Predictions by Susan Lynne Schwenger

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 11, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    WARNINGS are starting to be posted...
    this is NOT good news !!!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    lots of new developments on this
    - be prepared

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Parts of Yosemite National Park closed

    'indefinitely' by raging Ferguson fire in California

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript>

    Parts of Yosemite National Park will be closed "indefinitely" due to ongoing wildfires in and around the scenic valley,
    the National Park Service said Sunday.

    The closures include Yosemite Valley, El Portal Road, Wawona Road, Big Oak Flat Road, Glacier Point,
    the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias, the Merced Grove of Giant Sequoias, Wawona Campground,
    Crane Flat Campground and Tamarack Campground.

    "Fire managers are continuously assessing conditions in the area and will work directly with
    and will immediately advise park managers as conditions change and it becomes safe to reopen,"
    the National Park Service said in a statement.
    In this Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2018 image from a Yosemite Conservancy webcam, smoke from wildfires obscures the Ahwahnee Meadow at Yosemite National Park, Calif. (Webcam by Yosemite Conservancy via AP)
    As of Sunday, the Ferguson fire had burned 89,633 acres and was 38 percent contained.

    It is one of 18 major fires burning throughout the Golden State and its smoke has filled the Yosemite Valley,
    blocking views of El Capitan and Half Dome in addition to Yosemite Falls.

    “In talking to people, no one has ever seen the smoke this heavy,” park spokesman Scott Gediman told the Los Angeles Times.

    On Friday, evacuations were ordered due to "multiple hazards" along several roads in addition to power outages in Yosemite Valley.

    Two firefighters have died so far battling the blaze.

    Ferguson Fire officials told FOX26 that all the power in Yosemite Valley was out, and there was no way
    for park employees to keep food or filter air due to the outages.
    In this July 25, 2018 file photo, Hannah Whyatt poses for a friend's photo as smoke from the Ferguson fire
    fills Yosemite Valley in Yosemite National Park, Calif. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

    Most of the park's signature attractions in the valley have been obscured by a choking haze for days,
    although shifting winds means the pollution levels and visual clarity changes throughout the day,
    according to Pete Lahm, an air resource specialist for the U.S. Forest Service,
    which is running the Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program. Yosemite officials are referring visitors
    to the program's website to check pollution levels.

    "The whole park at this juncture has been hammered in smoke," Lahm told the
    Associated press. "This area definitely has the highest levels (of air pollution) in the U.S. right now,"
    he said, adding that other parts of Northern California and southern Oregon were also at unhealthy levels due to wildfires.

    The Environmental Protection Agency's "Air Now" website on Friday recorded the Air Quality Index i
    n Yosemite at a staggering 386, or "hazardous"
    — higher than the smog-choked city of Beijing, which had an "unhealthy" AQI of 119 at the same time.

    Officials note that the AQI changes throughout the day and that the pollution from industrial dust,
    cars and emissions is different than wildfires burning through trees and grass but still unhealthy.

    On Sunday, the quality shifted back down to "unhealthy."
    In this July 25, 2018 file photo, a sign on Highway 41 announces the closure of Yosemite National Park near Oakhurst, Calif.
    (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

    Not all of the park is closed; roughly the northern third of Yosemite has remained open.

    But officials say it is Yosemite's longest and most extensive closure since 1997, when floods shut the park for two months.

    For visitors who wanted to enjoy the iconic sights during the busy summer vacation season,
    the closures have dealt a blow to any plans.
    "I'm totally gutted we can't visit Yosemite," British tourist Caroline Lansell told the AP,
    who was on a summer vacation to California with her husband and two children.

    Fox News' Samuel Chamberlain and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Yosemite National Park Closed ‘Indefinitely’

    August 5, 2018

    Due to increased fire activity in the areas adjacent to and on Yosemite National Park, park administrators and fire managers have made the decision to extend the current park closures indefinitely. Fire managers are continuously assessing conditions in the area and will work directly with and will immediately advise park managers as conditions change and it becomes safe to reopen.
    Firefighters remain committed to fully suppressing this fire and are actively engaged, taking action to limit the fire’s spread when it is safe to do so. The fire activity inside Yosemite National Park is dynamic. Over the past 48 hours, fire has impacted all of the roads used to access Yosemite Valley, burning dead and downed trees that can become very explosive and fall without warning. There are also significant terrain hazards for firefighters. These hazards, along with extreme fire behavior and frequent weather changes, have made this an extremely difficult fire fight.

    There is active fire burning above the Arch Rock Entrance Station,
    moving up the Merced River Canyon towards West Yosemite Valley

    .There is active fire burning near Foresta and structure protection is currently in place.

    No structures have been lost in the communities of Foresta, El Portal, or Yosemite West.

    Earlier this week, fire crossed the Wawona Road, following the Indian Creek drainage.

    This fire has crossed Glacier Point Road, forced firefighters to shelter in place at Badger Pass.

    The following areas remain closed: Yosemite Valley, El Portal Road, Wawona Road, Big Oak Flat Road, Glacier Point, the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias, the Merced Grove of Giant Sequoias, Wawona Campground, Crane Flat Campground, Tamarack Campground, and several other sections of the Park.

    Please visit for the most up to date information.
    A large portion of Yosemite National Park remains open.

    Tioga Road from Tioga Pass to White Wolf is open to all visitors and vehicles.

    Most of the trails and campgrounds along this route, including the Tuolumne Meadows Campground
    are open.

    Visitor services along Tioga Road, including the High Sierra Camps
    and the Tuolumne Meadows Store are open.

    The Gateway communities of Sonora, Groveland, Mariposa, Oakhurst,
    and Lee Vining are great places to recreate and offer a wide variety of opportunities.

    Please contact the local visitor centers to learn about recreational opportunities
    in the Gateway communities.

    Since the Ferguson Fire began on Friday, July 13, 2018 park visitors, employees, local businesses and communities have all been affected. We realize this has been a difficult time for all involved. Yosemite National Park is committed to supporting our Gateway communities and we will continue to work closely with all of our stakeholders to work through this emergency.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    9:46 PM EST
    PREDICTION (from facebook earlier today)
    in the assortment of states voting today
    this will come as a shock to many

    glad to see america waking up

    • susan lynne schwenger
    • 13

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    We were right about the elections

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    this was a huge one, and, we never doubled back to make a comment
    video is gone

    johnny looks sick - perhaps NOT getting whatever he was getting in order to keep
    that awesome young looking self ???

    i've got a feeling there is something NOT good in his finances

    perhaps; an agent/manager etc., who has been cooking his books

    perhaps; also him, just spending too much loot

    perhaps; also his x-wife, taking her cut ???

    johnny just plain old, does NOT look good

    seeing 'red' - hope that isn;t a scarf on a door knob :(

    yup...and, he is also a cousin who i share great grandparents with
    back 13/14 generations ago

    sad, if he has sailed off course

    makes me KNOW that so many were blackmailed or just plain old tricked

    • susan lynne schwenger
    • 13
    • 7 august 2018

    Johnny Depp is your 13th cousin twice removed.
    susan lynne schwenger

    Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    James aka Jim Edward (Morton-Russell) Handy Jr.
    her father

    James aka Jim (Ruthven) Handy SR.
    his father

    Marion aka Marrian Ruthven - Handy - Satchell
    his mother

    Alexander (Thompson) Ruthven
    her father

    Robert (Witherspoon) Ruthven, Sr.
    his father

    John Andrew (Henderson) Ruthven
    his father

    John (Peadie) Ruthven
    his father

    John (Hutcheson) Ruthven
    his father

    George John (Reid) Ruthven
    his father

    William Alexander (Clerksone) Ruthven
    his father

    William (Gray) Ruthven
    his father

    Sir William Ruthven, Knight
    his father
    Son of William Ruthven, 2nd Lord Ruthven and Janet Halyburton, Lady Dirletoun
    my great grandparent, but, johnny depp's great uncle

    Lilias Ruthven
    his sister
    Daughter of William Ruthven, 2nd Lord Ruthven and Janet Halyburton, Lady Dirletoun
    Johnny Depp's great grandparent, but, susan lynne schwenger's great aunt

    Patrick Drummond, 3rd Lord Drummond
    her son

    James Drummond, 1st Earl of Perth
    his son

    Lady Jean Gordon (Drummond)
    his daughter

    Sir George Gordon, 15th Earl of Sutherland
    her son

    John Gordon, 16th Earl of Sutherland
    his son

    Jean Gordon, of Sutherland
    his daughter

    Elizabeth Lauderdale
    her daughter

    Nancy Jane Hutchinson
    her daughter

    Susannah Wells
    her daughter

    Simon Peter Wells
    her son

    Commodore Perry Wells
    his son

    Richard Mack Wells
    his son

    Walter "Pawpaw" Wells
    his son

    Betty Sue Wells
    his daughter

    Johnny Depp
    her son

    John Christopher Depp, II

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    OUR PREDICTIONS were right again
    - susan lynne schwenger
    predicted trump president win with .042% accuracy :)
    GO DONALD...
    you are THE KEY & hold The Keys
    to TRUMPiNG EViL iN THiS WORLD !!!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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