Shiloh and Raven Permanently Banned on MOA - Thuban Bashing Thread

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    empty. Re: The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

    empty. shiloh Today at 8:26 am

    Open Statement from Thuban to the Mists Of Avalon forum
    Unpalatable replies can easily be deleted by the 'omniscient scepter holders' to hide their own administrative incompetencies!

    When trying to sign in today I discovered this, imagine my surprise.

    You have been banned from this forum.
    Until 14/01/2016
    For the reason : repeated posting graphic images of abused child

    So then I started looking at the forums and I found this by Carol:
    Re: Paris Shooting: 10 Ways It Looks Like a Hallmark False Flag Op

    Post Carol Yesterday at 6:24 pm



    In addition any banned member who uses another members account to post will be banned permanently and the member who allows the banned member to use their account will have a temporary ban.

    "Omnipotence" 848476.

    Now Carol, as you may well know by now that Shiloh and I post together a lot and often share postings and collaboration on our works, why the hell is it only me that is banned and not both of us?? We will not be intimidated by the denial of the truth and so you must ban both of us as a matter of principle and not just one of us. We have both been posting these images in our desire to inform and tell the truth about Islam and not bury it under political correctness and lies like the western civilized world would have us do.

    Yes I fully realize the images are disturbing and horrific, but NOW you need to ask yourself who created those images? Did Shiloh and I cause those children to be mutilated beyond recognition or something else? Those images are shocking and horrific and this kind of violence is happening in our time, not 2000 years ago, but today. You are a rationally minded human being Carol, so can you answer who is at fault here for the horrific violence that you are choosing to ignore and censor from your forum? Or will you do like many people do out of fear, stick your head in the sand and then blame the messenger instead of looking at reality? Why is it that suddenly, on your forum truth telling has become equated to hate speech? I thought you stood for the defense of the truth and that this forum was a place to do just that and not just a forum built on NABS and disinformation, but a beacon in the mists, a lighthouse in the darkness that is our current world. Also YOU might be educated and know of the horrors that Islam is dishing out to its victims but you are not the ONLY person reading this forum. There are many people out there who do not realize the atrocities being committed by Islam nor the dangers this poses to western free societies. One of the few ways we can actually fight these atrocities, like it or not, is to illustrate the truth. And in this case a picture is really worth a thousand words, or did you forget that?

    By banning us you are basically allowing the injustice to prevail and the truth to be blown out like a candle in the wind. You prefer to listen to what you want to hear and the silly rhetoric of posters like Pris, Blue Roller, Sophias Choice, ect, than to the voice of truth and reason?? REALLY? Go ahead and ban me if you must, but then don’t be fuc11ing preferential in your choices and ban both Shiloh and I for as long as you are going to consider the BS over the truth. If posting images that illustrate our modern day reality bother you then you are in deep deep trouble in your denial.
    Shaloma, Raven
    Undersigned Shiloh

    Be consistent Carol in your administration of the Mists of Avalon Forum and like the Camelot and Project Avalon forums before you; ban all Thubans, who offend your sentiments and sensitivities of social etiquette and acceptable tactfulness.

    See the difference between Christian Innocents and Islam innocents Carol?

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs (Part 1)

    December 14, 2015 6:39 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 24 Comments


    Sometimes it seems that almost all the news these days deemed fit to print has something to do with Islam and Muslims. Much of it is about internecine warfare: we receive reports of Sunnis fighting Shi’a in Iraq, of Shi’a fighting Sunnis in Syria, of Shi’a ruled fighting Sunni ruler in Bahrain, of Sunni tribesmen fighting Shi’a tribesmen in Yemen, of one city’s militia fighting another city’s militia, as in Libya with fighters from Tripoli, Misrata, Benghazi, Zintan squaring off, or Muslims of different ethnicities fighting one another–Arabs against Kurds in Iraq and Syria, Arabs against Berbers in North Africa, and so on and so confusingly forth, and don’t forget the Turkmens and the Tuareg.

    But with all these permutations and combinations, two things remain constant. The first is the Muslim Arab attitude toward, and attacks on, the ancient Christian communities of the Middle East: the Chaldeans and Assyrians of Iraq, the Orthodox and Catholics in Syria, the Maronites in Lebanon, the Copts in Egypt. The Christian position depends on the regime. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein had his own reasons for protecting the Christians, whom he knew were no threat to him and, indeed, were employed by him as his household staff, but he is long gone, and Muslims have been attacking Christians and more than half of Iraq’s Christians have left the country. In Syria, the Alawite regime, a regime that amazingly treats Christmas and Good Friday as official holidays and closes government offices, teeter-totters, and Muslim attacks on Christians have led to many of them leaving that country, too. In Egypt, attacks on the Copts went way up under Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, tens of thousands left the country, and under Al-Sisi conditions for Copts have returned to their unpleasant normal. Copts still leave, but not at the rate they did under Morsi. And the steady Maronite outflow, the relative and absolute decline in their numbers and in their power, means that Lebanon, once thought of as a Christian haven, has become another Muslim-dominated country where the Christians are just managing to hang on.

    When they leave Syria or Iraq or Egypt or Lebanon, where do these Middle Eastern Christians go? They go to Europe, to Australia, Canada, America. Who can blame them? And thus the Middle East is being emptied of its Christians. Does it matter to you? If you are a Christian, or even a “post-Christian” (someone who may no longer be a Believer in Christianity, but who recognizes that he belongs to the civilization of the West, and that civilization was fashioned by Christianity) don’t you want a Living Christian Presence in the Middle East? Would you not regret what at this point seems inevitable — the disappearance of Christianity from that region?

    The Western powers have not done what they might have to secure the Christians in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the last American intervention on the side of the Christians was the sending of troops in 1958 by Eisenhower. And France, which always regarded itself as the historic protector of the Maronites, did nothing to help them during the Christian-Muslim civil war. The Maronites found themselves formulaically described in the French (leftist) press as the “right-wing Christians,” though there was nothing “right-wing” about them, unless being Christian was to be taken as synonymous with “right-wing.” Eugene Ionesco wittily noted the use of that Homeric epithet in “the newspaper everyone reads” (he was referring to Le Monde, the permanent paper of the French leftist elite).

    The American record of defending imperiled Christians in the Middle East has been dismal. In Iraq, where hundreds of thousands of American troops were stationed, and a gigantic military machine present for a decade, nothing was done to help the Christians. They were not given arms, they were not trained to defend themselves, and the American military has done nothing special to defend them. They seemed not to want to recognize the peculiar plight of the Christians, to pretend that the danger and misery were spread equally.

    And if the Western world has offered so little military support to the Middle Eastern Christians, what about moral support? Has the Vatican, has the World Council of Churches, has any official body of Christians started to worry aloud about what Muslims have done, and are doing with a vengeance right now, to the ancient Christian communities of the Middle East? And why do we not hear of possible places, right in the Middle East, where Christians could live in security if only certain arrangements could be made?

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs (Part 2)

    December 15, 2015 8:17 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 26 Comments


    The second great grim given in the Middle East, along with the persecution of ancient Christian communities by Muslims, is the steady under-hum of hate, directed at the Infidel Jewish state of Israel. Through the din of warfare between Sunni and Shi’a, Kurd and Arab, Berber and Arab, Al-Nusra and Al-Qaeda, there is the noise of another warfare: the endless war against Israel.

    This war is a product of the Muslim worldview. In that view, the world is uncompromisingly divided between Dar al-Islam, the Domain of Islam, where Muslims dominate, and Dar al-Harb, the Domain of War, where Muslims do not yet dominate. It is the duty of every Muslim to participate in the struggle or Jihad, to remove all obstacles to the spread, and then the domination, of Islam, everywhere. And they are doing it, through terrorism, and propaganda, and economic warfare, and hijrah, the newest and most dangerous instrument of jihad, jihad through migration into the vulnerable (because confused about the threat they faced) lands of Dar al-Harb.
    Israel’s existence is regarded by Muslims as especially insufferable. For it is an Infidel nation-state, the Infidels in question being the long-despised Jews that sits smack in the middle of Arabdom, contra naturam, an insult to the amour-propre of Muslims everywhere, but especially to Arab Muslims, who conceive of that tiny country metaphorically as either a knife plunged into the heart of Arabdom, or as a cancerous growth in the middle of Arabdom. And you don’t pull a knife out part-way, you don’t cut out only part of a cancerous tumor. In other words, for most Arabs, Israel eventually has to go, to disappear, to become again what it once was, part of Dar al-Islam. Until the Six-Day War, the Arabs never hid — just read their propaganda — the final result they desired — an end to Israel, and by military means. But their colossal defeat in that war, and the loss of the territory that the Jordanians had renamed the “West Bank,” led to an entire rethinking of Arab strategy. They understood that they would now have to use non-military means to recover that “West Bank” through diplomacy.

    That diplomatic maneuvering required the transformation of the local Arabs — those in Israel proper, those in the “West Bank,” and those who had fled Mandatory Palestine in 1948-49 and had been called “Arab refugees” — into the deliberately-created “Palestinian people.” This newly-invented “Palestinian people” would first recover, through negotiations, the “West Bank,” and only then, with Israel pushed back into the armistice lines of 1949, would the Arabs, as many as chose to join in, go in for the kill.

    This Arab strategy of conquest-by-stages has gone pretty well. The existence of the “Palestinian people” has been uncritically accepted, or almost so: Golda Meir always doubted their existence, but that’s not surprising — after all, she was the Prime Minister of Israel. But another who doubted their existence was a “Palestinian” Arab named Zuheir Mohsen, head of the As-Saiqa terrorist group, who confided to a Dutch newspaper that “between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. We are all part of ONE people, the Arab nation. Look, I have family members with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenship. We are ONE people. Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity. There is no such thing as the Palestinian people.”
    And to back up Zuheir Mohsen, you might add that phrase “Palestinian people” was never heard. If, however, you ask someone to explain why that phrase was never heard before late 1967, or what characteristics — language, religion, folktales, anything at all — distinguish this “Palestinian people” from all other Arabs, or ask why the word “Palestinian” should have been promoted from geographic adjective to ethnic noun, well, only embarrassment and confusion will result.
    In the Sinai, the Arabs were very successful. Carter and Brzezinski at Camp David treated Sadat, the ruler of a country that had lost territory in a war of aggression, as a veritable Prince of Peace, who could do no wrong. It was Begin who was put constantly on the defensive, and it was he who was forced to relinquish every inch of the Sinai, with the airfields and the oilfields built by the Israelis, and the entire Sinai, to Saint Sadat, who graciously deigned to accept the gift.
    But on the other side of Israel, on the River Jordan, Israel would not be so compliant. Most Israelis understood that in order to withstand a possible attack from the east, they could not surrender the “West Bank” (called by Israelis “Judea and Samaria”— these were, after all, the toponyms that everyone in Christendom, including Jesus, had used for 2000 years, but now the Western press universally mocked the Israeli use of these place names precisely because they were “Biblical”). For some Israelis, the “West Bank” was indeed a Biblical matter; it was part of the Promised Land. For others, Israel’s claim had a different basis — the Mandate for Palestine, and the territory assigned to that Mandate by the League of Nations.

    For still others, what mattered most were the traditional rules of post-bellum settlements, by which the victor gets to keep some land. Just think of how the map of Europe, for example, changed after every conflict large and small (think of Alsace-Lorraine, or the Alto Adige, or Königsberg) both to discourage future aggressors, and because that land might actually prove vital in a future conflict.
    Some time after the Six-Day War, a group of American generals visited the area of the “West Bank,” and came back, and wrote a report. Their conclusion? Strictly for military reasons, Israel had to hold to that area. For them, neither the Bible nor the Mandate for Palestine needed to be invoked. It was a military matter.

    So here we have, midst the swirl of Muslim turmoil in the Middle East, two melancholy facts, two givens. The first is, as noted in Part 1, that Arab Christians are being driven out of the Middle East. Christianity began in the Middle East; Christians held on in the Middle East for 2000 years; now their numbers are being reduced every day. The Living Christian Presence may end in the Middle East.
    Where might some of those Christians — those Assyrians, Chaldeans, Orthodox, Catholics, Copts — end up in the Middle East, in a place that will offer them security, and may even allow them to be trained and armed to defend themselves? And where might they, merely by staying put in the Middle East, and not fleeing to Europe or Australia or Canada or America, perform the important task of being that Living Christian Presence?

    Germany: Convert to Islam arrested for supporting jihad terror group
    Maryland Muslim charged with supporting the Islamic State

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs (Part 3)

    December 16, 2015 11:41 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 8 Comments


    Perhaps, despite all kinds of opposition from the very people who would benefit, a large-scale transfer of peoples were to create a Christian Preserve in the Middle East?

    Following World War I, and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, the first of the twentieth century’s large-scale transfers of populations took place. By the Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations, which was signed at Lausanne in 1923, the Greek and Turkish governments agreed to the compulsory population exchange of peoples. About 1.5 million Greeks who had been uprooted during the Greek genocide and then by defeat in the Greco-Turkish war were forcibly sent to Greece. Turkey wanted to formalize this exodus, and at the same time to create a new exodus, but from Greece this time, and the people being forced out were Turks, moved to Anatolia where they could repopulate areas from which the Greeks had been moved. And at the same time, the properties left behind by the Turks could be taken over by some of the Greeks expelled from Anatolia.

    This exchange of populations was based on religious identity, and not ethnicity or language. And the goal was to create for each of these countries, Greece and Turkey, if not complete ethnic homogeneity, at least to drastically reduce the numbers of Muslims (Turks and Albanians) in Greece and the number of Orthodox Christians in Turkey.

    The second great population exchange of the twentieth century is that which took place among the Muslims and Hindus of India at the time of Partition. Out of India itself, a second state was carved; it included part of the Punjab to the west, and part of Bengal to the east, and together West Pakistan and East Pakistan formed the Dominion of Pakistan. In 1971, East Pakistan rose in revolt and seceded from the Dominion of Pakistan to become an independent state, called Bangladesh.

    As many as half a million people died in the communal riots between Muslims and Hindus before the Partition. And as part of the general upheaval in this period, 14 to 15 million people, Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh, were uprooted and, as Muslim refugees from India, or as Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan, then resettled in Pakistan or in India. It is impossible to say if the people of India and Pakistan were better off because of the rearranging of populations; it was meant to deal with the effects of communal riots and large-scale homelessness — to put Hindus in mainly-Hindu India, to put Muslims in mainly-Muslim Pakistan.
    Still a third example of large-scale population transfer is that which has gone largely unrecognized: the half-million Arabs who left Mandatory Palestine beginning in November 1947 (when they were urged to leave and to return together with triumphant Arab conquerors — that triumph, and that return, never took place) while, at more or less the same time, 900,000 Jews from all over the Arab lands, from Morocco to Iraq, fled local pogroms and made their way to Israel. This population transfer was not, like that of Greeks and Turks in 1923, or the resettlement of Hindus and Muslims in 1947, the result of a formal treaty. It was simply the result of Arabs listening to other Arabs just before and during Israel’s war for independence, and Jews reacting to the violence visited upon them before, during, and after that war, all over the Middle East and North Africa.

    We have seen that the Christian Arab population all over the Middle East is dwindling. We have reviewed the history of the “West Bank” and its importance for Israel’s survival. Is there any way to join these two themes — to give some Christian Arabs a sure refuge, and to strengthen Israel’s hold, and Israel’s perceived right to hold, on to the “West Bank”?

    Let’s start with the world of the counterfactual. You know what a counterfactual is. It’s that which didn’t happen, but you allow yourself to change that history in your mind, and twist it, to make it go as you would have wished it to. Usually these counterfactuals involve something simple — for example, the killing of some dictator, a Hitler or a Stalin, before he could fully do his murderous damage, thus saving tens of millions of lives. Or someone chooses something a little more complicatedly counterfactual. Suppose, for example, we tell ourselves that in their long series of naval battles, Genoa and not Venice had emerged victorious and powerful, and rich. If that had happened, then later in the next century, when a certain Genoan named Cristoforo Colombo sought financial backing for an expedition to find a new western passage to the Indies— the land route now blocked by the Muslims who completed their conquest of Byzantium in 1453 — he did not have to first go to England and Portugal (turned down in both places) or, as he finally and successfully did, to Spain, with the backing of Ferdinand and Isabella and Luis Santangel. No, he could have been backed instead by his very own native city, and would have claimed the New World for Genoa.

    What would that New World look like? Oh, north of the Fiume Grande it would look much the same — the French and English would still have settled North America. But south of that river, what would things be like? Spain’s conquistadores were hardened by the half-millennium of the Reconquista, and thus were aggressive conquerors who seized booty. The Genoese were traders from a maritime city-state. They set up trading entrepôts on the shores of the Black Sea, and did not go inland, did not attempt to conquer peoples and seize loot. A very different pattern of settlement.

    Now imagine another counterfactual scenario that would create a very different pattern of settlement: Muslim Arabs in Gaza and the “West Bank” exchanged for the Christian Arabs displaced from Iraq, Syria, and other majority-Muslim countries. This would give Christian Arabs a preserve where they would be protected, and where they in turn could (if they chose) help Israel militarily — as the Rev. Gabriel Nadaf is encouraging those who are in Israel to do.

    There is something in this also for those Arab leaders who do not want war with Israel. Those leaders actually have a stake in Israel keeping the “West Bank,” which makes it perceptibly more powerful: if you are al-Sisi, for example, you probably want Israel to hold onto the “West Bank.” This population exchange would enable the Israelis to do so. Nonetheless, the opposition of Arab leaders in the area to this plan, were anyone in a position of power to propose it, is virtually assured. Some Israelis, likewise, won’t like the idea of agreeing to let Arabs to live on “West Bank,” even if the Arabs in question are Christian and are traded for Muslim Arabs. There is considerable Christian Arab hostility toward Israel, and that will be hard to change. And there are some Israelis who think they can kick out all the Arabs from the West Bank.
    All this opposition makes for an impossible counterfactual — but would that it could actually come true, for the sake of all three groups involved: Israel, the Arab leaders who don’t want war with Israel, and above all, the Christian Arabs themselves.

    Obama Administration nixed probe into Southern California jihadists
    Missouri: FBI alerted after Muslims buy large quantities of cellphones at rural Walmart at 4AM
    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    You have been banned from this forum.
    Until 15/01/2016
    For the reason : allowing a banned member to use your account

    Aloha Tony,

    One of the rules on this forum is only one member per account... meaning said member is not allowed to open up multiple accounts on the forum.

    In addition, when someone else who was banned for spamming the same info. along with posting graphic images that further exploits innocent children across 5 other threads - resulting in members contacting me with complaints... then using your account and password to continue posting after being banned - that is pushing the situation too far.

    If you wish to resume posting and stop Raven from using your account you will need to change your password and not share it.

    Please let me know what you want to do.


    shiloh, Carol from "" -

    You have been banned from this forum.
    For the reason : allowing a banned member to use your account
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    The Mists of Avalon - An alternative forum of Free Expression in Words and Contexts

    Baholiah Today at 5:02 am


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    default6. Raven & Shiooh have been generating multiple membership accounts to continue to spam

    default6. Carol Today at 2:28 pm


    1. posting graphic images of bloody abused children (including one being dismembered) initiating complaints from other forum members

    2. spamming those identical images across multiple members threads (6 threads at one time)

    3. generating multiple "new" membership accounts to continue to spam. This morning Raven's new membership name was "Blackbird" who spammed about 10 threads and created a couple of new threads. All now deleted.

    5. sharing the same membership account and password, playing tag team (only one account is allowed per member - read the forum guidelines)

    4. creating new posts under their newly created memberships misrepresenting the truth that other forum members have been banned other then themselves. How would they know who has been banned unless it was one of them who created the account? In addition, I have their IPs and access to all of their multiple email addresses which they keep changing.

    I don't think anyone is fooled by who it is given the identical spam they've been dumping into multiple threads, along with new threads they've been generating. However, just for the record only 2 members were banned along with all the other new accounts they've been generating on a daily basis.

    The following message is for Raven and Shiloh.

    Members have been complaining about your spamming for a long time and are now identifying who (which newly created member) you are each time one of you pop up. When you chose to post the last set of particular graphic images you went over the top.

    I emailed Shiloh offering him to change his password to block Raven from using his account (a private personal email that was later posted in one of Raven's spams). He "choose" not to do so. Instead, he too continued to generate new membership accounts so he could post. For example "shenan" - lying to the members identifying himself from L.A. when he lives in Australia.

    Just for the record, I'm instantly notified anytime a new member registers and when a new post is made making it's easy to ban these 2 and delete their new accounts along with recent spam.


    1. Block their IPs but choose not to so that the two would have access to their past threads plus it's not that difficult to generate new IPs.

    2. Move every thread they ever created into the admin section out of view by the public (some threads have already been moved) and return them back to the forum at a later date.

    3. Continue to ban their newly created membership accounts and delete their threads/posts.


    These two brought being banned on themselves by consistently violating the forum rules. C'est fini​

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    Re: Raven & Shiooh have been generating multiple membership accounts to continue to spam

    Aquaries1111 Today at 3:48 pm

    Hello. It's been a while for me since I posted anything. My life has been busy and I've been fishing and loving and working, as well as raising my 11 year old son. Life here in Florida is beautiful with certain challenges too. You know it's important to say no sometimes. The video below (only 10 minutes) is a good reflection to all of us on this. If I may add my 2 cents on this new thread of yours, I have reason to believe that Jester Terrestrial is another alias of Shiloh. If I could also request that the Olivia Brandis thread get removed/deleted as we all know that was Shiloh too.

    Thank you for continuing to reach new stars with this website. It really is a blessing to many who don't have download access to watch videos via youtube. Watching them on this website saves their data space.



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    • Post n°3

    empty. Re: Raven & Shiooh have been generating multiple membership accounts to continue to spam

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 4:17 pm

    Carol, Do You Sometimes Feel As If You're Playing "Whack-a-Mole"??!! I'm PC in Public -- and Just the Opposite on the Internet. Privately -- I Mostly Just Want the BS to STOP!!! I Often Feel As If I'd Rather Be Privately Touring North-America In a 2015 Porsche 911 Turbo S. I'm a Simple Minimalist-Materialist. I'd Probably Live In THAT Car If I Had To!! Just Give Me an Absolute-Access Pass to Motel 6!!



    "Kiss Me, You Completely Ignorant Fool!!"

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Lemon Drop

    Lemon Drop
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    Open Letter From the Thubans

    Lemon Drop Today at 4:18 am
    Open Statement from Thuban to the Mists Of Avalon forum
    Unpalatable replies can easily be deleted by the 'omniscient scepter holders' to hide their own administrative incompetencies!

    Once the incompetence and hypocrisy is exposed, the recourse becomes the deletion, obscuration and banning of controversial 'alternative' information.

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. johnzeb


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    empty. Re: What is really on the moon

    empty. johnzeb Today at 4:27 am
    Lemon Drop wrote:
    Open Statement from Thuban to the Mists Of Avalon forum
    Unpalatable replies can easily be deleted by the 'omniscient scepter holders' to hide their own administrative incompetencies!

    Once the incompetence and hypocrisy is exposed, the recourse becomes the deletion, obscuration and banning of controversial 'alternative' information.

    When trying to sign in today I discovered this, imagine my surprise.
    You have been banned from this forum.
    Until 14/01/2016
    For the reason : repeated posting graphic images of abused child
    So then I started looking at the forums and I found this by Carol:
    Re: Paris Shooting: 10 Ways It Looks Like a Hallmark False Flag Op
    Post Carol Yesterday at 6:24 pm




    In addition any banned member who uses another members account to post will be banned permanently and the member who allows the banned member to use their account will have a temporary ban.

    Now Carol, as you may well know by now that Shiloh and I post together a lot and often share postings and collaboration on our works, why the hell is it only me that is banned and not both of us??

    We will not be intimidated by the denial of the truth and so you must ban both of us as a matter of principle and not just one of us. We have both been posting these images in our desire to inform and tell the truth about Islam and not bury it under political correctness and lies like the western civilized world would have us do.
    Yes I fully realize the images are disturbing and horrific, but NOW you need to ask yourself who created those images? Did Shiloh and I cause those children to be mutilated beyond recognition or something else?

    Those images are shocking and horrific and this kind of violence is happening in our time, not 2000 years ago, but today. You are a rationally minded human being Carol, so can you answer who is at fault here for the horrific violence that you are choosing to ignore and censor from your forum?

    Or will you do like many people do out of fear, stick your head in the sand and then blame the messenger instead of looking at reality? Why is it that suddenly, on your forum truth telling has become equated to hate speech? I thought you stood for the defense of the truth and that this forum was a place to do just that and not just a forum built on NABS and disinformation, but a beacon in the mists, a lighthouse in the darkness that is our current world. Also YOU might be educated and know of the horrors that Islam is dishing out to its victims but you are not the ONLY person reading this forum.

    There are many people out there who do not realize the atrocities being committed by Islam nor the dangers this poses to western free societies. One of the few ways we can actually fight these atrocities, like it or not, is to illustrate the truth. And in this case a picture is really worth a thousand words, or did you forget that?

    By banning us you are basically allowing the injustice to prevail and the truth to be blown out like a candle in the wind. You prefer to listen to what you want to hear and the silly rhetoric of posters like Pris, Blue Roller, Sophias Choice, ect, than to the voice of truth and reason??

    REALLY? Go ahead and ban me if you must, but then don’t be fuc11ing preferential in your choices and ban both Shiloh and I for as long as you are going to consider the BS over the truth. I
    f posting images that illustrate our modern day reality bother you then you are in deep deep trouble in your denial.

    Shaloma, Raven
    Undersigned Shiloh​

    Be consistent Carol in your administration of the Mists of Avalon Forum and like the Camelot and Project Avalon forums before you; ban all Thubans, who offend your sentiments and sensitivities of social etiquette and acceptable tactfulness.

    See the difference between Christian Innocents and Islam innocents Carol?​

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs (Part 1)
    December 14, 2015 6:39 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 24 Comments

    Sometimes it seems that almost all the news these days deemed fit to print has something to do with Islam and Muslims. Much of it is about internecine warfare: we receive reports of Sunnis fighting Shi’a in Iraq, of Shi’a fighting Sunnis in Syria, of Shi’a ruled fighting Sunni ruler in Bahrain, of Sunni tribesmen fighting Shi’a tribesmen in Yemen, of one city’s militia fighting another city’s militia, as in Libya with fighters from Tripoli, Misrata, Benghazi, Zintan squaring off, or Muslims of different ethnicities fighting one another–Arabs against Kurds in Iraq and Syria, Arabs against Berbers in North Africa, and so on and so confusingly forth, and don’t forget the Turkmens and the Tuareg.

    But with all these permutations and combinations, two things remain constant. The first is the Muslim Arab attitude toward, and attacks on, the ancient Christian communities of the Middle East: the Chaldeans and Assyrians of Iraq, the Orthodox and Catholics in Syria, the Maronites in Lebanon, the Copts in Egypt. The Christian position depends on the regime. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein had his own reasons for protecting the Christians, whom he knew were no threat to him and, indeed, were employed by him as his household staff, but he is long gone, and Muslims have been attacking Christians and more than half of Iraq’s Christians have left the country.

    In Syria, the Alawite regime, a regime that amazingly treats Christmas and Good Friday as official holidays and closes government offices, teeter-totters, and Muslim attacks on Christians have led to many of them leaving that country, too. In Egypt, attacks on the Copts went way up under Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, tens of thousands left the country, and under Al-Sisi conditions for Copts have returned to their unpleasant normal. Copts still leave, but not at the rate they did under Morsi. And the steady Maronite outflow, the relative and absolute decline in their numbers and in their power, means that Lebanon, once thought of as a Christian haven, has become another Muslim-dominated country where the Christians are just managing to hang on.

    When they leave Syria or Iraq or Egypt or Lebanon, where do these Middle Eastern Christians go? They go to Europe, to Australia, Canada, America. Who can blame them? And thus the Middle East is being emptied of its Christians. Does it matter to you? If you are a Christian, or even a “post-Christian” (someone who may no longer be a Believer in Christianity, but who recognizes that he belongs to the civilization of the West, and that civilization was fashioned by Christianity) don’t you want a Living Christian Presence in the Middle East? Would you not regret what at this point seems inevitable — the disappearance of Christianity from that region?

    The Western powers have not done what they might have to secure the Christians in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the last American intervention on the side of the Christians was the sending of troops in 1958 by Eisenhower. And France, which always regarded itself as the historic protector of the Maronites, did nothing to help them during the Christian-Muslim civil war. The Maronites found themselves formulaically described in the French (leftist) press as the “right-wing Christians,” though there was nothing “right-wing” about them, unless being Christian was to be taken as synonymous with “right-wing.” Eugene Ionesco wittily noted the use of that Homeric epithet in “the newspaper everyone reads” (he was referring to Le Monde, the permanent paper of the French leftist elite).

    The American record of defending imperiled Christians in the Middle East has been dismal. In Iraq, where hundreds of thousands of American troops were stationed, and a gigantic military machine present for a decade, nothing was done to help the Christians. They were not given arms, they were not trained to defend themselves, and the American military has done nothing special to defend them. They seemed not to want to recognize the peculiar plight of the Christians, to pretend that the danger and misery were spread equally.

    And if the Western world has offered so little military support to the Middle Eastern Christians, what about moral support? Has the Vatican, has the World Council of Churches, has any official body of Christians started to worry aloud about what Muslims have done, and are doing with a vengeance right now, to the ancient Christian communities of the Middle East? And why do we not hear of possible places, right in the Middle East, where Christians could live in security if only certain arrangements could be made?

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs (Part 2)

    December 15, 2015 8:17 am

    The second great grim given in the Middle East, along with the persecution of ancient Christian communities by Muslims, is the steady under-hum of hate, directed at the Infidel Jewish state of Israel. Through the din of warfare between Sunni and Shi’a, Kurd and Arab, Berber and Arab, Al-Nusra and Al-Qaeda, there is the noise of another warfare: the endless war against Israel.

    This war is a product of the Muslim worldview. In that view, the world is uncompromisingly divided between Dar al-Islam, the Domain of Islam, where Muslims dominate, and Dar al-Harb, the Domain of War, where Muslims do not yet dominate. It is the duty of every Muslim to participate in the struggle or Jihad, to remove all obstacles to the spread, and then the domination, of Islam, everywhere. And they are doing it, through terrorism, and propaganda, and economic warfare, and hijrah, the newest and most dangerous instrument of jihad, jihad through migration into the vulnerable (because confused about the threat they faced) lands of Dar al-Harb.

    Israel’s existence is regarded by Muslims as especially insufferable. For it is an Infidel nation-state, the Infidels in question being the long-despised Jews that sits smack in the middle of Arabdom, contra naturam, an insult to the amour-propre of Muslims everywhere, but especially to Arab Muslims, who conceive of that tiny country metaphorically as either a knife plunged into the heart of Arabdom, or as a cancerous growth in the middle of Arabdom. And you don’t pull a knife out part-way, you don’t cut out only part of a cancerous tumor. In other words, for most Arabs, Israel eventually has to go, to disappear, to become again what it once was, part of Dar al-Islam. Until the Six-Day War, the Arabs never hid — just read their propaganda — the final result they desired — an end to Israel, and by military means. But their colossal defeat in that war, and the loss of the territory that the Jordanians had renamed the “West Bank,” led to an entire rethinking of Arab strategy. They understood that they would now have to use non-military means to recover that “West Bank” through diplomacy.

    That diplomatic maneuvering required the transformation of the local Arabs — those in Israel proper, those in the “West Bank,” and those who had fled Mandatory Palestine in 1948-49 and had been called “Arab refugees” — into the deliberately-created “Palestinian people.” This newly-invented “Palestinian people” would first recover, through negotiations, the “West Bank,” and only then, with Israel pushed back into the armistice lines of 1949, would the Arabs, as many as chose to join in, go in for the kill.

    This Arab strategy of conquest-by-stages has gone pretty well. The existence of the “Palestinian people” has been uncritically accepted, or almost so: Golda Meir always doubted their existence, but that’s not surprising — after all, she was the Prime Minister of Israel. But another who doubted their existence was a “Palestinian” Arab named Zuheir Mohsen, head of the As-Saiqa terrorist group, who confided to a Dutch newspaper that “between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. We are all part of ONE people, the Arab nation. Look, I have family members with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenship. We are ONE people. Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity. There is no such thing as the Palestinian people.”

    And to back up Zuheir Mohsen, you might add that phrase “Palestinian people” was never heard. If, however, you ask someone to explain why that phrase was never heard before late 1967, or what characteristics — language, religion, folktales, anything at all — distinguish this “Palestinian people” from all other Arabs, or ask why the word “Palestinian” should have been promoted from geographic adjective to ethnic noun, well, only embarrassment and confusion will result.

    In the Sinai, the Arabs were very successful. Carter and Brzezinski at Camp David treated Sadat, the ruler of a country that had lost territory in a war of aggression, as a veritable Prince of Peace, who could do no wrong. It was Begin who was put constantly on the defensive, and it was he who was forced to relinquish every inch of the Sinai, with the airfields and the oilfields built by the Israelis, and the entire Sinai, to Saint Sadat, who graciously deigned to accept the gift.

    But on the other side of Israel, on the River Jordan, Israel would not be so compliant. Most Israelis understood that in order to withstand a possible attack from the east, they could not surrender the “West Bank” (called by Israelis “Judea and Samaria”— these were, after all, the toponyms that everyone in Christendom, including Jesus, had used for 2000 years, but now the Western press universally mocked the Israeli use of these place names precisely because they were “Biblical”). For some Israelis, the “West Bank” was indeed a Biblical matter; it was part of the Promised Land. For others, Israel’s claim had a different basis — the Mandate for Palestine, and the territory assigned to that Mandate by the League of Nations.
    For still others, what mattered most were the traditional rules of post-bellum settlements, by which the victor gets to keep some land. Just think of how the map of Europe, for example, changed after every conflict large and small (think of Alsace-Lorraine, or the Alto Adige, or Königsberg) both to discourage future aggressors, and because that land might actually prove vital in a future conflict.

    Some time after the Six-Day War, a group of American generals visited the area of the “West Bank,” and came back, and wrote a report. Their conclusion? Strictly for military reasons, Israel had to hold to that area. For them, neither the Bible nor the Mandate for Palestine needed to be invoked. It was a military matter.

    So here we have, midst the swirl of Muslim turmoil in the Middle East, two melancholy facts, two givens. The first is, as noted in Part 1, that Arab Christians are being driven out of the Middle East. Christianity began in the Middle East; Christians held on in the Middle East for 2000 years; now their numbers are being reduced every day. The Living Christian Presence may end in the Middle East.

    Where might some of those Christians — those Assyrians, Chaldeans, Orthodox, Catholics, Copts — end up in the Middle East, in a place that will offer them security, and may even allow them to be trained and armed to defend themselves? And where might they, merely by staying put in the Middle East, and not fleeing to Europe or Australia or Canada or America, perform the important task of being that Living Christian Presence?

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs (Part 3)

    December 16, 2015 11:41 am

    Perhaps, despite all kinds of opposition from the very people who would benefit, a large-scale transfer of peoples were to create a Christian Preserve in the Middle East?

    Following World War I, and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, the first of the twentieth century’s large-scale transfers of populations took place. By the Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations, which was signed at Lausanne in 1923, the Greek and Turkish governments agreed to the compulsory population exchange of peoples. About 1.5 million Greeks who had been uprooted during the Greek genocide and then by defeat in the Greco-Turkish war were forcibly sent to Greece. Turkey wanted to formalize this exodus, and at the same time to create a new exodus, but from Greece this time, and the people being forced out were Turks, moved to Anatolia where they could repopulate areas from which the Greeks had been moved. And at the same time, the properties left behind by the Turks could be taken over by some of the Greeks expelled from Anatolia.

    This exchange of populations was based on religious identity, and not ethnicity or language. And the goal was to create for each of these countries, Greece and Turkey, if not complete ethnic homogeneity, at least to drastically reduce the numbers of Muslims (Turks and Albanians) in Greece and the number of Orthodox Christians in Turkey.

    The second great population exchange of the twentieth century is that which took place among the Muslims and Hindus of India at the time of Partition. Out of India itself, a second state was carved; it included part of the Punjab to the west, and part of Bengal to the east, and together West Pakistan and East Pakistan formed the Dominion of Pakistan. In 1971, East Pakistan rose in revolt and seceded from the Dominion of Pakistan to become an independent state, called Bangladesh.

    As many as half a million people died in the communal riots between Muslims and Hindus before the Partition. And as part of the general upheaval in this period, 14 to 15 million people, Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh, were uprooted and, as Muslim refugees from India, or as Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan, then resettled in Pakistan or in India. It is impossible to say if the people of India and Pakistan were better off because of the rearranging of populations; it was meant to deal with the effects of communal riots and large-scale homelessness — to put Hindus in mainly-Hindu India, to put Muslims in mainly-Muslim Pakistan.
    Still a third example of large-scale population transfer is that which has gone largely unrecognized: the half-million Arabs who left Mandatory Palestine beginning in November 1947 (when they were urged to leave and to return together with triumphant Arab conquerors — that triumph, and that return, never took place) while, at more or less the same time, 900,000 Jews from all over the Arab lands, from Morocco to Iraq, fled local pogroms and made their way to Israel. This population transfer was not, like that of Greeks and Turks in 1923, or the resettlement of Hindus and Muslims in 1947, the result of a formal treaty. It was simply the result of Arabs listening to other Arabs just before and during Israel’s war for independence, and Jews reacting to the violence visited upon them before, during, and after that war, all over the Middle East and North Africa.

    We have seen that the Christian Arab population all over the Middle East is dwindling. We have reviewed the history of the “West Bank” and its importance for Israel’s survival. Is there any way to join these two themes — to give some Christian Arabs a sure refuge, and to strengthen Israel’s hold, and Israel’s perceived right to hold, on to the “West Bank”?

    Let’s start with the world of the counterfactual. You know what a counterfactual is. It’s that which didn’t happen, but you allow yourself to change that history in your mind, and twist it, to make it go as you would have wished it to. Usually these counterfactuals involve something simple — for example, the killing of some dictator, a Hitler or a Stalin, before he could fully do his murderous damage, thus saving tens of millions of lives. Or someone chooses something a little more complicatedly counterfactual.

    Suppose, for example, we tell ourselves that in their long series of naval battles, Genoa and not Venice had emerged victorious and powerful, and rich. If that had happened, then later in the next century, when a certain Genoan named Cristoforo Colombo sought financial backing for an expedition to find a new western passage to the Indies— the land route now blocked by the Muslims who completed their conquest of Byzantium in 1453 — he did not have to first go to England and Portugal (turned down in both places) or, as he finally and successfully did, to Spain, with the backing of Ferdinand and Isabella and Luis Santangel. No, he could have been backed instead by his very own native city, and would have claimed the New World for Genoa.

    What would that New World look like? Oh, north of the Fiume Grande it would look much the same — the French and English would still have settled North America. But south of that river, what would things be like? Spain’s conquistadores were hardened by the half-millennium of the Reconquista, and thus were aggressive conquerors who seized booty. The Genoese were traders from a maritime city-state. They set up trading entrepôts on the shores of the Black Sea, and did not go inland, did not attempt to conquer peoples and seize loot. A very different pattern of settlement.

    Now imagine another counterfactual scenario that would create a very different pattern of settlement: Muslim Arabs in Gaza and the “West Bank” exchanged for the Christian Arabs displaced from Iraq, Syria, and other majority-Muslim countries. This would give Christian Arabs a preserve where they would be protected, and where they in turn could (if they chose) help Israel militarily — as the Rev. Gabriel Nadaf is encouraging those who are in Israel to do.

    There is something in this also for those Arab leaders who do not want war with Israel. Those leaders actually have a stake in Israel keeping the “West Bank,” which makes it perceptibly more powerful: if you are al-Sisi, for example, you probably want Israel to hold onto the “West Bank.”

    This population exchange would enable the Israelis to do so. Nonetheless, the opposition of Arab leaders in the area to this plan, were anyone in a position of power to propose it, is virtually assured. Some Israelis, likewise, won’t like the idea of agreeing to let Arabs to live on “West Bank,” even if the Arabs in question are Christian and are traded for Muslim Arabs. There is considerable Christian Arab hostility toward Israel, and that will be hard to change. And there are some Israelis who think they can kick out all the Arabs from the West Bank.

    All this opposition makes for an impossible counterfactual — but would that it could actually come true, for the sake of all three groups involved: Israel, the Arab leaders who don’t want war with Israel, and above all, the Christian Arabs themselves.

    Shiloh Za-RaH

    You have been banned from this forum.
    Until 15/01/2016
    For the reason : allowing a banned member to use your account

    Aloha Tony,
    One of the rules on this forum is only one member per account... meaning said member is not allowed to open up multiple accounts on the forum.
    In addition, when someone else who was banned for spamming the same info. along with posting graphic images that further exploits innocent children across 5 other threads - resulting in members contacting me with complaints... then using your account and password to continue posting after being banned - that is pushing the situation too far.
    If you wish to resume posting and stop Raven from using your account you will need to change your password and not share it.
    Please let me know what you want to do.
    shiloh, Carol from "" -

    You have been banned from this forum.
    For the reason : allowing a banned member to use your account

    You have been banned from this forum.

    You have been banned from this forum = Raven
    You have been banned from this forum = Shiloh

    You have been banned from this forum = Sirebard
    You have been banned from this forum = Panzer
    You have been banned from this forum = Baholiah
    You have been banned from this forum = Messerschmidt

    You have been banned from this forum = Lemon Drop


    You have been banned from this forum = shenan


    [4:46:30 PM] ShilohaPlace: Just look at moa they got rid of the islam thread which is the true information under pretenses of the bannings
    [4:46:48 PM] ShilohaPlace: The potent data is obscured just like in real life
    [4:52:08 PM] ShilohaPlace: "Sorry, but only administrators can read topics in this forum." - Right!

    You have been banned from this forum = Durendal


    Deleted or removed Threads and forums

    Category: World and Other-worldly Cultures, Practices and Philosophies


    Thuban Philosophy and Material

    Feel free to talk about the Thuban Philosophy, It's Ideas and It's Material.


    1 = The Thuban Legacy = deleted/removed

    2 =The Factuals versus the NABS (New Age Bull XXXX)

    3 = The Factuals versus the OABS (Old Age Bull XXXX)

    4 = The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

    Hi. I am new here to the forum and I am really interested in what these people have to say. If this is a forum for free expression and self moderating why do you keep deleting their posts and banning them? Is there something I am missing here? I don't see anything they are posting in this letter above or anywhere else that would justify this kind of treatment.

    Sincerely, Baholiah

    Forum Keeps Deleting Posts and Banning Long time Members and Censoring the Truth

    Hi lemondrop!

    This seems a strange message to me.
    Isn't this an alternative forum about freedom of speech?
    Why would anyone ban folks for expressing alternative opinions and delete messages?
    Can you elaborate what is going on here?

    Thanks John

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. johnzeb


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    • Post n°21

    empty. Re: What is really on the moon

    empty. johnzeb Today at 4:53 am

    Thanks for the info lemon drop. I would be upset if 4 years of work would simply disappear too. Well, perhaps this is not such a good and open forum after all. As i first thought. But I will stick around for a while and see what else is going on here. This is not a nice surprise.

    Thanks again



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    • Post n°21

    empty. Re: What is really on the moon

    empty. Sanicle Today at 6:07 am

    Well "Lemondrop" you really are misrepresenting the truth of what occurred here. I'm sure you must know it and are just determined to cause more problems. Plus, wouldn't it be true that all the other info you had posted here would still be available on your own Thuban forums? Making out Carol has deleted something irreplaceable is something I find hard to believe.


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    • Post n°22

    empty. Re: What is really on the moon

    empty. Carol Today at 10:48 am

    Exactly Sanicle. Raven and Tony were playing tag team across 6 other threads posting the same identical content generating complaints from other members and violating the forum rules. This was not the first time they've done this, which subsequently resulted in other member complaints about their spamming where some of the other members stopped posting as a result of being treated with disrespect by these two. In addition, Raven has been using Shiloh's account to post - also against the forum's rules.. then came back to post again using his account after being banned. Subsequently both are now permanently banned along with anyone else who has just joined the forum to create conflict.

    In addition, the other thread they are referring to was moved to the admin section of the forum, not destroyed. It will be moved back at a later time.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°7

    empty. Re: Just checking about!

    empty. TRANCOSO 28Dec2015


    I leave you kids alone for a short while 'cos I've got other priorities than hang around on forums and all hell breaks lose?!

    Are Shiloh and Raven the same persons who've been around here for such a long time?

    If so: shame on you!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    empty. Hello

    i_icon_minipost_new. Durendal Today at 5:04 am

    Hello all,

    I am new to the forum here. I wanted to introduce myself properly but in light of what i am reading above I am not sure I will be welcome here myself. I don't like forums who ban members for speaking their minds. I just left a forum where I got totally fed up with them censoring information and banning good people for no reason. Is that what is happening here? I was told about this forum from a long time friend and how open and receptive it was to alternative views and that it had a decent readership. Reading the above I can see I may be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyone care to explain why these people were so offensive? I haven't had the time to read all their material as I work a lot and have limited time, but what I have read so far I am impressed with. So what is really going on here and is it worth my while to even post here or should i just pass through?


    Blancandrin stepped before Marsil's throne, Ganelon's hand was in his own. "Mahound you save," to the king he said, "And Apollin, whose holy law we dread! Fairly your errand to Karl was done; But other answer made he none, Save that his hands to Heaven he raised, Save that a space his God he praised; He sends a baron of his court, Knight of France, and of high report, Of him your tidings of peace receive." "Let him speak," said Marsil, "we yield him leave."

    ccccc ​
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Lemon Drop

    Lemon Drop

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    • Post n°237

    empty. Re: The Holy Quran Experiment

    empty. Lemon Drop Today at 4:11 am


    Last edited by Carol on Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:16 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : THIS MEMBER WAS BANNED FOR POSTING GRAPHIC IMAGES OF ABUSED CHILDREN, USING ANOTHER MEMBERS ACCOUNT TO POST AND SPAMMING)


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    • Post n°238

    empty. Re: The Holy Quran Experiment

    empty. Pris Today at 7:55 am


    We are being trolled in multiple threads

    by Shiloh and/or Raven and their friends/helpers.


    If you see anything Carol may have missed, please let her know.



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    • Post n°239

    empty. Re: The Holy Quran Experiment

    empty. Carol Today at 11:13 am
    Raven and Tony were playing tag team across 6 other threads posting the same identical content generating complaints from other members and violating the forum rules. This was not the first time they've done this, which subsequently resulted in other member complaints about their spamming where some of the other members stopped posting as a result of being treated with disrespect by these two. In addition, Raven has been using Shiloh's account to post - also against the forum's rules.. then came back to post again using his account after being banned. Subsequently both are now permanently banned along with their newly created membership accounts and anyone else who has just joined the forum to create conflict.

    In addition, the other thread they are referring to was moved to the admin section of the forum, not destroyed. It will be moved back at a later time.

    When a banned member posts under a newly created membership name, their posts will be deleted and the new membership account closed.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°238

    empty. Re: The Holy Quran Experiment

    empty. Pris Yesterday at 7:25 pm

    On a positive note, I do have to thank Shiloh and Raven for helping to take this thread to a level I didn't expect.

    Thanks to them, I was able to illustrate my point rather well.

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  8. admin

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    • Post n°13

    empty. Re: Ruling elite is ruling...what?

    empty. Sanicle Today at 10:09 am
    All you're doing by trolling is proving this forum is better off without you "Blackwing", compounding what you'd already done to get yourself banned in the first place.

    At least you're not still including Tony in your posts as he'd lose any credibility he has as any sort of 'spiritual teacher' if he were to 'troll' like/with you, which would be a shame after all the years and work he's put into trying to help by passing on his beliefs. Are you deliberately destroying that?? icon_scratch.

    Oh and I thought you loved the Christ. What a hypocrite you are to be doing this at this time.

    Merry Christmas "Blackwing/Raven/etc"
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Merry Christmas

    empty. JesterTerrestrial Today at 1:10 pm

    maybe you should skip the ignorance and read about the truth of chrsitmas!!!

    gald your all so cherry but it is rather obnoxious from so called enlightened truth seekers!!!

    2000 + years of lies and this is the best you got lmao holy good god what the hell is wrong with you!!!




  10. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2015

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