21 Dec 2020

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 21, 2020.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1f32c. "Conjunção entre Lua, Júpiter e Saturno sobre o Monte Fuji". 26f0. 2728. 1f319.
    ( Japão ) 1f49f. 1f469_200d_1f680.
    1f4f8. @P.Herrera

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Jupiter and Saturn over Italy a hour ago....
    21 Dec 2020


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    MAR / APRIL 2020


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Great Precession of Earth
    in Mayan Time
    from March 1st, 23,815 BC
    to December 6th, 2020

    The Schwenger Moons from May 26th, 2010
    to December 17th, 2013

    The Mayan Calendar of
    The Haab-Tzolkin Correlation
    calibrated with the Mayan 26th Birthday
    of Pacal the Great in 5 Tzolkins

    Where are the Leap-Kins in the Mayan Calendars?

    The Mayan Long Count is comprised of 13 Baktuns;
    each Baktun being subdivided in a Katun-Tun-Vinal-Kin daycount
    nesting in 1 Baktun=20 Katun=400 Tun=7,200 Vinal=144,000 Kin.

    This can be represented in a shorthand notation: B.K.T.V.K=v.w.x.y.z.

    The 13+7=20 Tzolkin Days and every 20th day an Ahau glyph, order as:


    However, there is no 14,15,16,17,18,19,20 count for the Tzolkin glyphs
    and the sequence is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    in one-to-one correspondence with the 20 Tzolkin glyphs.

    For the Mayan Year of the Haab of 365 Kin;
    there are 18 Mayan 'Months' of 20 Days/Kin each;
    followed by 5 supplementary 'Evil' Days of Vayeb in order:

    -Ceh-Mac-Kankin-Muan-Pax-Kayab-Cumku--Vayeb 0,1,2,3,4}.

    A Calendar Round is the combination of the Haab of 365=5x73 Kin
    with the 260=5x52 Kin of the Tzolkin with the common factor 5
    defining the repeating mode to be 73x260=18,980 Kin o
    r 52 Haab years = 51.965475 Common Years.

    72 Calendar Rounds are 72x18,980 = 72x260x73 = 260x5256
    = 72x365x52 = 365x3744 = 1,366,560 Kin/Days
    as 3744 Haab or 3741.5142 common years.

    98 Calendar Rounds are 98x18,980 = 98x260x73 = 260x7154
    = 98x365x52 = 365x5096 = 1,860,040 Kin/Days as 5096 Haab
    or 5092.61655 common years.

    Day #-00000007 = - = February 22nd, 23,615 BC
    = 10 Ben 16 Pax {Saturday 1st Sabbath Image Past}

    Day #00000000/9,360,000 = - = March 1st, 23,615 BC
    = 4 Ahau 3 Kayab {Saturday Sabbath Mirror}

    Day #00000007 = - = March 8th, 23,615 BC
    = 11 Malik 10 Kayab {Saturday 1st Sabbath Future}
    Day #4,680,000 = 72x65,000 = -
    = July 27th, 10,802 BC = 4 Ahau 13 Muan
    {Midpoint of 26,000x360 Kin Precession}

    100 4 Ahau 8 Cumku Rounds
    from August 11th, 3114 BC to February 27th, 2084

    Day #0/7,488,000 = 0x18,980 =
    = August 11th, 3114 BC = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku
    {Initiation of 1st Baktun of 13 of 144,000 Days}

    Day #18,980/7,506,980 = 1x18,980 =
    = July 30th, 3062 BC = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku
    {Initiation of 1st Calendar Round}
    Day #493,480/7,981,480 = 26x18,980 =
    = September 18th, 1763 BC = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku
    {26th Calendar Round}
    Day #1,357,100/8,845,100 =
    = March 24th, 603 AD = 8 Ahau 13 Pop
    {Birthday of Pacal the Great, Age 0}
    Day #1,361,608/8,849,608 =
    = July 27th, 615 AD = 5 Lamat 1 Mol
    {Accession of Pacal the Great, Age 12}
    Day #1,366,560/8,854,560 = 72x18,980 =
    = February 15th, 629 AD = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku
    {Pacal the Great Initiation of 26 Birthday Calendar Rounds as 72nd}
    Day #1,366,597/8,854,597 =
    = August 24th, 629 AD
    = 2 Caban 0 Uo
    {26th Birthday of Pacal the Great, Age 26 in +37 Kin}
    Day #1,386,478/8,874,478 =
    = August 29th, 683 AD
    = 6 Etznab 11 Yax
    {Death of Pacal the Great, Age 80}
    Day #1,853,380/9,341,380/0 = 0x18,980 =
    = December 29th, 1961
    = 13 Ahau 18 Mac
    {Initiation of final 13 Ahau Calendar Round }
    Day #1,860,040/9,348,040 = 98x18,980 =
    = March 24th, 1980
    = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku
    {Pacal the Great Completion of 26 Birthday Calendar Rounds as 98th}
    Day #1,872,000/9,360,000 =
    = December 21st, 2012
    = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin
    {Completion of 13th Baktun of 13 of 144,000 Days}

    Day #1,872,360/9,360,360/18,980 = 1x18,980 =
    = December 16th, 2013 = 13 Ahau 18 Mac
    {Completion of final 13 Ahau Calendar Round}
    Day #1,879,020/9,367,020 = 99x18,980 =
    = March 11th, 2032
    = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku
    {Pacal the Great Projection of the 4 Ahau 8 Cumku Date as Round 99}
    Day #1,898,000/9,385,000 = 100x18,980 =
    = February 27th, 2084
    = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku
    {Pacal the Great Projection of the 4 Ahau 8 Cumku Date as Round 100}

    As the common factor for a Calendar Round HaabxTzolkin = 365x260
    = 18,980 = 73x260 = 52x260; the product 73x52 = 3796
    measured as Mayan 'Valum Votan Pacal'
    or 'Closer of the Cycle' Years allowed the Mayan shaman
    or high priests to relate their Calendars to the life of Pacal the Great.

    The Mayan date of 4 Ahau 8 Cumku = August 11th, 3114 BC
    as proleptic Gregorian date and astronomical year
    -3113 defines the timeline directly to the birth and death of Pacal the Great,
    given as March 24th, 603 and as August 29th, 683 respectively.

    As -3113+3796 = 683, say in a simple day and night count of the kin; the death of Pacal the Great completed the 'cosmic reason' of the Maya to manifest their meso american civilization and having fulfilled their 'cosmic purpose' the Mayan civilization apparently simply disappeared in the historical records in the following decades.

    The Mayan 'Master Number' 1,366,560 = 260x5256 = 365x3744 = 73x18,720 = 52x26,280 = 14.4x94,900 = 1440x949 = 14.4x365x260 so became affiliated with the Mayan king Pacal the Great at the time of his 26th birthday on February 15th, 629 AD as the Mayan date 4 Ahau 8 Cumku = and as the 26th completion of the Haab-Tzolkin 'Great Round' from the start of the most recent 13 Baktun cycle of Mayan date = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku or August 11th, 3114 BC in the proleptic civil calendar as time reckoning of today.

    As 1 Tun counts 360 Kin and the Mayan 'Master Number' counts the Haab-Tzolkin 'Great Round' 37 Kin/Days before the actual birthday of Pacal the Great in 1,366,560 = 365x3744 = 360x3796 = 260x5256 from February 15th, 629 to March 24th, 629 in the Gregorian proleptic day count; 1 Tun of 360 Kin will be added to the actual completion of the 65 = 5x13 Baktun of the 9,360,000 Kin count of 26,000 Tun.
    This extends the Mayan precession count from March 1st, 23,615 BC = - = 4 Ahau 3 Kayab to December 21st, 2012 = = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin by 1 Tun to December 16th, 2013 = = 13 Ahau 18 Mac and encompasses the 360 Kin required to bridge the Mayan 'Master Number' to the 26th birthday of Pacal the Great.

    37 Kin define the difference between 7 Haab and 7 Tun in 7x5 = 35 Vayeb 'evil or missing' Days with 2 'Leap Days' in a 8 civil year calendar.
    Adding 7 Tun with 1 Uinal (to sychronise the addition of the 1 Tun from December 21st, 2012 to December 16th, 2013 at the end of the time count) and 7 Kin or 7x360+20+7 = 2520+20+7 = 2547 Days to the Mayan end date of 13 Ahau 18 Mac then calibrates the overall Precessional Summation of Grand Rounds in a projected synchronisation of this 'Grand Mayan Age' with the life of Pacal the Great.

    The final 7 to 8 days of the 37 to 38 days so can be said to account for the scientific-astrophysical deviation of the tropical-solar-equinoxal year of 365.2422 days from the civil year of 365.2425 days over a precessional span of time of 9,360,000+8x360+8 = 9,362,888 Days.
    The Mayan Kin precessional count then becomes {365.2425/365.2422}x{9,362,880} = {1.00000082}x{9,362,880} = 9,362,887.68 ~ 9,362,888 = 9,362,880+8

    Where are the Leap-Kins in the Mayan Calendars?
    An extra-terrestrial Bridge between the Counting of Days between the Maya and the Codes of the Torah/Bible

    As 1 Baktun counts 20x20 Tun = 400x360 Kin = 144,000 Kin; the 14.4 fractal of 1 Baktun represents a multiplying factor of 10,000 from the encoding of older 'cosmically authored' manuscripts derived from say Egypt, Mesopotamia and Babylon.

    The Mayan counting of days uses two calendars, the Long Count in 365 Kin Haab-Years and the Tzolkin of 13x20 = 260 Kin-Days and ignores the adding of an additional day, called a leap-day in 4 otherwise calendrically counted years to continually adjust for the drift of the seasons due to the precession of the equinoxes.

    Adjusting the Gregorian calendar from 365.2425 days per year to 365.24225 days per year, compared to the actual mean solar tropical year of 365.24219878 days in a rule that years evenly divisible by 4000 are not leap years, whilst years divisible by 400 are, then the error would be equivalent to an error of one day over a period of about 19,500 years; this is comparable to errors due to tidal braking of the rotation of the Earth and would align to the duration of a precessional cycle.

    mayancaledar. mayanwheel-calendar.
    The missing leap days of the Maya and their insistence of simply counting days and nights and the ignoring of the seasons in terms of an annual specification of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter in say the rising and settings of the sun so can be said to represent a simpler counting of days.
    The Maya and ancient civilizations world wide instead observed the 'seasons of the stars' in aligning their 'spiritual-religious' monuments and temples with the seasonal equinoxes and solstices relative to the observance of the nightly background of the stars.

    Superimposing any other calendar, such as the Gregorian or Julian or Hebrew ones used by contemporary time keepers and time reckoning systems onto the Mayan 365 Haab - 260 Tzolkin and the 360 Long Count calendars; then enables a travelling in time focused on the Kin count of the Maya, then synchronised with the other seasonal based calendars used.

    360 Kin x 20 Tzolkin = 360x20x260 Kin = 360x5200 Kin = 360x(5125+75) Kin = 1,845,000+27,000 Kin = 1,872,000 Kin = 13x144,000 Kin = 13 Baktuns in the Tun-Tzolkin Long Count.
    For 5200 Tun-Circle-Platonic years then 5200/4 = 1300 Mayan Leap-Kin can be stipulated as part of 13 Baktuns.
    For 5125 Haab years or 1,870,625 Kin with 1375 Leap-Kin, 5125 'evil/missing day' cycles or 25,625 Vayeb Kin fractalise a 9,360,000/365.26829...=25,625 'Year' precessional cycle.
    For 5128 Haab years or 1,871,720 Kin with 280 Leap-Kin, 5128 'evil/missing day' cycles or 25,640 Vayeb Kin fractalise a 9,360,000/365.05460...=25,640 'Year' precessional cycle.

    This calculus for a 'day as a year' is reencoded in Ezekiel 4 and 2Peter3.8 with the Kin differential of 15 days between Vayeb counts 25,640-25,625 = 15 encoded as a measurement between the Inner Court and the Outer Court of the 'Temple of the City' in cubits and furlongs, silver pieces, the extent of the flood and the size of the earth as a Schumann frequency and as the 'Hour of the Revelation' in 12,000/1600 = 7½ = 300,000 km per second/40,000 km = Speed of Light/Circumference of the Earth.
    As there are 24 Hours in a 24 Hour Day of 12 Hours Day and 12 Hours Night on average; there are 15 24-Hour Days in a 360 Kin Tun-Year.

    15 Kin/1 Tun = 15 Kin/360 Kin = 1 Hour/24 Hours or as a mathematical proportion: 24x15 = 1x360.

    365 Kin x 5125 + 1375 = 1,870,625 Kin +1335 Kin + 40 Kin {of 'Noah's Flood/Wilderness of Sinai/Ascension Days of Jesus} = 1,870,625 + 1260 + (30+45) + 40
    365 Kin x (5125 + 275/73) = 365 Kin x (5125 + 1375/365) = 1 Haab x (5200-75) = 1,872,000 = 13 Baktuns in Haabs + Leap-Kin
    The Leap-Kin count to correlate the Long Count harmonising the 360 Kin - Tun with the 260 Kin - Tzolkin to the 365 Kin - Haab, so comprises 1375/365 Haab or 3 280/365 Haab, which are 3 Haab + 1 Tzolkin + 1 Uinal for 3x365+260+20 = 1375 Kin as 3½ Times +75 Days.

    The 75 days in the scriptural encoding so can be defined as: 1335-1260 = 75 = ½(150) = ½(2670-2520) = ½(2300+370-2520) = {13 Baktuns}/{1 Tun} - 5125 Kin and where 1375 Kin depict the 'evil missing' days of the Vayeb Leap-Kin of the 'End of Old Times' heralding the birth of 'New Times' in the chronos of the Maya.

    5125 Haab + 1375 Leap-Kin = 5200 Tun = 13 Baktun
    as 1 Mayan Age of 5 from March 1st, 23,615 BC to July 12th, 18,490 BC to November 20th, 13,365 BC to April 1st, 8234 BC to December 21st, 2012.

    1375 = 1300+75 = 1300 + (1335-1260) = 1300 + (Blessings of Times - End of Times) Leap-Kin.

    The 'End of Times; is defined in a 1 Time =1 Tun = 360 Kin as 'A Time and Times and half a Time' = 360+720+180 =1260 Kin and for a 1300 Kin from May 26th, 2010 to December 17th, 2013 as the 13 Ahau 13 Zip to 13 Ahau 18 Mac calibration of 44½ Full Moon Lunations.

    As 7 Tuns as 7x360 = 2520 = 1260+1260 Kin as 7 Times in the Mayan chronos; the references in the biblical encodings of the 'Times of the End' relate to the Mayan timeline from December 16th, 2013 as = 13 Ahau 18 Mac to November 9th, 2020 as = 11 Ahau 3 Ceh as 2520 days or 7 Times.

    Day#0000=Maya#1/0/ = 13 Ahau 13 Zip = May 26th, 2010 = Initiation of 1st Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformatrion in 13 Ahau
    Day#0001=Maya#1/1/ = 1 Imix 14 Zip = May 27th, 2010 = 1st Full Moon in Scorpio(+) = Start of 1st Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation in 1 Imix
    Day#1300=Maya#5/260/ = 13 Ahau 18 Mac = December 16th, 2013 = End of Mayan Tzolkin Correlation in 13 Ahau
    Image of 5th 13 Baktun Cycle from August 11th, 3114 BC = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku = to 13.. = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin = December 21st, 2012 in 1,872,000 = 13x144,000 Kin
    Day#1301=Maya#6/1/ = 1 Imix 19 Mac = December 17th, 2013 = 5th Full Moon in Gemini(+) in 1 Imix

    Genesis 7:19-21 - King James Version (KJV)
    19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
    20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
    21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:

    Numbers 31:5
    So there were delivered out of the thousands of Israel, a thousand of every tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.

    1 Samuel 21:11
    And the servants of Achish said unto him, Is not this David the king of the land? did they not sing one to another of him in dances, saying, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

    Song of Solomon 5:10
    My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.

    Hosea 3:2
    So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley:

    Ezekiel 4:4-10 - King James Version (KJV)
    4Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity.
    5For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.
    6And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.
    7 Therefore thou shalt set thy face toward the siege of Jerusalem, and thine arm shall be uncovered, and thou shalt prophesy against it.
    8 And, behold, I will lay bands upon thee, and thou shalt not turn thee from one side to another, till thou hast ended the days of thy siege.
    9 Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof.
    10 And thy meat which thou shalt eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day: from time to time shalt thou eat it.

    Daniel 7:10
    A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

    Daniel 9:24-27 - King James Version (KJV)
    24Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
    25Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
    26And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
    27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    Daniel 11:12
    And when he hath taken away the multitude, his heart shall be lifted up; and he shall cast down many ten thousands: but he shall not be strengthened by it.

    Daniel 12 - King James Version (KJV)
    1And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
    2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
    3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
    4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
    5 Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.
    6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?
    7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
    8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
    9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
    10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
    11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
    12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
    13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

    Zechariah 11:12-13
    And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.
    And the Lord said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord.

    Matthew 26:15
    And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.

    Matthew 27:3
    Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,

    Matthew 27:9
    Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value;

    Luke 14:31
    Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?

    Jude 1:14
    And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

    Luke 4:24-25 - King James Version (KJV)
    24And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.
    25But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;

    James 5:17
    Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

    1 Corinthians 14:19
    Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.

    2 Peter 3:8
    But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    Revelation 5:11
    And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

    Revelation 9:13-16 King James Version (KJV)
    13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
    14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
    15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
    16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one." {Gospel of Thomas - Nag Hammadi-Lambdin}

    10,000x10,000 = 100 Million and 200x1000x1000 = 200 Million in the doubling or twinning of 12 in 24 or (1) in (2) from 144,000 = 12 x 12,000 and as (1)000 and 1(2),000

    Revelation 4:4
    And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

    Revelation 6:6
    And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

    Revelation 7:5-8
    Of the tribe of Juda/Leo were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben/Aries were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad/Virgo were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Aser/Scorpio were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephthalim/Libra were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses/Cancer were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Simeon/Taurus were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi/Gemini were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar/Sagittarius were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Zabulon/Capricorn were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph/Aquarius were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin/Pisces were sealed twelve thousand.

    Revelation 8:1
    And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

    Revelation 9:15
    And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

    Revelation 11:1-2 - King James Version (KJV)
    1And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
    2But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
    3And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
    4These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
    5And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
    6These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
    7And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
    8And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
    9And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

    Revelation 11:13
    And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

    Revelation 12 - King James Version (KJV)
    1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
    2And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
    3And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
    4And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
    5And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
    6And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
    7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
    8And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
    9And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
    10And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
    11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
    12Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
    13And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
    14And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
    15And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
    16And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
    17And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    Revelation 13:1-5 - King James Version (KJV)
    1And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
    2And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
    3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
    4And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
    5And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

    Revelation 14:7
    Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

    Revelation 14:20 - King James Version (KJV)
    20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

    Revelation 17:12
    And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    Revelation 18:6-8 - King James Version (KJV)
    6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
    7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
    8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

    Revelation 18:10
    Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

    Revelation 18:17
    For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,

    Revelation 18:19
    And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

    Revelation 21:16
    And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

    The code of Dan.7.10 with Rev.5.11 & Rev.9.16

    7.2 Billion/144,000 = 50,000
    50,000x50,000 = 2.5 Billion (Counter Rebels/Nonelitists Squared)
    4,000x4,000 = 16 Million ('Echeloners'/Elitists Squared)
    86,024x86,024 = 7.4 Billion populus
    86,164x86,164 = 7,424,234,896

    50,000x(144,000+4000) = 7.2 Billion + 200 Million ETs

    24 hours - 6 minutes - 16 seconds = 86,400 - 376 = 86,024
    The Earth's rotation takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds, which is exactly 86,164.1 seconds long.

    Common (Civil) Date-----(1 Baktun=20 Katun)-(1 Katun=20 Tun)-(1 Tun=18 Vinal=360 Kin)-(1 Vinal=20 Kin)

    August 11th, 3114 BC--- Ahau 8 Cumku, where Cumku=18th Mayan 'Month' or MM

    (as a commonly agreed upon Mayan date for the beginning of the Long Count and as determined from Mayan relic inscriptions)

    The Great Secret of the Maya engages the 72nd Calendar Round in 72x18,980 = 1,366,560 Kin in the 'proleptic Gregorian' (counting the Gregorian year of 365.2425 'mean solar days' backwards and ignoring the Julian year of 365.25 'mean solar days' preceding October 15th, 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_calendar

    February 15th, 629--- = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku = 9x144,00+9x7,200+16x360=72x18,980=1,366,560 Kin

    This Mayan 'Holy Supernumber' factors many Mayan base numbers, such as: 360; 365; 72; 73; 260; 584, 468 and 104 (Venus Cycles); 780 (Mars Cycle) and their subfactors in 13; 9; 8; 6; 5; 4; 3 and 2. This number is inscribed in the Dresden Codex and has for long been subject to analysis by Mayan Historians, archaeologists and researchers both academic, unprofessional and metaphysical.

    The Maya knew, that their 'Holy Number' (HN) described the 'Great Galactic Dragon' in the sky and which is visualised as the Milky Way - the Ouroboros Serpent, who swallows its own tail.

    The Maya named the galactic Center Hunab Ku - the 'Giver of all Life and Measure' and called the 'Pathway from the Earth to to Hunab Ku' as Kuxan Suum - The Umbilical Cord between Earth and its Galactic MotherFather.


    The Mayan King 'Pacal the Great' (March 24th, 603 to August 29th, 683 ) reigned July 27, 615 – August 29, 683 CE and so was in his 14th regal year and was in his 26th years on February 15th, 629--- = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku, the day of the completion of the 72nd 'Great Round' of the Haab-Tzolkin return and in a Kin count of the Mayan HN of 1,366,560.

    'Pacal the Great' is also known as 'Ahau of Palenque' for this reason of his 'sacred' 26th birthday, being half the 'Time of a Calender Round' of 52 Haab or 18,980 Kin and being just 2 Vials or 2/13th of the Tzolkin Count of 260 Kin between three successive Ahau dates.

    But how did the Maya know of this number 1366560=F (say) and so for 'Pacal the Great' to 'assign such significance to his 26th birthday?

    This then engages the mythology and the metaphysics of Pacal 'Valum Votan' as Mayan King and as 'Closer of the Way' relating to the 'Cosmic Office' of the Kukulkan or the Aztec Quetzacoatl aka the 'Plumed Serpent' or Thoth or Melchisedec or Hermes Trismegistos etc. for this say label of a 'Cosmic Christ' or 'Teacher from the Stars'.

    Putting myth and speculation aside; the Mayan HN can be shown to be a derivative from a more primal number E=266561.

    This number E is a final and tenth number in 'Binary Fibonacci Algorithm' associated with the ubiquitous 'Sacred Geometry' underpinning the cosmogony of the universe in a preBig Bang scenario (of Inflationary membrane quantum physics in 12D-Vafa F-spacetime).

    This quantum cosmogony (of a hyperaccelerated string epoch), then gives rise to the metric dependent cosmologies, collectively termed the Big Bang Relativistic (Classical) Standard Model or similar.

    The ten number sequences crystallize particular energy proportionalities, then labeled 'Fundamental Constants of Nature', such as c², h and k as the Einstein mass proportionality, the Planck frequency proportionality and the Stefan-Boltzmann Temperature proportionality respectively with the E=266561 sequence being the initializer or boundary condition for all the subsequent or preceding integer expressed number sequences (Details are found in the OmniScience section on http://cosmosdawn.net ).

    A secondary algorithm now acts upon E=266561 to produce F=1366560.

    The logistical statement for this secondary algorithm then was known to the Maya as the 'Galactic Serpent' being connected to the Mayan homeplanet in the Kuxam Suum - the Umbilical Cord connecting Earth to the Galactic Center Hunab Ku.

    The Logical Statement is:

    "Add the Old Tail of the Serpent to the Old Head of the Serpent so the Dragon can swallow its own tail - and then begin the New Head with the Old Tail!"

    Because the Old Tail is the Number 1 in E=266561 and the Old Head is the Number 2, the New Head will be the Number 1 and the 'Throat' of the Galactic Dragon will be the Number 1+2=3 and the New Tail will be the number 6 in the transformation:

    This so symbolically 'Joins' 266561-1366560 in the adjacency of the Number 1 in 'halfing' the old 0=o+o=∞=8; in the cosmogony aka the membrane quantum physics of the 12th Dimensional brane background.

    {The physical 10D are mirrored in 11D in a 'Shadow 10D cosmology, allowing (inertia/mass) densification of a massless bosonic frequency state in 26 dimensions of counter clockwise vibration patterns and where clockwise vibration patterns corollarily reside in 10D.

    Then 3 Mirror dimensions of twosidedness and denoted as 11D-12D-13D-14D-15D-16D separate the 'Shadow Universe' as 17D-26D and with 16 counter clockwise dimensions conifolded or 'collapsed' onto the 3 Mirror dimensions in onesidedness.

    The technical term for this quantum mechanics is termed Quantum Relativity and utilises the basic onesidedness of the Klein Bottle topology as a base quantum geometry for the 16D collapse into two 8D Tori, the 2D Klein Bottle being a torus derivative in the mathematical mapping definitions.}

    K'inich Janaab Pakal I
    Ajaw of Palenque
    Pacal the Great.
    ReignJuly, 615 – August, 683
    PredecessorSak K'uk'
    SuccessorK'inich Kan Bahlam II
    RegentSak K'uk'
    Born9. - March 603
    Died9. - August 683 age 80
    BurialTemple of the Inscriptions, Palenque
    SpouseLady Tz'akbu Ajaw
    IssueK'inich Kan Bahlam II
    K'inich K'an Joy Chitam II
    Tiwol Chan Mat?
    FatherK'an Mo' Hix
    MotherSak K'uk'
    ReligionMaya religion

    PakalImage2a. K'inich_Janaab'_Pakal.

    K'inich Janaab Pakal I[N 1] (Mayan pronunciation: [k’ihniʧ xanaːɓ pakal], also known as Pacal, Pacal the Great, 8 Ahau and Sun Shield,
    (March, 603 - August, 683)[1] was ajaw of the Maya city-state of Palenque in the Late Classic period of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican chronology.

    He acceded to the throne in July 615 and ruled until his death.
    During a long reign of 68 years, the longest known regnal period in Western Hemisphere history, and the 30th longest worldwide, Pakal was responsible for the construction or extension of some of Palenque's most notable surviving inscriptions and monumental architecture.[N 2][2][3]

    Before his name was securely deciphered from extant Maya inscriptions, this ruler has been known by an assortment of nicknames and approximations, common ones including Pakal (or Pacal), "Sun Shield", "8 Ahau", and (familiarly) as "Pacal the Great".

    In modern sources his name is also sometimes appended with a regnal number,[2] to distinguish him from other Janaab' Pakals that either preceded or followed him in the dynastic lineage of Palenque.

    Confusingly, he has at times been referred to as either "Pakal I" or "Pakal II".
    The reference to him as Pakal II takes into account that his maternal grandfather (who died in 612) was also named Janaab' Pakal.

    However, although his grandfather was a personage of ajaw ranking most recent inscriptional interpretations hold that he probably did not himself hold the actual rulership position over the Palenque city-state.

    When instead the name Pakal I is used, this serves to distinguish him from two later known successors to the Palenque rulership, Upakal K'inich Janaab' Pakal (ruled c. 742, aka "[K'inich Janaab'] Pakal II") and Wak Kimi Janaab' Pakal (aka [Janaab'] Pakal III), the last-known Palenque ruler who acceded in 799.

    Pakal ascended the throne at age 12 on July 29, 615, and lived to the age of 80.

    The name pakal means "shield" in the Maya language.

    Pakal saw expansion of Palenque's power in the western part of the Maya states, and initiated a building program at his capital that produced some of Maya civilization's finest art and architecture.

    He was preceded as ruler of Palenque by his mother Lady Sak K'uk'.

    As the Palenque dynasty seems to have had Queens only when there was no eligible male heir, Sak K'uk' transferred rulership to her son upon his official maturity.

    After his death, Pakal was succeeded by his son Chan Bahlum II.
    A younger son, Kan Xul II, succeeded his brother Chan Bahlum II.
    After his death, Pakal was deified and said to communicate with his descendants.
    Pakal was buried within the Temple of Inscriptions.

    Though Palenque had been examined by archaeologists before, the secret to opening his tomb — closed off by a stone slab with stone plugs in the holes, which had until then escaped the attention of archaeologists —was discovered by Mexican archaeologist
    Alberto Ruz Lhuillier in 1948.
    It took four years to clear the rubble from the stairway leading down to Pakal’s tomb, but was finally uncovered in 1952 [2].

    His skeletal remains were still lying in his coffin, wearing a jade mask and bead necklaces, surrounded by sculptures and stucco reliefs
    depicting the ruler's transition to divinity and figures from Maya mythology.

    That the bones within the tomb are really those of Pakal himself is under debate due to the fact that the analysis of wear on the skeleton’s teeth places the age of the owner at death as 40 years younger than Pakal would’ve been at his death. Epigraphers insist that the inscriptions on the tomb indicate that it is indeed K'inich Janaab' Pakal entombed within, and that he died at the age of 80 after ruling for around 70 years.

    Some contest that the glyphs refer to two people with the same name or that an unusual method for recording time was used, but other experts in the field say that allowing for such possibilities would go against everything else that is known about the Maya calendar and records of events.
    The most commonly accepted explanation for the irregularity is that Pakal, being an elite, had access to softer, less abrasive food than the average person so that his teeth naturally acquired less wear [3].

    Despite the controversy, it remains one of the most spectacular finds of Maya archeology.
    A replica of his tomb is found at the National Museum of Anthropology and History in Mexico City.


    Pacal's sarcophagus lid - Carved lid of the tomb of K'inich Janaab' Pakal in the Temple of the Inscriptions.

    800px-0150_Palenque.JPG Grosser_Tempel_in_Palenque.

    The large carved stone sarcophagus lid in the Temple of Inscriptions is a famous piece of Classic Maya art.
    The widely accepted interpretation of the sarcophagus lid is that Pakal is descending into Xibalba, the Maya underworld.
    Around the edges of the lid are glyphs representing the Sun, the Moon, Venus, and various constellations, locating this event in the nighttime sky.
    Below him is the Maya water god, who guards the underworld [4].
    Beneath Pakal are the "unfolded" jaws of a dragon or serpent, which Pakal is escaping from, ascending towards the world tree.
    This is a common iconographic representation of the entrance to the underworld.
    Other examples of this imagery are found in sculpture on Monument 1 "El Rey" and Monument 9 at the Olmec site of Chalcatzingo, Morelos, on Altar 4 at the Olmec site of La Venta, Tabasco, and in recently discovered murals at the Late Preclassic Maya site of San Bartolo, Guatemala.

    Erich von Däniken's "Maya Astronaut"
    Pakal’s tomb has been the focus of attention by some enthusiasts since its appearance in Erich von Däniken's 1968 best seller,
    Chariots of the Gods?.
    Von Däniken reproduced a drawing of the sarcophagus lid (incorrectly labeling it as being from "Copan") and comparing Pacal's pose to that of 1960s Project Mercury astronauts, interpreting drawings underneath him as rockets, and saying it is supposed evidence of extra-terrestrial influence on the ancient Maya.
    In the center of that frame is a man sitting, bending forward.
    He has a mask on his nose, he uses his two hands to manipulate some controls, and the heel of his left foot is on a kind of pedal with different adjustments.
    The rear portion is separated from him; he is sitting on a complicated chair, and outside of this whole frame, you see a little flame like an exhaust.
    Von Däniken's claim is not considered a credible interpretation by any professional Mayanist.
    For example Ian Graham responded, "Well I certainly don't see any need to regard him as a space man.
    I don't see any oxygen tubes.
    I see a very characteristically drawn Maya face"[3]

    José Argüelles' "Pacal Votan"
    See also: Votan
    Another example of this carving's manifestation in pseudoarchaeology is José Argüelles' identification of "Pacal Votan," of whom he claims to be an incarnation named "Valum Votan," who will act as a "closer of the cycle" in 2012 (an event that is also significant on Argüelles' "13 Moon" calendar).

    Daniel Pinchbeck, in his book 2012:
    The Return of Quetzalcoatl (2006), also uses the name "Votan" in referring to Pakal.
    However, this name is not used for Pakal by Mayanist researchers such as academic archaeologists, epigraphers, and iconographers.
    Argüelles claims a connection between Pakal and the semi-historical Toltec figure Topiltzin Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl, but this is not supported by archaeological or epigraphic evidence.
    New Age interpretations of Pakal's tomb are a cornerstone of contemporary Mayanism.
    End of wiki reference.

    The 1st/53rd Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from August 11th, 3114 BC = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 2nd/54th Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from November 13th, 2720 BC = 3 Ahau 13 Chen {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 3rd/55th Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from February 16th, 2325 BC = 2 Ahau 3 Vayeb {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 4th/56th Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from May 21st, 1931 BC = 1 Ahau 8 Yax {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 5th /57th Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from August 23rd, 1537 BC = 13 Ahau 13 Pop {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 6th/58th Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from November 26th, 1143 BC = 12 Ahau 3 Zac {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 7th/59th Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from February 28th, 748 BC = 11 Ahau 8 Uo {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 8th/60th Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from June 3rd, 354 BC = 10 Ahau 18 Zac {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 9th/61st Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from September 5th, 41 = 9 Ahau 3 Zip {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 10th/62nd Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from December 9th, 435 AD = 8 Ahau 13 Ceh {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 11th/63rd Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from March 13th, 830 AD = 7 Ahau 18 Zip {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 12th/64th Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65 days/kin from June 15th, 1224 AD = 6 Ahau 8 Mac {Gregorian proleptic}

    The 13th/65th Baktun so is denoted and counts 20x20x360=144,000=9,360,000/65=1,872,000/13 days/kin and for 1 Baktun as 394.258609 Common Years.

    September 18th, 1618----- Ahau 13 Zotz = 12th Baktun and 20th preceeding Katun {Gregorian civil}
    The 1st Katun in the 13th Baktun then becomes and counts 7,200 days/kin as 19.71293045 Common Years.

    June 5th, 1638--------------- Ahau 13 Kayab = 1st Katun

    ...16 Katuns or 115,200 Kin = 315.4068872 Common Years later...

    November 1st, 1953-------- = 10 Ahau 19 Yax = 17th Katun

    September 20th, 1961 = = 4 Ahau 18 Mol = 18th Vinal/360

    October 10th, 1961 = = 11 Ahau 18 Chuen = 1st Vinal/20

    October 30th, 1961 = = 5 Ahau 18 Yax = 2nd Vinal/40

    November 19th, 1961 = = 12 Ahau 18 Zac = 3rd Vinal/60

    December 9th, 1961 = = 6 Ahau 18 Mac = 4th Vinal/80

    December 29th, 1961 = = 13 Ahau 18 Mac = 5th Vinal/100 ...100 Kin/Days later...

    July 19th, 1973--------------- = 8 Ahau 18 Tzek = 18th Katun ... 1 Katun or 7200 Kin or 19.7193045 Years later ...

    ... 1 Katun or 7,200 Kin = 19.713 Common Years later...

    April 5th, 1993-------------- = 6 Ahau 3 Vayeb = 19th Katun

    ...1 Tun or 360 Kin = 0.9856465 Common Years later...

    March 31st, 1994---------- = 2 Ahau 18 Cumku = 1st Tun

    ...1 Tun or 360 Kin = 0.9856465 Common Years later...

    March 26th, 1995---------- = 11 Ahau 13 Cumku = 2nd Tun

    June 8th, 2004------ = 6 Ik 5 Zotz = 1st Venus-Sun Transit Return

    ...15 Tun or 5,400 Kin = 14.7847 Common Years later

    January 6th, 2010-------- = 3 Ahau 18 Kankin = 17th Tun = 18th Vinal/360
    January 26th, 2010----------- = 10 Ahau 18 Muan = 1st Vinal/20
    February 15th, 2010---------- = 4 Ahau 18 Pax = 2nd Vinal/40
    March 7th, 2010--------------- = 11 Ahau 18 Kayeb = 3rd Vinal/60
    March 27th, 2010-------------- = 5 Ahau 18 Cumku = 4th Vinal/80
    April 16th, 2010---------------- = 12 Ahau 13 Pop = 5th Vinal/100
    May 6th, 2010------------------ = 6 Ahau 13 Uo = 6th Vinal/120
    May 26th, 2010---------------- = 13 Ahau 13 Zip = 7th Vinal/140
    June 15th, 2010---------------- = 7 Ahau 13 Zotz = 8th Vinal/160
    July 5th, 2010------------------- = 1 Ahau 13 Tzek = 9th Vinal/180
    July 20th, 2010----------------- = 8 Ahau 13 Xul = 10th Vinal/200
    August 14th, 2010------------- = 2 Ahau 13 Yaxkin = 11th Vinal/20
    September 3rd, 2010---------- = 9 Ahau 13 Mol = 12th Vinal/240
    September 23rd, 2010-------- = 3 Ahau 13 Chen = 13th Vinal/260
    October 13th, 2010------------ = 10 Ahau 13 Yax = 14th Vinal/280
    November 2nd, 2010---------- = 4 Ahau 13 Zac = 15th Vinal/300
    November 22nd, 2010--------- = 11 Ahau 13 Ceh = 16th Vinal/320
    December 12th, 2010---------- = 5 Ahau 13 Mac = 17th Vinal/340

    January 1st, 2011----------- = 12 Ahau 13 Kankin = 18th Tun = 18th Vinal/360
    January 21st, 2010-------------- = 6 Ahau 13 Muan = 1st Vinal/20
    February 10th, 2011------------- = 13 Ahau 13 Pax = 2nd Vinal/40
    March 2nd, 2011------------------ = 7 Ahau 13 Kayab = 3rd Vinal/60
    March 22nd, 2011---------------- = 1 Ahau 13 Cumkun = 4th Vinal/80
    April 11th, 2011------------------- = 8 Ahau 8 Pop = 5th Vinal/100
    May 1st, 2011--------------------- = 2 Ahau 8 Uo = 6th Vinal/120
    May 21st, 2011-------------------- = 9 Ahau 8 Zip = 7th Vinal/140
    June 10th, 2011------------------- = 3 Ahau 8 Zotz = 8th Vinal/160
    June 30th, 2011------------------- = 10 Ahau 8 Tzek = 9th Vinal/180
    July 20th, 2011-------------------- = 4 Ahau 8 Xul = 10th Vinal/200
    August 9th, 2011------------------ = 11 Ahau 8 Yaxkin = 11th Vinal/220
    August 29th, 2011---------------- = 5 Ahau 8 Mol = 12th Vinal/240
    September 18th, 2011----------- = 12 Ahau 8 Chen = 13th Vinal/260
    October 8th, 2011----------------- = 6 Ahau 8 Yax = 14th Vinal/280
    October 28th, 2011--------------- = 13 Ahau 8 Zac = 15th Vinal/300
    November 17th, 2011------------ = 7 Ahau 8 Ceh = 16th Vinal/320
    December 7th, 2011-------------- = 1 Ahau 8 Mac = 17th Vinal/340

    December 27th, 2011------------ = Ahau 8 Kankin = 19th Tun = 18th Vinal/360

    January 16th, 2012--------------- = 2 Ahau 8 Muan = 1st Vinal/20
    February 5th, 2012--------------- = 9 Ahau 8 Pax = 2nd Vinal/40
    February 25th, 2012------------- = 3 Ahau 8 Kayab = 3rd Vinal/60
    March 16th, 2012---------------- = 10 Ahau 8 Cumku = 4th Vinal/80

    ...11 Kin later, the 360 day/kin Mayan Tun ends to begin the 5 'evil' days of the Vayeb

    March 27th, 2012----------------- = 8 Chuen 19 Cumku

    March 28th, 2012----------------- = 9 Eb 0 Vayeb
    March 29th, 2012----------------- = 10 Ben 1 Vayeb
    March 30th, 2012----------------- = 11 Ix 2 Vayeb
    March 31st, 2012------------------ = 12 Men 3 Vayeb

    April 1st, 2012---------------------- = 13 Cib 4 Vayeb
    End of Vayeb coinciding with the End of the Warptime Loop from December 8th, 2004 as = 7 Chicchan 8 Mac = MAYAN MIRROR ENDTIME DATE for the HAAB beginning April 3rd, 2011= = 13 Eb 0 Pop as the WARPED REDEMPTION WEEK from Crucifixion of the World Logos to its Image, mirrored in the Resurrection Event
    (March 28th to April 1st, 31 AD warping March 28th to April 1st, 2011).

    March 28th, 2011 = = 7 Cimi 19 Cumku = Crucifixion Day as End of 360 Day Tun

    March 29th, 2011 = = 8 Manik 0 Vayeb = 1st Evil Day of Darkness
    March 30th, 2011 = = 9 Lamat 1 Vayeb = 2nd Evil Day of Darkness
    March 31st, 2011 = = 10 Muluc 2 Vayeb = 3rd Evil Day of Darkness
    April 1st, 2011 = = 11 Oc 3 Vayeb = Resurrection Day=4th Mayan Day of the Mirror for the Darkness
    April 2nd, 2011 = = 12 Chuen 4 Vayeb = 5th Mayan Day=Image for the 3rd Evil Day of Darkness
    April 3rd, 2011 = = 13 Eb 0 Pop = Image for the 2nd Evil Day of Darkness
    April 4th, 2011 = = 1 Ben 1 Pop = Image for the 1st Evil Day of Darkness
    April 5th, 2011 = = 2 Ix 2 Pop = Anti-Crucifixion Day as Mayan Image
    in the 'New Year' following Redemption Week.


    April 2nd, 2012--------------------- = 1 Caban 0 Pop
    April 3rd, 2012--------------------- = 2 Edznab 1 Pop
    April 4th, 2012--------------------- = 3 Cauac 2 Pop

    April 5th, 2012---------------------- = 4 Ahau 3 Pop = 5th Vinal/100
    June 4th, 2012-------- = 12 Ahau 3 Zotz = 8th Vinal/160
    June 5th, 2012-------- = 13 Imix 4 Zotz = 2nd Venus-Sun Transit Return
    June 6th, 2012-------- = 1 Ik 5 Zotz = 2nd Venus-Sun Transit Return
    December 1st, 2012-------------- = 10 Ahau 3 Mac = 17th Vinal/340

    December 21st, 2012------------- = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin = 20th Katun = 13th Baktun = 20th Tun = 18th Vinal/360

    January 10th, 2013----------------- = 11 Ahau 3 Muan = 1st Vinal/20
    January 30th, 2013----------------- = 5 Ahau 3 Pax
    = 2nd Vinal/40
    February 19th, 2013---------------- = 12 Ahau 3 Kayab = 3rd Vinal/60
    March 11th, 2013-------------------- = 6 Ahau 3 Cumku = 4th Vinal/80


    March 27th, 2013-------------------- = 9 Cib 19 Cumku
    March 28th, 2013-------------------- = 10 Caban 0 Vayeb
    March 29th, 2013-------------------- = 11 Edznab 1 Vayeb
    March 30th, 2013-------------------- = 12 Cauac 2 Vayeb

    March 31st, 2013-------------------- = 13 Ahau 3 Vayeb = 5th Vinal/100

    April 1st, 2013------------------------ = 1 Imix 4 Vayeb
    April 2nd, 2013----------------------- = 2 Ik 0 Pop

    ...10 Vials plus 18 Kin or 218 days/kin later...

    November 6th, 2013---------------- = 12 Ahau 18 Zac = 16th Vinal/320
    November 26th, 2013--------------- = 6 Ahau 18 Ceh = 17th Vinal/340
    December 16th, 2013--------------- = 13 Ahau 18 Mac = 1st Tun = 18th Vinal/360
    December 17th, 2013--------------- = 1 Imix 19 Mac = Full Twin Moon Bc'Ai || Imaged in Full Twin Moon = 6 Imix 4 Mac = 30th, 2020

    December 11th, 2014--------------- = 9 Ahau 13 Mac
    = 2nd Tun = 18th Vinal/360

    December 6th, 2015---------------- = 5 Ahau 8 Mac
    = 3rd Tun = 18th Vinal/360

    November 30th, 2016--------------- = 1 Ahau 3 Mac
    = 4th Tun = 18th Vinal/360

    November 25th, 2017--------------- = 10 Ahau 18 Ceh = 5th Tun = 18th Vinal/360

    November 20th, 2018--------------- = 6 Ahau 13 Ceh = 6th Tun = 18th Vinal/360

    November 15th, 2019--------------- = 2 Ahau 8 Ceh
    = 7th Tun = 18th Vinal/360

    November 9th, 2020---------------- = 11 Ahau 3 Ceh
    = 8th Tun = 18th Vinal/360

    November 29th, 2020--------------- = 5 Ahau 3 Mac
    = Mirror of Mayan Time of the Future Past from
    - = 4 Ahau 3 Kayab--------March 1st, 23,815 BC

    November 30th, 2020---------------
    = 6 Imix 4 Mac
    = 1st Day of Recreation from -
    = 3 Cauac 2 Kayab----------------------
    February 28th, 23,815 BC = Full Moon Bc'Ai

    December 1st, 2020----------------
    = 7 Ik 5 Mac
    = 2nd Day of Recreation from -
    = 2 Etznab 1 Kayab-------------------------
    February 27th, 23,815 BC

    December 2nd, 2020---------------13.0..8.1.3
    = 8 Akbal 6 Mac
    = 3rd Day of Recreation from -
    = 1 Caban 0 Kayab----------------------
    February 26th, 23,815 BC

    December 3rd, 2020---------------- = 9 Kan 7 Mac
    = 4th Day of Recreation from - = 13 Cib 19 Pax
    February 25th, 23,815 BC

    December 4th, 2020----------------13.0..8.1.5
    = 10 Chicchan 8 Mac
    = 5th Day of Recreation from -
    = 12 Men 18 Pax------------------
    February 24th, 23,815 BC

    December 5th, 2020
    ---------------- = 11 Cimi 9 Mac
    = 6th Day of Recreation from -
    = 11 Ix 17 Pax
    February 23rd, 23,815 BC

    December 6th, 2020
    ---------------- = 12 Manik 10 Mac = 7th Day of Recreation from -
    = 10 Ben 16 Pax
    February 22nd, 23,815 BC

    December 7th, 2020---------------- = 13 Lamat 11 Mac
    = New Mayan Calendar begins from
    - = 9 Eb 15 Pax
    -----------------February 21st, 23,815 BC

    The December 21st, 2012 date of Jenkins
    and the majority of the Mayan researchers
    is indeed valid.

    It denotes the Birthday for a new Starhuman
    consciousness a spiritual baby being born in multidimensionality; meaning that INSIDE
    of everyone a 'Candle will be lighted'.

    This is nothing but the prophesied 'Second Coming'
    of the messiahs in the world religions;
    say Jesus of Christianity; Moshia/Shiloh of Judaism;
    Kalki of the Hindu; Mahdi/12th Imam of Islam
    as well as the Great White Brother of the Hopi
    or Kukulkan of the Maya or Quetzacoatl
    of the Aztec as the Plumed Serpent.

    This 'messiah' so will be living within you
    as a Potential Energy Source,
    say linked to the 'heart chakra'.

    It will then be up to you and every individual
    to manifest this 'new energy source'.

    If you can activate, then you will develop
    a lightbody to change your human bodyform
    into a starhuman one, similar to a caterpillar
    cocooning to metamorphose into a butterfly.

    You see for example, the apocalyptic timeline
    in the 'Book of Revelation' in the bible does specify December 21st, 2012 as an important date,
    but not as the enddate for the prophecy.
    So from this you can see, that to end the prophecies,
    some time must be added to the 'birthing date'.

    The Schwenger Moons from May 26th, 2010
    to December 17th, 2013

    Schwenger Moons.

    Susan Lynne Schwenger 's discovery relates to a greater Mayan calendar synchronized to the Tzolkin of 260 day counts and the Calendar Round
    of the Haab of 365 days
    synchronised to the Tzolkin.

    These are the lowest number of days,
    which factor both 260 and 365
    and this is the number 18,980 or,
    just under 52 Gregorian (Civil) years
    and exactly 52 Haab or Mayan years.

    These 52 years so began 52=13x4 Haab
    before December 16th, 2013
    or precisely 73 Tzolkins
    before December 16th, 2013;
    which is a 13 Ahau date as

    The significance so becomes the matching of two 13 Ahau Dates in the following details of subtracting 52 Haab, that is a Full Calendar Round of 18,980 Kin from the alignment with the 45 Full Moons and the 44 New Moons of the 1300 Kin discovered by Susan Lynne Schwenger from May 27th, 2010 (full moon) to December 16th, 2013(END TiME) December 17th, 2013 (full moon)
    265 Days of Pregnancy of the New World until December 21st, 2012; with 115+265=380
    360 Days to REASSIGN the Circular KEY of the 'Ancient Year' to the Full Moon of December 17th, 2013 and fulfilling Mayan Prophecy converging to the timeline of the Logos and its New Testimony and Laws for a New World.
    This date coincides with the Mayan New Moon/Full Moon Count of 1300 Days or Kin

    Day#0000=Maya#1/0/ = 13 Ahau 13 Zip = May 26th, 2010 = Initiation of 1st Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation in 13 Ahau
    Day#0001=Maya#1/1/ = 1 Imix 14 Zip = May 27th, 2010 = 1st Full Moon in Scorpio(+) = Start of 1st Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation in 1 Imix

    Day#0017=Maya#1/17/ = 4 Caban 10 Zotz = June 12th, 2010 = 1st New Moon in Gemini
    Day#0031=Maya#1/31/ = 5 Chuen 4 Tzek = June 26th, 2010 = 2nd Full Moon in Sagittarius(++)=Lunar Eclipse of GGC
    Day#0046=Maya#1/46/ = 7 Cimi 19 Tzek = July 11th, 2010 = 2nd New Moon in (-)Cancer=Grand Gaian Cross=GGC
    Day#0061=Maya#1/61/ = 9 Imix 14Xul = July 26th, 2010 = 3rd Full Moon in (-)Aquarius
    Day#0076=Maya#1/76/ = 11 Cib 9 Yaxkin = August 10th, 2010 = 3rd New Moon in Leo
    Day#0090=Maya#1/90/ = 12 Oc 3 Mol = August 24th, 2010 = 4th Full Moon in Aquarius(+)
    Day#0105=Maya#1/105/ = 1 Chicchan 18 Mol = September 8th, 2010 = 4th New Moon in (-)Virgo
    Day#0120=Maya#1/120/ = 3 Ahau 13 Chen = September 23rd, 2010 = 5th Full Moon in Pisces(+)
    Day#0134=Maya#1/134/ = 4 Ix 7 Yax = October 7th, 2010 = 5th New Moon in (-)Libra
    Day#0150=Maya#1/150/ = 7 Oc 3 Zac = October 23rd, 2010 = 6th Full Moon in Aries(++)
    Day#0164=Maya#1/164/ = 8 Kan 17 Zac = November 6th, 2010 = 6th New Moon in Scorpio
    Day#0179=Maya#1/179/ = 10 Cauac 12 Ceh = November 21st, 2010 = 7th Full Moon in Taurus
    Day#0193=Maya#1/193/ = 11 Ben 6 Mac = December 5th, 2010 = 7th New Moon in (-)Sagittarius
    Day#0209=Maya#1/209/ = 1 Muluc 2 Kankin = December 21st, 2010 = 8th Full Moon in Gemini(+)
    Day#0223=Maya#1/223/ = 2 Akbal 16 Kankin = January 4th, 2011 = 8th New Moon in (-)Capricorn
    Day#0238=Maya#1/238/ = 4 Etznab 11 Muan = January 19th, 2011 = 9th Full Moon in Cancer
    Day#0253=Maya#1/253/ = 6 Ben 6 Pax = February 3rd, 2011 = 9th New Moon in Aquarius
    Day#0260=Maya#1/260/ = 13 Ahau 13 Pax = February 10th, 2011 = End of 1st Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation in 13 Ahau
    Image of 1st 13 Baktun Cycle from March 1st, 23,815 BC = 4 Ahau 3 Kayab = - to - = 4 Ahau 13 Mol = July 12th, 18,490 BC in 1,872,000 = 13x144,000 Kin
    Day#0261=Maya#2/1/ =1 Imix 14 Pax = February 11th, 2011 = Start of 2nd Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation in 1 Imix
    Day#0268=Maya#2/8/ = 8 Lamat 1 Kayab = February 18th, 2011 = 10th Full Moon in Leo(+)
    Day#0282=Maya#2/22/ = 9 Ik 15 Kayab = March 4th, 2011 = 10th New Moon in (-) Pisces
    Day#0297=Maya#2/37/ = 11 Caban 10 Cumku = March 19th, 2011 = 11th Full Moon in Virgo
    Day#0312=Maya#2/52/ = 13 Eb 0 Pop = April 3rd, 2011 = 11th New Moon in (-)Aries
    Day#0327=Maya#2/67/ = 2 Manik 15 Pop = April 18th, 2011 = 12th Full Moon in Libra(+)
    Day#0342=Maya#2/82/ = 4 Ik 10 Uo = May 3rd, 2011 = 12th New Moon in (-)Taurus
    Day#0356=Maya#2/96/ = 5 Cib 4 Zip = May 17th, 2011 = 13th Full Moon in Scorpio
    Day#0371=Maya#2/111/ = 7 Chuen 19 Zip = June 1st, 2011 = 13th New Moon in (--)Gemini
    Day#0385=Maya#2/125/ = 8 Chicchan 13 Zotz = June 15th, 2011 = 14th Full Moon in Sagittarius
    Day#0401=Maya#2/141/ = 11 Imix 9 Tzek = July 1st, 2011 = 14th New Moon in (-)Cancer = Black Moon Begin 2011
    Day#0415=Maya#2/155/ = 12 Men 3 Xul = July 15th, 2011 = 15th Full Moon in Capricorn
    Day#0430=Maya#2/170/ = 1 Oc 18 Xul = July 30th, 2011 = 15th New Moon in Cancer(+) = Black Moon End 2011
    Day#0444=Maya#2/184/ = 2Kan 12 Yaxkin = August 13th, 2011 = 16th Full Moon in Aquarius
    Day#0460=Maya#2/200/ = 5 Ahau 8 Mol = August 29th, 2011 = 16th New Moon in (-)Virgo
    Day#0474=Maya#2/214/ = 6 Ix 2 Chen = September 12th, 2011 = 17th Full Moon in Pisces
    Day#0489=Maya#2/229/ = 8 Muluc 17 Chen = September 27th, 2011 = 17th New Moon in Virgo(+)
    Day#0504=Maya#2/244/ = 10 Kan 12 Yax = October 12th, 2011 = 18th Full Moon in Aries
    Day#0518=Maya#2/258/ = 11 Etznab 6 Zac = October 26th, 2011 = 18th New Moon in Libra(+)
    Day#0520=Maya#2/260/ = 13 Ahau 8 Zac = October 28th, 2011 = End of the 2nd Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation
    Image of 2rd 13 Baktun Cycle from July 12th, 18,490 BC = 4 Ahau 18 Ceh = - to - = 4 Ahau 13 Mol = November 20th, 13,365 BC in 1,872,000 = 13x144,000 Kin
    Day#0521=Maya#3/1/ = 1 Imix 9 Zac = October 29th, 2011 = Start of 3rd Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation
    Day#0533=Maya#3/13/ = 13 Ben 1 Ceh = November 10th, 2011 = 19th Full Moon in (-)Taurus
    Day#0548=Maya#3/28/ = 2 Lamat 16 Ceh = November 25th, 2011 = 19th New Moon in Scorpio(++)
    Day#0563=Maya#3/43/ = 4 Akbal 11 Mac = December 10th, 2011 = 20th Full Moon in Gemini
    Day#0577=Maya#3/57/ = 5 Caban 5 Kankin = December 24th, 2011 = 20th New Moon in Sagittarius(+)
    Day#0593=Maya#3/73/ = 8 Ben 1 Muan = January 9th, 2012 = 21st Full Moon in Cancer
    Day#0607=Maya#3/87/ = 9 Manik 15 Muan = January 23rd, 2012 = 21st New Moon in Capricorn(++)
    Day#0622=Maya#3/102/ = 11 Ik 10 Pax = February 7th, 2012 = 22nd Full Moon in (-)Leo
    Day#0636=Maya#3/116/ = 12 Cib 4 Kayab = February 21st, 2012 = 22nd New Moon in Aquarius(+)
    Day#0652=Maya#3/132/ = 2 Eb 0 Cumku = March 8th, 2012 = 23rd Full Moon in Virgo
    Day#0666=Maya#3/146/ = 3 Cimi 14 Cumku = March 22nd, 2012 = 23rd New Moon in Pisces(+)
    Day#0681=Maya#3/161/ = 5 Imix 4 Pop = April 6th, 2012 = 24th Full Moon in (-)Libra
    Day#0696=Maya#3/176/ = 7 Cib 19 Pop = April 21st, 2012 = 24th New Moon in Aries(+)
    Day#0711=Maya#3/191/ = 9 Chuen 14 Uo = May 6th, 2012 = 25th Full Moon in Scorpio
    Day#0725=Maya#3/205/ = 10 Chicchan 8 Zip = May 20th, 2012 = 25th New Moon in Taurus
    Day#0740=Maya#3/220/ = 12 Ahau 3 Zotz = June 4th, 2012 = 26th Full Moon in (-)Sagittarius
    Day#0755=Maya#3/235/ = 1 Men 18 Zotz = June 19th, 2012 = 26th New Moon in Gemini
    Day#0769=Maya#3/249/ = 2 Muluc 12 Tzek = July 3rd, 2012 = 27th Full Moon in (-)Capricorn
    Day#0780=Maya#3/260/ =13 Ahau 3 Xul = July 14th, 2012 = End of the 3rd Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation in 13 Ahau
    Image of 3rd 13 Baktun Cycle from November 20th, 13,365 BC = 4 Ahau 13 Mol = - to - = 4 Ahau 8 Zotz = April 1st, 8239 BC in 1,872,000 = 13x144,000 Kin
    Day#0781=Maya#4/1/ = 1 Imix 4 Xul = July 15th, 2012 = Start of the 4th Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation in 1 Imix
    Day#0785=Maya#4/5/ = 5 Chicchan 8 Xul = July 19th, 2012 = 27th New Moon in Cancer(+)
    Day#0799=Maya#4/19/ = 6 Cauac 2 Yaxkin = August 2nd, 2012 = 28th Full Moon in (-)Aquarius = Blue Moon Begin 2012
    Day#0814=Maya#4/34/ = 8 Ix 17 Yaxkin = August 17th, 2012 = 28th New Moon in Leo
    Day#0828=Maya#4/48/ = 9 Lamat 11 Mol = August 31st, 2012 = 29th Full Moon in (--)Pisces = Blue Moon End 2012
    Day#0844=Maya#4/64/ = 12 Kan 7 Chen = September 16th, 2012 = 29th New Moon in Virgo(+)
    Day#0858=Maya#4/78/ = 13 Etznab 1 Yax = September 30th, 2012 = 30th Full Moon in (-)Aries
    Day#0873=Maya#4/93/ = 2 Ben 16 Yax = October 15th, 2012 = 30th New Moon in Libra
    Day#0887=Maya#4/107/ = 3 Manik 10 Zac = October 29th, 2012 = 31st Full Moon in Aries(+)
    Day#0902=Maya#4/122/ = 5 Ik 5 Ceh = November 13th, 2012 = 31st New Moon in (-)Scorpio
    Day#0917=Maya#4/137/12.19. 19.16.17 = 7 Caban 0 Mac = November 28th, 2012 = 32nd Full Moon in Taurus(++)
    Day#0932=Maya#4/152/ = 9 Eb 15 Mac = December 13th, 2012 = 32nd New Moon in Sagittarius
    Day#0940=Maya#4/160/ = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin = December 21st, 2012 = RESETTING of the Tzolkin in 4 Ahau
    Day#0941=Maya#4/161/ = 5 Imix 4 Kankin = December 22nd, 2012 in 5 Imix
    Day#0947=Maya#4/167/ = 11 Manik 10 Kankin = December 28th, 2012 = 33rd Full Moon in (--)Cancer
    Day#0961=Maya#4/181/ = 12 Imix 4 Muan = January 11th, 2013 = 33rd New Moon in (-)Capricorn
    Day#0977=Maya#4/197/ = 2 Caban 0 Pax = January 27th, 2013 = 34th Full Moon in (-)Leo
    Day#0991=Maya#4/211/ = 2 Chuen 14 Pax = February 10th, 2013 = 34th New Moon in Aquarius
    Day#1006=Maya#4/226/ = 5 Cimi 9 Kayab = February 25th, 2013 = 35th Full Moon in Leo(+)
    Day#1020=Maya#4/240/ = 6 Ahau 3 Cumku = March 11th, 2013 = 35th New Moon in Pisces
    Day#1036=Maya#4/256/ = 9 Cib 19 Cumku = March 27th, 2013 = 36th Full Moon in (--)Libra
    Day#1040=Maya#4/260/ = 13 Ahau 3 Vayeb = March 31st, 2013 = End of the 4th Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation in 13 Ahau
    Image of 4th 13 Baktun Cycle from April 1st, 8239 BC = 4 Ahau 8 Zotz = - to = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku = August 11th, 3114 BC in 1,872,000 = 13x144,000 Kin
    Day#1041=Maya#4/261/ = 1 Imix 4 Vayeb = April 1st, 2013 = Start of the 5th Mayan 260 Kin Cycle of the Great Transformation in 1 Imix
    Day#1050=Maya#5/10/ = 10 Oc 8 Pop = April 10th, 2013 = 36th New Moon in Aries
    Day#1065=Maya#5/25/ = 12 Chicchan 3 Uo = April 25th, 2013 = 37th Full Moon in Libra(+)
    Day#1080=Maya#5/40/ = 1 Ahau 18 Uo = May 10th, 2013 = 37th New Moon in Taurus
    Day#1095=Maya#5/55/ = 3 Men 13 Zip = May 25th, 2013 = 38th Full Moon in (--)Sagittarius
    Day#1109=Maya#5/69/ = 4 Muluc 7 Zotz = June 8th, 2013 = 38th New Moon in Gemini
    Day#1124=Maya#5/84/ = 6 Kan 2 Tzek = June 23rd, 2013 = 39th Full Moon in Sagittarius(+)
    Day#1139=Maya#5/99/ = 8 Cauac 17 Tzek = July 8th, 2013 = 39th New Moon in Cancer
    Day#1153=Maya#5/113/ = 9 Ben 11 Xul = July 22nd, 2013 = 40th Full Moon in Capricorn
    Day#1168=Maya#5/128/ = 11 Lamat 6 Yaxkin = August 6th, 2013 = 40th New Moon in (-)Leo
    Day#1183=Maya#5/143/ = 13Akbal 1 Mol = August 21st, 2013 = 1st Full Moon in Aquarius(+)
    Day#1198=Maya#5/158/ = 2 Etznab 16 Mol = September 5th, 2013 = 1st New Moon in (-)Virgo
    Day#1212=Maya#5/172/ = 3 Eb 10 Chen = September 19th, 2013 = 2nd Full Moon in Pisces(+)
    Day#1228=Maya#5/188/ = 6 Lamat 6 Yax = October 5th, 2013 = 2nd New Moon in Libra
    Day#1241=Maya#5/201/ = 6 Imix 19 Yax = October 18th, 2013 = 3rd Full Moon in Aries
    Day#1257=Maya#5/217/ = 9 Caban 15 Zac = November 3rd, 2013 = 3rd New Moon(-)Scorpio
    Day#1271=Maya#5/231/ = 10 Chuen 9 Ceh = November 17th, 2013 = 4th Full Moon in Taurus
    Day#1287=Maya#5/247/ = 13 Manik 5 Mac = December 3rd, 2013 = 4th New Moon in Sagittarius
    Day#1300=Maya#5/260/ = 13 Ahau 18 Mac = December 16th, 2013 = End of Mayan Tzolkin Correlation in 13 Ahau
    Image of 5th 13 Baktun Cycle from August 11th, 3114 BC = 4 Ahau 8 Cumku = to 13.. = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin = December 21st, 2012 in 1,872,000 = 13x144,000 Kin
    Day#1301=Maya#6/1/ = 1 Imix 19 Mac = December 17th, 2013 = 5th Full Moon in Gemini(+) in 1 Imix

    The Birth of the New StarHumanity so will be completed after the completion of 45 Full Moons and encompassing 44 New Moons in a 1300 Day/Kin Count for the Mayan Tzolkin in 5 Tzolkin Cycles reflecting the 5x13=65 Baktun Cycles of 65x144,000=9,360,000 Days/Kin or the Great Precessional Mayan (Civil Year) Count of 25,626.81 or 25,626.83 (Tropical).
    This correlates and calibrates the Mayan Tzolkin with the Timeline of the World Logos.

    18,980 Kin/Days = 52 Haab = 52x365 = 73 Tzolkin = 73x260 = 14,400+4580 = 2x7200+229x20 = 2x7200+12x360+1x260 = 2 Katun + 12 Tun + 1 Tzolkin

    52 Haab=18,980 Kin=2 Katun + 13 Tun - 100 Kin = 2 Katun + 12 Tun + 1 Tzolkin (260 days) - - 260 = - + 100 = - +

    = (13-1).(19-2).(19+1-12).0.0 + = = December 29th, 1961 = 13 Ahau 18 Mac.

    The Calibration for All possible Calendars so assumes the form of adding a Cosmic Calendar Round in 360 Degrees to the Birthday date of = December 21st, 2012. As this date then completes the final Haab in the final Long Count of the last of 13 Baktuns and the 65th of the 'precessional' baktun/kin count; the Mayan Enddate indeed signifies the 'End of Time' as previously known.

    All calendars, including the native-indigenous ones and the time-click-event duration mechanical ones (Scientific from Gregorian-Civil and Julian from solar-lunar season time keepings) become reset in the Circularisation of Linear 'ticking clocks' of any kind, metaphysical, calculative-mechanical or phenomenal. This process then is calibrated to define NOW-Time as the Instanton of Creation and the birth of spacetimed and metric cosmologies via the wormhole parameter embodied in the logistical statement E*e*=1 for wormhole frequency f*=3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Hertz* or (inverted cosmic seconds - independent from any measurement system).

    September 18th, 1618 = = 5 Ahau 13 Zotz
    November 1st, 1953 = = 10 Ahau 18 Yax
    September 20th, 1961 = = 4 Ahau 18 Mol

    October 10th, 1961 = = 11 Ahau 18 Chuen

    October 30th, 1961 = = 5 Ahau 18 Yax

    November 19th, 1961 = = 12 Ahau 18 Zac

    December 9th, 1961 = = 6 Ahau 18 Mac

    December 29th, 1961 = = 13 Ahau 18 Mac

    July 19th, 1973 = = 8 Ahau 18 Cec

    April 5th, 1993 = = 6 Ahau 3 Vayeb

    December 21st, 2012 = = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin

    December 16th, 2013 = = 13 Ahau 18 Mac

    The transformation of a type of cosmic civilisation
    like that of the 'old humanity' residing on planet earth
    into a evolved cosmic civilisation, say a 'new humanity'
    inhabiting a terraformed planet earth requires
    a period of transitional evolutionary adaptation.

    This can be compared to the metamorphosis of the butterfly genus/family; order lepidoptera; class insecta; phylum arthropoda; kingdom animalia from the four stages of embryo-larvae-pupa-imago from the caterpillar-larvae stage into the butterfly-imago stage
    via the transit stage of the pupa-chrysalis ergo the cocoonisation
    of the caterpillar insectoid.

    In the form of the genus homo, the subspecies homo sapiens sapiens can be modelled to have entered the embryonic stage
    with the advent of Cro Magnon Man so 26,000 (civil) years ago.

    Using 400 year intervals of 146,097 days
    under utility of a a certain calendrical counting of time ;
    the embryonic conception can be 'dated'
    to an extrapolated calendrical date of
    Friday, February 21st, 23,615 BC-G
    and precisely 9,360,008 days
    (and a precessional daycount as 25,626.83149 Gregorian years)
    from Friday, December 21st, 2012 AD in a weekcount of 1,337,144.

    The Julian daycount began on January 1st 4713 BC-Julian
    and the Gregorian daycount of 365.2425 days
    per ear commenced on October 5th, 1582,
    replacing the Julian year of 365.25 days.

    A Mean Tropical Year has 365.24219 days
    and where a mean solar day has precisely 24x3600
    =86,400 SI seconds.

    The Tropical Year is referential to the seasons
    (equinoxes and solstices)
    and differs from the star-referential Sidereal Year
    in the day addendum 1/26000
    or 1.0000385 of so 1225 seconds (20.41 minutes) per year
    and which accumulate to about 368.5 mean days
    (and so about a year) per precessional cycle.

    Due to orbital- and rotational changes and precession a year is decreasing at the present astronomical configuration by about 5 milliseconds/year or 130 seconds or so 2 minutes in a 26,000 precessional cycle.

    The Gregorian year of 365.2425 days differs from the tropical year of 365.24219 days and so the Gregorian calendar will accumulate an error of about 0.00031x26,000~8.1 days per precessional cycle.

    To account for this, a 'creation-initialisation week of 8 days' is added to the 64 cycles in 792+8=9,800=7x1,400=7x7x200=8x52x72=2(22x52x72) = 2x702 in the 13x5x144,000=9,360,000 (Mayan) day-kin count, which so begins on the superposed and extrapolated Gregorian Day (G) Day#-7=Saturday, February 22nd, 23,615 BC-G and becomes mirrored in the 7th day Day#7=Saturday, March 8th, 23,615 BC-G
    for the Conception of the human Embryo to be born from its Chrysalis 64 cycles later.

    The first cycle is initiated on Day#9,792
    =Friday, December 21st, 23,589 BC-G
    and the last and 64th cycle is initiated on Day#9,213,903
    =Friday, December 21st, 1612 AD-Gregorian
    and ends precisely 146,097 days
    or 400 Gregorian years later on
    Friday, December 21st, 2012 AD
    to commence a now precessional count
    in the birth of the Imago of the ancient human Embryo
    established by the beginning of the first cycle.

    This information correlates and supplements
    other information as provided by the authors.

    In the Honour and Love of the DragonHeart
    Tony Bermanseder aka Tonyblue
    and Susan Lynne Schwenger aka Seraf'ina
    aka The eXchanger ~White Lotus Star,
    Talks with Thunder with Thunders
    #the13thbridge #in12d #TheFinalFire #theoriginalspark #exkavier

    thub1. thub2.
    hancockangkor. angkorwat.
    thub3. thub4.
    earthegg. dracow.

    January 8th, 2017
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Ancient Universal Calendar Calibration
    in Metonic Lunations and Solar Tropical Cycles

    A Science of Time Encodings and a Mayan Calendar Mythology
    for a World in Transition and the Schwenger Moons

    The Chronos of the Ancients as a Count of Units of Time

    The measurement of time is based on a period or duration of a perceived ‘flow of time’ from an experienced viewpoint or frame of reference of a present moment or Now-Time.
    Division of this experienced duration into units of time from some experienced past to the present nexus to some future time of expectation and projection then allows the chronologer or timekeeper to devise calendars of time, constructed by utility of such defined units and cycles of time.

    Should a particular cycle of time, known as a precessional cycle of the seasons become associated with a sentient and self-aware universal civilization or culture; then the self-conscious civilization observing an experienced cyclicity of day and night in sunrise and sunset, would naturally construct its calendar in a counting of days and nights. This culture would also observe celestial phenomena associated with lights in the sky in cycles and movements of the Moon in the sky of the darkness of the night and the motion of the Sun in the sky of the light of the day.

    The ancient timekeeper then divided a period of day light followed by a night of darkness as a full cycle into four quarter cycles or ‘watches’ to allow the experiencers of time a refined sensual awareness of this time. Observing the night sky and the stars spanning the sky in the duration of a night or half of a full cycle; the ancient astronomer and stargazer observed a changing of the ‘lights in the sky’ in a number of full cycles heshe counted before the stars appeared to return to their starting points of a particular measured and recorded observation.

    One ancient stargazer counted the number of full cycles as approximately 360 and further observation of this cyclicity or Year improved the observations to 365 full cycles. The first observation of 360 days however divided the superimposed spherical geometry of the night sky into 360 degrees and so the Cycle-Degree year subdivided into 360 degree-days became the basis for the astronomical observations applied to the 365 day full cycle year for the ‘return of the seasons’ known as the tropical year of 365.24219 ‘mean solar days’ in the chronos of the ‘precession of the equinoxes’ at the end of one such precessional cycle.

    One such Calendar of precession is the Mayan calendar of the Long Count, counting precisely 9,360,000 full cycles as 24 hours as four watches of 6 hours each, with each watch defining a quarter of the celestial circle of 360 degrees as 90 degrees. 12 hours or two watches then specify a day of light ruled by the Sun and 12 hours or two watches define a night of darkness ruled by the Moon and the stars. Dividing a watch of 6 hours into 6 hours then associates one hour as 15 degrees of the circle in 24x15=360 and defines a proportional time measurement in one hour in a day of 24 hours being equal to 15 days in a Degree-Year of 360 degree days.

    This Mayan calendar simply counts the number of days and nights as half cycles and remains independent from any synchronization with the dynamics of the sun and the moon as related to the variations of the precessional cycle and so the tropical year of the seasons.


    If now the Mayan calendar is considered to derive from a more ancient calendar, say of the ‘Ancient Maya’ or the ‘Universal Ancients of Days’; then the Mayan calendar can be used as a calibration and synchronization with other ancient calendars to align the tropical year of the seasons with the simple day count of the ‘Calendar Year of the Ancients’ also known as the ‘Great Platonic Year’ or a ‘Prophetic Year of Ancient Encodings’.

    The precessional year of the ancients of 9,360,000 days is subdivided into 5x13=65 Baktun of 144,000 days or Kin each for 65x144,000=9,360,000 days. A Baktun is divided into 20 Katun of 7200 Kin and a Katun is divided into 20 Tun of 360 Kin as the time unit of the Degree Year of the ancient code. The Mayan factorization for the ‘Ancient Year’ as a day count from the grand precessional Kin count so is 360x20x20x65=360x400x65=360x26,000=144,000x65 for a precise timing of 26,000 360-Degree-Years for the duration of an ancient precession.

    The Hebrew Calendar is based on the Lunar Cycles of 29.530594… mean solar days from one New Moon to the next New Moon as a synodic month of 29.530588 days. The Hebrew Calendar engages a Metonic Calendar which aligns 235 synodic lunations with 19 solar years as a synodic month in 235x29.530588=6939.68818.. = 19x365.2467463... This then defines a Hebrew metonic solar year as 365.2467.. Years.

    A tropical year measured from Equinox to Equinox is 365.2421988 days for an error of divergence of {0.2467463-0.2421988=0.0045475} or 1/0.0045475 as 1 Day in 219.90 Years from the metonic solar-tropical year used in the Hebrew calendar.
    The error of divergence using the lunar chronos in the Hebrew calendar calculates as {0.530594-0.530588=0.000006} or 1/0.000006 as 1 Day in 166,666.7 lunar months or 1 Day in 13,888.9 Years.

    The ancient scribes and astronomers of antiquity then incorporated this divergence between a solar based time keeping and a lunar based chronos in observing the precessional cycle of the Earth. The calibration of calendars used by the Hebrews and Babylonians using the metonic cycle then can be blended and superimposed with solar-based civil calendars, such as the Julian and the Gregorian. It can also be encompassed by a simple count of days, such as the time keeping used by ancient cultures, such as the Maya.

    The Ancient Universal Calendar Calibration in Metonic Lunations and Solar Tropical Cycles

    The key to calibrate the lunar calendars of the metonic 19-year cycles with the solar calendars of the seasons known as the year of March-September equinoxes and June-December solstices is found in the multiplicity of calendars used by the Maya and their ancestors of antiquity, whose legacy is found in extending the precessional day count by a factor of five to 5x65=325 Baktun or 46,800,000 Kin as 130,000 Ancient Years and a further extension to indicate the appearance of sentient man (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) in a factor of 73x13x5=73x65=4745 Baktun as 4745x144,000=683,280,000 days as 1,898,000 Ancient Years.

    The Maya calendar of the Baktun count as a Long Count is supplemented by the Haab of 365 Kin adding 5 ‘purification’ days known as Vayeb to a Tun to begin in a Mayan Haab New Year starting with Pop. A Mayan Haab so aligns to a Tropical year of the seasons as a solar based calendar with an error of a watch or a quarter of a day and is therefore compatible with a Gregorian or Julian year of the present era. The lunar alignment of the Mayan calendar is found in the Tzolkin given as 260 Kin.

    The 13+7=20 Tzolkin Days and every 20th day an Ahau glyph, order as: {Imix-Ik-Akbal-Kan-Chicchan-Cimi-Manik-Lamat-Muluc-Oc-Chuen-Eb-Ben-Ix-Men-Cib-Caban-Edznab-Cauac-Ahau}.

    However, there is no 14,15,16,17,18,19,20 count for the Tzolkin glyphs and the sequence is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 in one-to-one correspondence with the 20 Tzolkin glyphs.

    For the Mayan Year of the Haab of 365 Kin; there are 18 Mayan 'Months' of 20 Days/Kin each; followed by 5 supplementary 'purification' Days of Vayeb in order:
    {Pop-Uo-Zip-Zotz-Tzek-Xul-Yaxkin-Mol-Chen-Yax-Zac-Ceh-Mac-Kankin-Muan-Pax-Kayab-Cumku--Vayeb 0,1,2,3,4}.
    The five Vayeb subsequently describe five added days to an ancient 360-day year as a solar year, counting between 365 and 366 days in a four-year leap-year cycle of 3x365+366=1461 days as a full 4-year cycle. Subtracting the five Vayeb from the ancient year in corollary depicts an approximation for a lunar year of 52 weeks as 7x52=354 days in 12 synodic months of 12x29.530588=354.36706 lunar years.
    A Calendar Round is the combination of the Haab of 365=5x73 Kin with the 260=5x52 Kin of the Tzolkin with the common factor 5 defining the repeating mode to be 73x260=18,980 Kin or 52 Haab years = 51.965475 Common Years.
    This represents a factorization from the encompassing Tzolkin-Haab product 260x365=94,900=5x18,980 in the factor 5 for a ‘Common-Civil’ Year of 365.2425 Gregorian days.

    72 Calendar Rounds are 72x18,980 = 72x260x73 = 260x5256 = 72x365x52 = 365x3744 = 1,366,560 Kin/Days as 3744 Haab or 3741.5142 common years.
    98 Calendar Rounds are 98x18,980 = 98x260x73 = 260x7154 = 98x365x52 = 365x5096 = 1,860,040 Kin/Days as 5096 Haab or 5092.61655 common years.
    360 Calendar Rounds are 360x18,980 = 360x260x73 = 260x26,280= 360x365x52 = 365x18,720 = 6,832,800 Kin/Days as 18,720 Haab or 18,707.571 common years and as 73% of the entire precessional cycle of 26,000 Ancient Years.
    720 Calendar Rounds are 720x18,980 = 720x260x73 = 260x52,560= 720x365x52 = 365x37,440 = 13,665,600 Kin/Days as 37,440 Haab or 37,415.142 common years and as 146% of the entire precessional cycle of 26,000 Ancient Years.
    7200 Calendar Rounds are 7200x18,980 = 7,200x260x73= 260x525,600= 7200x365x52 = 365x374,400 = 136,656,000 Kin/Days as 374,400 Haab or 374,151.42 common years and as 14.6 completed precessional cycles.
    In the metonic cycles of lunations, used in the Mesopotamian and Hebrew calendars, 19 tropical years closely approximate 235 synodic months in 19x365.24219=6939.601 days with 235x29.530588=6939.688 days.

    But adding one Tzolkin day count of 260 days to 19 Haab day counts of 19x365=6935 in the Mayan calendar the Mayan Kin count calibrates the Metonic day count with the Mayan Kin count in 19x365+260+5 = 7200 should the five Vayeb days of the ‘purification’ be added to the calculus.

    As 7200 Kin define the Mayan Katun as 20 Mayan Tun in 20x360=7200=265+6935, adding a ‘cosmic gestation’ of 265 days to a Mayan day count of 19 Haab of 6935 Kin will crystallize the five Vayeb days of ‘ancient purification’ as a ‘universal pregnancy’ separating the Mayan Long Count or Mayan great precessional ages from each other.

    The prime number factorization of the Tzolkin-Haab cycle of 260x365=94,900=5x18,980=73x13x100=73x13x52x22=73x13x25x4=73x1300 then defines the overall Mayan calendar composition calibrated to any lunar, solar or lunisolar calendar system used to divide a tropical year into its months and seasons in the pure day count of the Mayan calendar in the factor 1300.

    Many particular encoding patterns in ancient texts, scrolls and scriptures fine structure the 1300 day count as a various interwoven count of time and in utility of the Ancient Year of 360 degrees as Mayan Kin. Setting a Time as 360 days will define 7 such Times as 7x360=2520 days and will set 3½ Times as 1260 days ‘shortened’ or fractalized in the factor of 15 as the 1 Hour in a Day of 24 Hours being equal to 15 Days in a Year of 360 Days.

    In this proportionality, 7 full days or a week of 7 days can so be defined as a ‘shortened time’ for a ‘normal time’ of 168 hours as 84 hours of daytime and 84 hours of nighttime and the ‘day for a year’ principle described in the encoding pattern and definitions. Other encoding keys engage various fine structures based on the 1300 day count and include the variations of 1300=1260+40=1290+10=1335-35=1335-½{70}=2300-1000=(2670-370)-1000=(2x1335-370)-1000=(1335+1600-265-370)-1000 and 7½=½{15}=12,000/1600=300,000/40,000=144,000/19,200.

    1300 days form the timeframe for the Mayan fractal as related to the synodic month of the moon and so the metonic chronos of calendars used by any culture counting time in the lunar phases of the Moon, such as the Hebrew calendar and various indigenous or native cultures of regional affiliation.

    In particular the Mayan Tzolkin repeating in 5x260=1300 Kin serves to define this calendrical calibration in a simple counting of the phases of the moon within this count of days.

    As 1300 is a fractal of the completed precessional cycle as 65 Baktuns as 5x13x144,000=7200x1300 Kin; 1300 Kin form the minimized fractal for the total precessional day count in 720,000x1300=9,360,000 or 720x13=72x130=9360.
    To encompass both the 260 Kin of the Tzolkin and the 365 Kin of the Haab the 9,360,000 Kin the total Kin count is partitioned into 12x780,000=13x720,000 Kin for a ‘galactic month’ differential of 60,000 Kin calibrating 25,644 Haab as 25,644x365=9,360,060 Kin with 5x12=60 Kin added to the total precession count of a renewed or reborn Mayan Eon.

    This Mayan rebirth so is defined in the 1st Tun of the New Mayan era in 9,360,360 Kin and defines the lunar calibration of the last and final 1300 Mayan fractal specified in 89 lunar phases beginning and ending in a count of 45 full moons and encompassing 44 new moons in 44 lunations as in 44 synodic months of 29.530588x44=1299.346 days.

    ac2. ac3.

    The ‘Schwenger Moons’ for the rebirth of the Mayan Precessional Kin count from 01Mar23,615 BC to 21Dec2012 AD to 16Dec2013 AD - to to

    A December 21st, 2012 date as the completion of a Mayan precessional day count in 13 Baktun has become an accepted calendrical nexus of historians and other researchers like Jenkins, Arguelles and Calleman.
    This date of transformation in the time count of the Maya then indicates a resetting or birthday for a new Starhuman consciousness akin a spiritual baby being born in multidimensionality.

    This statement therefore can be related to a number of prediction, sayings and prophecies such as the arrival of world teachers, avatars and similar heralds of changing times, such as the ‘bearded teachers’ of the Yucatan and of messiahs in the world religions; say Jesus of Christianity; Moshia/Shiloh of Judaism; Kalki of the Hindu; Mahdi/12th Imam of Islam as well as the Great White Brother of the Hopi or Kukulkan of the Maya or Quetzacoatl of the Aztec as a Plumed Serpent.

    A decoded timeline in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian bible specifies the Mayan Ahau date of December 21st, 2012 ADG from the Tzolkin as an important date and as a time of a rebirth, following a 265 day gestation and ending a 1600 day period of birth as the sum of 1335+265=1600 days or Kin.

    This book describing the Christian apocalypse as the revealing of the hidden mysteries of God codes the 1600 day period as an ‘outer court’, not to be measured in the context of many other scriptural encodings, such as found in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament and Masoretic Torah, {Rev.11.1-2; 14.20 with Dan.12.7-12}. The Mayan time marker so relates the scriptural encoding to a change of cyclic time in interwoven timelines such as used by calendars in the form of days and months and years, baktuns, katuns, tuns, uinals, kin and precessional eons.

    A particular time loop is used by the Tzolkin comprised of 260 kin as 5x52 kin, the factor 52 describing 52 Haab years of 52x365=260x73=18,980 kin with a common factor relating the Mayan Haab to the Mayan Tzolkin as a subset of its greater product of 260x365=94,900=5x18,980.
    The factor 5 so becomes associated with 5 great precessional ages, each containing 5x13=65 baktun ages for 5 baktuns of 5x144,000=720,000 kin nesting a baktun of 144,000 days or kin, again relating the Mayan chronos to scriptural encoding and inclusive of the measurement of the ‘inner court’ as a New Great City Jerusalem Earth {Rev.7.4-8; 14.3 and 21.16-17}.

    Applying this factor of 5 to the 260 kin of the Tzolkin as 5x52=260 then defines 5x260=1300 kin as the embedding of 5 Tzolkin cycles within 1300 days approximating any lunar calendar in 44 synodic lunar months as 29.530588x44=1299.346 days or kin. An Ahau date occurs once every 20 days - thus 1300 days contain 65 Ahau dates in 1300/65=20 as 5 cycles of 260 days as 5x13x20=5x260=1300 days. 65 Ahau Kin so fractalize the 65 Baktun cycles of the entire precessional calendrical cycle of 65x144,000 Kin.

    The initiation of the first tun as 360 kin in the rebirth or resetting of the Mayan Long Count calendar in Maya date in the day count 9,360,360 then can be utilized as a 45th boundary lunation as a 45th Full Moon in a sequence of 44 New Moons bounded by 45 Full Moons as 89 Moon phases for a 1300 kin Maya-Hebrew-Metonic calendar calibration.

    This can be tabulated as the ‘Susan Schwenger Moons’ describing lunar phases as Full Moons and New Moons from a first Full Moon on May 27th, 2010 to the last Full Moon on December 17th, 2013. The 45 or 90-1=89 ‘Schwenger Moons’ so define the 5 Tzolkin cycle of 1300 kin as the calibration of two Mayan Ahau dates.
    The Mayan Tzolkin of a 260 day count becomes synchronized with 365 days of the Mayan Haab in the Long Count of the calendar round.

    The lowest number of days, which factor both 260=4x5x13 and 365=5x73 is the number 18,980=73x269, just under 52 Gregorian (Common or Civil) years and exactly 52 Haab or Mayan years. Those 52 years so began as 13x4=52 Haab as the first of 13 Baktun of 1,872,000/13=144,000 days or 394.5205 common years from Mayan date as 5Ahau 13 Zotz on September 18th, 1618 Gregorian as September 8th, 1618 Julian and as 28Elul53787 Hebrew to December 16th, 2013 Gregorian as December 3rd, 2013 Julian as 13Teveth5774 Hebrew and precisely 73 Tzolkins from 5Ahau 13Zotz as 13Ahau 18Mac as

    1618 was the year Johannes Kepler confirmed his discovery regarding the geometry of planetary orbits as circular and elliptical about a solar focus; therewith refining an older geocentric description of a planetary Earth centered star system by a heliocentric Sun-based cosmology (March 8th to May 15th).

    The significance so becomes the matching of two 13 Ahau Dates in the following details of subtracting 52 Haab, that is a Full Calendar Round of 18,980 Kin from the alignment with the 45 Full Moons and the 44 New Moons of the 1300 Kin. Those two dates then crystallize from the Tzolkin-Haab synchronization as 13Ahau 13Zip and May 26th, 2010 as the lower boundary for the 1st Schwenger Full Moon in Scorpio of May 27th, 2010 and the 89th Schwenger Moon as the 45th Full Moon in Gemini of December 17th, 2013 or 1Imix 13Pax as the upper boundary for 13Ahau 18Mac on December 16th, 2013 as

    265 Days of Pregnancy for the birth or rebirth of a ‘new precessional era’ until December 21st, 2012; with 360 days of a Mayan Tun or Platonic Degree Year so assigns a ‘Circular Key’ of the 'Ancient Year' to the Full Moon of December 17th, 2013 as December 4th, 2013 Julian and 14Teveth5774 Hebrew in Mayan date 1Imix 19Mac to complete the preceding Maya era of an ‘Old World’ and converges to the timeline of the Universal Logos and parallel time frames and encoding patterns for a ‘New World’ time frame. This date coincides with the Mayan New Moon/Full Moon Count of 1300 Days or Kin as tabulated.


    Mayan Tzolkin Cycle


    Gregorian Date

    Hebrew Date



    0 13Ahau 13Zip



    13Ahau 13Zip 1Imix 14Zip


    1/260 1Imix 14Zip



    1st Full Moon ☺h Scorpio 23:07UCT


    17/260 4Caban 10Zotz



    1st New Moon ☻c Gemini 11:15UCT


    31/260 5Chuen 4Tzek



    2nd Full Moon ☺i
    Sagittarius 11:30UCT Partial Lunar Eclipse Saros 120/57 cA<Bi


    46/260 7Cimi 19Tzek



    2nd New Moon ☻d
    Cancer 19:41UCT Total Solar Eclipse Saros 146/27 dA!Bd


    61/260 9Imix 14Xul



    3rd Full Moon ☺k
    Aquarius 01:37UCT


    76/260 11Cib 9Yaxkin



    3rd New Moon ☻e
    Leo 03:08UCT


    90/260 12Oc 3Mol



    4th Full Moon ☺l Pisces 17:05UCT


    105/260 1Chicchan 18Mol



    4th New Moon ☻f
    Virgo 10:30UCT


    120/260 3Ahau 13Chen



    5th Full Moon ☺a Aries 09:17UCT


    134/260 4Ix 7Yax



    5th New Moon ☻g Libra 18:45UCT


    150/260 7Oc 3Zac



    6th Full Moon ☺a Aries 01:37UCT


    164/260 8Kan 17Zac



    6th New Moon ☻h Scorpio 04:52UCT


    179/260 10Cauac 12Ceh



    7th Full Moon ☺b Taurus 17:27UCT


    193/260 11Ben 6Mac



    7th New Moon ☻i Sagittarius 17:36UCT


    209/260 1Muluc 2Kankin



    8th Full Moon ☺c Gemini 08:13UCT Total Lunar Eclipse Saros 125/48 iA<Bc


    223/260 2Akbal 16Kankin



    8th New Moon ☻j Capricorn 09:03UCT Partial Solar Eclipse Saros 151/14 jA!Bj


    238/260 4Etznab 11Muan



    9th Full Moon ☺d Cancer 21:21UCT


    253/260 6Ben 6Pax



    9th New Moon ☻k Aquarius 02:31UCT


    260/260+0 13Ahau 13Pax



    13Ahau 13Pax

    - 4Ahau 3Kayab -
    4Ahau 18Ceh

    01Mar23,615BC 12Jul18,490BC 5125.362 Years

    25Sivan-19,854 21Tishri-14,728

    Image of 1st/5 of 13 Baktun Cycles 13x144,000=1,872,000


    1/260+260 1Imix 14Pax



    1Imix 14Pax Start 2nd Mayan 260 Kin Cycle in 1 Imix


    8/260+260 8Lamat 1Kayab



    10th Full Moon ☺e Leo 08:36UCT


    22/260+260 9Ik 15Kayab



    10th New Moon ☻l Pisces 20:46UCT



    37/ 11Caban 10Cumku



    11th Full Moon ☺f Virgo 18:10UCT


    52/260+260 13Eb 0Pop



    11th New Moon ☻a Aries 14:32UCT


    67/260+260 2Manik 15Pop



    12th Full Moon ☺g Libra 02:44UCT


    82/260+260 4Ik 10Uo



    12th New Moon ☻b Taurus 06:51UCT


    96/260+260 5Cib 4Zip



    13th Full Moon ☺h Scorpio 11:09UCT


    111/260+260 7Chuen 19Zip



    13th New Moon ☻c Gemini 21:03UCT Partial Solar Eclipse
    Saros 118/68 cA!Bc


    125/260+260 8Chicchan 13Zotz



    14th Full Moon ☺i Sagittarius 20:14UCT Total Lunar Eclipse Saros 130/34 cA<Bi


    141/260+260 11Imix 9Tzek



    14th New Moon ☻d Cancer 08:54UCT Black New Moon 2011
    Partial Solar Eclipse Saros 156/1 dA!Bd


    155/260+260 12Men 3Xul



    15th Full Moon ☺j Capricorn 06:407UCT


    170/260+260 1Oc 18Xul



    15th New Moon ☻e Leo 18:40UCT Black New Moon 2011


    184/260+260 2Kan 12Yaxkin



    16th Full Moon ☺k Aquarius 18:58UCT


    200/260+260 5Ahau 8Mol



    16th New Moon ☻f Virgo 03:04UCT


    214/260+260 6Ix 2Chen



    17th Full Moon ☺l Pisces 09:27UCT


    229/260+260 8Muluc 17Chen



    17th New Moon ☻g Libra 11:09UCT


    244/260+260 10Kan 12Yax



    18th Full Moon ☺a Aries 02:06UCT


    258/260+260 11Etznab 6Zac



    18th New Moon ☻h Scorpio 19:56UCT


    260/260+260 13Ahau 8Zac



    13Ahau 8Zac

    - 4Ahau 18Ceh -
    4Ahau 13Mol

    12Jul18,490BC 20Nov13,365BC 5125.362 Years

    21Tishri-14,728 18Shevat-9603

    Image of 2nd/5 of 13 Baktun Cycles 13x144,000=1,872,000


    1/260+520 1Imix 9Zac



    1Imix 9Zac Start 3rd Mayan 260 Kin Cycle in 1 Imix


    13/260+520 13Ben 1Ceh



    19th Full Moon ☺b Taurus 20:16UCT


    28/260+520 2Lamat 16Ceh



    19th New Moon ☻i Sagittarius 06:10UCT Partial Solar Eclipse Saros 123/53 iA!Bi


    43/260+520 4Akbal 11Mac



    20th Full Moon ☺c Gemini 14:36UCT Total Lunar Eclipse Saros 135/23 iA<Bc


    57/260+520 5Caban 5Kankin



    20th New Moon ☻j Capricorn 18:06UCT


    73/260+520 8Ben 1Muan



    21st Full Moon ☺d Cancer 07:30UCT


    87/260+520 9Manik 15Muan



    21st New Moon ☻k Aquarius 07:39UCT


    102/260+520 11Ik 10Pax



    22nd Full Moon ☺e Leo 21:54UCT


    116/260+520 12Cib 4Kayab



    22nd New Moon ☻l Pisces 22:35UCT


    132/260+520 2Eb 0Cumku



    23rd Full Moon ☺f Virgo 09:40UCT


    146/260+520 3Cimi 14Cumku



    23rd New Moon ☻a Aries 14:37UCT


    161/260+520 5Imix 4Pop



    24th Full Moon ☺g Libra 19:19UCT


    176/260+520 7Cib 19Pop



    24th New Moon ☻b Taurus 07:18UCT


    191/260+520 9Chuen 14Uo



    25th Full Moon ☺h Scorpio 03:35UCT


    205/260+520 10Chicchan 8Zip



    25th New Moon ☻c Gemini 23:47UCT Annular Solar Eclipse Saros 128/58 cA!Bc


    220/260+520 12Ahau 3Zotz



    26th Full Moon ☺i Sagittarius 11:12UCT Partial Lunar Eclipse Saros 140/24 cA<Bi


    235/260+520 1Men 18Zotz



    26th New Moon ☻c Gemini 15:02UCT


    249/260+520 2Muluc 12Tzek



    27th Full Moon ☺j Capricorn 18:52UCT


    260/260+780 13Ahau 3Xul



    13Ahau 3Xul

    4Ahau 13Mol -
    4Ahau 8Zotz

    20Nov13,365BC 01Apr8239BC 5125.362 Years

    Image of 3rd/5 of 13 Baktun Cycles 13x144,000=1,872,000


    1/260+780 1Imix 4Xul



    1Imix 4Xul Start 4th Mayan 260 Kin Cycle in 1 Imix


    5/260+780 5Chicchan 8Xul



    27th New Moon ☻d Cancer 04:24UCT


    19/260+780 6Cauac 2Yaxkin



    28th Full Moon ☺k Aquarius 03:28UCT Blue Full Moon 2012


    34/260+780 8Ix 17Yaxkin



    28th New Moon ☻e Leo 15:54UCT


    48/260+780 9Lamat 11Mol



    29th Full Moon ☺l Pisces 13:58UCT Blue Full Moon 2012


    64/260+780 12Kan 7Chen



    29th New Moon ☻f Virgo 02:11UCT


    78/260+780 13Etznab 1Yax



    30th Full Moon ☺a Aries 03:19UCT


    93/260+780 2Ben 16Yax



    30th New Moon ☻g Libra 12:03UCT


    107/260+780 3Manik 10Zac



    31stFull Moon ☺b Taurus 19:49UCT


    122/260+780 5Ik 5Ceh



    31st New Moon ☻h Scorpio 22:08UCT Total Solar Eclipse Saros 133/45 hA!Bh



    12.19. 19.16.17 7Caban 0Mac



    32nd Full Moon ☺c Gemini 14:46UCT Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Saros 145/11 iA<Bc


    152/260+780 9Eb 15Mac



    32nd New Moon ☻i Sagittarius 08:42UCT


    160/260+780 4Ahau 3Kankin



    Resetting of the Tzolkin in 4Ahau


    161/260+780 5Imix 4Kankin



    Resetting of the Tzolkin in 5Imix


    167/260+780 11Manik 10Kankin



    33rdFull Moon ☺d Cancer 10:21UCT


    181/260+780 12Imix 4Muan



    33rd New Moon ☻j Capricorn 19:44UCT


    197/260+780 2Caban 0Pax



    34th Full Moon ☺e Leo 04:38UCT


    211/260+780 2Chuen 14Pax



    34th New Moon ☻k Aquarius 07:20UCT


    226/260+780 5Cimi 9Kayab



    35th Full Moon ☺f Virgo 20:26UCT


    240/260+780 6Ahau 3Cumku



    35th New Moon ☻l Pisces 19:51UCT


    256/260+780 9Cib 19Cumku



    36th Full Moon ☺g Libra 09:27UCT


    260/260+1040 13Ahau 3Vayeb



    13Ahau 3Vayeb

    4Ahau 8Zotz
    4Ahau 8Cumku

    01Apr8239BC 11Aug3114BC 5125.362 Years

    Image of 4th/5 of 13 Baktun Cycles 13x144,000=1,872,000


    1/260+1040 1Imix 4Vayeb



    1Imix 4Vayeb Start 5th Mayan 260 Kin Cycle in 1 Imix


    10/260+1040 10Oc 8Pop



    36th New Moon ☻a Aries 09:35UCT


    25/260+1040 12Chicchan 3Uo



    37th Full Moon ☺h Scorpio 19:57UCT Partial Lunar Eclipse Saros 112/65 bA<Bh


    40/260+1040 1Ahau 18Uo



    37th New Moon ☻b Taurus 00:28UCT Annular Solar Eclipse Saros 138/31 bA!Bb


    55/260+1040 3Men 13Zip



    38th Full Moon ☺i Sagittarius 04:25UCT Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Saros 150/1 cA<Bi


    69/260+1040 4Muluc 7Zotz



    38th New Moon ☻c Gemini 15:56UCT


    84/260+1040 6Kan 2Tzek



    39th Full Moon ☺j Capricorn 11:32UCT


    99/260+1040 8Cauac 17Tzek



    39th New Moon ☻d Cancer 07:14UCT


    113/260+1040 9Ben 11Xul



    40th Full Moon ☺k Aquarius 18:16UCT


    128/260+1040 11Lamat 6Yaxkin



    40th New Moon ☻e Leo 21:51UCT


    143/260+1040 13Akbal 1Mol



    41st Full Moon ☺k Aquarius 01:45UCT


    158/260+1040 2Etznab 16Mol



    41st New Moon ☻f Virgo 11:36UCT


    172/260+1040 3Eb 10Chen



    42nd Full Moon ☺c Gemini 11:13UCT


    188/260+1040 6Lamat 6Yax



    42nd New Moon ☻g Libra 00:35UCT


    201/260+1040 6Imix 19Yax



    43rd Full Moon ☺a Aries 23:38UCT Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Saros 117/52 gA<Ba


    217/260+1040 9Caban 15Zac



    43rd New Moon ☻h Scorpio 12:50UCT Annular Total Solar Eclipse Saros 143/23 hA!Bh


    231/260+1040 10Chuen 9Ceh



    44th Full Moon ☺b Taurus 15:16UCT


    247/260+1040 13Manik 5Mac



    44th New Moon ☻i Sagittarius 10:22UCT


    260/260+1300 13Ahau 18Mac



    13Ahau 18Mac End of Mayan Tzolkin Calibration in 13Ahau
    4Ahau 8Cumku
    4Ahau 3Kankin

    5125.362 Years

    Image of 5th/5 of 13 Baktun Cycles 13x144,000=1,872,000


    1301/1301 1Imix 19Mac



    45th Full Moonc Gemini 09:28UCT 1Imix 14Pax End of 5 Mayan 260 Kin Cycle in 1 Imix

    A Science of Time Encodings and a Mayan Calendar Mythology for a World in Transition
    The symbol of the Maya at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is known as Hunab Ku as 'Mover of all things' and depicting a galactic butterfly across the worlds changing from darkness to light in cycles of time.
    The Maya named the galactic Center Hunab Ku - the 'Giver of all Life and Measure' and called the 'Pathway from the Earth to Hunab Ku' as ‘Kuxan Suum - the Umbilical Cord between Earth’ as the Universal Mother and its Galactic Father-Mother.


    At the center of Hunab Ku resides a dualized supermembrane manifesting as a multi-dimensional wormhole core connecting a Black Hole ‘Mother’-Sink-Source to a White Hole ‘Father’-Source-Sink. One can describe the cosmology as a White Hole negative-yang-male charge primary source-sink energy powering a Black Hole positive-yin-female charge secondary sink-source energy.

    The characteristic negative charge can be said to originate from a nospace and notime realm, albeit defined mathematically as an unphysical negative- or imaginary space. A physically real space and time so can be defined in the logistical argument of relating the real spacetime of a positive space to an imaginary spacetime of a negative space.
    A self-referential or quantum relativity between two observers; one of each located in either the negative-imaginary or positive-real worlds or realms can so become established.

    The observer within the negative spacetime considers hisher world as real and considers the observer situated within the positive spacetime as imaginary or as a virtual reality or image of herhimself. The premise of location therefore defines perceived reality for both of the observers arbitrarily, irrespective of how their original frames of self-references are defined or agreed upon.

    To poetically color or mythologize or anthropomorphize this essay, the duality coupled supermembrane at the core of the Milky Way galaxy as the Maya’s Hunab Ku or ‘Giver of all things’ can be renamed as Abba – the little serpent (Quetzalcoatl aka Kukulkan aka Gugumatz aka Manitou aka Great Rainbow Dragon-Membrane Baiame etc. etc.).

    The symbol of the ‘Cosmic Dragon’ or Ouroboros as the Mazzaroth or Great 360° Circle of the Zodiac Sky symbolizing the mapping of the Egyptian Nile from the Milky Way Galactic path is translated from the binary code of the Mathimatia in the zero cipher 0 linearized as the unity cipher 1 in a form of modular quantum geometric duality and mirroring the transformation of the superstring classes from a 26-dimensional {A-Z or alpha-omega or beginning-end}Bosonic closed superstring spectrum into a distribution of both closed and open superstring classes; the open superstring classes then relating to their attachment to lower dimensional Dirichlet branes from their higher dimensional origin, such as superstring class I.

    This can be defined as an algebraic-topological Unitary Circle Group or U(1) relating the closed ‘non-gauged’ 26 bosonic integer dimensions to 26 open U(1)-gauged bosonic integer dimensions subsequently differentiated in the unit circle in clockwise and anticlockwise chirality and rotations and in 10 right handed or clockwise superstrings and 16 left handed or anticlockwise bosonic strings comprising the 26 bosonic string dimensions. In 11-dimensional M-theory, the non-gauged nature of the original 26 dimensional closed Bosonic string is reestablished to algebraically-topologically close the spectrum of the 10-dimensional superstrings as a 2-1 from 11-10 dimensional reduction and modular quantization.

    This treatise so will include the metaphor of the ‘dragon-membrane space’ as descriptor for the supermembrane quantum geometry as a basis for the applicable quantum cosmology; also based on the fundamental geometry of one-sided surfaces such as the Möbius strip as a non-orientable manifold with a boundary as representative for the 2-brane in 11-dimensional membrane spacetime. It is the one-sidedness of the Möbius strip and its transformation into a non-orientable one-sided Klein-Bottle topology without boundary and which enables a surface without a thickness to transform into a 3-dimensional brane or volumar representative of the 4-dimensional spacetimes in cosmological models. This transformation requires the original one-sidedness of the ‘Möbian Dragon’ to become a quantum-geometric and quantum relative two-sidedness in the ‘Klein-Bottle Dragon’ in the emergence of the thickness of the third spacial dimension.
    Ouroboros – The Serpent of Mazzaroth

    Abba’s message is from negative spacetime to and relative to the positive spacetime; in which is embedded Baab, the ‘Great Mother Sink-Source’ in quantum relative entanglement with Abba as the ‘Great Father Source-Sink’.
    Hunab Ku so activates as a multi-dimensional galactic communication portal throughout the galaxy, albeit focused on a particular Black-Holed or ‘Schwarzschilded’ planetary location named Earth within a relay station known as a sun-planet-moon star system.

    The dominant star or sun in that triple system becomes an ambassador-portal for Abba and the dominant moon or satellite relative to Earth becomes an ambassador-portal for Baab.
    Abba, measuring the distance between Hunab Ku and the center of Earth as 9,360,000 sunset-sunrise cycles or lightened days so decides to send a message to Baab and a message which would require 9,360,000 light days to reach Earth from the center of the galaxy.

    A calibration of Earth’s annual sojourn around the Sun as 365.2425 light days with the count of sunsets so can establish a particular Mayan Kin-Calendar for the 9,360,000 Kin-Days as synchronizing the distance between Hunab Ku and Earth with the timeframe for light and Abba’s message for Baab to reach the Black Hole at the center of the Earth.

    = 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 lightened days for (60)(60)(24)(300,000)km = 242,611.2 Trillion km or 25,626.8096 light years for = 25,626.8096 (365.2425) ‘civil-Gregorian’ years.

    This calibration defines the emission and reception of Abba’s message for Baab as March 1st, 23,614 BC and December 21st, 2012 in a proleptic-backdated and current calendar day-kin count respectively.
    In the Mayan calendar those day-kin counts are named as 3Kayab 4Ahau = - 3Kankin 4Ahau = respectively.

    The purpose of the message would be to prepare the life on the planet Earth to prepare for a galactic synchronization coinciding with a graduation of the human civilization evolving on Earth in a metamorphosis from its human and planetary basis towards a star human and star-galactic foundation.
    After Baab had received Abba’s message at the center of the Earth; the planned metamorphosis to graduate the human civilization into a ‘new timed’ evolving star human civilization could begin.

    The examinations, occurrences and interpolations required for graduation would engage various cyclicities and reckonings of time as stipulated by the quantum entangled ancestors and descendants of the terrestrial humans in their galactic and intergalactic-universal family associations and partnerships.
    The major timeframe for graduation would however be bounded by 13 years from 2012 to 2025 in an intensification and focusing on the evolving consciousness and perceptive ability of the human acolytes, aspiring towards its star human status of renewal.
    Abba’s yanged membrane message to yined membraned Baab from the imaginary negative spacetime relative to the real positive spacetime so was also a letter to the common family on Earth as the cosmic-universal children and inheritors of a promised starry legacy.

    Setting the beginning of the ‘Age of Aquarius’, transiting from the previous ‘Age of Pisces’, at the solar transit from the star sign of Benoni Benjamin Pisces into the star sign of Manasseh Joseph Ephraim at January 20th, 1998 06:46UCT; defines a midpoint calibration of 13,780 kin-days in March 11th, 1979 + 6890 Days = January 20th, 1998 + 6890 Days = December 1st, 2016.
    13years. 53Temple. doomsday.

    The Galactic Synchronization and the Age of Aquarius

    The Galactic Alignment of the Ouroboros with the Warp zone of the Gaian Metamorphosis by the Cosmic Logos of the Serpent-Tamer Ophiuchus from October 5th, 26AD to December 21st; 2012 to December 17th; 2013 in 13,600+360 = Days.

    The Mayan master timeline spans five great cycles of long counts; each long count being comprised of 13 baktuns, each baktun encompassing 144,000 kin or days, and as 20 katuns of 7,200 kin each.
    It is the 65th and final baktun, which defines the 'birth of the starhuman' archetype to replace the older 'human' archetype initiated 5x13x144,000 kin or 9,360,000 days before the nexus date of December 21st, 2012.

    As the sun's angular diameter is about 0.53 degrees, the Maya calculated the ending of their long count in the last cycle of the winter-summer solstices as a function of the Mayan Precessional 'Great Platonic Year' of 25,626.81 cycles (or civil Gregorian years).

    5,626.81 years so describe 12 subdivisions of 2,135.6 years each as 12x780,000 = 9,360,000 or 13 subdivisions of 1,971.3 years each as 13x720,000 = 9,360,000.
    More precisely, the dates can be ascertained as ranging from 5x156,000=780,000 KIN to 5x144,000=720,000 KIN. Each 780,000 day cycle is then associated with a ‘galactic month’ or ‘galactic tribe’ or ‘galactic star sign’ in a subset of a 144,000 day Mayan Baktun.

    A precessional degree then becomes 9,360,000/360=26,000=71.1856.x365.2425 days and so in the Mayan kin count, 71.1856 civil years specify a 1-degree precession and the galactic synchronization at the winter solstice will be 71.1856x0.53=37.728 civil years or 13,780 = 13,150 + 630 = 13,150 + ½{1260} 'Mean Solar Days' for the solar transit across the galactic center.

    The 37.728 Gregorian 365.2425 Years defined as 13,780 = 13,150+630 Mayan Kin, then are calibrated as exactly 9x1461=13,149 Days as 9 full leap-year cycles (3x365+366) or as 36 Gregorian years as 36 Haab to which are added 9 Leap-Kin as 36x365+10 = 13,140+10 = 36x365.25+1 = 13,150 and with the additional day counting the boundary of such as a week of 8 days from Sunday to Sunday or Sabbath to Sabbat or Mirror of Time to Mirror of Time.

    This ‘boundary day’ is encoded as the ‘Day and Hour and Time of the Lord’ in various ancient texts and scriptures, such as in Revelation.17.11, associated with the 'beast rising from the sea as a mirror', that was and is and is not, yet being of the seven.
    Those 36 Years are counted twice in conjunction with the Platonic Change of the Age from Aries to Pisces in the relative past to the next change from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius and so using the March Equinox applicable to the last of the 13x65 Baktun divisions; namely as the 720,000-780,000 days or 1971.293-2135.567 years from October 5th; 26 AD to January 20th; 1998 in the Gregorian (proleptic) Calendar.

    As the difference between 1998 and 1971 approximates 26 Years; the common calendar of (B)efore (C)hrist and (A)nno (D)omini is assigned the 36 Years = 5 BC-Years + 31 AD-Years = 31 Years + 5 Years as 37.728 years from 7 BC to 32 AD and in 13,980 = 13,780+200 Kin) and to correlate or mirror the 13,780 days of the Pisces-Aquarius Transit to the Aries-Pisces Transit.

    Assigning the time unit of a watch or 6 hours as a quarter cycle as 90 degrees of a full cycle of a day as 12 hours and a night of 12 hours in the ‘shortening of time’ then ‘lengthens’ the ‘shortened time’ in the 24 Hours as 360 Day principle by the factor 15 in four 630 day periods to the full Platonic Age Transitions to then satisfy particular encoded (prophetic) condition about the 'end times' being defined in two 3½ cycle periods and which are scripturally defined in a Cycle of a Time being 1 Mayan Tun or 360 'degree days' in a circle.
    The cycle of a Week or 'Seven' then become 7 Tun = 7x360 = 2520 Kin or 1260+1260 = 4x630 = 8x315.

    In particular two 3½ days become a week of 7 days in the 13th star sign of Ophiuchus-Quetzacoatl-Kukulkan-Hermes Trismegistus-Thoth=... in the zodiac of the constellations with Ophiuchus specifying the annual solar transit from Scorpio into Sagittarius at the 240 degree cusp of the circle of the zodiac or Ouroboros also known as the River Hiddekel in Gen.2.14 with Daniel.10.4 and the River Nile of Egypt and the Galactic Milky Way. The Maya named the galactic Center Hunab Ku - the 'Giver of all Life and Measure' and called the 'Pathway from the Earth to Hunab Ku' as ‘Kuxan Suum - the Umbilical Cord between Earth’ as the Universal Mother and its Galactic Father-Mother traversing the celestial sky as a projection of the River Nile into the starry heavens.

    As the 13th star sign of the Universal Mazzaroth is given by a cusp or solar transit between two 30 degree sectors and specifically at 240 degrees, the annular solar transit of the sun from the sector of Asher Scorpio into the sector of Issachar Sagittarius in the year 26 AD will define the manifestation of the Age of Pisces within the 12th 720,000 Kin cycle of the Great Mayan precession of 26,000 Circle-Degree days duration. This nexus will subtract 60,000 Kin from the usual 780,000 Kin from the 12-tiered partition of the Mazzaroth or Ouroboros to define the 12th sector of the House of Pisces Benjamin not as a 12th house but as a 13th house of 720,000 Kin or 5 Baktun of 144,000 Kin.

    The Ophiuchian Solar Transit which initiates the Age of Pisces occurs on November 21st, 26 AD GP as November 23rd, 26 AD J as 24Kislev3787 Hebrew at 16:45UCT hAi-0° and as the Mayan date = 2Etznab 16Xul with the individuation of Ophiuchus Serpent Tamer in the personification of the Universal Logos as Jesus Ben Abba and preparing the ‘anointment’ or baptism on August 4th, 28 AD J as August 2nd, 28 AD GP and as 24Av3788 Hebrew for Mayan date 11Etznab 6Pop and 719,953=720,000-47 days before the solar transit from Zebulon Capricorn into Joseph Aquarius at 06:46UCT jAk-0° on January 20th, 1998 G as January 7th, 1998 J as 22Teveth5758 Hebrew and as Mayan date = 2Chuen 9Muan.

    Ophiuchus Serpent Tamer

    In conjunction with the 'Venusian Transit of the Solar Disc' {8 years apart in 243-year cycles (121.5+16+105.5=243) and manifesting June 7th, 2004 to June 5th, 2012 in the present Logos timeline { http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transit_of_Venus }, the Maya obtained the long count from the 'hermetic' tradition (of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek) of Kukulkan (or Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec parallel) and this 'prophecy' relates directly to a scripturally encoded 'day count' of 12,000+1,600=13,600 days in a 'furlong' count of measuring the 'inside' and the 'outside' of the 'great city' {John.2.21; Revelation.11.1-2; 14.20; 21.16} as the 'Temple of God'.

    In this code the ‘Inner Court’ of the ‘Great City Earth’ is measured as 12,000 furlongs and the not measured ‘Outer Court’ of the ‘harvest and reaping of the Earth’ is coded as 1600 furlongs. The ratio between the Inner Court to the Outer Court so translates as the characteristic electromagnetic base frequency of Earth in its light path or speed of light divided by its geometric perimeter: 300,000 [km/s]/40,000 [km] =7.5 Hertz.
    800px--Schumann_resonance_animation.ogv. wat6.
    The Great City Old Jerusalem New

    These 13,600 days from December 21st, 2012 to September 27th, 1975 specify a 37.728 civil year period of 13,780 days, in adding 180 days as the angular halving of 360 degrees of a circle in 180 days and as say the period between the two equinoxes in March and September or as the 180 Degrees between the two solstices of June and December, each 6 months apart in the assignment of the seasons.

    Those 37.728 years as 13,780 days also specify a 'Cosmic Pregnancy' or 'Universal gestation' of 265 Kin from March 31st; 2012 to December 21st; 2012 in the partition of 13,780 = 12,000+1600+180 = 13,150+365+265 as the Platonic-Mayan Great Age Transition to which are added 1 Haab of 365 Kin and a 265=260+5 Tzolkin and 5 Kin Vayeb Kin period as a 265 Kin Gestation. The 'Universal Pregnancy' begins at the 2012-31=1981 year anniversary or return of the original Easter Sabbath-Sunday 'Resurrection' event of March 31st to April 1st; 31 AD-Julian reckoned in Julian time and so calibrates the 2-day divergence from the Gregorian calendar at that time.

    The encoded ’70-Year Captivity of Israel’ as the ‘Captivity of the ’12 star-born Tribes of the Universal Galactic Human Family’ is calibrated with this greater cosmic Mayan or ancient timeframe and the Hebrew and the Civil calendars of the 21st century. This calibration also incorporates a time warp of 725,184 days to mirror the Julian day count in use at the time of the transit of the eons from Aries to Pisces and so at the beginning of the 1st Century to the day count of the Gregorian calendar of the 21st Century 65x144,000/13=720,000 days or 1971 years to 65x144,000/12=780,000 days or 2136 years later as the change of the eon from Pisces to Aquarius.

    The encoding key for this calibration is a ‘long time as a short time’ principle. A day of 4 watches, dividing the time of daylight from a time of darkness divides 24 hours into four periods of 6 hours, the first watch from 6pm sunset to midnight; the second watch from midnight to sunrise 6am; the third watch from 6am to noon and the fourth watch from noon to sunset 6pm the following day. A time of seven days or a week of sevens, then encompasses 7x24=168 hours or 28 watches and a half-week of 3½ days becomes 84 hours or 14 watches.

    Dividing this count of watches into days and nights, allows a super-positioning of ‘times of the light of day’ and ‘times of the darkness of the night’ however. Sunrise no longer follows sunset in a 24 hour period, should the cyclicity of the Time definition as 7 full days and 7 full nights be no longer measured in continuity. 7x12=84 hours of daylight become separated from 84 hours of darkness decoding the statement of ‘three days of darkness’ in Exodus.10.20-23 and related ‘prophecies’ or ‘sayings’. This is found in codes, related to the destruction of one third of a time period such as 420 days within 1260 days or 14 months within 42 months or 28 hours within 84 hours as in Revelation.8 where 7 trumpets are assigned to 7 seals and 7 vials and 1 hour is divided into two halves to indicate the 3½+3½=7 definition, dividing of a continuous reckoning of time into a dividing of time into continuous darkness, separated from continuous light. As one hour in a day of 24 hours is as 15 days within a 360-day year; a period of ‘silence in heaven’ of ‘about half an hour’ then defines a continuous two week period of 14 days divided into two weeks separated by a ‘Day of the Lord’ rendering one week of continuous darkness and one week of continuous light.

    The Hebrew calendar specifies the Babylonian 70-year captivity of ancient Israel in 25,958 days from 1Tishri3152=01Sep610BC to 1Tishri3223=26Sep539BC from the Israelite king Josiah and the battle of Megiddo to the end of Babylonian rule as a Median empire by Cyrus the Persian. The civil calendar specifies the Islamic 70-year captivity of modern Israel in 25,928 days from 1Tishri5708 =15Sep1947 to 1Tishri5779=10Sep2018. The difference between those two ‘captivities’ are two hours of 15 days each to bound the ‘captivities’ in the west of the time-relative past on the left side and mirror this boundary of time in the ‘present time of the Lord’ on the right side in the time-relative future in the east.

    Adding two boundary days as times of the mirrored hour as encoded in the ‘judgement of Babylon’ in Rev.18.6-17 partitions the captivity of Old Jerusalem of 25,958+2 = 25,960 days within the solar transit of the galactic time synchronization of 27,560 days in the difference of 1600 days of the ‘not measured’ ‘Outer Court’ of Old Jerusalem or the ‘Old Earth’. ½{27,560} = 13,780 days, so become the ‘mirrored’ or twinned 2x37.728=75.457 Years of the solar transit across the angular diameter of the Sun and as characterised by the annual December solstice of December 21st in the present Gregorian-Civil calendar.

    The combined captivity of the universal starhuman civilization of 25,958 days so is divided into two halves of a measured ‘Inner Court’ for a ‘New Jerusalem’ as a ‘New World’ or a ‘New Great City’ or a ‘New Earth’, bounded in a ‘Hour of the Lord’ west-left and east-right with a not measured ‘Outer Court’ connecting the two parts of the ‘New Jerusalem’ in a ‘Day of the Mirror of Divided Times’. The ‘not measured’ 1600 days of the ‘Outer Court’ and coded in the harvest and the reaping of the Old Earth so become ‘counted’ and measured in a reassignment of this ‘harvest’ as a period of pregnancy or gestation of the ‘Great City Earth’ in 1600 = 265+1335 and for 1600+360+1600 = 3560 = 15+430+1335+1335+430+15 = {Hour}+{Egypt}+{2670=2300+370=2520+150}+{Egypt}+{Hour} and where Egypt 430 = Ezekiel Israel 390 Left + Ezekiel Judah 40 Right and where 3+1+3 Times 360 = 1260+1260 = 2520 = 2300 Daniel + 370 Noah and where Daniel’s Blessing 1335 = 1260+30+45 = Abomination 1290 + 45 with 5 Months of Noah’s Flood as the 1st Woe of Revelation 150 = 2670-7x360 = ‘Cleansing of the Sanctuary by Flood’, coded in Dan.8.13-14 with Dan.9.25-27 and Dan.12.7-12 and in Gen.7.10-9.17 and Exo.12.40 with Eze.4.1-6 with Mat.24 and Rev.9 and Rev.14.

    15+12,000+1600+53+1600+12,000+15 = 15+13,600+53+13,600+15 = 27,283 = 25,958+1325 = 25,958+1260+65 = 25,958+1290+35 = 25,958+1335-10 and as 65=5x13 as the Mayan Baktun count as ½{130} = ½{360-100-30} and the Abomination of Desolation 1290 truncated into 10 Days of imprisonment as 10 = 1290-1280=1335-1325 coded in Rev.2.10.

    53 = 46+3+1+3 days are taken from 8 weeks or 56 days as ‘cut off’ nexus for 70 weeks or 490 days encoded in Dan.9.24-27 to define the partitioning of the 70 weeks into 7+62+1 week, the one week being halved to indicate the ‘Day of the Lord’ as the overall midpoint or ‘mirror of divided times’ day where the ‘sacrifice of the days as years ceases on January 17th, 2013 Gregorian or 6Shevat5773 or Mayan date 10Muan 5Manik.

    A 46-year construction of the ‘Temple of Jerusalem’ associated with a 3½ day time period of destruction encoded in John.2.20 so becomes decoded in the addition of 3 days as a half-week to 53 days to complete a 7 week period of 49 days as a tenth of the 490 day period coded in Rev.11.13 and 2Pet.3.8 for 7 days coding for 7000 years as 7 times. The 7th day dividing a week of seven days into two halves then defines the ‘Day of the Lord’ as a discontinuity of successive days and nights and so encodes the construction of Nehemiah’s wall of 52 days as being divided into two halves of 26 days in the ‘Day of the Lord’ as a timeline discontinuity in Neh.6.15 as 26+1+26=53=46+7.
    15+430+1260+30+45+45+30+1260+430+15 =
    12,000+1600+360+1600+12,000 = 13,780+13,780 = 27,560 = 12,015+{430+1335}+{1335+430}+12,015 = 27,283+277

    The Hebrew Calendar is based on the Lunar Cycles of 29.530594… mean solar days from one New Moon to the next New Moon as a synodic month of 29.530588 days. The Hebrew Calendar engages a Metonic Calendar which aligns 235 synodic lunations with 19 solar years as a synodic month in 235x29.530588=6939.68818.. = 19x365.2467463... This then defines a Hebrew metonic solar year as 365.2467.. Years.

    A tropical year measured from Equinox to Equinox is 365.2421988 days for an error of divergence of {0.2467463-0.2421988=0.0045475} or 1/0.0045475 as 1 Day in 219.90 Years from the metonic solar-tropical year used in the Hebrew calendar.
    The error of divergence using the lunar chronos in the Hebrew calendar calculates as {0.530594-0.530588=0.000006} or 1/0.000006 as 1 Day in 166,666.7 lunar months or 1 Day in 13,888.9 Years.

    The ancient scribes and astronomers of antiquity incorporated this divergence between a solar based time keeping and a lunar based chronos in observing the precessional cycle of the Earth. The calibration of calendars used by the Hebrews and Babylonians using the metonic cycle then can be blended and superimposed with solar-based civil calendars, such as the Julian and the Gregorian. It can also be encompassed by a simple count of days, such as the time keeping used by ancient cultures, such as the Maya.
    In particular, the lunar month and the general error of divergence of 1 Day in 13,888.9 Years is found to underpin much of the encoding patterns as found in the Masoretic texts of the Torah and its derivative in the King James Bible.

    This chapter then aligns the 5th great precessional eon of the Maya and their ancestors from March 1st, 23,615 BC to December 21st, 2012 AD as the count of 9,360,000 days or Mayan Kin being partitioned into 5x13=65 Baktuns of 144,000 Days each. 13 Baktun of 13x144,000=1,872,000 Kin so are nested within 65 Baktun totaling 9,360,000 Kin. As 9,360,000=13x720,000=12x780,000 a precessional cycle can be partitioned into both 12 and 13 equal parts as a count of days. Using a Cyclic Year of Degrees as a Great Platonic Year of 360 Degrees as days; the precessional day count contains precisely 26,000 such 360 Kin years as 360x26,000=9,360,000.

    Using the lunar month as natural initiation for the 5th great precessional eon for the human history from 23,615 BC to the present time under consideration; the Masoretic and scriptural encoding, represented in timelines crystallizes particular time markers and nexus markers described in the following tabulation and further discussed in this and other chapters found in this book.

    palenque1. palenque2. palenque3.
    Maya City State, Yucatan, Chiapas, Mexico 230 BC – 800 AD

    Day of Mayan Precession Count

    Tribal House Degree °/30°/S°/360°

    Precession Count in 12 30° Houses

    Mayan Dates Haab/Tzolkin

    Proleptic Gregorian Dates….…Julian

    Hebrew Date


    Day#-5479 14Y+365D=15Y

    Initiation of 5th Precessional Eon in Mirror Time {½+½|½+½}={1|1}

    30 Days as Mirrored Time Unit 15+15=30 360/15=24/1 84 Hours=3½ Days

    - 11Imix 19Pax

    01Mar23,630 BCG 27Aug23,630 BCJ


    Initiation of 5th Precessional Eon in the Error-Divergence of a lunar month of 29.5306 days as 30 Days

    Day#-5449 14Y+335D

    k Aquarius Joseph 0/30/0/360

    0/780,000 0/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 9Cumku

    31Mar23,630 BCG 26Sep23,630 BCJ


    Age of Aquarius in 780,000 Days


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.21/30/0.21/360

    5449/780,000 5449/9,360,000

    - 4Ahau 3Kayab

    01Mar23,615 BCG 27Aug23,615 BCJ



    j Capricorn Zebulon 0/30/30/360

    0/780,000 780,000/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 4Cumku

    24Oct21,495 BCG 05Apr21,494 BCJ


    Age of Capricorn in 780,000 Days


    i Sagittarius Issachar 0/30/60/360

    0/780,000 1,560,000/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 19Kayab

    19May19,359 BCG 13Oct19,359 BCJ


    Age of Sagittarius in 780,000 Days


    h Scorpio Asher 0/30/90/360

    0/780,000 2,340,000/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 14Kayab

    12Dec17,224 BCG 22Apr17,223 BCJ


    Age of Scorpio in 780,000 Days


    g Libra Naphtali 0/30/120/360

    0/780,000 3,120,000/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 9Kayab

    07Jul15,088 BCG 30Oct15,088 BCJ


    Age of Libra in 780,000 Days


    f Virgo Gad 0/30/150/360

    0/780,000 3,900,000/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 4Kayab

    30Jan12,952 BCG 09May12,952 BCJ


    Age of Virgo in 780,000 Days


    e Leo Judah 0/30/180/360

    0/780,000 4,680,000/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 19Pax

    25Aug10,817 BCG 16Nov10,817 BCJ


    Age of Leo in 780,000 Days


    e Leo Judah 0.21/30/180.21/360

    5449/780,000 4,680,000/9,360,000

    - 4Ahau 13Muan

    27Jul10,802 BCG 18Oct10,802 BCJ


    Midpoint of 65 Baktun Precessional Cycle offset in 15 Years of 5449+30=5479=15{360+5}+4 days


    d Cancer Dan 0/30/210/360

    0/780,000 5,460,000/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 14Pax

    20Mar8681 BCG 26May8681 BCJ


    Age Cancer in 780,000 Days


    c Gemini Levi 0/30/240/360

    0/780,000 6,240,000/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 9Pax

    14Oct6546 BCG 04Dec6546 BCJ


    Age of Gemini in 780,000 Days


    b Taurus Simeon 0/30/270/360

    0/780,000 7,020,000/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 4Pax

    09May4410 BCG 13Jun4410 BCJ


    Age of Taurus in 780,000 Days


    b Taurus Simeon 18.20/30/288.20/360

    473,306/780,000 7,493,306/9,360,000

    - 4Caban 5Zac

    21Mar3114 BCG 16Apr3114 BCJ


    Pisces-Aries Equinox 08:50UCT lAa-0°


    b Taurus Simeon 18.21/30/288.21/360

    473,400/780,000 7,493,400/9,360,000

    - 7Chuen 19Muan

    23Jun3114 BCG 19Jul3114 BCJ


    Gemini-Cancer Solstice 08:44UCT cAd-0°

    Day#7,488,000 0/1,872,000

    b Taurus Simeon 18.21/30/288.21/360

    473,449/780,000 7,493,449/9,360,000 4Ahau 8Cumku

    11Aug3114 BCG 06Sep3114 BCJ


    1st Baktun /13 1,872,000=13x144,000

    Day#7,488,041 41/1,872,000

    b Taurus Simeon 18.21/30/288.21/360

    473,490/780,000 7,493,490/9,360,000 6Imix 4Uo

    21Sep3114 BCG 17Oct3114 BCJ


    Virgo-Libra Equinox 04:33UCT fAg-0°

    Day#7,488,130 130/1,872,000

    b Taurus Simeon 18.21/30/288.21/360

    473,579/780,000 7,493,579/9,360,000 4Oc 13Xul

    19Dec3114 BCG 14Jan3113 BCJ


    Sagittarius-Capricorn Solstice 01:22UCT iAj-0°

    Day#7,632,000 144,000/1,872,000

    b Taurus Simeon 23.75/30/293.75/360

    617,449/780,000 7,637,449/9,360,000 3Ahau 13Chen

    13Nov 2720 BCG 06Dec2720 BCJ


    2nd Baktun/13

    Day#7,776,000 288,000/1,872,000

    b Taurus Simeon 29.29/30/299.29/360

    761,449/780,000 7,781,449/9,360,000 2Ahau 3Vayeb

    16Feb2325 BCG 07Mar2325 BCJ


    3rd Baktun/13

    Day#7,794,551 306,551/1,872,000

    a Aries Reuben 0/30/300/360

    780,000/0/780,000 7,800,000/9,360,000 2Chuen 19Muan

    02Dec2275 BCG 21Dec2275 BCJ


    Age of Aries in 780,000 Days

    Day#7,920,000 432,000/1,872,000

    a Aries Reuben 4.82/30/304.82/360

    125,449/780,000 7,925,449/9,360,000 1Ahau 8Yax

    21May1931 BCG 07Jun1931 BCJ


    4th Baktun/13

    Day#8,064,000 576,000/1,872,000

    a Aries Reuben 10.36/30/310.36/360

    269,449/780,000 8,069,449/9,360,000 13Ahau 13Pop

    23Aug1537 BCG 06Sep1537 BCJ


    5th Baktun/13

    Day#8,208,000 720,000/1,872,000

    a Aries Reuben 15.90/30/315.90/360

    413,449/780,000 8,213,449/9,360,000 12Ahau 3Zac

    26Nov1143 BCG 07Dec1143 BCJ


    6th Baktun/13

    Day#8,352,000 864,000/1,872,000

    a Aries Reuben 21.44/30/321.44/360

    557,449/780,000 8,357,449/9,360,000 11Ahau 8Uo

    28Feb748 BCG 08Mar748 BCJ


    7th Baktun/13

    Day#8,496,000 1,008,000/1,872,000

    a Aries Reuben 26.98/30/326.98/360

    701,449/780,000 8,501,449/9,360,000 10Ahau 18Zac

    03Jun354 BCG 08Jun354 BCJ


    8th Baktun/13

    Day#8,574,551 1,086,551/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 0/30/330/360

    780,000/0/780,000 8,580,000/9,360,000 2Chuen 14Muan

    27Jun139 BCG 30Jun139 BCJ


    Age of Pisces in 780,000 Days

    Day#8,622,582 1,134,582/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.85/30/331.86/360

    48,031/780,000 8,628,031/9,360,000 11Ik 5Mol

    28Dec8 BCG 30Dec8 BCJ


    Lower Logos Bound 265+74Y+265 27,560=13,780+13,780 bounded in 416 Days in Jerusalem’s Wall 144 and the Time/Day/Hour Jubilee

    Day#8,622,726 1,134,726/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.85/30/331.86/360

    48,175/780,000 8,628,175/9,360,000 12Cimi 9Muan

    21May7 BCG 23May7 BCJ


    144 Wall + Jubilee 49 + 1 Hour 15 as 1D for 144+49+15/1=208

    Day#8,622,775 1,134,775/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.85/30/331.86/360

    48,224/780,000 8,628,224/9,360,000 9Men 18Kayab

    09Jul7 BCG 11Jul7 BCJ


    Jubilee 49=50-1 15 Days = 1 Hour 360/15=24/1

    Day#8,622,790 0/265/27,560 1,134,790/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.86/30/331.86/360

    48,239/780,000 8,628,239/9,360,000 11Oc 13Cumku

    24Jul7 BCG 26Jul7 BCJ


    Conception of Jesus Ben Abba 265+37Y=265+36Y+366=27,560

    Day#8,623,026 236/265/27,560 1,135,026/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.86/30/331.86/360

    48,475/780,000 8,628,475/9,360,000 13Cimi 6Ceh

    17Mar6 BCG 19Mar6 BCJ


    265 Day Gestation 19:29UCT-Bl!Gl-25°27’ 1st SaturnlMoon Conjunction 21:32UCT-Bl!Al-26°33’ NewlMoon

    Day#8,623,027 237/265/27,560 1,135,027/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.86/30/331.86/360

    48,476/780,000 8,628,476/9,360,000 1Manik 5Ceh

    18Mar6 BCG 20Mar6 BCJ


    13:58UCT-Ba!Fa-4°55’ 1st JupiteraMoon Conjunction

    Day#8,623,030 240/265/27,560 1,135,030/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.86/30/331.86/360

    48,479/780,000 8,628,479/9,360,000 4Oc 8Ceh

    21Mar6 BCG 23Mar6 BCJ



    Day#8,623,042 252/265/27,560 1,135,042/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.87/30/331.87/360

    48,491/780,000 8,628,491/9,360,000 3Ik 0Mac

    02Apr6 BCG 04Apr6 BCJ


    04:51UCT-Bg<Aa-11°24’ FullgMoon

    Day#8,623,054 264/265/27,560 1,135,054/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.87/30/331.87/360

    48,503/780,000 8,628,503/9,360,000 2Ix 12Mac

    14Apr6 BCG 16Apr6 BCJ


    08:32UCT-Bl!Gl-28°56’ 2nd SaturnlMoon Conjunction

    Day#8,623,055 265/265/27,560 1,135,055/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.87/30/331.87/360

    48,504/780,000 8,628,504/9,360,000 3Men 13Mac

    15Apr6 BCG 17Apr6 BCJ


    Isa.66.23 Birth of World Logos 09:21UCT Ba!Fa-11°31’ 2nd JupiteraMoon Conjunction Birth Logos Jesus Ben Abba

    Day#8,623,056 266/27,560 1,135,056/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 1.87/30/331.87/360

    48,505/780,000 8,628,505/9,360,000 4Cib 14Mac

    16Apr6 BCG 18Apr6 BCJ


    12:54UCT-Ba!Aa-25°13’ NewaMoon

    Day#8,634,551 11,761/27,560 1,146,551/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.31/30/332.31/360

    60,000/780,000 8,640,000/9,360,000 7Chuen 9Zotz

    05Oct26 ADG 07Oct26 ADJ


    780,000 - 720,000
    = 60,000 Kin as 13th Star Sign Ophiuchus 720,000 Kin from entry into New Age of Aquarius

    Day#8,634,598 11,808/27,560 1,146,598/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.31/30/332.31/360

    60,047/780,000 8,640,047/9,360,000 2Etznab 16Xul

    21Nov26 ADG 23Nov26 ADJ


    16:45UCT hAi-0° Age of Pisces manifested in individuation of Ophiuchus Serpent Tamer

    Day#8,635,218 12,428/27,560 1,147,218/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.33/30/332.33/360

    60,667/780,000 8,640,667/9,360,000 11Etznab 6Pop

    02Aug28 ADG 04Aug28 ADJ


    Baptism of Jesus Ben Abba

    Day#8,635,257 12,467/27,560 1,147,257/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.33/30/332.33/360

    60,706/780,000 8,640,706/9,360,000 12Etznab 6Zip

    11Sep28 ADG 13Sep28 ADJ


    40 Days in the Wilderness

    Day#8,636,167 13,377/27,560 1,148,167/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,616/780,000 8,641,616/9,360,000 11Manik 5Ceh

    09Mar31 ADG 11Mar31 ADJ


    22:24UCT-Bl!Al-19°0’ NewlMoon

    Day#8,636,169 13,379/27,560 1,148,169/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,618/780,000 8,641,618/9,360,000 13Muluc 7Ceh

    11Mar31 ADG 13Mar31 ADJ


    Day#8,636,179 13,389/27,560 1,148,179/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,628/780,000 8,641,628/9,360,000 10Cauac 17Ceh

    21Mar31 ADG 23Mar31 ADJ


    Pisces-Aries Equinox 03:47UCT lAa-0°

    Day#8,636,180 13,390/27,560 1,148,180/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,629/780,000 8,641,629/9,360,000 11Ahau 18Ceh

    22Mar31 ADG 24Mar31 ADJ


    Palm Sabbath 31 AD

    Day#8,636,181 13,391/27,560 1,148,181/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,630/780,000 8,641,630/9,360,000 12Imix 19Ceh

    23Mar31 ADG 25Mar31 ADJ


    Palm Sunday 31 AD

    Day#8,636,183 13,393/27,560 1,148,183/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,632/780,000 8,641,632/9,360,000 1Akbal 1Mac

    25Mar31 ADG 27Mar31 ADJ


    11:00UCT-Ba<Ag-4°11’ FullgMoon
    Last Supper Tuesday 31 AD

    Day#8,636,184 13,394/27,560 1,148,184/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,633/780,000 8,641,633/9,360,000 2Kan 2Mac

    26Mar31 ADG 28Mar31 ADJ


    Passion Wednesday 31 AD

    Day#8,636,185 13,395/27,560 1,148,185/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,634/780,000 8,641,634/9,360,000 3Chicchan 3Mac

    27Mar31 ADG 29Mar31 ADJ


    High Sabbath Thursday 31 AD

    Day#8,636,187 13,397/27,560 1,148,187/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,636/780,000 8,641,636/9,360,000 5Manik 5Mac

    29Mar31 ADG 31Mar31 ADJ


    Easter Sabbath 31 AD

    Day#8,636,188 13,398/27,560 1,148,188/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,637/780,000 8,641,637/9,360,000 6Lamat 6Mac

    30Mar31 ADG 01Apr31 ADJ


    Easter Sunday 31 AD

    Day#8,636,195 13,405/27,560 1,148,195/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,644/780,000 8,641,644/9,360,000 13Men 13Mac

    06Apr31 ADG 08Apr31 ADJ


    Thomas Sunday 31 AD

    Day#8,636,204 13,414/27,560 1,148,204/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,653/780,000 8,641,653/9,360,000 9Kan 2Kankin

    15Apr31 ADG 17Apr31 ADJ


    36th Birthday of Jesus Ben Abba

    Day#8,636,227 13,437/27,560 1,148,227/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,676/780,000 8,641,676/9,360,000 6Manik 5Muan

    08May31 ADG 10May31 ADJ


    Ascension Thursday 31 AD

    Day#8,636,237 13,447/27,560 1,148,237/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.37/30/332.37/360

    61,686/780,000 8,641,686/9,360,000 3Caban 15Muan

    18May31 ADG 20May31 ADJ


    Pentecost Sunday 31 AD

    Day#8,636,570 13,780/27,560 1,148,570/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.39/30/332.39/360

    62,019/780,000 8,642,019/9,360,000 11Oc 3Kankin

    15Apr32 ADG 17Apr32 ADJ


    37th Birthday of Jesus Ben Abba 9x1461+366+265=13,780 days

    Day#8,640,000 17,210/27,560 1,152,000/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.52/30/332.52/360

    65,449/780,000 8,645,449/9,360,000 9Ahau 3Zip

    05Sep41 ADG 07Sep41 ADJ


    9th Baktun/13 4 Baktuns as 720,000 Day-Kin from 5x13=65 Baktun completion of precessional cycle 720,000=9,360,000-8,640,000 =1,872,000-1,152,000

    Day#8,650,085 27,295/27,560 0/265 Gestation 1,162,085/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.91/30/332.91/360

    75,534/780,000 8,655,534/9,360,000 5Kan 2Kankin

    15Apr69 ADG 17Apr69 ADJ


    Projected 74th Birthday of Jesus Ben Abba from Mirror Conception 18x1461+366+530+365+1=27,560 with 27,560-265=27,295 days

    Day#8,650,086 27,296/27,560 1/265 Gestation 1,162,086/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.91/30/332.91/360

    75,535/780,000 8,655,535/9,360,000 6Chicchan 13Kankin

    16Apr69 ADG 18Apr69 ADJ


    Grand Timeline Superposition: 144+49+15|27,560|15+49+144 |27,560=1+15+25,928+15+1+1600| |27,560=27,283+416+4Y-1600|
    27,283=2{15+12,000+1600}+53 53=3½+Temple 46+3½=49+1+3

    Day#8,650,350 27,560/27,560 265/265 Gestation 1,162,350/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.92/30/332.92/360

    75,799/780,000 8,655,799/9,360,000 11Oc 13Chen

    06Jan70 ADG 08Jan70 ADJ


    27,560=13,780+13,780 bounded in 416 Days as 8 weeks + 1° Year 208+208=56+360=28+180+180+28

    Day#8,650,365 1,162,365/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.92/30/332.92/360

    75,814/780,000 8,655,814/9,360,000 13Chicchan 8Yax

    21Jan70 ADG 23Jan70 ADJ


    Jubilee 49=50-1 15 Days = 1 Hour 360/15=24/1

    Day#8,650,414 1,162,414/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.92/30/332.92/360

    75,863/780,000 8,655,863/9,360,000 10Ix 17Ceh

    11Mar70 ADG 13Mar70 ADJ


    144 Wall + Jubilee 49 + 1 Hour 15 as 1D for 144+49+15/1=208

    Day#8,650,558 1,162,558/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 2.92/30/332.92/360

    76,007/780,000 8,656,007/9,360,000 11Etznab 16Pop

    02Aug70 ADG 04Aug70 ADJ


    Upper Logos Bound 265+74Y+265 27,560=13,780+13,780 bounded in 416 Days in Jerusalem’s Wall 144 and the Time/Day/Hour Jubilee Destruction of Jerusalem and Diaspora Israel as 27,560 Day

    Day#8,784,000 1,296,000/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 8.06/30/338.06/360

    209,449/780,000 8,789,449/9,360,000 8Ahau 13Ceh

    09Dec435 ADG 08Dec435 ADJ


    10th Baktun/13

    Day#8,928,000 1,440,000/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 13.59/30/343.59/360

    353,449/780,000 8,933,449/9,360,000 7Ahau 18Zip

    13Mar830 ADG 09Mar830 ADJ


    11th Baktun/13

    Day#9,072,000 1,584,000/1,872,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 19.13/30/349.13/360

    497,449/780,000 9,077,449/9,360,000 6Ahau 8Mac

    15Jun1224 ADG 08Jun1224 ADJ


    12th Baktun/13

    Day#9,216,000 1,728,000/1,872,000 0/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 24.67/30/354.67/360

    641,449/780,000 9,221,449/9,360,000 5Ahau 13Zotz

    18Sep1618 ADG 08Sep1618 ADJ


    13th Baktun/13

    Day#9,223,200 1,735,200/1,872,000 7200/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 24.95/30/354.95/360

    648,649/780,000 9,228,649/9,360,000 3Ahau 18Kayab

    05Jun1638 ADG 26May1638 ADJ


    1st Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,230,400 1,742,400/1,872,000 14,400/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 25.22/30/355.22/360

    655,849/780,000 9,235,849/9,360,000 1Ahau 18Ceh

    20Feb1658 ADG 10Feb1658 ADJ


    2nd Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,237,600 1,749,600/1,872,000 21,600/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 25.50/30/355.50/360

    663,049/780,000 9,243,049/9,360,000 12Ahau 18Yaxkin

    07Nov1677 ADG 28Oct1677 ADJ


    3rd Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,244,800 1,756,800/1,872,000 28,800/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 25.78/30/355.78/360

    670,249/780,000 9,250,249/9,360,000 10Ahau 18Uo

    25Jul1697 ADG 15Jul1697 ADJ


    4th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,252,000 1,764,000/1,872,000 36,000/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 26.06/30/356.06/360

    677,449/780,000 9,257,449/9,360,000 8Ahau 3Pax

    12Apr1717 ADG 01Apr1717 ADJ


    5th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,259,200 1,771,200/1,872,000 43,200/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 26.33/30/356.33/360

    684,649/780,000 9,264,649/9,360,000 6Ahau 3Zac

    28Dec1736 ADG 17Dec1736 ADJ


    6th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,266,400 1,778,400/1,872,000 50,400/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 26.61/30/356.61/360

    691,849/780,000 9,271,849/9,360,000 4Ahau 3Xul

    14Sep1756 ADG 03Sep1756 ADJ


    7th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,273,600 1,785,600/1,872,000 57,600/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 26.89/30/356.89/360

    699,049/780,000 9,279,049/9,360,000 2Ahau 3Pop

    01Jun1776 ADG 21May1776 ADJ


    8th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,280,800 1,792,800/1,872,000 64,800/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 27.16/30/357.16/360

    706,249/780,000 9,286,249/9,360,000 13Ahau 8Kankin

    17Feb1796 ADG 06Feb1796 ADJ


    9th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,288,000 1,800,000/1,872,000 72,000/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 27.44/30/357.44/360

    713,449/780,000 9,293,449/9,360,000 11Ahau 8Chen

    05Nov1815 ADG 24Oct1815 ADJ


    10th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,295,200 1,807,200/1,872,000 79,200/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 27.72/30/357.72/360

    720,649/780,000 9,300,649/9,360,000 9Ahau 8Zotz

    23Jul1835 ADG 11Jul1835 ADJ


    11th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,302,400 1,814,400/1,872,000 86,400/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 27.99/30/357.99/360

    727,849/780,000 9,307,849/9,360,000 7Ahau 13Kayab

    09Apr1855 ADG 28Mar1855 ADJ


    12th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,309,600 1,821,600/1,872,000 93,600/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 28.27/30/358.27/360

    735,049/780,000 9,315,049/9,360,000 5Ahau 13Ceh

    25Dec1874 ADG 13Dec1874 ADJ


    13th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,316,800 1,828,800/1,872,000 100,800/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 28.55/30/358.55/360

    742,249/780,000 9,322,249/9,360,000 3Ahau 13Yaxkin

    11Sep1894 ADG 30Aug1894 ADJ


    14th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,324,000 1,836,000/1,872,000 108,000/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 28.82/30/358.82/360

    749,449/780,000 9,329,449/9,360,000 1Ahau 13Uo

    30May1914 ADG 17May1914 ADJ


    15th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,331,200 1,843,200/1,872,000 115,200/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 29.10/30/359.10/360

    756,649/780,000 9,336,649/9,360,000 12Ahau 18Muan

    14Feb1934 ADG 01Feb1934 ADJ


    16th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,338,400 1,850,400/1,872,000 122,400/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 29.38/30/359.38/360

    763,849/780,000 9,343,849/9,360,000 10Ahau 18Yax

    01Nov1953 ADG 19Oct1953 ADJ


    17th Katun of 13th Baktun
    Day#9,341,020 1,853,020/1,872,000 125,020/144,000l Pisces Benjamin 29.48/30/359.48/360766,469/780,000 9,346,469/9,360,00012. 4Ahau 3Kankin03Jan1961 ADG 21Dec1960 ADJ15Teveth572152x365=18,980=21,600-2620=21,600-2520-100=3x7200-7x360-5x20
    = 3 Katun - 7 Tun/Times – 100 Kin from End of Great Cycle

    Day#9,341,380 1,853,380/1,872,000 125,380/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 29.49/30/359.49/360

    766,829/780,000 9,346,829/9,360,000 13Ahau 13Mac

    29Dec1961 ADG 16Dec1961 ADJ


    = 3 Katun - 7 Tun/Times – 100 Kin from End of Great Cycle + 360

    Day#9,345,600 1,857,600/1,872,000 129,600/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 29.66/30/359.66/360

    771,049/780,000 9,351,049/9,360,000 8Ahau 18Tzec

    19Jul1973 ADG 06Jul1973 ADJ


    18th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,346,385 1,858,385/1,872,000 130,385/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 29.69/30/359.69/360

    771,834/780,000 9,351,834/9,360,000 13Chicchan 13Mol

    12Sep1975 ADG 30Aug1975 ADJ


    Left Hour 15 days=180-165

    Day#9,346,400 1,858,400/1,872,000 130,400/144,000

    l Pisces Benjamin 29.69/30/359.69/360

    771,849/780,000 9,351,849/9,360,000 2Ahau 8Chen

    27Sep1975 ADG 14Sep1975 ADJ


    Start of 12,000 Days of 13,780 as 37 Year + 265 Day Platonic Age Transition

    Day#9,347,661 1,859,661/1,872,000 131,661/144,000 0/13,780

    l Pisces Benjamin 29.74/30/359.74/360

    773,110/780,000 9,353,110/9,360,000 2Imix 14Kayab

    11Mar1979 ADG 26Feb1979 ADJ


    13,780 = 36Y+1Y+265=13,149+1+365+265=315+18Y+{1}+18Y =13,150+630=315+6575+6575+315 315 Day solar transit across solar disc of 0.53 degrees Lower Bound for Completion of Precessional cycle centered on Age of Aquarius Initiation

    Day#9,347,976 1,859,976/1,872,000 131,976/144,000 315/13,780

    l Pisces Benjamin 29.75/30/359.75/360

    773,425/780,000 9,353,425/9,360,000 5Cib 4Muan

    20Jan1980 ADG 07Jan1980 ADJ


    Lower Bound 13,780=53x260 73 Tzolkin repeating every 52 Solar Years as Haab 365x52=18,980=73x260=13,780+5200=13,780+20x260
    jAk-0° Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 21:49 UCT

    Day#9,352,800 1,864,800/1,872,000 136,800/144,000 5139/13,780

    l Pisces Benjamin 29.93/30/359.93/360

    778,249/780,000 9,358,249/9,360,000 6Ahau 3Vayeb

    05Apr1993 ADG 23Mar1993 ADJ


    19th Katun of 13th Baktun

    Day#9,354,551 1,866,251/1,872,000 138,851/144,000 6890/13,780 0/5449

    k Aquarius Joseph 0/30/0/360

    780,000/0/780,000 9,360,000/9,360,000 2Chuen 9Muan

    20Jan1998 ADG 07Jan1998 ADJ


    Age of Aquarius as Midpoint of solar galactic transit 315+18Y||18Y+315 jAk-0° Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius at 06:46 UCT

    Day#9,357,065 1,869,065/1,872,000 141,065/144,000 9404/13,780 2514/5449

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.10/30/0.10/360

    2514/780,000 2514/9,360,000 7Chicchan 8Mac

    08Dec2004 ADG 25Nov2004 ADJ


    10,665 Days from September 27th; 1975 and 1335+1600 Days before August 4th, 2008 and December 21st; 2012

    Day#9,358,400 1,870,400/1,872,000 142,400/144,000 10,739/13,780 3849/5449

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.15/30/0.15/360

    3849/780,000 3849/9,360,000 3Ahau 3Yaxkin

    04Aug2008 ADG 22Jul2008 ADJ


    12,000 Days from September 27th; 1975 and 1600 Days before December 21st; 2012

    Day#9,359,735 1,871,735/1,872,000 143,735/144,000 12,074/13,780 5184/5449

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.20/30/0.20/360

    5184/780,000 5184/9,360,000 12Men 3Vayeb

    31Mar2012 ADG 18Mar2012 ADJ


    37 Year Marker from start of 13,780 = 13,600+180 = 13,515+265 Days

    Day#9,359,736 1,871,736/1,872,000 143,736/144,000 12,075/13,780 5185/5449

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.20/30/0.20/360

    5185/780,000 5185/9,360,000 13Cib 4Vayeb

    01Apr2012 ADG 19Mar2012 ADJ


    1st Day of 265 Gestation period until December 2012 December Solstice

    Day#9,360,000 1,872,000/1,872,000 144,000/144,000 12,339/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.21/30/0.21/360

    5449/780,000 5449/9,360,000 4Ahau 3Kankin

    21Dec2012 ADG 08Dec2012 ADJ


    End of 5th Precessional Eon iAj-0° December Solstice as Solar Transit Sagittarius|Capricorn 11:12 UCT

    Day#9,360,029 12,368/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.21/30/0.21/360

    5478/780,000 5478/9,360,000 13Ahau 18Mac

    19Jan2013 ADG 06Jan2013 ADJ


    jAk-0° 1st Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 21:52 UCT

    Day#9,360,360 12,699/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.22/30/0.22/360

    5809/780,000 5809/9,360,000 13Ahau 18Mac

    16Dec2013 ADG 03Dec2013 ADJ


    1st completed Degree Year Aries Reuben as Mayan Tun = 360 Kin 360/7200/30°a

    Day#9,360,361 12,700/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.22/30/0.22/360

    5810/780,000 5810/9,360,000 1Imix 18Mac

    17Dec2013 ADG 04Dec2013 ADJ


    Completion of 73 Tzolkin as 18,980 Kin from 13th Baktun cycle for Tzolkin-Haab factorization in 5x73x260=260x365=5x18,980=94,900

    Day#9,360,395 12,734/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.22/30/0.22/360

    5844/780,000 5844/9,360,000 9Men 13Muan

    20Jan2014 ADG 07Jan2014 ADJ


    jAk-0° 2nd Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 03:51 UCT

    Day#9,360,720 13,059/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.24/30/0.24/360

    6169/780,000 6169/9,360,000 9Ahau 13Mac

    11Dec2014 ADG 28Nov2014 ADJ


    2nd completed Degree Year Taurus Simeon as Mayan Tun 720/7200/60°b

    Day#9,360,760 13,099/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.24/30/0.24/360

    6209/780,000 6209/9,360,000 10Ahau 13Muan

    20Jan2015 ADG 07Jan2015 ADJ


    jAk-0° 3rd Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 09:43 UCT

    Day#9,361,080 13,419/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.25/30/0.25/360

    6529/780,000 6529/9,360,000 5Ahau 8Mac

    06Dec2015 ADG 23Nov2015 ADJ


    3rd completed Degree Year Gemini Levi as Mayan Tun 1080/7200/90°c

    Day#9,361,125 13,464/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.25/30/0.25/360

    6574/780,000 6574/9,360,000 11Chicchan 13Muan

    20Jan2016 ADG 07Jan2016 ADJ


    jAk-0° 4th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 15:27 UCT

    Day#9,361,126 13,465/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.25/30/0.25/360

    6575/780,000 6575/9,360,000 12Cimi 14Muan

    21Jan2016 ADG 08Jan2016 ADJ


    13,780 = 36Y+1Y+265=13,149+1+365+265=315+18Y+{1}+18Y =13,150+630=315+6575+6575+315 315 Day solar transit across solar disc of 0.53 degrees Upper Bound

    Day#9,361,440 13,779/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.26/30/0.26/360

    6889/780,000 6889/9,360,000 1Ahau 3Mac

    30Nov2016 ADG 17Nov2016 ADJ


    4th completed Degree Year Cancer Dan as Mayan Tun 1440/7200/120°d

    Day#9,361,441 13,780/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.26/30/0.26/360

    6890/780,000 6890/9,360,000 2Imix 4Mac

    01Dec2016 ADG 18Nov2016 ADJ


    13,780 = 36Y+1Y+265=13,149+1+365+265=315+18Y+{1}+18Y =13,150+630=315+6575+6575+315 0.53 degrees Upper Bound and Completion of Precessional cycle centered on Age of Aquarius Initiation


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.27/30/0.27/360

    6939/780,000 6939/9,360,000 12Oc 13Muan

    19Jan2017 ADG 06Jan2017 ADJ


    jAk-0° 5th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 21:24 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.28/30/0.28/360

    7249/780,000 7249/9,360,000 10Ahau 18Ceh

    25Nov2017 ADG 12Nov2017 ADJ


    5th completed Degree Year Leo Judah as Mayan Tun 1800/7200/150°e


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.28/30/0.28/360

    7305/780,000 7305/9,360,000 1Cib 14Muan

    20Jan2018 ADG 07Jan2018 ADJ


    jAk-0° 6th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 03:09 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.29/30/0.29/360

    7609/780,000 7609/9,360,000 6Ahau 13Ceh

    20Nov2018 ADG 07Nov2018 ADJ


    6th completed Degree Year Virgo Gad as Mayan Tun 2160/7200/180°f


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.30/30/0.30/360

    7670/780,000 7670/9,360,000 2Imix 14Muan

    20Jan2019 ADG 07Jan2019 ADJ


    jAk-0° 7th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 08:59 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.31/30/0.31/360

    7969/780,000 7969/9,360,000 2Ahau 8Ceh

    15Nov2019 ADG 02Nov2019 ADJ


    7th completed Degree Year Libra Naphtali as Mayan Tun 2520/7200/210°g


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.31/30/0.31/360

    8035/780,000 8035/9,360,000 3Cimi 14Muan

    20Jan2020 ADG 07Jan2020 ADJ


    jAk-0° 8th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 14:55 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.32/30/0.32/360

    8329/780,000 8329/9,360,000 11Ahau 3Ceh

    09Nov2020 ADG 27Oct2020 ADJ


    8th completed Degree Year Scorpio Asher as Mayan Tun 2880/7200/240°h


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.32/30/0.32/360

    8400/780,000 8400/9,360,000 4Chuen 14Muan

    19Jan2021 ADG 06Jan2021 ADJ


    jAk-0° 9th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 20:40 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.33/30/0.33/360

    8689/780,000 8689/9,360,000 7Ahau 18Zac

    04Nov2021 ADG 22Oct2021 ADJ


    9th completed Degree Year Sagittarius Issachar as Mayan Tun 3240/7200/270°i


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.34/30/0.34/360

    8766/780,000 8766/9,360,000 6Caban 15Muan

    20Jan2022 ADG 07Jan2022 ADJ


    jAk-0° 10th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 02:39 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.35/30/0.35/360

    9049/780,000 9049/9,360,000 3Ahau 13Zac

    30Oct2022 ADG 17Oct2022 ADJ


    10th completed Degree Year Capricorn Zebulon as Mayan Tun 3600/7200/300°j


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.35/30/0.35/360

    9131/780,000 9131/9,360,000 7Ik 15Muan

    20Jan2023 ADG 07Jan2023 ADJ


    jAk-0° 11th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 08:29 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.36/30/0.36/360

    9409/780,000 9409/9,360,000 12Ahau 8Zac

    25Oct2023 ADG 12Oct2023 ADJ


    11th completed Degree Year Aquarius Joseph as Mayan Tun 3960/7200/330°k


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.37/30/0.37/360

    9496/780,000 9496/9,360,000 8Manik 15Muan

    20Jan2024 ADG 07Jan2024 ADJ


    jAk-0° 12th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 14:07 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.38/30/0.38/360

    9769/780,000 9769/9,360,000 8Ahau 3Zac

    19Oct2024 ADG 06Oct2024 ADJ


    12th completed Degree Year Pisces Benjamin as Mayan Tun 4320/7200/360°l = Completion of Zodiac Mazzaroth in 13th Tribe hOphiuchusi coded in Manasseh-Ephraim


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.38/30/0.38/360

    9861/780,000 9861/9,360,000 9Eb 15Muan

    19Jan2025 ADG 06Jan2025 ADJ


    jAk-0° 13th/1st Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 20:00 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.39/30/0.39/360

    10,129/780,000 10,129/9,360,000 4Ahau 18Yax

    14Oct2025 ADG 01Oct2025 ADJ


    13th completed Degree Year Aries* Reuben* as Mayan Tun 4680/7200/390°a/hOphiuchusi


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.39/30/0.39/360

    10,227/780,000 10,227/9,360,000 11Etznab 16Muan

    20Jan2026 ADG 07Jan2026 ADJ


    jAk-0° 14th/2nd Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 01:45 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.40/30/0.40/360

    10,489/780,000 10,489/9,360,000 13Ahau 13Yax

    09Oct2026 ADG 26Sep2026 ADJ


    14th completed Degree Year Taurus* Simeon* as Mayan Tun 5040/7200/420°b/hOphiuchusi


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.41/30/0.41/360

    10,592/780,000 10,592/9,360,000 12Akbal 16Muan

    20Jan2027 ADG 07Jan2027 ADJ


    jAk-0° 15th/3rd Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 07:30 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.42/30/0.42/360

    10,849/780,000 10,849/9,360,000 9Ahau 8Yax

    04Oct2027 ADG 21Sep2027 ADJ


    15th completed Degree Year Gemini* Levi* as Mayan Tun 5400/7200/450°c/hOphiuchusi


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.42/30/0.42/360

    10,957/780,000 10,957/9,360,000 13Lamat 16Muan

    20Jan2028 ADG 07Jan2028 ADJ


    jAk-0° 16th/4th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 13:22 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.43/30/0.43/360

    11,209/780,000 11,209/9,360,000 5Ahau 3Yax

    28Sep2028 ADG 15Sep2028 ADJ


    16th completed Degree Year Cancer* Dan* as Mayan Tun 5760/7200/480°d/hOphiuchusi


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.44/30/0.44/360

    11,322/780,000 11,322/9,360,000 1Ben 16Muan

    19Jan2029 ADG 06Jan2029 ADJ


    jAk-0° 17th/5th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 19:01 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.44/30/0.44/360

    11,569/780,000 11,569/9,360,000 1Ahau 18Chen

    23Sep2029 ADG 10Sep2029 ADJ


    17th completed Degree Year Leo* Judah* as Mayan Tun 6120/7200/510°e/hOphiuchusi


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.45/30/0.45/360

    11,688/780,000 11,688/9,360,000 3Cauac 17Muan

    20Jan2030 ADG 07Jan2030 ADJ


    jAk-0° 18th/6th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 00:54 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.46/30/0.46/360

    11,929/780,000 11,929/9,360,000 10Ahau 13Chen

    18Sep2030 ADG 05Sep2030 ADJ


    18th completed Degree Year Virgo* Gad* as Mayan Tun 6480/7200/540°f/hOphiuchusi


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.46/30/0.46/360

    12,053/780,000 12,053/9,360,000 4Kan 17Muan

    20Jan2031 ADG 07Jan2031 ADJ


    jAk-0° 19th/7th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 06:48 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.47/30/0.47/360

    12,289/780,000 12,289/9,360,000 6Ahau 8Chen

    13Sep2031 ADG 31Aug2031 ADJ


    19th completed Degree Year Libra* Naphtali* as Mayan Tun 6840/7200/570°g/hOphiuchusi


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.48/30/0.48/360

    12,418/780,000 12,418/9,360,000 5Muluc 17Muan

    20Jan2032 ADG 07Jan2032 ADJ


    jAk-0° 20th/8th Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius 12:31 UCT


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.49/30/0.49/360

    12,649/780,000 12,649/9,360,000 2Ahau 3Chen

    07Sep2032 ADG 25Aug2032 ADJ


    20th completed Degree Year Scorpio* Asher* as Mayan Tun 7200/7200/600°h/hOphiuchusi

    The Grand Mayan Cycle and the Creation of Homo Sapiens by the Ancients in 36,000 Galactic Moons of 1.872 Million Haab Years

    The question for many researchers, historians, archaeologists and anthropologists has for long been, just how the Maya and similar cultures derived their calendrical calculations, using their astronomical observations with their experienced seasons upon planet Earth.
    They realised of course, that the Tzolkin of 260=13x20 repeating cycles served some celebratory or 'spiritual' purpose, whilst the Haab of 365 Kin or days became the seasonal time keeper for the plantings and the harvests. The Haab is then evidently calibrated to the solar year, but the Tzolkin bears no immediate correlation with the lunar year of 354-355 days, except the Tun of 360 Kin becoming a midpoint between the approximate lunar year of 12x29½=354.3 Days and the solar year of 365.25 days in 354+6 = 360 = 366-6 in an averaging of the leap year cycles of 3x365+366=1461 days.

    Jose Argüelles and other 'Nova Mayans' then created a 28 day lunar cycle for a 'adjusted' Haab of 13x28=364 kin and called this the recalibration of 'Gregorian Solar' 12x60 time into a 13x28=364 'Mayan Lunar Time' also known as the Dream spell calendar. Any recalibration of Gregorian or ‘western cultural’ calendars is however not required, should the true nature of the original ancient calendars become understood and implemented to calibrate the ancient chronos with the time keeping utilized in the present era.

    Jose' Arguelles dream spell calendar can then be related to the five Vayeb days ending a particular Haab in 1-5 Vayeb to begin the next Haab in 0Pop in an annual recurrence of July 26th. As such a calendar would eliminate the day count of a tropical year and so the seasons however, say in the elimination of the leap days in the common solar calendars and the metonic lunar calendars, such a procedure is not necessary.

    Many researchers and interested readers are aware about the basic structure of the Mayan Long Count of 5 Baktuns as 5x144,000=720,000 Kin and the structure of a Baktun as 20x7,200 Katun for a Katun consisting of 20 Tun of 360 Kin each and with a 'Cycle Year' of 360 Kin being counted in 18x20=360 days for a Uinal of 20 days subdividing the 'Cycle' year as 360 degrees in a circle for a Tun being 18 Uinals.

    The Mayan dates are defined and can be written as: {Baktun; Katun; Tun; Uinal; Kin}

    The Precessional Maya Year or Grand Mayan Cycle or GMC also known as a 'Great Platonic Galactic Year', then is defined in 13x5=65 Baktuns or 65x144,000=9,360,000 Kin.
    A fifth of this Mayan Grand Year then is used to calibrate the most recent calendrical time keeping of the Maya in the Maya date = 8 Cumku 4 Ahau which calibrates to August 11th, 3114BC in a Gregorian proleptic (GP) and to September 6th, 3114 BC Julian calendrical calibration and synchronization.
    Using those dates then will add a 5 Baktun day count of 5x144,000 = 720,000 Kin to for for December 21st, 2012 Gregorian.

    Calibrating backwards in time to the beginning of the GMC then stipulates the 5 Baktun cycles as follows:

    5th Baktun Cycle #5 of GMC #73 ends: = 4Ahau 3Kankin = Friday, December 21st, 2012, Gregorian 'Civil Year'|Friday, December 8th, 2012 AD J|Friday, 8Teveth5773
    5th Baktun Cycle #5 of GMC #73 begins: = 4 Ahau 8Cumku = Monday, August 11th, 3114 BC GP|Monday, September 6th, 3114 BC JP|11Elul647
    4th Baktun Cycle #4 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 8Zotz = Thursday, April 1st, 8239 BC GP|Thursday, |Thursday, June 4th, 8239 BC JP|Thursday, 15Iyyar-4478
    3rd Baktun Cycle #3 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 13Mol= Sunday, November 20th, 13,365 BC GP|Sunday, March 2nd, 13,365 BC JP|Sunday, 18Shevat-9603
    2nd Baktun Cycle #2 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 18Ceh= Wednesday, July 12th, 18,490 BC GP|Wednesday, November 29th, 18,490 BC JP|Wednesday, 21Tishri-14,728
    1st Baktun Cycle #1 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 3Kayab = Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC GP|Saturday, August 276th, 23,615 BC JP|Saturday, 25Sivan-19,854

    As 720,000 Kin are 100 Katun and 2000 Tun as 5 Baktuns, the approximate precessional rate of change in the zodiac is attained as 5x72°=360° for 72 'Cycle Years' tracing One degree of the Ouroboros for a total precession of 72x360=25,920 'Proxy years', approximating a Gaian precession across time spans of the order of 10s and 100 thousands of years.

    As the rotational speed of a planet depends on its gravitational interaction with other orbs in the astronomical neighborhood (a receding moon will alter the gravitational interaction between the planet and the moon and affect the oceans in tides and currents) and also on the mass-inertia distribution of the planet's mass in its rotational dynamics in its 'Moment of Inertia'; the time keeping over such and longer periods of times cannot be exactly calibrated in terms of repeating cycles such as years in say a scientific definition for the length of a day and the duration of a second. However the count of days and nights, relatively independent upon fluctuations of the seasonal and orbital adjustments of such semi cycles remains constant for such a definition for the keeping of time.

    The GMC can also be partitioned into an exact Kin count of 26,000 Kin for every Tun of 360 Kin as 1300 Katuns being 5x13=65 Baktuns.

    26,000x360 = 9,360,000 = 13x720,000 = 72x13,000 = 720x1300

    The actual precession rate for the present time of the 74th GMC then is 9,360,000/(365.2425x360)=26,000/365.2425=71.186 'civil years' per degree. As the 'Civil Year' of 365.2425 days differs from the mean tropical year of 365.24219878 by 0.00030122 days per year; the cumulative error of divergence will become 1 day in so 1/0.000301 or 3320 civil years. The actual Precessional year in scientific definition of the day count as presently employed is 9,360,000/365.2425 = 25,626.81 'Mean Solar Days' as 'Civil Gregorian Days' and a timed distance of about 25,627 light years descriptive for the distance between the Center of the Earth and the Center of the Milky Way or Perseus galaxy.

    It was 73 Great Mayan Cycles ago, that the human presence upon the planet Gaia-Earth was made manifest by the cosmic elders of the realms. Many recall particular memories about this creation event and many misinterpret just what was the actual happenstance at that time marker in the cosmic evolution, relevant not only for the inhabitants of planet Earth, but for the entire universe defined in the parameters of space and time.

    But it was at that time in geological time reckonings and 1.8 to 1.9 Million years ago (Mya); that the ancestor of Homo Sapiens or 'Modern Wise Man' diverged from its common hominid stock classified under such taxonomy as Hominin Tribe such as Australopithecus Afarensis; 'Lucy from the Sky' etc. and 3-4 Mya as ancestors of Homo Habilis (3-2 Mya) and evolution branches from a common Hominidae Family {Great Apes Human, Pongidae/Orang Utan, Gorilla and Pan-Chimpanzee/Bonobo 15-5 Mya}, themselves emergent from an earlier Primate Order to become what is known as Homo Erectus or 'Upright Man' in the fossils and records of anthropology. The oldest fossil of the Genus Homo in Homo Erectus is dated at 1.8 Million years from Georgia outside Africa and named Homo Georgicus. As Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus coinhabited the planetary environments; Homo Erectus co evolved with Homo Habilis, the latter becoming extinct and the former advancing into its Homo Sapiens and Homo Sapiens Sapiens form.

    Modern Man or 'Cro Magnon Man' then characterised the final step of the human evolution at the beginning of the 73rd GMC and the transition period from the 72nd GMC into to 73rd GMC as the bridging time between two precessional eons of the Earth from the time of 'Edgar Cayce's Atlantis' beginning so 50,000 years ago to the time of the extinction of Homo Neanderthalensis or 'Neanderthal Man' so 30,000 years ago and when the 73rd GMC began to implement its 9,360,000 Kin or days.

    The reason for this number of GMCs is the deeper agenda of the Tzolkin and the Haab. The Tzolkin repeats in 260 Kin and the Haab adds 5 Vayeb or 'Special Kin' to the Cycle year of 360 Kin, the latter representing the average or mean alignments between the lunar cycles of the lunations and the solar year of the seasons as indicated previously.
    The Haab so repeats in 365 Kin and the Tzolkin repeats in 260 Kin and calibrating those two calendars will define the time keeping module and matrix as the 'Loom of the Maya' as envisaged by Jose' and Lloydine Arguelles Dream spell calendar and related artworks and endeavors.

    The synchronization between the Tzolkin and the Haab so follows a precise mathematical procedure in the Kin count which assigns an integral number multiplier for the two calendars not only to 'meet' every 260x365=94,900 Kin of about 263.611 360 Day Cycle Years or Tuns, but also synchronizes this period of time as 4745 Uinals with the Tuns and Katuns and Baktuns of the GMC in a 'common factor'.

    94,900 is factored as 949x100=13x73x100 in the prime Numbers 13 and 73 and this factorization directly allows the grand calibration of the timespan of a defined galactic starhuman or ‘Mayan dragon’ or ‘plumed serpent’ to manifest in its seedling or prototypical form of a Gaian Human or a Homo Sapiens.

    13x73x5x144,000 = 73x65x144,000 = 4745 Baktuns = 73x9,360,000 = 73 GMC = 683,280,000 Kin
    683,280,000 Kin/365.2425 (-563.5) Civil Days = 1,870,757.1 - 563.5 ~ 1,870,193.5 Civil years (with an error of about 563.5 days for this definition of a year).
    The Kin count is however precise and counting backwards from or Friday, December 21st, 2012 Gregorian will arrive at a Monday in 683,280,000 Kin or 1,898,000 Great Mayan Cycles or GMC’s.

    Jose Arguelles crystallized the Mayan 'Master Number' also known to the historians as pertaining to the calculus found in the 'Dresden Codex' 13665660 in his 'Mayan Factor' and this number is indeed one of a few numbers, which factor both the Tzolkin and the Haab in 1366560=260x5256=365x3744.

    {This number actually relates as a derivative to an even more primary number as an algorithmic derivative within a cosmogonic context descriptive of an universal cosmology or creation event in a Quantum Big Bang Cosmogenesis, indicated in an addendum following. The multiplier of 500 indicated below, also derives from an actual higher dimensional 'Star Charge' mapping the energy (spirit) from the higher dimensional super space into the lower dimensional forms of charge associated with inertia and therefore matter carrying the property of physical mass.} External link: https://www.slub-dresden.de/en/collections/manuscripts/the-dresden-maya-codex/

    Numerically, one can write the 73 GMC's in the many partitioned forms, incorporating the Mayan Numbers as common factors between the Tzolkin and the Haab however:

    500x72x18,980 = 500x73x72x260 = 73x36,000x260 - 500x72x52x360 = 7,200x260x365 = 683,280,000
    5x949x144000 = 500x72x18,980 = 500x1366560 = 500x73x72x260 = 2,628,000x260 = 500x72x52x365 = 1,872,000x365 = 683,280,000 = 5x73x1,872,000 = 13x365x144,000

    The 73rd GMC so ended on December 21st, 2012 and on that Mayan date the 74th GMC began to assign a 'New Cosmic Age' to the Homo Sapiens genetic seedling stock, which was genetically and electromagnetic inducted by monopolar or 'spiritual' induction by the Dragon Elders of the realms and at the time precisely calculated by the Kin count but approximated in any cumulative redefinition of this basic day and night count into any form of extended cycles such as years, such as approximating 1 Million 870 Thousand and 195 years ago from 2014.

    The 74th GMC can also be said to restart the GMC count as GMC #0 and the Maya date so proceeds as per the timeframe presently synchronized with a number of characterizing dates mirroring the last 73rd GMC in the resetting of the 74th GMC as a 1st GMC in a 'New World' of the Ancients and for the Ancients as their own Descendants and 'Extra-Terrestrial' Cosmic Family.

    An 'Old Mayan Year' so becomes reset in a 'New Mayan Year' in the Synchronization between the Haab of 365 Kin and the Tzolkin of 260 Kin. This calibration participates precisely 36,000 GMC 'Galactic Moons', each of a duration of 18,980 Kin as 73 Tzolkins and as 52 Haab, the latter, which are 52 Civil Years minus 13 Leap-Days and characterizes a typical 'life span' or Mayan generation.
    73x9,360,000 = 73x5x13x144,000 = 683,280,000 = 20x360x260x365 = 500x1366560

    This can be expressed as a Fractal in using the 'Mayan Master number' 13366560 = 73x65x288 in the product of the major Mayan multiplier 20 in the Kin count of 4 Haab approximating the Gregorian civil year without leap days:

    Mayan Fractal = MF = 20x73 = 1460 = 4x365 = 18,980/13 = 73x13x144,000/(360x260) = 73x1,872,000/(93,600) = 136656000/(360x260)

    This Mayan Fractal then becomes a Subset of the 36,000 Galactic Moons in the GMC as 9,360,000/20 = 36,000x18,980/1460 = 468,000 = 5x260x360 = 1300x360 and allows the Reset to specify a particular Fractal Interval in the MF+260 = 1460+260 = 1720 Kin as 4 Haab + 1 Tzolkin.
    The GMC is defined in 1.898 Million Tun or Grand Platonic Cycle Years in the 360 Kin count and being the same as 1.872 Million Haab in the 365 Kin count.
    A Galactic Moon of 18,980 Kin as 52 Haab and as 73 Tzolkin in 52x365=73x260 so fractalizes 73 GMC as 36,000 Galactic Months in 73x9,360,000 = 73x360x26,000 = 683,280,000 = 36,000x18,980 Kin.
    The GMC is then characterised in 4x36,000 = 144,000 Galactic Quarter Moons, each of a timespan of 4745=13x365 Kin as 13 Haab

    The detailed transition from the Old Mayan Time beginning with the advent of the human genus Homo and initializing the last of 36,000 Galactic Moons on Tuesday, January 3rd, 1961 G or Tuesday, December 21st, 1960 J or Tuesday, 15Teveth 5721 for Maya Date = 3Kankin 4Ahau with 18,980=52x365=260x73 Kin before the Mirror Nexus date of Friday, December 21st, 2012 G or Friday, December 8th, 2012 J or Friday, 8Teveth5773 for Maya Date = = 3Kankin 4 Ahau to the first Galactic Moon in the New Mayan Time is presented as before and following.

    Requiem for a Human Civilization in the Creation of a Star Human Civilization
    46,800,000 Days = 325,000x144,000 = 65x144,000x5000 = 5x360x26,000 = 5x9,360,000 Mayan Kin
    365 Kin Haab x 52 = 18,980 Kin = 260 Kin Tzolkin x 73 Maya Calendar Calibration


    Finis Hominis Incere Hominidae Draconis Astrum!!!
    "Humanity has ended, enter the Starhumanity of Dragons!"


    The transformation of a type of cosmic civilization like that of the 'old humanity' residing on planet earth into a evolved cosmic civilization, say a 'new humanity' inhabiting a terraformed planet earth requires a period of transitional evolutionary adaptation.
    This can be compared to the metamorphosis of the butterfly genus/family; order lepidoptera; class insecta; phylum arthropoda; kingdom animalia from the four stages of embryo-larvae-pupa-imago from the caterpillar-larvae stage into the butterfly-imago stage via the transit stage of the pupa-chrysalis ergo the cocoonisation of the caterpillar insectoid.

    dragon2. lil2.
    In the form of the genus homo, the subspecies homo sapiens sapiens can be modelled to have entered the embryonic stage with the advent of Cro Magnon Man so 26,000 (civil) years ago.
    Using 400 year intervals of 146,097 days under utility of a certain calendrical counting of time ; the embryonic conception can be 'dated' to an extrapolated calendrical date of Saturday, February 21st, 23,615BC-G and precisely 9,360,008 days (and a precessional day count as 25,626.83149 Gregorian years) from Friday, December 21st, 2012AD in a week count of 1,337,144.
    The Julian day count began on January 1st 4713 BC-Julian and the Gregorian day count of 365.2425 days per year commenced on October 5th, 1582, replacing the Julian year of 365.25 days.
    A Mean Tropical Year has 365.24219 days and where a mean solar day has precisely 24x3600=86,400 SI seconds. The Tropical Year is referential to the seasons (equinoxes and solstices) and differs from the star-referential Sidereal Year in the day addendum 1/26000 or 1.0000385 of so 1225 seconds (20.41 minutes) per year and which accumulate to about 368.5 mean days (and so about a year) per precessional cycle.
    Due to orbital- and rotational changes and precession a year is decreasing at the present astronomical configuration by about 5 milliseconds/year or 130 seconds or so 2 minutes in a 26,000 precessional cycle.

    The Gregorian year of 365.2425 days differs from the tropical year of 365.24219 days and so the Gregorian calendar will accumulate an error of about 0.00031x26,000~8.1 days per precessional cycle.
    To account for this, a 'creation-initialization week of 8 days' is added to the 64 cycles in 9792+8=9,800=7x1,400=7x7x200=8x52x72=2(22x52x72)=2x702 in the 13x5x144,000=9,360,000 (Mayan) day-kin count, which so begins on the superposed and extrapolated Gregorian Day (G) Day#-7=Saturday, February 22nd, 23,615BC-G and becomes mirrored in the 7th day Day#7=Saturday, March 8th, 23,615BC-G for the Conception of the human Embryo to be born from its Chrysalis 64 cycles later.

    The first cycle is initiated on Day#9,792=Friday, December 21st, 23,589BC-G and the last and 64th cycle is initiated on Day#9,213,903=Friday, December 21st, 1612AD-Gregorian and ends precisely 146,097 days or 400 Gregorian years later on Friday, December 21st, 2012AD to commence a now precessional count in the birth of the Imago of the ancient human Embryo established by the beginning of the first cycle.

    Long Count


    360 Tun Cycles





    Ancients of Days

    Thuban Star Elders


    18Yax 4Ahau



    Wed, 04Dec 126,123 BC


    Start of 1st Great Cycle of Draco Thuban

    Alpha Abba|αω|Baab



    13Xul 4Ahau



    Sun, 15Apr 120,997 BC




    8Uo 4Ahau



    Thu, 25Aug 115,872 BC




    8Chen 4Ahau



    Sat, 30Apr 113,309 BC


    Midpoint of 1st Great Cycle of Central Elements from Draconian Serpentini

    First Age of Thuban



    8Pax 4Ahau



    Mon, 04Jan 110,746 BC




    3Ceh 4Ahau



    Fri, 16May 105,621 BC




    18Yaxkin 4Ahau



    Tue, 26Sep 100,496 BC


    End of 1st Great Cycle of Thuban
    Start of 2nd Great Cycle of Hyperborea




    13Zip 4Ahau



    Sat, 05Feb 95,370 BC




    13 Kayab 4Ahau



    Wed, 16Jun 90,245 BC




    8Xul 4Ahau



    Fri, 21Feb 87,682 BC


    Midpoint of 2nd Great Cycle of Northern Mountains from Arcturian Pachydermi

    Second Age of Hyperborea



    8Mac 4Ahau



    Sun, 26Oct 85,120 BC




    3Chen 4Ahau



    Thu, 08Mar 79,994 BC




    18Zotz 4Ahau



    Mon, 18Jul 74,869 BC


    End of 2nd Great Cycle of Hyperborea
    Start of 3rd Great Cycle of Lemuria




    18 Cumku 4Ahau



    Fri, 27Nov 69,744 BC




    13Kankin 4Ahau



    Tue, 08Apr 64,618 BC




    8Zip 4Ahau



    Thu, 13Dec 62,056 BC


    Midpoint of 3rd Great Cycle of Southern Waters from Pleiadean Cetacini

    Third Age of Lemuria



    8Yax 4Ahau



    Sat, 18Aug 59,493 BC




    3Xul 4Ahau



    Wed, 28Dec 54,368 BC




    18Pop 4Ahau



    Sun, 10May 49,242 BC


    End of 3rd Great Cycle of Lemuria
    Start of 4th Great Cycle of Zep Tepi




    18Muan 4Ahau



    Thu, 18Sep 44,117 BC




    13Zac 4Ahau



    Mon, 29Jan 38,991 BC




    13Cumku 4Ahau



    Wed, 04Oct 36,429 BC


    Midpoint of 4th Great Cycle of Eastern Fires from Andromedean Felini

    Fourth Age of Zep Tepi



    8Yaxin 4Ahau



    Fri, 10Jun 33,866 BC




    3Zip 4Ahau



    Tue, 19Oct 28,741 BC







    Sat, 22Feb 23,615 BC



    3Kayab 4Ahau



    Sat, 01Mar 23,615 BC


    End of 4th Great Cycle of Zep Tepi
    Start of 5th Great Cycle of Atlantis







    Sat, 08Mar 23,615 BC








    Fri, 21Dec 23,589 BC
    0x400=0 Civil Years CY


    Thuban Human Conception to Arcturian Human Embryo




    18Ceh 4Ahau



    Wed, 12Jul 18,490 BC









    Fri, 21Dec 17,189 BC 16x400=6400 CY


    Embryo to
    Pleiadean Human




    13Mol 4Ahau



    Sun, 20Nov 13,365 BC





    13Muan 4Ahau



    Tue, 27Jul 10,802 BC


    Midpoint of 5th Great Cycle of Western Winds from Sirian Canisi

    Fifth Age of Atlantis

    Younger Dryas Comet Sphinx and Pyramids






    Fri, 21Dec 10,789 BC
    32x400=12,800 CY


    Pleiadean Human Larvae to Sirian Human Pupa




    8Zotz 4Ahau



    Thu, 01Apr 8239 BC









    Fri, 21Dec 4389 BC
    48x400=19,200 CY


    Sirian Human Pupa to Thuban Starhuman Imago



    8Cumku 4Ahau



    Mon, 11Aug 3114 BC




    3Kankin 4Ahau



    Fri, 21Dec 2012
    64x400=25,600 CY


    End of 5th Great Cycle of Atlantis
    Start of Starhumanity in Gestation as Human Imago

    Baab|ωα|Abba Omega



    18Mac 13Ahau



    Mon, 16Dec 2013




    13Mac 9Ahau



    Thu, 11Dec 2014




    8Mac 5Ahau



    Sun, 06Dec 2015




    3Mac 1Ahau



    Wed, 30Nov 2016




    18Ceh 10Ahau



    Sat, 25Nov 2017




    13Ceh 6Ahau



    Tue, 20Nov 2018




    8Ceh 2Ahau



    Fri, 15Nov 2019




    3Ceh 11Ahau



    Mon, 09Nov 2020



    18Zac 7Ahau



    Thu, 04Nov 2021




    13Zac 3Ahau



    Sun, 30Oct 2022




    8Zac 12Ahau



    Wed, 25Oct 2023




    3Zac 8Ahau



    Sat, 19Oct 2024




    18Yax 4Ahau



    Tue, 14Oct 2025




    13Yax 13Ahau



    Fri, 09Oct 2026




    8Yax 9Ahau



    Mon, 04Oct 2027




    3Yax 5Ahau



    Thu, 28Sep 2028




    18Chen 1Ahau



    Sun, 23Sep 2029




    13Chen 10Ahau



    Wed, 18Sep 2030




    8Chen 6Ahau



    Sat, 13Sep 2031




    3Chen 2Ahau



    Tue, 07Sep 2032







    Fri, 02Sep 2033







    Mon, 28Aug 2034







    Thu, 23Aug 2035







    Sun, 17 Aug 2036







    Wed, 12Aug 2037







    Sat, 7Aug 2038




    The Grand Mayan Cycle and the 13th star sign Ophiuchus in the Age of Pisces

    5th Baktun Cycle #5 of GMC #73 ends: = 4Ahau 3Kankin = Friday, December 21st, 2012, Gregorian 'Civil Year'|Friday, December 8th, 2012 AD J|Friday, 8Teveth5773
    5th Baktun Cycle #5 of GMC #73 begins: = 4 Ahau 8Cumku = Monday, August 11th, 3114 BC GP|Monday, September 6th, 3114 BC JP|11Elul647
    4th Baktun Cycle #4 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 8Zotz = Thursday, April 1st, 8239 BC GP|Thursday, |Thursday, June 4th, 8239 BC JP|Thursday, 15Iyyar-4478
    3rd Baktun Cycle #3 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 13Mol= Sunday, November 20th, 13,365 BC GP|Sunday, March 2nd, 13,365 BC JP|Sunday, 18Shevat-9603
    2nd Baktun Cycle #2 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 18Ceh= Wednesday, July 12th, 18,490 BC GP|Wednesday, November 29th, 18,490 BC JP|Wednesday, 21Tishri-14,728
    1st Baktun Cycle #1 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 3Kayab = Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC GP|Saturday, August 27th, 23,615 BC JP|Saturday, 25Sivan-19,854







    Days# from 9,360,000 to 9,354,551

    9,360,000 of 9,360,000 65/65 Baktun 9,360,000 65x144,000
    4Ahau 3Kankin 2Chuen 9Muan

    8Teveth5773 22Teveth5758

    21Dec2012 G 20Jan1998 G

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Joseph Aquarius

    Days# from 9,354,551 to 8,634,598 to 8,634,551 to 8,580,000 to 8,574,551

    Age of Ophiuchus is inserted as 13th star sign into the Age of Pisces as 12th star sign 720,000=780,000- 60,000
    Kin from entry into New Age of Aquarius
    16:45UCT hAi-0° Age of Pisces manifested in individuation of Ophiuchus Serpent Tamer
    2Chuen 9Muan 2Etznab 16Xul 2Chuen 9Zotz
    4Ahau 8Kankin 2Chuen 14Muan

    22Teveth5758 24Kislev3787
    6Heshvan3787 29Iyyar3637 13Tammuz3622

    20Jan1998 G 21Nov26 ADGP 05Oct26 ADGP 28May124 BCGP 27Jun139 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Benjamin Pisces

    Days# from 8,574,551 to 7,800,000 to 7,794,551

    8,580,000 of 9,360,000 2Chuen 14Muan 4Ahau 13Kankin 2Chuen 19Muan

    13Tammuz3622 20Heshvan1502 4Teveth1487

    27Jun139 BCGP 02Nov2260 BCGP 02Dec2275 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Reuben Aries

    Days# from 7,794,551 to 7,488,000 to 7,020,000 to 7,014,551

    7,800,000 of 9,360,000 52/65 Baktun 7,488,000 52x144,000 2Chuen 19Muan 4Ahau 8Cumku - 4Ahau 18Kankin - 2Chuen 4Pax

    11Elul647 11Iyyar-634 26Sivan-649

    02Dec2275 BCGP 11Aug3114 BCGP 09Apr4395 BCGP 09May4410 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Simeon Taurus

    Days# from 7,014,551 to 6,240,000 to 6,234,551

    7,020,000 of 9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 4Pax - 4Ahau 3Muan - 2Chuen 9Pax

    26Sivan-649 3Heshvan-2769 18Heshvan-2784

    09May4410 BCGP 14Sep6531 BCGP 14Oct6546 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Levi Gemini

    Days# from 6,234,551 to 5,616,000 to 5,460,000 to 5,454,551

    6,240,000 of 9,360,000 39/65 Baktun 5,616,000 39x144,000

    - 2Chuen 9Pax - 4Ahau 8Zotz
    - 4Ahau 8Muan
    - 2Chuen 14Pax

    18Heshvan-2784 15Iyyar-4478 24Nisan-4905 9Iyyar-4920

    14Oct6546 BCGP 01Apr8239 BCGP 19Feb8666 BCGP 20Mar8681 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Dan Cancer

    Days# from 5,454,551 to 4,680,000 to 4,674,551

    5,460,000 of 9,360,000 Midpoint of 65 Baktun Precessional Cycle offset in 15 Years of 5449+30=5479=15{360+5}+4 days

    - 2Chuen 14Pax
    - 4Ahau 13Muan
    - 2Chuen 19Pax

    9Iyyar-4920 16Elul-7041 1Heshvan-7055

    20Mar8681 BCGP 27Jul10,802 BCGP 25Aug10,817 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Judah Leo Midpoint of 65 Baktun Precessional Cycle offset in 15 Years of 5449+30=5479 =15{360+5}+4 days

    Days# from 4,674,551 to 3,900,000 to 3,894,551

    4,680,000 of 9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 19Pax - 4Ahau 18Muan - 2Chuen 4Kayab

    1Heshvan-7055 8Adar-9176 22Nisan-9191

    25Aug10,817 BCGP 01Jan12,937 BCGP 30Jan12,952 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Gad Virgo

    Days# from 3,894,551 to 3,744,000 to 3,120,000 to 3,114,551

    3,900,000 of 9,360,000 26/65 Baktun 3,744,000 26x144,000

    - 2Chuen 4Kayab - 4Ahau 13Mol
    - 4Ahau 3Pax - 2Chuen 14Kayab

    22Nisan-9191 18Shevat-9603 29Av-11,312 14Tishri-11,326

    30Jan12,952 BCGP 20Nov13,365 BCGP 07Jun15,073 BCGP 07Jul15,088 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Naphtali Libra

    Days# from 3,114,551 to 2,340,000 to 2,334,551

    3,120,000 of 9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 14Kayab - 4Ahau 8Pax - 2Chuen 9Kayab

    14Tishri-11,326 20Shevat-13,447 4Adar-13,462

    07Jul15,088 BCGP 12Nov17,209 BCGP 12Dec17,224 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Asher Scorpio

    Days# from 2,334,551 to 1,872,000 to 1,560,000 to 1,554,551

    2,340,000 of 9,360,000 13/65 Baktun 1,872,000 13x144,000

    - 2Chuen 9Kayab - 4Ahau 13Ceh - 4Ahau 13Pax - 2Chuen 19Kayab

    4Adar-13,462 21Tishri-14,728 12Av-15,583 25Av-15,598

    12Dec17,224 BCGP 12Jul18,490 BCGP 19Apr19,344 BCGP
    19May19,359 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Issachar Sagittarius

    Days# from 1,554,551 to 780,000 to 774,551

    1,560,000 of 9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 19Kayab - 4Ahau 13Pax - 2Chuen 4Cumku

    25Av-15,598 4Teveth-17,718 18Shevat-17,733

    19May19,359 BCGP 24Sep21,480 BCGP 24Oct21,495 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Zebulon Capricorn

    Days# from
    774,551 to 000,000 to

    780,000 of 9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 4Cumku - 4Ahau 3Kayab - 2Chuen 9Cumku

    18Shevat-17,733 25Sivan-19,854 10Av-19,869

    24Oct21,495 BCGP 01Mar23,615BCGP 31Mar23,630 BCGP

    Age of Ancient Galactic Maya Joseph Aquarius

    The correlation between the Mayan calendar and the Gregorian uses the Long Count of 1,872,000 days as 5125.362 Civil Years to specify a Platonic Great Precessional Cycle of 25,626.81 Civil Years as 5 Mayan Long Counts, each one designated by the Mayan epoch of 4Ahau and the Gregorian dates given in the table above. The partial year amounts to 295 days.

    We can so now substructure this Great Platonic Mayan Year into 12 and 13 sub cycles. The 13-tier subdivision includes a 13th star sign in that of 'Ophiuchus, the Serpent Tamer' located as the Cusp of the Scorpio-Sagittarius solar transition dated on November 22nd/23rd in a Civil Gregorian Year.

    Maya-Epoch 5x13=65 Baktun = 5x13x144,000 Kin = 5x1,872,000=9,360,000 = 26,000x360 Kin Gregorian Platonic Cycle as 26,000 Tun:
    25,626.81 years so describe 12 subdivisions of 2,135.6 years each as 12x780,000 = 9,360,000 or 13 subdivisions of 1,971.3 years each as 13x720,000 = 9,360,000.
    More precisely, the dates can be ascertained as ranging from 5x156,000=780,000 Kin to 5x144,000=720,000 Kin.

    If we now 'personify' the 13th star sign of the Serpent-Tamer in conjunction with the 'Plumed Serpent' of the 'Office of Christ' or the 'Office of Melchizedek' or the 'Office of Hermes Trismegistus'; then one assigns the solar transit from Pisces into Aries and as the Spring Equinox of some 'personified' year as the change of one precessional age into another.
    The ancient galactic Maya assigns the 'Birth of Ophiuchus' as the 'Birth of Christ' in the form of the historical Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Didymos to the equinox of the year 6BC and so 'fixates' the beginning of the ‘Individuated’ or ‘Anointed-Messianic Initiator’ or ‘way shower’ Age of Pisces as March 20th, 6BC or in Julian notation as the date and period of the Spring Equinox in that year and associated with particular conjunctions between the Moon with Jupiter and Saturn as celestial symbols for the land and people of the Jews and their neighbors.
    Specifying this date then allows calibration of the entire precessional cycle into either 12 or 13 'Precessional Star sign Periods' as a super positioned Platonic Great Year onto the Mayan harmonics of the Tzolkin.

    Image from the Stellarium software showing the alignment of the heavenly bodies just after sunrise on April 17, 6 BC
    (from link T. B. Cartwright)

    molnar1. molnar2.

    Position of the planets at sunrise and midheaven/noon on April 17, 6 BC (from Molnar)



    A Dawn of Human Civilization in the 5th , Precessional Cycle from the Midpoint of 10,802 BC

    We begin with the beginning of the Mayan timeline and coinciding with one of the first archaeologically verified urbanizations of the human history and as exemplified in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk about 3000 BC. Others include Nabta Playa in Southern Egypt about 6000 BC and Jericho in Palestine about 9600 BC and Göbekli Tepe and Catal Huyuk about 10,000 BC and 7,000 BC in Turkey respectively.
    This time was also the time of the Pyramids and the time of the Egyptian Sphinx.

    Using certain timeless indicators, the Maya may apply a given Platonic Cycle to substructure the same in any appropriate manner suitable for its purposes.
    One such indicator will be a precise mapping of a precessional configuration with the starry constellations of the zodiac to some monument on the surface of the earth.
    Following are some scriptural encodings and suggested decoding.

    Isaiah 19:19-20 - KJV
    "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a savior, and a great one, and he shall deliver them."
    According to a theory by Robert Bauval, the positions of the Giza pyramids on the ground reflect the positions of the stars in the constellation Orion circa 10,500 B.C.(Graham Hancock, Keeper Of Genesis pp.354-355 ) Five of the 7 brightest stars have pyramid equivalents:

    "The 3 great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura for the belt of Orion, the pyramid of Nebka at Abu Rawash corresponds to the star Saiph and the pyramid at Zawat al Aryan corresponds to the star Bellatrix. The Nile river corresponds to the Milky Way. The principal Giza monuments formed an accurate terrestrial map of the stars of Orion and Sirius as these constellations appeared in 10,500 BC.
    Who could have been observing the skies over Giza in 10,500 BC and who, at that date, would have had the technical capacity to realize such monumental works as the Sphinx and the pyramids? Egyptologists assert there was no civilization on Earth at that time, let alone one capable of planning and building such immense, well-engineered structures. If they are right, why do the alignments of Giza so plainly and repetitively mirror the skies of the 11th millennium BC?"

    There is an answer in Scripture codes:

    God has set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even to this day.

    Josephus writes in The Antiquities of the Jews 1.2.3:
    They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.

    The treatise above so superposes the Mayan Great Precessional Cycle onto the Long Count from August 11th, 3114 BC to December 21st, 2012.
    The discovery of Catal Huyuk, an ancient city in Anatolia, now modern Turkey and dating to 8000 BC challenged the accepted status quo of modern archaeology and the orthodox description for the timeline for the evolvement of modern man as an urbanite and city dweller.
    One distinguishing factor of Catal Huyuk was its worship of the feminine principle. It is often called the source of the Mother Goddess religions.

    The Mayan Precessional Age of Cancer spanned the period from 8,681 BC to 6,545 BC and as the star sign of Cancer symbolizes the Mother, so does its zodiacal opposite of Capricorn archetype the Father in the older Precessional Mayan Age of Capricorn from 21,495 BC to 19,359 BC.
    As the consensus of the academic orthodoxy requires physical evidence to support hypotheses and theories about the human history and timelines; the physical discovery of Catal Huyuk came as a big surprise.
    Hitherto the Mesopotamian cities of Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid and Uruk were believed to date no earlier than about 5000 BC.
    At that time, the Sumerian cities evolved and with it came the introduction of bronze casting and early forms of writing.
    And the general beginning of human civilization is dated to this time period and is particularised in the Unification of Lower and Upper Egypt about 3100 BC, which is also the start of the Mayan Long Count.

    The excavation of Catal Huyuk so 'forced' the orthodoxy to revise its beginning of the human urbanization of regions to 10,000 BC with the discovery of an 'older' Jericho dating to about 9000 BC and the first use of copper in Hassuna ware and the manufacturing and trading of pottery dating to about 7000 BC.

    The building of the Giza pyramids is conventionally dated to the Old Egyptian kingdom of the 3rd and 4th dynasties from about 2686 BC to 2494 BC.
    In the 4th dynasty, began in reign by Snefru; Khufu or Cheops is said to have built the first one; with Khafre or Chepren the second and with Menkaure or Mycerinus to have built the third one of the Giza complex.
    Then it is proposed that Khafre also built the Sphinx or Harmakhis, also called Herakhte (Horus of the Horizon).
    This places the 4th dynasty into the Mayan Age of Taurus from 4410 BC to 2274 BC and forms a nexus point with the Heliopolis of the Ra-Sun god worship instigated in the 2nd dynasty but made a state religion in the 5th dynasty.

    Rah or Ra or Re became known as Re-Harakhtys in the New Kingdom from about 1570 BC -1070 BC for the 18th to the 20th dynasties and as the 'Horus of Two Horizons'. This then became implemented in the Mayan Age of Aries from 2274 BC until the time of the Dead Sea Scrolls 'Teacher of Righteousness' in 139 BC and heralding the 'Coming of the Melchizedek' of the fulfilment of scripture in Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Dydimos a little over a century later.

    A period of 'Hellenization of Judea', instigated by the Seleucid empire established by Alexander the Great, was resisted in a 20-year period from 196 BC to 176 BC by the 'Teacher of Righteousness' and as the Zadokite-Davidic High priest Onias III and who was 'born' into this Melchizedekian role in 196 BC and coinciding with Judea becoming a Seleucidan province.
    Onias III was murdered at the instigation of Menelaus in 171 BC and became succeeded by the 'Man of the Lie' in his son Onias IV, who emigrated to Egypt to build a 'substitute temple' in Leontopolis under the patronage of Egyptian king Ptolemy Philometor (182 BC to 146 BC).

    His inauguration of Israelite worship outside of Zion is in direct breach of biblical law, only allowing a single sanctuary at Jerusalem and as coded in Dead Sea Scroll (DSC) 4Q266.Frag.5ii.
    The 'House of Absalom' is the 'House of David' and his son Absalom rebelling against him is retold in Onias IV dishonoring his father Onias III and as encoded in DSC 1QpHab.v.9-12 and in 2Samuel.13.
    The 'Wicked Priest' in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is Jesus-Jason, the brother of Onias III, who abandoned his Zadokian-Davidic heritage for a perceived Hellenization of the covenant.

    Antiochus-Epiphanes IV deposed the last true Zadokite-Davidic High priest Onias III in 175 BC and replaced him with his Hellenophile brother Jesus, the latter renaming himself in the Greek style as Jason.
    But in 172 BC, Jason was deposed and his office transferred to Menelaus from 172 BC to 162 BC.
    Following the murder of Onias III in 1971 BC, Antiochus IV and Menelaus plundered the temple at Jerusalem in 169 BC and in 168 BC Antiochus IV was defeated by the Romans in his second campaign against Egypt.
    In 167 BC, Jews who opposed the unification of the Seleucid empire and refused to accept Greek custom and religion were prosecuted in the attempt to 'absorb' the Jewish religion.

    In 166 BC, the Maccabees rose in revolt under the leadership of Judas Maccabee to end a 7-year period of confusion from 174 BC to 167 BC and so fulfilling Daniel's prophecy encoded in Daniel.9.24-27 and related encodings in Ezekiel.3.15 and Daniel.9.26-27 in a timeline dating before the 'Coming of the Shiloh'.

    The exposition on the gnostic meanings in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is actually a continuation of the Babylonian Exile, beginning with the last 'king of righteousness' in Josiah and who was killed in the battle of Megiddo or Armageddon by Pharaoh Necho, king of Egypt, encoded in 2Kings.22.2; 23.25,29-32.
    70 years of the Babylonian captivity so add the 'forsaken period' from 608 BC to 586 BC, when king Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem until the 'Edict of Cyrus' in 538 BC, coded in 2Chronicles.36.1-23.
    390 day years from 586 BC lead to the year 196 BC, from which the 22 years from 608 BC to 586 BC are subtracted for the year-week of confusion encoded in the period 174 BC to 167 BC.

    The 390 years are encoded in DSC 4Q268.Frag.1 and in which also the 20 year duration is specified.

    Translation by Geza Vermes
    "For when they were unfaithful and forsook Him, He hid His face from Israel and His Sanctuary and delivered them up to the sword. But remembering the covenant of the forefathers, He left a remnant to Israel and did not deliver it up to be destroyed.
    And in the age of wrath, 390 years after He had given them into the hand of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, He visited them, and He caused a plant root to spring from Israel and Aaron to inherit His Land and the good things of His earth. And they perceived their iniquity and recognizd that they were guilty men, yet for 20 years they were like blind men groping for the way."
    The Babylonian captivity of 70 years is naturally connected with the Egyptian captivity of 430 years and leading to the Exodus under Moses.

    But there are seemingly unsurmountable differences between the historical evidence for such an exodus and the Egyptian history engaging certain Hyksos or 'Shepherd Kings' and a thorough elucidation on this subject matter is warranted and will be addressed in other chapters of this book.

    anc1. anc2.
    anc3. anc4. anc5.

    Technical Addendum:
    The Luminosity Merkabah of Thuban and the Lightbody Constant Lo

    Merkabah-Transduction-Constant: Lo=1/[6x1015] (dimensionless);
    Creation Gamma Photon Frequency: fps=Eps/h=3x1030 Hz*
    Merkabah-Frequency: Lofps=5x1014 Hz*=c/λps for
    Merkabah-Wavelength: λps=c/Lofps=6000 Angströms*, the wavelength of Orange Light.

    The Orange Colour of Interterrestrial Spacecraft is intrinsically related to orthodox 4-dimensional spacetime physics in a fundamental 'Constant of Nature', say as the 'Speed of Light c' or the Planckian Quantum Action Constant 'h'.
    The Cosmic Master Algorithm SEps {Sequence of Primary Source Sink Energy} generated the following ten numeracies from its underpinning supersymmetric pentagonal (Fibonacci-Phi) 'sacred cosmogenetic quantum geometry': 4; 6; 7; 1/[6x1015]; 9x1016; 11; 1/[15x1032]; 14x1524; 1/[15x1618]; 26x6561.

    Any arbitrary measurement system of any sentient cosmic civilization (say as an Universal Observer) in any defined spacetime can then experimentally determine these and other mathematical relationships between experimental data and the energy ratios in their contexts of dynamical interactions.

    The Universal Observer or UO say has a mensuration system SI (System International on Terra) and can then calibrate hisher SI-system to the 'Star(*)-System' in the frame of reference of the UO, based on the numeracies as given in the above.
    The extended SEps-Algorithm then assumes the pretext of defining open and closed superstrings (in five classes derived from a 26-dimensional bosonic supersymmetry) in the logical statement:


    This specifies the methodology of recircularizing the linearized dimensions of the binary dyad (0,1) into the root-reducible decimal monad {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} with 10=1+0=1*; 11=1+1=2*, 12=1+2=3* and so on with 26=17*=8** and 27=18*=9**.
    Labeling the encoded Cosmic Initiator Constant E'=266561 from E=26x6561 then transforms E' into F' as the Mayan Super-number 1366560 and as described in the Dresden Codex of the Mayan historian database.

    E' →F'→ G' as E'=266561 and F'=136656 and G'=673665, after which the 'Inflation Algorithm' ends, since 5+6=11=2* is root-reductive.
    Setting the Inflation-Spacetime-Markers as the ABCDEFGH...XYZA*B*C*...symbolised encoding; we find ABCD=H with D=465612; C=256124; B=361242 and A=312423.
    As no archetype can yield Z(Z+A)BCXY=312423 from ABCXYZ=(1-Z)24233, the algorithm again ends in the reflected root-reduction to H, namely 1-Z=1-3=-2=-11'=-2*.

    This elementary constant of nature is as old and is described by the same Logos algorithms, which generated the well-known constants c, h and k to describe Energy Ratios in terms of Mass, Frequency and Thermodynamic Temperature.
    ~Tony Bermanseder

    Akbar Ra in Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia on Saturday, October 19th, 2019

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