Jaz TheOracle 39m · "IF YOU ARE ATTRACTED TO THE ENERGY VIBRATION OF A WOMAN AWAKE FROM THE POINT OF VIEW SPIRITUAL, you will experience a spiritual transformation. First of all, regardless of what you believe, it is your soul that chose to connect with it. These women carry within them deep and meaningful information about you; sacred codes that are vital to the evolution of your being. They are part of contracts made between souls that bring them into contact with certain people at certain times. This closeness triggers an activation in the energy body of those who connect with those women. Spiritually awake women are never in a certain place "by accident." There is always a deep purpose to human connections and the places where these women bring their energy. When the human mind loses connection with the heart, man acts from the space of fear. Actions started from the space of fear are always aggressive and do harm – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We cannot stay stuck in the low vibration of fear, disconnected from the heart. The only chance of opening to truth, depth, healing, unconditional acceptance, trust, is for someone to SEE you as you really are, inside. That's what happens when you connect with one of these spiritually awake women. When she speaks to you, she influences your energy field, working on your heart. You know who the spiritually awake woman is. It is impossible not to realize when you meet such a woman . She won't manipulate you, she won't impose anything on you and she won't ask you to stay by her side. Such a woman does not work with you on the physical level, she works on the Spirit level Susan Lynne Schwenger if i share that on my posting boards; did you write it ?