. Now try to see IT with the same mindset that's been around for the last two thousand years and you'll see how far that will take you. Do not be afraid of yourself...for anything that you are afraid of outside of you is really an inner fear found within. Know, that the only thing that can truly hold you hostage in your own body are your thoughts and your thought patterns because everything must become manifested through the Mind first. Therefore, seek to know thyself above all so you would then control yourself...fully, that way no one can touch you. I also suggest you try to live a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get enough sunshine, listen to music, do what you like, walk in the sand or barefoot on the grass...FALL IN know...take care of the physical body too to the extent that you can, be gentle with yourself...especially if you ever decide to go down the rabbit'll need a lot of patience, stamina and a good disposition and that's just for starters... May the Cosmic Logos guide you on your path. In the Vesica, orthodoxymoron wrote: This is the sort of thing which deeply troubles me -- and which I keep hearing about. I don't necessarily have a problem with strange-ideas and strange-individuals -- but suffering, torture, possession, deception, exploitation, murder, and mayhem DEEPLY-DISTURB me. I think there has been a spiritual-war in this solar-system for thousands of years -- and that it continues to this very day -- but I can't prove it. I've taken a lot of my conceptualizations into the realm of science-fiction (with a heavy emphasis on politics and religion). My pseudo-quest has made a wreck out of me -- and a lot of the distress seems to be more than just mental and physical maladjustment. I feel distinctly spiritually-harassed (but I can't prove it). rich288 seems to be in a deeper dilemma than I can imagine -- and I think this sort of thing is a very real phenomenon -- but I obviously don't know the particulars of this situation. I imagine various factions and realms struggling for power (and who knows what?) in this solar-system (with lots of 'innocent-souls' becoming 'collateral-damage'). Those who purposely make 'deals with the devil' are in serious trouble (from what little I know about such things). It seems as if they join some sort of a 'Spiritual-Mafia' which is nearly impossible to walk-away from (and/or start talking-about). I think I was offered a chance to join (several years ago) -- and I declined. If I had accepted -- I think I'd probably be a 'perfectly-possessed insider' by now. The price-tag for some things is simply too high. In my religious-background "Witches", "Covens", "Dungeons", and "Dragons" raise "Red-Flags". A few weeks ago -- an attractive complete-stranger told me they had been accused of being "Witchy" -- to which I replied "Being a Witch Isn't Necessarily a Bad-Thing! It Just Depends on Which Witch You Happen to Be!!" orthodoxymoron wrote: I don't know who the Hidden-Factions really are -- or what they're really all-about -- but I think the B.S. is planned and orchestrated by one (or all) of the Hidden-PTB -- and that this thing is really ancient and nasty. I'm in no position to know what's really going on -- and I'm becoming less and less inclined to dig deeper. I'm actually trying to climb completely out of the rabbit-hole -- and resume some form of "normal" -- regardless of how abnormal "normal" really is (by universal-standards). enemyofNWO wrote:Greeting Ortho ,This is a brief review of events that happened in the last few years . This might help in showing the patterns . From those i have reached my conclusion . What happened in Libya was directly instigated by President Hollande and Cameron . Hollande at the moment is trying to subdue Mali ,this country has Uranium and gold mines . Cameron wants to bomb Syria . We know how successful the plan to destabilize Libya has been , the place is destroyed and refugees are trying to escape to Europe . Syria is the same story , Assad is still there thanks to Uncle Vlad , but most of the country is destroyed ..... another successful intervention ( sarcasm ) of the western criminals in the Middle East . One thing is certain , the tribe controls England with Cameron , In France the Zionists have been successful in installing 2 consecutive French Presidents ( Sarkozy and Hollande ) , In Australia Zionists from both Labor and Liberal parties have been in control for many decades . More than one Australian Prime Minister has had a Park or a Forest dedicated to him in Israel . Now in New Zealand there is the same story . With a population of about 4 million people and about a few thousand from the tribe , the Kiwis chose a member of the tribe for Prime Minister . Isn't this strange ? All those events are part of a concerted plan to take over the world . Think about Hillary Clinton with a daughter married into the tribe , Donald Trump , same story . I see an obvious pattern that indicates the intentions of the Zionists . Italy is not exempted from this . At moment the Movimento 5 stelle is gaining approval in the electorate . The Leader Beppe Grillo has confessed of having met the USA ambassador in ROME . I think that his backers are from the tribe . One major newspapers that support him is run by members of the tribe , recently a new TV chain has come to life , it is called LA 7 and this network main job is to minimize the crimes of the Apartheid state and shine positive light on Israeli deeds . The EU is owned by the tribe , think about this . Merkel gave gifts of submarines to the Apartheid state . As soon as the coup d'etat in Kiev finished , the Eu leaders run to Kiev to congratulate the Zionists in charge . Then there was the scuttling of the South Stream project that was against the interest of the European citizens , the sanctions against Russia , again against the interest of the EU voters and now there is the migrant crisis , a clear Trojan Horse full of young , able bodied migrant possible 5th columnist , there are only few women and kids . It is clearly an attempt to brownize Europe . None of the halfwits in charge in the EU ask to review the foreign policies of that failed organization . By their deeds you can see the plan , you just have to analyze it . Be well. orthodoxymoron wrote: Thank-you eNWO. That was quite a mouthful -- that leaves a bad-taste in one's mouth -- and it's not "just a few bad-apples"...Carol wrote:The Simpsons S24E09 points to September 24th Blackout and Comet Impact "You Have Been Assimilated Into the New World Order!!" "Resistance is Futile!! Now Get Back to Work!!" "I Did It For the Children!!" B.B.Baghor B.B.Baghor Posts: 1362 Join date: 2014-01-31 Age: 64 Location: Avalon area UK Post n°491 Re: The United States of the Solar System: 2133 A.D. Book Two. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 1:44 pm Ortho's words: "I fight with myself 24/7 and I just knocked myself out!!" Well done, I mean it. Nothing and nobody else is able to knock you out, ortho. You've proven it with all the work that you do. I don't mean the vast amount of words in the first place, you're juggling and digging on so many levels. Even the largest dose of tranquilizers won't do the job. You're spot on, but I feel you may not enjoy being acknowledged. SuiGeneris' reply to rich228: "The all seeing eye is not used to being likes no competition. Now try to see IT with the same mindset that's been around for the last two thousand years and you'll see how far that will take you. Do not be afraid of yourself...for anything that you are afraid of outside of you is really an inner fear found within. Know, that the only thing that can truly hold you hostage in your own body are your thoughts and your thought patterns because everything must become manifested through the Mind first. Therefore, seek to know thyself above all so you would then control yourself... fully, that way no one can touch you. I also suggest you try to live a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get enough sunshine, listen to music, do what you like, walk in the sand or barefoot on the grass...FALL IN know...take care of the physical body too to the extent that you can, be gentle with yourself...especially if you ever decide to go down the rabbit'll need a lot of patience, stamina and a good disposition and that's just for starters... I think I understand why this post of SuiGeneris is in yours now, ortho. What to make of "The all seeing eye is not used to being seen"? I'm not sure if there's an eye suggested present outside of us, I sure hope not. I tend to think that this "all seeing eye" is a mix of voices in myself, called by names such as "judge" "saboteur" "calimero" "impatient teacher" "mother superior" "terrified child" "stubborn mule" "clown" trying to rule me, at times. I can see that in that role, at the top, they don't like competition with another ruler, in the better part of me. As I perceive it, we submit to their rules when we ignore those voices in us which are silenced, for whatever reason. I do know that when my inner child aka higher self starts speaking, that I have a choice, or rather... that I made one first. I guess. By listening carefully to tiny voices on the background and aware of inner stirrings, in a sort of "don't know" and "do know" mixture of presence. I like the part displayed in color, for I find living a healthy lifestyle, getting enough sunshine and being gentle to oneself, a wise advise and I try to practice what I preach also in maintaining such a lifestyle and gentleness to myself. My sanity and peace of mind are tried hard at times, for I am sensitive to the intensity of the present world in turmoil, with many people on the move, homeless. It's triggering "old stories" in me and I need to be vigilant to not being drawn into that energy. It can easily lure me into a "Florence Nightingale" role, from the wrong sort of motivation. How much can one do in one day, how much can be done within one's capacity? I've got to find balance in taking good care of myself choosing action or breaks wisely. Balancing DOing and BEing, reflecting on my DIDDings and see if it worked for me. (I hope you get my calling past doings "diddings") It's a strange thing, but not the first time, that a dull pain sits inside my head and the surface of my skull, when touched, on the left side, is very painful. Also the deeper inside of my left ear. To me, these are signals of unbalance. I can't stand too much impressions now, I may have a break from the Mists, for a while. I've just now made myself a dinner with a piece of chicken, a rare treat in my mainly vegetarian menu. For comfort and strength. It's raining almost each day, although this morning was fine and I went shopping, to Wells' farmer's market. I walked past some stalls with "things" and stood still, reading wise and funny texts on tiles. The man behind the stall noticed my interest and began to watch me through the hanging items, in a, to me, secretive way. I felt a bit annoyed by it, he moved closer and asked "Can I help you?" to which I answered, feeling irritated "No thank you, I don't like it when people ask me that question" without making eye-contact and walking away. After 10 seconds I sobered up and told myself "That's quite a rude and unkind reaction, you're feeling overwhelmed and lost your sense of humor". So I went to a take-away coffee-bar, ordered a double shot espresso, took a couple of sugars, walked back to the crime-scene and handed that man in the stall the coffee. "This is for you, I think I was quite rude. I'm in a bad mood and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. Do you like coffee?" "Oh, that's very kind of you" he replied, with a surprised expression on his face. "Yes, I like it, thank you very much" and he eagerly sniffed it and looked happy. I gave him and walked on. That's the best way to explain my condition, I think. Now it's time for my desert... uhhm, dessert. Rhubarb messed up I always make a mistake by saying "desert" when I mean "dessert". People almost choke in it from laughing about it. Thank you, ortho, for having a bit of a talk like this, it helps sharing some of my experiences in the weird world of now, having just moved to a new location in the UK. Or am I the only one here, with you knocked out? Just now Radio Classic Fm announces "The merrymakers"!
Debunking the Alien Abduction Nabs The UFO Trail Credible info on incredible topics Thursday, April 26, 2012 The Bizarre World of Doctor David Jacobs: An Interview and Review, Part One of Three I initially spotted Dr. David Jacobs browsing the vendor area at the recent Ozark UFO Conference where he was a scheduled speaker. Clad in business casual with an accompanying blue sport jacket, he made his way from table to table of products, observing this and contemplating that, but not appearing particularly interested in any of it. I approached him. Jacobs stood five-foot-something and wore glasses he seemed to peek over or under about as often as not. His white hair could reasonably have been considered to need a cut. He wore khaki pants accompanied by a worn and weathered old brown belt. I introduced myself and explained I was the man who he agreed to provide a few minutes of time. I previously asked Jacobs via email if he would meet with me at the conference and allow me to ask him a few questions for a blog post, to which he cooperatively replied he would. David Jacobs We stood among the conference vendors as Jacobs tried to identify a suitable time to meet with me during the weekend. This interaction provided me the basis for forming a perspective that would continue to develop as the weekend progressed, a perspective that painted the relatively high profile historian and researcher of alien abduction as a rather 'absentminded professor.' This is not, however, to imply I came to perceive Jacobs as particularly intellectually deficient or unusually challenged to persuade people to admire him. Not at all. As a matter of fact, and even with my admittedly predisposed negative opinion of his work, I found myself initially motivated to find him... likable. His abilities to win friends and influence people, so to speak, combined with his absentminded – even seemingly non-threatening – demeanor, offered me opportunities to consider how otherwise sensible individuals might find themselves rationalizing ways to accept his potentially dangerous fringe-research methodology and extraordinary claims. During his public presentation, Jacobs quite effectively presented himself as a friendly - maybe even humble - man who never wanted to end up here, but this wacky UFO stuff left him no other choice but to accept the supposed reality of what he claimed is taking place. He framed himself as a victim of a stubborn scientific community that refuses to listen to him. He intermittently mumbled, cussed and made fun of himself during his Saturday night lecture. “Damn,” he mumbled several times during his presentation, a reference to technological malfunctions and/or user errors he seemed to repeatedly experience while trying to operate electronic equipment. “How many times can a person say damn in one life?” he then asked rhetorically, invoking waves of laughter from an audience apparently feeling increasingly both relieved and happy to be led to believe they should relate to the man. After all and as was the case with him, they did not understand how that equipment he was trying to use worked, either, and the scientific community refuses to listen to them, too. At times he spoke rapidly, effectively measuring voice inflection as he employed long, run on sentences to metaphorically express the manic nature of alleged alien abduction and his claimed bewilderment with what his research supposedly revealed. Other times he more calmly presented the hundreds of attendees with third person, anonymous narration after narration of abductions, breeding programs and mind control – all committed by non-human beings... aliens and hybrids – but, mostly, he entertained the audience. They grew to like him. They liked the way he at least seemed to validate their personal notions, and they seemed to feel better about themselves while with him and listening to him. In smaller groups of people, Jacobs was truly in his element. He was demonstrative and animated, yet at other times equally effective when soft spoken. He masterfully transferred emotion and motivated people, who clearly and quite willingly wanted to be motivated, to thoroughly consider and envision his described scenes and scenarios. They 'wanted to believe' and, in many circumstances, long had. He would step forward among a group of a dozen or so conference attendees, as if taking a stage, wave his arms and confidently warn of an alien invasion, while followers huddled ever closer to hear supposed insider insights and cherished details. Then, periodically, he would ease the mounting tension he created, sighing softly about how frustratingly little we know as he lowered his head, timidly slumped his shoulders and took a step back. Is there any validity to the work David Jacobs claims to conduct? Has science forsaken the man, as he suggested, or has he simply not provided the scientific community anything it can reasonably evaluate? These are the types of questions and related issues we will explore in this series of three posts, drawing upon the man's statements and using reviews from qualified experts as our guides. The previously published work of Susan Blackmore, Ted Goertzel and Stephanie Kelley-Romano will be cited. Recent comments generously provided to The UFO Trail by retired engineer Frank Purcell and microbiologist Dr. Tyler Kokjohn will be presented for consideration. The vendor area at the Ozark UFO Conference Standing with me in the vendor area, Jacobs pulled notes from his pockets and briefly glanced at both sides, ran his finger up and down a conference schedule while mumbling something or other about it, and thought aloud about how he lost his flash drive that he intended to use during his then imminent presentation, all during the process of trying to decide when we should meet. He abruptly looked up and asked if I had any special equipment I wanted to set up to interview him, the papers he held in his hands then suddenly seeming close to the status of trash. I replied that all I wanted to use was a hand held audio recording device. He then asked if I had it with me, to which I informed him I could easily go get it. “Let's talk,” he proposed. The Interview After retrieving my audio recorder I guided Dr. Jacobs to a room I noticed earlier that was adjacent to the larger vendor area. It was there that we pulled a couple of chairs together and proceeded to talk. I noted how opportunities to test DNA are becoming increasingly available as large strides continue to be made in the evolution of sequencing technology. I asked if he found such evolving technology and related opportunities of interest. “I am very, very interested in that,” Jacobs replied, explaining how his views of the kinds of research required to advance ufology have changed over the years. He described how when he was “just a UFO researcher” he thought astronomers and astrophysicists could be most helpful. “Then when I became interested in the abduction phenomenon,” he continued, “and I began to do work in it, I thought that what we needed really was physiologists - and then gynecologists because of the reproductive quality of it. Now I think that what we need is neurologists. “I think that's the most important thing we could possibly have is neurologists. However, what we also need is geneticists as well, people who can do DNA sequencing who can help us.” Jacobs suggested “we,” a pronoun he consistently used to describe those who understand what he asserted to be “known” about topics alien and hybrid, have “learned more and more.” This, he declared, assists us in knowing where we should go from here. “So, yes,” he answered as to whether or not he is interested in the evolving DNA sequencing technology. He added, however, that he sees many challenges, particularly with funding, stating, “DNA sequencing is not cheap, and looking for slight differences in DNA is not cheap.” Jacobs indicated he is not optimistic that any significant advances in abduction research will be made in the near future, explaining, “I just think we're going to have to poke along as best we can and just try to figure out as much as we can, and eventually we're going to hit a wall. We're going to know as much as we can possibly know about the subject and after that it's going to have to be people with a lot of talent and a lot of knowledge, a lot of skills putting their heads together and trying to figure this thing out both scientifically, genetically and everything else. I don't know if that's going to happen in my lifetime.” “Some that follow the field have been encouraged and optimistic about such websites as 23andMe,” I said. “That's a place that - starting at like nine dollars per month – one can send saliva and have it sequenced. Are you aware of the advances being made?” “No, I'm not,” he replied. “I never heard of 23andMe. Thanks for telling me. I'll take a look at it.” “Sure. The New York Times also recently ran an article on a company that for under $1000 does extensive sequencing. You're not aware of those kinds of advances?” “No. I am aware that if you want to do professional sequencing looking for differences in DNA it can run up to three million dollars. This is something that I am aware of,” Jacobs explained, and went on to indicate he thought less than seven digits worth of sequencing may purchase little more than basic data. “I think what they're just looking for in certain DNA sequencing,” Jacobs supposed, “for people like that is - I don't know what they're looking for. I don't know if they're looking for alien DNA or anything like that or if they're looking to see if there's something wrong with their fetus or if there's something wrong with them or if they have a certain chromosome that will yield Huntington's that killed Woody Guthrie and all that. So I'm not sure. I'd have to examine it more because most people when they also go for chromosomal sequencing they are looking for heredity – you know, where they come from. I've learned if you go back far enough, everybody's related to Queen Elizabeth.” I stated, “A moment ago you mentioned it's difficult looking for slight DNA differences.” “Yes.” “What specifically leads you to believe there would not be large markers?” “Because...” Jacobs began, thoughtfully paused a few seconds, and then continued, “now you're getting into the 'inside baseball' stuff. If you're dealing with alien DNA there's going to be huge markers. I don't even know if they have DNA; I can't tell you that for sure. So that's going to be almost impossible to get, unless you're in a situation where you can cut off one of their little fingers - but it's just not going to happen - but if you're interested in hybrid DNA, that's different. “With hybrid DNA we have Bill Chalker writing a book in Australia called Hair of the Alien, and that's a hybrid hair. It's mitochondrial DNA and they can only find out certain things, although recently they made strides in sequencing mitochondrial DNA and they can find out more things now. When the book first came out all they could find out was heritage – the mother's heritage. “What we need then is not just hybrid DNA but – and if you read my book The Threat, you realize I divided hybrids into early stage, middle stage and late stage for convenience sake, although it's a little more subtle than that, obviously – but now there is what I call human stage, who really look human; who are human except that they can do things that other hybrids and aliens can do and we can't. They can control people, and without that control obviously there would be no abduction phenomenon. "At that point you're dealing with a human. This person is human in every way except for sleep cycle and the ability to control others." “At that point you're dealing with a human. This person is human in every way except for sleep cycle and the ability to control others. Searching for that, which is basically a brain situation, it seems to me would be difficult. Now, I don't know, but it seems to me it would be.” I asked, “Am I correct in my interpretation that you believe these hybrids will be released into the general population?” “This is what abductees tell me, this is what abductees tell me. It's not something that I wanted to hear. It's not something that I led them into. In fact, I tried to lead them away from it but they won't have it. They know what they remember and they know what's going on with them, and these are people who have already passed all sorts of tests about whether they can be led or whether they're vulnerable or anything like that – and the hypnosis I do is extremely light. It's just relaxation techniques. I'm not a professional hypnotist, obviously, although I have trained a whole bunch of other people to do this kind of work. The fact is, though, that this is what they tell me.” Jacobs claimed he is embarrassed to talk about such circumstances, adding that, as an academic, he “must go where the evidence leads” him. He claimed to believe it led him “into this embarrassing position.” “Am I correct, with the name of the book being The Threat,” I asked, “that you suppose this is not for benevolent purposes as the alleged hybrids enter our domain?” Jacobs explained the publisher, Simon and Schuster, selected the name of the book. He stated he was opposed to the title but eventually printing proceeded. “However,” he went on, “I must say that over the years since The Threat came out, I have come to think that this is a threatening situation. I really look upon it as catastrophic, I must say, but not necessarily malevolence. They're not here to hurt us, I don't think. I don't really know, but I don't think. They're not here to, you know, stomp on Tokyo or destroy New York or something like that, so we really don't know.” “Now,” Jacobs continued, “the question is if hybrids integrate into society, why? Why are they doing that? We do not know the answer to that question because they don't tell abductees, therefore we do not know. That is the last remaining question of huge magnitude that we don't know, I think.” “Can you offer any comment on how they reproduce or its envisioned they reproduce?” “You mean aliens or hybrids?” he asked. “Either/or.” “Okay, well, with aliens we do not know how they reproduce. There's no reproductive organs. When people say they've had sex with aliens, with grey aliens, it can't be true. “They might be stamped out of a dye, they might be cloned, we really don't know how that happens. We don't know the behind the scenes aspect of that. "With hybrids, we know the hybrids are made out of - when women describe eggs being taken, men describe the sperm being taken, and then they're - the fetus is put in a - you know, the egg is fertilized." “With hybrids, we know the hybrids are made out of - when women describe eggs being taken, men describe the sperm being taken, and then they're - the fetus is put in a - you know, the egg is fertilized. Something happens then. Either DNA is added or something is altered which we don't know because we don't know any of this technological stuff. The fetus is reintroduced into the woman's uterus or other places in the woman's body near the uterus and between ten, eleven weeks, they're removed. It's a fetal implant, fetal extraction and this happens to virtually all women. “Then they're sort of kept in tanks until they are – you can't use the word 'born' and you can't use the word 'hatched' - until they're taken out of the tanks.” “...And you get this information...?” “From abductees who see this. This is standard stuff. I literally have hundreds of cases of this. This is just primary stuff. “Then you get some that look more alien, some that look in the middle, some that look more human in the spectrum, but as years have gone by we've seen more and more human - late stage ones as I call them. Now we're seeing human ones.” Jacobs continued to describe the “human ones.” “The human ones and the late stage ones, we think, reproduce normally. However, we don't know because we do not know if late stage or human hybrids and late stage males and females get together to produce a little bitty baby. We don't know that. My guess is they don't. “My guess is they skip certain procedures and just impregnate a normal human female, and the fetus is taken out between nine and eleven weeks. So that's how they reproduce, but aliens, we don't have a clue. We are clueless about that, and you'd think after all these years of studying the subject, we'd know, but we don't because abductees don't. It's all behind the scenes stuff.” We discussed further why Jacobs stated millions of dollars in funding is required to conduct DNA tests on individuals or items allegedly coming in contact with aliens or hybrids. “The reason I say millions,” Jacobs said, “is because Lloyd Pye has this skull and he estimates it costs several million dollars to get the skull completely sequenced. That estimate apparently has been agreed upon by other people too. “The point is that if somebody comes along and wants to do it, fine, then, you know. I have taken material for analysis to various DNA testing places. They had negative results. There wasn't enough of it or they couldn't tell what it was – that sort of thing.” “Are these tests available for the public to review?” “Not yet.” “Will they be?” “I don't know. One I did many years ago at a local lab in Delaware. Another one was done by American Testing Institute in New York City – American Chemical? I can't remember the name of it now. That was also many years ago – about brown stains that people have; that's routinely there. “I had another one done for a TV show and they didn't know what the heck it was. They just sort of laughed about it and I got to look at those reports. “Maybe one day I'll put them on the Internet. I don't know, but I'm still old school. It never occurs to me to put things on the Internet, but that's an idea 'cause they're just sitting in my files. But with this purity of DNA that comes directly from a hybrid, that would be another order of things.” “Am I correct in my understanding,” I asked, “that Barbara Lamb claims to personally know a hybrid?” “You're going to have to ask Barbara that. I don't know. I haven't talked to Barbara in a couple of years, actually.” “What I'm getting at,” I explained, “again, is the possible opportunities to do some testing. It would seem like she would prioritize such a thing if she knew a hybrid... Am I correct that you understood hybrids to have sent you text messages and emails?” “Yes, yes,” Jacobs said, “and that I will be writing a book about. Within context, you'll see the build up to it and how it's all logical; how this came about. Now, I can't tell whether it's a hoax or not. The only way whether I can tell if it's a hoax is by looking in this person's window while typing, instant messaging, and she lives 125 miles away from me – and I'd have to be typing the whole way and then looking in her window to see whether she's sitting there or some guy's sitting there, ya know what I mean? “So, I don't know. All I know is that the woman I've known for 13 years and I still know her, and she's wonderful and she's great, and she's never ever, ever, ever lied to me in any conceivable way.” “Is this the woman known as Elizabeth?” “Yes.” “Okay,” I began, “I can empathize with someone being 125 miles away... I can empathize with that -” “You can't look in her windows anyway,” Jacobs interjected. “She sent me pictures of her room. There are curtains and the air conditioner and this and that and you can't even see inside.” “...and can you empathize,” I continued and asked, “with people that might say if a camera or fingerprint stood between you and a Nobel, it seems like we could figure out how to get the goods on this hybrid?” “It was much more difficult than you think. This was something that - we – it's much more easy – she wouldn't even remember what was happening until I'd talk with her the next day. By that time, there are no fingerprints. She's already - I'm just going to have to write this thing up and let people decide for themselves. I'll let people decide for themselves on this but, to me, it was typical hybrid discussion, having heard hundreds and hundreds of hybrid discussions from abductees – but I don't know, we'll see, we'll see. “I'm not going to make any claims one way or the other. All I know is it's one of the scariest things that ever happened to me.” As I began to ask another question, Jacobs requested I turn off the audio recorder. I complied. We then briefly discussed a couple more aspects of his research and career before concluding our interaction. I appreciate the time Dr. Jacobs offered me and his willingness to meet with me. Concerns Having now conducted somewhat of an interview with Dr. Jacobs, attended his presentation at the Ozark UFO Conference, observed discussions in which he participated throughout the weekend of the conference, and reflected upon it all, I identify several concerns with his statements and suggested lines of reasoning. Among the first items I found worthy of calling into question was that, in so many words, Jacobs was seemingly suggesting it is relatively futile to try to obtain physical evidence of the beings conducting the abductions because the abductions are now being carried out by humans - manufactured by aliens, in what we are apparently led to believe are the results of some type of devious strategy. There seem to be a number of potentially mentally unhealthy and concerning aspects of entertaining such suggestions, but I will leave it at that for now. Another item deserving much more clarification is the doctor's mention of undertaking previous DNA research. This is potentially significant for a number of reasons, including raising the issue of how Temple University defined the work conducted by Jacobs. It is reasonable for the UFO community and academia to expect transparency concerning such activities, including clearly stated research objectives, methodologies and outcomes. These are circumstances legitimately deserving further clarification and are universally recognized as such among professional researchers of any discipline. ....................................................................................................................................... The Bizarre World of Doctor David Jacobs: An Interview and Review, Part Two of Three The Bizarre World of Doctor David Jacobs: An Interview and Review, Part Three of Three Posted by Jack Brewer at11:19 AM
The UFO Trail Credible info on incredible topics Sunday, April 29, 2012 The Bizarre World of Doctor David Jacobs: An Interview and Review, Part Two of Three Mental Health Issues Jacobs repeatedly suggested themes of what he has come to call 'abduction events' were formed from the testimonies of abductees. Similarly, the commonly held views among the UFO community of what takes place during alleged alien abductions are assumed to be the results of reports submitted by abductees. The validity of such assumptions could in itself be debated, as a great deal has been competently questioned concerning researchers' selective citation and selective omission of details contained within witness statements and reports. Additionally, the origins, handling and lack of public access to such reports have been competently called into question. I will currently pass on such considerations, however, choosing instead to enter the fact there are actually many, many reasons people may say the things they say in addition to the possibility the statements are accurate. While Jacobs, some of his peers and the UFO community tend to cite an allegedly significant number of witnesses who supposedly narrate strikingly similar accounts of often abusive encounters with non-human beings, there is a prevailing failure to objectively address virtually any of the conclusively known reasons why people commonly narrate extraordinary yet entirely confabulated experiences. The resulting current culture within abduction research could reasonably be interpreted to be conducive to the exploitation of self-described witnesses, potentially damaging their mental health and emotional well being while omitting mention of relevant facts. The predominant failure within ufology to acknowledge and address such reasons arguably contributes to the continuing alienation of all but a fringe element of the professional mental health community. The overall effect of the situation presents an incomplete and inaccurate assessment of what has come to be known as the abduction phenomenon, while sensationalizing circumstances of which there are actually quite valid and likely explanations. The resulting current culture within abduction research could reasonably be interpreted to be conducive to the exploitation of self-described witnesses, potentially damaging their mental health and emotional well being while omitting mention of relevant facts. The common lack of accepting and discussing data set forth by the professional mental health community, much less minimizing said data, detrimentally fails to present a thorough and objective assessment of the situation. This is arguably conducive to creating unnecessary distress among self-described witnesses, potentially misrepresenting actuality and lacking objectivity. A reasonable debate can be made that not only does the UFO community commonly fail to produce objective analysis of the situation, but distorts actuality in a most disproportionate manner. The least likely explanations receive a majority of attention while infinitely more likely explanations, consisting of facts established within the medical profession, commonly fail to so much as receive anything more than a brief and dismissive mention. The fact of the matter is the current Western mental health paradigm indicates emotional traumata, which may result from any number of common, although very distressing, situations, can indeed lead individuals to sincerely yet incorrectly interpret they experienced most extraordinary circumstances. Untreated severe emotional traumata should be expected to produce symptoms including inaccurately interpreting details of events, misidentifying individuals present during such events and decreased abilities to think critically. Symptoms also commonly include decreased abilities to accurately recall chronological orders of events, becoming mistakenly convinced of connections between circumstances that are actually unrelated, and incorrectly perceiving traumatic experiences to be recurring. Auditory and visual hallucinations are not uncommon, and symptoms may be re-stimulated and subsequently experienced under any number of potential conditions and unknown to the individual. This is not to suggest all reports of abduction should be filed under untreated emotional traumata, as they should not. I invite, however, consideration of the following: - Failing to address relevant mental health issues, of which emotional traumata is but one of many, does a disservice to witnesses who could benefit from receiving proper medical and therapeutic care. - Failing to address relevant mental health issues paints an incomplete and grossly distorted picture of the abduction phenomenon. I am confidently of the understanding the current mental health paradigm does not include encouraging a traumatized individual, regardless of possible original sources of the trauma, to participate in multiple regressive hypnosis sessions in which the likelihood of extraterrestrial abusers is explored at length. - Even if we were to unquestionably accept witness testimonies and hypnotically retrieved information as representations of factual, alien-related events, witnesses commonly describe such events as extremely traumatic, in and of itself making the symptoms of traumata relevant. Both the welfare of the witness and the accuracy of research are then at risk. I am confidently of the understanding the current mental health paradigm does not include encouraging a traumatized individual, regardless of possible original sources of the trauma, to participate in multiple regressive hypnosis sessions in which the likelihood of extraterrestrial abusers is explored at length. Such circumstances demand much more attention and accountability from researchers and a community claiming to prioritize witness care and accurate information. While certain researchers and UFO enthusiasts cite various supposed fantastic circumstances as seemingly indicative of the reality of alien abduction, a bit closer look reveals many such circumstances are not so fantastic after all. This is the case, as demonstrated above, when it is suggested that an extraordinarily large number of people claim to encounter aliens, assuming there actually is such a large group of people, and that the existence of such a group implies the claims are accurate. There are actually any number of reasons conclusively established as to why large amounts of people might incorrectly believe and say such things. Again, I wish to please emphasize this does not by any means indicate all reported abductions are due to emotional traumata, but it indeed establishes the alleged number of testimonies is not at all as peculiar as some enthusiasts try to lead us to believe. Another commonly cited yet rather ill conceived point concerns accusations the scientific community refuses to provide ufology with serious consideration and review. I have no argument with the generally accepted perception that scientists currently enjoying successful careers consider it wise to publicly avoid the topic of alien abduction. However, there are exceptions. A more accurate description of the situation might include acknowledging academia in fact provides periodic qualified critical review, but the UFO community widely refuses to offer the work reasonable attention that would facilitate better understandings and productive dialog. Qualified Experts Critical review was provided by Oxford graduate Dr. Susan Blackmore, who has a degree in psychology and physiology in addition to her Ph.D. in parapsychology. Her article, Abduction by Aliens or Sleep Paralysis (Skeptical), was published in the May/June 1998 issue of Skeptical Inquirer Magazine. Among other points of interest, Blackmore addressed the now infamous Roper polls designed by Jacobs, Budd Hopkins and Ronald Westrum, funded by Robert Bigelow and seemingly attempting to identify experiencers of anomalous events such as alleged alien abduction. I found it quite questionable that Dr. Jacobs cited data from the polls during his Ozark presentation, as Blackmore and others offered valid reasons to seriously doubt the credibility of such data, particularly considering its fantastic nature. Jacobs failed to inform conference attendees of the concerns raised by Blackmore and her peers. Blackmore explained: The claim that 3.7 million Americans have been abducted was based on a Roper Poll conducted between July and September 1991 and published in 1992. The authors were Budd Hopkins, a painter and sculptor; David Jacobs, a historian; and Ron Westrum, a sociologist (Hopkins, Jacobs, and Westrum 1992). In its introduction John Mack, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, claimed that hundreds of thousands of American men, women, and children may have experienced UFO abductions... The Roper Organization provides a service for other questions to be tacked on to their own regular polls. In this case, 5,947 adults (a representative sample) were given a card listing eleven experiences and were asked to say whether each had happened to them more than twice, once or twice, or never. The experiences (and percentage of respondents reporting having had the experience at least once) included: seeing a ghost (11 percent), seeing and dreaming about UFOs (7 percent and 5 percent), and leaving the body (14 percent). Most important were the five "indicator experiences": 1) "Waking up paralyzed with a sense of a strange person or presence or something else in the room" (18 percent); 2) "Feeling that you were actually flying through the air although you didn't know why or how" (10 percent); 3) "Experiencing a period of time of an hour or more, in which you were apparently lost, but you could not remember why, or where you had been" (13 percent); 4) "Seeing unusual lights or balls of light in a room without knowing what was causing them, or where they came from" (8 percent); and 5) "Finding puzzling scars on your body and neither you nor anyone else remembering how you received them or where you got them" (8 percent). The authors decided that "when a respondent answers `yes' to at least four of these five indicator questions, there is a strong possibility that individual is a UFO abductee." The only justification given is that Hopkins and Jacobs worked with nearly five hundred abductees over a period of seventeen years. They noticed that many of their abductees reported these experiences and jumped to the conclusion that people who have four or more of the experiences are likely to be abductees. From there, the stunning conclusion of the Roper Poll was reached. Out of the 5,947 people interviewed, 119 (or 2 percent) had four or five of the indicators. Since the population represented by the sample was 185 million, the total number was 3.7 million -- hence the conclusion that nearly four million Americans have been abducted by aliens. Why did they not simply ask a question like, "Have you ever been abducted by aliens?"? They argue that this would not reveal the true extent of abduction experiences since many people only remember them after therapy or hypnosis. If abductions really occur, this argument may be valid. However, the strategy used in the Roper Poll does not solve the problem. With some exceptions, many scientists have chosen to ignore the poll because it is so obviously flawed. However, because its major claim has received such wide publicity, I decided a little further investigation was worthwhile. Ted Goertzel Ted Goertzel is a professor in the Rutgers University Sociology Department. Like Dr. Blackmore, he also raised valid concerns about research methodology undertaken by Jacobs, Hopkins and Westrum during their designing and analyzing of the polls. In a 1994 work titled, Measuring the Prevalence of False Memories: A New Interpretation of a "UFO Abduction Survey," Goertzel suggested it was infinitely more likely the polls effectively measured the prevalence of false memories than encounters with aliens. Explaining why, Goertzel wrote: This conclusion is also strongly supported by Dawes and Mulford's (1993) innovative study at the University of Oregon which demonstrated that the dual nature of Hopkins, Jacobs and Westrum's first item, which asked about waking up paralyzed and about sensing a strange person in the room in the same item, actually led to an increased recollection of unusual phenomena as compared to a properly constructed single-issue survey item. Textbooks on questionnaire writing universally warn against "double-barreled" questions of this sort because they are known to give bad results. Dawes and Mulford confirm this and further offer the explanation that the combination of the two issues in one item causes a conjunction effect in memory which increases the likelihood of false recollection. While the Hopkins, Jacobs and Westrum scale is not a valid measure of UFO abduction, they have inadvertently constructed a useful measure of another phenomenon: the tendency to have false memories. Further evaluating alleged alien abduction as described by Jacobs, Goertzel continued: Dr. David Jacobs was kind enough to speak to our class to familiarize the students with the issue, and I had the opportunity to speak with him informally after the lecture. At that time, I mentioned the "UFO abduction" case discussed in Siegel's (1992) book Fire in the Brain. Jacobs had absolutely no interest in learning of Siegel's findings, and expressed the view that no one was qualified to speak on this issue unless they had done dozens of interviews with abductees under hypnosis, as he had. He clearly fit the profile of the true believer as described in my book Turncoats and True Believers (1992). He used numerous ideological defense mechanisms to avoid confronting unwelcome evidence. This closed mindedness can be observed in Jacobs' book Secret Life (1992). As the reviewer for the Journal of UFO Studies (Rodeghier, 1992: 186) observed: "Does Jacobs lead his witnesses? Sadly, one must answer in the affirmative." The whole weight of his argument in the book depends on hypnosis sessions which he conducted himself, and in which his strong convictions cannot help but influence the respondents. The dogmatism of Jacobs and his associates has also been noted by others in the community of believers in UFO abductions. Abductee Karla Turner (1993: 26) has written that "it is a myth that alien abductions of humans follow a set pattern or agenda... David Jacobs... and other writers hold a diversity of intelligent, often ingenious theories, yet each makes the same error. They ignore parts of the abductions evidence--whatever details don't support their ideas." UFO investigators Stefula, Butler and Hansen (1993) confronted this dogmatism when their investigation of the prominent Linda Napolitano case uncovered serious flaws and apparent fabrications. When they shared this evidence with UFO experts including Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs, they found them completely unwilling to consider the evidence... George Hansen asked me to ask David Jacobs for his reaction to their heartfelt memo, since he had not replied when they sent it to him. When I did so, he dismissed it out of hand, claiming that they were irresponsible members of the UFO fringe. He said the same about Karla Turner and other abduction researchers who differ from his and Budd Hopkins' understanding of the abduction phenomenon. Jacobs did not mention or reference any of the above information during his Ozark presentation. He completely omitted reference to such qualified critical review while declaring polls indicated millions of people experience alien abduction. Stephanie Kelley-Romano Stephanie Kelley-Romano is an Associate Professor of Rhetoric at Bates College. She interviewed some 130 self-described alien abductees prior to the publication in 2006 of her Ph.D. thesis, Mythmaking in Alien Abduction Narratives, leading her to interpret the witness testimonies consist of social dynamics comparable to those found in religious movements. In her essay, Alien Abductions as Mythmaking, the associate professor explained that although she remained skeptical of the empirical reality of alien abductions, invalidating the claims was beyond the scope of her inquiry. "Still," she added, "I conclude that these people sincerely believe they have been kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings." "In my classes, you can claim anything you want and if you can prove it, you will do well. If you can't, you won't," Kelley-Romano told Bates Magazine during an interview. She and fellow researchers Barbeito and Brown interpreted 'hybridization' narratives to likely be expressions of anxieties related to reproductive technologies, at least as compared to literal experiences. Additional factors likely to contribute to forming such narratives include influence of popular culture and influence from others who promote and support such beliefs. "The gray aliens are often on Earth to start a hybrid race that can’t survive without nurturing from humans," she observed of the narratives and beliefs commonly circulating throughout the UFO community. Kelley-Romano contended her work led her to observe abductee testimonies represent a religious-like evolving myth. "In the narratives," she explained, "you see people using their experience like a religion: for self-guidance on how to live or to achieve a sense of unity and transcendence." ............................................................................................................................... The Bizarre World of Doctor David Jacobs: An Interview and Review, Part One of Three The Bizarre World of Doctor David Jacobs: An Interview and Review, Part Three of Three Posted by Jack Brewer at6:02 PM
The UFO Trail Credible info on incredible topics Thursday, May 3, 2012 The Bizarre World of Doctor David Jacobs: An Interview and Review, Part Three of Three Frank Purcell Frank Purcell is a career process design engineer and has previously provided comment to The UFO Trail. He holds degrees in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Science, Control Systems Engineering and Computer Science. He recently provided The UFO Trail with the following comments on the work of David Jacobs: My understanding of Jacobs’ thesis is that alien abductions are real, and moreover that all abductions are centered on an alien agenda of making human/alien hybrids. The aliens are purportedly introducing the hybrids into society with the long term intent of take-over from within. At the same time, the aliens remain dominant with more power than the hybrids they’ve created. I’m skeptical for these reasons: 1) There is no assurance that hypnosis as administered by Jacobs is professionally done. Jacobs is by training a historian and not a psychologist or scientist. He has done hypnosis on about 150 people that include, what he thinks, are 1100 abduction events. He readily admits that when he began hypnosis of subjects that he didn’t know what he was doing. He has said nothing yet to convince me that he somehow now knows what he is doing. He admits being selective in deciding what is true and what isn’t from abductee reports. Truth is defined by him as consistency with what he or others (Hopkins) have heard from the abductees. Things reported consistent with other reports are taken as factual; things that are outliers are discarded, or not held to be true until collaboration is established with additional reports. He does allow for progression of things reported, such as the growth of hybrids to maturity, by consistency of the reports. 2) I know little of genealogy and defer to experts in that area. As far as I know it’s impossible to cross breed an elephant with a dog. If this is not an obstacle to the aliens because of their advanced technology, why then do they even bother with human DNA and not just directly engineer the results they want from either their own or from the human species? 3) The abduction count is really unknown. It could be very low to non-existent. Estimated ranges in ‘Alien Discussions’ are between 8/10,000 and 200/10,000. The higher number is based on what most scientists consider to be invalid (and far too high) extrapolations of a Roper poll. 4) The credibility of the aliens themselves (granting that they even exist) is suspect; what is supposedly learned from professed abductees as told to them by the aliens is suspect. We have almost unanimous reports that aliens are deceptive or misleading while the abductee is captured. Comments from supposed abductees indicate misleading or frivolous comments from aliens in response to straightforward questions. The anecdotal data indicates that aliens are at best secretive and at worst, dishonest. Moreover, if aliens have the ability to mentally control subjects they take, as Jacobs asserts, they could be programming into the subjects whatever disinformation they choose. Presumably, the aliens are working together and communicating among themselves. They could, for their own reasons, be inserting consistent and false memories in the abductees. I don’t know of any way to sort this out. We have ample data showing that aliens are furtive when reportedly observed on the ground outside of their saucers. Whatever their true agenda is, granting that they even have one, it seems doubtful that anyone, including Jacobs, has figured it out. But the fifth reason, below, seems the most compelling for discarding the hypothesis altogether: there is a huge mismatch between the rate of world population growth and the maximum reasonable introduction of hybrids into the general populace. 5) The world population has been increasing by 78 million people per year, linearly, from 1960 through 2005 (R square for the data fit is 0.996). If we use an abduction rate of 8/10,000 people (Miller, p. 232, Alien Abductions) in the 45 years from 1960 through 2005, there were 5.16 million abductions, or 114,700 abductions per year. Most of these abductions were repeats (by Jacobs own data, 1100 abductions for 150 people). If we arbitrarily assume 100 hybrids produced per person abducted, we get at most 160,000 hybrids introduced into the general populace per year. That is 0.2 % of the overall population growth, and only 0.002% of the total population. While a case might be made that a few of these hybrids are designated for positions of power (political office), that seems to be special pleading and it also does nothing to support the idea of biological takeover from within. The analysis above can be off by 2 orders of magnitude yet still make the case that Jacobs’ hypothesis utterly fails. I asked Frank about how one might frame the logistics of so many supposed people literally being abducted. "The high estimate of abduction rate, of 200/10,000 by the Roper poll," he replied, "would put 140 million saucers into the sky over a 45 year span, or around 3 million per year." Considering said Roper poll only addressed the number of Americans allegedly being abducted, suffice it to say that would be a lot of air traffic over the US. Dr. Tyler Kokjohn Dr. Tyler Kokjohn is a Professor of Microbiology at the Midwestern University Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is active in many projects, has previously provided work for The UFO Trail and maintains an informative YouTube channel. He recently provided The UFO Trail with the following commentary on points concerning the work and statements of Dr. Jacobs: Genetic technology offers the potential to confirm or refute explanatory hypotheses of the alien abduction mystery DNA analysis methods have advanced to a point in which it is now feasible to determine the base sequences of complete genomes. The majority of completely sequenced organisms are microbes, but the list is expanding rapidly. The human genome sequence, over 3 billion base pairs, was completed roughly 10 years ago and is publicly accessible on the world wide web. The complete human genomic sequence and several sophisticated computer programs for its analysis are freely available to all. Investigators now have the opportunity to answer conclusively the questions involving genetics that would have been completely impossible to approach even ten years ago. Unfortunately, few abduction investigators have attempted to use these powerful tools. Would genomic sequencing work require millions of dollars in funding to accomplish? The original Human Genome Project required 13 years to carry out and required millions of dollars to support the direct sequencing efforts of multiple laboratories. At first glance, Lloyd Pye’s work with the Starchild skull would seem to confirm the idea that conducting genomic sequencing projects demands millions of dollars in funding. Clearly, some projects are expensive. Mr. Pye has undertaken one of the most technically difficult sequencing efforts ever attempted and it does seem likely to be costly. His investigation will require extracting DNA from bone samples estimated to be centuries old that are likely to have been contaminated as a consequence of handling and storage conditions. Any DNA recovered is probably going to be fragmented and harbor high levels of chemically degraded base sequences that may produce erroneous results. Assembling an authentic Starchild genomic sequence while avoiding misleading artifacts due to unavoidable age-related degradation and contamination with human material will be challenging and time-consuming. However, the complexity and unique challenges of the Starchild project makes it an unreliable gauge of the cost requirements for other genomic sequencing analyses using totally different sample sources. Obtaining complete genomic sequences will not necessarily force investigators to raise millions of dollars. Today the costs estimates for such a project vary from $50,000 [L. Bonetta, Cell 141(6):917-919, 2010] to around $5,000 USD. In fact, it is hard to estimate the lowest price available at this time since companies now tout technologies yielding complete genome sequences in a single day for under $1,000. The thousand-dollar cost level represents a point at which genomic data might begin to be used on a routine basis in medical practice. Other powerful approaches to acquire genetic evidence exist Genomic sequence analysis is one approach to the problem, but it is important to bear in mind that far less costly alternative techniques to analyze DNA trace evidence are now available. These methods are used on a routine basis to establish paternity, identify human remains and settle a host of other legal issues. The extraordinary power of the methods is well illustrated by the story of a sailor killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor whose remains were definitively identified sixty-eight years later using a sample of his DNA. The DNA source? Letters home sent in envelopes he had sealed by licking. The development of methods able to reliably attribute the origins of DNA traces present in crime scene samples is now challenging common notions of faith in the justice system. DNA testing of evidence collected for criminal cases instigated through the efforts of The Innocence Project has resulted in the exoneration of 289 imprisoned persons in the U.S., including 17 who were on death row. This suggests that if someone has been visited by hybrids, important evidence might still be collected even after the fact. Two critical points are illustrated by these examples. First, the analytic methods are extraordinarily sensitive and even tiny samples may be informative. Second, under some circumstances, DNA evidence may persist for decades. Moreover, it is possible to obtain important genetic data using materials obtained under the complex and challenging physical conditions associated with crime scenes. This suggests that if someone has been visited by hybrids, important evidence might still be collected even after the fact. Proactive preparation and instruction of persons experiencing repeated contacts seems warranted. The method(s) deployed by a researcher depend on several factors including the precise nature of the sample. For example, fetal DNA is present in the blood of the mother during pregnancy providing a non-invasive means to reveal genetic disorders. Remarkably, cells derived from the developing infant have been discovered to live on in the body of the birth mother for decades after delivery (M. Barinaga, Science 296:2169-2172, 2002). In principle, an investigator aware of subjects harboring an implanted embryo or a history of abduction and consequent pregnancy/termination could now seek the critical corroborating genetic evidence through genomic sequencing or other methods. Although complex and costly, if there is no other means to collect samples, such efforts might be necessary. Dr. Jacobs should be able to review his files to identify terminated pregnancy cases and inquire as to the possibility for additional testing. Alternatively, he could be alert for the emergence of any new instances of implantation and seek to uncover direct evidence of hybrid fetuses through blood testing as opportunities arise. Is the difficult and challenging forensic approach to evidence collection even necessary? It now seems there may be another, far easier route to clinching corroborating genetic evidence. A clandestine alien abduction program involving the involuntary participation of humans and callous disregard for their autonomy and dignity as described by Dr. Jacobs seems obviously nefarious. Consequently, abduction researchers would seem to need techniques like those used by criminal investigators to uncover evidence and build a case. But the situation may have changed completely with the recent pronouncement by one abduction researcher that she knows human-alien genetic hybrids personally. Obviously, such individuals represent the ideal subjects to corroborate the hypothesis of alien genetic adulteration of humans. An analysis could be done quite cheaply using the services companies like 23andMe provide for ancestry testing based on patterns of short terminal repeats in DNA. The procedure is simple; order a kit, spit into the tube, seal it and mail to the company. Results will be available within two to three weeks. Are the differences between ‘human stage’ entities and authentic humans so subtle it will be impossible to distinguish them? If they are human in every way except for sleep cycle and ability to control others it would seem so. That makes it critical for Dr. Jacobs to search his records for cases in which he has detected extra gestational unit pregnancies to seek any genetic evidence he can find of the putative earlier stage hybrids (with potentially great genetic distance from humans) he described in The Threat. But there may be other means to recognize even those individuals and confirm their unusual attributes. Psychic (psi) abilities are uncommon or extremely weak in most persons. But these almost-human entities would seem likely to score high in assessments of telepathic ability like the Ganzfeld test. Perhaps they won’t cooperate. In that event, investigators might look at electroencephalogram (EEG) traces or subject them to functional imaging procedures that follow brain blood flow or glucose consumption in response to stimulation. Simply identifying one individual with authentic, high level psi abilities and discovering the brain region(s) enabling such capacities would create a sensation. Looking at gene sequences is important, but it may not provide the whole story. Humans and chimpanzees are 95% identical (or greater) at the gene level. What is it that makes the two species so different? Part of it lies in variations in precisely how, when and where the genes are expressed. It is now possible to detect and quantify those differences directly. Perhaps such techniques could reveal the alterations in almost-human entities. What if the aliens don’t even have DNA? Combined with the assertion that the latest phase of hybrids are human in every way, it would seem to enormously complicate the notion that this is a program of genetic colonization. “When people say they’ve had sex with aliens, with grey aliens, it can’t be true.” Given the reported lack of external genitalia, that would seem to be obvious. However, the lack of knowledge here should prompt a degree of caution. So, what have these individuals experienced? The aliens may have no DNA, but if physical encounters have taken place between aliens and/or hybrids with these persons, important evidence might be discoverable. Informational polymers may encompass more than the RNA and DNA familiar to biologists today. Scientists have recently taken the first steps toward creating an alternative means to manage genetic information (G. F. Joyce, Science 336:307-308, 2012). Perhaps the reported sexual encounters will leave behind traces of novel informational polymers. In addition, physical contact, sexual or otherwise, might leave traces of blood, cells and even bacteria or viruses that could (in principle) be revealed by microscopy. It is important to note here that residual bacterial skin communities on touched objects have been matched to the originating individuals using forensic molecular analysis methods (N. Fierer et al. 2010). Perhaps completely unique bacteria and/or viruses could be cultured from suitable samples. It would not take long to confirm whether or not they are unique. “Why are they doing that?” The present hypotheses offer little insight into the overarching strategy and purpose behind abductions, harvesting of reproductive cells, fetal implantations/extractions described in The Threat and in other venues by Dr. Jacobs. The new assertion that entities “human in every way” are now emerging is particularly baffling. What were all the other phases about? If the final product was to be human with few genetic modifications, a complete blueprint was right there in the first misappropriated germ cells. Better, and far easier for the aliens, for the past ten years the entire genomic sequence has been available to anyone with a web browser. Perhaps some introspection and analysis is now in order to assess the level of confidence one can reasonably hold that investigators have uncovered anything resembling reality. Much of the present abduction narrative hinges on the use of hypnotic regression to uncover memories. How reliable are those methods? The experience with The Innocence Project reveals how carefully one must weigh witness testimony and corroborate it with objective evidence whenever possible. Witness accounts and conclusions based solely on them can sometimes be completely and tragically wrong. Where do we stand? The math is stark; on our little home planet each organism harbors multiple uninvited invaders. In terms of sheer numbers, parasitism is the dominant life strategy on Earth. Further, examining the genes of ourselves and our kin, we find our genomes are frequently invaded, occupied and modified by viruses. These unauthorized changes are not always to our advantage. The idea of genetic colonization has a clear biological precedent. Multiple approaches are now available for investigators seeking direct, objective genetic corroboration of the alien abduction accounts recovered primarily through hypnosis. These tools are powerful and precise. Despite the low cost requirements, genetic tools remain underutilized by abduction investigators. Perhaps a new generation of abduction researchers will attempt to challenge an explanatory narrative that has remained weakly scrutinized and little changed for decades. Hypotheses that are not confronted with evidence and evaluated in light of the results for their adequacy are little more than stories. When scientists fail to discover supporting evidence for a hypothesis, it is modified or abandoned outright. Allowing unsubstantiated ideas to persist untested or ignoring their inconsistencies against objective facts will ultimately impede all progress toward greater understanding. Creative destruction is the essential aspect of a healthy scientific process. Comprehending the alien abduction mystery will demand investigators willing to utilize new tools and judge hypotheses objectively against the resulting data. Such efforts are long overdue. Additional References: Dark White. Jim Schnabel (1994), Hamish Hamilton The Abduction Enigma. Kevin Randle, Russ Estes and William P. Cone (1999), Forge Disclosure – I declare that I have no competing financial interests or connections with 23andMe ### Final Thoughts As we have now seen, academia does not turn its back on ufology or even the controversial abduction phenomenon to nearly the extent we are commonly led to believe; ufology simply tends to reject the reviews it receives. As many suggest, a more constructive and productive approach might be to integrate such critical review into shaping the future methodologies and directions of abduction-research, more effectively serving the UFO community, its witnesses and strengthening its commitments to accuracy and accountability. It is unreasonable to expect academics or even casually interested parties to accept extraordinary claims without direct evidence. It is simply irrational to make a leap, for example, from the fact people report encounters with beings to the suppositions of detailed physiological and neurological make-ups of such beings. One could reasonably correlate tactics demonstrated by such researchers as Dr. David Jacobs with what is known in the profession of sales as 'negotiating the trade.' A skilled salesperson will employ the technique to lead a sales prospect into negotiating trade-in value, indirectly yet effectively establishing the sale itself is imminent without having ever actually clarified the product will be purchased. Similarly, when we are drawn into considerations of elaborate and increasingly convoluted tales involving multiple stages of hybrid development, their reproductive procedures, their complexly deceptive intentions and so on, we are vulnerable to overlooking it has never been factually established the hybrids or their alleged alien creators even so much as exist. As negotiating the trade assumes the sale, negotiating supposed conditions of alien behavior assumes the alien. There may very well be some type of currently unexplained phenomena at the heart of ufology and its accompanying claims of alien abduction. I do not know and I do not claim to be able to conclusively say. I do feel confidently justified to say, however, an extremely large portion of the claims asserted as factual and the resulting abduction dogma, in reality, cannot be substantiated whatsoever. What this may very well indicate in select instances is that individuals legitimately experiencing paranormal circumstances are being fed inadequate and unreasonable explanations: square peg, round hole. Perhaps there are indeed events of interest taking place, yet current prevailing explanations are simply incorrect. Such a possibility, if so, would of course go a long way towards accounting for why such current alleged explanations chronically remain outside the scope of verification: they are wrong. If such perspectives make me a debunker, close-minded, in denial aliens are among us or any of the rest of the criticisms that have become standard fare, so be it. I say it makes me a realist and sincerely interested in and committed to the identification of legitimate, actual explanations. I choose suspension of judgment pending confirmation of facts. I choose to verify the value of the product prior to negotiating the trade. In the case of the core concepts set forth and asserted within the research of David Jacobs, I can currently identify no valid reasons to accept his interpretations and resulting claims as accurate. Given the extremely disproportionate amount of supposition to demonstrated fact contained within his work, it is my strong opinion there is no justification for accepting his alien-related information as factual as compared to recognizing it as, at best, speculation requiring much, much more competent investigation. ................................................................................................................................ The Bizarre World of Doctor David Jacobs: An Interview and Review, Part One of Three The Bizarre World of Doctor David Jacobs: An Interview and Review, Part Two of Three Posted by Jack Brewer at11:19 AM