SuiGeneris SuiGeneris Posts: 1134 Join date: 2010-05-16 Location: Gaia Post n°11 What Thuban Council? SuiGeneris Yesterday at 11:07 pm rich228 wrote: Dear Sui Generis Xeia Kali... So, yes these entities do exist. They exist in the real. They exist on the physical plane AND the ethereal plane. But of course, you already know this… Yes, this phenomenon is real and Yes, they have claimed to be part of the Thuban Council, The Council of 9, the Sirian High Council, Pleiadians, The Galactic Federation, the Ashtar Command, Cmdr Hatonn, Lady Athene, Djwhal Khul, and other Ascended Masters, Ra, Seth, the Elohim, Greys, Nordics, you name it and they have claimed it. Dear Rich228, You've mentioned you've suffered for many years... Is this the first time you've come out in public with these allegations and complaints on how you're being tortured? or have you been openly "exposing" them for some time now? Do you think it is dangerous for you to do so, and that it could get worse for you if they decide to take reprisal? If they have claimed to you, that they are part of every single higher dimensional energy group 'out there', or entity, ET group, Council, etc, etc; doesn't that in itself tell you something? Could it really be that all of those higher d, extraterrestrial, divine or astral groups that the New Age talks about are all one and the same, have the same origin, the same purpose for being and the same goals? Or perhaps they are not? Perhaps they are very different and have very different philosophies and laws? Maybe just as there are different people with different energy signatures and purpose in their lives here on Earth, there are also beings or associations, group of beings or "Councils" who are not all the same, not only because they come from different planets, galaxies or sectors of the Cosmos, but because not all are on the same level of evolution or find themselves on the same dimension of existence. Not even if some of them are similar that makes them the only makes them similar. So why do that then? why would someone who is hurting you claim such a wide range of ownership and responsibility? it is because the aggressor wants you to believe that they are all the same, and that they are all evil and therefore bad for you. It could be that in truth they are none of them, of them...hidden among the many, or in plain sight. You said "they have claimed..." Have you read that someone said they've claimed, or do they communicate directly to you? Either way, just as an example, they have used the word "Thuban" when they have said that they are also a part of the Thuban Council...then you google that term and find out a bit about it, later arriving to this forum... Does that automatically make them us? This is also the war of the WORDS yes? Terminology is carefully studied and used in the system of enslavement in many ways, one of which is to divert and to cause confusion as you well know...and so it may be that you are confused...and take us for the enemy... When you read about the "dragonization process" on this forum, of which you asked about before, you are not reading about how to become one of those evil shapeshifting reptilians David Icke talks about, or some hybrid Grey monster; you are reading about how a human being could elevate himself to the next level of existence by a transmutation of the self. We chose to use the Dragon energy for that, energy that is very ancient, has been around for a long time, and is available for anyone who dares to tap into. But most importantly, each of us "Thubans" would have to personally chose to be guided by the Cosmic Logos on a very intimate level in order for this process to come to completion. Your first post on this thread hints that you are very desperate and highly frustrated at what is happening to you, and although i understand your plight, i cannot stress enough the importance of self work. If you only knew the potential of immense power that the human being has, you would know that with enough drive, diligence and hard work you can in fact achieve wonders. You can better all aspects of yourself and grow in power to the point that no outside influence can affect you negatively ever again. (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All." ~ Gospel of Thomas
rich228 rich228 Posts: 7 Join date: 2015-01-05 Post n°12 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? rich228 Today at 8:26 am Rok wrote: u have no idea what my assertions on things are or what my beliefs are. for example, i am not communicating with alpha draconis... Oh really...then what do you call this? The Council of Thuban and this?...Introduction to Thuban Cosmology YOU'RE ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! Let's check out where Thuban is...... Thuban, also known by its Bayer designation Alpha Draconis (α Draconis, α Dra), is a star (or star system) in the constellation of Draco. The Draconian Empire originated on Thuban (Alpha Draconis), and consists mainly of various groups of reptilian and dinosaur-like species, but humanoid worlds have joined, too, some forcefully, some willingly. Sorry Roky boy, but you have been communicating with Alpha Draconis...or at least that's where they are supossed to hail from. Stay in your lane son, like I said...your in over your head. Oh, and it seems like you're more into the love and light stuff than I.....Roky baby
rich228 rich228 Posts: 7 Join date: 2015-01-05 Post n°13 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? rich228 Today at 9:20 am Dear Xeia SuiGeneris... In response to your last reply and questions.... ....Do you think it is dangerous for you to do so, and that it could get worse for you if they decide to take reprisal? I don’t know. You, being from one of the higher energy dimensional groups, ET’s or Councils would have more knowledge of this sort of thing than I would. As yet, it has not happened. Could it really be that all of those higher d, extraterrestrial, divine or astral groups that the New Age talks about are all one and the same, have the same origin, the same purpose for being and the same goals? Again, you being from one of the higher energy dimensional groups, ET’s or Councils would know more about this than I would. I would like to ask you the same question? So why do that then? why would someone who is hurting you claim such a wide range of ownership and responsibility? it is because the aggressor wants you to believe that they are all the same, and that they are all evil and therefore bad for you. Or, it could be that they are not ready to reveal ‘who’ or ‘what’ they truly are. It could be that in truth they are none of them, of them...hidden among the many, or in plain sight. Understood. But in all fairness, the same can be said about you. You said "they have claimed..." Have you read that someone said they've claimed, or do they communicate directly to you? Direct Either way, just as an example, they have used the word "Thuban" when they have said that they are also a part of the Thuban Council... then you google that term and find out a bit about it, later arriving to this forum... Does that automatically make them us? No. But am I wrong to ask? Terminology is carefully studied and used in the system of enslavement in many ways, one of which is to divert and to cause confusion as you well know...and so it may be that you are confused...and take us for the enemy... I never said you were the enemy, I merely posed a question based on information that was provided to me and you were well within your right to explain and defend your position. I can respect that, as you should me for doing my due diligence and being just as vigilant on my end. Listen, I’m sorry if my initial message seemed a little brazen, but your reply was just as much. For a member of a galactic Council of sorts to say things like “originating in one’s own mind”… and “dangerous fanatical ideologies and delusions”…. and questioning the veracity of someone’s testimony is quite striking to me. You of all people should know better. It is known among many of us that this ‘possession’ that I speak of is real. And when you have Barbara Marciniak speaking about the Pleiadians, in the book ‘Bringers of the Dawn’ telling us that “these space beings are part human and part reptillian” and that ”Prime Creator sends out others to create an electromagnetic frequency of consciousness as a FOOD SOURCE for itself”.... And...“The creator gods who have been ruling this planet have the ability to become physical, though mostly they exist in other dimensions. They keep Earth in a certain vibrational frequency while they create EMOTIONAL TRAUMA to nourish themselves.” And….“When you are controlled to bring about HAVOC and FRENZY, you are creating a vibrational frequency that supports the existence of these others because that is how they are nourished”.... I can go on and on with this but I think you get my drift. With this kind of information out there, and believe there is a lot more, not to mention the very real experiences that people are having (Demon possession on the rise according to the Catholic Church) and with information out there that informs us that the Galactic Federation which includes Draco-Orion, Pleiadians, Sirians, and others, it’s not hard to conceive why one would try to connect the dots to the Draconian Empire on THUBAN. This is NOT an accusation. It is simply a question. I have yet to draw a final conclusion.
Didymos Didymos Posts: 687 Join date: 2010-05-20 Location: Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia Post n°14 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? Didymos Today at 10:14 am meme = Hill spheres = Michelangelo's 'God's Creation of Adam' in the Sistine Chapel of Rome _________________ shiloh Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34 I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise! Bluey Dracs The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation! I Am One in Many and Many in One! Exe*=1 GODGOD=DOGDOG=DEMONA=DEVIL=LIVED=FINANCE=PRIDE=EARTH=HEART GODDOG=DOGGOD=JCCJCJJC=52=26+26=13+13+13+13=5+2=7 7=7dec=7bin=111=DRAGONHEART Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE MICHAEL SUN = INFINITY-1 = JERUSALEM+1 = EARTH1HEART = DEMON GABRIEL = LOVE MICHAEL
Rok Rok Posts: 10 Join date: 2013-03-01 Post n°15 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? Rok Today at 10:30 am all over what place? communicating? you dont seem to grasp what i respond, you demented being. for example, when it comes to you, i only assume the mental sickness you profess yourself, i rarely (or not at all) go beyond that, not that i am not itchy to do so. Xeia... for some reason the guy has enough time to troll around. he fails miserably at actually addressing anything, his answers are those of avoidance and poor me pretense, he knows little to nothing aka has none of his own personal understanding...all he does is going around listening to other nut jobs, reading their yada yada, taking it as gospel and force feeding it on others. his "dot connecting" is based on those "in the know", it is like when a 5 year old tells you how the world is, based on a comic book he read. whatever you tell him, he compares with "verified data" to then make his own conclusions. to him you are already infected with "reptilian whatever" which makes you "guilty". so what is the point of saying anything? if you say u do not know it, he will claim you are hiding it. if you ask him he will deflect it back to you since he is a witless moron. if you deny it he will assume you are not telling the truth...etc he is not worthy of an actual answer, the only "fun" here is to fuck with his case he actually does really believe in what he is saying. like for example: "richo the reptilian QUEEN has sent her personal succubus escort to lust on you during the night" (imagine poor richy waking up all sweaty from a long night of kinky endeavors) Press 7 richo, press 7
rich228 rich228 Posts: 10 Join date: 2015-01-05 Post n°16 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? rich228 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:15 pm Rok wrote: all over what place? communicating? you dont seem to grasp what i respond, you demented being. for example, when it comes to you, i only assume the mental sickness you profess yourself, i rarely (or not at all) go beyond that, not that i am not itchy to do so. FIRST OF ALL D-breath…you’re the one posting at 3:30 AM so who’s the TROLL….TROLL??? You’re obviously so obsessed with this stuff that you don’t even sleep like MOST FOLK….TROLL!! I can have fun too FAG…..oh, excuse me, I meant NANCY BOY!!! Trust me JOKER, you don’t have to assume mental sickness…You ARE Mentally Sick….You just don’t know it yet. You say “i rarely (or not at all) go beyond that, not that i am not itchy to do so.” Believe it or not you already have. You’re so damn transparent I can read you without the aid of the psychotronic mind reading technologies that some of your space friends possess…LITTLE BOY!! The problem with this world Roky boy is narrow minded, thin-skinned, pig-headed, self-centered A-Holes like you who are on the verge of collapsing Western Civilization. So pre-occupied with deviant sexual fantasies, GENITALS, and other sexual maladaptations which hinders your adjustment to the temporal, spiritual territory of human continuity, which leads to your ABNORMAL AGRESSION and eventual SELF-DESTRUCTION. In short, people like you are like a bad case of IRRATABLE BOWL SYNDROME that can only be cured with a good strong antispasmodic cleansing program. I’m sure that the Thubans don’t need any guidance from your dumb ass as to how they should reply to my posts, NITWIT!! You’re nothing but child’s play to them….AND ME TOO!! Wake up sonny boy, because if not, you’re in for A RUDE AWAKING!! Go back to your cro-magnum phallic worship and stay out of conversations that you contribute absolutely nothing to, GERM!! I told you you’re no match for me KID….but since you’re obviously a gluten for psycho narcissistic sadomasochistic punishment, BRING IT ON!! There’s more where this comes from, MARSHMELLOW MAN!!!! Last edited by rich228 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rok Rok Posts: 12 Join date: 2013-03-01 Post n°17 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? Rok on Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:36 pm has your tiny mind ever heard of time zones? 3am for you does not mean 3am for everyone, self centered sniveling fool. i do not posses any psychotronic mind tools. BUT if i did, i would sure aim them at your pee brain. what a delude nut case. this thread is a good example of how nut people can be. oh i preoccupy myself with genitals all the time, sure, i mean it has to be since i made a thread called "going post genital"...too bad though...your tiny brain can not understand what it is actually about. you repeat yourself too much in your posts, your trolling has become more evident. you have to provide a bit of actual content and argumentation from time to time or you make it all too easy....and less interesting..meaning your "fun factor" has less use, less motivation to keep you around. i am no match for you? there is a competition? i was not aware. there is more of what? empty talk? baseless insults? you over estimating yourself? you trying hard but failing? what? i am really waiting for it, honestly.
rich228 rich228 Posts: 10 Join date: 2015-01-05 Post n°18 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? rich228 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:00 pm You're not worth any more time than I have already given you ANT!!! Now go ahead and have the LAST WORD, since that's ALL you REALLY want, LITTLE BOY!!!!
Rok Rok Posts: 12 Join date: 2013-03-01 Post n°19 Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession?? Rok on Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:02 pm what this is it? the best you can come up with? disappointing. i ll hold back the ban hammer for now but seriously...make some useful and sane content if you plan to make any more posts
SuiGeneris SuiGeneris Posts: 1135 Join date: 2010-05-16 Location: Gaia Post n°20 Direct Communication SuiGeneris Yesterday at 10:55 am Of course you're not wrong to ask anything Rich, the questions are what drives us...if anything ppl should be asking themselves more and more questions to get to the heart of the matter when you say 'direct communication', how exactly does that happen? do an actual agent contact you? One of my online contacts spoke to me just recently about him being targeted and this is what he had to say about it [1/7/2015 11:53:57 PM] Someone: its been so long since i was in that chat. i lost all my contacts since then to. i was threatened and forced to remove every skype contact i had [1/8/2015 1:12:54 AM] Xeia: By whom? [1/8/2015 1:16:52 AM] Someone: US military/intelligence black ops targeting divisions [1/8/2015 1:17:02 AM] Someone: mind control suppression targeting mostly [1/8/2015 1:25:16 AM] Xeia: Were you in the military? [1/8/2015 1:29:53 AM] Someone: no but my brother is [1/8/2015 1:30:01 AM] Someone: hes in navy intelligence [1/8/2015 8:32:51 AM] Xeia: why are you a target then? [1/8/2015 4:43:10 PM] Someone: im in a mind control suppression and torture prgram [1/8/2015 4:43:24 PM] Someone: why? i cant be 100% sure but i have ideas [1/8/2015 8:38:13 PM] Xeia: And what are your ideas? [1/8/2015 8:41:05 PM] Someone: well it starts with my soul history on earth. i know deep down i have opposed corrupted control systems and religions on earth for thousands of years. even died as a result of such. Reptile ETs, Dracos in particular hate me, because I am corrosive to their synthetic matrix of control, subversion, and tyranny/sacrifice. it stems back with them. they recommend targeting of certain people to the US government. i was told I was recommended to be targeted. i also match the profile of what they look for, to mind control in a subversive manner. i am creative, yet logical. Balanced minded. musicially inclined, intecllectually inclined, and have piercing discernment of psy ops since young. so all that merited me being targeted i think. i have considered many theories though [1/8/2015 9:31:33 PM] Xeia: What are your other theories? [1/8/2015 9:52:54 PM] Someone: well all of them include being targeted by the US gov in a mean to suppress my natural ability and influence [1/8/2015 9:54:36 PM] Xeia: How were you forced to remove your Skype contacts? [1/8/2015 9:54:54 PM] Someone: threatened [1/8/2015 9:55:41 PM] Someone: they said they would do things to someone if i didnt and they had a history of showing me they followed through with their words. they made me choose who died a friend or his mother. i had to chose his mother, and she died not long after [1/8/2015 11:30:20 PM] Xeia: How do they threaten you, by phone? [1/8/2015 11:30:50 PM] Someone: electronic telepathy. the cabal has electronic telepathy and i am inside their network. dont ask me how lol [1/9/2015 12:53:44 AM] Xeia: So you hear them in your head? [1/9/2015 1:45:25 AM] Someone: ive met an agent in person. but with telepathy yes its inside my own mind. telepathic voice, images, conscious energies etc all done via electromagnetics. the technology for beaming a voice into someones mind without an implant has been public since the 1960s Is this what you mean with "direct"? Is it face to face or something similar to what this guy is saying? rich228 wrote: For a member of a galactic Council of sorts to say things like “originating in one’s own mind”… and “dangerous fanatical ideologies and delusions”…. and questioning the veracity of someone’s testimony is quite striking to me. You of all people should know better. I do know better, that's why i question, it is a duty. You should not take it personal. I do not think you are lying. I do not question the fact that you believe in your own testimony, just as the guy above is convinced of what is happening to him; but in general, at first, I do question everyone's testimony on some level. time, and depending on many factors, I may or may not form my own opinion on the matter or question it any further... What's more..., instead of believing or not believing in the person affected, being you or any other's testimony for that matter, I question everything that has to do with the actual occurrence itself. what kind of phenomena is it? where does it really come from? why does it affect some and not others or some more than others? etc, etc, etc... that kind of thing You don't like what i said i see...or perhaps you don't like what you thought i said. But if you look at it objectively, fanatical ideologies are dangerous, that is a fact. Delusions could be too, and they all live in the mind...someone's mind...then it gets to a point that this "mind" is surrounding the entire planet, potentially affecting the weak due to various reasons in the form of memes like Didymos told you about. It is way more subtle than just some stubbornness or an actual mental disease and also way more powerful. Have you ever heard of it, have you really taken a look at it to see what it is and what it does? All possibilities should be considered. And so, and only after you have done it with all of your heart and your mind and you soul...if even after that, you still feel this is not your case; why do you think you have been selected specifically to be tortured like this? What are your own theories on your specific case? There is something in the air...isn't it? Perhaps people have all been infected and affected by this dis-ease....Perhaps they've all been "demon possessed" at the most intrinsic level...but if that is true, then duality would dictate that they would also be possessed by its opposite force. You should get to know both good and evil...if you really want to be wise. Pay heed to this opportunity to really get to know your jailer. If you are really demon possessed, then that means the demon is within you. Look into the mirror then to see if you can recognize it. You may realize something important. Oh and btw, believe it or not but Rok is really a very nice guy once you get to know him...he's just...well...too Fiery at times nice to the humans _________________ "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu