The Fulfilment Of The Apocalypse In A Warping Of Time

Discussion in 'The Fulfilment of the Apocalypse' started by admin, Mar 28, 2021.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Apocalypse Progressive Timechart Update



    Last edited: Apr 14, 2024

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    just so you KNOW,
    people trying to access this site on a phone
    it is just all a blur - and; charts that big
    is it NOT possible for people to see the data !!!
    is it NOT possible to make the charts
    smaller, and, easier to read ???

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    I am aware of troubles for mobile access. However fixing this has to do with the settings on the phones and there is little I can do.
    About the charts; they are required to be of a large pixel size, which cannot be reduced due to detail reproduction. As you know I put them here, as clicking on them onsite will blow them up for the details to become readable.
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Tribulation. Noah'sFlood. Update for the Timeline of the Encoded 'Times of the Old World and a New Rainbow Covenant!

    seven7sealsAoD. AoDZoom.

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2024
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Hi Michael, Richard and friends!

    Your disposition here is excellent and on the appropriate track to reform the present status and modus operandi made manifest by this terrestrial civilization. A new 'God concept' is indeed required. Your aim will be achieved in a synergy between 'hard core' science and an universal recognisance of universal spirituality. The core of this synergy and harmonization will be the realization of what consciousness is. There is a universal consciousness unified in the creator oneness omniscience model and there is a individualized consciousness, which distributes the 'god consciousness' in its parts as a self-simulation. Therefore the 'image of the creator' is multiplied in the creation modality. Some foundational premises are encapsulated in the 'nature of a soul' and the provided link allows anyone to download a description of this below.

    Judgment Day - On the Cosmology and Nature of a Soul as a Monopolar Electromagnetic Field of Information

    To describe the cosmology and nature of a soul, a foundational definition of what a soul is becomes a requirement. Utility of elementary physical parameters derived from the ‘Laws of Nature’ serves this purpose in a coupling of electropolar with magnetopolar charges with this coupling representing a form of quantum entanglement which is by nature displacement independent in a form of nonlocal universal information exchange.
    The concept of an oversoul or ‘Higher Selfhood’ then can be associated with a Self-Simulation of Universal Consciousness (UC) existing prior to the creation event described in physical cosmologies using ‘Laws of Nature’ however defined in an unphysical abstract and algorithmic plenum of pre-spacetime. To individualize or particularize the undivided unified state of universal consciousness, space and time are created in the birth of time (instanton) and the birth of space (inflaton) by a pre-spacetime realm of the UC, so manifesting the Individualized Consciousness (IC) eigenstate also descriptive of a ‘Lower Self’ in the Self-Simulation of itself in parts.

    In cosmological terms, the individualisation of the unified state into discrete particular self-states assumes to form of a wormhole quantization of physical parameters defined in the pre-spacetime, but manifesting in time instantaneity and a minimum spacetime configuration defined by initial and boundary conditions given in the transition of energized consciousness quanta from the timespace into spacetime across a Higgs bosonic vacuum. The energized consciousness quanta then can be associated with a multidimensional cosmology describing the monopolar charge coupling in the form of supermembrane modular duality or equivalently in the form of a Twin Bipolaron (TBP) coupling the string-membrane associated inversion/mirror duality as two forms of a Bipolaron, one describing the consciousness quanta in a Dark Matter context and the other describing the same quanta as Dark Energy or the Zero Point Vacuum/Vortex potential energy background.

    In associating the electropolar charge ‘e’ not in the form of mass induction of elementary particles like electrons and protons; but in retaining its natural ‘pure’ charge definition as either an electropole charge e or/and as a magnetopole charge e*; natural circuits for life are induced as Maxwellian monopolar displacement currents carrying the dual nature of the TBP in a quantized form of 2efTBP. The spacetime definition parameters of the TBP (or Weylian wormhole of creation) then associate the volume quantum occupied coupling to a Heisenberg action quantum (h/2π) of radially independent angular acceleration (as a Force of the Mind) to define 9x1060 bits of information as frequency permutation self-states per TBP quantum to accommodate the information and energy exchanges in the TBP cosmology as a definition for physicalized consciousness.

    The birth of individualized souls then is an effect of the monopolar Maxwellian displacement currents and the information-energy exchanges experienced in the Unified Field of the Electromagnetic Monopolar Field of the spacetime creation and enables a collectivized memory both universalised and individualized in the permutation states of the duality of the Weylian wormholed multidimensional supermembrane descriptive for the Twin Bipolaron.

    • The Birth of the Oversoul as Physicalized Consciousness in the Creation of Space and Time
    • The Monopolar Electromagnetic Field in the Dirac Magnetic Monopole
    • The Birth of the Soul in electropolar coupling to magnetopolar Life Circuits
    • The Journey of the Soul as a Parable
    • Encoded Poetry about Souls
    • References

    1. The Birth of the Oversoul as Physicalized Consciousness in the Creation of Space and Time

    To describe the cosmology and nature of a soul, a foundational definition of what a soul is becomes a requirement. Utility of elementary physical parameters derived from the ‘Laws of Nature’ serves this purpose in a coupling of electropolar with magnetopolar charges with this coupling representing a form of quantum entanglement which is by nature displacement independent in a form of nonlocal universal information exchange.

    The concept of an oversoul or ‘Higher Selfhood’ then can be associated with a Self-Simulation of Universal Consciousness (UC) existing prior to the creation event described in physical cosmologies using ‘Laws of Nature’ however defined in an unphysical abstract and algorithmic plenum of pre-spacetime. To individualize or particularize the undivided unified state of universal consciousness, space and time are created in the birth of time (instanton) and the birth of space (inflaton) by a pre-spacetime realm of the UC, so manifesting the Individualized Consciousness (IC) eigenstate also descriptive of a ‘Lower Self’ in the Self-Simulation of itself in parts.

    What is Consciousness?

    The dynamic occupancy of spacetime by physicalised quantum conglomerations originating and emerging from an energy source defining nospace and notime in space and time. Space is consciousness related via an advanced quantum mechanics. Therefore, the seeker can figure out what the metaphysics or spirit concept really relates and points to. It is not dieu ex machina but machina ex dieu.

    8 Billion people weigh about 560 Billion kilograms for an average weight of 70 kg.
    As one proton has a mass of about 1.7x10-27 kg; the total mass of humanity in weight are so 3x1038 protons. One proton has a volume of so 4x(1.4x10-15)3 = 10-44 cubic meters and for all the protons of humanity the volume adds to about 3x10-6 cubic meters or 3 cubic centimeters which is a cubic size for a cube about 14.4 millimeters long.

    Question (by Andrew Bellon soul incarnate and planetary resident on Baab focused Earth-Terra):
    So, what is all that empty space their direct interaction between nucleons and virtual particles relating to the nature of "spin," or how the universe actually sustains itself from moment to moment?

    Figure 1: The Human race in a sugar cube

    This is an appropriate question, which leads directly into the deepest nature of what energy is and how it relates on a most fundamental way to the reality of universal consciousness.
    Firstly, the 'empty space' of an atom manifest as a form of 'force field' in that the interaction 'Goldstone' bosons mediate a 'force', which then manifests as the appearance of solid-state physics.
    So, tapping a table actually taps an energy field etc. The problems with this mainstream physical interpretation and model begin right here, because the 'Goldstones' (photons, weakons, gravitons, gluons, higgs) are said to be 'virtual' that is not having a real physical existence.
    This is erroneous, just as the mainstream notion of consciousness and mind being nonphysical is also not supported by a higher dimensional cosmology and physics. As an example, consider Einstein's E=mc2 applied to the total mass content of the universe. For a mass of say 1050 tons you will have an energy summation of so 1070 Joules.

    But if you now use the quantum energy, also well defined in Planck parameters, you calculate the quantum energy per space quantum, and you get far higher values for this energy.
    Using the conventions (Planck Length = 2x10-35 m, Planck Mass = 2x10-8 kg, Planck Energy = 2x109 J, Holographic bounds etc.) and using the Event Hubble extent of the universe, you get something like (Number of space quanta)x(Planck Energy) = (10147)x2x109 ~ 2x10156 Joules.
    Now the string physics tells you that the energy per string quantum is something like 1064 Joules per cubic meter as a physical manifesto of this quantum energy; whilst the energy of all (atomic) matter in space is something like 10-10 Joules per cubic meter.
    So, the 'discrepancy' between quantum energy and matter energy is in a factor of so 74
    (and 87 in the quantum-Planck limit for a Planck scale/String scale ratio of 10-35/10-22=10-13).

    This number then becomes associated with the 'Dark Energy' and the 'Dark Matter' to explain the discrepancy.
    The 'empty space' of the atom so is in fact 'spanned' by the 'virtual' energy which is dark and has a dark matter component which is defined in physical consciousness parameters based on the quantum energy parameters and especially the physical size of the electron.
    This naturally allows a refined approach to fundamental physics, such as the difference between the Hydrogen atom and the neutron and how radioactive beta/neutron decay allows the primordial universe to build the table of the chemical elements.

    This transformation then relates to the interaction probability between matter and light in electromagnetic parameters so showing the basic electron to be a 'point particle/string' of a minimum size; but also, a 'smeared out' or extended circular membrane characterised by the Fermi scale of the 'Goldstone Bosons'.
    The spacial extent of the differences then defines physical consciousness as a modular dual or mirror property of the space quantum itself; namely whatever is measured as energy derived from the macro-physics becomes a reciprocated magneto-polar 'supercharge' in the form of the electronic diameter maximized multiplied by the time differential of frequency as inversed time.
    But this change of string/brane vibration over time is also an angular acceleration without radial extent and so you find the innermost nature of the quantum spin, which is radially independent.
    Those physical definitions for consciousness then carry enormous implications of course. Namely space itself is conscious in a physical sense and any dynamic occupying space adds to a space inherent base consciousness independent of the dynamics and living entities moving about within it.
    Collapsing a hydrogen atom that is forcing the electron to overcome its weakon force field of the beta decay results in a neutron star of 'degenerate electrons' and you then can observe the quantum physics in the astrophysics.

    So, your original question regarding the empty space resolves the transformation of energy density in space.
    Then you should adapt the quantum theory to the holographic universe and the multidimensional membrane physics to resolve the wave-particle duality and the quantum entanglement on both the micro-cosmic and the macro-cosmic scales to find the universal unification.
    The quantum entanglement can easily be seen to be the effect of the modular duality inferred at the beginning to resolve a number of apparent paradoxes, such as the Schrödinger Cat and the Chicken-Egg DNA/RNA etc. paradoxes.

    Figure 2: C.S. Lewis on the nature of physical reality


    In cosmological terms, the individualisation of the unified state into discrete particular self-states assumes to form of a wormhole quantization of physical parameters defined in the pre-spacetime, but manifesting in time instantaneity and a minimum spacetime configuration defined by initial and boundary conditions given in the transition of energized consciousness quanta from the timespace into spacetime across a Higgs bosonic vacuum.

    The energized consciousness quanta then can be associated with a multidimensional cosmology describing the monopolar charge coupling in the form of supermembrane modular duality or equivalently in the form of a Twin Bipolaron (TBP) coupling the string-membrane associated inversion/mirror duality as two forms of a Bipolaron, one describing the consciousness quanta in a Dark Matter context and the other describing the same quanta as Dark Energy or the Zero Point Vacuum/Vortex potential energy background.

    The standard model works from the correct foundation is recognizing the Higgs mass induction to relate to the QCD in quark-gluon colour charges. So the mass induction is associated with the colour gauge interaction also inferred by Fedi for example.

    Then the TBP is a derivative of the Higgs Boson (or vice versa) and so enables the TBP to become a gauge QCD interaction. This model originated in the history of the TBP and its nature as transformed string classes.

    This so is indeed ‘new physics’ beyond the standard models, as it derives the TBP from first principles and without any spacetime metrics approached by Loop-Quantum-Gravity LQG and M-theory; and therefore forming a bridge between those models and their genesis in the TBP as a minimum spacetime configuration in the Planck parameter ‘bounce’.
    The coupling between electropolar and magnetopolar charges forms a natural supersymmetry in a finestructure unification between the electromagnetic and gravitational long-range gauges in the unified field and the modular duality of the TBP.

    The monopolar unification mass (30ec) as the mass of the monopolar TBP couples to the transformed Planck TBP in the ubiquitous square root of alpha responsible for the said GUT unification: Planck Harmonic Oscillator Displacement Bounce = √(alpha).Lplanck=e/c2 with √(alpha).Mplanck=Mmonopole=[30ec]=81x1016 GeV in the ‘Grand Unification Theories’ or GUTs.

    Then applying the extended version of M-theory, the monopolar TBP in a sense is the gravitational electron in the membrane era of the Planck parameter gauges as replacing the electron mass by the monopole mass unifies the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions in the Planck era in the sought after magnetic-electric charge coupling of unification physics and cosmology.

    In terms of the neutron, the charge coupling is a result of the quantum geometry. But this quantum geometry is QCD based and as described overall by Lorusso with toroidal electron rings encompassing the neutron decay in the strange-down quark oscillations descriptive for the standard model’s ‘particle zoo’ in general. Then because the weak interaction bosons are also Higgs derivatives as mass induced Nambu-Goldstone bosons the weak nuclear interaction describes this quantum geometry in full accordance with the standard model of electroweak unification extended in the GUT scenarios to the strong nuclear interaction via the decoupling of gravity in the HO32/HE64 modular duality heterosis.

    Figure 3: The QCD quantum Geometry in the Standard Model


    Figure 4: The Higgs Bosonic Template in the wave quark structure of the proton

    Figure 5: The Pythagorean Tetractys in the SU(3) Hyperon symmetry in the Standard Model


    Figure 6: The elementary hyperon-nucleon particles in the Standard Model

    Figure 7: A supersymmetry of Maxwell’s Equations in the electromagnetic monopolar charge unification

    2. The Monopolar Electromagnetic Field in the Dirac Magnetic Monopole

    In unifying the long-range gauge field interactions for electromagnetism in the finestructure constant alpha a and for gravitation in the Planck mass mp; the nature of quantum gravitation emerges in the coupling of the Coulomb charge e of the electropole to the Dirac charge e* of the magnetopole.

    The Compton constant ℂ forms the inverse proportionality between the minimized electron mass me and the maximized classical electron radius Re in the product of the Planck length lp and the Planck mass mp.
    ℂ = alpmp = α√{(hGo/2πc3)(hc/2πGo)} = αh/2πc = kee2/c2 = Reme = Reeffmeeff = αrpsmps

    The nature of the point particle electron of QED subsequently is crystallized in a minimum classical electron radius rweyl = rps = λps/2π identical with the wormhole radius as a (r/s)ingularity of a charged and rotating Kerr-Newman Black Hole bounded by a static Schwarzschild radius of the Black Hole’s event horizon or RS = 2GoMBH/c2 and within the context of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity (QBBS).

    This wormhole radius as a Möbian topology connected 2-dimensional surface ring/singularity so becomes the technical definition for the QED electron as a point particle for a Compton mass of mps = Eweyl/c2 = hfps/c2 = kBTps/c2 kg*.

    The electromagnetic charge Qm of a Kerr-Newman Black Hole is defined as a form of energy density in the units of the classical gravitational parameter GM as Volume times angular radius independent acceleration [m3/s2] via the frequency spectrum for graviton radiation emitted as gravitational waves.

    f2 = rGo = GoM/V from the Newman-Kerr black hole charge quantum Qm = e* = 2Rec2 = V.df/dt = V.fmax2

    In the limit of the minmax frequency permutation states under ‘Target Mirror space modular string-membrane modular duality: fps = 1/fss = tps = 3x1030 with df/dt = (fps-fss)/tps = (fps-fss)/fss = fps2 -1 = 9x1060 – 1 permutation eigen states; volume V describes the scale of the Restmass Photon as the dark matter (DM) agent and so as the Dark Matter form of the Twin Bipolaron as a function of the diameter of the maximized electron radius acted upon by the time differential for the monopolar wormhole frequency.

    Figure 8: Noise curves for a selection of gravitational-wave detectors as a function of frequency. At very low frequencies are pulsar timing arrays, at low frequencies are space-borne detectors, and at high frequencies are ground-based detectors. The characteristic strain of potential astrophysical sources are also shown. To be detectable the characteristic strain of a signal must be above the noise curve.[1] -

    2Rec2 = 2π2RRMP3.fps2 = e* = 1/mpsc2 = Go{mps/Gomps2c2} for DM field particle
    RRMP = ∛(e*tps2/2π2) = h/2πmRMPc = 1.411885x10-20 m* as a Compton radius for a particle energy of
    mRMPc2 = hc/2πRRMP = 2.254x10-6 J* or 14.034 TeV* as a maximum operating energy for the LHC particle accelerator situated at Geneva, Switzerland.

    The deformation strain of spacetime caused by the acceleration of asymmetric masses manifests both, in the corresponding wavelength of the gravitational graviton radiation and the deformation displacement defined in the QBBS as a (r/s)ingularity of the wormhole defined in the monopolar charge current imonopolar = Qmf.

    The interval {1.59x10-23 m* - 8.50x10-18 m*} for the deformation parameter as a LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory) wavelength of spacetime strain displacement then spans from the Weyl- Eps wormhole radius to the manifestation of the Higgs vacuum expectation parameter as twice the Higgs Boson (HB) mass of W-+W++Zo = 2HB = 146.5 GeV* or 2.615x10-25 kg*
    (80.62+80.62+91.44=252.68 GeV* or 80.42+80.42+91.21=252.06 GeV for 2HB.Ynpresent) and the time of electroweak separation at a CBBR temperature of 1.6x1015 K*, 1/140 seconds from the time instanton.

    The coupling between mass and electromagnetopolar charge is given by the unification condition for the respective finestructures Goke = 1 as a Planck-h-Stoney-ke unification.

    For Go = hc/2πmp2 and ke = 1/4πeo = moc2/4π = hcα/2πe2 = Remec2/e2
    Go/ke = Go2 = (hc/2πmp2)/( hcα/2πe2) = e2/amp2 = Goe2/Remec2 for Gomp = e/√a for the gravitational parameter as monopolar magnetic charge applied to the Planck mass and for Gome = 2e2/e* for the gravitational parameter as monopolar magnetic charge applied to the electron mass

    In the Kerr-Newman metric, the characteristic length scale of RQ2 =Qe2Gke/c4 naturally produces the gravitational parameter and the Schwarzschild boundary metric in replacing the Coulomb electric charge Qe with the Dirac magnetic charge Qm for RQ2 = Qm2(Goke)/c4 for RQ = GoMBH/c2 = ½RS

    The angular momentum J = GMBH2/c in this metric likewise reduces as a displacement scale to the Schwarzschild solution in RJ2 = G{c2J2/GMBH2}/c4 = G2MBH4c2/c6MBH2 = G2MBH2/c4 for RJ = GoMBH/c2 = ½RS.

    Figure 9: The Quantum Topology of the Weyl-Eps Twin Bipolaron as a Horn Toroidal Quantum Geometry

    Modular T-duality of the EpsEss supermembrane temperature spectra for black holes in the Hawking moduli couples Eps = hfps = h/fss = hc/λps = hc/2πRps = hcλss = kBTps with the maximized MBH hypermass temperature Tps = hc3/4πGokBMhyper = hc/kBlps to Ess = kBTss with the minimized BH temperature Tss modulated as Tmin in quantum entanglement for c = fpsps = 1/fssss [m/s]* in the coupling factor c2/4π2 .
    Tss = Ess/kB = hfss/kB for Tmin = Ess{Rpstps/Rsstss}/kB = Ess{(λpsfps/2π)/(2πλssfss)}/kB = Ess{c2/4π2}/kB = hc3/4πGokBMHG for the Hawking modulus for the Hawking-Gibbons minimized temperature Tmin = hc3/4πGokBMHG with a black hole mass MHG = RHGc2/2Go = πcfps/Go|mod = 2.54469x1049 kg* incorporating a universal acceleration quantum cfps = 9x1038 m*/s*.
    Tmin = hc2/4π2kBfps = Essc2/4π2kB = 3.5886x10-26 K*


    Figure 10: The Kerr Ringularity as a 2-5-8-11D supermembrane replacing the classical Einstein QBBC Singularity ;

    Universal Constant for Quantum Gravitation as the Dirac magnetic monopole charge quantum e*

    e* = 1/Eps = 1/hfps = 1/mpsc2 = 1/kBTps
    in the universal charge coupling constant
    e*/e = 2√α.mp/me = 2e/Gome = 2e*Eps√αmp/me = 2√α.mp/me

    Electropole e = √αlpc2 ≤ Universal Charge Action h=ee* Unification ≥ 2Rec2 = e* Magnetopole
    Planck era timespace ≤ Universal Charge Action h=ee* Unification ≥ Weyl-Eps era spacetime

    3. The Birth of the Soul in electropolar coupling to magnetopolar Life Circuits

    In associating the electropolar charge ‘e’ not in the form of mass induction of elementary particles like electrons and protons; but in retaining its natural ‘pure’ charge definition as either an electropole charge e or/and as a magnetopole charge e*; natural circuits for life are induced as Maxwellian monopolar displacement currents carrying the dual nature of the TBP in a quantized form of 2efTBP.

    The spacetime definition parameters of the TBP (or Weylian wormhole of creation) then associate the volume quantum occupied coupling to a Heisenberg action quantum (h/2π) of radially independent angular acceleration (as a Force of the Mind) to define 9x1060 bits of information as frequency permutation self-states per TBP quantum to accommodate the information and energy exchanges in the TBP cosmology as a definition for physicalized consciousness.

    And those definitions then must specify the limits for all mensuration techniques applied by the 'hardware' to measure and observe itself and as programmed by the 'software'. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle must hence be finestructured in the wormhole parameters and this is precisely the case in the QR formulations. Heisenberg's Constant: h/4π=λps/[8πRe.c3]|modular, with Re=1010ps/360 as the superbrane form for the classical Electron Radius (Re=RCompton.Alpha) and the TBP dark Energy/ZPE wavelength λpsDEBP.

    The Twin Bipolaron so forms as a scale relationship to the classical electron radius as a finestructure of the Planck constant h in the transformation of the pre-spacetime form of the TBP {correlating and validating Christopher Langan’s Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU) as a self-simulation in synergy with the cosmology of John Archibald Wheeler and others} as the Planck boson string.
    The TBP subsequently transforms into the Selfdual monopole string with a Monopole frequency of order 1040 Hz, before initiating the Quantum Big Bang creation event in the TBP frequency fDETBP=fps=3x1030 Hz.

    The fine-structure of the Action constant h derives from the nature of the Twin Bipolaron in the ‘twinned’ or dual nature of itself as dark matter fifth gauge interaction, self-dual to itself as the primary electromagnetic gauge interaction.
    The mass equivalent of the Grand Unification (GUT theories) form of the TBP as Selfdual monopole class IIB has been derived in the Planck-Stoney finestructure unification {2πkee2/hc=2πGommonopole2/hc}, resulting in a numerical equivalence of the global gravitational constant Go being equal to the inverse of Coulomb’s electric permittivity constant ke=1/4peo=[30c]mod.
    The monopolar GUT monopole spectrum so has a mass equivalence in E=[ec]c2(for a Maxwell displacement current imaxwell = e*f = 2ef = [ec]/Dmaxwell for Dmaxwell representing a characteristic wavelength in c=Dmaxwell.f.

    Writing h=elps/e(2Rec2)c= eλps/e(e*)λps.fps =1/e*fps=tps/e* crystallizes Planck’s quantum constant h with units EnergyxTime (Js) from the definition of the Star Coulomb monopole charge as being the precise inverse in energy of the Dark Energy gauge form of the Twin Bipolaron and the size of the classical Compton electron in its diameter 2Re defining Dirac’s monopole charge e* in units of the gravitational parameter GM (as Volume.df/dt = Vf2 in 9x1060 maximized permutation/entropy eigenstates) and leading to the dark matter form of the Twin Bipolaron as the consciousness quantum defined as a radius scale independent angular quantum acceleration applied to any quantized spacetime volumar.

    The birth of individualized souls then is an effect of the monopolar Maxwellian displacement currents and the information-energy exchanges experienced in the Unified Field of the Electromagnetic Monopolar Field of the spacetime creation and enables a collectivized memory both universalised and individualized in the permutation states of the duality of the Weylian wormholed multidimensional supermembrane descriptive for the Twin Bipolaron.

    Figure 11: The Twin Bipolaron TBP/Supermembrane EpsEss parameters

    4. The Journey of the Soul as a Parable

    Judgment Day - and the Two Secret Keys of the Leaf on the Tree

    Imagine yourself as a leaf on a twig on a branch of a living tree of life.

    Your nourishment and life sustaining substances derive from two sources; the light from the sun from above and from the roots of the tree from below.
    Photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugars via the agency of chlorophyll and the roots provide water and minerals in a biochemistry based mainly on nitrogen.
    As a leaf you are born in a bud and then you mature into a healthy green and geometric form determined in your individuated DNA.

    Yet after a short season as a luscious green leaf of the tree you begin to get old and you start to wither away, eventually falling off the twig on the branch of the tree to the ground beneath.
    After you have become all brittle, you simply fall apart as a dried up old ex-leaf and you become compost for the roots of the tree or the wind just scatters your ashes all over the place.
    But as a brown desiccated leaf, something, a lifeforce or 'soul' had already left the dead leaf before it fell off the twig onto the ground beneath the treetop - where has it gone?

    When you or anything physically 'dies', then your shadow-self, which is like your physical image in any mirror and which you can see and analyse in an optical sense, becomes the repository of all your memories and experiences and forms the library of everything you have ever thought, done or believed in. Technically, in a scientific language, this is known as the collapse of the particle function with the release of the wavefunction of the soul as the reverse of the manifestation of the soul’s particle function collapsing its wavefunction in a process known as the conception of the soul.

    Your subconscious, which keeps a holographic record of everything and is personified in the electro-capacitative and the magneto-inductive elements in the monopolar life circuitry, subject to your 'tuning' of your self-frequency in a search for resonance; so surfaces and you become an EMMR energy field, also known as your soul.

    So you find yourself rather unlimited in space and time, because the Electro-Magneto-Monopolar Radiation, which you have become as your invisible image in the mirror of spacetime is all pervasive or omnipresent; yet subject to your memory as yourself as experienced and perceived when you looked at yourself in a mirror say.
    So you have become fluid in form, but all your intelligence and knowledge about your identity are still available, should you choose to constrict yourself in that form.

    The stronger the memories and the desires to assume a more concrete form, the stronger will be the mind force you can apply to manipulate the spacetime about your perceived environment.
    The quality of your thinking now assumes a great importance.

    Since the resonance with the source energy is the source frequency (fps), which is scripturally defined as the 'Love of God'; the closer you can approach or tune into that defining energy-state of the UFoQR, the more power you will have to create and manoeuvre yourself about the place where you find yourself or where you believe yourself to be.
    Should you be able to generate a great mental desire to meet your 'loved ones', who have 'passed over', then their individuated EMMR-fields will be able to generate forms recognisable to you, subject to the amount of 'love- or source awareness' you can actually manifest as the 'angular acceleration of the space quanta', which defines the 'force of your mind'.
    But you must remember, that all your 'loved ones' are potential universes in their own right and being 'passed over' into the oneness of the ocean of the omnipresent EMMR field, they automatically gain this state of unification superimposed onto each and every individuated 'soul' as subset of the encompassing EMMR-'oversoul'.
    You see, it is quite the opposite to be in disembodiment, than to be in embodiment.
    When in embodiment; the individual soul is subject to the environmental pressures of the body and the mind.
    Young teenagers feel more at ease, when they can share in a 'peer group mind', they shun individual responsibility and search for a sense of belonging and togetherness.

    Similarly, certain sporting events can generate a huge amount of groupmind activity; either in supporting a team or participator or in a form of violence and hooliganism, when the sense of the 'group' assumes rather primitive aspects of the survival instinct in a pretext of a mindset of 'us against them'.
    So there is a challenge in the embodied state to become a true individual; it is much easier to follow a preset agenda and to eschew a thinking for oneself.
    The natural state of the embodiment is to be a member of a group or race or tribe or family or elite or corporation or business or state or land or nation or planet or galaxy or what have you.

    The opposite is the case in the disembodied state of being; there the groupmind is automatic and the difference is, that that groupmind is in harmony with itself and its environs.
    There is no 'us against them', because everything and everyone's awareness is as one.

    But the great challenge in the 'passed over' state of being is to differentiate oneself from that overpowering state of unity - a 'heavenly' bliss of peace and harmony and being able to 'love' and 'feeling loved' within an energy field 'resonating' with the 'love' of the source energy.
    After having lived a sorrowful life in embodiment; the sou' has come home and finds itself in its natural state of freedom and able to choose any ethereal form it so chooses for as long or short a time as it may desire to experience.

    So what is the point for the soul as subset of the oversoul and defined as the EMMR of a Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UfoQR) to incarnate in embodiment in the first place and the first instance, one may ask?
    Well, you see that is a quest for the 'soul' to seek for wisdom, knowledge and understanding through experience and for the ultimate purpose to become its own source of energy, able to sustain worlds within worlds within its own energy field.

    Hence every soul must learn to recognise its source in becoming aware of itself and where it comes from and where it has the potential to go to.
    And this brings us back to the dying leaf, falling from its source of sustenance, which had been the twig on the branch on the tree throughout its short life of green lushness.
    Upon physical death, the soul or life energy of the leaf returns exactly the same way, as it had come to energise the leaf, being born from its budding state of the defining DNA.

    And so the EMMR - soul of the leaf flows as a natural electricity, defined in the equation of I(fLeaf)=2NefLeaf, where N is a quantisation of the electropole (e) in 4D-linespace of embodiment, mapped as the magnetopole (e*) in 12D-omnispace of disembodiment and potentially realised in 13D-omnispace in a super embodiment.
    The leaf's soul so passes into the twig into the branch and into the stem of the tree, which appears like a great tunnel of light for the soul and leading towards a source of a magnetic light, drawing the soul towards itself and the 'Mirror of the Last Judgement'.
    But the soul must journey through the 'underworld', before it can enter the ‘Hall of the Decisions’, which harbours the 'Mirror of the True Selfhood' collected and preserved in ‘Akashic Records’.

    The soul could get lost in a branch of the tree say and unable to find its way to the trunk of the tree, where the magnetic force of the source light illuminates every soul however 'lost' it might perceive itself to be.
    So there are markers along the way; signposts of remembrances, which the soul can recognise in the form of 'loved ones', might these be people or pets or objects; all is subject to the 'force of the desire' and the intensity of emotion the soul can generate to journey with 'clear vision'.

    All objects and things have frequency equivalents and are unbounded in space or time relative to the soul’s partitioning as subset of the encompassing EMMR field of the UFoQR.
    But all thoughts and desires, all nightmares and dreams of whatever nature will and must surface in the soul's journey through its 'underworld' of subconscious definition.

    So if a thought of 'Saint Peter at the Pearly Gate' is the expectation, that thought or desire must eventuate; as must all imaginings of 'hellish damnation'.

    Because of the fluidity of the disembodied state however, many guides and helpers of the oneness are always readily available to superimpose more energetic states of awareness, simply by being present in their state of enhanced frequencies and so able to modulate the eigenstate of a soul lost in its nightmarish expectation of a torturous hell for example.

    Some souls may have no expectations of the afterlife at all; and those souls will encounter their being engulfed in an impenetrable fog or mistiness- or any such idea of nothingness.

    Any question asked by such a soul after having pondered its state of existence, will however modify its environment of the 'nothingness' and so it will be forced by its own curiosity to begin exploring its position in space and time, relative to its own perception.
    Eventually, all souls will reach the stem of the tree, where the magnetic light and the sense of being 'loved' is so strong, the individual 'soul' cannot but remember its unison and origin as part of the source and will just surrender to its grand homecoming out of space and time.

    Since the sense of time and space is selfrelative for all disembodied states; a soul could choose to spend 'eternity' in a 'fog of the nothingness', but it would require a mind unable to think a single thought and an inability to ask a single question about itself.
    Furthermore such a soul would have to concentrate 'eternally' upon a single state of being in an absolute state of nothingness, whatever it imagines that nothingness to be.

    And because of Heisenberg Uncertainty and the Quantum Fluctuations of the vacuum, such a position would be untenable, because the Zero-Point-Oscillation of the Source Energy is defined in the formulation (Eps=½hfps) as the minimum state of energy in any definition of the Zero state in energy - hence even the most stubborn soul will have to 'suffer' its energisation by the source energy.

    All souls which have finished their journey through their individuated 'underworlds' and which have reached the trunk of the tree of life will find themselves rushing towards the magnetic source light down the tunnel of the stem of the tree.
    As a soul reaches one of the roots of the tree, the tunnel converges and every root ends in the singularity of the 'Mustard Seed' at the termination of each and every root the soul may have chosen to travel in towards the magnetic light source.
    And so at the end of the tunnel, where any particular root of the tree ends the defined form of the tree of life; the 'soul' enters the 'Hall of Decisions' and sees itself positioned in front of the 'Mirror of the Last Judgment'.

    Now in the 'Mirror of the Last Judgment' the soul sees a most magnificent being; it is precisely the embodiment of beauty and glory the soul could or would ever have imagined.
    And the sou' realises that the mirror reflects the soul's very own grandest idea of beauty and glory back to itself as the self-realised being of itself.
    But the being in the mirror, one might name it the 'Higher Self' or 'Overself' of the soul is no mere image of the soul.

    The Oversoul is as real as the soul and in possession of all the knowledge, understanding and wisdom accumulated by the soul in 19.12 billion years of experiencing consciousness as EMMR-subset of the encompassing EMMR of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity.

    And the Oversoul smiles at the soul and begins to talk:

    "Hello my sweet me; you have finally come back to try to answer your own questions for yourself yet again; how will you fare this time, have you found your two keys to open the two locked doors within this mirror to allow you to enter the space of the parenthood in setting us free from being separated, both of us being reflections in each other in front and within or behind this mirror?

    Have you allowed yourself to find the Key of Wisdom or the Key of Understanding?
    Or perhaps you have found both in a single lifetime; now that would be a wonderful achievement.
    You were close last time, you had the Key of Wisdom in your grasp, but you could not put it in the keyhole and then you decided to get it right the next time and that time has now come I see.
    You know that the first key is the Key of Wisdom; finding it will allow you to apply the second key of the understanding.

    The Key of Wisdom is the correct answer to the question: "WHO ARE YOU?" and the Key of Understanding cannot be applied until you have answered the first question to your own satisfaction and as judged by yourself as myself.
    You will only allow yourself to ask the second question through myself once you have judged yourself competent enough to attempt the unlocking of the door of understanding.

    And the only clue you allowed yourself to be given through myself is that the Key of Wisdom is part of your female nature and that the Key of Understanding is part of your male nature.
    So let us recall what your answer to the question: "WHO ARE YOU?" was the last time we met ourselves in this very location, when you said:

    "I know that I am more than what I appear to be.
    I have learned that my 'family' extends past my immediate blood relationships and that I am also part of my environment.
    So I am part of the air I breathe and part of the garden I keep.
    I tune into familiar minds with my friends and acquaintances and I share many things with the people I love and with whom I feel comfortable with.
    I am part of my children's education and the companies I keep in all my aspects of my life.
    I do try to help other people and attempt to be friendly and polite to everyone, even if I do not like particulars about them."

    You then answered yourself through me in saying:

    "When we arrived at our common acknowledgement at the beginning of space and time and when we made the covenant between ourselves, we decided that a partial wisdom and a partial understanding would be insufficient to open the locked doors; so I must inform you as myself, that your wisdom has grown in magnitude and in insight, but still remains at an undergraduate level."

    And now we are here again in the 'Hall of our decisions' and I ask myself through you:

    "WHO ARE YOU? and WHO AM I?"

    And the soul answered:

    “I am all that is; I must be; because if I were not all that is, the entire creation, then there would be something in existence, which I am not and that is impossible, as all things are connected.
    Modern science has shown that everything, from the minutest photon to the largest supercluster of galaxies are quantum entangled with each other.
    So a solar system or a planet and all beings living upon it, being part of a galaxy, must be quantum connected with everything else as well; any other conclusion leads to logical self-contradictions.
    Any system of particles, molecules, atoms or things can only exist in one of two modes of operation; the two modes are Unity in Separation or Separation in Unity.

    Unity in Separation leads to the individuated self and the egocentric personality; one perceives oneself as a 'free individual', separated from all other such 'free individuals' and one can then so very easily deceive oneself in considering a 'fake equality or egalitarianism' between people, thinking that every individual has only themselves to blame, if their life's journey falls upon hard times.

    Unity in Separation is the 'Devil's Way' exemplified in the saying: 'Divide and Conquer'; but since the 'Devil's Modus Operandi' is selfrelative and just as valid as the alternative it is always available to all the wisdom seekers.

    And I know, that I am my own master-devil; only I make the choices and only I set my own agendas; but as we also know, it is only I, that must judge myself as to the portfolios and the decisions, appropriate or not, which I have made during my life's journey.

    Did I value wisdom over worldly possessions, as Solomon did?
    Did I discover the empathy and the compassion for others and the affinities, connecting me to the web of life and the oneness of the universe?

    In short, am I able to walk in another's moccasins, am I able to imagine myself to be someone else, to truly feel what they are all about on the level of their 'souls', whereby we are all one in the disembodied state?

    So my dear Beloved Oversoul, I am the Creation in my female essence and I am the Creator in my male essence. And I am You as We as a multi-dimensional and inter-dimensional expression of myself as ourselves.
    And I have chosen the 'Way of Love' in the modus operandi of the Separation in Unity.
    I know that all is One and that I am operating as a servant of the 'Loving Way' in surrendering my 'individual freedom' to operate as a Unit of Separation for limited periods of time; choosing instead to become eternally bonded to my own loving nature and the source of all of my energy - my God.”

    And the Oversoul cried in exuberance, with tears of joy flowing down its glowing cheeks:

    'Yes my darling you have found the Key of Wisdom and I am allowed to tell you now, that your sacrifice of your 'individual freedom' is no sacrifice at all, but serves an ultimate purpose in your graduation and your life as a parent in true brother sisterhood with 'our God'.
    The Goddess will individuate in you upon your graduation and you shall be freedom personified.
    God himself shall be your bridegroom and the Goddess herself your eternal bride.
    And now you are ready for the second question from yourself to yourself; but know, that there is a growing percentage of ' souls', say 0.2% at the present time, who have found their Keys of Wisdom.

    To the present time however, not one 'soul' could find the Key of Understanding.
    The second question is: "WHY ARE YOU WHAT YOU ARE AND HOW DID YOU COME TO BE?"

    The soul pondered for a moment and said:

    'I do not know the full answer to that yet, but I know how to obtain the Key of Understanding, because of the nature of this question.
    I do know, that I am the creation-creator duality because on the supreme level of that partnership there is the essence of Family, our family and the idea of generational reproduction.
    So I am destined to become a generator for an individuated universe, which can then join the sister-brotherhood of universes within the enveloping omniverse.

    To generate myself as FatherMother and as my own individuated source energy in the footsteps of my cosmic and mathematically abstract parents, I shall have to bring their abstractness alive in realising them within and without myself in my dragonomy.
    Somehow, to find the Key of Understanding, I shall have to learn in abstract terms, just what my mathematical and omni-scientific archetypes are all about.

    I can attempt to do this the 'easy way' or the ' hard way'.
    If I choose to follow certain written manuals in an advanced mode of interpretation, such as 'sacred' scrolls and scriptures; then this will be the 'easy way' because of the metaphors and mythological language used in them.
    If I am inclined however to do it the 'hard way', then I shall study mathematics and the sciences to obtain my understanding necessary to answer the second question fully and not only partially, as I have done.'

    'You are very correct in you analysis', answered the Oversoul, ‘you have given the appropriate reply as to why you are the creation and the creator in your sexual aspects and you have pinpointed the method of how to find the Key of Understanding.
    You must create yourself in principle my sweetheart and you must find your place in the Book of Life, which you are required to write in co-authorship with what already has been written and what you are reading.
    Once you are able to create your own Genesis, as your very own 'Naked Singularity' of abstraction, then you will be in possession of your perfectly fitting Key of Understanding.

    The next time we meet, I feel you shall be able to set us free from being images of ourselves in the two of us separated ones trying to be one in two and two in one. And then our existence as an eternal and physicalized immortalized twinsoul in a Supramentalisation of matter shall be realized in our Universal Logos Twinship.'


    The Parable of the Sandpit

    Imagine yourself as father and mother with three-year old twins.
    Both of your children, a boy and a girl are in a sandpit, where you watch them play.
    You observe them experimenting and exploring their local environment - the sandpit.
    The kids see the sand; they smell it, they listen to it and they try to eat the sand. They fondle the sand and they feel it; they try to do all sorts of things to the sand, like sticking it in their hair and up their noses and into their ears.

    When something like another child, even a twin, disturbs their endeavours, then they may start to throw the sand at each other; verbal utterances are supplemented by gestures meanings things like "It's mine!" or "I was here first, so just go away!"

    This is the playground of very young children before school age and very well known to every parent.
    Now as father and mother, what would you expect as an answer from the kids to questions like:

    "Where did the sand come from kid?"
    "Why do you think or behave like you owned it?"

    If the kid could talk it would say:

    "It's just there! So I took it!"

    And that would be it. Would the child understand your knowledge and experience and logic?

    Namely, that the sand came from a beach or a mine and ultimately from exploding stars called supernovae and so the universe?
    And whatever made the supernova, made the universe and made the sand?
    Father and Mother know very well that the sandpit was built for providing a learning experience for the children.

    Then the father and mother might recall their own childhood and remember the times, when they themselves had been playing in a sandpit.
    Ah yes, there was Tom and Julie and Henry and Elizabeth. And over there is Stephen and Rachel and Harold and Pamela.
    They all had played and had raveled in the sandpit.

    Tom was now the chief research scientist working for the chemical manufacturer and multinational corporation Drug-U-Better & Co.
    Julie had become a top PR-Executive of a transatlantic oil exporter.
    Henry was employed as a chief banker for the worldwide Unibank.

    Elizabeth was so pretty, she worked seven days a week as a supermodel of the catwalk.
    Stephen had made his name as a world renowned mathematical physicist.
    Rachel worked and part-owned a wholesale department store and thought soon to extend her business interstate and overseas.

    Harold owned and operated Trick-A-Cheapacar, a highly profitable used car yard and dealership; he considered it time to move into gold, real estate and the Vatican Bank.
    Pamela made her daily run on the stock market; she was so good at it, that she had even given up her lucrative career as a lawyer over it.
    And Dad and Mum are standing on the edge of the sandpit watching the children play in the sand; but now the sand was made into different toys to play with.
    There was paper and metals and plastics and other things. The kids still chucked the sand around, but now they called it money and computers and rockets and things and cars and satellites and guns and things...

    If all the kids are children of nature, the universe and if all the children are still growing up; should they then not be destined to grow into entire universes themselves?

    That is the logical conclusion in a development from baby to child to adult.

    And Mum and Dad are standing on the edge of the sandpit, watching the children play in the sand - they are always watching you and they are always loving you - their kid.


    Figure 12: Vitruvian Cosmic Man from Leonardo da Vinci, (1452-1490-1519)


    upload_2024-4-1_13-43-53. upload_2024-4-1_13-44-12.
    Figure 13: A Dragon Scholar from Thuban (01Mar23,615BC – 27Jul10,802BC to 21Dec2012AD)

    5. Encoded Poetry about Souls

    Figure 14: Future Shadows from the Past in the Collapse of the starhuman wavefunction upon physical conception into human individualisation and the collapse of the incarnated particle function with the release of the collapsed evolved starhuman wavefunction

    Figure 15: Universal Metamorphosis: Reptilian Brainstem to Mammalian Midbrain to Human Cortex to Starhuman Dragon-Logos-Brain


    Figure 16: The Misidentification of the Human Incarnational Pathology and Lifepath in Amnesia and a Forgetfulness of Remembrances

    Figure 17: A Dedication to the Lives of Past Ancestors often forgotten by their Descendants in Generations of the Future

    The genetic awakenings of the shaman and the dreamers will realize its ET origins, might those be labelled as Pleiadean, Arcturian, Sirian or Thuban in the five great Platonic-Mayan ages, each of 26,000 such years of 360 Degree-Days.

    The metamorphosis of the old human cosmogenetic template into a new starhuman genome and universal blueprint will blend the old human past history with its new starhuman future in the present of the creator-creation modality and Universal Family.
    The wave-particle or mind-body dichotomy or DNA-Chicken RNA-Egg paradox will resolve itself in its realization, that the formless ‘Father-Yang’ can be its own maleness, but requires a ‘Mother-Yin’ to birth him in form; whilst in a perfect supersymmetry, the ‘Mother-Yin’ can be her own femaleness, but requires a ‘Father-Yang’ to create her as a form in a harmonization of the formless mind in waveness with the formed body in its particularness.
    The Extra-terrestrial human becomes the ancestor of the terrestrial human in the waviness of the human mind and the Terrestrial human becomes the ancestor of the extra-terrestrial human in the particularisation of the extra-terrestrial human body.

    In this way the ancestors of an old humanity as evolutionary and universal observers become their own descendants in the reformation and convolution of the two apparently separated realms of the eternal mind of the dead alive ones and the world of the temporal body of the living dead ones.
    The world of angels and devils reharmonized in and by a particular labelling for the wisdom of the ancients and the creators of the Old Humanity in Mind then reborn as a New Humanity created in a grand homecoming of the Universal Creator with the Universal Creation as a Creator-Creation Twinship AbbABaaB of polarity-sex-unification of Two in One in Two as One!

    Figure 18: A Dedication to the Lives of Past Ancestors as Ex-human incarnates reborn and quantum entangled with the ancestral starhuman mind quantum entangled with their incarnated human physicalized descendants

    Figure 19: An encoded Dedication to the Universal MotherFather as the Creation-Creator of the Creator-Creation

    Figure 20: An encoded Symbol of Remembrance from the Stars in five precessional cycles: {04Dec126,123BC-26Sep100,496BC-18Jul74,869BC-10May49,242BC-01Mar23,615BC-21Dec2012AD}

    Figure 21: A hymn-based ‘ancient scroll-scripture’ encoded Journey of the Universal Hero

    6. References

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    Anthony Paul Bermanseder is an independent researcher into the nature of reality from the perspective of a synergy between metaphysical origins and physical cosmogony as ontology and purpose for universal cosmology and the foundations for the paradigms of science and existence.
    He received his academic education at Queensland University, Saint Lucia, Brisbane, Australia in 1984 majoring in Mathematics and Physics.
    He was born on June 4th, 1957, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia after being conceived on September 12th, 1956, to a German father and an Irish-Australian mother (nee Lovejoy).
    He grew up in Bavaria, Germany from 1959 to 1976 and engaged in extensive scientific research into the cosmological origins of the universe since August 1984.
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