Omicron Covid-19 Variant ~ Southern Africa~"omicron" Anagram Of "moronic" "oncomir Description" 666

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 26, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member





    They skip over 'xi' because they do NOT want CPP to get offended

    omicron = MORONiC = oncomiR description

    google -- "oncomiR description "
    ~you will be shocked

    #NOW slide back to 20 jan 2020 (DAY 1),
    and, discover that 26 nov 2021 (DAY 666) …
    ~ it is exactly 666 days after WHO declared the COVID-19 virus a global threat
    back on January 30th 2020.
    Oh, and the new variant’s designated number
    is: 1.1.529=18=6+6+6 (or 6-6-6)

    COVID-19: Canada Enacts Travel Restrictions For Southern Africa Over "Omicron" Variant Global News Tam says 'no indications' new 'Omicron' COVID-19 variant present in Canada so far


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    meme by Rose Green

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Did you know...
    OMICRON is an anagram of MORONIC

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Omicron variant: B.1.1.529

    Variant B.1.1.529 was identified in November 2021 in Botswana and South Africa;
    one case had travelled to Hong Kong, one confirmed case was identified in Israel
    in a traveler returning from Malawi, along with two who returned from South Africa
    and one from Madagascar.

    It is known to have dramatic genetic differences from other variants.

    Public health officials are studying the new variant but its significance for the pandemic is not yet known.

    "Preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant,
    as compared to other variants of concern," said the World Health Organization on Friday, Nov 26. (2021)

    The US banned travelers from South Africa and seven nearby countries out of concern over the new variant.
    SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (Wikipedia)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Omicron, a new Covid-19 variant with high number of mutations, sparks travel bans and worries scientists - CNN

    Omicron, a new Covid-19 variant with high number of mutations, sparks travel bans and worries scientists

    By David McKenzie, Ghazi Balkiz, Ivana Kottasová and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN

    Updated 7:00 PM ET, Fri November 26, 2021

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    (CNN)The discovery of a new and potentially more transmissible coronavirus variant
    by South African health authorities has sparked a forceful reaction across the world,
    with a number of countries banning travelers from several southern African countries.

    The World Health Organization announced Friday it has designated the newly identified coronavirus variant,
    B.1.1.529, as a variant of concern, named Omicron.

    Besides South Africa, the newly identified variant has been detected in Botswana, Hong Kong and Belgium.

    It appears to be spreading rapidly in parts of South Africa and scientists are concerned its unusually high number
    of mutations could make it more transmissible and result in immune evasion.

    The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said there is a "high to very high" risk the new variant
    will spread in Europe.

    WHO's Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE),
    an independent group of experts, met Friday to discuss the variant, a WHO statement said.

    Enter your email or view the Vault By CNN webpage to own a piece of CNN History with blockchain technology.

    The advisers recommended WHO designate the variant as "of concern," referencing the variant's large number
    of mutations, the possibility of increased risk of reinfection and other evidence.

    Reinfection from Covid-19 is rare, severe disease is even rarer, a study of people in Qatar finds
    A number of studies are underway, and WHO will update member states and the public as needed, the WHO statement said.

    WHO called on countries to enhance their surveillance and sequencing efforts to better understand coronavirus variants.

    "Initially it looked like some cluster outbreaks, but from yesterday, the indication came from our scientists
    from the Network of Genomic Surveillance that they were observing a new variant,"
    Joe Phaahla, South Africa's Minister of Health, said Thursday,
    stressing it is currently unclear where the variant first emerged.

    South African officials initially said there was one confirmed case in a traveler from South Africa to Hong Kong.
    Then Hong Kong health authorities on Friday identified a second case of the B.1.1.529 variant
    among returning travelers on the same floor of a designated quarantine hotel.

    Also on Friday, the Belgian government said one individual who had recently arrived from abroad,
    and was not vaccinated, had tested positive for the new variant, marking the first case in Europe.

    Tulio de Oliveira, the director of South Africa's Center for Epidemic Response and Innovation,
    said the variant has "many more mutations than we have expected," adding it is "spreading very fast,
    and we expect to see pressure in the health system in the next few days and weeks."

    Viruses, including the one that causes Covid-19, mutate regularly and most new mutations
    do not have significant impact on the virus's behavior and the illness they cause.

    Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University's School of Public Health,
    told CNN the variant was "acting differently," however,
    and it "looks like it's much more contagious than even the Delta variant."

    A number of countries, among them the United States, have imposed new travel restrictions
    and markets in the US, Asia and Europe fell sharply following the news of its discovery.

    Acting on advice from US health officials, US President Joe Biden will restrict travel from South Africa,
    Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi, administration officials told CNN.

    This does not apply to American citizens and lawful permanent residents.

    As with all international travelers, they must still test negative prior to travel.

    Passengers walk through the arrivals area at London's Heathrow Airport on November 26, 2021
    after the UK suspended flights from several nations in southern Africa.

    What we know about the new variant
    Lawrence Young, a virologist and a professor of molecular oncology at Warwick Medical School
    in the United Kingdom, said the Omicron variant was "very worrying."

    "It is the most heavily mutated version of the virus we have seen to date.

    This variant carries some changes we've seen previously in other variants
    but never all together in one virus.

    It also has novel mutations," Young said in a statement.

    The variant has a high number of mutations, about 50 overall.

    Crucially, South African genomic scientists said Thursday more than 30 of the mutations were found
    in the spike protein -- the structure the virus uses to get into the cells they attack.

    Neil Ferguson, the director of the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London,
    said in a statement the number of mutations on the spike protein was "unprecedented."

    "The spike protein gene [is] the protein which is the target of most vaccines.

    There is therefore a concern that this variant may have a greater potential to escape
    prior immunity than previous variants," Ferguson said.

    Stay informed on Covid-19

    Sharon Peacock, a professor of Public Health and Microbiology at the University of Cambridge,
    said while the overall number of Covid-19 cases is relatively low in South Africa,
    there has been a rapid increase in the past seven days.

    She said while 273 new infections were recorded on November 16, 2021
    the figure had risen to more than 1,200 cases by November 25, 2021
    with more than 80% coming from Gauteng province.

    "The epidemiological picture suggests that this variant may be more transmissible,
    and several mutations are consistent with enhanced transmissibility," Peacock said
    in a comment shared by the UK's Science Media Centre.

    She added while the significance of the mutations and their combination is unknown,
    some of those present in the latest variant have been associated in others with immune evasion.

    Jha, too, said scientists were concerned by the speed with which the Omicron variant has taken off.

    "This one has become dominant very quickly in South Africa, in the regions where it's been found,
    within a matter of days to weeks as opposed to months," he told CNN.
    What we don't know
    Peacock, de Oliveira, Ferguson, Jha and other scientists said it was too early to tell the full impact
    of the mutations on vaccine efficacy.

    De Oliveira stressed the Covid-19 shots are still the best tool against the virus,
    adding lab studies still need to be carried out to test vaccine and antibody evasion.

    "I don't think we're going to see a situation where the vaccines will be rendered useless," said Jha.

    "I think that's exceedingly unlikely. The question is, is there a tiny hit to vaccine efficacy, or is there a large hit?

    I think we'll get some preliminary data probably in the next few days."

    More studies also need to be conducted to understand the clinical severity
    of the variant compared to previous variants.

    It is also unclear where the new mutation emerged from.

    While it was first identified in South Africa, it may have come from elsewhere.
    "It is important not to assume that the variant first emerged in South Africa," Peacock said.

    Vaccine maker Moderna said Friday the combination of mutations seen in the new Omicron variant
    represents a "significant potential risk to accelerate the waning of natural and vaccine-induced immunity."

    The company said it was working rapidly to test the ability of its vaccine to neutralize the new variant
    and data was expected in the coming weeks.
    AstraZeneca, another vaccine maker, said it was looking to understand the impact the Omicron variant
    has on its coronavirus vaccine, and was testing its antibody combination therapy against the new variant.

    The platform used in the vaccine enables the company to respond quickly to new variants,
    a spokesperson for the company said Friday.

    "AstraZeneca is also already conducting research in locations where the variant has been identified,
    namely in Botswana and Eswatini, that will enable us to collect real world data of Vaxzevria
    against this new virus variant," the spokesperson said.

    AstraZeneca's vaccine is not currently authorized for use in the US.

    Johnson & Johnson said it is testing its vaccine against the new variant.
    Quick reaction
    Scientists have praised South African health authorities for their quick reaction
    to a Covid-19 outbreak in the country's Gauteng province,
    which led to the discovery of the new variant.

    When cases in the province started to rise at a higher rate than elsewhere,
    health experts focused on sequencing samples from those who tested positive,
    which allowed them to quickly identify the B.1.1.529 variant.

    Peacock said the South African health ministry and its scientists "are to be applauded in their response,
    their science, and in sounding the alarm to the world."

    She added the development shows how important it is to have excellent sequencing capabilities
    and to share expertise with others.

    The reaction to the announcement of the new variant discovered by South African health authorities was also prompt.

    Children and teens are less likely to need Covid-19 boosters, Fauci says. Here's why

    UK officials announced Thursday six African countries would be added to England's travel "red list"
    after the UK Health Security Agency flagged concern over the variant.

    UK's Health Minister Sajid Javid said flights to the UK from South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana,
    Eswatini and Zimbabwe would be suspended from midday Friday and all six countries would be added to the red list
    -- meaning UK residents and British and Irish nationals arriving home from those points of departure
    must undergo a 10-day hotel quarantine at their own expense.

    Speaking on Friday, Javid said it was "highly likely" the B.1.1.529 variant has spread beyond southern Africa.

    In a statement to the UK House of Commons Friday Javid expressed concern it may "pose a substantial risk to public health."

    European Union states have agreed to introduce temporary restrictions on all travel into the EU
    from southern Africa over the new Covid-19 variant, the bloc said Friday.

    Member states agreed to "introduce rapidly restrictions on all travel into the EU from 7 countries
    in the Southern Africa region: Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe,"
    said EU Commission spokesman Eric Mamer.

    Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain
    and Jordan have also announced new restrictions on travelers coming from the region.

    Canada will be "banning the entry of foreign nationals... that have traveled through southern Africa
    in the last 14 days," due to the new coronavirus variant, said Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos at a press conference on Friday.

    "Canadians and permanent residents and those with a right of entry into Canada will be tested on arrival,
    [and] they will quarantine until they get the result of a negative test," according to Duclos.

    South Africa, like much of the region, has suffered through three significant Covid-19 waves since the pandemic's start.

    While the number of new infections across the country is now still relatively low and positivity levels
    are under 5%, public health officials have already predicted a fourth wave because of a slow vaccine uptake.

    South Africa has fully vaccinated 35.37% of its adult population and has seen its rate of people
    initiating vaccination fall in recent days, according to data from the country's Department of Health.

    CNN's Jacqueline Howard, Kaitlan Collins, John Bonifield, Steve Almasy, Duarte Mendonca, Niamh Kennedy,
    Mia Alberti, Andrew Carey, Amir Tal, Antonia Mortensen, Tim Lister, Nadine Schmidt, Virginia Langmaid
    and Melissa Alonso contributed reporting.

    Omicron, a new Covid-19 variant with high number of mutations, sparks travel bans and worries scientists - CNN

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    COVID-19 AND AIDS in the same sentence ???

    read about fauci and aids here - (insert)

    Discussion | Professor Salim Abdool Karim talks COVID-19 and HIV


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    post 10, 11 and 12 from
    Aids 'n Dr. Fauci

    Aids 'n Dr. Fauci | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (
    page 3 of 3


    1. It would be a real shame if everyone knew what the NIH and Fauci
      said about Chloroquine's effect on inhibiting SARS Coronavirus in 2005.

    2. 5.

      1. Fauci Hits Again!
        It's Amazing! It's The Same Fucking Scam As The HIV Scam, Only The Names Have Been Changed

        Wake Up World
        This Little Fauci Scam Is Still Operating!

        In the HIV scam Fauci and Gallo ended up finding people that had compromised immune systems
        and then they gave them a test which was the PCR test- that's the first time it was used in this type of scam,
        and they created a false positive, and then made up a disease called AIDS,
        which means their immune system is compromised, and then they gave them AZT.

        AZT was a chemotherapy that the FDA had pulled off the market
        because it was causing people to waste away and die, but Fauci and Gallo made money off this.

        So now, they have the same scam. Now the new scam has a virus, that does not exist.

        There's no Corona Virus. But what they did was they scared people into believing there was a killer virus.

        They used the Chinese government to scare people by having people fall over on their faces.

        Also a lot of fake news about a bat flu being joined to a Sars virus, which never happened.

        There was no gain of function.

        It was all fake leaking to feed the scare tactics.

        Obama and the Chinese CCP were in on the scam and leaked pics from 2015 showing the Wuhan lab

        And so people with compromised immune systems, people with the flu, people with any other condition
        that were going in the hospital, were given the same PCR test that they used for the HIV scam,
        and the same false negatives which didn't mean anything.

        And then they put them in the hospital, and then they murdered them.

        They put them in isolation rooms and they mistreated them, with medically malpractice mistreatment.

        They put them in strict isolation, flat in bed, with no getting up, without their family able to see them,
        and they basically ended up becoming weaker and weaker until they couldn't breathe
        and they put him on a ventilator and they gave remdecivir which inflamed their lungs
        and then they gave them morphine and killed them.

        They killed thousands and thousands of people this way, and then scared everybody into believing that there was a virus.

        There was no virus. There never was a virus. And now they're giving them the Vax instead of AZT,
        which was a chemotherapy which killed the patients.

        Now they're giving them a vaccination that has nothing to do with a vaccination,
        it's just a poison bio weapon almost very similar to the AZT in that it kills people.

        And they're injecting this into people and murdering them.

        The people are dying from the Vax and the Vax alone,
        and they are still blaming it on a virus that doesn't exist.

        There is no coronavirus.

        There are no variant viruses at all.


        #it's the same f****** scam wake up people

        #TrumpNVax #NoJab #NoVax #TrumpPats #MAGA #WWG1WGA #trump #god #motivation #mindfulness #journal #freedom #cryptocurrency #manifest #coronavirus #lockdown #covid #crypto #pandemic #political #Patriot #climatechange #bitcoin #healthcare #covid #love #covid


        Pfizer’s Clinical Trial data strongly indicates their ‘Covid’ fake vaccine causes the recipient
        to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
        I have discovered some extremely concerning findings in the Pfizer Phase I-II-III clinical trial data.
        The Sepsis death rate in the 21,926 double vaccinated…
        3 pages of info on fauci 'n aids
        Aids 'n Dr. Fauci | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (

    3. covroadmap--.
      The threat of 'shedding'-transmission is real but nowhere near as bad as taking the blood disease toxin. The simple science answer is that your natural immune system will eventually detoxify the 'transmission' poison. This is the opinion of real uncompromised medical professionals. I do agree with this but it could be worse. That said my advice is for you is to do some simple things to superboost your own immune system. I recall you being anemic? This of course endangers you.
      Now what are the best remedies? I give you a recipe. Mix pure fresh garlic with honey and ginger and make a paste or something you can brew. This mixture is 'mother nature's' antitoxin elixir and advisable for about all illnesses.

      As said before fresh unpasteurized pineapple juice (plenty in FL) and anything Dandelion and Pin Needle tea and perhaps rosebud are other antivax agencies many folks can use to perhaps not reverse if blood poisoned, but useful for the 'shedding' issue
      As you would be aware of, professional athletes like soccer players dropping dead across Europe and the medical cabal cult will murder many children now in the next few months and years. So anyone you know and who might listen; the word is that perhaps only one third actually got he vax and two third received saline solution, as the cabal knew that many folks would suffer severe consequences. But the time of the pretending is gone and the boosters, any boosters will be like ten times as deadly as the one third of the initial 'experiment'

      Watch Dr. Jane Ruby on say the Stew Peters show to get many more details and to get the confirmations I am sharing with you here.
      Many many true medical experts are speaking out now, but are media cabal suppressed.

    4. 5.

        • Do You know who is responsible for these statistics?
          There are 23.8 million infected persons in all of Africa.
          91% of the world's HIV-positive children live in Africa. More than one million adults and children die every year from HIV/AIDS in Africa alone.
          In 2011, 1.7 million people worldwide died from AIDS.
          The More You Know ...
          Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy
          1f447-. 1f447-. 1f447-. 1f447-.

          Another Virus Faucci was going to cure with his vaccine.

          Audra Sorensen Seldeen says: Hell he created aids!


      Covid Pandemic ?
      more, like it is all about MONEY - and, was planned - like a PLANDEMIC


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    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021

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