Questions And Answers By Thuban

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers Thread' started by admin, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    empty. Re: Understanding The Gospel of Thomas

    empty. THEeXchanger on Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:46 pm

    The Dreamer is The Dream, The Dream is The Dreamer
    -yup, too bad most people do NOT understand the importance of mastering
    their 12/13 aspects - iT iS NOT hard to do
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    empty. shiloh Today at 6:33 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    These little treasures of text in your post are great, Shilo. Thanks for that.
    I like to go into it more and find the origin of these texts.
    Specially this one I think is profound, it kind of hit me:

    "(18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
    Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end?
    For where the beginning is, there will the end be.
    Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning;
    he will know the end and will not experience death."

    HigherLove wrote:

    I do not think the words "thank you" aptly cover what you have done, here. Much gratitude.



    We are here to help and to openly and freely share the information we believe we have become privvy to for the stated purpose.
    So here then are some decoding indicators regarding the Gospel of Thomas.

    The following message and question is from a StarMother, 'hiding' from herself and the Old Human World like are and do All Old Humans of the Yin sexual orientation, either or both internally manifested in the Body morphology and/or the mental perceptions of the self.

    This message indicates the great evolutionary drama which is necessitated to resolve itself, before the Old Humanity can 'ascend-descend' as a New StarHumanity.
    It is all about consciousness; not as some fancy word of the Cartesian Mind-Body Dualism or the unfathomable fantasies of 'spiritually' and 'religiously' inclind feeling and thinking people; BUT as a inherent structural component of the physical space of the universe itself.
    Consciousness is part and parcel of space; a rock occupies space; it can be thrown in a bucket filled with water and its 'space' will dosplace the space previously occupied by the water in the bucket. So the water rises and the physics of the Archimedian Principle comes to the fore.

    Now the rock is made of chemical substances like minerals, made of molecules and atoms, made of subatomic particles, made of wormhole quanta.
    Each physically manifested object, including the so called lifeless ones, so occupies space and so possesses a Base-Consciousness calculable from the wormhole parameters of its common building block (like a 1 unit Lego say).
    Even Electromagnetic Energy like Photons occupy space, albeit in a massless manner, due to their wavelengths; allowing henceforth to introduce a light-matter interaction between the massive-inertial and the massless-spped of light realms of the object-object interactions in the subjectivity of this encompassing spacial consciousness.

    The rock is relatively static, it does not move about by itself, except acted upon by external forces, following the postulates of the Newtonian physics.
    A microbe is said to be a 'living thing' and is able to move about searching for food and shelter in so termed 'survival modes'. The microbe too, however consists physically of the wormhole quanta.
    Electricity and Light and Sound all are waveforms, which allow a continuous flow of energy to manifest a wavenature and a particle nature in say 'pushing electrons' along copper wires or vibrating air molecules to exhibit the flow of phonons as the sound proxy for the photons of light.
    But the electrons and the phonons apparently are not as 'fixed' in the space they occupy as are the rock and the microbe. They are said to fluctuate between being like a continuous wave and a position fixed particle.

    This is like a string on a guitar. When you pull such a string all of the string oscillates, making a sound, but the point where you pulled the string defines the propagation of the mechanical wave of the say metal string and the soundwave generated.
    Then the space occupied by either stationary or moving object INTERACTS with the cosnssoiousness occupied by the moving things. If such a thing then is 'alive', its dynamical interaction with the background space is many times more complex, than that of say the rock.

    It becomes a question of EXPERIENCE; the atoms of the rock vibrate very fast inside of the rock, but the overall stasis of the rock hides the rocks 'internal' consciousness as having grown as a crystal ir having been part of volcanic lava and so on.
    This introduces evolutionary timearrows for all things in the universe.
    A BASIC spacetime inherent consciousness defined in wormhole parameters, so communicates AS the basic cosmic consciousness of the stasis of the NONLIFE vwith that of the dynamcs of the LIFE.

    What defines this being A-LIVE mirrored in EVIL-A=EVIL-Alpha=EVIL-Beginning?
    It is the consciousness which was existent BEFORE the SPACE was born in the Quantum Big Bang following some intrinsic inflationary wavematter dynamics now being seen in the electric- and atmospheric and oceanic current flows.
    This spacetime independent consciousness, subsequently and consequently manifesting in the cosmic consciousness in all of the spaces occupied, can be called the Logos Consciousness or the 'Word of GoddoG'.

    The following passages of a certain scroll, shared in 32AD indicates the nature of this 'Thoth Akhenaton' =71 89=160=16=97=SERPENT=SONOFMAN=CIRCLEOFGOD=ANTHONY=AKHENATHON=PRESENT and as the Hermes Trismegistos of the Plumed Serpent of the Melchizedek of Kukulkan of Moses Isaiah of Quicksilvered Mercury.

    Important note: Use the Coptic versions (Lambdin&Robinson) of the Gospel of Thomas (GOT) and not the edited 'modernised' ones, as the 'modernised' versions , just like the Christian OT/NT versions (use Old King James if possible) have been polluted to an extent of having become basically useless for the decoding appropriate in the warpzone period at hand.

    Correct Coptic Version:
    [7] Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    Incorrect Modernised Version:
    [7] Jesus said, "Lucky is the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And foul is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion still will become human."

    The Logos meaning is corrupted in the modernised version. The 'experts' could not make 'logical sense' of this saying about 'lions eating men' and 'men eating lions' as the true meaning of the 'Eucharist' as the 'Remembrance of the Last Supper' with Jesus being the 'Lion of Judah; Gen.49.8-12 and Rev.5.5 and so placing the emphasis on the lion becoming man in either the luckyness or in the curse of mankind, instead of drawing the distinction between the lion's blessedness of becoming human in the Eucharist.

    Alter Altar of Babalon-Babylon, the LonE BabyDragon, shared by Ashera Barbelo


    The Nag Hammadi Library
    The Gnostic Society Library

    Lost for 1,600 years

    In 1945, in an Egyptian cave near desert town of Nag Hammadi, 52 papyrus texts were discovered, some dating from the beginning of the Christian era, revealing a Jesus who teaching akin to a Shin myokonin, a Zen Master, or even Shakyamuni Buddha himself. Lost for 1,600 years, these are known as the Gnostic Gospels, from the Greek word "gnosis"...meaning "to know"...’to know oneself,” that is to have an insight into and awakened to oneself in an intuitive and non-dualistic sense.

    Enlightenment for All

    Exploring the Gospel of Thomas, we discover that Jesus believed the self and the divine to be identical and one. Furthermore, the Kingdom of Heaven is not in the future but is “right here.” and one only needs to be awakened to this perfection. Jesus, in this gospel, speaks of enlightenment, the same type that is taught by Shakyamuni Buddha, Shin teachers and Zen Masters. In addition, Thomas does not have a narrative story line but just 114 sayings attributed to Jesus, many of which are akin to Zen koans. Here, Jesus is never presented as Lord or Savior, but rather as a spiritual guide who is equal to his students.

    The Exclusion of Thomas​

    Why was the Gospel of Thomas disqualified from the Christian Bible and eventually outlawed? During the reign of Emperor Constantine around the 4th century C.E., the Roman Empire was looking to reconstitute and solidify its power. The Emperor and the existing power structure chose the Pauline sect of Christianity as the “official” religion, which include the epistles of Paul and the Gospels and books from his disciples that form the present-day New Testament. Teachings from the Gospel of Thomas and other Nag Hammadi texts were seen as a danger to the developing ecclesiastical and political structure because they rejected the authority of the bishops, priests and deacons. Roman Church father Ignatius warned the Christians to "honor and obey the bishop as you would God." It is quite easy to see why the church councils did not choose the Gospel of Thomas and other similar texts for their Bible. As a result, for political reasons these texts were banned and later destroyed for the good of Empire and Church. After all, bishops and priests would lose their power and influence with the common people, if the common people learned that Jesus taught they did not need such religious authority/intermediaries of the Church, bishops and priests, and that the Kingdom is within all and is directly accessible to everyone without them; we all are sons/daughters of God.

    These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.

    Selection made from James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library, revised edition. HarperCollins, San Francisco, 1990.
    | Nag Hammadi Library | Gnostic Society Library | Gnosis Archive |


    Gospel of Thomas #7: from the Nag Hammadi Codex

    This then directly relates to the Consciousness of the Cosmic Logos becoming blended with the human soul experience through the Individuated Logos.

    [108] Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like Me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will become revealed to him."

    [77] Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the All. From Me did the All come forth, and unto Me did the All extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find Me there."

    [39] Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of Knowledge and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to.
    You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."

    And Nostradamian Quatrains in Century IX:
    (the french names are allegories to general archetypes and symbols applicable on a global basis at all locations)

    From Bourg-la-Reine they will come straight to Chartres,
    And near Pont d'Antony they will pause:
    Seven crafty as Martens for peace,
    Paris closed by an army they will enter.

    In the forest cleared of the Tuft,
    By the hermitage will be placed the temple:
    The Duke of Étampes through the ruse he invented
    Will teach a lesson to the prelate of Montlhéry.

    Calais, Arras, help to Thérouanne,
    Peace and semblance the spy will simulate:
    The soldiery of Savoy to descend by Roanne,
    People who would end the rout deterred.

    For seven years fortune will favor Philip,
    He will beat down again the exertions of the Arabs:
    Then at his noon perplexing contrary affair,
    Young Ogmios will destroy his stronghold.

    A captain of Great Germany
    Will come to deliver through false help
    To the King of Kings the support of Pannonia,
    So that his revolt will cause a great flow of blood.

    The horrible plague Perinthus and Nicopolis,
    The Peninsula and Macedonia will it fall upon:
    It will devastate Thessaly and Amphipolis,
    An unknown evil, and from Anthony refusal.

    The King will want to enter the new city,
    Through its enemies they will come to subdue it:
    Captive free falsely to speak and act,
    King to be outside, he will keep far from the enemy.

    So the so termed 'Logos/Christ Consciousness' represents the maximum potential for the spacetime 'unconsciousness' of the lifeless Universe born from the elemental heat of the Quantum Big Bang Creation event - the Cosmogenesis.

    [82] Jesus said, "He who is near Me is near the fire, and he who is far from Me is far from the Kingdom."

    The Starhuman Acolytes so are 'Living Consciousness Carriers' experiencing things on behalf of the 'Cosmic Father' and on behalf of their 'Cosmic Mother' through and by the Logos Potential inherent in themselves as their individualised Logi.

    Only in 'eating' the Lion of the 'Logos Fire' burning within the 'Soul as the Energy of the LIFE', can the 'Serpent-Kundalini' Energy of the Logos be attained in one's intrinsically private and one-to-one communication and proxyness of the Individual Logos mirroring the Cosmic already ascended Cosmic Logos say the Melchizedek or the ThohT desiring to Descend again AS the embodiment of the THEN graduated and selfrealised Logos of the Individual.

    [10] Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes."

    [11] Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"

    [13] Jesus said to His disciples, "Compare me to someone and tell me whom I am like."
    Simon Peter said to Him, "You are like a righteous angel."
    Matthew said to Him, "You are like a wise philosopher."
    Thomas said to Him, "Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom You are like."
    Jesus said, "I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated by the bubbling spring which I have measured out."
    And He took him and withdrew and told him three things. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked him, "What did Jesus say to you?"
    Thomas said to them, "If I tell you one of the things which he told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; a fire will come out of the stones and burn you up."

    [14] Jesus said to them, "If you fast, you will give rise to sin for yourselves; and if you pray, you will be condemned; and if you give alms, you will do harm to your spirits. When you go into any land and walk about in the districts, if they receive you, eat what they will set before you, and heal the sick among them.
    For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but that which issues from your mouth - it is that which will defile you."

    [16] Jesus said, "Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire, sword, and war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the son against the father. And they will stand solitary."

    [17] Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind."

    [27] Jesus said, "If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the Kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the Father."

    {The sabbath=Mirror of Yourself in everything!}

    [89] Jesus said, "Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not realize that he who made he inside is the same one who made the outside?"

    [90] Jesus said, "Come unto me, for My yoke is easy and My lordship is mild, and you will find repose for yourselves."

    [70] Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

    This then represents the key for the Individual Logos attaining Cosmic Logos assimilation in the eating of the 'Lion'.

    All old humans carry the creator-creation seed within themselves; but until they can release this seed; they will continue to be 'cursed' with the 'Lion' encompassing them as the 'Body of the Resurrection' aka the higher dimensional Universe World Logos Consciousness infused as a wavefunction manifest from the NOT collapsed particle function due to this 'resurrection'.

    As this 'Supreme Consciousness' Morphology exists WITHIN space and time since the metamorphosis template of 31/32AD; this selfsame template can be Multiplied in the 'Sharing of this ThohTian Body-Merkabah' in individuaslised 'Second Comings' or Self-Redemptions, albeit utilizing the 'Resurrection template' as a 'Cosmic Consciousness Module'.
    So without the acceptance of the World Logos, all old humans will remain 'cursed' and 'imprisoned' within the Body of the Resurrected Body of the Lion.

    So what does this 'Body of the Cosmic Space Consciousness' entail?

    It must couple to the individuated Logi in a kind of 'blending of the souls' and as stated in the GOT.

    [108] Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like Me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will become revealed to him."

    In cosmological terms this reunites the FatherMother=Father Mother=HeShe SheHe in the Old AdamEve=Adam Eve=AdamEve EveAdam.
    Therefore the saying: relating to 'Cosmic Man' Vitruvius (of Leonardo da Vinci), Purusha of the Vedas and Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah, all aspects of the Hermetica of Thoth:

    [85] Jesus said, "Adam came into being from a great power and a great wealth, but he did not become worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have experienced death."


    Now all old humans are like 'secret agents' for the Cosmic Logos and destined to blend with himher in the Melchizedek merkabah and depending on their individual agendas and commissions in their agendas.

    The pertinent question is WHEN this will become happenstance in the individuated timelines of the Logos experiencing itself in the Father-Mother Duality of the Yang-Yin becoming the Monadic Unity of the YangYin YinYang so reforming the original FatherMother archetype in multiplicity.

    This then is the purpose of this message.
    Who can PIONEER the 'Homecoming' as either an actor or an actress or a director or a producer and as a playwright?
    The audience, being entertained by the 'Logos Play' of the Exile and separation between Father-Mind-Wave and Mother-Particle-Body in the Plus-Minus Polarization; will by far outnumber the active participating entertainers.

    And the Ones, who KNOW the gameplan are watching under many labels of extraterrestrial sentiences.

    So what are the roles?

    Everyone wishing to become a Logos Pioneer will be required to KNOW the Script and the Outline of the Story and everyone wishing to 'show the way', will be required to KNOW its part and the tools to be utilized.

    So it is like a musician knowing his instrument.

    You know what to do and how to play your musical instrument and so you can indeed entertain the Logos of your superconscious Higher selfhood with your spacetime endeavours.

    But the NEW WORLD of the StarHuman is YangYin and no longer Yin OR Yang and so the pioneers and roleplayers will have to enter unknown ground and territory to be able to interact and communicate with the ETs.

    The New Age proponents have misread the 'signs' just as have the skeptics and the 'fundamentalist believers'.

    [51] His disciples said to Him, "When will the repose of the dead come about, and when will the new world come?"
    He said to them, "What you look forward to has already come, but you do not recognize it."

    [113] His disciples said to Him, "When will the Kingdom come?"
    Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it."

    The New Agers in essence understand the interconnectedness of themselves with the Cosmos, say as 'Family of the Creator', but omany of them deny the uniqueness and requirement of the World Logos (under whatever label) encompassment. Many of them deny scriptures and religion as part of PTM agendas. All such 'players' cannot 'Eat the Lion or Swallow the Logos Fire". They will remain spectators, no matter what active 'leadership' roles they may entertain in the Old World of the 3D.

    The Skeptics deny the immaterial reality of the 'unseen' as their own true images and so they will have the proverbial 'eggs and tomatoes on their faces' when the unseen things suddenly appear in the opening of the 4th spacial dimension of the hyperspace at the completion of the warptime and following the Gaian Pregnancy and the Incubation of the Old Human environment devouring Caterpillar to metamorphose into a StarHuman environment pollinating Butterfly.

    [80] Jesus said, "He who has recognized the world has found the body, but he who has found the body is superior to the world."

    [81] Jesus said, "Let him who has grown rich be king, and let him who possesses power renounce it."

    [82] Jesus said, "He who is near Me is near the fire, and he who is far from Me is far from the Kingdom."

    [83] Jesus said, "The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the Father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light."

    [84] Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die not become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"

    The 'Fundamentalist Believers' got the thing, many New Agers got wrong, absolutely right.
    They accept the Uniqueness of the Logos as their saviour figures for their redemptions. However they do not understand the meaning of the Lion and the Fire and their cocreative roles in ending the exile between Cosmic Father Creator and Cosmic Mother Creation and their kinship with their own saviours and redeemers and so have developed entire cultures and structures, where the blind lead and follow the blind.

    [34] Jesus said, "If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit."

    [39] Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of Knowledge and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to.
    You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."

    [40] Jesus said, "A grapevine has been planted outside of the Father, but being unsound, it will be pulled up by its roots and destroyed."

    [41] Jesus said, "Whoever has something in his hand will receive more, and whoever has nothing will be deprived of even the little he has."

    [42] Jesus said, "Become passers-by."

    [43] His disciples said to him, "Who are You, that You should say these things to us?"
    Jesus said to them, "You do not realize who I am from what I say to you, but you have become like the Jews, for they either love the tree and hate its fruit or love the fruit and hate the tree."

    So where are the REAL Pioneers, the ones who can HARMONIZE the polarity, often associated with the Right Solar Eye of Horus-Hathor as the leftbrained Intellectual Logic of the Logos-Yang AND the Left Lunar Eye of Horus-Uraeus as the rightbrained Intuitive Wisdom of the Logos-Yin?

    The lonesome musician playing his guitar or his piano to entertain the cosmic audience with his spacetime nous CAN do so, because SheHe KNOWS hisher trade and instrument.

    So the solar-lunar yang-yin parts of the say conventionally left-right brain modality is in harmony.

    One cannot function well without he other. The musician would only make screeching discordant noise, should heshe not know and understand in male Knowledge or Science and in female Wisdom or Gnosis of how to pluck the guitar or press the piano keys.

    So all the New Agers have a hard task at hand to 'harmonize' their merkabahs to magnify those 'vessels of geometry' to connect to theeir much greater merkabahs known as Spaceships and Starcruisers and such things; should they not 'Get The Yang Science' to manouver their 'space ships'.

    One is required to learn how to 'drive a car' and a licence is ordinarily obtained to show competency.

    Many New Agers believe that the ETs will simply hand out starships to them to become galactic travellers.

    The ETs know that chaos would result amongst the stars as it has on their Cosmic Motherplanet planet Gaia., should they do so.

    So unless one is 'born' as a prodigy in remembrance of say a previous incranational connection as a 'master composer' or musician; the acolyte aspiring musician will have to accompany herhis 'love of the instrument' with some hard mental work to learn the scripts, the notes and the way things are put together to create the Mathematical harmony all Music represents on the emergent level of its elements.

    Many New Agers and Believers fail on this hurdle, due to their unwillingness to blend their Yang-Logos of the abstract logical thinking with their Yin-Logos of the intuitive dreaming and imagination modes.
    The Skeptics, due to their reductionistic way of questioning and critisizing everything have a much easier task in this.

    So then the letter from the StarMother following, exemplifies this state of the affairs.

    I am well aware that it is not the 'fault' of the 'average planetary citizen' that only a small percentage of the populus is comfortable with abstract symbols and archetypes.

    But like the Musician has to learn to 'Read the Notes of the Music' to become an effective Creator of the Harmonies; so will the status of the Starship drivers depend on how well they can harmonize their solar eyes with their lunar ones.
    The excuse of inadequate education systems or of 'missed opportunities' or of 'forgetfulness about what was once learned and understood' does not hold any water in the New World to come.

    Then the DreamTime of the Yin will become the RealityTime of the Yang in the Dreaming Realism of the Shehes and the Logical Reality of the Dreamtime of the Heshes.

    Then the answer to the StarMother's question as to WHY WE SHOULD CARE: is because: IF you dont, then you will be part of the Audience watching the New World unfolding as spectators, instead of cocreating this selfsame Birth of the New Way of Thinking and Living from the Old Way of doing those things.

    .... maybe you could describe in REGULAR words precisely what this "advanced science" is showing us and why it's important ... why it matters on a SPIRITUAL level ... why we should care.


    Didymos --

    do you think it might be possible for you to summarize the various components in this thread where you "wax eloquent" over the OmniScientific theories/explainations detailed above ??? i mean ... like could you just give us "lay people" like me some idea of the IMPLICATIONS of what you're saying with all this scientific-speak. i ASSUME from my skimming (avoiding anything that looked too brain-taxing!) that scientists are "discovering" some cool STUFF out there that corroborates and/or amplifies some of the "themes" you are fond of from a Thuban point of view ... so, if this assumption is correct ... maybe you could describe in REGULAR words precisely what this "advanced science" is showing us and why it's important ... why it matters on a SPIRITUAL level ... why we should care. 854824.

    as one of your LEAST "scientifically minded" but most "perennially persistent" friends & followers ... HELP ! 588986.

    thanks, didymos.

    much love,

    inanna kali

    p.s. it's the SECOND part of the thread i'm referring to here, of course. i think i "got" the parts BEFORE "The Omniversal Hypershpere ..." it's at THAT point that my brain reserves became DEPLETED by the scientific jargon! LOL THANK You, Sir Didymos ! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts

    Posts: 91
    Allisiam - Posted Aug 10th

    "One's purpose of life is so to discover one's own Story and tell this Story to Oneself as a Function of Memory!"

    [1:43:50 PM] raxnae: xeia didn't put me up to it, I found the site from listening to this interview on gnosticwarrior at the very end he mentioned it as being one of the academia illiuminati's sites, I just found it interesting and wanted to observe the dissection, I didn't speak much because I was observing and didn't want to speak from ignorance
    [1:47:05 PM] raxnae: mostly I want to learn and gain an understanding, I want to be able to see the codes and understand them
    [1:48:06 PM] Allisiam: yeah rax there is a lot of good information on that site, but it is wise to go in with discernment
    [1:48:34 PM] Allisiam: the GOT unlocked a lot of it for me

    [1:48:45 PM] Allisiam: why I like to quote it so much
    [1:49:37 PM] Allisiam: to unlock the codes you have to see with Logos eyes
    [1:49:44 PM] Allisiam: a bit hard to explain how to do this
    [1:49:58 PM] Allisiam: because it requires submitting to it first

    Gospel of Thomas wrote: (108) Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him."

    [1:52:43 PM] Allisiam: this statement is one of the most profound to me in the GOT, but then understanding this truly goes much deeper, my understanding came in levels, like peeling back layers of an onion
    [1:53:43 PM] raxnae: yes I'm very interested in understanding the GOT, I just haven't found what I am lacking yet
    [1:54:02 PM] Allisiam:
    [1:54:08 PM] Allisiam: this really helped me too
    [1:54:34 PM] Allisiam: When I first read this it triggered a deep understanding in me
    [1:54:56 PM] raxnae: reading now
    [1:55:13 PM] Allisiam: and it was then that I realized that this story Tony was writing about was not just his story but a universal one
    [2:00:13 PM] Allisiam: So in effect, Tony becomes another YOU, reflecting your and everyone else's story back to them. The story is not personal, and this is probably the hardest obstacle to overcome, the human mind gets in the way, call it your self-importance. When you loose this then a door opens.
    [2:00:25 PM] Allisiam: and of course when it does others will perceive you as arrogant
    [2:03:39 PM] Allisiam: this is part of the reason Jesus had such a terrible reception over 2000 years ago, not much has changed within the human mind and how it sees itself
    [2:07:40 PM] Allisiam: this is because who you think you are is not who you really are, who you really are is genuine, who you think you are is a fake

    Gospel of Thomas wrote: (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    [2:09:32 PM] Allisiam: that imagine it then image it link I gave you goes into this GOT saying pretty well
    [2:23:51 PM] raxnae: I've had experience with my no spacetime self before, when I had a manic break in reality I went through the void, but my memory of that time is fractured
    [2:25:40 PM] raxnae: the napolean example hits home, I've felt archetypes embodied in myself, mostly from norse mythos
    [2:26:16 PM] Allisiam: yes
    [2:27:03 PM] Allisiam: so access becomes an act of imagination coupled with a surrendering to this higher knowledge or gnosis
    [2:27:22 PM] Allisiam: we all have these memories
    [2:28:02 PM] Allisiam: and the capacity to 'reflect'
    [2:28:53 PM] raxnae: but how does one surrender to the True Logos and gain its sight?
    [2:29:14 PM] Allisiam: it is incredible, I think I must of read just this one piece of Tony's work probably over 100 times and each time something new reveals itself
    [2:29:46 PM] Allisiam: you become it
    [2:30:14 PM] raxnae: is my personal story the fake story?
    [2:30:31 PM] Allisiam: well it is not really a fake ok, it is a subplot
    [2:30:39 PM] Allisiam: but it is not who you really are
    [2:30:51 PM] Allisiam: so in that sense it is only a part of the whole story
    [2:31:37 PM] raxnae: I've imagined and imaged myself in the no spacetime
    [2:32:08 PM] Allisiam: have you looked through they eyes of Jesus?
    [2:32:53 PM] raxnae: maybe, I've imagined looking through his eyes at many points in my life

    Gospel of Thomas wrote: (77) Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."

    [2:33:20 PM] Allisiam: these are his eyes
    [2:34:04 PM] Allisiam: so you are infact looking through his eyes all the time
    [2:34:51 PM] Allisiam: your consciousness is not confined to your body, to Raxnae
    [2:35:06 PM] Allisiam: it is in all things
    [2:35:14 PM] Allisiam: and yet it is nothing
    [2:35:37 PM] raxnae: thats the way I described the void, everything and nothing
    [2:35:52 PM] Allisiam: the void is one aspect yes
    [2:36:49 PM] Allisiam: all possibilities exist there
    [2:37:02 PM] raxnae: so I'm wondering, is the no spacetime merging with spacetime?
    [2:37:04 PM] Allisiam: not all are actualized in 3-D
    [2:37:32 PM] Allisiam: yes a bridge has been created
    [2:38:35 PM] raxnae: so the subplot will become the whole story?
    [2:38:49 PM] Allisiam: did you watch the kleinbottle video?
    [2:38:54 PM] raxnae: yes
    [2:39:00 PM] Allisiam: imagine yourself now as the intersection
    [2:39:07 PM] Allisiam: embedded into reality
    [2:39:13 PM] Allisiam: you are the bridge
    [2:39:30 PM] Allisiam: your feeling mind and thinking heart and your ability to reflect
    [2:40:12 PM] Allisiam: your very body is a ship that can fold space within it and without it
    [2:40:56 PM] Allisiam: a vehicle that transports you through spacetime
    [2:41:37 PM] Allisiam: it has a metaphysical twin that goes to the higher dimensions
    [2:41:55 PM] Allisiam: and that twin is co-local with your own body
    [2:42:33 PM] Allisiam: it exists inside and outside of it in nospacetime
    [2:43:47 PM] raxnae: I can see how the human mindedness gets in the way
    [2:43:56 PM] Allisiam: yes
    [2:44:05 PM] Allisiam: it has a hard time 'encompassing' things
    [2:45:09 PM] Allisiam: and it can only reflect upon itself in a mirror of vanity
    [2:45:31 PM] Allisiam: instead of the real mirror of mirrors, the true Logos aka JCCJ
    [2:45:53 PM] Allisiam: which we are all living inside of
    [2:46:18 PM] Allisiam: so to get outside of that body requires a new set of eyes
    [2:47:10 PM] Allisiam: very very few people know the real Jesus
    [2:47:40 PM] Allisiam: if everyone knew there would be no more war
    [2:47:43 PM] Allisiam: no more death
    [2:47:52 PM] Allisiam: instantly
    [2:48:10 PM] Allisiam: but his body on the inside is scattered
    [2:48:34 PM] Allisiam: and trying to remember itself
    [2:48:34 PM] raxnae: i often had wondered if the sacrifice was the end all be all sacrifice why there was still death
    [2:49:10 PM] Allisiam: just as the Father required someone to remember him so too did Jesus
    [2:50:09 PM] Allisiam: enough of us remember now that the story can continue in a new way
    [2:50:41 PM] Allisiam: but time is very very different to the eternal self
    [2:51:08 PM] Allisiam: the human mind can't see that far in advance
    [2:51:13 PM] Allisiam: or into its own past
    [2:52:39 PM] Allisiam: let alone change it
    [2:52:45 PM] Allisiam: only the Logos can do that
    [2:54:26 PM] Allisiam: and it is NOT an ego trip to see with those eyes but a great responsibility
    [2:56:01 PM] raxnae: will we see the new story unfold in this lifetime?
    [2:56:20 PM] Allisiam: you are now witnessing it
    [2:56:50 PM] raxnae: I predicted a mental ragnarok in the human mind
    [2:57:00 PM] raxnae: where all the old things would pass and be made new
    [2:57:15 PM] Allisiam: yes mental armegeddon is happening now
    [2:57:44 PM] Allisiam: but before things can become physical they must have a mental precursor see
    [2:58:36 PM] Allisiam: and now you are seeing this mental Armageddon physicalize
    [2:59:24 PM] raxnae: care to read three poems of mine?
    [2:59:35 PM] Allisiam: maximum polarization has to happen before things will change
    [2:59:59 PM] Allisiam: so humanity is going to be given a huge ass mirror upon which to reflect
    [3:00:18 PM] Allisiam: sure rax, you know I love poetry
    [3:00:52 PM] raxnae:
    [3:02:55 PM] Allisiam:
    Raxnae wrote: How did I grow so old, so forgetful of lying time,
    Into the Breach Once Again, back to Zero reaching blindly into Dark,
    Illusion and Distortion, as Eye is plucked Free,
    Impaled to the World Tree, Watching as Midguard Burns.
    [3:03:01 PM] Allisiam: omg these are good rax
    [3:04:31 PM] Allisiam: yes I understand your suffering dear
    [3:04:37 PM] Allisiam: you are both alive and dead
    [3:04:59 PM] Allisiam: to recognize that whilst in a body is a splendid key
    [3:06:31 PM] Allisiam:
    Raxnae wrote:possessed can No Longer Hide, Awaiting their Reset,
    While the Grand Alliance is Set in Stone, To Defeat the Betrayer of us All,
    Find your Keys, Unlock your Weapons,
    Play your Music, From Ragnarok to Paradise.
    [3:06:37 PM] Allisiam: do you know who the betrayer is?
    [3:08:04 PM] raxnae: I called him Khronos
    [3:08:18 PM] raxnae: theres another set of poems about that lol
    [3:08:25 PM] Allisiam: it is actually much simpler than that
    [3:08:28 PM] Allisiam: it is yourself
    [3:08:37 PM] raxnae: yes lol
    [3:08:40 PM] Allisiam: you are your own worst enemy
    [3:08:51 PM] raxnae: ive got poems about that too
    [3:08:53 PM] Allisiam: everyone is
    [3:09:25 PM] Allisiam: yes your work is wonderful
    [3:09:59 PM] Allisiam: you have a gift with words
    [3:10:05 PM] Allisiam: and metaphors
    [3:10:12 PM] Allisiam: the muse adores you
    [3:10:22 PM] raxnae: it comes from my philosopher days haha
    [3:10:36 PM] Allisiam: hehe
    [3:10:53 PM] raxnae: when I first began to question if there was more to christanity than what they teach in churches
    [3:11:19 PM] Allisiam: at least you questioned
    [3:11:23 PM] Allisiam: many do not
    [3:12:11 PM] Allisiam: are you on fb?
    [3:12:26 PM] raxnae: I began thinking jesus was the most misrepresented person in history
    [3:12:31 PM] raxnae: yes im on facebook
    [3:12:35 PM] Allisiam: very much yes
    [3:13:03 PM] Allisiam: how do I find you to add you?
    [3:13:32 PM] raxnae: got a picture of a wolf as my pic
    [3:13:55 PM] Allisiam: Loki?
    [3:14:00 PM] raxnae: yes hehe
    [3:15:47 PM] Allisiam: nice will I found you and added you, I see you accepted already lol
    [3:15:55 PM] raxnae: I don't post much on there, last things I posted were some atheistic videos to poke fun at my hard core church friends
    [3:16:25 PM] Allisiam: did you see Pat Condell's videos?
    [3:16:34 PM] Allisiam: the ones Tony posted recently
    [3:16:35 PM] raxnae: no I didn't

    [3:19:25 PM] Allisiam:
    [3:19:30 PM] Allisiam: some good stuff on that thread
    [3:19:41 PM] Allisiam: you can find it all on spruz too, a huge 'library of illumination' there

    [3:19:53 PM] Allisiam: but watch those two videos
    [3:32:36 PM] raxnae: lol brits have a way with words
    [3:32:55 PM] Allisiam: hehe don't they
    [3:33:06 PM] Allisiam: oh he has a ton more videos
    [3:33:42 PM] Allisiam: but he is not trying to hide the dogma under fluff, calling it like he sees it

    something else for you to read raxnae and reflect on. There are other translations of course, but this one is pretty elegant and simple.
    [9:38:59 PM] Allisiam:

    here is the main list with various scholars on it and their translations so you can compare.
    [9:46:02 PM] raxnae: thanks
    [9:47:09 PM] Allisiam: your welcome
    [10:13:19 PM] Shiloh: Nice chat you had with rax
    [10:13:43 PM] Allisiam: yeah I shared it on the forums
    [10:14:15 PM] Allisiam: i just now added the apocryphon
    [10:14:40 PM] Allisiam: i actually think rax is reading , studying
    [10:14:42 PM] Shiloh: Excellent. I was thinking about sharing it
    [10:14:54 PM] Shiloh: I am just now looking
    [10:15:05 PM] Allisiam: i really feel that he is interested
    [10:15:27 PM] Shiloh: yes he seems receptive and more mature
    [10:15:56 PM] Allisiam: yes, i felt his true desire to know
    [10:16:06 PM] Allisiam: so i said what i said to him
    [10:16:45 PM] Allisiam: i was just re-reading the apocryphon myself
    [10:16:58 PM] Shiloh: You did very well as a true stalwart for the Logos
    [10:17:19 PM] Shiloh: yes post this too with your post
    [10:17:28 PM] Shiloh:

    It is a nice summary; though a number of clarifications and comments are necessary to align the 'Zoroastrian emphasis' and say the 'eternal place without redemption' as the 'unforgivable ignorance/sin and related and similar 'anti-physicality/desire' statements to the pre creation Logos, whom this 'appearance of the saviour' represents.
    Even John.1.1-14 actually improves on much of the 'early gnostic' interpretative nous of the apocryphon. And of course, the GOT fully allows a thorough 'illumination' regarding the cosmic partnership between the 'flesh' and the 'spirit' in the solution of the quantum paradox and the dichotomization between the 'body and the mind' first defined by Descartes.

    John 1:1-14 - King James Version (KJV)

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2 The same was in the beginning with God.

    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

    6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

    7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

    8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

    9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

    10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

    11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

    12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

    13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

    14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    962334. 14134. 962334.

    The Secret Book of John
    (The Apocryphon of John)
    The Secret Book of John

    Translated by Stevan Davies
    This translation is presented in The Gnostic Society Library by exclusive permission of the author.
    All rights including right of electronic reproduction are reserved by the author.
    © 2005 Stevan Davies

    Notes by the Translator
    It has always seemed to me that the Secret Book of John evolved to be more difficult to read than it originally was. The Secret Book of John is a complex developmental mythology that has been made more complicated because, over the years, versions of it have been “improved” by several levels of scribal alteration. One set of levels is the evident addition of rather lengthy texts (a list of magical names, a dialogue on the soul, a providence hymn) to an original version that lacked them. Another set of levels is the addition by various scribes of what they intended to be useful comments, explanations, clarifications and supplementary details. The former processes continue to be added to the text when scholars such as myself add introductory paragraphs, or indeed whole book-length texts to introduce or comment on the Secret Book of John. The latter processes continue when scholars interrupt the flow of the text by adding subheadings (such as the section headings added here in Bold Italics) and notes intended to assist the reader’s understanding.

    I believe that readers will benefit from seeing the various individual elements constituting the text as separable units and so be relieved from thinking that somehow all of this material constitutes one originally coherent whole. To this end, in this version of my translation I use two formatting techniques to identify and separate-out several forms of material that seem to have been added at different times to the original. For more extensive textual additions I have arranged that the translation make use of different color fonts. There is one font color for the main body of the Secret Book of John (font color 1), another for the material I believe to have been added by a Christian editor who sought to present the text as a long dialogue between Jesus and John son of Zebedee (font color 2); this material occurs in two large blocks at the beginning and toward the end of the text and also in occasional dialogues imbedded throughout the last half of the text. Another font (font color 3) distinguishes a long list of demons’ names that are associated with specific body parts, a magical text apparently taken from an unknown source called the "Book of Zoroaster". Another (font color 4) is used for the included dialogue about the soul. Finally a font (font color 5) designates the three part hymn spoken by God’s Providence (Pronoia).

    In addition to these different fonts, I have put in square brackets the occasional short passages, or sentences, or phrases that I believe were added to the text by scribes over the years, additions that were intended to make the text more understandable, or to identify elements of the text with aspects of the Christian religion. If you ask how I know which parts were added as comments and so forth, the answer is that I make informed guesses. That’s really what most scholarship comes down to… informed guesses.
    (Click here to purchase the print edition of The Secret Book of John, translated and annotated by Stevan Davies. Note that the print edition includes introductory material and an extensive line-by-line commentary on facing pages.)
    Visit the Apocryphon of John Collection for more information

    [The Teaching of the Savior]
    The Revelation of the Mysteries Hidden in Silence
    [Those Things that He Taught to John, His Disciple]


    One day John, the brother of James [these are the sons of Zebedee], was going up to the Temple. A Pharisee by the name of Arimanios came up to him and challenged him, asking: "Where is the teacher you used to follow?"
    John replied, "He has gone back to the place from which he came."
    The Pharisee said, "That Nazarene misled you (plural), told you lies, closed your hearts and turned you away from your ancestral traditions.”
    When I heard these things, I, John, turned away from the temple and went off to a deserted mountainous place. I was very unhappy, saying to myself:
    "How was the Savior designated?
    Why did his Father send him into the world?
    Who is his Father?
    What kind of realm will we go to?
    For, although he told us, ‘This realm is modeled on the imperishable realm,’
    He didn't teach us about the latter.”
    All of a sudden, while I was contemplating these things,
    The heavens opened and the whole of creation shone with a light from above,
    And the world quaked!
    I was afraid, yet
    A little child appeared before me in the light.
    I continued looking at him as he became an old man
    And then he changed again, becoming like a young man.
    I didn't understand what I was seeing,
    But the one likeness had several forms in the light,
    And these likenesses appeared each through the other
    And the vision had three forms.
    He said to me,
    “John, why doubt?
    Why be afraid?
    Don’t you know this image?
    Be not afraid.
    I am with you (plural) always.
    I am the Father
    The Mother
    The Son
    I am the incorruptible
    I have come to teach you
    About what is
    And what was
    And what will be
    In order for you to understand
    The invisible world
    And the world that is visible
    And the immovable race of perfect humanity.

    Raise your head;
    Understand my lessons;
    Share them with any others who have received the spirit,
    Who are from the immovable race of perfect humanity.”

    The Inexpressible One

    The One rules all. Nothing has authority over it.
    It is the God.
    It is Father of everything,
    Holy One
    The invisible one over everything.
    It is uncontaminated
    Pure light no eye can bear to look within.
    The One is the Invisible Spirit.
    It is not right to think of it as a God or as like God.
    It is more than just God.
    Nothing is above it.
    Nothing rules it.
    Since everything exists within it
    It does not exist within anything.
    Since it is not dependent on anything
    It is eternal.
    It is absolutely complete and so needs nothing.
    It is utterly perfect
    The One is without boundaries
    Nothing exists outside of it to border it
    The One cannot be investigated
    Nothing exists apart from it to investigate it
    The One cannot be measured
    Nothing exists external to it to measure it
    The One cannot be seen
    For no one can envision it
    The One is eternal
    For it exists forever
    The One is inconceivable
    For no one can comprehend it
    The One is indescribable
    For no one can put any words to it.
    The One is infinite light
    The One is incomprehensible
    Perfectly free from corruption.
    Not “perfect”
    Not “blessed”
    Not “divine”
    But superior to such concepts.
    Neither physical nor unphysical
    Neither immense nor infinitesimal
    It is impossible to specify in quantity or quality
    For it is beyond knowledge.
    The One is not a being among other beings
    It is vastly superior
    But it is not “superior.”
    It is outside of realms of being and time
    For whatever is within realms of being was created
    And whatever is within time had time allotted to it
    The One receives nothing from anything.
    It simply apprehends itself in its own perfect light
    The One is majestic.
    The One is measureless majesty
    Chief of all Realms
    Producing all realms
    Producing light
    Producing life
    Producing blessedness
    Producing knowledge
    Producing goodness
    Producing mercy
    Producing generosity
    [It does not “possess” these things.]
    It gives forth light beyond measure, beyond comprehension.
    [What can I say?]
    His realm is eternal, peaceful, silent, resting, before everything.
    He is the head of every realm sustaining each of them through goodness.

    The Origin of Reality

    [We would know nothing of the ineffable
    And nothing of the immeasurable
    Without the help of the one who comes forth
    from the One who is the Father.
    He alone has informed us.]
    The Father is surrounded by light.
    He apprehends himself in that light
    [which is the pure spring of the water of life
    that sustains all realms].
    He is conscious of his image everywhere around him,
    Perceiving his image in this spring of Spirit
    Pouring forth from himself.
    He is enamored of the image he sees in the light-water,
    The spring of pure light-water enveloping him.
    His self-aware thought (ennoia) came into being.
    Appearing to him in the effulgence of his light.
    She stood before him.
    This, then, is the first of the powers, prior to everything.
    Arising out of the mind of the Father
    The Providence (pronoia) of everything.
    Her light reflects His light.
    She is from His image in His light
    Perfect in power
    Image of the invisible perfect Virgin Spirit.
    She is the initial power
    glory of Barbelo
    glorious among the realms
    glory of revelation
    She gave glory to the Virgin Spirit
    She praised Him
    For she arose from Him.
    [This, the first Thought, is the Spirit’s image]
    She is the universal womb
    She is before everything
    She is:
    First Man
    Holy Spirit
    Thrice Male
    Thrice Powerful
    Thrice Named
    Androgynous eternal realm
    First to arise among the invisible realms.
    She, Barbelo, asked the virgin Spirit for foreknowledge (prognosis).
    The Spirit agreed.
    Foreknowledge came forth and stood by Providence
    [This one came through the Invisible Virgin Spirit’s Thought.]
    Foreknowledge gave glory to the Spirit
    And to Barbelo, the Spirit’s perfect power,
    For She was the reason that it had come into being.

    Primary Structures of the Divine Mind

    She, Barbelo, asked the virgin Spirit for Incorruptibility
    The Spirit agreed.
    Incorruptibility came forth and stood by Thought and Foreknowledge.
    Incorruptibility gave glory to the Invisible Virgin Spirit
    And to Barbelo,
    For She was the reason that it had come into being.
    She asked for everlasting Life.
    The Spirit agreed
    Everlasting life came forth and they all stood together.
    They gave glory to the invisible Spirit
    And to Barbelo,
    For She was the reason that it had come into being.
    She asked for Truth.
    The Spirit agreed
    Truth came forth and they all stood together.
    They gave glory to the invisible Spirit
    And to Barbelo,
    For She was the reason that it had come into being.
    This is the fivefold realm of the Father:
    The First Man who is
    The Image of the Invisible Spirit who is
    Providence who is
    Barbelo who is
    Foreknowledge - Incorruptibility - Life Everlasting - Truth
    [These are an androgynous fivefold realm - therefore it is a realm of ten - of the Father.]

    Secondary Structures of the Divine Mind

    The Father looked into Barbelo
    [into the pure light surrounding the Invisible Spirit]
    Barbelo conceived and bore a spark of light
    Who had blessedness similar to, but not equal to, her blessedness,
    Who was the only child of that mother–father
    The only offspring,
    The only begotten child of the pure light, the Father.
    The Invisible Virgin Spirit celebrated the light that had been produced
    Coming forth from the first power who is
    The Providence
    The Spirit anointed him with Goodness, making him perfect
    [he lacked no goodness whatsoever,
    for he was anointed with the Invisible Spirit’s Goodness]
    He stood in the Spirit’s presence and it was poured upon him.
    Having received this anointing from the Spirit he immediately glorified Him
    And he glorified the perfect Providence.
    Because of Her he had come into being.
    He asked for Mind (nous) to be a companion to him.
    The Spirit consented
    When the Invisible Spirit consented
    Mind came into being.
    It stood by the Anointed
    and glorified the Spirit and Barbelo
    [These beings came into existence through silence and thought.]
    He wished to act through the Word of the Invisible Spirit.
    Whose Will became an action and appeared with Mind
    Glorifying the Light.
    And then Word followed Will into being.
    [The Christ, the divine autogenes,
    created everything through the Word.]
    Everlasting Life and Will,
    Mind, and Foreknowledge
    Stood together.
    They glorified the Invisible Spirit and Barbelo.
    Because of Her they had come into being.

    Tertiary Structures of the Divine Mind

    The Holy Spirit
    Brought his and Barbelo’s divine autogenes Son to completion
    In order that he could stand before the great Invisible Virgin Spirit
    As the divine autogenes Christ
    And honor Him with a mighty voice.
    [The Son came through Providence].
    The Invisible Spirit
    Placed the divine autogenes over everything.
    All authorities were subordinated to him.
    The truth within him let him learn everything
    [He is called by the highest name of all.
    That name will be told only to those who are worthy to hear it
    From the light, [which is the Christ,]
    From the incorruptibility,
    Through a gift of the spirit
    The Four Lights arising from the divine autogenes stood before him.
    [The four fundamental powers are Understanding, Grace, Perception, and Consideration.]
    Grace exists within the realm of the Light called Harmozel, the first angel.
    Along with Harmozel are
    The second Light is called Oriel and it stands over the second realm.
    With Oriel are:
    Conceptualization (Epinoia)
    The third Light is called Daveithai and it stands over the third realm.
    With Daveithai are:
    The fourth Light is called Eleleth and it stands over the fourth realm.
    With Eleleth are:
    Wisdom (Sophia).
    These are the four lights standing before the divine autogenes.
    Twelve realms stand before the Son of the Powerful
    The autogenes
    The Christ
    Through the intention
    And the grace
    Of the Invisible Spirit
    Twelve realms belong to the Son of the autogenes.
    [All of this came into being through the intention of the Holy Spirit
    Through the autogenes.]
    From the perfect mind’s foreknowledge
    Through the intention of the Invisible Spirit
    And the autogenes’s will.
    The perfect human appeared,
    Its first true manifestation
    The Virgin Spirit named the human Adamas
    And placed him over the first realm with the mighty autogenes Christ
    With the first Light Harmozel and its powers.
    The Invisible One gave Adamas invincible power of mind.
    Adamas spoke, glorifying and praising the Invisible Spirit:
    “Everything has come into being from you
    Everything will return to you.
    I will praise you and glorify you
    And the Autogenes
    And the triple realm:
    Father – Mother – Son,
    the perfect power.”
    Over the second realm was appointed Adamas’s son Seth
    With the second Light Oriel.
    In the third realm were placed the children of Seth
    With the third Light Daveithai.
    [The souls of the saints are placed there.]
    In the fourth realm were placed the souls of those ignorant of the fullness
    Those who did not repent at once
    But who, after some time, eventually repented,
    They are with the fourth Light Eleleth.
    All of these created beings glorify the Invisible Spirit

    A Crisis that Became the World

    It happened that the realm (aeon) Wisdom (Sophia)
    Of conceptual thought (Epinoia),
    Began to think for herself,
    She used the thinking (enthymesis)
    And the foreknowledge (prognosis)
    Of the Invisible Spirit.
    She intended to reveal an image from herself
    To do so without the consent of the Spirit,
    Who did not approve,
    Without the thoughtful assistance of her masculine counterpart,
    Who did not approve.
    Without the Invisible Spirit’s consent
    Without the knowledge of her partner
    She brought it into being.
    Because she had unconquerable Power
    Her thought was not unproductive.
    Something imperfect came out of her
    Different in appearance from her.
    Because she had created it without her masculine counterpart
    She gave rise to a misshapen being unlike herself.
    Sophia saw what her desire produced.
    It changed into the form of a dragon with a lion’s head
    And eyes flashing lightning bolts.
    She cast him far from her,
    Outside of the realm of the immortal beings
    So that they could not see him.
    [She had created him in ignorance.]
    Sophia surrounded him with a brilliant cloud,
    Put a throne in the center part of the cloud
    So that no one would see it.
    [Except for the Holy Spirit called the Mother of the Living]
    She named him Yaldabaoth.
    Yaldabaoth is the chief ruler.
    He took great Power (dynamis) from his mother,
    Left her, and moved away from his birthplace.
    He assumed command,
    Created realms for himself
    With a brilliant flame that continues to exist even now.

    The Fashioning of This World

    Yadabaoth united with the thoughtlessness (aponoia) within him.
    He begot ruling authorities (exousia)
    Modeling them on the incorruptible realms above.
    The first is Athoth
    The second is Harmas [called the eye of flame]
    The third is Kalilaumbri
    The fourth is Yabel
    The fifth is Adonaiu [called Sabaoth]
    The sixth is Cain [called the sun]
    The seventh is Abel
    The eighth is Abrisene
    The ninth is Yobel
    The tenth is Armupiel
    The eleventh is Melcheir-adonein
    The twelfth is Belias
    Who rules over the very depth of Hades.

    He made the first seven rulers to reign in the seven spheres of heaven.
    He made the next five rulers to reign in the five depths of the abyss.

    He shared a portion of his fire with them,
    But shared none of the power of Light he had received from his mother.
    [He is ignorant darkness.
    When the Light mingled into the darkness
    the darkness shone.
    When darkness mixed with the Light,
    the Light diminished,
    No longer Light nor darkness but dim.]
    This dim ruler has three names:
    Yaldabaoth is the first.
    Saklas is the second.
    Samael is the third.
    He is blasphemous through his thoughtlessness.
    He said “I am God, and there is no God but me!”
    Since he didn’t know where his own Power originated.
    His rulers created seven Authorities for themselves.
    Each of these Authorities created six demons apiece,
    There came to be 365 demons altogether.
    Here are the seven Authorities’ names and physical forms:
    First, Athoth with a sheep’s face
    Second, Eloaios with a donkey’s face
    Third, Astaphaios with a hyena’s face
    Fourth, Yao with the face of a seven headed snake
    Fifth, Sabaoth who has the face of a dragon
    Sixth, Adonin whose face is that of a monkey
    Seventh, Sabbataios with a face of flame and fire.
    These are the seven of the week.
    These Authorities rule the world.
    Yaldabaoth has many faces.
    More than all that have been listed
    So he can convey any face he wants to the seraphim around him.
    Yaldabaoth shared his fire with his seraphim
    But gave them none of his pure Light
    Although he ruled them by virtue of the power and glory
    Of the Light had received from his Mother.
    [Therefore he called himself “God” and defied his place of origin.]
    He united his thought’s sevenfold Powers with the Authorities who accompanied him.
    He spoke and it happened.
    He named those sevenfold Powers starting with the highest one:
    Goodness paired with the first: Athoth
    Providence paired with the second: Eloaios
    Divinity paired with the third: Astaphaios
    Lordship paired with the fourth: Yao
    Kingdom paired with the fifth: Sabaoth
    Zeal paired with the sixth: Adonin
    Understanding paired with the seventh: Sabbataios
    Each has its own realm modeled on one of the higher realms.
    And each new name refers to a glory in the heavens
    So that Yaldabaoth’s demons might be destroyed.
    The demons’ own names, given by Yaldabaoth, are mighty names
    But the Powers’ names reflecting the glory above
    Will bring about the demons’ destruction and remove their Power.
    That is why each has two names.
    Yaldabaoth modeled his creation
    On the pattern of the original realms above him
    So that it might be just like the indestructible realms.

    [Not that he had ever seen the indestructible ones.
    Rather, the power in him, deriving from his mother,
    made him aware of the pattern of the cosmos above.]
    When he gazed upon his creation surrounding him
    He said to his host of demons
    The ones who had come forth out of him:
    “I am a jealous God and there is no God but me!”
    [But by doing this he admitted to his demons that there is indeed another God.
    For, if there were no other God, whom would he possibly be jealous of?]
    His mother began to move back and forth
    Because she had become aware that she now lacked Light
    For her brightness had dimmed.
    [Since her consort had not approved of her actions, she grew darker]

    [I said “Master, what does it mean ‘she moved back and forth’?”
    He laughed, saying, “It’s not as Moses said ‘upon the waters.’ Not at all.”]

    When she saw the evil that had taken place and
    The theft of light that her son had committed
    She repented.
    In the darkness of ignorance
    She began to forget.
    She began to be ashamed.
    But she could not yet return above
    Yet she began to move.
    And so she moved back and forth.
    [The arrogant one removed Power from his mother
    For he was ignorant
    He thought no one existed except for his mother.
    He saw the host of demons he had created
    And he elevated himself above them.
    But when the mother realized that that miscarriage
    Was so imperfect
    She came to realize that her consort had not approved.
    She repented and wept furiously.]
    All of the divine realms (pleroma) heard her repentant prayer
    They sought blessing for her from the Invisible Virgin Spirit.
    The Spirit consented.
    He poured the Holy Spirit over her
    Brought forth from the whole full realm.
    [Her consort did not come down to her on his own,
    but he came through the whole full realm
    to restore her to her original condition.]
    She was elevated above her son,
    But she was not restored to her own original realm.
    She would remain in the ninth sphere until she was fully restored.

    Humanity Begins

    Then came a voice from the highest realms saying:
    “The Man exists! And the Son of Man!”
    Yaldabaoth, chief ruler, heard it
    He thought it came from his mother
    He did not know the true source of the voice:
    The Holy Mother-Father
    Perfect Providence
    Image of the Invisible
    Father of Everything
    In whom everything has come to be.
    The First Man
    [This is the one who appeared to them.
    He appeared in the form of a human being.]
    All of the realm of the chief ruler quaked!
    The foundations of the abyss moved!
    He illuminated the waters above the world of matter,
    His image shown in those waters.
    All the demons and the first ruler together gazed up
    Toward the underside of the newly shining waters.
    Through that light they saw the Image in the waters.

    Yaldabaoth said to his subordinate demons:
    “Let’s create a man according to the image of God
    And our own likeness
    So that his image will illuminate us.”
    Each one through another’s Power created aspects of the man;
    Each added a characteristic corresponding to the psychic factors
    They had seen in the Image above them.
    They made a creature of substance
    In the likeness of that perfect First Man
    And they said, “Let us call him Adam, so that his name will give us the power of light.”

    Construction of the Human Body

    The seven Powers began to work:
    . Goodness made a psyche of bone
    Providence made a psyche of sinew
    Divinity made a psyche of flesh
    Lordship made a psyche of marrow
    Kingdom made a psyche of blood
    Zeal made a psyche of skin
    Understanding made a psyche of hair
    The host of demons took these substances from the Powers to create the limbs and the body itself. They put the parts together and coordinated them.

    The first ones began by making the head: Abron created his head; Meniggesstroeth created the brain; Asterechme the right eye; Thaspomocha, the left eye; Ieronumos, the right ear; Bissoum, the left ear; Akioreim, the nose; Banenrphroum, the lips; Amen, the front teeth; Ibikan, the molars; Basiliademe, the tonsils; Achcha, the uvula; Adaban, the neck; Chaaman, the neckbones; Dearcho, the throat; Tebar, the shoulder; Mniarcon, the elbow; Abitrion, the right arm; Evanthen, the left arm; Krys, the right hand; Beluai, the left hand; Treneu, the fingers of the right hand; Balbel, the fingers of the left hand; Kriman, fingernails; Astrops, the right breast; Barroph, the left breast; Baoum, the right shoulder joint; Ararim, the left shoulder joint; Areche, the belly; Phthave, the navel; Senaphim, the abdomen; Arachethopi, the right ribs; Zabedo, the left ribs; Barias, the right hip; Phnouth the left hip; Abenlenarchei, the marrow; Chnoumeninorin, the skeleton; Gesole, the stomach; Agromauna, the heart; Bano, the lungs; Sostrapal, the liver; Anesimalar, the spleen; Thopithro, the intestines; Biblo, the kidneys; Roeror, the sinews; Taphreo, the spine; Ipouspoboba, the veins; Bineborin, the arteries; Atoimenpsephei, respiration; Entholleia, the flesh; Bedouk, the right buttock; Arabeei, the penis; Eilo, the testicles; Sorma, the genitals; Gormakaiochlabar, the right thigh; Nebrith, the left thigh; Pserem, the kidneys of the right leg; Asaklas, the left kidney; Ormaoth, the right leg; Emenun, the left leg; Knyx, the right shin; Tupelon, the left shin; Achiel, the right knee; Phnene, the left knee; Phiouthrom, the right foot; Boabel, its toes; Trachoun, the left foot; Phikna, its toes; Miamai, the toenails.
    And those who were appointed over all of these are:
    The energizing powers in the limbs were divided among:
    the head made by Diolimodraza; the neck by Yammeax; the right shoulder Yakouib; the left shoulder Verton; the right hand Oudidi; the left Arbao; the fingers of the right hand Lampno; the fingers of the left hand Leekaphar; the right breast Barbar; the left breast Imae; the chest Pisandriaptes; the right shoulder joint Koade; the left shoulder joint Odeor; the right ribs Asphixix; the left ribs Synogchouta; the abdomen Arouph; the womb Sabalo; the right thigh Charcharb; the left thigh Chthaon; the genitals Bathinoth; the right leg Choux; the left leg Charcha; the right shin Aroer; the left shin Toechtha; the right knee Aol; the left knee Charaner; the right foot Bastan; its toes Archentechtha; the left foot Marephnounth; its toes Abrana.
    Seven govern the whole body:
    The one who governs perceptions: Archendekta
    The one who governs reception: Deitharbathas
    The one who governs imagination: Oummaa
    The one who governs integration: Aachiaram
    The one who governs impulse: Riaramnacho.

    There is a fourfold source of the bodily demons:
    Hot, Cold, Dry, Wet.
    [Matter is the mother of them all.]
    Ruler of hot: Phloxopha
    Ruler of cold: Oroorrothos
    Ruler of dry: Erimacho
    Ruler of wet: Athuro.
    Their mother stands among them: Onorthochrasaei
    She is unlimited
    She mixes with all of them.
    She is matter
    And they are nourished by her.
    The four chief demons are:
    Ephememphi, associated with pleasure,
    Yoko, associated with desire,
    Nenentophni, associated with distress,
    Blaomen, associated with fear.
    Their mother is Esthesis-Zouch-Epi-Ptoe.
    Out from these four demons come passions:
    From distress arises
    Envy, jealousy, grief, vexation,
    Discord, cruelty, worry, mourning.
    From pleasure comes much evil
    And unmerited pride,
    And so forth.
    From desire comes
    Anger, fury, bitterness, outrage, dissatisfaction
    And so forth.
    From fear emerges
    Horror, flattery, suffering, and shame.
    [Their thought and truth is Anayo, the ruler of the material soul.
    It belongs with the seven senses, Esthesis-Zouch-Epi-Ptoe.]
    This is the total number of the demons: 365
    They worked together to complete, part by part, the psychical and the material body.
    There are even more of them in charge of other passions
    That I didn’t tell you about.
    If you want to know about them
    You will find the information in the Book of Zoroaster.

    All of Yaldabaoth’s servants and his demons
    Worked to finish the psychic body.
    For a very long time it lay inanimate
    It did not move.
    Yaldabaoth’s mother wanted to take back the Power
    She had turned over to the Chief Ruler.
    She earnestly asked the most merciful,
    The Mother-Father of everything,
    For help.

    Yaldabaoth Deceived

    By His sacred command He sent down the five Lights
    In the forms of the principal advisors to Yaldabaoth.
    [This led to the removal of Yaldabaoth’s mother’s divine Power from him.]
    They told Yaldabaoth:
    “Blow some of your Spirit in the man’s face,
    Then his body will rise up.”
    Yaldabaoth blew some of his Spirit into the man.
    That Spirit was the divine Power of his mother.
    [He didn’t understand what was happening, for he lived in ignorance.]
    His mother’s divine Power left Yaldabaoth
    It entered the psychic human body
    Modeled on the primordial image.
    The human body moved!
    It grew powerful!
    It shone!
    Yaldabaoth’s demonic forces envied the man.
    Through their united efforts he had come into being
    They had given their Power to him.
    His understanding was far greater than that of those who had created him.
    And greater than that of the Chief Ruler himself.
    When they realized that he shone with light
    And could think better than they could
    And was naked of evil,
    They took him and cast him down
    Into the lowest depths of the material world.

    The Beginning of Salvation

    The blessed one.
    The Mother-Father
    The good merciful one
    Looked compassionately upon the Mother’s Power
    Relinquished by the Chief Ruler.
    Since Yaldabaoth’s demons might again overpower the perceptible psychic body
    He sent down from his good Spirit a helper for Adam,
    Out of his great compassion
    A light-filled Epinoia emerged.
    And he called her Life (Zoe).
    She aids the entire creation
    Working with him
    Restoring him to the fullness.
    She taught Adam about the way his people had descended
    She taught Adam about the way he could ascend,
    Which is the way he had descended.
    The light-filled Epinoia was hidden in Adam.
    So that the rulers wouldn’t know about her
    For Epinoia would repair the disaster their mother had caused.
    [Adam was revealed because within him dwelt the shadow of light.
    His mental abilities were far greater than those of his creators.
    They had gazed upward and seen his exalted mental capability.]
    The host of rulers and demons plotted together
    They mixed fire and earth and water
    Together with four blazing winds
    They melded them together in great turbulence.
    Adam was brought into the shadow of death.
    They intended to make him anew
    This time from
    Which are
    The Artificial Spirit.
    This all became a tomb,
    A new kind of body.
    Those thieves bound the man in it,
    Enchained him in forgetfulness,
    Made him subject to dying.
    [His was the first descent
    And the first separation.
    Yet the light-filled Epinoia within him will elevate his thinking.]

    Adam in Yaldabaoth's Paradise

    The rulers took the man and put him into paradise
    They told him to eat freely.
    [Their food is bitter; their beauty is corrupt.
    Their food is deceit; their trees are ungodliness.
    Their fruit is poison.
    Their promise is death.]
    They placed the Tree of Their Life into the middle of paradise.
    [I will teach you (plural) the secret of their life:
    The plan that they made together about an artificial spirit.]
    Its root is bitter
    Its branches are dead.
    Its shadow is hatred
    Its leaves are deception
    The nectar of wickedness is in its blossoms.
    Its fruit is death
    Its seed is desire
    It flowers in the darkness.
    Those who eat from it are denizens of Hades
    Darkness is their resting place.
    As for the tree called “The Knowledge Of Good And Evil”
    It is the Epinoia of the light.
    They commanded him not to eat from it,
    Standing in front to conceal it,
    For fear that he might look upwards to the fullness
    And know the nakedness of his indecency.

    [However, I caused them to eat.

    I asked the Savior,
    “Lord, isn’t it the serpent that caused Adam to eat?”

    He smiled and replied,
    “The serpent caused them to eat
    in order to produce the wickedness of the desire to reproduce
    that would make Adam helpful to him.”]

    The chief ruler, Yaldabaoth, knew that
    Because the light-filled Epinoia within Adam
    Made his mental abilities greater than his own,
    Adam had been disobedient.
    In order to recover the Power that he had put into Adam
    Yaldabaoth made Adam completely forgetful.

    [I asked the Savior, “What is it to be ‘completely forgetful?’”

    He replied, “It is not what Moses wrote in his first book:
    ‘He caused Adam to fall into deep sleep’
    Rather, Adam’s perceptions were veiled
    And he became unconscious.
    As he (Yaldabaoth) said through his prophet:
    'I will make their minds dull so that they do not see or understand.'”]

    Woman Comes into Being

    The light-filled Epinoia hid deep within Adam.
    The Chief Ruler tried to remove her from his ribcage,
    But Epinoia cannot be captured.
    Although the darkness pursued her it did not catch her.
    The Chief ruler did remove a portion of his Power from Adam
    To create a person with a woman’s form
    Modeled on the light-filled Epinoia that had been manifested to him.
    He placed the Power removed from the man into the woman.

    [It did not happen the way Moses said it did:
    “he took a rib and made the woman.”]

    Adam saw the woman standing next to him.
    The light-filled Epinoia immediately appeared to him
    She raised up the veil that dulled his mind.
    He sobered up from the dark drunkenness
    And he recognized his own counterpart.
    He said: “This is bone from my bones
    Flesh from my flesh.”
    Because of this a man will leave his mother and father
    And be joined to a woman and those two will become one flesh.
    For they will send his helper to him.
    [Sophia, our sister, came down
    Descending innocently
    So as to regain what she had lost.
    Therefore she was called Life.
    The Mother of the Living
    The one from the Providence of the Authority of Heaven
    By her assistance people can achieve perfect knowledge.]
    I appeared as an eagle perched on the Tree of Knowledge!
    [Which is the Epinoia from the pure Providence of Light.]
    In order to teach them
    And raise them up from sleep’s depths.
    [For the two of them were fallen and aware of their nakedness.
    Epinoia appeared as a being full of light
    She enlightened their minds.]
    When Yaldabaoth discovered that they had moved away from him
    He cursed his earth.
    He located the woman as she was preparing herself for her man.
    He gave the woman over so that the man might be her master,
    Because he did not know the secret of the divine strategy.
    The man and woman were too terrified to renounce Yaldabaoth,
    Who showed his ignorance to his angels
    And he cast both of them out of paradise
    Dressing them in heavy darkness.

    The Chief Archon saw the young woman who was standing by Adam.
    He realized that the light-filled Epinoia of life was within her.
    Yaldabaoth became completely ignorant.
    [When the Providence of all saw what was going to happen
    She sent assistants to remove Divine Life from Eve.]
    Yaldabaoth raped Eve.
    She bore two sons.
    [Elohim was the name of the first.
    Yahweh was the name of the second.
    Elohim has a bear’s face.
    Yahweh has a cat’s face.
    One is righteous;
    One is not.
    Yahweh is righteous;
    Elohim is not.
    Yahweh would command fire and wind
    Elohim would command water and earth.]
    Yaldabaoth deceptively named the two: Cain and Abel.
    [From then until now sexual intercourse has persisted
    Thanks to the Chief Ruler
    Who put desire for reproduction into the woman who accompanies Adam.
    Through intercourse the Ruler caused new human bodies to be produced
    And he blew his artificial spirit into each of them.]
    Yaldabaoth installed the two with authority over natural elements
    So they can to rule over the tomb.

    The Children of Seth Populate the World

    Adam had intercourse with the image of his foreknowledge (prognosis)
    He begot a son like the Son of Man
    And he called that son Seth
    Modeling him on the heavenly race in the higher realms.
    In the same way the mother sent down her spirit
    The image of herself
    A model of the full higher realm,
    In order to prepare a place for the descent of the realms.
    The Chief Ruler, though, forced the humans to drink
    From waters of forgetfulness
    So that they might not know their true place of origin.
    The children (of Seth) remained in this condition for a while
    In order that when the Spirit descends from the holy realms
    The Spirit can raise up the children and heal them from all defects
    And thus restore complete holiness to the fullness of God.

    Six Questions about the Soul

    I asked the Savior, “Lord, will every soul be saved and enter the pure light?”
    He replied, “You are asking an important question, one it will be impossible to answer for anyone who is not a member of the unmoved race. They are the people upon whom the Spirit of Life will descend and the power will enable them to be saved and to become perfect and worthy of greatness. They expunge evil from themselves and they will care nothing for wickedness, wanting only that which is not corrupt. They will achieve freedom from rage, envy, jealousy, desire, or craving.”
    “The physical body will negatively effect them. They wear it as they look forward to the time when they will meet up with those who will remove it. Those people deserve indestructible eternal life. They endure everything, bearing up under everything that happens so that they can deserve the good and inherit life eternal.”
    Then I asked him, “Lord, what about the souls who didn’t do these things even though the Spirit of Life’s power descended on them?“
    He answered, “If the Spirit descends to people they will be transformed and saved. The power descends on everyone and, without it, no one can even stand up. After they are born, if the Spirit of Life increases in them, power comes to them and their souls are strengthened. Nothing then can leave them astray into wickedness. But if the artificial spirit comes into people, it leads them astray.”
    Then I said, “Lord, when souls come out of the flesh where do they go?”
    He replied, smiling, “If the soul is strong it has more of power than it has of the artificial spirit and so it flees from wickedness. With the assistance of the Incorruptible One that soul is saved and it attains eternal rest.”
    I then asked him, “Lord, what of the souls of the people who do not know whose people they are? Where do they go?”
    He responded, “In those people the artificial spirit has grown strong and they have gone astray. Their souls are burdened, drawn to wickedness, and cast into forgetfulness.”
    “When they come forth from the body, such a soul is given over to the powers created by the rulers, bound in chains, and cast into prison again. Around and around it goes until it manages to become free from forgetfulness through knowledge. And so, eventually, it becomes perfect and is saved.”
    Then I asked, “Lord, how does the soul shrink down so as to be able to enter its mother or a man?
    He was happy that I asked this and said, “You are truly blessed because you have understood. The soul should be guided by another within whom is the Spirit of Life. It will be saved by that means and accordingly will not have to enter a body again.
    And I said, “Lord, what happens to the souls of people who achieved true knowledge, but who turned away from it?”
    He said to me, “Demons of poverty will take them to a place where there is no possibility of repentance. There they will stay until the time when those who blasphemed against the spirit will be tortured and subjected to punishment forever.”
    I asked, “Lord, where did the artificial spirit come from?”
    And he told me:

    Three Plots against Humanity

    The Mother-Father is merciful
    A Holy Spirit sympathizing with us.
    Through the Epinoia of the Providence of the light
    It raises up the children of the perfect race
    Raising up their thought, their light eternal.
    When the Chief Archon learned that they were elevated above him
    And that their mental ability surpassed his
    He wanted to put a stop to their thought
    But he did not know the extent of their mental superiority
    And he could not stop them.
    He made a plan with his demons
    Who are his powers
    Each of them fornicated with Wisdom (Sophia)
    And produced fate
    The last variety of imprisonment.

    Fate changes unpredictably
    It is of different sorts just as the demons are of different sorts.
    Fate is hard.
    Fate is stronger than
    The gods, the authorities, the demons, the generations of people
    Who are caught up in it.
    Out of fate emerged
    Sinfulness, violence, blasphemy, forgetfulness, ignorance,
    Weighty commandments
    Heavy sins
    Terrible fear.
    In this way all of creation became blind,
    Ignorant of God above everything.
    Because of imprisonment in forgetfulness
    They are unaware of their sins,
    They are bound into periods of time and seasons
    By fate who is lord of it all.
    Yaldabaoth eventually came to regret everything he had created.
    He decided to bring a great flood
    Upon creation, upon mankind.
    But the great light of Providence warned Noah.
    He preached to all of the children,
    The sons of men,
    But if they were strangers to him they didn’t listen.

    [It was not the way Moses said: “they hid in an ark.”
    Rather, they hid in a special place,
    Not just Noah
    but also many other people from the immovable race.
    They went into hiding within a cloud of light.]

    Noah knew his own authority
    And that of the light Being who illuminated them
    Although the Chief Ruler poured darkness over all the world.
    The Chief Ruler and his powers plotted a strategy,
    To send his demons to human daughters
    And make themselves children by them to enjoy.
    But they failed.
    After their failure they made another plan.
    They created an artificial spirit
    Modeled on the Spirit who descended
    So, to impregnate souls by means of this spirit,
    The demons changed appearance
    to look like the women’s husbands
    They filled the women with that spirit of darkness and wickedness.
    They brought into being
    Gold and silver,
    Money and coins,
    Iron and other metals and all things of this sort.
    And the people who were attracted were led astray into troubles
    And were greatly misled.
    And grew old
    Experiencing no pleasure,
    And died
    Finding no truth,
    Never knowing the true God.
    This is the way that they enslaved all of creation
    From the foundation of the world until now.
    [They took some women and produced children out of darkness
    And they closed their hearts
    And they hardened themselves
    in the hardness of their artificial spirit
    Until the present day.]

    The Providence Hymn

    I am the Providence of everything.
    I became like my own human children.
    I existed from the first.
    I walked down every possible road.
    I am the wealth of the light.
    I am the remembering of the fullness.
    I walked into the place of greatest darkness and on down.
    I entered the central part of the prison.
    The foundations of chaos quaked.
    I hid because of their evil.
    They did not recognize me.
    I came down a second time
    continuing on.
    I emerged from among those of light
    I am the remembering of Providence
    I entered the middle of darkness,
    The inner part of the underworld
    To pursue my mission.
    The foundations of chaos quaked.
    Threatening to collapse upon all who were there
    And utterly destroy them
    I soared upward again
    To my roots in light
    So as not to destroy them all yet.
    I descended a third time.
    I am light
    I am dwelling in light
    I am the remembering of Providence
    I entered the midst of darkness
    I came to the deepest part of the underworld.
    I let my face light up
    Thinking of the end of their time
    I entered their prison
    The body is that prison
    I cried out:
    “Anyone who hears,
    Rise up from your deep sleep!”
    And the sleeping one awoke and wept
    Wiping bitter tears saying
    “Who calls me?”
    “Where has my hope come from
    As I lie in the depths of this prison?”
    “I am the Providence of pure light,” I replied,
    “I am the thought of the Virgin Spirit
    Raising you up to an honored place.
    Rise up!
    Remember what you have heard.
    Trace back your roots
    To me.
    The merciful one.
    Guard against the poverty demons.
    Guard against the chaos demons.
    Guard against all who would bind you.
    Stay awake!
    Rise out of the depths of the underworld!
    I raised him up
    I sealed him with the light/water of the five seals.
    Death had no power over him ever again.
    I ascend again to the perfect realm.
    I completed everything and you have heard it.”


    “I have told you everything now so that you can write it all down
    And share it with your fellow spirits secretly
    For this is the mystery of the unmoved race.”
    The Savior gave all of this to him to write and to keep carefully. He said to him, “Anyone who exchanges it for a present, or for food, or for drink, or for clothing, or for anything else of that sort will be cursed.”

    These things came to John in a mystery.
    Instantly the Savior vanished.
    John came to his fellow disciples and told them what the Savior had said to him.
    Jesus the Christ.
    The Apocryphon of John

    © 2005 by Stevan Davies
    This translation is presented in the Gnostic Society Library by exclusive permission of the author.
    All rights including right of electronic reproduction are reserved by the author.

    Post last edited Aug 11th
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts

    Posts: 1114
    Jorgelito - Posted Aug 11th

    Allisiam, your inclusion of the Gospel of Thomas wrote: (108) Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him." -- and all that follows is very good reading. Triggers things I have not thought about. Like chocolate cream pie -- delicious. :)

    Post last edited Aug 11th
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    • Post n°5

    empty. Re: Pythagoraen Illuminati as an 'Armageddon Conspiracy' of a New World Order

    empty. shiloh Today at 1:27 pm
    Raven wrote:
    (The Apocryphon of John)
    The Secret Book of John

    Translated by Stevan Davies
    This translation is presented in The Gnostic Society Library by exclusive permission of the author.
    All rights including right of electronic reproduction are reserved by the author.
    © 2005 Stevan Davies

    Notes by the Translator
    It has always seemed to me that the Secret Book of John evolved to be more difficult to read than it originally was. The Secret Book of John is a complex developmental mythology that has been made more complicated because, over the years, versions of it have been “improved” by several levels of scribal alteration. One set of levels is the evident addition of rather lengthy texts (a list of magical names, a dialogue on the soul, a providence hymn) to an original version that lacked them. Another set of levels is the addition by various scribes of what they intended to be useful comments, explanations, clarifications and supplementary details. The former processes continue to be added to the text when scholars such as myself add introductory paragraphs, or indeed whole book-length texts to introduce or comment on the Secret Book of John. The latter processes continue when scholars interrupt the flow of the text by adding subheadings (such as the section headings added here in Bold Italics) and notes intended to assist the reader’s understanding.

    I believe that readers will benefit from seeing the various individual elements constituting the text as separable units and so be relieved from thinking that somehow all of this material constitutes one originally coherent whole. To this end, in this version of my translation I use two formatting techniques to identify and separate-out several forms of material that seem to have been added at different times to the original. For more extensive textual additions I have arranged that the translation make use of different color fonts. There is one font color for the main body of the Secret Book of John (font color 1), another for the material I believe to have been added by a Christian editor who sought to present the text as a long dialogue between Jesus and John son of Zebedee (font color 2); this material occurs in two large blocks at the beginning and toward the end of the text and also in occasional dialogues imbedded throughout the last half of the text. Another font (font color 3) distinguishes a long list of demons’ names that are associated with specific body parts, a magical text apparently taken from an unknown source called the "Book of Zoroaster". Another (font color 4) is used for the included dialogue about the soul. Finally a font (font color 5) designates the three part hymn spoken by God’s Providence (Pronoia).

    In addition to these different fonts, I have put in square brackets the occasional short passages, or sentences, or phrases that I believe were added to the text by scribes over the years, additions that were intended to make the text more understandable, or to identify elements of the text with aspects of the Christian religion. If you ask how I know which parts were added as comments and so forth, the answer is that I make informed guesses. That’s really what most scholarship comes down to… informed guesses.
    (Click here to purchase the print edition of The Secret Book of John, translated and annotated by Stevan Davies. Note that the print edition includes introductory material and an extensive line-by-line commentary on facing pages.)
    Visit the Apocryphon of John Collection for more information

    The Teaching of the Savior
    The Revelation of the Mysteries Hidden in Silence
    Those Things that He Taught to John, His Disciple]


    [1:15:32 PM - Tuesday, August 12th, 2014 +10UCT] Shiloh: This 'xtian apologetics preview' regarding the Noah film is rather interesting and fits the present timeline to a marker. It shows how the human mind has become polarised. Thuban informants know of course how the Hollywood genre about the 'illuminati' subject matter has become itself only partially 'elucidated'.

    [1:18:55 PM] Shiloh: So, whilst this 'biblical fundamentalist' does discern the kabbalistic-freemason-ptb origin of those so called 'secret societies', he fails to perceive the original stories and creation mythologies underpinning all such accounts and including say the 'flood myths' of all human cultures and historical memories; say as indicated (but not thoroughly revealed) in the apocryphon and the GOT

    [9:30:51 AM] Sirius 17: Robin Williams has died, they think it may of been suicide
    [9:31:58 AM] Sirius 17: I loved him, what a tragedy
    [9:39:05 AM] Sirius 17: he is in the real movie now of what dreams may come

    Robin McLaurin Williams --- {July 21, 1951; Chicago, Illinois, U.S. --- August 11, 2014 (aged 63); Marin County, California, U.S.}​

    [1:57:21 PM] raxnae: I thought that the director implemented the Book of Enoch elements into it such as the Watchers
    [2:04:13 PM] Shiloh: The Book of Enoch of Hurtak is VERY overrated
    [2:04:32 PM] Shiloh: It is rather nabsey
    [2:05:42 PM] Shiloh: perhaps 80% of all the so called 'esoteric' info on youtube and the www is nabs rax and should be approached with discernment salts
    [2:06:00 PM] raxnae: yes I've noticed haha
    [2:06:32 PM] Shiloh: Here with nabs I mean a percentage of partial truth and verifiable information and a much larger amount of pure human minded speculations and fantasies
    [2:07:04 PM] Shiloh: Take Terrence McKenna for example and someone I respect
    [2:08:44 PM] Shiloh: Yet, his 'Enochian realisations' derived from psychedelic altered states of awareness and so whilst a greater proportion of this 'higer D data' has value in my assessment, this derives from the fact, that Terence was in fact a rational sort of fellow with a good analytic and reasoning mind
    [2:10:12 PM] raxnae: i see
    [2:10:35 PM] Shiloh: The Hurtak material is also from a 'higher D' dream state and like so many similar ideas (say Urantia Book, Mormons, Theosophy, Crowley etc), all have very human egocentric interpretations interwoven and depending on personal experiences and educational backgrounds
    [2:11:20 PM] Shiloh: My approach is to dismiss nothing at all, but to evaluate all data in terms of a cosmic and nonhuman perspective.
    [2:11:41 PM] Shiloh: In this way you can clearly see what is of a cosmic agenda and what is human mind limited
    [2:15:02 PM] Shiloh: A cosmic agenda is one, which is like an observer mode, which WATCHES this planet and is not at all engaged in its internal disputes on any personal-national-religious-alternative agenda
    [2:15:42 PM] raxnae: neutral observation
    [2:16:02 PM] Shiloh: It is like you standing in front of a canvas and thinking or imagining things and subject matter to paint as the creator of a painting or 'work of art'
    [2:16:28 PM] Shiloh: But then the colours and hues are there ready to be placed onto the canvas
    [2:17:02 PM] Shiloh: the difference is that this canvas or 'chess game' has the pieces moving by itself with a certain degree of self determinations
    [2:17:36 PM] Shiloh: So the dynamic chess game becomes the world affairs of the human planetary civilization or culture
    [2:18:39 PM] Shiloh: Making a movie is another allegory. You give the actors scripts, but allow a certain amount of improvisations
    [2:20:00 PM] Shiloh: Nabsers call this co-creation, without realising that directors and producers of the new movie are required. Everyone so is in fact a co-creator, but like with having a particular license of improvisation, though being required to follow some overarching guidelines or 'cosmic laws'.
    And the director and producer can indeed call a halt to the 'free licenses' of the co-creating, should this cocreating deviate too much from the cosmic plan and agenda in a 'humanisation' or more planetary human egocentric determination.
    And it is my informed assessment, that the 'free licences' of the human co-creating have reached a certain plateau of cosmic ineffectiveness and so a special kind of 'cosmic interference', which is both from within and from without the human quarantine zone is now becoming implemented, say in a decade from 2007 to 2012 to 2017 and derived from particular timeline codes such as 'jubilees' and the 'generations of mankind'

    [2:40:25 PM] raxnae: mankind needs all the help it can get haha
    [2:42:46 PM] Sirius 17: nice post you made to clarify Tony
    [2:43:26 PM] Sirius 17: speaking of 'movies' we just got back from watching Edge of Tomorrow
    [2:43:47 PM] Sirius 17: Tom Cruise in an end of the world invasion ground hog day
    [2:44:30 PM] Sirius 17: at least the producers of this film saw that these so called ET's had the capabilities to change time
    [2:44:45 PM] Sirius 17: er manipulate it rather
    [2:45:08 PM] Sirius 17: they would just keep running the same day over until they had the 'enemy' figured out
    [2:46:04 PM] Sirius 17: but if you killed one of the 'blue' ones and some of it's blood got into you, like what happened to Tom in the movie, than you became the time master and could in effect hack in to their time bubble
    [2:46:18 PM] Sirius 17: and then re-configure
    [2:46:45 PM] Sirius 17: it was bizarre
    [2:47:26 PM] Sirius 17: but yes most of these so called luciferian experts have no idea who even Lucifer is
    [2:47:27 PM] Shiloh: A bit too human fantastic
    [2:47:52 PM] Shiloh: Its as misunderstood as Jesus and MM
    [2:47:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:48:04 PM] Sirius 17: completely
    [2:48:27 PM] Shiloh: The past can be observed, but not altered in my nous
    [2:48:35 PM] Sirius 17: why I have to laugh whenever I see one of these videos talking about Lucifer worshipers lol
    [2:48:41 PM] Sirius 17: like they know
    [2:49:10 PM] Shiloh: The past is there to allow choices to project and to alter probablility future outcomes however
    [2:49:35 PM] Shiloh: Lucifer is the Serpent of Eden - period
    [2:49:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes we know
    [2:50:03 PM] Shiloh: The Pigeradamas and nonincarnate Logos of the Sophia
    [2:50:28 PM] Shiloh: The first representation of the Christ Child from Abba and Baab
    [2:50:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:51:35 PM] Sirius 17: did you read the secret book of John rax?

    [2:51:39 PM] Shiloh: But it is required to be BOTH White and Black to embody the original AbbaBaab Unity and so there must, in the human mindedness of the 'realm of the Duality', exist BOTH a White Luciferian brotherhood AND a Black Luciferian Sisterhood

    [2:52:27 PM] Shiloh: The Serpent or Eden is both the PAST and the FUTURE in the PRESENT
    [2:53:21 PM] Shiloh: SERPENT =97= Son of Man = Circle of God and the MOTHER =79= AlphaOmega reversed
    [2:54:02 PM] Shiloh: From such codes derive silly satanist reversals and nabs 'exposures' of upside down crosses and subliminal this and thats and the 'evil rites' of the 'secret clans' from the Vatican to freemasons to neo-nazis and neo-cons and neo-whatevers
    [2:54:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes they don't see the ouroboros

    [2:59:25 PM] Shiloh: Lucifer is the 'he' transforming into a 'heshe' and Lucifera is 'A Lucifer' metamorphosing into a 'shehe' from the 'h'e as Adam-Abba image becoming mirrored in a real world in the 'she' as Eve-Baab image, but originally coming 'out of Adam as a rib' archetype and so disallowing the creation of a 'shehe' in the fantasy world or heaven
    [3:00:37 PM] Shiloh: This process, then becomes a light-darkness synthesis and synergy
    [3:01:11 PM] Shiloh: The Universe as old creation doubles or twins itself like the Möbius strip or the Klein Bottle (in surface area available to store data say and as memory), using its own 'nexus' or singularity or Black Hole as bottomless pit etc
    [3:02:24 PM] Shiloh: This brings AbbaBaab aka CreatorCreation aka YangYin aka goodevil aka LightDarkness as twilight back together again, and who had to separate to eliminate the fantasy heaven as abstract place of the original genesis and to so create the original physicality as the 'cosmic antistate of the abstract light' of the 'perfect unknowable one' as per the apocryphon.
    The 'unknowable' and 'undefinable' so REQUIRES its own finitisation; which is but the creation of the physical limitations in the doubling of the duality of knowable and unknowable or Zero/Void with Eternity/Infinity into a real, however mathematical process or procedure, which enables the mathematical Infinity to become DEFINED as a limiting process within its finite mathematical subset.
    Such is the true reality of the 'Secret name of God' as the I Am That I Am! of Exodus.3.14 as its anagram transformation from an asymmetric tetragrammaton YaHWeH into the symmetric pentagrammaton YaHWHeY in the I Am That Am I as the MATHIMATIA=95=Excalibur=Neptune=Scorpio=.. etc and as the contemporary archetype of the PHOENIX 'Rising' as the Scorpio of the gnostic gospel of John being also the Eagle of John. This is nicely metaphored in the 'Rise like a phoenix song' of the 2014 Eurovision contest and scandal, as the artist was a Dragqueen (Conchita Wurst) and so representing just this he doubling into a heshe and vice versa. This then also depicts the 'shortcomings' or unresolved issues in the apocryphon with respect to the 'unknowability' of the 'perfect one' from the beginning of time and space and all creation accounts and mythologies
    [3:03:30 PM] Shiloh: AbbaBaab(Unreal or abstract) = Abba(abstract)+Baab(real) = AbbaBaab(Abstract) + AbbaBaab(Real) = Mental Metaphysical Universe + Physical Universe as a Unification of Opposites allowing cross fertilizations between them in a higher dimensional synergy of its 'building blocks' of memes and superstrings as wavicles (waved particles) or mem(ory) branes
    [3:04:14 PM] Shiloh: The middle part is the 'Exile or banishment from fantasy heaven' aka the 'Quantum Big Bang' of modern scientific understanding and model building
    [3:05:37 PM] Shiloh: This of course allows all sorts of fantasy and fake gods and devils to be human mind created, such as the Jehovah-Allah abomination
    [3:06:40 PM] Shiloh: Because BOTH reality and unreality must form the cosmic dichotomy in which all contexts must manifest and play
    [3:07:29 PM] Shiloh: Then when polarity potentials are maximised, the real and the unreal will blend to create the doubling of the entire old creation as a twinship new creation

    [3:18:45 PM] Sirius 17:

    this is a sweet scene
    [3:19:39 PM] Shiloh: I wonder what caused Robin's depression
    [3:20:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes me too
    [3:21:17 PM] Sirius 17: it is said that he had been struggling with alcohol and drugs his whole life
    [3:21:24 PM] Sirius 17: addiction
    [3:24:21 PM] Sirius 17: President Barack Obama's statement sent from the White House summed it up:

    "Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between. But he was one of a kind. He arrived in our lives as an alien -- but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit. He made us laugh. He made us cry. He gave his immeasurable talent freely and generously to those who needed it most -- from our troops stationed abroad to the marginalized on our own streets."

    [3:34:33 PM] Sirius 17: Williams made at least two trips to rehab for drug treatment, including a visit this summer, and he underwent heart surgery in 2009.
    [3:34:43 PM] Sirius 17:
    [3:35:03 PM] Sirius 17: I read someplace else that he had an aortic valve replacement
    [3:35:52 PM] Shiloh: He was an excellent representative of a cosmic human or what an evolved human mind should be like
    [3:36:12 PM] Shiloh: But then the environmental pressures destroy even those qualities
    [3:36:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes, sadly
    [3:36:56 PM] Sirius 17: perhaps he could not bear to watch anymore suffering
    [3:37:36 PM] Sirius 17: I think he felt things very deeply
    [3:40:11 PM] Shiloh: yes, he strikes me as such
    [3:43:57 PM] Sirius 17:
    [3:44:03 PM] Sirius 17: this is over the top
    [3:44:17 PM] Sirius 17: I am guessing you have seen this on the news over there
    [3:46:46 PM] Shiloh: But true
    [3:46:56 PM] Shiloh: yes it is viral here
    [3:47:23 PM] Shiloh: See how this Isis cra16 is now coming to a head
    [3:47:44 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is getting unreal
    [3:48:07 PM] Shiloh: The insanity of the human mind is polarized in this in a maximization and it is affecting the human groupmind
    [3:48:49 PM] Shiloh: The memeplex is now Islamic State and global
    [3:49:09 PM] Sirius 17: you would think the holocaust would of been enough
    [3:49:11 PM] Shiloh: No longer restricted to Syria and Iraq
    [3:49:53 PM] Shiloh: It is because young children are engaged, that the human blah blah is being confronted with its most vile expressions
    [3:50:41 PM] raxnae: yes I read it, it is very interesting but I'm afraid I don't have the eyes to read between the lines and find the hidden codes
    [3:51:11 PM] Shiloh: The apocryphon is no easy read
    [3:51:32 PM] Shiloh: It is rather convoluted, because it addresses this 'undefinability'
    [3:51:49 PM] Shiloh: Like it is some sort of unfathomable world
    [3:51:53 PM] Shiloh: It is not
    [3:52:18 PM] Shiloh: But only logical discourse and definition can REDEFINE the unknowable
    [3:53:08 PM] Shiloh: This islamist jihad agenda represents the polarisation opposite extreme contra that logistics
    [3:53:28 PM] Shiloh: Pure hatred and belief in fantasies
    [3:53:46 PM] Shiloh: The GOT is easier to digest
    [3:54:33 PM] Shiloh: There are passages in the apocryphon which seem to reject all physicality
    [3:54:40 PM] Shiloh: This is not so in the GOT
    [3:55:15 PM] Shiloh: This rejection is part of the projected 'supremacy' of the unknowable spirit over anything created
    [3:55:36 PM] raxnae: I've been pondering the GOT in depth but I still lack a proper understanding of it
    [3:55:39 PM] Shiloh: It neglects or omits the 'real Logos' from the GOT
    [3:55:51 PM] Sirius 17: it is deeply symbolic, but an interesting study to ponder
    [3:56:23 PM] Shiloh: Iow, the 'saviour' in the apocryphon has a number of very human minded characteristics and so is not of the power and quality found in the GOT
    [3:56:34 PM] Sirius 17: I like it but all those names of the different archons and angels can be confusing
    [3:56:41 PM] Shiloh: the GOT is flawless, the apocryphon is not
    [3:56:53 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [3:57:03 PM] Sirius 17: The Thunder Mind is good too for comparisons
    [3:57:11 PM] Sirius 17: that is also in the collection rax
    [3:57:16 PM] Shiloh: The GOT was composed by a nonhuman mind, but the apocryphon draws on that but has some 'human mind pollutions' in it
    [3:58:45 PM] Sirius 17:
    [3:59:04 PM] Shiloh: Historically, the GOT represents the 'Quelle' or Q document of the historians, attempting to synthesise all of the gospels and dates to 32-35AD, whilst the apocryphon is younger and not as 'eye witnessed' as the former
    [4:01:11 PM] Sirius 17: well and even the scholars talk about the latter additions to the apocrypha and how these additions sort of muddle the original versions too
    [4:01:27 PM] Sirius 17: the GOT doesn't have this
    [4:02:42 PM] Shiloh: The GOT is a real ET document and not of human origin. The GOT is far more authoritative than the 'leaked' documents from whatever sources as presented by the nabsers
    [4:03:28 PM] Sirius 17: it is good to look at the other nag hammadi codex though for comparisons just to see the difference between Jesus's words and the interpretation of them.
    [4:03:47 PM] Sirius 17: yes exactly
    [4:03:59 PM] Sirius 17: you can tell a difference in the tone and feel the authority
    [4:04:23 PM] Sirius 17: in the GOT it is most present
    [4:04:39 PM] Sirius 17: this ET mind that Tony talks about
    [4:04:54 PM] Sirius 17: it is the real Logos
    [4:07:18 PM] Sirius 17: the 'codes' that Tony talks about are like number sentences in passages in the bible for example
    [4:07:44 PM] Sirius 17: so not really hidden, just their meanings
    [4:08:07 PM] Shiloh: Indeed
    [4:09:41 PM] Shiloh: You can look at the 'interpretations' of the GOT one by one here and by so called experts and laymen alike
    [4:09:51 PM] Sirius 17:

    John 21:11 - King James Version (KJV)

    11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.

    [4:09:56 PM] Sirius 17: like this one for example
    [4:10:05 PM] Sirius 17: 153 fishes
    [4:10:08 PM] Sirius 17: is a code
    [4:10:42 PM] Shiloh: It is ludicrous, as to what they come up with. For example they even fail to get the 'Eating of the Lion' wrong, despite an entire eucharistic tradition of the catholics being centred on just this
    [4:10:47 PM] Shiloh:
    [4:12:21 PM] Shiloh: You might see the human minded arrogance etc in this. And it is not restricted to so called laymen, but is deeply ingrained in the theologians and the historians and experts as well
    [4:12:25 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [4:12:25 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [4:12:58 PM] Sirius 17:

    F. F. Bruce writes: "The point of this seems to be that a lion, if eaten by a man, is ennobled by rising in the scale of being, whereas a man, if eaten by a lion, is degraded to a lower status than was originally his and may even risk missing the goal of immortality. It is not that we become what we eat but that what we eat becomes part of us (as in Walter de la Mare's poem 'Little Miss T-'). Whether, in addition, there is any special symbolism in the lion, as in 1 Peter 5.8 ('Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour'), is exceedingly difficult to determine." (Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament, p.

    [4:13:22 PM] Sirius 17: don't get eaten by Lions
    [4:14:04 PM] Sirius 17: don't they know who the Lion of Judah is?
    [4:14:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes these interpretations are pathetic
    [4:15:11 PM] Sirius 17:

    Funk and Hoover continue: "The lion was also used to symbolize human passions. Consuming the lion or being eaten by the lion may therefore have had to do with the relation to one's passions. Understood this way, the saying embodies an ascetic motif. At any rate, Jesus, who was reputed to be a glutton and a drunkard, probably did not coin this saying." (The Five Gospels, p. 477)

    [4:15:15 PM] Sirius 17: they get worse lol
    [4:17:28 PM] Shiloh: Yes, why I directed rax to this site. Now people who would like to really KNOW about the GOT finish up with those 'experts' and of course will gain little insight from such nonsense
    [4:18:34 PM] Shiloh: Wikipedia is not much better, as it too is 'controled' by biased editors and often secular and anti-Christian hierarchies
    [4:19:25 PM] Shiloh: BUT, you can be assured, that the real echeloners (ptb) knows a lot about the GOT and takes it very very serious, as they know of its origins
    [4:20:15 PM] Shiloh: The relative obscurity in the public discourses is intentionally fostered and deeper analysis is suppressed and ridiculed as some 'gnostic document of 150AD'.
    [4:20:35 PM] Sirius 17: I guess they didn't read revelations lol
    [4:20:41 PM] Sirius 17:

    Revelation 5 - King James Version (KJV)

    1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

    2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

    3 And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.

    4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.

    5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

    [4:21:23 PM] Sirius 17: [4:20 PM] Sirius 17:<<< 5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

    it is pretty obvious who this Lion of Judah of the root of David is
    [4:22:30 PM] Sirius 17: well to anyone with half a brain
    [4:22:36 PM] Sirius 17: willing to look a few things up
    [4:23:14 PM] Sirius 17: you don't have to be a scholar to find this stuff in other words rax
    [4:23:41 PM] Sirius 17: because from what Tony shared, it is obvious that even the so called scholars are not able to find it lol

    (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    [4:27:06 PM] Sirius 17: so now with a little deductive and informed 'nous' you can now figure this out
    [4:27:36 PM] Sirius 17: of course if you apply these too
    [4:28:19 PM] Sirius 17:

    (108) Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him."

    [4:28:23 PM] Sirius 17: this gives you a hint

    [4:29:03 PM] Sirius 17:

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    [4:29:05 PM] Sirius 17: and this one too
    [4:29:48 PM] Shiloh:

    Luke 22:18-20 - King James Version (KJV)

    18 For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.

    19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

    20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

    [4:29:48 PM] Sirius 17: [4:28 PM] Sirius 17: <<< when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye,
    [4:30:15 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes good ones
    [4:30:23 PM] Shiloh: 'Eating the Body of the true Christ' is the 'eating of the Lion'
    [4:30:59 PM] Shiloh: Yet this simple truth is suppressed and linked to religious nonsense or even cannibalism
    [4:31:39 PM] Shiloh: The GOT clears all those misunderstandings up, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear
    [4:31:59 PM] Sirius 17: religious nonsense being the eating of wafers and drinking wine during mass ect
    [4:32:51 PM] Shiloh: The male-female thing of GOT(22) has a VERY mysterious passage in mark, which I have not hitherto addressed
    [4:34:04 PM] Shiloh:

    Mark 14:49-53 - King James Version (KJV)

    49 I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and ye took me not: but the scriptures must be fulfilled.

    50 And they all forsook him, and fled.

    51 And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him:

    52 And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.

    53 And they led Jesus away to the high priest: and with him were assembled all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes.

    [4:34:24 PM] Shiloh: And also in John.21
    [4:35:17 PM] Sirius 17: hmm yes I have never seen this one before
    [4:35:37 PM] Shiloh:

    John 21:6-11 - King James Version (KJV)

    6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.

    7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.

    8 And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes.

    9 As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.

    10 Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.

    11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.

    [4:36:20 PM] Shiloh: This 'nakedness' is often linked to a Nag Hammadi text of the 'Secret Book of Mark' and is used by some to claim Jesus was gay
    [4:36:56 PM] Shiloh: Only the GOT will allow you to connect some codes here in their proper contexts
    [4:37:48 PM] Sirius 17: [4:35 PM] Shiloh: <<< 7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.

    [4:37:50 PM] Shiloh: AGAPE is often used as the 'non sexual' LOVE, which Jesus talks about, with EROS being the sexual LOVE
    [4:38:11 PM] Shiloh: Yes very controversial words indeed
    [4:38:58 PM] Sirius 17: retards
    [4:39:03 PM] Shiloh: So the 'experts' often squabble over what the 'secret initiations' Jesus engaged with the apostles and this 'young naked man' of Mark 14, might be
    [4:40:30 PM] Shiloh: But GOT(22) shows you the 'cosmic bisexuality' as the 'healing' of the homosexuality physical not as some physical abomination as per the Allah-Jehovah idiocy, but as the mental blending of the male and the female in the cosmic twinship
    [4:40:55 PM] Sirius 17: well the young man was peter of course
    [4:41:29 PM] Shiloh: So the claim of the homosexual community to portray Jesus as gay is as half sided, as rendering Jesus to be anti-gay and celibate and asexually 'pure' etc
    [4:42:00 PM] Sirius 17: very interesting
    [4:42:07 PM] Shiloh: I dont think so Juju
    [4:42:43 PM] Shiloh: It was a young men who was indeed 'in love' with Jesus and was distraught by his arrest
    [4:42:51 PM] Sirius 17: you don't think these passages in Mark and John are interesting?
    [4:43:00 PM] Sirius 17: oh that, sorry
    [4:43:21 PM] Shiloh: Peter was not a young man in 31AD
    [4:43:39 PM] Sirius 17: I know but that is what came to me
    [4:43:49 PM] Shiloh: John was the youngest of the apostles and it could have been John
    [4:44:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes I honestly don't know these details, how old they were ect
    [4:44:23 PM] Sirius 17: these are things you have studied
    [4:44:31 PM] Sirius 17: I have not
    [4:45:34 PM] raxnae: what is the root of the truth that you speak of
    [4:45:39 PM] Shiloh: BUT Jesus 'initiations' were not what people think of as say sexual interactions between gay men. It was the sharing of the erotic nature of the cosmic Eros as not being the same as the Agape of the nonsexual
    [4:46:18 PM] Shiloh: Remembrance, just as stated at the 'Last Supper' and not a derivative of 'human thinking'
    [4:47:05 PM] Shiloh: You either KNOW as gnostic insight or you dont
    [4:47:19 PM] Shiloh: The problem then is to put this nous into words
    [4:48:38 PM] Shiloh: GOT(13) as the 3 secrets see? Also harmonises the maleness with the femaleness
    [4:48:56 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:57:07 PM] Shiloh:

    Lacunae and continuity

    The two excerpts suggest resolutions to some puzzling passages in the canonical Mark.

    The young man in the linen cloth

    In Mark 14:51-52, a young man in a linen cloth is seized during Jesus' arrest, but he escapes at the cost of his clothing. This passage seems to have little to do with the rest of the narrative, and it has given cause to various interpretations. Often it is suggested that the young man is Mark himself. Some commentators believe that the boy was a stranger, who lived near the garden and, after being awakened, ran out, half-dressed, to see what all the noise was about (vv. 46-49).[46] W. L. Lane thinks that Mark mentioned this episode in order to make it clear that "all (not only the disciples) fled, leaving Jesus alone in the custody of the police."[47]

    The same Greek word neaniskos (young man) is used in both Secret Mark and at Mark 14:51. If we accept Helmut Koester's theory that the canonical Mark is a revision of Secret Mark,[48] another explanation is possible: namely, that the ancient editor who deleted an earlier encounter of Jesus with such a young man in a cloth, then added this incident also involving a young man during Jesus' arrest.

    There is another occurrence of neaniskos in Mark, this time as a youth dressed in white at the tomb of Jesus (Mark 16:5). For this particular passage, there are also parallel passages in both Matthew and Luke, but neither of the other Synoptic Gospels use the word neaniskos. (In Matthew 28:2 it is "an angel of the Lord" dressed in white that appears and, in Luke 24:4, there are two "men" (Greek: andres)). Thus, it is also possible that all three of these occurrences of neaniskos in Mark and in Secret Mark are somehow related. The proponents of Secret Mark as a forgery, on the other hand, suggest that Secret Mark was created based on Mark 14:51 and 16:5.

    Morton Smith indicates that in Clement's letter, the presentation of the young man in the linen cloth has homoerotic connotations. Following Mark 10:34, Clement writes in his letter, the story of Jesus raising the young man from the dead, who then loves Jesus and begs to stay with him. After six days, the young man comes to Jesus in the evening, clothed in nothing but a linen garment, and spends the night, during which time Jesus teaches him the mystery of the Kingdom of God.[49]

    The authenticity of this passage has been called into question on the basis of biographical details about Morton Smith. Some speculate that the homoerotic overtones were included by Smith because he himself was a homosexual. Although this speculation may not be relevant, Smith's reluctance or inability to present the original document of Clement's letter for inspection has left room for forgery accusations. He made photographs of the document available, but that has not convinced many skeptics.[49]

    [4:57:17 PM] Shiloh:
    [5:02:54 PM] raxnae: I can see why the GOT makes this a lot clearer
    [5:04:42 PM] Shiloh:

    The Secret Gospel of Mark

    I find the Secret Gospel of Mark fascinating. Copied by a scribe in the 18th century from an earlier (how early we don't know) copy, there has been a great deal of controversy among scholars regarding its authenticity. I believe the Clementine letter is authentic for reasons of style. There can be no justifiable suspicion of Morton Smith's integrity and I give no airing time to claims that Professor Smith forged the document..period!


    Beginning of three-page handwritten addition penned into the endpapers of a printed book, Isaac Voss' 1646 edition of the Epistolae genuinae S. Ignatii Martyris. The addition is in 18th century Greek minuscule copying a letter of Clement of Alexandria "to Theodore" concerning a dispute with the Carpocratians, an heterodox Christian sect. It was discovered by Morton Smith in 1958 when he, as a graduate student of Columbia University, was cataloguing the manuscript collection of the Mar Saba Monastery south of Jerusalem.

    Page 1

    Translation of Andrew Bernhard (his website listed below)

    01 From the letters of the most holy Clement of the Stomateis. To Theodore:

    02 You did well silencing the unspeakable teachings of the Carpocratians.
    03 For they are the prophesied wandering stars. From the narrow road of the commandments
    04 they are wandering into a boundless abyss of carnal and bodily sins.
    05 For having been puffed up in knowledge - as they call it - of the depths of Satan, they fail to notice
    06 that they are throwing themselves down into the darkness of dark lies. And having boasted
    07 that they are free, they have become slaves of servile desires. With these people, then, it is
    08 necessary to check them constantly and in everything. For even if they say something true, still
    09 the lover of the truth should not agree with them. For not all true things are truth.
    10 One must not value what human opinion considers truth more than the
    11 true truth, which is recognized through faith. Now, concerning their babblings about the divinely
    12 inspired Gospel according to Mark: some are wholly false while others, even if partly true,
    13 are still not completely true. The true parts, because they have been mixed
    14 with invented stories are debased so that, as the saying goes, even the
    15 salt loses its flavor. As for Mark then, during the time when Peter was in Rome,
    16 he wrote up the deeds of the Lord, not actually recording everything, nor
    17 hinting at the mysteries, but instead picking out the things he thought would
    18 increase the faith of those being taught. Then, when Peter was martyred, Mark went
    19 to Alexandria, bringing both his knowledge and the things he remembered hearing from Peter.
    20 From what he brought, he supplemented his first book with the appropriate items
    21 about knowledge for those who are making progress. He arranged a more spiritual
    22 gospel for the use of those being perfected. Nevertheless, he did not reveal the things
    23 which are not to be discussed. He did not write out the hierophantic instruction of the
    24 Lord, but added other deeds to the ones he had already written. Then, he
    25 added certain sayings, the interpretation of which he knew would initiate the hearers
    26 into the innermost sanctuary of the truth which has been hidden seven times. This is the way
    27 he prepared them, in my opinion, not ungrudgingly or unguardedly. And
    28 when he died, he left his writing to the church in

    Page 2

    01 Alexandria, where it is even now still extremely carefully guarded, being read
    02 only to those who have been initiated into the greatest mysteries. The miserable
    03 demons, however, are always devising destruction for the human race.
    04 After being taught by them and using their deceptive arts, Carpocrates
    05 was able to enslave some elder from the church in Alexandria
    06 and get the written part of the secret gospel from him. And he
    07 interpreted it according to his blasphemous and carnal opinion. Still
    08 he defiles it, mixing with the most undefiled and holy narratives the most
    09 shameless lies. The teaching of the Carpocratians is derived from this mixture.
    10 Therefore, one must never yield to them, just as I said before. Also, one must not concede
    11 to them that the secret gospel is from Mark, when they put forth their lies.
    12 Rather one must deny it, even with an oath. For one does not have to speak
    13 the whole truth to everyone. For this reason the wisdom of God declares through Solomon,
    14 "Answer the fool from his folly," teaching that, from people whose minds are blinded,
    15 the light of the truth must be concealed. At once, she (Wisdom)
    16 says, "From the one who has not, it will be taken," and, "Let the fool go in darkness."
    17 But we are the children of light, who have been illuminated in the rising of the heights of the
    18 spirit of the Lord. "Where the spirit of the Lord is," she says, "there is freedom." For all
    19 things are pure to those who are pure. So I will not hesitate to answer the questions for you,
    20 exposing their lies from the actual words of the gospel.
    21 At any rate, after the part, "They were going up on the road to Jerusalem" and the following things
    22 until, "after three days he will arise," it takes up according to the text:
    23 "And they went to Bethany and there was a woman whose brother had died.
    24 And coming up to him, she prostrated herself before Jesus and said to him, 'Son of David,
    25 have mercy on me.' But the disciples rebuked her. And becoming angry,
    26 Jesus went with her to the garden where the tomb was. And

    Page 3

    01 immediately a great sound was
    heard from the tomb, and Jesus, going toward it
    02 rolled away the stone from the entrance to the tomb. And going in immediately where
    03 the young man was, he stretched out a hand and raised him up, holding
    04 his hand. Then, the man looked at him and loved him and
    05 he began to call him to his side, that he might be with him. And going from
    06 the tomb, they went to the house of the young man. For he was rich. And after
    07 six days, Jesus instructed him. And when it was late, the young man went
    08 to him. He had put a linen around his naked body, and
    09 he remained with him through that night. For Jesus taught him
    10 the mystery of the kingdom of God. After he got up from there,
    11 he turned to the region of the Jordan." And after these things, this follows:
    12 "James and John go to him," and that whole section.
    13 But the "naked man with naked man" and the other things you wrote about are
    14 not found. After, "and he goes to Jericho," it adds only, "And the
    15 brother of the young man whom Jesus loved was there, as well as
    16 his mother and Salome. And Jesus did not welcome them."
    17 But the many other things which you wrote both seem, and are, most false. So,
    18 the truth according to the right interpretation. . .

    Where did this letter come from? I believe that a monk at Mar Saba noticed that the original, a very ancient copy, or perhaps even the autograph, was so deteriorated that the manuscript was in danger of being lost forever. He transcribed the ancient text in a hurried, cursive minuscule script on the last three fly leaves of the 1646 volume with the intention to recopy it later in a more elegant hand. Perhaps he followed through with this plan and his copied manuscript has since been lost. Perhaps he never got the opportunity to to recopy the manuscript and all that was left for Morton Smith to discover was his "rough draft" of the original. If the monk worked so hurriedly to preserve an ancient manuscript of this..

    [5:04:52 PM] Shiloh:
    [5:06:56 PM] Shiloh:

    01 immediately a great sound was heard from the tomb, and Jesus, going toward it
    02 rolled away the stone from the entrance to the tomb. And going in immediately where
    03 the young man was, he stretched out a hand and raised him up, holding
    04 his hand. Then, the man looked at him and loved him and
    05 he began to call him to his side, that he might be with him. And going from
    06 the tomb, they went to the house of the young man. For he was rich. And after
    07 six days, Jesus instructed him. And when it was late, the young man went
    08 to him. He had put a linen around his naked body, and
    09 he remained with him through that night. For Jesus taught him
    10 the mystery of the kingdom of God. After he got up from there,
    11 he turned to the region of the Jordan." And after these things, this follows:
    12 "James and John go to him," and that whole section.
    13 But the "naked man with naked man" and the other things you wrote about are
    14 not found. After, "and he goes to Jericho," it adds only, "And the
    15 brother of the young man whom Jesus loved was there, as well as
    16 his mother and Salome. And Jesus did not welcome them."
    17 But the many other things which you wrote both seem, and are, most false. So,
    18 the truth according to the right interpretation. . .

    [5:07:17 PM] Shiloh: This then is the 'controversial' part of this letter/secret gospel
    [5:08:10 PM] Shiloh: But one can see how it relates to the canonical mark and also many other archetypes of the 'angels in white linen' etc and also the 'Bride of the Lamb' in revelation.19
    [5:09:17 PM] Shiloh:

    Revelation 19:7-9 - King James Version (KJV)

    7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

    8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

    9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

    [5:10:20 PM] Shiloh: As you can see, the REAL Jesus is VERY different from some virginal superhuman heavenly character
    [5:11:59 PM] Shiloh: And rather different and apart from conventional religious labels and definitions. The true Jesus is sexually superaware in the cosmic sense. Why he says, that the 'children worthy of the resurrection' do NOT marry in heaven, but are as free as the angels
    [5:12:45 PM] Shiloh: Nabsers and morons of divers kinds, then read this as some asexual Nirvana heaven where the 'desires' of the cosmos sexual are absent
    [5:13:19 PM] raxnae: sexual desire is a major part of the foundation
    [5:13:31 PM] raxnae: it is one of the most primal forces around
    [5:14:01 PM] raxnae: but it isn't as shallow as the human mindedness percieves it to be
    [5:15:17 PM] Shiloh: Exactly, it represents the primal energy source and cosmic impulse
    [5:19:35 PM] raxnae: I imagine the real Jesus would have blown their minds lol
    [5:19:55 PM] Sirius 17: so do you feel this secret gospel of Mark to be genuine Tony?
    [5:19:57 PM] raxnae: and that not everyone would be receptive of such knowledge
    [5:20:38 PM] Sirius 17: because of the mention of the naked young man in Mark itself?
    [5:20:45 PM] Sirius 17: I see how it ties in
    [5:22:53 PM] Shiloh: Mostly yes, it is genuine. But of course you have the Xtian do-gooders who cannot perceive of Jesus as a normal human male with sexual desires, albeit possessing cosmic understandings about it
    [5:24:07 PM] Sirius 17: if so they sure left out a lot of stuff in Mark lol
    [5:24:49 PM] Sirius 17: it makes sense though from reading through this wiki and comparing Mark and John
    [5:25:01 PM] Shiloh: The true sexual initiation is the cosmic nous about the primal energies of creation and the 'nature of Abba and Baab'. more so than any human moralisings about sexuality and so on
    [5:25:18 PM] Sirius 17: they watered it down and left out good stuff yes
    [5:25:46 PM] Shiloh: Yes, actual unbiased research is required to 'overcome' the stigmatizations and the cultural brainwashings
    [5:25:49 PM] Sirius 17: imagine how different things would be had they left it in
    [5:26:15 PM] raxnae: i know right
    [5:26:53 PM] Shiloh: Of course and the difference between Agape and Eros is fundamental and NOT perceiving this difference is this moralising monogamy and related cultural standardisations, resulting in an obnoxious possessiveness and jealousy
    [5:27:17 PM] raxnae: When I had my true experience I got a massive download of the cosmic sexuality understanding
    [5:27:19 PM] Sirius 17: yes in the greek they are very different
    [5:27:36 PM] Sirius 17: well distinct anyhow
    [5:27:42 PM] Shiloh: It is unnatural to be physically 'married'. It is cosmically natural and lawful to be mentally 'married' in entwinement and in fidelity however in a genuine 'alchemical wedding' or dragonomy
    [5:29:44 PM] Shiloh: Those criteria were the 'initiations' of the Cosmic LOVE being freer than the Human Love
    [5:30:22 PM] Shiloh: Mental Love infers a wave nature and so the 'marriage' is naturally all encompassing
    [5:30:48 PM] raxnae: did mel tell you about what we experienced? I'm sure she did lol
    [5:31:10 PM] Shiloh: Physical Love is body centred and so should be like a 'change of attire' or location or food etc. It is particular and subject to change, taste and variety
    [5:32:21 PM] Shiloh: But the mental entwinement is inviolable, because waves are everywhere at all times in say quantum macro-micro entanglement. This is the 'shall be one flesh undivided' in the Pauline descriptions of the cosmic and not human ideas of 'marriage'
    Mel is a cosmically sexy honeybee and so is more selfaware, than most in this regard, yes

    Post last edited Aug 12th

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  8. Tal-DoRa

    Tal-DoRa New Member

    Greetings friends,

    I'd like to ask you about any understandings you may like to share in relation the significance of the Golden Dragon?

    Many thanks,

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2162
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jul 8th

    The Cosmic Sexual Agenda of the Reptilian Memeplex, The Triple Dragon of Golden Right and Blackened Left from Below and the Whitening from Above

    [2:42:17 PM- Tuesday, July 8th, 2014 -+10UCT] Shiloh: read this post on spruz to see the 'agenda'
    [2:42:27 PM] Sirius 17: ok
    [2:42:31 PM] Shiloh: It is cosmic sexuality taking over
    [2:42:51 PM] Shiloh: Of course utterly distorted by the dragon slayers
    [2:43:50 PM] Shiloh:
    [2:48:31 PM] Sirius 17: this is a long article on this reptilian guy
    [2:48:38 PM] Sirius 17: where is your commentary again?
    [2:49:03 PM] Shiloh: James Bartley fits the typology of a 'self unbeknown' 'ptb agency', also associated with a rather well known disinformation website 'Angelfire' of the Nabsers.
    The following excerpt of 'sexual reptilian seduction' of the human genus represents a 'turning upside down' of the cosmic truth of a high order and is published here as an expose of just how the self deception of the human mindedness is 'controlled' by its own attraction to deceive itself.
    Changing the 'manipulation' of the 'feeding of the reptilian multi dimensional mind on human sexual energies, both male and female' to an agenda of redefining what is a cosmic starhuman sexual expression of freedom in contrast to one 'manipulated' by the inbred human 'devil mind' of suppression and denial; then allows the discerning and informed reader to understand the genesis of the creation of the human genus as a cosmic incubator for all species in the universe and including the incarnated reptilian brainstem mind at the core of the mammalian midbrain and the human topbrain then encompassed and extended by a draconian aura brain, the latter defining starhumanity aka cosmic dragonhood and as templated by the 'Serpent of Eden' who is no other than the 'Son of Man' of the 'cosmic eucharist' of the Christ Consciousness of the Logos of all worlds and creations.
    This essay and material below serves as a prime example as to how the human mind is manipulated by its own inbred ignorance and cosmic naivety in utilizing the core cosmic energy of creation in its self sabotage of placing the 'human nous and wisdom' before its cosmic progenitor and ancestral lineage. The core energy of creation is in fact the blending of sexual energies in a natural and setting and context of both a physical and a mental maturity; both prerequisites, which have been abused and misunderstood by the human collective since its extraterrestrial beginnings so 104,000 years ago.
    Caveat: Dont forget to ask for a consultation with James Bartley at 'affordable rates', if you wish to learn more about the sexcrazed EVIL' reptilians of the LIVE VEIL!

    [2:52:15 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [2:52:18 PM] Sirius 17: oh dear lord
    [2:52:56 PM] Shiloh: Mudra and burgundia etc have bought right into this Bartley moron
    [2:53:09 PM] Shiloh: Spreading disinfo because of it
    [2:53:41 PM] Sirius 17: great, so is this where David Icke gets his reptilian meme from, this guy?
    [2:53:53 PM] Shiloh: Or vice versa
    [2:53:57 PM] Shiloh: I dont know
    [2:54:43 PM] Sirius 17: Inspired by David Icke, Bartley is a prominent promoter of the lizard people idea: “[T]he actual rulers of this planet are Reptilians who reside in the lower fourth dimension [that should, I suppose, be time, but it probably isn’t] and who work through their reptilian-human hybrids that have attained positions of power on Earth. […] The use of Mind Controlled Sex Slaves, the International Child Prostitution business, Sexual Slavery and Torture, International Drug Trafficking with its concomitant miseries, Genocide, Human Experimentation, Chem Trail spraying ad nauseum are all spawned from the Reptilian Mind” (or Bartley’s own mind, but he doesn’t entertain that hypothesis). Furthermore “[t]he Medical System is controlled by the Draco's through the vehicle of the American Medical Association which uses Gestapo like methods to squelch any efforts at using SUCCESSFUL alternative medical treatments, especially as they apply to supposedly ‘incurable diseases’.” You see, “[t]he reptilians are paraphysical beings who can alter their vibrational density to operate within the confines of our three dimensional world both in and out of the normal visual spectrum." And Bartley has proof: “to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python.” Indeed; how would we dumb lovers of reason and evidence counter that one?
    [2:55:03 PM] Sirius 17: yeah this is bs
    [2:55:08 PM] Shiloh: This is an excerpt from a skeptic site
    [2:55:40 PM] Shiloh: So they would dismiss all and sundry but they are ok with this moron
    [2:55:43 PM] Sirius 17: well from the above it is obvious how they have it all backwards
    [2:56:13 PM] Shiloh: I posted this because the dragon sex is described as the human-ET interaction
    [2:56:26 PM] Sirius 17: they are talking about demonic possession here as if it is these reptilian beings lol
    [2:56:29 PM] Shiloh: And this is just what we feel from the Logos
    [2:56:53 PM] Shiloh: Cosmic sexuality IS like a possession dear
    [2:56:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know
    [2:57:03 PM] Shiloh: It is Abba desiring Baab
    [2:57:17 PM] Shiloh: Humans cannot process this energy
    [2:57:27 PM] Sirius 17: nope
    [2:57:32 PM] Shiloh: Logos possession is 'eating the lion'
    [2:57:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes and the true 'reptilian' brain
    [2:57:53 PM] Sirius 17: dragon brain
    [2:57:58 PM] Sirius 17: idiots lol
    [2:57:58 PM] Shiloh: As the 'aura brain' yes
    [2:58:13 PM] Shiloh: The triple serpent
    [2:58:30 PM] Shiloh: One 'white one' from above two from below in black and gold
    [2:58:40 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i would like to sit Icke down and have a major discussion on archetypes with him and bash his ignorance with facts
    [2:59:02 PM] Shiloh: They know better so sharing data is almost pointless
    [2:59:02 PM] Sirius 17: he went so off the beaten path with this 'reptilian' BS
    [2:59:21 PM] Shiloh: But I was thinking of putting this on facts versus nabs
    [2:59:44 PM] Sirius 17: well it is horrible, you can't talk to any of these people, they think we are possessed by some reptilian evil overlord
    [2:59:49 PM] Sirius 17: if they only knew
    [2:59:51 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:00:02 PM] Shiloh: Son of Man = 97 = Serpent = Present = Circle of God
    [3:00:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes there the serpent
    [3:00:40 PM] Sirius 17: so scary
    Sirius 17

    James Bartley
    [James Bartley is an Abductee who has been exposed to high levels of Spiritual Warfare. He has studied in England and Germany. He is a student of Military History with an emphasis on Intelligence- Counterintelligence and Special Operations. James has worked in the Semiconductor Industry, the Telecommunications Industry and in County Government as an Ombudsmen. James also worked for the Civil Service at a major military command in an Intelligence related capacity. He is a former business owner.]

    I am available for consultations at very affordable rates. For more information please e mail me.

    Encyclopedia of American Loons
    It’s … The Encyclopedia of American loons! Our new and exciting series presenting a representative sample of American loons from A-Z.

    Sunday, March 17, 2013

    #472: James Bartley

    James Bartley is an “[a]bductee who has been exposed to high levels of Spiritual Warfare” and “a student of Military History with an emphasis on Intelligence–Counterintelligence and Special Operations”. That combination has proudly earned him his own page at, and Bartley lives up to its standards.

    Inspired by David Icke, Bartley is a prominent promoter of the lizard people idea: “[T]he actual rulers of this planet are Reptilians who reside in the lower fourth dimension [that should, I suppose, be time, but it probably isn’t] and who work through their reptilian-human hybrids that have attained positions of power on Earth. […] The use of Mind Controlled Sex Slaves, the International Child Prostitution business, Sexual Slavery and Torture, International Drug Trafficking with its concomitant miseries, Genocide, Human Experimentation, Chem Trail spraying ad nauseum are all spawned from the Reptilian Mind” (or Bartley’s own mind, but he doesn’t entertain that hypothesis). Furthermore “[t]he Medical System is controlled by the Draco's through the vehicle of the American Medical Association which uses Gestapo like methods to squelch any efforts at using SUCCESSFUL alternative medical treatments, especially as they apply to supposedly ‘incurable diseases’.” You see, “[t]he reptilians are paraphysical beings who can alter their vibrational density to operate within the confines of our three dimensional world both in and out of the normal visual spectrum." And Bartley has proof: “to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python.” Indeed; how would we dumb lovers of reason and evidence counter that one?

    It appears that the greatest threat to the reptilian overlords is posed by the abductee community, i.e. Bartley. “When the reptilians have decided that an abductee has gone ‘too far’ they will exact their preferred method of retribution which is Cancer.” And as proof of how intensely the reptiles infiltrate human life “[t]he reptilian host that my friend shared an apartment with brought into my experience a woman who was literally demon possessed. I referred to her as Demon Infested Deborah.” However, Bartley’s efforts to unmask the reptilian community are counteracted by plants within the UFO/conspiracy research community itself.

    At least Bartley has some sound advice for us: “I would strongly discourage anyone from meditating at or near energy ley lines, dimensional vortex areas and the like.” Rest assured, James. You may also wish to be aware of astral dreamscape manipulation, which has something to do with orgone energy. Bartley is also involved in the MILAB conspiracy promotion, and apparently he has some connection to this website (he has his own profile there, where you can see a “lecture” he gave at “Roswell 2007”). Enjoy.

    Diagnosis: Keep a reasonable distance

    Posted by
    G.D. at 12:19 PM icon18_edit_allbkg.

    James Bartley fits the typology of a 'self unbeknown' 'ptb agency', also associated with a rather well known disinformation website 'Angelfire' of the Nabsers.
    The following excerpt of 'sexual reptilian seduction' of the human genus represents a 'turning upside down' of the cosmic truth of a high order and is published here as an expose of just how the self deception of the human mindedness is 'controlled' by its own attraction to deceive itself.
    Changing the 'manipulation' of the 'feeding of the reptilian multi dimensional mind on human sexual energies, both male and female' to an agenda of redefining what is a cosmic starhuman sexual expression of freedom in contrast to one 'manipulated' by the inbred human 'devil mind' of suppression and denial; then allows the discerning and informed reader to understand the genesis of the creation of the human genus as a cosmic incubator for all species in the universe and including the incarnated reptilian brainstem mind at the core of the mammalian midbrain and the human topbrain then encompassed and extended by a draconian aura brain, the latter defining starhumanity aka cosmic dragonhood and as templated by the 'Serpent of Eden' who is no other than the 'Son of Man' of the 'cosmic eucharist' of the Christ Consciousness of the Logos of all worlds and creations.
    This essay and material below serves as a prime example as to how the human mind is manipulated by its own inbred ignorance and cosmic naivety in utilizing the core cosmic energy of creation in its self sabotage of placing the 'human nous and wisdom' before its cosmic progenitor and ancestral lineage. The core energy of creation is in fact the blending of sexual energies in a natural and setting and context of both a physical and a mental maturity; both prerequisites, which have been abused and misunderstood by the human collective since its extraterrestrial beginnings so 104,000 years ago.
    Caveat: Dont forget to ask for a consultation with James Bartley at 'affordable rates', if you wish to learn more about the sexcrazed EVIL' reptilians of the LIVE VEIL!

    by James Bartley
    ASSESSMENT--Intentions and Capabilities of the Reptilians
    THE X FACTOR – Resilience to manipulation and mind control
    Spiritual Warfare is Control of the Mind

    This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers "The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians" and "Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing." It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community.
    This information is not for those who are having to retake "Alien Abductions 101." If you desire information about "Grays" or "Missing Time" or "Hybrids" than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its entirety. They would likely develop a headache, nausea, sleepiness, extreme anger and the like which would compel them to stop reading it. This is predictable.
    This paper is meant for readers with a heightened sense of Awareness about the Alien Abduction Syndrome and who have taken their personal quest for the truth to the next level. To all of you who have done so or have made the decision to move on to a higher state of awareness I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I've always been of the opinion that when you treat people as if they are intelligent they will act as if they are intelligent. Now more than ever we need people like yourselves who are willing to stand in the gap.

    I use the mindset of an Intelligence Analyst when studying the Alien Abduction Syndrome. There is much confusion within the UFO Research Community as to the exact definition of terms such as "Intelligence" "Counterintelligence" and of course "Disinformation."
    It seems to me that for the most part there is complete ignorance as to what the latter truly means. Time and again I hear accusations of "disinformation" bandied about the internet and UFO Research Community as if the accusers actually understood the meaning of the terms. I will clear this up once and for all.
    In the first place, having had a security clearance or prior involvement within the Surface Intelligence/Security and Aerospace communities does not an authority on the UFO subject make.
    There are many individuals around today who make much of having had Top Secret Clearances or involvement in the Aerospace or Psychic Warfare communities and use their backgrounds (or alleged backgrounds) as justification to speak as an authority on the UFO subject.
    To the gullible and impressionable, an individual possessed of a Top Secret Clearance spends all their days reading Top Secret documents. This is patently absurd. The only reason one would have such a clearance is in the event he or she is ever required to witness or read Top Secret Information or Technology.
    In the day to day operational world unclassified and confidential classifications on documents are the norm even for those involved in Elint (Electronic Intelligence Collection) with NSA.
    There are people in the Cryptologic Community who have Top Secret Crypto level clearances merely because they are required to carry a small piece of equipment which is necessary for them to do their jobs. In the military world every last piece of equipment is accounted for when working with crytologic or communications related equipment and the users are held to strict accountability for their safety.
    (In the strictest sense "Cryptologic" is not the same as "Cryptanalysis." The former involves the art of encrypting or enciphering ones own ciphers. The latter involves the art of deciphering or reading the ciphers of other nations. There are some who perform both task. People involved in this line of work are known as "Creeps" or "Crippies" in certain branches of the armed forces.)
    The aforementioned individuals who carry the special equipment seldom if ever see real classified documents. Typically it is the finished product i.e. the Intelligence Summary which is Top Secret or above and distribution of the latter is limited only to those with an absolute "Need to Know" in the form of briefings from intelligence personnel (junior officers, non-coms and even enlisted men) or in an Intelligence Summary Briefing document which the officer will read privately. Any real "Insider" will tell you that.
    I'm sure that is a severe disappointment for all those caught up in the phony intrigue of the UFO Community where every researcher is so important that they simply must have a separate agency spying on them personally.
    And that is another point I want to make. There is a fundamental difference between Intelligence on the one hand and Security on the other. Most tend to regard them as one and the same which they are most certainly not. One does not get "spied" upon by "intelligence agents." That is to presuppose the researcher or abductee knows more about the UFO phenomenon than the deep black Aerospace/Intelligence apparatus which is not the case.
    Even those who were utilized as operatives within deep black mind control programs involving aliens and have broken free are still trying to piece their fragmented memories together because at that level knowledge is limited by Levels of Awareness and not by clearances. Moreover the deep black manipulators are loathe to allow these special individuals to slip from their grasp and will strive at all hazards to bring them back under their control. There is a WAR going on.
    Why should you stamp a document top secret within a secure underground facility where selective mind control is enforced and alien beings make up part of the environment?
    Who are you trying to safeguard the information from within the confines of an underground facility? Let me guess: Abductees in a trance state who will probably think they had a strange dream if they remember anything at all.
    Simple common sense is in order here but unfortunately common sense is very uncommon.
    One is "spied" upon by security elements tasked with either determining the quality or the sources of information of a given individual or with undermining their efforts to exploit the information through various and sundry means.

    Our team takes the viewpoint of an Intelligence Agency when dealing with the subject of alien abductions. We are not interested in "Educating the Public" or any other such nonsense. Simple worldly common sense would dictate that the public is completely disinterested in the subject and even if it had the slightest degree of interest it certainly wouldn't obtain any valid information WHICH WILL PREPARE THEM FOR WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS IN STORE FOR THEM. The people will not obtain this information from the government nor from the feculent cesspool, which passes for the UFO Research Community.
    Our team concentrates on hard core intelligence collection on the Alien Abduction Syndrome. Why? Because everything else, the underground bases, the government mind control programs, the reverse engineering of alien technology et al are but a corollary to the Alien Abduction Experience in the first place.
    The reason why there is so little hard core information available to abductees is because abductees pose a latent threat to the Reptilian Overlords of this world and to their apparent human vassals within the New World Order.
    We are the ones with paraphysical and supernatural abilities. The problem at this time is that it is the Reptilians, their gray minions and human cosmic vassals who seem to be aware of and exploit the full potential of certain abductees as multidimensional operatives. I will elaborate on exactly why this is the case shortly.

    In the strictest sense the craft of "Intelligence" means THE ART OF DIVINING THE INTENTIONS AND CAPABILITIES OF AN ENEMY OR A POTENTIAL ENEMY.
    Please note that I didn't use the words "research" or "investigate." Our team does not view the alien abduction syndrome as some sort of scientific curiosity the knowledge of which will ensure us everlasting fame and popularity. Neither are we interested in knowing about the "good" aliens because "good aliens" are not the problem.
    Unlike the reptilian host Boylan who claims there is not a single negative alien in the universe and is prepared to claw your eyes out in defense of his viewpoint, our team knows there are good aliens. We are simply not interested in them. Maybe if they showed up more often we'd be interested but unfortunately that hasn't been the case.
    I stated that the craft of Intelligence means the art of divining the intentions and capabilities of an enemy or a potential enemy.

    Here is a small sampling of the known capabilities of the Reptilians.
    The reptilians are paraphysical beings who can alter their vibrational density to operate within the confines of our three dimensional world both in and out of the normal visual spectrum.
    The reptilians can manipulate the human "dreamscape" and install all manner of conditioning and programming much of which is erotic or perverse in nature. They specialize in manipulating ones dreamscape with erotic imagery specifically designed to promote certain behaviours and alternative lifestyles within a given abductee population. I know of no one else besides our team who is even aware of this very basic and pervasive reptilian programming agenda.
    The definition of the word "Lifespan" as we understand the term does not apply to these reptilians who live in their own vibrational density long enough to manipulate countless generations of a given genetic/soul matrix population in our dimension.
    The reptilians are master geneticists who have created subserviant races of non-human beings to act as Specialists tasked with furthering certain agendas directly impacting the human race including but not limited to genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the abductee population. It is through the latter program that Hosts are created through apparently normal human childbirth. These reptilian hosts are geared to sow confusion, discordance and disinformation amongst the abductee population.
    Dr. Richard Boylan amongst others is a Host for a reptilian entity. Make no mistake about it. I have lost count of the number of websites placed on the internet by reptilian hosts. There is a new one that was put in place quite recently.
    The reptilians do not need spaceships to travel in. They merely create a portal entry in the house of the abductee they need to work with. They literally walk through this space/time opening and appear in your bedroom in full physical density.
    There is a whole subcategory of abductees, especially female abductees who have been genetically altered to accommodate the needs of their particular reptilian handler. The relationship of the reptilian handler and the female abductee can be likened to that of the Master Adept and the female "Scarlet Woman" within the context of a tantric sexual magickal working.
    Women who have been genetically altered by reptilians have certain attributes unique to them. Some of them may develop an acute sense of smell which makes them extremely sensitive to human male pheromones. In some extreme cases they may have been conditioned by their reptilian handlers to lose all sexual interest in human males to the point where they feel nothing but contempt for them. Women having reptilian experiences may go through periods of time when they are craving Vitamin C and will even binge on Tomatoes or Citrus Fruits.
    A natural consequence of the sexual encounters between the reptilians and women (some of which have been extremely brutal with the women having their hair pulled and their faces and bodies clawed at and bruised) is that the libido of some women is heightened to an extraordinary degree to the point where their every waking thought is consumed with the notion of sexual intercourse. In some cases this may cause the women to become extremely promiscuous.
    In the case of those who do not have partners or are unable to find them they may be compelled to resort to compulsive self-gratification i.e. masturbation. In both instances the aliens "harvest" the sexual energy from these women.
    It is not uncommon for light phenomena or even portals to manifest during these women's sexual encounters with men. If the woman is a host for an entity the consciousness of the human female (what’s left of it anyway) may depart during sexual intercourse and view the scene from above whilst the reptilian entity takes complete control of the female host.
    The latter example gives us an example of the androgynous nature of the phenomenon because the reptilian entity or entities within the host are often as not male reptilians and it does not matter in the slightest that the entity is having sex with a human male.
    A friend of mine will shortly be going public with information about the sadomasochistic and bondage and discipline aspects of the reptilians vis a vis a particular category of abductees. Barbara Bartholic has known of this aspect of the syndrome for many years. My friend's book will set the research world on its collective ear.
    Likewise, a male abductee who is hosted will sometimes have his consciousness exit his body prior to or during sex. Many women have described how their boyfriends or husbands "changed" during or after camping trips and that the person they came back home was not her husband or boyfriend but someone or something else. This is especially the case with those abductees who have a history of substance abuse especially with methamphetamines and in particular, crank.
    In the case of those females who have been "turned off" from the notion of sex with human males they become for all intents and purposes the sexual property of their reptilian handler. The reptilian may make an appearance to frighten or even attack the men who are potential partners in their lives.
    I've known personally the husband of a woman who had been "turned" in this fashion who was attacked by his wife's reptilian handler. Her lover whom she had had an affair with was also attacked. This woman has only recently regained an interest in sexual intercourse with human males.
    The reptilians promote the use of certain methamphetamines in particular "Crank" or "Crystal Methedrine" in order to better control and in some cases, to ultimately utilize the abductee as a Host. The latter types of amphetamines have a "sympathetic resonance" to the reptilians and some of their gray workers. Barbara Bartholic has documented dozens of such cases going back to the 1970's whilst most abduction researchers were still learning about "Grays" and "Missing Time" and "Hybrids". In fact most abduction researchers are still stuck in "The Gray Areas."
    There is a historical basis for the utilization of potions and drugs by countless cultures ancient and modern in order to establish long term contact with non-human intelligences despite what the reptilian host Boylan would have you believe. There is nothing new about this, it is merely another facet albeit a profoundly disturbing one, of the reptilian agenda. I strongly recommend reading "Drugs and Magic" by my friend George Andrews.
    The reptilians and their gray minions can control and manipulate abductees to a startling degree. They have a profound influence on abduction researchers in particular. They first strive to activate the ego of the abduction researcher and once that is accomplished the researcher becomes a black hole in regards to information he or she has obtained from abductees and it becomes an impossibility to obtain meaningful hardcore information from them.
    I must stress that our team is not interested in the "Gray Areas."
    These manipulated researchers will seem completely oblivious to the significance of hard core information given to them by abductees. If they run a support group they will ensure that no hardcore information is discussed in group by moving the discussion away from those who are willing to share the hard core information. This is done in conjunction with "Neutralist- Positivist" elements within the group who consistently and persistently downplay and marginalize testimony from abductees who have a better understanding of the alien abduction syndrome, thus quashing any meaningful discussion on the subject. Much better to talk about the Aquarian Age than what the reptilians are doing to the abductees.
    Manipulated abduction researchers become very territorial and view themselves as clearing houses of all abduction related data arbitrarily deciding what "their" abductees or "their cases" should and should not believe or whom they may even speak with about the subject.
    This form of control is especially evident within the internet where "moderators" or "facilitators" of UFO discussion groups set the tone and agenda for what is or is not posted onto the 'net. Again, Neutralist- Positivist elements assist in "shouting down" or marginalizing any meaningful discussion until what is left are abstract discussions about "raising ones vibrations" or meaningless diatribes about "polarities." These positivist- neutralist abductees have been in effect, NEUTRALIZED.
    The UFO research community at large is a self regulating feculent mess. The government doesn't even need to send in agent provocateurs although they do so just to stir up the pot and whip up various elements into a frenzy over "hoaxes," "frauds," "imminent landings" all of which aren't even worth expending mental energy on. It never ceases to amaze me how little it takes to generate a firestorm of controversy amongst the UFO research community.

    The reptilians and their gray vassals promote love obsessions and other emotional dramas between abductees beginning at a very early age. Barbara Bartholic has documented dozens of such cases as has her protégé Eve Frances Lorgen. Barbara and Eve have collaborated on a book that will blow the lid off the whole Love Obsession syndrome. This information is not for the squeamish. This aspect of the syndrome is much more pervasive amongst abductees than previously realized.
    Unless you have gone through the emotional anguish and upheaval of the "Alien Love Bite" (a term coined by a Bay Area abductee) then you are not qualified to even venture an opinion about it. This is a fundamental aspect of the emotional and energetic harvesting of abductees.
    The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and can shape shift at will. They have often appeared to abductees as "Nordics" or "Blondes" or "Spirit Guides" and have conveyed to them much neutralist-positivist information. Throughout history the reptilians have used the image of Nordics as a screen to carry out their nefarious activities.
    By that I do not mean that there are no "Nordics" as such. Please do not hear what I didn’t say. I am merely saying that for their own reasons the reptilians have consistently and persistently utilized the "Blond Aryan" or "Nordic" image as a smokescreen to further their own agenda at the expense of the human race and may even be using captive or genetically engineered elements of Nordic beings as subject races within their spheres of influence.
    Nowhere was this more evident than with the Nazi regime where the ideal of the Aryan Nordic was carried out to the nth degree with selective breeding programs on the one hand and the genocide of "Sub-human races" on the other.

    At the very deepest darkest core of the Nazi Regime was the Thule Gesellschaft. An occult organization which venerated the image of the serpent and practiced sacrificial blood rituals and tantric magickal sexual workings. The two men who had the most influence on Adolf Hitler were Karl Haushofer and Dietrich Eckart both of whom were hardcore black magicians.
    I cannot stress enough the fundamental connection between Black Magick and Sorcery (The Ritualistic Utilization of mind altering drugs to contact non- human intelligences) on the one hand and the Reptilian Over-lordship on the other.

    Reptilians have a profoundly disturbing ability to manipulate the health of abductees especially those who are striving to obtain hard core information about them and their nefarious activities. They will even inflict physical pain upon abductees who "don't go along with the program." Once again Barbara Bartholic has done pioneering work in this regard having known first hand of a number of deaths, which stemmed from research related activities. These "reprisals" have caused people to give up their investigations. Moreover, the health of certain members of the abductee's family is often targeted for reprisals.
    Many abductees who have had consciously remembered reptilian encounters are victims of extreme back pain which was instigated by the reptilians. This form of back pain results in extreme emotional and physical anguish, which is harvested by the reptilians as an energy source. I know personally a woman who is in her sixties and who refused to cooperate in a love-bonding scenario( a love bite set up by the aliens) with a twenty two year old male and was subsequently punished for her transgressions. She was immobilized on her back for several days with excruciating back pain.

    If these types of physical manipulations were not so common I would not suggest they are part of the modus operandi of the reptilians, but they are in fact very common. They represent a patterned data correlation, which cannot be ignored by "researchers." It is not surprising when you consider that some of these abductees have extra vertebrae, extra ribs, major organs shifted around to off the wall places etc.
    The reptilians manipulate specific parts of the abductees body such as the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, sexual organs and so forth for the express purpose of depriving them of good health, which is one of the most insidious forms of control and manipulation that I can conceive of. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, allergies, Candidiasis, Yeast Infections, Fibromyalgia and numerous other illnesses and the whole gamut of gynecological problems are common amongst female abductees. Regarding the gynecological problems, Barbara Bartholic says "sooner or later it will sink in why that part of the female anatomy keeps breaking down."
    Unfortunately, when women seek relief for illnesses from male physicians ignorant of the unique problems women have, these abduction related illnesses are not understood by many researchers to be related to the abduction syndrome.
    Often times the abductees will undergo extensive physical examinations only to be told by their physicians that there is nothing wrong with them. If anything they find the by-products of the illnesses such as infections and the like but seldom find the root source of the problem let alone a cure. These types of imposed illnesses can plague abductees for years. These illnesses come up again and again within the life experience of countless abductees and yet for the most part they are not considered to be an aspect of the abduction syndrome.
    When the reptilians have decided that an abductee has gone "too far" they will exact their preferred method of retribution which is Cancer. It is an excruciating way to die and the reptilians extract every last iota of physical and emotional anguish from their victim until their demise.

    If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the reptilian overlords of this world.
    This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this planet.
    Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick. In other words the Black Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human race in general and human women in particular.
    That is what the "V" symbol is all about. A common symbol found on abductees appears to be the Triangle and most so-called abduction researchers regard it as such which again reveals their collective ignorance about these matters. What they are actually looking at is the Trikona.
    The Trikona (an inverted three sided pyramid or a V) symbolizes the Yoni or the female sexual organ which is the abode of the sleeping fire snake and the source of the kundalini (serpent) energy generated through the Tantric Kaula rites.
    What salient point do women most often report regarding sexual intercourse with reptilians? They experience the most powerful full body orgasms they have ever had sometimes lasting for hours!
    In a Tantric Magickal Working the Adept seeks to activate the kundalini chakra of the female "Scarlet Woman." Once the kundalini is activated and forcefully propels itself through the other chakras finally exiting the crown chakra, the resultant "Ojas" or electromagnetic energy is magickally imbued into metal discs laid atop the middle chakras in order to store the electromagnetic energy.
    These metal discs are stored in hermetically sealed containers for later use. These ojas are then imbued into the Adept so at a later time he may impregnate a woman with semen which in turn has been imbued with the power of these ojas in order to procreate a child of special qualities for special purposes.
    The latter is just one example of the various usages of the ojas generated by the activation of the kundalini energy by a human Adept. Never mind what the reptilians can do, we're just talking humans here.
    I should remind the reader that to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python. Olympia was an initiate of the Dionysian Mystery Schools and had frequently inbibed in hallucinogenics during these rituals many of which involved blood sacrifices, contrary to what some would have you believe. It has also been alleged that Julius Caesar was the product of a union between his mother and an Incubi.
    I shouldn’t have to add anything about the impact these two men had on history in general and western civilization in particular.

    Aleister Crowley called the kundalini energy released through tantric magickal sex the most powerful force known to Mankind. And where does this force come from? Human women! The K at the end of Magick (the correct spelling) is a glyph for the Yoni. The female sexual organ.
    Much of the latter information comes from the Adept Kenneth Grant's outstanding book "Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God" which is essential reading for anyone interested in the abduction syndrome.
    The V for Victory sign was actually originated by Crowley not Winston Churchill. Can you see now why the series about flesh eating reptilians invading this planet from outer space was called "V"?
    In 1871 Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a member of the English Parliament and a Rosicrucian, published a book entitled "The Coming Race" which was rife with hidden occult meaning.
    The "Coming Race" referred to a Matriarchal Nordic Subterranean race known as the Vril-ya. The Vril-ya are an advanced race of seven foot tall Nordic beings that have harnessed an energy source known as Vrill and with it have subdued other subterranean beings in order to survive--including reptilians.
    Indeed the very first creature, the main character, a surface dweller, encounters a man-eating reptilian being who carries off his friend, a mining engineer who was killed in an underground accident which led to the surface dweller being trapped underground.
    The surface dweller later discovers that this apparently peace-loving race of Nordics actually intends to invade and conquer the surface of the planet. Remember that the reptilians have long utilized the image of Nordics as "front men" in their operations.
    Keep in mind that this book was published in 1871! It dealt with matriarchy, subterranean civilizations, an energy source that heals and destroys called Vril, reptilians, conflict between subterranean races and an impending takeover of the surface world by an evil subterranean race. And it was written by an occultist of the Rosicrucian Order!
    The all powerful energy which the Subterranean Nordics harnessed was referred to as Vril, i.e. the V or Trikona, the source of the kundalini serpent energy.
    What was he trying to tell us? That maybe it’s a waste of time conducting "Blue Book Investigations" seeking witnesses to three week old UFO sightings and learning about "hybrids," "polarities" and "spirituality" within the context of a war scenario?
    To round out this section regarding the capabilities of the reptilians and their probable intentions let us turn to yet another work of "fiction" written more recently than Bulwer-Lytton's "Coming Race."
    Dr. Harry Turtledove is a history professor from UCLA who specializes in writing what he calls "alternative history." One of his alternative histories is about the Confederacy winning the American Civil War and shows General Robert E. Lee sitting atop his famous horse Traveler and holding up an AK-47 assault rifle!
    Dr. Turtledove has also written a four volume series regarding the Second World War, which has caught my attention. It is about the allies and the axis joining forces to repel a reptilian invasion from outer space! Do you know what the symbol on the covers of these books are? An inverted isosceles triangle (a Trikona) within which is the planet Earth!
    Is the connection between Tantric Magick and the Reptilian Overlordship of the planet Earth beginning to sink in yet? And there are still some abductees out there wasting their valuable time with "researchers" who discount any such connection.
    The above information flies in the face of those neutralist-positivist elements who would have you believe that throughout the vast cosmos, only human beings are capable of evil doings. Such a ludicrous notion is alarming and pervasive today, which in itself is indicative of conditioning and programming.
    These are just some examples of the capabilities of the reptilians as witnessed by qualified observers of the past, present and hopefully the future.

    ASSESSMENT--Intentions and Capabilities of the Reptilians
    Keeping in mind that our definition of intelligence means the art of divining the intentions and capabilities of an enemy or a potential enemy. Does it seem logical to assume that with these capabilities, the reptilians have any intention of relinquishing their control and overlordship of the human race?
    We must look at this situation in a mature fashion and learn to work from our strengths and not our weaknesses. The only way we as a race will be able to throw off the yoke of this cosmic vassalage is to obtain as much meaningful information as possible, through which we can develop effective countermeasures and an offensive capability of our own.
    We must have the maturity to recognize the reality of our environment. Even here on the surface world all of the banks, telecommunications companies and utilities companies are merging at a tremendous rate. Hundreds of thousands of U.N. Troops are already deployed here ready to undertake what the U.N. euphemistically refers to as "Peace Enforcement."
    Again it comes down to intentions and capabilities. What are all of these multi-national corporations capable of doing once they become a single monolithic block? At the very least they can develop a command and control infrastructure which will survive whatever economic or financial catastrophe that may or may not be looming in our collective future.
    That is only what is going on in the surface world. Our team is really interested in what is going on in the subterranean world, which has everything to do with abductees.
    Some of the underground facilities have been described by those who have defected from the Illuminatti as "waiting rooms for Hell." I cannot think of a more apt description.
    It is the unanimous opinion of our team (of which I am but a small part) that the reptilians intend to maintain control over the human race by continuing their Grand Strategy of Divide and Conquer and by their continuing domination and marginalization of the feminine principle. The reptilians are well aware of the the geological calender of the Earth as well as the Apocalyptic Prophecies of numerous religions and have made their plans accordingly.
    They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by allowing humans to attain a heightened level of awareness. The latter was one of the reasons why the human life span was artificially shortened by them.
    The various cataclysms and upheavals naturally and artificially contrived, that will annihilate huge segments of the human race is merely the latest installment of a process which strives to reduce the human population to manageable levels BEFORE we attain heightened awareness and an understanding of our full potential. If this happened on a mass scale ( ie, heightened awareness) the reptilians will no longer be able to control us.

    In the intelligence and counterintelligence world there is a mode of operating known as thinking or working "in opposites." "Opposites" is a language unique to the intelligence and special operations community as well as to those within the ranks of the secret societies. It basically means saying or thinking the opposite of what you really intend to do. When any members of the Bilderbergers give public or televised speeches, they routinely speak in this fashion when they discuss seemingly mundane topics such as economics or education. It is a hidden or occulted language, which the public at large is not meant to comprehend.
    For example, if I am running a spy in a foreign country I may pass on a message to him or her prior to mission start which reads "Establish your bona fides. Ingratiate yourself upon your local community. Look to activation five years from this date." In other words the message means to not do anything but establish the credibility and lifestyle of a regular person in the community even if it means establishing a family and a business. A classic "Sleeper Operative."
    However if we are talking in "opposites" what I am really saying is "establish contact with agent x immediately. Operation to commence in 48 hours upon receipt of message. The goods will be moved to safe house. You will be provided with escort to move them" and so on and so forth.
    It is implicit in this mode of communication that there exists a prior understanding between the parties involved.
    Let us now apply the mindset of thinking in "opposites" to what the reptilians know about abductees and what we in turn can learn from them.
    The reptilians and their vassals can manipulate abductees both in and out of the physical body. They are well aware of this inherent human capability to separate our astral or ethereal consciousness/soul matrix from the physical body.
    Medical procedures have been performed on abductees in which they are subjected to real physical procedures. While they are in this environment the aliens see them and react to them. The abductee can experience pain and discomfort and can even see the physical after effects of the procedures i.e. puncture marks, clamp marks etc.
    At the same time the other half of them may be lying in their bed at home wondering how the hell they can be in two places at once. This is an example of bi-location. In other words, the aliens can manipulate a very real physical body which senses and feels as your "real" body does despite the fact that by all appearances you are still safely esconced in your own bed.
    This happened to me once when this odd looking midget "nurse" with a nurse's uniform and hat, a phony black wig which was crooked and a gray wrinkled face injected my upper left bicep with a hypodermic that looked similar to one of those large black pencils 1st grade children learn to write with. This "nurse" was very bossy and definitely displayed poor bedside manner.
    Afterwards I was allowed to get up from the table. I walked outside of this "clinic" and stood beneath a bright blue sky and looked at and felt the puncture mark on my upper left bicep with my right index finger. I was running my finger over the puncture wound and felt the soreness.
    All the while my other half was lying in my bed with my eyes closed trying to reconcile this image in my mind and the accompanying discomfort I was feeling in my real arm. An abductee friend telephoned at that point and when I answered the phone I described to her what just happened. Although there was not a puncture mark on my "real" arm nevertheless, the soreness was still there.
    What can we learn from this? Perhaps the aliens are working on cloned bodies which feel sensations that are recorded by your real physical body or they have a means to split us off and work on our ethereal bodies in another aspect of vibrational creation where full physicality is seemingly retained?
    The procedures performed have a very real effect on our bodies here in this dimension. There may be much more to this but the point I'm trying to make is that it’s apparent the aliens know about this capability within us and exploit it for their own ends. I suggest that we learn from such experiences and learn to exploit the situation for our own benefit.
    It is also essential that we recognize the reality of cloning and the fact that some of us do have cloned bodies.

    Much teaching and training goes on at altered states of awareness within alternate realms of existence. In these altered states of awareness we perform tasks and carry out certain functions, but for many, the critical thinking faculty has been switched off. We seem to have lots of information "downloaded" into us but for the most part we are unable to access that data in the normal state of awareness. Many abductees develop a feeling of self- importance merely because they are a student who has attended "UFO University." I have lost count of the times I have attended these classes and I can tell you it has not materially benefited my life here on the surface one iota.
    Some of the training is of a paraphysical nature, i.e. walking through solid objects, levitation and the like. It is not uncommon within the framework of some of the eastern metaphysical traditions and even some western ones that initiates learn to develop these types of abilities over time through adherence to a rigorous discipline. "Whatever the mind of Man can conceive of and believe in, he or she will achieve."
    Many abductees are subjected to testing and training procedures which seem to be designed to determine their decision making process under duress. Often times the scenarios involve "escape and evasion" or ones which place the abductee in situations where they have to choose between rescuing strangers or loved ones. Some seem designed to determine the attitudes, biases or morals of abductees.
    Could it be that this program is designed to identify those with inherent leadership capabilities and who could be utilized in some capacity in a futuristic war? Conversely, could it be designed to identify those who are merely good "followers?" Much of the training that some of the abductees are going through is military in nature with advanced weaponry, including learning how to fly certain alien craft. I know for a fact that some of this weapons training is being conducted in cloned bodies at the behest of the reptilians.
    We also know that certain deep black elements within the military are conducting an intensive training program in an alternate realm of existence. This training seems geared towards ensuring that the abductees in this particular program survive the coming cataclysms here on the surface. We also know that a particular segment of the military in the high desert of California is working for a particular race of reptilians that our team is very familiar with.
    One of my closest friends is undergoing this sort of Cosmic G. I. Jane training. Myself and some close colleagues of mine have also found ourselves in some of these scenarios.
    At least we can infer that the deep black military expects something of a drastic nature to occur here on the surface in the not too distant future and that they have a vested interest in the survival of at least some abductees.
    We can also infer that the reptilians also have a vested interest in the survival of some abductees. (Our team does not ascribe to the notion that "Hybrids" will eventually supplant the human population here on the surface. This completely ignores the huge drama that is played out by the reptilian overlords and their energetic and emotional harvesting of the human race, which to them is the stuff of life itself. What Barbara Bartholic refers to as the "Great Human Nintendo Game." It also fails to take into account the number of hosts currently operating on the surface as an active fifth column at all levels of society.
    This training is truly comprehensive. I've watched this woman change from a battered and abused housewife to a trained operative honed to a razors edge imbued with the "Killer Instinct."
    She has had to endure extreme forms of "training." To wit: She has experienced gang rapes by apparent military personnel in order to show her that this is something she may have to deal with in the future and that she must learn to block it out. During these sessions she is telepathically reminded of her sexually abusive stepfather (a former Navy man) who frequently raped her and her sisters beginning when she was four years old. They remind her that she developed a capacity to "disassociate" at that time and to utilize that capability during this training scenario and in the future should the need ever arise. She is told that she cannot allow these types of gang rape experiences to "turn her into a basket-case."
    What is interesting is that her reptilian handler showed up during one of these "training exercises" and indicated to the human in charge of the operation to cease and desist as if he, the reptoid, had decided that she had had enough.
    It also begs the question, was her stepfather brought into the picture PRECISELY to practice these base perversions upon her? Whether the stepfather was consciously aware of his ultimate role in this project is irrelevant. In the intelligence and security world most people are more often used than useful.
    Do I agree with this sort of training? No. But as a student of military history I can tell you that its not uncommon during wartime for women to be raped three times in three days by troops moving in three different directions. Indeed the selling of entire conquered and subjugated populations into slavery was an accepted part of "The Right of Conquest" during war and was practiced for thousands of years. In any event we must learn to adapt to the most extreme environments.
    I have to reconcile the fact that my close friend is under for lack of a better term "mind control" and can be made to turn on me at the drop of a hat. The possibility exists and has to be accounted for. Again, I think this way because I recognize the reality of my environment.
    What can we learn from this if we apply the notion of opposites? At the very least a segment of the abductee population is being trained to become multi- dimensional operatives and to survive the coming cataclysms on the surface. These cataclysms may spell doom for countless humans on the surface. We can infer that this training is designed to prepare the abductees to eventually function in an adversarial role against an enemy or a perceived enemy and that the intelligence behind this training is deadly serious about it. They have put my friend through hell when she has been uncooperative with them.
    Again, myself and some members of our team have taken part in some of this training with our friend. However much of our training has been of a different nature.
    I guess the reader has gathered by now that there is more to this than the "gray areas" of missing time, hybridization etc. I will tell you this: When I have discussions with Barbara Bartholic the words "abduction," "aliens," "UFOs" seldom if ever come up. Too basic. We are thinking in terms of centuries and populations.

    THE X FACTOR – Resilience to manipulation and mind control
    Before I delve into the issues of counterintelligence, disinformation and propaganda I want to make two important points.
    First, our team does not believe in any of this "equality" crap. An abductee who is manipulated and is a wellspring of accusations, chaos, confusion, discordance, egotism, gossip, misery, and possessed of a mercurial and resentful temperament is NOT equal to those abductees with a heightened sense of awareness and a sense of their own personal destiny who are willing to submit their ego and ambitions for the greater good within the team concept.
    We have identified an "X" factor amongst some abductees who seem resistant to some of the very basic conditioning and mind control of the reptilians, which seems to be the norm within "the Muppet Show." Chaos, confusion, discordance and resentfulness are symptomatic of a reptilian and demonic influence.
    Our time is valuable. We only spend our productive time with productive people. Napoleon said, "I may lose a battle but I will never lose a minute." Napoleon knew that in War, Time was the one ingredient that if lost can never be regained.
    By saying that I am not marginalizing or invalidating the nature of some people's experiences. Please do not hear what I didn't say.
    I am merely saying that if we had our druthers we would prefer to develop a friendship based on mutual admiration and respect with an abductee who has a heightened sense of awareness and a sense of self worth rather than a manipulated puppet who sows discord and misery as a natural by-product of its existence.
    I know wherein I speak because I was stupid enough to allow a reptilian host into my experience not once but twice. This entity has facilitated support groups in the southwest and has recently placed a website on the internet.
    The entity writes in "Opposites" from the beginning to the end of this particular website. On the one hand it says it has "stopped" alien abductions in its life and on the other it says it is seeking to bridge the gap between the human race and the reptilians. It mentions just enough "negative" reptilian information (the best disinformation always has an element of truth in it) to compel some abductees having reptilian experiences to seek her/it out as a source of information which is the worst thing an abductee could ever do. I have seen this evil host sit down with the children of abductees and show them sketches of reptilians and aliens from a binder she carries (I call it her "Family Album." She obtained some of those stinking sketches from me.) and asks them what kinds of aliens they have seen and to not be afraid of them and to accept them as a normal part of their life.
    My friend has seen black ethereal cartoon-like "noodles" coming out of the top of the entity's head while it was in a trance state. On another occasion when it was in a trance state and whilst African drum music was being played at high volume, this reptilian host lay on its back and "air humped" i.e. vigorously thrust its loins upward in a sexually aggressive manner for over two hours.
    Several eyewitnesses have seen astral reptilian "pods" floating in and out of its abdomen after a "rebirthing" workshop in Sedona, Arizona. This brings me to a very important point, which needs to be addressed.
    I would strongly discourage anyone from meditating at or near energy ley lines, dimensional vortex areas and the like. Such places serve as "the membrane" between dimensions which is precisely why UFO's are frequently seen over areas with high electromagnetic anomalies. (That doesn't mean I believe UFO's are strictly interdimensional in nature. There is a school of thought which holds that the UFO phenomenon is either Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional in nature and are mutually exclusive to each other. I disagree. It all relates to frequency and resonance.)
    Occult Ritual activity is practiced in areas where electromagnetic anomalies exist because it is easier to create portals to allow beings from other dimensions into our space-time continuum.
    The whole idea behind meditation is to seek the divinity which resides within. Its not meant to open oneself up to every marauding reptilian or demonic entity in the universe which seems to be the chief form of amusement for many New Age La Dee Dah's today.
    "Spirit Guides " compel people to travel to places like Sedona Arizona or Machu Pichu Peru and take part in meditative workshops and then their family and friends wonder why they act so differently when they get back.
    The aforementioned reptilian host has tried to attack me in the astral dreamscape and during sleep has tried to possess me. I have woken up tingling from head to toe feeling that icky reptilian energy saturating my bedroom. It has attempted to intimidate me in ways too numerous to count. Much of this happened to me whilst I was trying to expose the "support group facilitator" for what it was. A full on host for a reptilian entity.
    Most "normal" humans simply can't do some of the things this entity can do. I am doubtful that the female host is even aware of its own abilities. She/it is not the only reptilian host whom I have battled in the astral dreamscape. There have been others but I am unwilling to mention them by name because they may not be aware that they have these abilities.
    A well known researcher who likewise has a website (its getting to be a prerequisite for these hosts) and has lectured extensively appeared to someone I'm very close to in the astral form and watched as a reptilian being which my friend had never seen before (she is familiar with a different species) brutally raped and sodomized her. My friend is extremely psychic and can see astral entities and can see the reptilian image superimposed over host.
    During this brutal rape the "researcher" sat at the edge of the bed watching my friend's plight with undisguised glee.
    Likewise, I was told personally by another lecturer within the UFO research community that there are times when she does not see her own reflection in the mirror. Instead she sees the face of someone or something else looking back at her.
    Are these the types of "people" you want to obtain information from regarding the alien abduction syndrome?
    The reptilian host that my friend shared an apartment with brought into my experience a woman who was literally demon possessed. I referred to her as Demon Infested Deborah. Demon Infested Deborah brought unimaginable amounts of grief and misery into my life.
    Demon Infested Deborah was possessed of the most crudest, perverse and vulgar characteristics imaginable and she was the hypnotherapist of the reptilian host's support group! (She called herself an "alchemical hypnotherapist" whose mission in life was to "deprogram people." She should have started with herself.)
    Only a reptilian host could have found someone like her. In fact some of the most whacked out and confused people I've ever met were in that host's "support group." Demon Infested Deborah now resides in a suburb outside of Atlanta Georgia.
    Do we have any volunteers who are willing to submit to a hypnotic regression by someone who is literally possessed of multitudes of trouble making spirits and who has the most feces oriented behavior imaginable? Any takers? And if you do not believe in demonic possession you are merely revealing your ignorance because its a given in many societies and cultures in the world except this one. I identified at least five different demons inside of Demon Infested Deborah at which point I stopped counting.
    My only "crime" as regards my treatment of the reptilian host and Demon Infested Deborah was that I loved them unconditionally, did not judge them and did everything in my power to help them overcome whatever challenges they may have had but I may as well have tried to stop a tidal wave with my bare hands. It is simply not in the base nature of reptilian beings and demonic entities to repay your kindness with anything other than sheer grief and misery.

    I'm not going to reveal what those "X" factors are because we are under a state of siege at the present time but are gradually attaining a degree of operational freedom. We practice OPSEC, that is Operational Security but not dogmatically and slavishly the way some "researchers" do. I would be crazy to reveal what makes this particular group of abductees unique.
    "In War the Truth is so precious she must always be attended by a bodyguard of Lies."-Winston Churchill
    This much I will tell you: Some of these people have endured the most hard core experiences with a commendable amount of equanimity and are eager to be thoroughly debriefed about their experiences down to the most minute detail. And we listen to them as opposed to just "hearing" them.
    If anyone out there has been fortunate enough to see Barbara Bartholic give one of her infrequent lectures you will see that her tactic is to play videotapes of the abductees at length and allow them to describe exactly what’s happened to them in their own words. This tactic is almost totally at variance with the methods practiced by most so called abduction researchers who insist on cramming a square peg (abductee testimony) into a round hole (their own pre-conceived biases about the abduction syndrome which usually include "grays" "hybrids" ad nauseum).
    The only way we can ever develop effective countermeasures and an offensive capability against the reptilian overlords of this world is to obtain ALL the information available from the people actually having the experiences (the abductees), correctly interpret the information, and disseminate it to those who have the most urgent need for it i.e. the abductees again.
    Notice that I said abductees. I didn't say aeronautical engineers, Psychologist, UFO Investigators or people with backgrounds in the military. I said Abductees. We are only interested in the people who are down in the trenches actually having the experiences. I call them "Veterans of the Cosmic Wars."

    Intelligence is broken down into three fundamental aspects: Collection, Interpretation and Dissemination. For effective countermeasures to be developed all three must be clicking on all cylinders all the time.
    This is patently not the case in the abduction research field. It breaks down at all points but most notably in the last category of dissemination. When you don't get the finished product to the people who have the most need for it, disasters like the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour are the result.
    There was nothing "sneaky" about that attack. Japanese Naval and Diplomatic ciphers both high and low grade were being read by American Naval and Army codebreakers (Ultra and Magic), information was brought to the FBI six months prior to the attack by a double agent from British MI5 (run by the Twenty Committee or XX Cross) .So why then weren't the Americans prepared that fateful Sunday morning December 7th, 1941? Incompetence at all levels. Egos and Empires. So what else is new?
    The exact same thing happens in the abduction research field. The reason it breaks down at all phases especially in the dissemination phase is always the same. Egotistical manipulated abduction researchers.
    It seems strangely difficult for some to realize that aliens perpetrate mind control on abductees and especially abduction researchers. Curiously everyone involved in UFO research and in conspiracy research in general, unanimously agree that the government practices mind control but they are silent on the reality of alien mind control and conditioning on human beings.
    I have said it time and again: The first goal of the aliens vis a vis a particular abductee or researcher is to activate the ego. As far as I'm concerned, an abduction researcher who has allowed their puny ego to be activated by the aliens is worthless at best and downright dangerous at worst.
    There are a number of female abductees out there who have been preyed upon in a very improper manner by their male hypnotherapist researchers both in and out of hypnotic regression and it is incumbent upon these women to identify who these perpetrators are lest another female abductee fall victim to the base primordial perversions of these "researchers."
    I'll tell you another thing about some of these "X" factor abductees: Some of them can literally see the reptilian image superimposed over other abductees or RESEARCHERS.
    If someone can develop something akin to Kirlian photography that would allow us to photograph the reptilian entity overshadowing the host and put the pictures up on the internet I guarantee you some paradigms would be shattered.
    The abductee community would be aghast at how numerous these hosts are and how pervasive is their malign influence upon the lives of abductees.

    A final point I want to make before we move on to the subjects of counterintelligence and propaganda. There are a lot of researchers and UFO activists out there thumping on there chest like Tarzan and blowing smoke about how great they are and how stupid everyone else is.
    Well, talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. This is what I believe about the current state of abduction research:
    If you call yourself an abduction researcher and you are unaware that:
    A) the reptilians and aliens manipulate the dreamscape and condition the physical body to respond to certain stimuli of an erotic or even a perverse nature,
    B) that the reptilians promote the use of drugs especially methamphetamine and crank in order to turn an abductee into an energy sucking manipulated puppet and will sometimes host these people to further a particularly violent or sexually perverse agenda or,
    C) Can manipulate the health of abductees in myriad ways and have even been responsible for the deaths of abductees or,
    D) have actually hosted abductees and researchers alike, then I don't take you seriously.
    I don't care how popular you are, how many times you've been on the Art Bell show, how pretty your website is, how many books you've sold, how massive your ego is or how long you've been playing Big Shot Researcher.
    Please don't tell me you are an abduction researcher because everything I've just described is so basic it isn't funny. It’s a tragedy that the people who are having these experiences or are caught up in the misery of them (vis a vis manipulated abductees and vengeful aliens) aren't being given the truth--or any idea that what I have described is even related to the abduction syndrome. As such, they remain uninformed and under the bonds of imposed ignorance. Destined to make choices that are not in their best interest.
    And if you have never had the experiences-- or worse do not admit to them, then shut the hell up. I have grown weary of abduction researchers who've never had the experiences misrepresenting the lives of countless abductees who have. I hold beneath contempt those Closet Case Abductees who presume to lecture others about the alien abduction syndrome and yet lack the guts and self worth to admit to themselves let alone anyone else that they've had the experiences.
    People like that are not even qualified to venture an opinion about the subject. They can take that Doctorate in Psychology, History or any other subject and use it to blow their nose with for all I care. It does not entitle them to comment on the Alien Abduction Syndrome.
    If you as a "researcher" or abductee for that matter-- don't believe, understand or never heard of some of the information I have shared, it doesn't mean that its not true. It only means that you don't believe it, don't understand it or never heard of it. That’s all that means.

    If the craft of Intelligence can be defined as the art of divining the intentions and the capabilities of an enemy or a potential enemy than counterintelligence can be defined as the art of deceiving or misleading an enemy or a potential enemy as to ones own strength, capabilities and intentions.
    It was British General J.F.C. Fuller who drew a parallel between the commander in wartime who seeks to impose his will upon the enemy commander, thus delving into the realm of magic and the magician (or Warlock) who seeks to impose his will upon his victim thus delving into the realm of war.
    General J.F.C. Fuller was uniquely qualified to speak about both War and Magic.
    It was General Fuller who was the originator of the "Blitzkrieg" concept of modern warfare.
    Blitzkrieg (Lightning Warfare in German) means the utilization of tanks and armored vehicles, supported by close air support (CAS), artillery and motorized infantry in a concentrated attack against a weak point in the enemy's front in order to gain access to the enemy's vital communications and supply centers in his rear, bypassing enemy strong points to be handled by trailing elements of non-motorized infantry whilst the armored spearheads continue the advance.
    General Guderian, the foremost proponent of Tank Warfare for the Germans prior to World War II, has stated for the record that it was from Fuller's writings that Guderian had derived the concept of Blitzkrieg which led to Germany's smashing victories in France and the Low Countries in 1940 and to their initial successes in North Africa and Russia in 1941.
    Likewise it was to Fuller that then Major George S. Patton, commander of the fledgling U.S. Tank Corps in France in 1917 turned to for advice in tank warfare for the Americans during World War I.
    J.F.C. Fuller is the author of dozens of books about military history, strategy and theory including such classic works as "The Generalship of Ulysses S. Grant" "Grant and Lee: A Study in Personality and Generalship" "The Generalship of Alexander the Great" and "Julius Caesar: Man, Soldier, Tyrant."
    What most people don't know is that J.F.C. Fuller, a British Officer who eventually attained the rank of Major Genera,l was for many years a practicing Warlock (an Adept) and a disciple of one Aleister Crowley. Indeed Fuller (Frater Per Ardua) was the first initiate into Crowley's secret order Argentium Astrium and hence was Crowley's second in command and probably introduced the latter to British Intelligence.
    Fuller wrote such classic works as "Yoga," "The Secret Wisdom of the Qabbala," "The Pathworkings of Aleister Crowley," and was a contributing writer on "Commentaries on the Holy Books" among others.
    "A commander in war seeks to impose his will upon the mind of the enemy commander thus delving into the realm of Magic. The Magician strives to impose his will upon his victim thus delving into the realm of War."
    Do you see the connection now? One of the first objectives for an antagonist involved in Spiritual Warfare is to impose his will upon the mind of his victim.
    It was Frederick Douglas, the pre Civil War Ex-Slave, Writer and Abolitionist who said "A slave is first shackled in his mind BEFORE he is shackled on his body."
    Frederick Douglas was the worst nightmare for a slave owner: A Former Slave who can read, write and speak authoritatively on the subject of his own slavery and degradation at the hands of his "Masters"-- the latter an oxymoron if I ever heard one. What do you think the worst nightmare of a reptilian is?

    Spiritual Warfare is Control of the Mind
    Remember all of these points I have made about Magick, War and the Mind because they have everything to do with counterintelligence.
    Some of you may have read my previous papers "The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians" and "Common Sense: Rebuttal to a Reptile in Human Clothing." I deliberately withheld the release of those two papers onto the internet until such a time when there were no "Imminent Landings" , "Signals from Space" "Revealed Hoaxes" or any other mindless crap which seems to whip the UFO community into a frenzy every other month at least.
    The reasons for this were twofold: First, I wanted to provide meaningful information about the Spiritual Warfare which has existed between ourselves and the reptilians since Time Immemorial.
    The second reason quite frankly was PSYOPS. Psychological Warfare Operations perpetrated upon the Muppet Show i.e. all the manipulated abductees, the New Age La-dee-dahs, and the reptilian hosts who pollute the UFO research community to show by their violent reaction to my White Propoganda (Truthful information disseminated to peoples in territories occupied or controlled by the enemy) how I could get into the minds of not only the muppets but by extension the minds of their alien and reptilian handlers.
    I did this because I wanted to provide all the intelligent people who read UFO related information on the internet a unique opportunity to see the Collective Hive Consciousness of the Muppet Show in action.
    It must have been obvious by the instantaneous and violent reaction from the muppet show in the form of endless streams of abuse and criticism directed at me that I succeeded. Of course if you understand the psychology of the Collective Hive Consciousness of the reptilian controlled Muppet Show as I do then you will know that this reaction was entirely PREDICTABLE.
    For days after the release of those two papers, muppets throughout the various internet group lists were trying to outdo each other in finding new and better ways to insult me and marginalize the information I shared.
    I must admit that I derived a tremendous amount of satisfaction knowing that there were countless muppets and hosts out there who were figuratively beating their heads against their computer screens in helpless rage over my White Propoganda.
    In effect, I had imposed my will upon the collective hive consciousness for a period of several days at least. This should give many out there hope that we can still win this war.
    The hive consciousness of the muppet show is a weakness, it’s not a strength. When the muppets outlive their usefulness they will merely be discarded by the reptilians like the flotsam and jetsam of any other war. The Hive Consciousness or Herd Mentality is the polar opposite of Accurate Thinking.
    Accurate thinking means you obtain ALL your information about any subject from credible sources and use YOUR OWN MIND to evaluate the information instead of someone else's.

    I will give examples of Reptilian Propoganda and Disinformation and will then provide historical examples of counterintelligence and disinformation. After reading this there will be no further confusion as to what exactly constitutes disinformation and what doesn't. When someone accuses someone else of disseminating "disinformation" it presupposes the accuser actually has the "real" information. As we shall see that is not always the case especially when the accusers are alien propogandists and reptilian hosts.
    Intelligence agencies such as the C.I.A. employ hundreds of people who do nothing more than read domestic and international open source publications and literature. The latter is a very useful form of intelligence gathering. An occassional intelligence bonanza can be reaped merely by reading open source publications from both friendly and hostile nations.
    It was precisely for that reason that General Sherman distrusted and hated northern war correspondents because he believed, and rightly so, that the northern press was providing too much information relative to union troop strengths, troop movements and future plans to the Confederate forces he was fighting against in the field.
    As distasteful as it is for our team to do, we must read reptilian propoganda in the form of neutralist-positivist UFO and New Age newsletters, magazines and on occasion even attend the lectures of reptilian propogandists in order to familiarize ourselves with the propoganda the muppet show is currently spewing.
    Bartholic is a master at allowing the people she works with to tell their own story in their owns words and to allow them to develop whatever theories or feelings they may have about the subject.
    And if a particular individual chooses to become a reptilian propogandist or a New Age Metaphysicist that is not her concern. Like the silent operators in the intelligence world who keep the information flow coming in year after year, anyone in their right mind has the wisdom to see these people as a valuable source of insight into the Collective Hive Consciousness and as an intelligence source regarding future reptilian intentions. Only an amateur would consider cutting themselves off from such a valuable source of information.
    We do this in order to gain insight into the spin control they are applying to certain aspects of the UFO subject. There is no better example of this form of reptilian propoganda and disinformation than that provided by the reptilian host Boylan.
    In the January 1999 "Contact Forum" Boylan wrote the following comments based on "information" he allegedly obtained from an informant within the National Security Agency.
    "...The Bilderbergers and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) decided in the mid 50's to enter into an arrangement with the ET's. The ET's were given an island in French Polynesia as a base on Earth. This arrangement afforded them an opportunity to moniter closely Earth cultures and behavior and permitted Earth governments a way to moniter extraterrestrial culture and behavior. It became an ongoing experiment as my former NSA informant put it."
    Well, maybe. Maybe not. Either way it is irrelevent. I can think of any number of underground alien bases here in the southwest. Indeed there is a large underground-undersea facility right here in San Diego that some members of our team were unwilling guests at. There is another underground base within two hours of my house in the high desert that we have collected data on for the last three years.
    Moreover it is unclear how these ET's can "monitor closely Earth cultures and behavior" when they are compelled by this alleged treaty to stay on an island in French Polynesia.
    It’s just another example of the reptilian host Boylan attempting to "Big Shot" the gullible with his alleged "sources" within NSA. I already mentioned that it is foolish to ascribe knowledge about the UFO subject to someone merely because they were or are alleged to have been former members of the intelligence community.
    If taken at face value, Boylan would have us believe that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization which has mastered the art of interstellar space travel would appear hat in hand to our government during the 1950's, enter into a treaty with a nation which is still using primitive thrust propulsion as a mode of air travel, and would meekly settle for a tiny island in French Polynesia.
    This is as absurd as Cortez meekly bowing to the Aztecs with his tail tucked between his legs and then sailing off with his conquistadors in search of a more hospitable place to come ashore. In fact, Cortez ordered his ships burned so his soldiers wouldn't insist on re-embarking and leaving.
    Likewise, the ET's submitting to the terms of such a treaty is as unlikely as the European powers in the early part of this century meekly submitting to China's rights as a sovereign nation and returning to Europe instead of using "Gun Boat Diplomacy" to install "Trading Concessions"-- which for all intents and purposes served as their own economic spheres of influence on the Chinese mainland. Some may think the latter two examples drawn from human history are fallacious comparisons. I do not believe so. The Europeans regarded the Chinese as little more than heathen savages whilst the Chinese Leadership in turn regarded all Europeans as Foreign Devils.
    The next quote from the January 1999 "Contact Forum" is significant. I want the reader to pay close attention to the language the reptilian host Boylan uses because it is very revealing:
    "NSC's (the National Security Council) Dr. Michael Wolf has previously revealed in his book "Catchers of Heaven" that he worked with ET's as part of his government duties, "I met with extraterrestrial individuals every day in my work and shared living quarters with them." He added that the Zetas work in underground facilities as requested by the U.S. Government. The ET's are not breaking the U.S Government-Zeta Treaties, but the Government has broken treaties by mistreating ET's and trying to fire on UFO's."
    Up untill now, many within the UFO research community have searched for the answers to these mysteries everywhere but right under their noses. The above quote which I have highlighted in bold is very revealing in that it expresses the sentiments of a Non-Human Intelligence.
    "The ET's are not breaking the U.S. Government-Zeta Treaties but the Government has broken treaties by mistreating ET's and trying to fire on UFO's."(!)
    What could be more revealing? Mistreating ET's? Trying to fire on UFO's?
    What about the countless abductees who are suffering from ill health as a result of their alien abductions? Not to mention the Dulce Wars of the late 70’s. What about all the military and civilian aircraft which have malfunctioned and crashed as a result of UFO activity? What about the countless humans from all countries around the world, both military and civilian whose lives were terminated by the reptilian controlled security services of this planet because they knew too much about the UFO subject?
    The writer of these words revealed itself as an entity utterly contemptuous of human life and completely ignorant about the security measures that are taken to ensure with few exceptions, that those exposed to absolute proof of extraterrestrial and non-human life here on Earth cannot recall with any degree of clarity what they have seen or heard.
    Any investigator in the UFO field worth his or her salt has developed their own informants who have formerly worked in deep black military projects relating to the UFO subject.
    Over the years I have spoken to a number of individuals who I am satisfied have been involved in some way, shape or form with UFO related projects within the military and have related to me the truth as they understand it. In almost every case selective mind control and memory erasure was utilized in order to ensure that secrecy was maintained.
    A close friend of mine worked with the Air Force Audio Visual Command at Norton Air Force Base in California in the 1970's. Thanks to the efforts of certain researchers, we now know that Norton AFB was the place where much of the movie footage and still photography of UFO's were developed.
    My friend Rachael (an abductee) had a Top Secret Clearance working in photo development. She never could recall actually working at the facility. She had vague memories of going to work and coming home from work, but aside from a vaguely remembered episode in which she had become nauseous at a "cafeteria" with doctors and nurses attending her and other odd memories of being trained to operate advanced technology by an individual in a labcoat while floating fifteen feet in the air, she cannot recall anything.
    Since she has left the Air Force there have been efforts by various intelligence agencies including NSA to recruit her for certain types of work which she has always refused. In May 1978 they attempted to recruit her for work involving Air Force Combat Controllers working in conjunction with the French Foreign Legion's 2nd Parachute Regiment (2nd REP) which had conducted a combat jump into Kolwezi, Zaire.
    I debriefed another woman who worked as a radar specialist with the Air Force and who found herself involved in a project designed to determine if the radar of surface to air missiles (SAMs) were able to lock on to UFO's in the mid 1980's. This person appeared in silhouette, for I believe the Discovery Channel or The Learning Channel on a special regarding Governement UFO conspiracies.
    "Irene" worked at the Tonopah Test Range. She stated that the exercise was conducted at an unspecified location in the desert. Up to fifteen different UFO's flew to within a hundred yards of the radar shack she and the other radar specialists (other "volunteers" she had never seen before) were working at. After the exercise they were bused to a facility she believed to be at Area 51 where all the participants were given shots in the back of the neck. Thereafter her memories were very fuzzy. She said there was a period of over four months which she could not account for.
    The latter are just two examples where selective mind control was utilized on Air Force personnel. I have spoken with members of all branches of the military who have been tampered with in similar fashion in order to ensure secrecy and to selectively erase memories.
    Often as not, those who have been manipulated in this fashion were abductees to begin with. Larry Warren (a true hero in my book) has stated for the record that those who suffered the worst harassment at RAF Bentwaters- Woodbridge were abductees. This just strengthens my conviction that the deep black reptilian and alien controlled military know exactly who the abductees are within the Armed Forces.
    All of this relates back to the propoganda being spewed out by the reptilian host Boylan. It has been established that there is an ongoing interaction between deep black human elements within the military-aerospace complex on the one hand and the reptilians and other non-human intelligences on the other. It is foolish to suggest that the humans are operating at anywhere near an equal footing with the reptilians in the underground facilities.
    There has been a concerted effort over the last several years to heap all the blame for the miseries experienced by certain abductees upon "the military." This fosters a mistrust towards not only the military but towards human institutions in general which the reptilians are only too willing to exploit.
    I'll say it again. Mind controlled security thugs are a symptom. They are not the ultimate problem.
    Granted there are some people who are striving to break free from deep black projects where their special and unique talents are being used for malevolent purposes and I do understand the misgivings they may have about the "military."
    I share their misgivings. I was extremely disillusioned myself after going through extended periods of harassment. I grew up a Navy Brat and voted Republican in every election since I was old enough to vote. The Army-Navy Football Game was The Big Event in our houseold every Autumn. To this day the interior of my mom's house looks like a shrine dedicated to George Bush and Ronald Reagan.
    I went to school in London England in the 1980's and took a foreign language course in Germany in the early 1990's and was the epitome of the self- righteous American. I was ready to duke it out with any European who criticized our policy in Central America and the Middle East. It took alien abductions and harassment by deep black security elements to get me to "wake up and smell the coffee" so to speak. I still revere our Heritage and the noun America still resonates deep within me but I no longer look out through the world with rose coloured glasses. It was a learning process and I am still striving to learn more every day because I know where my wisdom ends and my ignorance begins.
    I want those who have been harrassed by military security elements and have decided to crusade against "the military" to understand that the "military" is not in control of the situation. Understand that there has been an ongoing interaction between the reptilians and non-human intelligences in general with high ranking Human Adepts and Warlocks for centuries. Indeed, it was during the Sixteenth Century that Dr. John Dee, the original 007 and Queen Elizabeth's Spymaster who along with Edward Kelly, revived the ancient language of Enochian which is utilized to summon extraterrestrial and interdimensional entities into our space/time continuum.
    The effort to "blame the military" for all UFO related troubles is just another facet of the divide and conquer strategy of the reptilians. In a number of instances what seemed to have been military personnel involved in these kidnappings, debriefings and medical procedures were in actual fact shape shifting reptilians. In other cases they were mind controlled security thugs working for the reptilians.
    This mindset has reached ludicrous proportions to the point where there is a lecturer and self-described abductee in the southwest who maintains that the reason why the military is kidnapping abductees is so the military can learn what the aliens are telling abductees about the connection between psychic abilities and the alien technology!
    If elements of the military are already interacting at some level with the aliens why the hell would the "military" want to obtain information from abductees instead of from the aliens themselves?
    Considering how the awareness of many abductees is intentionally muted by the aliens during abduction experiences, it is questionable just how much "information" they really have.
    This useful idiot is routinely hoodwinked into lecturing about such ludicrous topics by "former members of government psychic warfare projects" including one individual who appears as a frequent guest on the Art Bell show to relate outrageous predictions of an apocalyptic nature which never pan out.
    The spin control being woven by the reptilian hosts and the rest of the muppet show is intended to make it seem as if it is actually the human military which is in control of the Alien situation and that the human government-military faction has been duplicitous in its dealings with the benevolent ET's.

    They are speaking in opposites again! Do you see how this works? This could only be plausible if enough members of the muppet show parrot the party line in true Collective Hive Consciousness fashion.
    I will give one more example of the reptilian host Boylan's deceitfulness. The latter entity had made light of some of my comments in my paper "
    Grand Strategy of the Reptilians." In it I stated for the record that the reptilians promote substance abuse amongst abductees in order to better control and manipulate them.
    The entity quoted that statement and then sent out an e-mail describing my comment as "lunacy" and suggesting that I seek a twelve step program.
    Question: What does the reptilian host Boylan know that the Ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Native Americans, Chinese, Persians, Indians, Celts, Aborigines and countless other cultures ancient and modern don't know?
    The ritualistic utilization of drugs for the express purpose of establishing long term personal contact with non-human intelligences (Sorcery) is firmly embedded within the traditions of ALL of the cultures that I mentioned.
    Why do you think Alcohol has been referred to for centuries as "Spirits?" Because prolonged use opens doorways, which allow discarnate entities the opportunity to enter into the auric field and physical body of the drinker! This is why truly sensitive people feel like bathing after they step into a "dive bar" for even a few minutes because of the discarnate entities clinging onto the auric fields of some of the dive bar patrons. This is why I have my "shields up" during the infrequent times I attend UFO conferences and lectures because I don't feel like having my energy drained by the parasitic entities that have attached themselves to some of the conference junkies who keep attending lectures and conferences in the forlorn hope that someone else will explain their own reality to them. If you've ever wondered why you feel exhausted or why your knees are wobbly after an abductee support group or a UFO lecture you needn't wonder anymore.
    A pattern has developed over an extended period of time in which the reptilian host Boylan has consistently and persistently sought to prevent the dissemination of meaningful information to the abductee population which will reveal to those--who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear--the unsettling truth about the Reptilian overlordship of the planet Earth.
    How can someone who professes to be as knowledgeable about the UFO subject as Boylan claims to be, be wrong EVERY TIME?
    It is a historical fact and a matter of public record that the base reptilian perversions that Boylan had perpetrated upon female clients he had worked with in California led to the state of California revoking his Clinical Psychology license. I have personally spoken to women who were former members of his support group in Sacramento California who related to me lurid tales of his base reptilian nature. This entity has violated the sacred trust between the therapist and client.
    Would anyone in their right mind seek advice and counsel about raising their children from an individual who has been guilty of sexual indiscretions upon his clients of the opposite sex?
    Would anyone seek advice and counsel about relationship issues, medical issues or financial issues from someone who has been guilty of sexual indiscretions upon clients entrusted in his care?
    If the answer to both of the previous questions is a resounding NO then why the hell do people countenance this reptilian host offering unsolicited advice about a subject that will literally impact countless unborn generations? Enough is enough already. The First Amendment was written for humans.

    There is no better example of the proper utilization of disinformation within the context of Counterintelligence than the deception and disinformation schemes which completely fooled the Germans as to the location, the timing and the strength of the amphibious landing on the French coast of Normandy. (Operation Neptune).
    The allied planners had to devise a scheme that would allow them to land over one hundred and forty thousand men and thousands of vehicles on a relatively narrow strip of beach from which the allied soldiers could extend their lodgement further inland without major interference from large formations of German forces for as long as possible.
    There were two major aspects to the allied strategic deception plan. The first was known as Fortitude and the second was known as Bodyguard. Fortitude North involved allied deception schemes meant to pin down hundreds of thousands of German troops in Scandinavia. Fortitude South was concerned with deception operations in France and was designed to pin down the German Fifteenth Army in the Pas de Calais region directly opposite the cliffs of Dover in England so it couldn't be used to disrupt the amphibious landing in Normandy further to the west.
    It was also imperative that the German Panzer (Armoured) Divisions which were the strategic reserve of the German forces in France, be kept away from the lodgement area. There were similar operations in the mediterranean and the Balkans designed to pin down large numbers of German troops in those regions.
    It is the Fortitude South deception plan and associated deception operations known as Bodyguard which are of primary concern to us. I will draw parallels between the latter operations and what is going on today within the UFO Research Community. It is my intention to encourage the reader as much as possible to think like an operative because the lives of unborn generations may depend on it.
    The greatest military secret of the Second World War was NOT the Manhattan Project. NKVD Chief Beria had his moles burrowed deeply into the Atom Bomb project from the start. It didn't help that Harry Hopkins, President Roosevelt's right hand man and the power behind the Lend Lease program personally ordered the trafficking of uranium and other necessities for atom bomb production through a lend lease airbase in Montana to the Soviet Union. This is a historical fact.
    Neither was Ultra, the decoding of German and Japanese ciphers the greatest secret of the Second World War. The greatest secret was the timing and exact location of the expected Allied invasion of Western Europe.
    It was a certainty that the allies would invade Western Europe in order to wrest the continent from the grasp of the Nazis. But Where? When? With how many troops?
    The Allies knew that they only hope they had was to mislead the Germans as to the exact time, location and strength of their inevitable invasion in order to gain for themselves the necessary to time to strengthen, expand and ultimately to break out of their lodgement area on the coast of France.
    The Germans were desperately seeking to determine the intentions and the capabilities of the Allies. In wartime that translates to knowing the enemy's Order of Battle. This means identifying to the fullest extent possible the various units and formations, both large and small which make up the enemy's forces in the field.
    Remember the points I made about Intelligence, Counterintellignce and Spiritual Warfare involving a battle over the mind because they all come into play as far as Disinformation is concerned.
    During the early part of the war Britain's MI5 (Counterintelligence and Security) had captured a number of German agents within the United Kingdom. These agents were of various European nationalities. They were given a choice: Either work under the control of MI5 or be hanged as spies. Many of these agents availed themselves of the opportunity to avoid the hangman's noose.
    Those who had been "turned" in this fashion were placed under the strict supervision of a controller who provided the agents with scripts with which to transmit their coded messages back to their German controllers with misleading information or "Disinformation" (a term coined by the Russians). It was through this system that MI5 effectively controlled and ran the German Espionage network in the United Kingdom. This became known as the "Double Cross System." The branch of MI5 which ran this operation was known as the Twenty Committee (XX) or Double Cross Committee. The Germans ran a similar operation in Holland at the expense of the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) called Operation North Pole. The Germans referred to this kind of operation as a "Funkspiel" or a Radio Game. As the reader will see, it was a very apt description.
    The German Abwehr (German Intelligence) was aware of the possibility of their agents being "turned" in this fashion and had trained their agents to include certain predetermined "errors" in grammar or punctuation at specific parts of their text to assure themselves that the operative was not transmitting under duress or sending misleading information. Moreover, every single morse telegraphist has a unique style of transmitting known as their "Fist." Experienced German controllers would immediately detect an imposter transmitting in the place of the real agent.
    Likewise, German controllers would become suspicious if their agent who worked in the Foreign Office, started supplying information that was unobtainable from the standpoint of someone who actually worked in the Foreign Office. It had to be information that related directly to the agents type of employment and immediate environment.
    Once the Double Cross Committee had successfully turned an agent, they would begin the painstaking and tedious process of establishing the "credentials" or the "bona fides" of their double-crosser.
    The credibility of the turned double agents are established over a period of years by having them send relatively unimportant or dated information which can be confirmed and verified by independant sources the Germans have i.e. information about merchant or warships having recently been in a particular port, the identity of senior allied officers, the construction of certain airfields which German airplanes will eventually conduct photoreconnaisance at and so on and so forth.

    All these things must be kept in mind when trying to sort out all the data that is coming in from all quarters regarding the UFO subject. There are no such controls or precautions taken as far as ascertaining the quality or sources of information. The sheer volume of data rolling in from unidentified or highly dubious sources within the New Age-muppet community is itself indicative of an attempt by the reptilians to flood the minds of interested people with highly misleading or doctored information via their "Channelers," "Light Workers," "Spirit Guides." ad nauseum.
    This is why it is imperative that an abductee become a student of the real abduction syndrome. Since the reptilians and their gray workers have an extraordinary influence over the lives of the abductees, it is childs play for them to arrange meetings between people (the alien love bite for example) and to arrange circumstances and events to mold individuals into predetermined roles such as abduction researchers, New Age metaphysicists and the like. (Barbare Bartholic has documented numerous cases in which abductees were told as children that they would eventually write books about their experiences and help to raise the spiritual consciousness of the human race.)
    All the while the "credentials" of their spirit guides or alien benefactors is constantly reinforced within the mind of the muppet to be. Since they are the ones who created many of the situations and experiences in the abductees life in the first place, it is not surprising that they would "remind" the abductee about meeting a particular person while skiing in Aspen for example, or about how their "wise guidance" prevented the future muppet from a serious accident back in 1972. At first blush, this is information that only the abductee being thus manipulated can know about.
    "Spontaneous Healings" may even be utilized by the aliens as an apparent measure of the relative importance the abductee holds in the alien's scheme of things. Of course the aliens will eventually claim credit for the healing of the malady they created in the first place. The muppet is then told that his healing was necessary in order for him or her to do their part in some future role involving the spiritual evolution of mankind.
    Sexual favors have also been utilized. I know personally a guy in California who has been kept celibate by the aliens for nearly the last ten years on Earth. Why? Because they allow him to seduce comatose and incoherent female abductees on board their spaceships. These women are literally lined up on the floor for him. Every now and then they take him on board merely to tell him how important he is and show him technology. The latter experiences are allowed to remain in his conscious memory to inflate his own ego.
    He has stalked female abductees , constantly telephoning them and driving around their neighborhoods at night. These are women he's met at abductee support groups and at lectures. (It’s not uncommon for attractive female abductees to have a problem with manipulated males becoming obsessed with them.)
    The last time I saw this guy was at a UFO conference in Los Angeles a few years back and it took every bit of restraint I had in me not to beat him to a pulp in front of all the nice people. It would have been done in order to "raise his vibrations" of course.
    All of this instills in the mind of the muppet a grandiose impression about their own self-importance, especially if they are not getting this kind of recognition or validation in the "real world."
    Likewise, all of this metaphysical new age UFO related information serves as the literary version of what I call "MTV Programming." MTV programming is that type of television eye sore which consist of having countless unrelated images randomly juxtaposed and flashed in lightning sequence across the television screen which ultimately serves to fragment the conscious awareness of the viewer if they subject themselves to this type of entertainment (or entrainment) for too long.
    The long term effect of New Age Metaphysical thought upon the conscious and subconscious mind of those within the muppet show is exactly the same, because they spend all there waking hours dwelling on metaphysical abstractions and philosophies instead of what’s going on in the real physical world,- thus losing what the military fighter pilots refer to as "situational awareness." They become lost in a spiritual haze of their own making.
    Remember: You are who you associate with. When I first moved to San Diego I was excited about the prospect of beginning life anew and openly talking about my experiences with like -minded individuals. Unfortunately the whole southwest is polluted with these New Age la dee dahs and I wound up becoming a part of a "contactee support group" run by an imbecile who named himself after a lost continent. Ironically one that imploded upon itself through sheer negativity.
    It wasn't too long before I started talking about the "Spiritual" aspects of the abduction phenomenon. Understand that even then my conscious memory contained such experiences as a frightening sexual encounter with a hideous female alien hybrid, "flexing exercises" in which my chakras were activated and my energy siphoned by the aliens, a Grey looking out of my television screen and zapping my mind with energy, being pulled through my bedroom ceiling in full waking consciousness twice up into a spaceship etc etc etc. And yet I was blowing smoke about "Spirituality." It simply doesn't follow that to have these types of experiences necessarily means that they are of a spiritual nature. That’s as fallacious an argument as me standing in a garage and proclaiming that I'm an automobile. It simply doesn't follow.
    The only spirituality that I derived from these experiences is when I went and sought guidance from the divinity that resides within and associated with warm hearted and loving individuals who have a much better grasp of this subject than I did such as Barbara Bartholic.
    By now the reader should realize that there are significant parallels between disinformation practiced by the military and that practiced by the aliens.

    • La Pura Vida

      This is from the Movie "Pote tin Kyriaki" ("Never on Sunday") 1960. La vida (life) has a way of spilling out into everything when we have a heart of an angel.

    • Tags: Life love
      Added by Jorgelito on Sunday, July 06, 2014

    • Synopsis for
      Never on Sunday (1960) More at IMDbPro »Pote tin Kyriaki (original title)

    • In Piraeus, the port city of Athens, Greece, a free-spirited woman named Ilya (Melina Mercouri) is the most popular with all the men because she is a prostitute who isn't only interested in the highest-paying client.She never sets a price, and she must like the man before she will go with him. A young philosophical intellectual Homer Thrace (Jules Dassin) arrives from America in search of the truth behind the fall of the greatness of ancient Greece when Plato and Aristotle lived. He is introduced to Ilya by his friend the Captain (Mitsos Ligizos) in the local taverna as she meets and dances with her male friends/clients. Homer is immediately smitten by Ilya and her spirit and - when he sees her leave with an English sailor after negotiating a price for the evening - equally horrified by her lifestyle. There is also a subplot regarding the other prostitutes, who admire Ilya for her freedom; however a local pimp named No Face (Alexis Salomos) keeps the women in high-priced apartments and isolated so they don't "get ideas".
      Homer can't accept Ilya's earthy feel-good philosophy, particularly when he finds that she has made up her own happy endings for the classical Greek tragedies, and refuses to accept the real plots even when she sees them performed at the annual festival. "A whore can't be happy, a whorish world can't be happy!" Homer exclaims. He believes that if he can show Ilya the cultural side of living for two weeks she will leave prostitution for a better life. Since Ilya cannot go for two weeks without a steady income, Homer pays her handsomely in return for her agreement to study the great art and philosophy of the world.
      She agrees partly because she is beginning to fall for one of her clients, a handsome half-Italian named Tonio (Giorgos Foundas) who is sincerely in love with her. Little does she know that No Face offers Homer a large amount of money to complete his task. The two weeks is a long affair in which Ilya endures her agreement to study instead of her regular activity, especially missing her Sundays when she has traditionally kept Open House for all her friends. Then her friend Despo (Despo Diamantidou), a prostitute who lives in one of No Face's apartments, discovers the source of Homer's educational fund and tells Ilya, and the experiment is over. Ilya furiously turns on Homer, then leads the other girls in a united revolt just as the Navy fleet comes into port; they blockade themselves inside the apartment block and throw mattresses and bedding down onto the heads of the frustrated sailors. They're jailed, and No Face's attorney arrives to bargain with them. The women hold the cards, and a satisfactory agreement is reached.
      Ilya returns to the taverna, where Homer has created a crisis by telling Taki, the virtuoso bouzouki player, that he's not a true musician because he can't read music. Taki has locked himself in the bathroom, but on the suggestion of one of the others, Ilya asks him through the door if the birds can read music. If they can't, should they stop singing? Taki comes out, happy to play again, and everyone joins in joyful dancing. Homer, a little drunk, admits to Ilya in front of all the others that he's wanted her since the first time he saw her. "Oh, Homer, why didn't you say?" she wonders. But Tonio intervenes. Sweeping her up in his arms, he cries, "It's too late!" and carries her out into the night. The Captain tells Homer that with love, anything is possible. Soon Homer, sadder but much wiser, is leaving for home. His ship pulls away from the pier, and he watches as Ilya and her friends dive into the water and wave a farewell, just as they'd greeted him at the beginning of the film.

      True Beauty from Days of the Past!
      Wahre Schönheit der vergangenen Tage!

    • (105) Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot." (Gospel of Thomas - Lambdin)

      see1. see2.

      962334. 4069528964. 360865. 962334.

    Post last edited Jul 8th
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2015
  10. sandras404

    sandras404 New Member

    daamn mate , tnx for share this info , cheers and feel free to ask something !

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