
Discussion in 'Raxnae's Poet Club' started by raxnae, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. raxnae

    raxnae One Love, One Heart


    AAT ⒞

    ...by raxnae

    After Countless Battles, Why Do You Still Struggle?
    Because I Have Hope, It Will See Me Through,
    And What Happens When That Hope Is Crushed, When You Meet Your End Failing All Your Ambitions?
    It's Easy I Know I Will Suffer In The End I've Seen It, But I'll Live To Fight And Die Another Day.

    You Trust Your Out Of Mind Visions, When You Were At Death's Gate And Madness's Hall?
    Of Course, I Trust In The Void The Subconscious,
    The Place That Cursed Your Heart, So You Wound Up A Broken Man?
    It's Not A Curse, It Is Simply A Rebirth.

    A Rebirth Into What, A Poor Philosopher-Poet Who Is Good-For-Nothing?
    I May Be A Good For Nothing, But I Know One Thing Only Good-For-Nothings Know,
    And What Might That Be, That You Are The Scum Of The Earth?
    Even Better, That Fate Isn't Written In Stone.

    What Do You Mean, Weren't You Destined For Failure?
    No I Was Destined For Success, I Had It All Many Times And Lost It Just As Much.
    So What Is Your Hope Worth, When It Finally Dies Due To Entropy And Decay?
    You're Wrong, Hope Never Dies And At The End Of This Path A Little Light Still yet Shines.

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