The One Who Endures

Discussion in 'Raxnae's Poet Club' started by raxnae, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. raxnae

    raxnae One Love, One Heart


    The One Who Endures

    The One Who Endures raxnae

    Imprisoned, Inside this Mind,
    Trapped in the Past, Clinging to Self Pity,
    The Scars are too Deep, But I Need Them to Remind Me I'm Alive,
    Fuck the Pain, I Am the One Who Endures.

    Yeah I Fucked My Heart Up, Threw Away the One who Mattered Most,
    Got Caught by My Own Ignorance, My Youthful Dumb Self,
    Every Love I've had Burns Deep Inside, Bleeding my Void Heart of Pain,
    Fuck the Pain, I Am the One Who Endures.

    Some Days I Feel Like I'm Dying, But the Pain Just Proves I'm Alive,
    It Scares Me, Like Losing Control of My Being,
    The Fear Won't Keep Me Down, Even Though It is Overwhelming,
    Fuck the Fear, I Am the One Who Endures.

    I'm Scared of Dying Alone, I'm Scared of Dying Period,
    I'm A Coward, But There is Hidden Bravery Woven In,
    I Fear the Inevitable Solitude, But It makes Me Stronger,
    Fuck the Fear, I Am the One Who Endures.

    I Learned I Could Endure More Pain Than Anyone, Even if My Spirit Slips from Mortal Coil,
    I Will Change this Fate, With My Own Hands,
    In My Hands the Way, In My Heart the Will,
    Fuck Fate, I Am the One Who Endures.

    I was Destined for Tragedy Before the Start, I was Lost,
    When I was Found, They Couldn't Handle Me,
    Wild and Free is All I Want to Be, With Love in My Heart,
    Fuck Fate, I Am the One Who Endures.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016

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