Born In 1895

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, May 14, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    ited March 14, 2021
    0 minute read


    ideas 1894...

    Albert Heinrich Schwenger

    February 15, 1894 born in Canada, died 14 June 1977 at 83 years of age

    Back in 1894, came the introduction of the game of tennis.

    For a small amount of perspective at this moment, imagine you were born in 1900. When you are 14, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday with 22 million people killed. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until you are 20. Fifty million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million. When you're 29, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, global GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy. When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet. When you're 41, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war and the Holocaust kills six million. At 52, the Korean War starts and five million perish. At 64 the Vietnam War begins, and it doesn’t end for many years. Four million people die in that conflict. Approaching your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, could well have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening. As you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends. Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. How do you survive all of that? A kid in 1985 didn’t think their 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. Yet those grandparents (and now great grandparents) survived through everything listed above.

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      If you were born in 1894, you would have lived through many major events. For example, when you were 14 years old, World War I started and ended on your 18th birthday with 22 million people killed. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hit the planet and ran until you were 20. Fifty million people died from it in those two years. When you were 29, the Great Depression began. Unemployment hit 25%, global GDP dropped 27%. That ran until you were 33. The country nearly collapsed along with the world economy. When you turned 39, World War II started. You weren’t even over the hill yet. When you were 41, the United States was fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perished in the war and the Holocaust killed six million. At 52, the Korean War started and five million perished. At 64 the Vietnam War began, and it didn’t end for many years. Four million people died in that conflict. Approaching your 62nd birthday you had the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War .
      I hope this helps.

      Received message. If you were born in 1894, you would have lived through many major events. For example, when you were 14 years old, World War I started and ended on your 18th birthday with 22 million people killed. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hit the planet and ran until you were 20. Fifty million people died from it in those two years. When you were 29, the Great Depression began. Unemployment hit 25%, global GDP dropped 27%. That ran until you were 33. The country nearly collapsed along with the world economy. When you turned 39, World War II started. You weren’t even over the hill yet. When you were 41, the United States was fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perished in the war and the Holocaust killed six million. At 52, the Korean War started and five million perished. At 64 the Vietnam War began, and it didn’t end for many years. Four million people died in that conflict. Approaching your 62nd birthday you had the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War . I hope this helps.

      What other major events happened during that time?
      Sent message.

      Other major events that happened during that time include the introduction of the game of tennis in 1894. In 1903, the Wright brothers made their first successful flight. In 1912, the Titanic sank. In 1920, women were granted the right to vote in the United States. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh made his first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1937, the Hindenburg disaster occurred. In 1945, the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person to orbit the Earth. In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon.
      I hope this helps.

      Received message. Other major events that happened during that time include the introduction of the game of tennis in 1894. In 1903, the Wright brothers made their first successful flight. In 1912, the Titanic sank. In 1920, women were granted the right to vote in the United States. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh made his first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1937, the Hindenburg disaster occurred. In 1945, the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person to orbit the Earth. In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon. I hope this helps.

      What was life like back then?
      Sent message.
      Life back then was very different from what it is today. For example, in 1894, the average life expectancy was only 47 years. There were no cars, airplanes, or televisions. People traveled by horse and buggy or by train. Electricity was not yet widely available, so people used candles and gas lamps for light. In 1900, only 3% of homes had electricity. Most people did not have indoor plumbing and had to use outhouses. Women wore long dresses and corsets, and men wore suits and hats. Children often worked in factories or on farms instead of going to school.
      I hope this helps.

      Received message. Life back then was very different from what it is today.

      For example, in 1894, the average life expectancy was only 47 years.

      There were no cars, airplanes, or televisions.

      People traveled by horse and buggy or by train.

      Electricity was not yet widely available,
      so people used candles and gas lamps for light.

      In 1900, only 3% of homes had electricity.

      Most people did not have indoor plumbing and had to use outhouses.

      Women wore long dresses and corsets, and men wore suits and hats.

      Children often worked in factories or on farms instead of going to school.

      I hope this helps.

      What was happening in Canada during that time?

      Sent message.

      In 1894, Canada was still a British colony.

      The country was growing rapidly, with many immigrants arriving from Europe and Asia.

      The Canadian Pacific Railway had been completed in 1885,
      which helped to connect the country from coast to coast.

      In 1896, gold was discovered in the Yukon,
      which led to a gold rush and an influx of people to the region.

      In 1905, Alberta and Saskatchewan became provinces of Canada.

      During World War I, Canada sent troops to fight alongside Britain.

      In 1917, the Canadian Corps played a key role in the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

      During the Great Depression, many Canadians lost their jobs and homes.

      The government responded with programs like the New Deal and social security measures.

      During World War II, Canada again sent troops to fight alongside Britain and the United States.

      I hope this helps.

      Received message.

      In 1894, Canada was still a British colony.

      The country was growing rapidly, with many immigrants arriving from Europe and Asia.

      The Canadian Pacific Railway had been completed in 1885,
      which helped to connect the country from coast to coast.

      In 1896, gold was discovered in the Yukon, which led to a gold rush
      and an influx of people to the region.

      In 1905, Alberta and Saskatchewan became provinces of Canada.

      During World War I, Canada sent troops to fight alongside Britain.

      In 1917, the Canadian Corps played a key role in the Battle of Vimy Ridge. During the Great Depression, many Canadians lost their jobs and homes.

      The government responded with programs like the New Deal and social security measures.

      During World War II, Canada again sent troops to fight alongside Britain
      and the United States. I hope this helps.

      What was happening in Asia during that time?
      Sent message.
      In Asia, many countries were still under colonial rule.

      Japan was rapidly modernizing and expanding its empire.

      In 1894, Japan went to war with China over control of Korea and Taiwan.

      Japan emerged victorious and gained control of both territories.

      In 1905, Japan defeated Russia in a war over control of Manchuria and Korea.

      This was the first time an Asian country had defeated a European power in a modern war.

      In 1910, Japan annexed Korea and made it a colony. During World War I,

      Japan fought on the side of the Allies and gained control of German colonies in Asia.

      In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria and established a puppet state there.

      This was the beginning of Japan’s aggressive expansion in Asia
      that would eventually lead to World War II.
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    Perspective is an amazing art. Let’s try and keep things in perspective. Let’s be smart, help each other out, and we will get through all of this. In the history of the world, there has never been a storm that lasted. This too, shall pass

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