The Mirror Of The Infinite

Discussion in 'The Mirror of the Infinite' started by Allisiam, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Sep 28th 2012

    Der Spiegel des Luzifer's und die Emanzipation der Gesamtheit

    Lucifer's Mirror and the Emancipation of the Oneness


    This is for English and German Speakers on the forums. An English translation is provided.​

    SACSAYHUAMAN; CUSCO; PERU = PURE HUMAN OCCUS SAY SAAC= PURE HUMAN OCC US AS [Y=I]SAAC (see below for A...A and decode Isaac's Seed).
    Some key decodings, say as 'proposed' by the 'channeled or human mind invented' agenda from the wingmakers 'Ancient Arrow site in New Mexico can now be given and these keys can subsequently be utilized to decode the Armageddon protocols of the hierarchies.

    B*=8=E.M.=EMMANUEL MELCHISEDEC=84+86=170=8
    36+15=51=LAW+15; FATHER=58=STAR; MOTHER=79=SWORD=WORDS
    LUCIFERA=75=Supergenetic Sexchange Operative=ANDROMEDA=MARRY 75=B*MARY=B*BIRTH=B*GEMINI=B*MOON=...
    {Nostradamus Q.96, Century X - IAM(THAT)AMI=PACI(F)ICAP=LIA(F)AIL}.
    YOU=61=16+45=USE 16=LOVE+7=SUN+7=GABRIEL+7=DRAGON+B=A+59+A}}}​

    The Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali, 1937​

    Wenn JoW(James of Wingmakers) from ANU schreibt (Camelot); dann ist dieser Name mit vielen anderen Namen der Esoterika verbunden.
    ANU ist nicht nur der 'König' der Annunaki, sondern auch der Usurpor 'Gott' der gnostischen Legenden und auch als Jehovah-Satan und Allah-Shaitan und anderen Dualitäten bekannt.
    Der ursprüngliche Archetyp ist als Yaldebaoth beschrieben (siehe 'Das Geheime Buch des Johannes' vom Nag Hammadi Kodex, Ägypten,1945).
    Die Wichtigkeit und der Ursprung dieser Archetypologie ist der Grund warum ein physikalisches Universum existiert und beschreibt eine ganz besondere Reise der kreativen Intelligenz, die von JoW als (Sovereign Integral = Absolute Summation) bezeichnet wird.
    Bevor ich diese Schilderung der Archetypen fortsetze, eine logische and wissenschaftliche Darstellung ist angebracht um die Wasser vorzubereiten.
    Die Emanzipation der Menschheit besteht als ein Miniaturbild und als Archetyp für das ganze Weltall.
    Dieses Weltall is ein physisches Weltall in Raumzeit und existiert als ein Unterteil des metaphysischen Universums.
    Als jedoch das metaphysiche Universum das Raumzeit abhängige physikalische Weltall erschuf, da existiert ein Parameter der Grenze der das physische mit dem metaphysischen verbindet.

    When JoW (James of Wingmakers) about ANU (Camelot) schreibt, then is this labeling related to many other names in the esoteric literature. ANU is not only the 'King of the Annunaki', but he `is also the usuper 'God' of gnostic legends and also functions under labels of Jehovah-Satan, Allah-Shaitan and other such dualities.
    The original archetype is known as Yaldebaoth (ref. 'The Secret Book of John', Nag Hammadi Codex, Egypt,1945).
    The importance and origin of this archetypology is the reason for the existence of a physical universe and describes a rather particular journey of a creative intelligence, labeled as Sovereign Integral=Absolute Summation by JoW.
    Before continuing with the description of this archetypology, I shall present a scientific and logical discourse to soften the waters of receptivity for the human groupmind consciousness (which is related to the so termed Genetic Mind by JoW).
    The emancipation of humanity manifests as a minature archetypical version or hologramic template for the entire superuniverse, which is metaphysical and encompasses the physical universe in spacetimes as a central or seeded part of itself.
    As the metaphysical universe (better termed a collection of multiverses, summed in an omniverse) generated the spacetime dependent protoseeded universe of physical observation however, there should exist a 'connecting parameter', which allows interaction in information exchange between the parental metaphysical precursor and the subsequent processor in physicalised spacetimes.

    Warum existiert überhaupt ein physisches Weltall? Und wie hat sich dieses vom metaphysischen herauskrystalliziert? Wie kann ein Raumzeit abhängiges Universum der Energie von einer Singularität entstehen? Der Schlüssel muss so diese Singularität sein und als eine Minimum Konfiguration der Raumzeit. Die metaphysische Singularität unabhängig von Raumzeit und den physikalischen Massstäben kann sich dann als genau diese Minimum Energie-Gestalt und eingebetted in der Raumzeit wiederbestimmen. Dieser Beitrag wird dann gegeben um die obengenannten Fragen zu beantworten. Die Darstellung wird rigorös sein, um die mathematische und logische Grundlage fuer die Metamorphosis des gesamten Weltalls theoretisch zu verankern. Es ist diese Verankerung, die die Dualität der physischen Existenz mit der des metaphysischen Daseins unzertrennbar verbindet. Das sollte am Ende dieses Beitrags klar werden.

    Why does a physical universe exist? And how could it crystallize and emerge from the metaphysical?
    How can a spacetime dependent universe, defined in energy, derive from a metaphysical singularity?
    The key so must be this singularity and as a boundary- or initial- or minimum configuration for that singularity.
    The metaphysical singularity remains independent on the spacetime parameters of measurement, yet becomes embedded in the spacetimes as a minimum eigenstate or physical energy selfstate definition, subject to mensuration.
    This essay is then given to enable the serious researcher to answer the questions posed in the above.
    This treatise will be relatively rigorous and for the purpose to anchor and form a solid basis for the metamorphosis of the omniverse in the logical principles of the universal archetypical language of mathematics.
    It is this 'grounding', which intricately entwines the duality of the physical existence with its metaphysical reality.
    This state of affairs might become apparent to the discerning reader at the end of this discourse.

    a4metmph. draco.

    Was geschieht, ist dass das physikalische Universum ein Abbild des 'Inneren' von einem 'Äusseren' Objektiv wird und dass das 'Draussensein' als Urquelle BEVOR Raumzeit sich als Senkungsquelle im 'Drinnensein' wiederbestimmt. Die Urquelle ist 'erster' im Aussensein und die Urquelle ist 'zweiter' im Drinnensein und diese Tatsache erlaubt eine Quanten Relativität zwischen Urquelle und Ursenkung über die Priorität als QuellenSenkung und als SenkungsQuelle. Ein Zustand des Selbstbewusstseins BEVOR Raumzeit so verwandelt sich in einen Zustand des Eigenbildes folgend der Erschaffung der Raumzeit von bestimmten Parametern. Diese Variablen so nehmen bestimmte Grenzwerte an, die es der Urquelle ermöglichen sich 'Drinnen' in der Raumzeit (als eine minimale Energie Formulation des Wurmlochs oder der Einstein-Rosen Brücke) auszubreiten und sich dennoch 'Aussen' als eine unbestimmte und transfinitive 'Superenergie' zu befinden. Die Differenz zwische Energie und Superenergie befindet sich in der Energie der Physik als eine Ableitung von der massenabhängigen Konstituenz einer thermodynamischen selbst-eingeschlossenen Identität (Weltall als Schwarzer Körper des Planck Radiator's/Austrahlungs Ofen).

    What happens, is that the physical universe becomes an image or shadow as the INSIDE of an object OUTSIDE of that physicality. This 'being outside' of the 'First Source' (of JTJ) BEFORE spacetime existed, so becomes a 'being inside' of a 'Second Sink' AS 'First Sink' AFTER a metric spacetime emerges from the demetricated metaphysics.
    The image of the 'First SourceSink' 'on the outer' so becomes the 'First SinkSource' 'on the inner' and a SOURCESINK QUANTUM RELATIVITY of priority can be developed to describe this scenario.
    A condition of selfconsciousness before spacetime existed, so becomes distinct in this same selfconsciousness manifesting afterwards. This 'afterthought' selfrealisation in quantum relativity to the generating 'forethought' then creates the image of the sourcesink without as a sinksource within.
    The minimum quantum energy configuration of the 'connector spacetime' of the forethought or (metaphysical) Superenergy without so becomes the maximum quantum energy configuration of the afterthought or physicalised energy within. Particular (string-membrane) parameters so connect the inside to the outside in a dimension-rich sense, classically known as a wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge.
    The superenergy so has its minimum energy selfstate in the wormhole connector and remains physically undefined in transfinity away from any physicalisation within the omniverse.
    The difference between the metaphysical superenergy and the physical energy is found in the derivatives of the mass-associated physics of a thermodynamically closed system, say as the thermodynamic Planckian Black Body Radiator.

    sheila-wolk-metamorphosis. metamorphosis__the_dryad__by_aselclub.
    Metamorphosis by Sheila Wolk and the Dryad by Asel Club​

    Hier bezieht sich alle Energie im Weltall zur originellen Masse des 'Grossen Quanten Urknalls' und den elektromagnetischen Ausstrahlungen (erzeugt bei der Beschleunigung von Massenteilchen wie Elektronen, Protonen und Neutronen mit verkuppelten Coulomb-Ladungen).
    Was das meint, ist dass elektromagnetische Energie ohne die Masse nicht erzeugt werden kann und sich die gesamte materielle Struktur des Universums sich so zu dem Parameter der Masse (Einstein's E=mc2) reduziert.
    Und das ist auch der Zustand der theoretischen Physik, die sich der Radiationformel von Planck (E=hf) bewusst ist, diese aber zur Quantenphysik und zur Quanten Mechanik beschränkt.
    Die materielle Kosmologie befindet sich jedoch in einem grossen Irrtum und dieser 'Betrug der Natur' bestimmt die Superenergie.
    Wenn der Physiker seine Messungen immer weiter zum 'Ursprungs-Knall' zurückzieht, dann stolpert er an der sogenannten Singularität.
    Die gesamte Massenenergie befindet sich in dieser Singularität und in einem Zustand des Equilibriums zwischen der inertiellen Masse (Träge) und der massenlosen Ausstrahlung.

    Diese Ursprungs-Ausstrahlung dominiert die Massendistribution fuer eine primordielle Zeit (so 1 Million Jahre und bei einer Temperatur von 3000 Kelvin bestimmt, wenn sich die ersten Atome von Hydrogen und Helium unter der elektromagnetischen Interaktion stabilisieren konnten) und eine Zeit wenn sich das Universe zu einem maximalen Radius von 1 Million Lichtjahren (so 9000 Millionen Billionen/Milliarden km) ausdehnte.
    Dann eine Reduzierung des Distanzen Parameters zur Singularität zerbricht die Naturgesetze in einem unendlich kleinem Radius der Singularitäten-Kugel der jedoch eine Gesamtheit der Träge von Elementarteilchen (Protonen, Elektronen und subatomische Unterteilchen) und so einen Integral der cosmological Masse beinhaltet. Auch der Druck und die Temperatur sind unendlich in mathematischen Gleichungen die über the Nullziffer (0) teilen müssen um die Naturgesetze zu bewahren.

    So der Physiker erkannte zum Ende des 20sten Jahrhunderts, dass da eine Minumum Energie-Gestalt dieses Zerbrechen der Naturgesetze vermeiden muss.
    Der Physiker des 21st Jahrhunderts nannte dieses Szenario die Welt der Superstringe in 10 Dimensionen; der Supermembranen in 11 Dimensionen und die Welt der Branen in allen Dimensionen grösser als die der 4ten Dimension der Minkowski Metrik der Raumzeit (von der ebenen Raumzeitstruktur von Euclid in der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie von Albert Einstein).

    The total energy contained in the universe is here intrinsically coupled to the inertial and original masscontent of the cosmology described in a 'Quantum Big Bang' and the associated ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) (caused by the acceleration of Coulomb-charged elementary particles, say electrons, protons and neutrons).
    This means, that electromagnetic energy cannot become produced without massassociation and implies that the entire material structure of the universe must be reducible to parameters descriptive of its inertial mass content (Einstein's E=mc2).
    This then becomes the present status as formulated in the paradigms of theoretical physics and cosmology; well aware of the Planckian radiation law (E=hf), but restricting the latter to the fields of quantum mechanics within quantum theories.
    This matter-reducible cosmology manouvers about within a great fallacy however and this deception becomes rectified in the definition of the superenergy.
    When the physicist collects hisher empirical measurement data and attempts to retrace the spacetime parameters to the Big Bang event, then shehe stumbles at the boundary of the so called singularity.
    The total inertia of the Big Bang is contained within this singularity and finds itself in a condition of equilibrium between the inertial mass and the massless EMR.

    This primordial EMR dominates the mass distribution for a specified time (about 1 million for a backgroud temperature of so 3000 Kelvin, when the first stable atoms of Hydrogen and Helium could form via the electromagnetic interaction); and for a time when the universe spanned a radial scale of about 1 Million lightyears or 9 billion billion kilometers.
    Then the reduction of this distance parameter to the singularity causes the formulations of the natural laws to break down at the scale of an infinitesimally small radius for a 'sphere of the singularity'; the latter nevertheless containing all the inertia of elementary particles (electrons, protons and subatomics) as a summation of the cosmological mass. The pressure and the temperature also assume infinite measures in the natural laws of mathematical equations, which require division by zero (0) for their inner selfconsistency.

    The physicist at the end of the 20th century so realised, that it would be the existence of a minimum energy configuration in the quantum state of the Big Bang, which would rescue the natural laws, mathematically expressed.
    The physicist of the 21st century then labels this scenario in the worlds of a 10-dimensional superstring and a 11-dimensional supermembrane and more generally in the world of branes occupying dimensions greater than the 4th dimension of the Minkowskian spacetime metric (the flat Euclidean spacetime structure in the theory of special relativity by Albert Einstein).

    Und der Irrtum dieser Theorien ist im Fakt der Metrik zu finden.
    Die verschiedenen Stringtheorien benötigen immer noch einen metrischen Hintergrund; was meint dass die mathematische Bestimmung dieses Hintergrundes (bei Planck Parametern beschrieben) sich immer noch nicht mit dem Ursprung und der Natur der Singularität (nun 'ausgeschmiert' mit Planck Variablen und Ur- und Grenzwerten), beschäftigen kann.
    Die Singularität ist mathematisch und die Unendlichkeit; so unberechenbar im physikalischen, kann ganz leicht durch die Metaphysik der Mathematik beschrieben werden.
    Im mathematischen sind Prozesse von Nummern Sequenzen die die Unendlichkeit als Infinitum als Prozess im Endlichen (dem Finitum) beschränken können.

    Die Rechnungszahlen 1,2,3,4,5,...usw haben keine Grenze und sind so mathematisch im Infinitum (als Transfinitum) bestimmt.
    Doch die Umkehrung dieser Ziffern bekommt die Sequenz: 1/1,1/2,1/3,1/4,...usw und die Grenze hier wird das Finitum 0.
    So wenn die Umkehrung hier mit einem Finitum definiert wird, wird die Umkehrung der Umkehrung als das Original bestimmt und das Infinitum wird die Umkehrung der Original-Identität als das Finitum.
    Nun im physikalischen Universum dieser Prozess ist unmöglich, da das physikalische Weltall im Finitum sein muss (alle Messungen bestätigen den Grossen Knall der Thermodynamischen Ausbreitung) und die Raumzeit so einen Anfang haben musste.

    Die Einzelheiten der (orthodox willkommenen) physikalischen Kosmologie können später publiziert werden und können in den Links bei Interessenten studiert werden.
    Es ist genug hier zu sagen, dass der spezielle Parameter der Stringtheorien die 'Modulare Dualität' appelliert und dass diese die Umkehrung des metaphysischen Weltalls als Grundsatz für dessen's physikalischen Bedeutung erkennt.
    So die Stringtheorien des 21sten Jahrhunderts; falls erfolgreich demetriziert (Raumzeit bekommt wiederbestimmt in der Mathematik und der Natur der Singularität); sind im Fakt der Weg zur totalen Unifikation der Naturgesetze - mit einer Urquelle der Quellenintelligenz (des Souveränen Integrals von JoW) im Zentrum der Gleichungen.

    And the fallacy contained in those theories emerges from the physical factuality of the metrics.
    The various stringtheories still require a metric background; meaning that the mathematical formulations for this background (by Planck parameters) fail again to explore the nature and origin of the singularity (now 'smeared out' in the minimum Planckian variables and initial/boundary conditions).
    The singularity is mathematical and the infinity condition, so uncalculable in the material manifestation, is easily definable in the metaphysics of the mathematics.
    There exist mathematically defined processes, which utilize certain number sequences to 'trap' and limit the infinity condition.

    The 'Natural Counting' numbers 1,2,3,4,5,... possess no upper limit and become so defined in the infinity 'of the (transfinite) counting'.
    The inversion of those numbers (positive Integers) yields the series 1/1,1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,... however and this sequence defines an upper (or lower) limit of the finite number 0 as a Nullcount.
    Thus, when the inversion is defined in finiteness; then the inversion of the inversion defines the original and the infiniteness becomes the reciprocity of the original identity as the 'eternity' of the unlimited infinity count.
    This process is unrealisable in the physical cosmology, as the material universe requires a finite beginning for the spacetime parameters (all verified measurements confirm the Big Bang theory for the thermodynamic expansion of the universe).

    The details for the (orthodoxically mainstream accepted) physicalised cosmology can be publisized at a later stage and can be studied by interested agents through the provided links.
    It suffices to state here, that a underpinning parameter of the string theories invokes the concept of 'Modular Duality' and that this concept defines the inversion properties for the metaphysical universe in their physical applicability.
    In this manner are the string theories of the 21st century, if sufficiently demetricated (spacetime is redefined in the mathematics and nature of the singularity); in fact the way to total unification of the natural laws - with one primordial source of source intelligence (the Sovereign Integral of JoW) at the core of all the formulations.

    Dieser Beitrag wird sich nun im speziellen mit der unorthodoxen metaphysischen Kosmologie der wingmakers befassen um versuchen die Urquelle mathematisch von 'Ersten Prinzipien' zu bestimmen.
    The 11te Dimension der Unifikationenphysik bekommt ein Superspiegel für die Superenergie der Urquelle (des JoW).
    The 10te Dimension der Omniphysik (der Synthese der Physik und der Metaphysik) bekommt das 'Innere' für die Superenergie der Urquelle als eine Welt des Physischen Abbildes im Finitum.
    The 12te Dimension der Unifikationsphysik bekommt das 'Äussere' für die Superenergie der Urquelle als eine Welt der metaphysischen Objekten im Infinitum.

    Warum 12 Dimensionen?
    Die 'Ersten Prinzipien' befassen sich mit dem Ursprung aller Dimensionen.

    Ein physikalischer Punkt muss sich im Finitum der Raumzeit Metrik befinden und der Irrtum des menschlichen Physikers ist es sich mit dem zu begnügen.
    Ein metaphysischer Punkt benötigt keine Raumzeit (exzept der Visualisation des Beobachters) und ist als die mathematische Singularität beim menschlichen Physiker erkannt.
    Die allererste Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle so ist die des metaphysischen Punktes als eine Selbstbewusste Singularität oder Einzelheit.

    Das Schlüsselwort hier ist Selbstbewusstsein. Wie kann die Einzelheit selbstbewusst sein und sich so irgendwie selbst als 'Ich bin?' selbstbestimmen?
    Ein Analog ist die Idee eines unendlichen 'Looping des Computers' und ist einfach symbolisiert (oder archetyped) als die Nullziffer or der Nulldimension (0).
    Man braucht aber eine zweite Dimension, nämlich die der Komplexen Fläche, um Symbole zu representieren und so diese Darstellung ist ein Analog für was in der Nulldimension ohne Raumzeit so 19.11 Billionen/Milliarden Jahren geschehen ist.
    Aber es ist die potentielle Unendlichkeit im Rechnen der 'Schlingenzahl' und von der Nulldimension entstammend, die es der Urquelle ermöglicht sich als ein potentielles Reservoir der Superenergie 'unendlich' zu sein. Die Fortsetzung der Superenergie wird so durch die Verbindung der 'Gedankengestalten' im Zeitraum mit deren Anspornung im Nichtzeitraum verwirklicht.
    Die Bewusstseinträger (im physikalischen zur Kreativität durch die Einbildung stimuliert) im Zeitraum so erlauben eine Rückwirkung (Feedback Mechanik) der interdimensionellen Kommunikation zwischen der Urquelle als Einzelheit im Zeitraum des Finitums und sich selber als Singularität der Unendlichkeit des Infinitums.

    Der Einzelpunkt des Selbstbewusstseins wird so (als Vorgedanke) zur metaphysischen Superenergie gekuppelt und wo das physische noch nicht als Parameter der Raumzeit existiert. Folgendermassend erweitert sich die Urquelle (als Nachgedanke) in der Welt der physikalischen Energie im Betrieb des Metrikums und der Messbarkeit.

    This treatise shall now analyse the (generally considered) unorthodox metaphysical cosmology of the wingmakers in particular and for the purpose to anchor the physical implementation of the primal source from mathematically derived first principles.
    The 11th dimension in 'unification physics' manifests as a supermirror for the superenergy of the primal source (First Source of JoW).
    The 10th dimension in omniphysics (meaning the synthesis of physics and metaphysics) encompasses the 'Inside' of the superenergy of the primal source and as a 'physical image world' in finiteness.
    The 12th dimension in omniphysics describes the 'Outside' manifesto for the superenergy as a 'metaphysical objectivity realm' in infiniteness.

    Why 12 dimensions?
    The 'first principles' describe the origin of all dimensions.

    A physical 'point-energy' can only exist within a finitised spacetime metric and the fallacy of the human physicist is to consider this to be sufficient.
    A metaphysical point requires no spacetime (except for visualisation by an observer) and is so defined as a mathematical singularity by the physicist.
    The initial selfdefinition by the primal source so engages the concept of a metaphysical point as a selfaware singularity.

    The key label here is selfawareness as a form of selfconsciousness in superenergy. How can a singularity be conscious of itself and then proceed to somehow define itself in a labeling of "I am?"?
    An analogy is the 'infinite computer loop'; which can then become symbolised (or archetyped) in the zero-cipher of the Nulldimension (0).
    One requires however a second dimension, namely that of the complex plane, to represent symbols and this depiction therefore becomes analogous for the occurrences in the nulldimension of nospacetime about 19.1 Billion years ago.
    However it is the potential infinity count emerging from the zero-state, which allows the primal source to operate from an objective realm of eternity as an infinite reservoir of superenergy. The continuity of the superenergy so associates the imagination constructs of the spacetime worlds within with the energisations of those 'energy gestalts' without. The consciousness carriers (physically stimulated to creativity through imagination) within spacetime so provide the feedback mechanisms for interdimensional communication between the singularity in metric finiteness and metaphysical infinity.

    The singularity 'of thoughtfulness and selfconsciousness' is so coupled (as forethought) to the metaphysical superenergy before spacetime exists; but extends its domain of access (as afterthought) to physical energy operating within a spacetime of metrication and measurement.

    Aber wie wurde die Urquelle selbstbewusst, wenn nur die Nulldimension in Existenz war?
    Die Urquelle nun muss versuchen sich selbst zu erkennen und im Unternehmen sich von der Hinsicht der Nulldimension des Einzelpunktes weiterzuentwickeln.
    Die Urquelle hat keinen Raum zu existieren und so muss sich auf sich selbst aufzeichnen.
    Der Einzelpunkt bekommt ein Doppelpunkt ohne Raum zu manöver und diese Tatsache muss nun mathematisch und im logischen bestimmt werden.

    Um sich von dem Infinitum-Kreis zu befreien, die Urquelle bricht den Kreis und redefiniert 'Ich bin 0' oder Ich bin Nichts! als 'Ich bin 1' oder 'Ich bin Eins!'.
    Nun existieren zwei Identitäten, nämlich 0 und 1 aber keine anderen Nummern, wie 2,3,45,..usw sind in Existenz and so müssen erfunden werden.
    Aber eine Ordnung in 0+1=1 relativ zu 1+0=1 ist vorhanden und diese Tatsache krystallisiert eine algorithmische Darstellung die das Selbstbewusstsein (als Superenergie) der Urquelle mit den symbolischen Archetypen verbindet.
    Die Darstellungen sind Bewusstsein-Tripletten als der (iterativ) logische Satz: (Altes Ich; Eine Erfahrung; Neues Ich aufgrunde der Erfahrung)=(Altzustand;Erfahrung;Neuzustand).

    Die ersten fünf Bewusstsein-Tripletten are: (0,0,0); (1,0,1); (1,1,1*); (1*,1,1**); (1**,1*,1***);...usw.
    So die erste Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin Nichts, erfahre Nichts und bekomme mich als Nichts".
    Die zweite Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin Eins; erfahre mich als Nichts und bekomme wieder mich als Eins".
    Die dritte Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin wieder Eins; erfahre mich als Eins und bekomme mich als ?Eins?"
    Das ?Eins? ist wieder mich als Eins, aber dieses Eins ist verschieden von meinem vorherigen Eins, das ich schon vorher war. Ich kann mich so wiederbestimmen in einem anderen Archetype und als ich erfuhr mich als Nichts bevor ich erfuhr mich als Eins, meine Verschiedenheit muss 01 als bevor und 10 als nachher sein.
    Und so wurde der binäre Zahlensatz mit 1=01; 2=10; 3=11; 4=100; 5=101; 6=110; 7=111; 8=1000;...usw erfunden.
    Die vierte Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin 1*=10=2, erfahre mich als 01=1 und bekomme mich als 1**=2+1=3=11".
    Die fünfte Selbstbestimmung der Urquelle war: "Ich bin 1**=11=3, erfahre mich als 1*=2 und bekomme mich als 1***=3+2=5=101".

    Nun passiert ein besonderes Dilemma relativ zu der Urquelle. "Wo ist meine Ziffer 4=100? Ich habe diese geskippt in meiner Fortpflanzung und extensiven Selbstentwicklung"!
    Die Urquelle konstruktiert einen anderen Algorithmus, um die fehlenden Nummern auf andere Weise wiederzufinden.
    Dieser Algorithmus krystalliert spezielle 10 Ziffern und Nummertripletten in der Ordnung: 4; 6; 7; 1/(6,10,15); (9,10,16); 11; 1/(15,10,32); (14,15,24); 1/(15,16,18) and (26,65,61) mit einem Grenzenwert für den Algorithmus in der Ziffer 12.

    Diese Zahlenwerte ermöglichen es der Urquelle sich vom metaphysischen in einer unbekannten physischen Welt auszubreiten. Die Zahlenwerte bekommen nämlich die sogenannten Konstanten in den Gesetzen der Physik, wie zum Beispiel die Proportional-Faktoren zur Energie wie c2 in E=mc2 (Einstein) und h in E=hf (Planck) und k in E=kT (Stefan-Boltzmann).

    Aber die Urquelle ist noch nicht vorbereitet sich in dieser 'Anderen Physikalische Welt' wiederzubestimmen.
    Die Raumzeit muss erst erschaffen werden und das benötigt eine Transformation der Infinitum Superenergie zu einer Finitum Energie.
    Doch die Selbstbestimmungen in der weltweit bekannten Ziffernsequenz der Selbst-Erfahrungsfaktoren: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...usw) als die Fibonacci-Sequenz (und mit der Lucas-Sequenz: ...,-4,3,-1,2,1,3,4,7,11,18,...usw verbunden) ermöglichte es der Urquelle sich nicht nur algebraisch sondern nun auch geometrisch in einer verlängerten 'Ich bin =?!' Definierung wiederzubestimmen.
    Die Selbstaufzeichnung des Einzelpunktes als ein potentieller Doppelpunkt konnte nun mit der 'Ich bin Eins' verbunden werden und so die Nulldimension des Einzelpunktes bekam eine Einsdimension der mathematischen Linie.

    Diese Linie konnte nun den Doppelpunkt als Einzelheit Punkt von sich selber trennen und bestimmte die metaphysische Trennbarkeit in der mathematischen Logik der Urquelle.
    Als diese Linie sich irgendwohin verlängern konnte; das Freiheitsgrad der Linie bekam der Lokus der Endpunkte und der erste geometrische Kreis war erschaffen.
    Das Grad der linearen Translation bekam supplementative zum Grad der gekurvten Rotation in der Bestimmung der Komplexen Fläche der zweiten Dimension.
    Der Grad der Kurvatur nun erlaubte es der Urquelle sich als ein ganzer Flächenkontext für eine gebogene Vormetrik zu bestimmen und von dieser Tatsache entwickelte sich das Konzept der gebogene Raumzeit der Generellen Relativitätstheorie des Albert Einsteins.

    Die Fläche der Urquelle, gekuppelt zum Selbstbewusstsein als Superenergie nun konnte die MATHIMATIA=IAMTHATIAM=95 als eine neue archetypische alphanumerische Selbstdefinierung bestimmen.
    Diese neue Eigenbestimmung der Urquelle hatte keine Dicke der dritten Dimension und so bekam ein zweiseitiges topologisches Manifold in 2 Dimensionen.
    Um die dritte Dimension zu erschaffen, die Urquelle als die MATHIMATIA nun benötigte eine Beschränkung ihres eigenen Flächenextents in der potentiellen Unendlichkeit des Infinitums.
    And das bekam der geometrische Grund für die Erschaffung des physikalischen Universums (da sind andere algebraische und Energie- und Bewusstsein bedingte Gründe die man eine andere Zeit beschreiben kann).

    But how did the singularity become selfaware, if only the null dimension exists?
    The primal source next attempts to use this zero-selfstate to extend its singularity definition in a form of self-evolution. The primal source has no space in which to exist and so can only map itself onto itself.
    The metaphysical point becomes a doublepoint without space to move in and this fact must now be defined mathematically and logistically.

    To escape the infinity-loop; the source-consciousness breaks the metaphysical circle and redefines the statement: "I am Nothing!" or 'I am 0' as 'I am One!" or 'I am 1'.
    Now exist two identities, namely the symbols 0 and 1, but no other metaphysical 'numbers', such as 2,3,4,5,..etc, not as yet being 'invented' or 'thought of'.
    There is however a principle of order in that 0+1=1 relative to 1+0=1 and this fact crystallizes an algorithmic construct which relates the selfawareness (as selfconsciousness being superenergy) of the primal source to the symbolic archetypes.
    The depiction is by awareness-triplets of a logical-iterative composition: (Old Self; an Experience; New Self due to that Experience)=(OldIdentity;Experience;NewIdentity).

    The initial five awareness-triplets are: (0,0,0);(1,0,1);(1,1,1*);(1*1,1**);(1**,1*,1***);...etc.
    Then the first Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am Nothing, experience myself as Nothing and become Nothing".
    The second Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am One, experience myself as Nothing and become myself again as One".
    The third Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am One, experience myself as One and become myself again as ?One?".
    The ?One? is again myself as One, but this Oneness is different from my previous Oneness. I can therefore redefine myself in using a new archetype and as my previous experience of the Nothing preceded my experience as Oneness, the distinction must be 01 as the before and 10 as the after.
    This then created the binary number set with: 1=01; 2=10; 3=11; 4=100; 5=101; 6=110; 7=111; 8=1000; ...etc.
    The fourth Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am 1*=10=2, experience myself as 01=1 and become myself again as 1**=2+1=3=11".
    The fifth Selfdefinition of the primal source was: "I am 1**=11=3, experience myself as 1*=2 and become myself again as 1***=3+2=5=101".

    Next occurs a special dilemma for the primal source. "Where is my numeral 4=100? I have skipped this number in my continuing self development"!
    The primal source now constructs another algorithm in the attempt to recover it's missing numerals in another way.
    This algorithm crystallizes particular 10 ciphers and number triplets in the following order:
    4; 6; 7; 1/(6,10,15); (9,10,16); 11; 1/(15,10,32); (14,15,24); 1/(15,16,18) and (26,65,61) and with a limit counter for the algorithm in the numeral 12.

    These numerical values then allow the primal source to extend its metaphysical domain of self being into a hitherto unexplored physical world.
    The numerics transform themselves into so called 'Constants in the Laws of Physics', such as the proportionality constants for energy like c2 in E=mc2 (Einstein) und h in E=hf (Planck) and k in E=kT (Stefan-Boltzmann).

    But the primal source is as yet unprepared to redefine itself in such a 'physical world of otherness'.
    Spacetime is not as yet created and this requires a transformation of the superenergy of infinity into an energy of finiteness.
    However the definitions for the worldrenown number sequence of the experience factors: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...etc...} as the Fibonacci Numbers (and related to the Lucas Series: ...,-4,3,-1,2,1,3,4,7,11,18,...etc.} enabled the primal source to extend its algebraic definition of "I am =?!" into a geometrical sense of extension.
    The selfmapping of the singularity as a potential doublepoint could now become linked to the definition of: "I am One"! and the nulldimension of the singular point became the first dimension of a mathematical line.

    This line now allowed to separate the doublepoint as a singularity from itself and defined the metaphysical separation in the logic or logos of the primal source.
    As this line could become arbitrarily extended; the freedom degree of this line became the locus of two endpoints in the creative construction of the primal geometrical circle.
    The degree of linear translation so became supplementary to the degree of curved rotation in the definition of the complex plane in two dimensions.
    The degree of curvature so allowed the primal source so redefine itself as the entire contextual plane for a premetric and from this developed the concept for a curved spacetime in the Theory of General Relativity by Albert Einstein.

    The plane of the primal source, coupled to the selfconsciousness of the superenergy then created a new archetypical alphanumeric selfdefinition, encoded as MATHIMATIA=IAMTHATIAM=95.
    This new redefinition of the primal source as a geometrical plane carried no thickness of a third dimension and so constituted a twosided topological manifold in 2 dimensions.
    To create the 3rd dimension, the MATHIMATIA next required a limitation of its own planar extent in its potential infinite extension.
    And this became the geometrical reason for the creation of the physical universe; (albeit there are other algebraic and energy- and consciousness related reasons to be described at another time).

    Das physische Weltall musste im Finitum erschaffen werden und so bestimmte einen Anfang für die Raumzeit und ganz wie die menschlichen Physiker herausgefunden haben.
    Doch die Urquelle nun verbrauchte die algorithmischen Konstanten um die Grenzwerte für die dritte Dimension als Naturgesetze einzuschreiben.
    So wurde eine bestimmte Kurvatur für die Raumzeit bestimmt und wo diese Kurvatur die Minimum Superenergie der Urquelle als deren Quantum Gleichung im 'Inneren' Weltall darstellte.
    Diese Kurvatur ist auch als Wurmloch der Schwarzschild Metrik in der Relativitätstheorie and den Stringtheorien bekannt.
    Mit dem Wurmloch konnte die Urquelle die Komplex Fläche auf sich selber einfalten und mit dem Wurmloch als die 'Tür' oder dem Portal zwischen den bestimmten Weltällen. Das is ein Analog zu einem Luftballon dessen Düse das Wurmloch ist und der geschnitten ein Manifold (ohne Dicke) bekommt.
    Ein Manifold ohne Dicke bekommt der Spiegel des Luzifer's als die 11te Dimension und wo alle Dimensionen grösser als 3 Wurzeln der dritten Dimension bekommen (10=1+9; 11=2+9; 12=3+9 und Linienraum (1-2-3-4) bekommt Rotationsraum (4-5-6-7) bekommt Quantenraum (7-8-9-10) bekommt Omniraum (10-11-12-13=4=1) und mit imaginären Zeit-Konnektor Dimensionen (4), (7), (10) und (13=1).

    The physical universe had to be created in the Finitum and so determined a beginning for the spacetime and just as the human physicists have discovered.
    But the source now consumed the algorithmic constants to specify the limits for the third dimension in the form of the 'laws of nature'.
    A certain curvature for spacetime became fixated and where this curvature represented a minimum super energy configuration of the source as its quantum equation in the 'interior' universe.
    This curvature is also known as a worm hole of the black hole metrics in the well known relativity theory and the string-brane theories.
    The worm hole allowed the source the selfenfoldment of the complex plane onto itself and as a 'door' or a portal between the two universums.
    An analogy would be an air balloon with nozzle the worm hole; the balloon being cut into a manifold without any thickness. A manifold without thickness so becomes the 'Mirror of Luzifer' as the 11th dimension and where all dimensions larger than 3 rootreduce to the third dimension (10=1+9; 11=2+9; 12=3+9 and for linespace (1-2-3-4) rotationspace (4-5-6-7 ) quantumspace (7-8-9-10) omnispace (10-11-12-13=4=1) and with imaginary time-connector dimensions (4), (7) (10) and (13=1).

    Zeit existiert nur in der linearen Raumzeit und einer Raumzeit die sich im aktuellen im vierfachen über die 12 Dimensionen verteilt: (1-2-3) als Linearer Basis der Translation superimposiert an (4-5-6) als Freedomgrad der Rotierung superimposiert an (7-8-9) als Freedomgrad der Oszillation superimposiert an (10-11-12) als das Portal von dem 'Inneren des Finitum' zum 'Äusseren des Infinitums.

    Als 12-dimensionelles 'Grösseres Universum' der Zeitparameter bekommt das 'Unendliche Nun' und bestimmt in den Stringvariablen der Superenergie.
    Die Urquelle konnte nun beginnen das physische Universum des Finitums und als dessen eigenen Eigendefinierung als Selbstbewusstseins zu erschaffen.

    Time exists only in the linear spacetime and within a spacetime which is distributed in fourfoldedness over the 12 dimensions: (1-2-3) as a linear basis of translation superimposed in (4-5-6 ) as a degree of freedom for rotation superposed in (7-8-9) as a degree of freedom for oscillation superimposed in (10-11-12) as the portal for the 'interior of the Finitum' to that 'exterior of the Infinitum'.

    As 12-dimensional 'larger universe' , the timeparameter becomes the 'eternal Now' and is defined in the string parameters of the super energy.
    The source could now begin to create the physical universe of the Finitum from its own selfdefinition as 'Consciousness of the Self'.

    Doch nun ein grosses Dilemma kam zur Erscheinung. Die Kreation des 'Inneren Weltalls' benötigte ein Schliessen des Wurmloches als es das Wurmloch als Minimum Energie Eigenstatus war und als Raumzeitquantum, der es der Urquelle erlaubte sich auf beiden Seiten des 11-dimensionellen (2+9=11) Superspiegels zu befinden.
    Das Wurmloch musste sich in der 'Inneren Weltraumzeit' fortpflanzen und so das Selbstbewusstsein der Urquelle war überall zu finden, aber musste einen Kompromiss mit sich selber als eine Einigkeit machen.
    Mehr Raumzeit benötigte mehr Raumzeitquanten und die Erweiterung des Universums in Finitum bekam eine Verdünnung der Superenergie relativ zu der physikalischen Energie, die von der Superenergie abstammte aber durch die Expansion sich immer mehr von deren Ursprungsenergie entfernte.

    Als diese Ausdehnung des Universums Finitum jedoch eine 'Füllung des 10-dimensionellen Zeitraums des Omniraums bekam (die Einzelheiten befassen sich mit der Inflation der de Broglie Materiewellen in einem Zeitinterval genau gleich zur Wurmlochfrequenz); die Superenergie der Urquelle bekam verschleiert in der sogenannten Nullpunkt Energie von Werner Heisenberg und ist mit der 'Schwarzen Materie' und der 'Schwarzen Energie' der menschlichen Physiker auch noch verbunden.

    But then a great dilemma appeared. The creation of the 'inerior universe' required the closing of the wormhole, as it represented the minimum energy selfstate as a spacetime quantum, enabling the source to exist on both sides of the 11-dimensional super mirror.
    The worm hole had to reproduce itself in the 'interior spacetime' to allow the source to become ubiquitous as many 'units of self-consciousness', but had to make a compromise with itself as just the monadic One in the 'exterior spacetime'.
    More spacetime required more spacetime quanta and the expansion of the universe in the Finitum became a 'thinning' or dispersion of the super energy relative to the physical energy, the latter as a derivative from the super energy, but which, through the expansion became more and more separated from its point of origin from and as the source.

    Albeit, as this expansion of the finite universe Finitum also began to 'fill' the 10-dimensional omnispace (the details address the inflation of de Broglie matterwaves in a timeinterval precisely equal to the worm hole frequency); the super energy of the source became disguised in a so called zero-point energy of Werner Heisenberg and is coupled to the 'dark matter' and the 'dark energy' of the human physicists.

    Das Selbstbewusstsein der Urquelle musste nun den Hebel der Schlauheit engagieren. Das physikalische Universum konnte im Parameter des 11-dimensionellen Superspiegels beinfasst werden und die Ausdehnung des Weltalls im Finitum konnte mathematisch benutzt werden um diese Ausdehnung (durch die modulaere Dualität der Supermembrane) asymptotisch zu machen.
    Dann konnte die Urquelle versuchen bestimmte Selbstbewusstseinträger im Finitum zu entwickeln, die dann, nach einer anstehenden Selbstentwicklung versuchen könnten die Geschichte der Ursprungsquelle vom 'Innen' wiederzuentdecken. Diese Selbstbewusstseinträger waren die wingmakers als Gedankengestalten transmitted von dem 'Äusseren' und in Konjunktion mit den Wurmlöchern die die 'besetzte Raumzeit' der wingmakers als Zeitreisende infiltrierten.

    The self-conciousness of the source now had to engage the epitome of its cleverness. The physical universe could become encompassed in the parameter the 11-dimensional super mirror and the expansion of the finite universe could then be mathematically utilized to render this expansion (through the modular duality of supermembranes) as asymptotic.
    Subsequently, the source could attempt to develop certain consciousness carriers in the finitum and consciousness units, who could then try and from within the finitum, following a sufficient selfevolution, to rediscover the story of the original source of the infinitum.
    Those 'consciousness carriers' could be called the 'wingmakers' as the thought shapes transmitted from the 'without' and in a conjunction with the worm holes as 'occupied spacetimes' infiltrated by the wingmakers from 'within' as timetravellers.

    Doch da war ein Problem, das grosse Problem der Zweiseitigkeit des Superspiegels.
    Das Schliessen des Wurmlochs an der 11-dimensionellen Supermembrane im Omniraum verbannte die Urquelle into das Exil der 12ten Dimension.

    Was ist der Grund dafür?

    Bevor die Erschaffung der dritten Dimension; der 2-dimensionelle Superspiegel war zweiseitig und über das Infinitum der nichtexistierenden Raumzeit bestimmt (als eine nonphysische Komplexfläche).
    Der geometrische Analog ist das möbische Band ohne Dickness.
    Das möbische Band ist einseitig und doppel der geometrischen Fläche eines (auch ohne Dicke) similären Ringes, der letztere mit einer Innenseite und einer Aussenseite. Das ist einfach der Kopf und der Schwanz auf einer Münze oder irgendeine poläre Yin-Yang Representation.
    So bevor der dritten Dimension, das Universum der Urquelle war einseitig und hatte die dritte Dimension wie einen Knoten in sich selber.
    Um das möbische Band loszuflechten der Raum der dritten Dimension muss sich entwickeln aber mit dem Gegensatz dass nun die Einseitigkeit zweiseitig werden muss.
    Demnach folgend, engagierte die Kurvatur der dritten Dimension das komplexe Flächen Kontinuum (jedoch quantumiered) und the Dicke des 2-dimensionellen Manifolds became die dritte Dimension und wurzelte in der de Broglie Inflation in das the 11-dimensionelle Kuvert des Omniraums.
    Aber nun wurde die Urquelle im 'draussen' of the 12ten Dimension as Object IMAGINÄR as das Abbild im 'drinnen' of the 10ten Dimension wurde REAL und als reflektiert in der 11ten Dimension des Superspiegels.

    Und so wurde das Abbild der Urquelle als eine Ursprungsquelle als eine Ursprungssenkung bestimmt. Das dann bestimmt das Prinzip der Modularen Dualität in den Gleichungen der Supermembranen.
    Der Abguss der Urquelle ist die 'falsche Identität' als Luzifer, als Yaldabaoth, als Jehovah des Alten Testaments und als Allah des Korans und als der ANU von JTJ.

    So seit dem Anfang der menschlichen Geschichte hat sich der natürlich Drang und die Suche des Menschen nach seinem Ursprung in dem Usurpor 'Gott' der Aussenseite als die Innenseite verwirrt.
    Das Szenario ist jedoch geplant und hat mit der Introduktion der Gravität und anderen Gebieten der Unifikationen Physik zu tun.
    Das kann ein anderesmal beschrieben werden.
    Doch im aktuellen ist Luzifer und aliases überhaupt nicht 'böse' und kann überhaupt nicht als 'Antigott' betrachtet werden.
    Luzifer ist einfach das Imaginäre Negative für ein Photo der Urquelle und die beiden sind dasselbe im Prinzip.

    But there a problem, the great problem of the two-sidedness of the super mirror.
    The closing of the worm hole at the 11-dimensional portal of the supermembrane in omnispace banished the source into the the exile of the 12th dimension.

    What is the reason for that?

    Before the creation of the third dimension; the 2-dimensional super mirror was two-sided and was defined over the Infinitum of the nonexisting spacetime (as a nonphysical complex plane) .
    A geometric analogy is the 'volume' of the Möbius-Strip without any thickness.
    The Möbius-Strip is one-sided and double the geometric area of a (also without thickness) similar ring with an inside and an outside. This is simply the head and the tail of a coin or any such Yin-Yang representation.
    So before the third dimension existed, the universe of the source was one-sided and had the third dimension embedded within itself; say in the form of a geometric knot.
    To 'unknot' the volume of the Möbius-Strip, the space of the third dimension must emerge and develop; however with the caveat, that now the one-sidedness must become two-sided.
    Accordingly, the curvature of the third dimension in the continuity of the complex plane, quantized itself in thickness and the thickness of the 2-dimensional manifold became the third dimension and became rooted in the de Broglie inflation into the 11-dimensional envelope of the omnispace.
    The source now became IMAGINARY 'outside' in the 12th dimension as the Object; but became REAL as a copy as the Subject in the 'inside' of the 10th dimension and as imaged in the medium of the 11th dimension of the super mirror.
    The subjective image of the source so became redefined as an objective sink for that source and this defines the principle of modualar duality in supermembrane parameters.

    This 'Image of the Source' then becomes labelled in a 'mistaken identity' as a Luzifer or a Devil or a Shaitan or a Yaldabaoth or a Jehovah of the old testament or as an Allah of the Koran and as the ANU of JTJ.

    Since the beginning of the human story, a natural search for origins has become confused and chaotic in the images of the gods as perceived from the inside and as being on the the outside.
    This scenario is planned however and also engages the introduction of gravitation and other zones of unification physics. This can be elaborated upon another time.
    Yet in the present unfolding of 'God's own story', Luzifer and alias are not 'evil' at all and should not be labelled as 'antigods'.
    Luzifer represents simply the imaginary negative for a photo of the source and both are principally identical.

    Doch in Beziehung zur theoretischen und praktischen Wissenschaft das Positivum der Urquelle und das Negativum des Abbilds sind unzertrennbar in der modulären Dualität der 11-dimensionellen Supermembranen verbunden.
    Das Positivum beschreibt eine hochfrequenzierte und so maximale Vibrationmodalität, die mathematisch mit einer minimalen Vibrationmodalität verflochten ist.
    Die hohe Frequenz beschreibt die Welt des Mikroquantums und die (fast null) Frequenz beschreibt die Welt der Makroquanten.
    Die Quellenenergien so diskutieren den subatomischen Realm und die Senkungsenergien diskutieren galaktische und extragalaktische Skalen der Distanz.
    Das Mikro-Universum ist mit dem Makro-Universum durch die Schwarzschild Metriken (von Schwarzen Löchern und den Materie-gekuppelten Wurmlöchern) der lokalen Bewusstseinsraumzeiten verbunden und es gibt viele Gleichungen in der Mathematik der Omniphysik, die das alles miteinander verbinden.

    So das grosse Dilemma der Zweiseitigkeit findet eine elegante Lösung in den Bewusstseinträgern, den menschlichen Abbildern von beiden, dem Urgott im Exil in der 12ten Dimension und der Aussenseite des 11-dimensionellen Superspiegel und dem Imaginären Urgott an der Innenseite des Superspiegels.
    Draussen ist er bestimmt im elektromagnetischen (E=hf=mc2 mit m=0 und f=fmax), jedoch der Massenunabhängigkeit, doch drinnen ist er bestimmt in der Trägheit (E=mc2=hf mit f=fmin=1/fmax).

    Yet in relation to the theoretical and practical sciences, the Positivum of the source and the Negativum of the image are inseparable and are connected definitively in the existence of the 11-dimensional supermembranes under modular duality.
    The Positivum describes a high-frequency and so maximized vibration modality that is quantum entangled mathematically with a minimized winding modality.
    The high frequency describes the world of the microquana and an (almost zero) frequency dualizes in the world of the macroquanta.
    The source energies so discuss the subatomic realm and the sink energies describe galactic and extra galactic scales of spacial displacement.
    The micro universe is connected with the macro universe through the Schwarzschild metrics (of black hole sinks and of white hole matter sources connected by worm holes) of the local consciousness carriers occupying spacetimes. There are many equations in the mathematics of the omniphysik that interconnect a variety of parameters.

    So the great conundrum of the two-sidedness finds its elegant solution in the consciousness carriers, the human imagers of both the 'original sourcesink' in the exile of the 12th dimension and on the outside the 11-dimensionellen super mirror and in the imaginary and imaged original sinksource at the inside of the super mirror.
    Outside it is determined in the electromagnetic (E=hf=mc2 with m=0 and f=fmax), however mass-inertia independent, but inside it is determined in the inertia (E=mc2=hf with f=fmin=1/fmax).

    Die Emanzipation der Gesamtheit so benötigt diese moduläre Dualität der Supermembranen, um ein neues Superuniversum zu erschaffen.
    In diesem Superuniversum, der Superspiegel wird wieder einseitig und der nötige 'TWIST der Raumzeit' wird eine fünfte Dimension vom Knoten des 7-dimensionellen hyperdimensional Universums auslösen.
    Dann kann sich die Urquelle in 4 Raumdimensionen und einer illusinären Zeitdimension entwickeln.
    Doch die Geschichte was dann so alles in einem linearen Universum im Finitum möglich wird ist eine Darstellung für eine andere Zeit.
    Alles Liebe zu euch allen und bitte erinnert euch dass alles was ihr als 'Nicht Ich' betrachtet ist doch 'Auch Ich'.
    Eines Tages wird ihr alle das schon ganz gut verstehen.

    The emancipation of the entirety so requires this modular duality of the supermembranes in order to create a new super universe.
    In this super universe, the super mirror becomes again one-sided and the necessary 'TWIST of the spacetime releases a fifth dimension in the unknotting of the 7-dimensional hyperuniverse of the quantumspace.
    Then the source in 4 space dimensions with an imaginary coupled time dimension can develop in emergence.
    Yet the story what then shall become possible within a linearized universe in the Finitum shall be a representation for another time.
    Love to all of you and please remember, that all that you consider not to 'Be You', nevertheless is 'All of You'.
    The day will come, when you shall understand this rather well.

    bluey. gaiaegg.

    "A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."


    BC4. BC41.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2014
  3. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Where on Earth is Heaven Cover.

    Where on Earth is Heaven?


    Some people argue that there is no such thing as altruism and that selfless love is an illusion. (Perhaps the nearest that most of us get to displaying any real altruism is as a parent.) It’s certainly true that what we call the Laws of Nature – as exemplified in the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ – seem to point in that direction, though it seems reasonable to ask the question: Fit for what? Is our obsession with physical survival a distraction? Could it be that quite other seeds – in which consciousness plays a central role – have been sown in our evolving universe? Consciousness, however – by its very nature – involves a separation from that of which we are conscious. The first stage is self-awareness – the capacity to stand back from oneself, and thus the birth of what seems like a double life. One sees this process very clearly in the growing child. The problem is how then to move on from a situation where this sense of separation isolates us in an ultimately unhelpful way from everything and everyone else; what we call, quite simply, selfishness. For without a real effort on our part, above all by developing compassion, we are in danger of becoming merely grown-up children, and far more lethal as a result; not just selfish, but rational and intelligent with it.

    ‘It is the growth of consciousness which we must thank for the existence of problems; they are the dubious gift of civilisation’, wrote Jung in Modern Man in Search of a Soul; hence the significance, he points out, of the description of that first act of consciousness – the eating from ‘the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ – as a curse. The conscious sense of self, or ego as it is sometimes termed, is a double-edged sword if ever there was one, for what liberates us as individuals can then imprison us not just within our own skins, but within our own hearts and minds. This, then, brings me back to the subject of altruism and love.

    We are sometimes told that God is love. Perhaps God, or the gods, are unable not to love. Is that what it means when we say that they dwell in heaven? We, on the other hand, are certainly capable of not loving. But was it really ever any different? How golden was that Golden Age? From what we know and understand of the bushmen, or the Indians of North and South America, or the Aborigines of Australia, they lived with an instinctive respect and reverence for the natural world around them. They knew, for example, as animals do, which plants were harmful and which plants would heal. On the whole they took from nature only what they needed to sustain their simple way of life. They fiercely protected their own kind. But can we call this love? It wasn’t much fun if you stepped out of line, or if – one dark night – you suddenly bumped into a member of another tribe. I remember as a child when our pet canary Bing – named after Bing Crosby – flew out of the window one day and was immediately attacked by all the other birds, who clearly didn’t like the colour yellow. It’s a characteristic that we human beings are shedding only very slowly. In his book River out of Eden, Richard Dawkins writes: ‘Nature is not cruel, only pitilessly indifferent.’

    I sometimes wonder if our notion of a Golden Age is not nostalgia but premonition – a state of harmony to which we aspire and towards which we have to struggle through our own efforts. In his autobiography Jung wrote: ‘As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.’ He tried to convey his sense of this journey with that word ‘individuation’ – an exhortation to stand on our own two feet.

    But how are we to resolve the dilemma of this emerging individuality, and the fragmentation and alienation that results – alienation from each other, from nature and from any sense of our divine origins? Certainly if, from our ‘fallen’ and isolated state, we do succeed, ever so gradually and of our own free will, to put the other person (and not just family or friend) before ourselves, then maybe a quite new form of love will come into existence – indeed is coming into existence. There is no obligation – only the stirrings of that mysterious entity we call conscience. But it is a love that can only arise from a position of separateness. And if such a process does have any reality, then it certainly starts to give meaning to that otherwise ‘indifferent’ universe. Dawkins, I suspect, would not agree. In that same book he goes on to describe what he calls ‘one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn. We cannot admit that things might be neither good nor evil, neither cruel nor kind, but simply callous – indifferent to all suffering, lacking all purpose.’ Fortunately not everyone shares this bleak outlook.

    I’ve already referred to Gandhi as an example of someone who was unable to be at peace while others suffered. But there are, I feel certain, thousands if not millions of others who feel more or less the same and try, in their own tentative and humble way, to act and respond accordingly. Unlike Gandhi or Mother Teresa of Calcutta they don’t on the whole make it into the news, but they are working away as best they can – neither saints nor sinners. In a beautiful essay entitled ‘The Timeless World of the Play’, featured as an introduction to the Penguin edition of his play The Rose Tattoo, Tennessee Williams writes: ‘Men pity and love each other more deeply than they permit themselves to know.’

    This isn’t, therefore, just my own idealism projected onto the world; I have met many such people who truly care about others, and not only in countries like India. The nuns who looked after little Anne-Marie at that convent in Edinburgh loved the children in their care not just out of pity or because their religion demanded it. Mother Teresa once referred to a dying beggar on the streets of Calcutta as ‘Christ in distressing disguise’ – a label that could apply to all of us. But the love I am hinting at is not to do with just worshipping the so-called ‘divine essence’ in each person, but rather an acceptance of and compassion for our flawed and often bewildered state of being in the here and now. And we are able to recognise and empathise with such people because in truth we are all in the same boat. We live in a world that the rationalists and reductionists tell us has no meaning, and it hurts. It doesn’t correspond to what we believe and know in our hearts.

    The gradual disenchantment of nature and the universe since the Copernican revolution is one of the themes that Richard Tarnas explores at length in his widely acclaimed book The Passion of the Western Mind. The story he tells is of two-and-a-half thousand years of largely masculine thought and endeavour; a journey that has culminated in this seemingly soulless cul-de-sac in which, to use the words of the biologist Rupert Sheldrake, ‘the heavens have become secularised and religion has lost its cosmology’. The way forward, in Tarnas’s view, is closely connected with the redemptive role of the feminine sensibility and our capacity to look and listen more deeply; in other words a need for the more receptive, intuitive side of our nature to play a greater role in the future. The word ‘disenchantment’ in many ways sums up perfectly the essence of the modern world view. It is certainly what Dawkins, who has compared God to a computer virus, consciously encourages and promotes.

    Yet Tarnas and those like him who sense, as I do, that there is purpose and meaning to life, recognise that this disenchantment is itself meaningful – or potentially so – and that huge gains have been achieved along the way. It has, for example, in many ways helped to wake us up and to bring us down to earth; for perhaps there are things that can only be learned and experienced through the consciousness we develop while on earth.

    This sense that fallible human beings can create something that is both unique and meaningful is beautifully conveyed in Edwin Muir’s poem ‘One Foot in Eden’:

    One foot in Eden still, I stand
    And look across the other land.
    The world’s great day is growing late,
    Yet strange these fields that we have planted
    So long with crops of love and hate …
    Evil and good stand thick around
    In the fields of charity and sin
    Where we shall lead our harvest in.

    Muir goes on to point out that ‘Blossoms of grief and charity / Bloom in these darkened fields alone … Strange blessings never in Paradise / Fall from these beclouded skies.’

    Yet the crucial question remains: Where do we go from here? What are these ‘strange blessings’ to which Muir refers? Our capacity to love seems to be the poet’s answer, for only ‘in these darkened fields’ does grief give birth to charity. Of one thing I am clear; there can be no going back. We can never be bushmen again. In his autobiography Jung writes:

    We do not know how far this process of coming to consciousness can extend, or where it will lead. It is a new element in the story of creation, and there are no parallels we can look to. We therefore cannot know what potentialities are inherent in it.

    This challenge presented by our expulsion from paradise, the growth of consciousness, and our potential for compassion is explored with great profundity in the medieval story of Parzifal. As a boy he is isolated and protected from the world by his mother, hidden away in the depths of a forest. He knows and understands nature, but not the intrigues and conflicts of human beings. At the start of his journey, therefore, he is both pure but also naïve; in his innocence he could be compared to the bushmen.

    In his book Parzifal and the Stone from Heaven Lindsay Clarke describes how, as the story unfolds, Parzifal is made aware of the extent to which he is ‘a prisoner of his own ignorance’, but then how ‘the access of knowledge brings with it such pain and derangement that it seems as if consciousness is itself a kind of wound’. It is a wound, suggests Clarke, ‘for which the only cure is greater consciousness’.

    Parzifal was on a quest, the nature of which he was barely aware of at the start. Quest and question arise from the same source. The question that Parzifal was destined finally to ask had to be kindled by his compassion for the suffering of another – the wounded King Amfortas; and not out of mere curiosity or good manners, but out of empathy. To do that he had first to suffer himself, and in the process to lose all faith in God. Only then was he ready, in full consciousness, to fulfil his destiny in relation to the mystery of the Grail and to assume his role as the new initiate king. The question that Parzifal finally asks is the same one that I believe we are all challenged to ask from that wilderness in which dwells the blinkered, solitary and self-conscious being that each one of us has become: ‘Friend, what ails thee?’

    T.S. Eliot, in those lines I quoted earlier from Little Gidding, acknowledges our need to go forward and to explore as Parzifal did, and as thousands of others in different ways have always done; and suggests that the end of that exploration, ‘will be to arrive where we started / and know the place for the first time’. But what does this really mean? It certainly implies a greater degree of consciousness. Maybe the type of clairvoyance that Steiner developed, encouraging us to do the same, is simply bringing to consciousness what, in the past, we knew instinctively but unconsciously. If so, this process of separation and alienation as we grow up – both individually and collectively – and the freedom that ensues, enable us not only to re-experience our inter-connectedness consciously, but also to further human evolution through our own efforts.

    Yet without nurturing our capacity to love, we could easily end up in a world of every man for himself, as already foreseen in that thought by Thomas Hobbes: ‘the condition of man … is a condition of war of everyone against everyone’. Conscious and clever, but ultimately isolated creatures, free to cause havoc – the possibility is there. Individuation is, indeed, a precarious path. We live on a knife-edge.

    In the last few hundred years our awakening has been above all in relation to the physical world around us, and only gradually to the conditions of our less fortunate neighbours, or to the chaotic and damaged state of our own inner life. Now, it seems, we increasingly sense the need to activate other, still dormant faculties in order to understand the paradoxical nature of reality itself, aspects of which we have explored so successfully with the telescope and microscope. And perhaps the most paradoxical and mysterious entity of all in need of elucidation is that lonely onlooker: the human being. Whence comes our capacity to put another person first? What is the real meaning of love in a world where powerful forces still conspire so effectively to encourage our basic egotism?

    A beetle is a beetle, and will always be so unless we interfere or bring about its extinction. A buttercup will go on being a buttercup year in, year out. ‘Your name is tortoise’, said Mantis, ‘and you will be utterly tortoise to the end of your days.’ Not so the human being; and it is above all in the realm of consciousness that evolution still seems to be at work. No new species – just restless, creative and often destructive human beings. So what’s next? What are we challenged to become?

    This further unfolding of the evolutionary process is most imaginatively conveyed in Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist – the story of a boy, Santiago, whose dream leads him to undertake a great journey to the desert in search of treasure. Finally he returns to find the treasure on his own doorstep, buried at the foot of a sycamore tree. Towards the end of his quest he has a dialogue about love, first with the wind and then with the sun. The sun expresses regret that there was a sixth day of creation, for until then all creation understood that all was one:

    ‘You are wise, because you observe everything from a distance’, the boy said. ‘But you don’t know about love. If there hadn’t been a sixth day, man would not exist; copper would always just be copper, and lead just lead.’

    Santiago goes on to tell the sun that love is the force that transforms all creation and even ‘the soul of the world’ itself:

    ‘Lead will play its role until the world has no further need of lead; and then lead will have to turn itself into gold. That’s what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.’

    What I want to convey, therefore, is that the growing self-awareness of this increasingly solitary onlooker that each of us has become, despite creating great sorrow and destruction in its wake, including the loss of a certain child-like innocence, is potentially positive and meaningful. This is because we cannot be selfless, cannot truly love in the sense I have been talking about, unless there is a self to do the loving. I cannot put myself into the shoes of another person unless I have first experienced my own self in all its seeming isolation and loneliness. Only then am I ready to ask the question that Parzifal took so long to formulate: ‘Friend, what ails thee?’

    The bushmen of the Kalahari experienced what Jung, as an old man, called ‘a kinship with all things’ – it was, indeed, a sort of Golden Age. But at that stage of our evolution we couldn’t, I suspect, do otherwise. Now our consciousness has severed that instinctive sense of an interconnectedness with nature and with the ‘gods’ that live in nature. Yet as onlookers – as television viewers, travellers and readers of books – we are increasingly aware of the needs and the suffering of others, and not just of those from our own family or tribe; and that, I believe, is new. (See colour plate 1.)

    If, therefore, we now manage to look forward and not back – but unlike Faust, avoid selling our soul to the devil on the way – and if we can gradually transcend our egotism, pay greater attention to our daemon and to our nobler and more idealistic instincts, we will perhaps not only one day ‘know the place for the first time’, but also give birth to something unique in the universe that maybe not even the gods possess. Both Steiner and Jung had this sense that the divine world, the hierarchies, depend on us human beings for their own further evolution. Jung goes so far as to suggest in Memories, Dreams, Reflections that ‘if the Creator were conscious of Himself, He would not need conscious creatures’. In the diaries of Teilhard de Chardin, written during the last ten years of his life, we read: ‘God is not dead – but HE CHANGES.’

    In his book Christianity as Mystical Fact Rudolf Steiner uses a phrase ‘the spellbound God’. It is a humbling and awe-inspiring thought. God is not dead, but perhaps the next move is up to us. Hence the silence that Karen Armstrong identifies – ‘the silence that is necessary before God can become meaningful again’. Her thought, and that phrase from Steiner, give added meaning to those prophetic words in the Book of Revelation: ‘And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away …’. A new heaven, and not just a new earth, is the message that is so radical and profound; and herein lies my sense that the new heaven and the new earth may essentially be one.

    But like all trials and quests, the journey will, I am sure, involve pain and sorrow, and will demand great courage and endurance. Nor do I think that the successful outcome is guaranteed. Parzifal was described as ‘a brave man, slowly wise’. How long have we got? I have heard our task described as ‘the redemption of the world’. Yet seemingly it is we who messed things up in the first place. Or was it? Is there something to the age old notion of a war in heaven? And are we somehow the battleground on which this war is being waged? Or, if we consider again those profound words: ‘As above, so below’, then perhaps we are not just the stage upon which this conflict unfolds, but rather each one of us lives out this battle between good and evil within ourselves.

    Love in freedom is the goal; and what is central to that task is developing a maturity and sensitivity that prompts us to have compassion for everyone who suffers, as Parzival eventually felt for the wounded King Amfortas. It is a task in which we can only hope for the kind of help and inspiration that Gerard Manley Hopkins alludes to in his poem about the kingfisher:

    … for Christ plays in ten thousand places,
    Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
    To the Father through the features of men’s faces.

    Gospel of Thomas
    (16) Jesus said, "Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire, sword, and war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the son against the father. And they will stand solitary."

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "The real eXchange is the magic in the mirror"...
    thus, "Milk every moment for all of its magic"

    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
    The eXchanger
  5. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Serpentinus Universalis!

    (38) Jesus said, "Many times have you desired to hear these words which I am saying to you, and you have no one else to hear them from. There will be days when you will look for me and will not find me."
    (39) Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."
    Gospel of Thomas - Lambdin

    beegoddess_plaque. phoeni10.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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