The Birth Of God As A Superbrane And The Creation Of The Universe

Discussion in 'The Birth of God as a Superbrane' started by admin, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    KFTV Invitation to Science Panel Discussion

    Keshe Foundation TV - 6:04 am, May 17th, 2021

    Dear Dr. Tony Bermanseder,

    Keshe Foundation Television (KFTV) cordially invites you to present your research and participate in a panel discussion with other distinguished guests from all around the world. Proposed topics to be discussed are:
    Space Exploration and Technology, Earth Exploration, Cosmology, Theoretical and Applied Physics, Health, Agriculture, Environment, Resources, Energy, and Materials. This event is sponsored by the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute (KFSSI) and will be recorded / streamed to a worldwide audience by KFTV.

    Keshe Foundation is a worldwide scientific organization whose main goal is to implement all aspects of the Keshe Plasma Science and Technologies, as presented by nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. Implementation is achieved through the fundamental knowledge and understanding of the plasma science.
    The panel discussion will be conducted online and the time and place will be announced well in advance. Candidates interested in participating should forward details of their credentials, research interests and dates/times when available to the following address:

    We look forward to your participation.
    Keshe Foundation TV

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    May 17th, 2021 7:33 pm
    Cc: Tony Bermanseder

    RE: KFTV Invitation to Science Panel Discussion

    Dear Keshe Foundation!

    Thank you for your cordial invite to participate in your online discussion contribution.
    I could address the nature and scientifically plausible emergence of physicalized consciousness as a quantum effect of multidimensionally entangled spacetime parameters, such as volume and quantum spin angular acceleration.
    Should it be appropriate, I could also address the cosmogony of the universe as the ontology for any proposed cosmology and spacetime evolution from a prior timespace of abstraction, known as the Planck era.
    It was from this timespace defined in the Dirac String, that the Dirac monopole evolved in the generation of dimensionality, enabling a Quantum Big Bang Cosmology to emerge from a prior parameter space of mathematical abstraction.

    My details and research papers can be perused and accessed on a number of forums, but are concentrated on this link:

    A paper addressing and deriving this multidimensional quantum cosmology is encompassing the following video:

    sirebard (

    The Creation of the Universe and the Monopole String of Paul Dirac for the Magnetic Monopoles of t’Hooft-Polyakov The question of creation as a quantum fluctuation is answered as a creation ex uniphyscon as the quantum entanglement of omnispace in the form of universal physicalized consciousness

    (PDF) God Reborn The Birth of God as a Superbrane A Story of Intelligent Design and the Creation of the Quantum Universe in the Uniphyscon of Quantum Entangled Omnispace | Anthony P Bermanseder -

    Thanking you again for your invite and wishing you success in your endeavours.

  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    This comment comes via Dirk Meijer, and is from Kai-WAi Wong:

    Dear Dirk: Thank you so much in sending me this long article. I haven’t seen it before.
    There are some very interesting points and results quoted, but they are not consistent in my opinion. I shall try and explain a few of the points below:

    1. The concept of the monopole unit as e*=ec, is required from unit requirement. Same as our case M=2ec. The difference is the factor 2.
    2. In e* form, one need to postulate that e can be a Boson. But it is not a photon, hence it must carry a mass too. The so call charged boson. In that case being of velocity c, it must have infinite energy. This disagrees with it being in the B.E. state. Unless T, the temperature is infinite in such a way Lim. E, T goes to infinity E/T goes to 0. This defines the primordial spectrum being only infinite! Not possible! Because then all matter creation that follows is random.
    3. To achieve topological mapping, first they extend to higher dimensional spaces, exceeding 5D, by extending the Euler theorem to angles of 4pi, 8pi, etc. which is ok.
    But without imposing the Fermat’s theorem for homogenous manifolds! Special relativity is build-in, and not the result of Perelmann mappings. Sort of unsatisfactory.
    Once we apply Fermat’s theorem on homogenous space-time, we cannot go beyond 5D! As the energy momentum representation, makes the 4th space momentum purely imaginary! If we go beyond 5D, we cannot get over the need of another independent and distinguished pure imaginary momentum component! Unless we assign another hidden signature to momentum. Way too arbitrary!

    4. The adding of 8pi, makes the theory time reversal symmetric. [May be? But against concept of evolution]
    5. Back to the monopole definition. In our case, all we require is e and -e are massless, spinor. Then 2ec, is always a massless boson. Since M is a DLRO product. And they will carry an arbitrary energy 2hv(j), where v(j) can be any finite frequency. This allows for a discrete primordial spectrum and a Higgs vacuum formation.
    6. In fact a massless charged spinor was given by Dirac long ago. Or a Fermion monopole. But really not presented in DLRO pairs to give him the boson monopole? Nonetheless those Dirac papers are interesting. We can’t expect Dirac to propose a B.E. vacuum at his time!
    7. This led to the notion of zero dimension Lie Group, being a point in 3D space, or any D spaces. Actually, the definition of 0 dimensional topological group, applies to any dimensions subject to Fermat’s Law, as long as it is either in ‘r’ or ‘t’. A very different concept than the worm hole! This result comes from 5D homotopy. And in the energy momentum representation, the 4th space momentum component is purely imaginary. Here we have the monopole being everywhere, and is cosmo invariant and connected. An idea even better suited with the Bible teaching.
    8. Many of the details, particularly the numerology in the article are valid, because of the topological theorems. I won’t go into detail with which are valid. Trying to link up with string theory and extended dimensions to me is just trying to fit reality when the inhomogeneous Lorentz manifold fails, including the unification of General Relativity with EM theory.
    9. I can’t understand the time frame calculations on creation! By the way David Tong is a close friend of mine. We came over to US from HK on the same boat, SS President Cleveland. 1957. He went to UC San Diego, and I to Duke.
    10. I insist that there is no black holes in the universe. But dark energies exist, as it is the frequencies of the primordial monopoles.

    It is very very interesting to consider the time God created the complete primordial spectrum! Since it is the frequencies of the monopoles, which are massless bosons.
    That spectrum v(j) must simultaneously satisfy boundary condition under uncertainty principle. That means ct=r, and c/r(j)=v(j). While imposing uncertainty dE.dt = h. We can get the time required to complete the entire primordial spectrum. It is obviously the lowest v(j) values that will be created last. Supposed the lowest v(j) is 1Hz, it is easy to get r(j)=ct(j). It seems indeed possible to come up with a time of days to finish the primordial spectrum, as the 5D expands.

    Anthony Bermanseder
    Hi Dirk!
    Thanks for this perusal. I guess this was the Dirac monopole form you shared with Kai.WAI Wong.
    He sees inconsistency, where there is none. I do not follow his argument about (ec) being a GUT monopole mass as a mass-current equivalent or not. He seems to say that [ec]mod can be used as a unitmass.

    e* in my paper has units of inverse energy and is associated with the magneto charge in the higher dimensional mapping onto the electron charge and so IS a photon in the non-inversion.
    The unification physics is effected via the blending and calibration of the fine structure constants, both of Planck and Stoney.
    Perhaps Kai takes Stoney seriously (not many pundits do), because he seems to understand some of the arguments in the paper.
    He fails to see that I am not using the supersymmetry gravity of strings, but focus on T- and mirror duality and use the 5 classes as an energy transformation down in scale. Academic stringers don't do that.
    Anyway i am in the process to update this pdf, to incorporate the inflation problems of horizon, dark energy, dark matter and the energy density discrepancy. All resolve beautifully.
    If Kai or you or yours are interested I forward the updated and more comprehensive pdf in about a month time.

    One last point. Of course Black holes exist as basic Schwarzschild solution AND as Strominger branes.
    The Strominger branes are the energy seeds and vortices for all of the Temperature cosmology.
    The funny thing is that Kai believes that the Dark Energy are the monopole frequencies.
    Now Dirk, this is precisely what I am saying e* as monopole charge with units of the Gravitational parameter being the definition for quantum consciousness is also the frequency of the monopole as the Weyl wormhole frequency self-state of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity.

    Here is the abstract:

    Dirac’s Magnetic Monopole and the Energy Density of the Universe from Dark Matter with Dark Energy


    The Dirac quantization condition and its relationship to the electromagnetic fine structure constant alpha is derived from the initial boundary conditions of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity (QBBS). The QBBS is shown to form a 2/11-dimensional mirror membrane as a 1-dimensional Dirac string relating timespace of a string-membrane epoch preceding the QBBS to the spacetime following the creation event.
    The Dirac monopole then transforms as a point particle into a space extended elementary particle known as the classical electron and is electro charge coupled as an electropole to the magneto charge of a magnetopole. The electron as a point particle of QFT and QED so becomes the monopolar form of the Dirac monopole as the Dirac electron but coupled to the elementary quantum geometric templates of the scalar Higgs boson with a dark matter particle defined as a RMP or Restmass-Photon.
    This RMP is shown to couple in string-membrane duality to both a minimum sourcesink and a maximum sinksource expression in the energy distribution of the multi-dimensional universe.

    The ratio of the RMP’s vibratory wormhole micro eigenstate of high energy to its winding mode anti-wormhole macro self-state then crystallizes the Planck-Density to Critical Density ratio in convolution with the dark energy and Zero-Point-Energy of the multi-dimensional cosmology.

    For {RRMP(ss)/RRMP(ps)}3=(fss/fps)2=(fss)4=(4π2rps/rssc2 )2 = {1/81x10120} ~ Planck-Density/Critical Density ρPlanckcritical={2πc5/hGo2}/{3Ho2/8pGo}={16p2c5/3hGoHo2}={1.855079x1096}/{3.78782x10-27} ~ 81x10120 = 4.897x10122 in a de Sitter cyclically closed EMR 10D-cosmology for which W=WB+WMDM/RMP+WDE=1

    ρPlanckcritical={2πc5/hGo2}/{Ho2/4p2Go}={8p3c5/hGoHo2}= {1.855079x1096}/{1.78497x10-26} ~ 81x10120 = 1.039x10122 in an Anti-de Sitter open-closed EMMR 11D-cosmology for which W=WB+WMDM/RMP+WDE=1

    This is the universal sourcesink/sinksource volumar for the supermembrane Eps.Ess coupled in brane modular duality and solves the ‘cosmological constant’ problem in a revision of the Friedmann cosmology.
    In particular it is shown that the onset of the so termed dark energy at a redshift of z=0.6124 simply relabels the dark matter made manifest from the QBBS given in higher redshifts in the form of the Einstein Lambda as an Einstein quintessence.
    By introducing a time evolving quintessence for the harmonic oscillator modal energy eigenstates |Eps|=S{½+N}hfps for supermembrane Eps.Ess in the Zero-Point-Energy, the quantum description for spacetime crystallizes as a parameter space between maximized and minimized oscillation modes for the heterotic string class HE(8x8) as 10-dimensional expressions for the 11-dimensional membrane spacetime as the cosmological boundary mirroring an open ended Minkowski cyclically flat expanding cosmology in a closed de Sitter cosmology.
    The lower dimensional universe so becomes cyclically bounded within an infinitely expanding unbounded higher dimensional cosmology with the cyclicity of the gravitationally retarded de Sitter universe quantum tunneling in the cosmology of the multiverse.

    The evolving spacetimed cosmology as a thermodynamic black body radiator is shown to derive from a transition period from the timespace of a 5-generational 10-dimensional string epoch into a 11-dimensional multiverse self-intersecting its lower dimensional precursor in a cosmological Lightpath both refracted and cyclically reflected in the instanton-inflaton parameters of the QBBS.
    The timespace to spacetime transition is shown to manifest in a false Higgs-Planck boson vacuum or HBPFV as a consequence of the natural physical laws defining the concept of temperature as a form of kinetic-potential energy related to the frequency eigenstates of the QBBS parameter space. The breaking of the supersymmetry in energy so becomes a consequence from the quantum energy parameters of the E=kbT=hf=mc2 transitioning from timespace into spacetime in the central manifestation of the energy in the HBPFV as the instanton-inflaton of the QBBS.

    A temperature gradient in the HBPFV so defines a deviation between the Einstein quintessence and the quantum self-states of the Goldstone bosons of the fundamental energy interactions. The background temperature of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity as the quintessence temperature T(LE) is far in excess from the Weyl boson defining the quantum form Eps=kbTps.
    The inflaton therefore triggers the spacetime hyperspace expansion to attain temperature equilibrium between the multiplying and tachyonic hyper accelerating spacetime quanta given by the Weyl parameters with the Einstein quintessence in the inflaton.
    This homeostasis is reached in the bosonic temperature unification so 2 nanoseconds from the time instantaneity of the QBBS.
    At the end of the inflation epoch the imaged QBBS manifests a midpoint for the gravitationally retarded thermodynamic expansion of the lower dimensional cosmology as a Lightpath of a higher dimensional ‘Electromagnetic Return’ to meet the decelerating universe for the onset of dark energy at redshift z=0.6124.
    The Einstein quintessence therefore assumes particular cosmological characteristics manifesting both properties of a gravitationally decelerating cosmology in 10D and a Lightspeed invariant cosmology in 11D reflecting and refracting the 11D Lightpath emitted from the QBBS for the crucial time of having reached the spacetime boundary made manifest by the inflaton at the QBBS of the instanton.

    A synthesis of the MOND cosmology of Milgröm with the LCMD standard model is shown to resolve itself not in modifying Newtonian gravitation, but in the Milgröm characteristic acceleration inherent as the cosmological constant of the Einstein quintessence as a QBBS parameter. The necessity for Dark Matter to harmonize the hypermass evolution remains however, with the Dark Energy itself assuming the form of the Milgröm deceleration. That the Dark Energy is positive as a negative Einstein quintessence is also pointed out as a cosmological effect by Erik Verlinde in his ‘Emergent Gravity’ model in associating the Milgröm deceleration with the Hubble Constant and therefore the Friedmann standard cosmology by GM/R2 < cH = -2cHo/(n+1)3

    The space occupying classical electron as a Dirac string derivative is shown to oscillate on the fermi scale of the nuclear interactions of colour charge asymptotic gluon-quark confinement, with the ground state for the electron defining the wormhole singularity of the QBBS in spacetime as the fifth transformation of superstring classes (heterotic class 64) from the timespace era. The Dirac string so manifests as a membrane-mirror for a 4-dimensional spacetime embedded within a 5-dimensional spacetime and descriptive for a 3-dimensional surface embedded as volumar within a higher dimensional cosmology, described in the properties of a Möbian-Klein Bottle geometric connectivity for a one-sided manifold becoming two-sided in the original form of the Dirac string as a one-dimensional mathematical singularity mirroring itself in the monopolar string self-duality of a multidimensional holographic cosmology .

    The natural stability of the proton and the absence of an original supersymmetry between matter and antimatter is shown to be the result of the non-existence of antimatter in the primordial universe and the coupling of the Higgs boson to the RMP of spin -1 and energy 14.03 TeV*. Primordial neutron decay becomes the transformation of a RMP boson in the form of an ylemic dineutron into two lefthanded neutrons quantum spin coupled to a graviphoton as the scalar Higgs bosonic blueprint of the wave-quarkian quantum geometry. Particular initial boundary conditions for the QBBS, defined as the Dirac magnetic monopole indicate the energy regime for the Higgs Boson as being bounded in a subatomic displacement scale from 0.000014-0.0028 fermi. This displacement scale forms a natural boundary for the mesonic scale for the strong nuclear interaction and resolves the discrepancy in the mean lifetime for beta minus decay in showing that the excess of neutrons at the Higgs energy with RMP-dark matter excess is 126.95/125.78=1.0093 and becomes balanced by a deficit of neutrons at the Higgs energy with RMP -dark matter deficit in 122.49/123.57=0.9913 and time differences of 10.28 and 9.92 seconds* for a mean neutron lifetime of 880.14 s* respectively.

    The thermodynamic evolution of the universe is shown to relate a general evolution of neutron stars with specific nuclear densities with respect to the cosmic radiation background to the Hawking properties of black holes as a background energy matrix originating from the distribution of a baryonic mass seedling and its coupling to the QBBS parameters. The Hawking-Gamow Temperature Unification for classical and quantum gravitation is so derived as the temperature ratio:
    THawking/Tylem = 1 = hcRe3/2pGomc2Rylem2 RHawking = Re3/anucleon.Rylem2RHawking with anucleon = aplanckae18 .

    Hawking’s micro black holes are shown to play a decisive role in the universal cosmology, as they modulate the quantum gravitational universe of the creation event with the classical gravitation of the spacetime geometry. In particular the micro black holes form the energy centers within encompassing vortices of potential energy modelled on the Jeans length applied to the general temperature evolution of the universe and inclusive of dark matter haloes around galaxies deriving from the original intersection of the higher dimensional inflaton superluminal light path with the lower dimensional light path of the instanton.

    The difficulties in measuring Newton’s gravitational constant are found to be causally related to the measured variation in the electromagnetic finestructure constant alpha ae as the polar orientation of the Dirac string of the QBBS and as a distribution of t’ Hooft-Polyakov monopoles in the Schwarzschild metric at the GUT unification energy scale from 2.7x1016 GeV* to 8.1x1017 GeV*.

    The supersymmetry and coupling parameters of the superstring classes is shown to derive from the interaction of the Planck-Stoney finestructures.

    The classical electron parameters are shown to relate to the electron of Quantum-Field-Theory QFT in a reassigning of the electromagnetic mass in a distribution of electron velocities in the wave matter of de Broglie and the Compton constant meRe = Compton constant = αh/2πc = lplanck.α.mplanck = mecrec , which proportionalises the quantum relativistic size of the electron with its mass. The classical electron is reborn within the structure of QFT in attaining a monopolar nature, derived from the Dirac string as a Dirac electropole.

    The concept of ‘Universal Physicalized Consciousness’ or UPC is defined from the conformal mapping of the magneto charge from timespace onto the electro charge in spacetime utilizing the dimensional reduction from 11D membrane spacetime into 10D string spacetime in the modular- and mirror duality of the {10-11-12}D spacetime matrix. UPC becomes identical in dimensional analysis to the gravitational parameter GM in its frequency quantum eigenstate and so defines a quantum radius-independent angular acceleration acting on any volumar constituent within any spacetime occupancy. In this capacity, the UPC defines the Einstein quintessence and so resolves the Dark Matter – Dark Energy distribution in the nature of the quintessence as a spacetime inherent classical acceleration, yet as a function of a nodal Hubble parameter, described as a frequency equivalent and coupling to the Weyl-wormhole frequency of the QBBS in fps.lps = fWeyl.lWeyl = c = Ho.RHubble.
    I: Introduction – Dirac’s String-Monopole Transformation
    II: The Creation of Dirac’s Quantum Big Bang in Spacetime from Timespace
    III: The Dark Energy coupled to the Light Energy of a Shadow-Mirror Universe IV: The Higgs-Planck False Vacuum and the Temperature Gradient for the QBBS Cosmology V: The Ylemic Universe and Quantum Gravitation from Superbrane Parameters VI: A Synthesis of ΛCDM with MOND in a Universal Lambda Milgröm Deceleration VII: A Revision of the Friedmann Cosmology and Emergent Gravity VIII Ylemic Gluon-Quark-Plasma Protostars as Vortex QBBS Energies IX: Primordial Neutron Decay from Higgs Boson – RMP/DM Quantum Geometry X: Initial Boundary Conditions for Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry XI: The Gravitational Constant, the Alpha Finestructure Constant and the GUT-Monopole XII: The Inflaton and the Grand Unification Symmetry in a Transformation of Supermembranes
    XIII: The Quantum Relativistic Monopolar Electron XIV: The Birth of the Universe in Space and Time from Physicalized Universal Consciousness XV: Quantum Consciousness in the Penrose-Hameroff Model XVI: Epilogue: God Reborn - The Birth of God as a Superbrane A Story of Intelligent Design and the Creation of the Quantum Universe in the Uniphyscon of Quantum Entangled Omnispace

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