New Profile Posts

  1. Bluesword Angel
  2. Bluesword Angel
  3. Bluesword Angel
  4. Bluesword Angel
  5. Bluesword Angel
    Bluesword Angel
  6. Bluesword Angel
    Bluesword Angel
    What if China and Russia are coordinating with POTUS to take down the New World Order? …Q
  7. Bluesword Angel
    Bluesword Angel
    Jan. 17, 18, 19 Tues-Thurs. were major event days.
  8. Bluesword Angel
    Bluesword Angel
    NESARA funds (US retribution funds for interest paid) should kick in for US seniors Mon. 16 to Fri. 20.
  9. Bluesword Angel
    Bluesword Angel
    Next Tues. through Thurs. Jan. 17, 18, 19 have been designated as major Event Days (possibly announcement of NESARA/GESARA?).
  10. Bluesword Angel
    Bluesword Angel
    Those who are 60 and under still working will get $3,500 a month Universal Basic Income UBI,