The New Covenant For A New Heaven With A New Earth

Discussion in 'The Metamorphosis of an Old World into a New World' started by admin, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



    Mary Rodwell
    Facebook: Mary Rodwell
    MARY RODWELL is recognised internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers and writers in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas. Mary is the author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life’ (2002);and producer of EBE award winning documentaries:-Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004).

    Mary is the Founder and Principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN) which was established in 1997 to provide professional counselling, support, hypnotherapy and information to individuals and their families with ‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences and abduction-contact experiences. Mary also organised the inaugural ‘Hidden Truths’ international conference held in Perth, Western Australia in 2003.

    Born in the United Kingdom (UK) and eventually migrating to Western Australia in 1991, she currently resides in Queensland. Mary is a former nurse, midwife, and health educator and was employed as a professional counsellor for the National Health Service UK and Australian counselling agencies, Silver Chain and Centrecare.

    Since 1994 Mary has worked in private practice as a professional counsellor, hypnotherapist, metaphysical teacher, researcher, author, Reiki Master, and international speaker. ACERN’s primary role is to offer professional counselling, support, hypnotherapy and information to individuals and their families with‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences, particularly specializing in Abduction-contact experiences.

    Dear Mary!

    Following your interview with J.B.Wells, I feel impelled to contact you regarding your experiences with the rather young children experiencers.
    I researched and know their implications regarding their (all of us) origin from the ultra-dimensionality for some 40 years.
    With your scientific background or acquaintance, you should be able to utilize the information in the linked documents. Physicalized Universal Consciousness forms the background for the multidimensional existence and supports the Edgar Mitchell agenda.

    Perhaps you could inform J.B. Wells regarding how his worldview regarding all extraterrestrial (scripturally based) identification beautifully harmonizes with your metaphysical paradigm perception.
    {The demonic element is interdimensional and human mind co-created and not ET -physical multidimensional for example; therefore both a scriptural dichotomy between good and evil can and is translated into a monadic dyad of absolute darkness with an absolute light (heaven and hell say) transformed into an experienced physicalized duaility of cyclic daytime and nighttime, astrophysically defined.}

    The following (my) papers are in full support of all of your work and that of Dolores Cannon, which shares your experiences with respect to the superconscious awakening and the starhuman experience.

    Should you wish to ask me for details:
    My skype handle is 'anubisbarbelo' and facebook name is 'sirebard'

    I am what you would consider a grandpa experiencer, being 64 years old on June 4th with ET experiences in 1975/6 in Bavaria Germany and in Australia in 1985

    Thanking you for your attention

    Linda Loulton Howe speaks to Bashar about the motivations of Extraterrestrials( NON Human Intelligences ) this is his response


    Dear Tony
    Thank you for the email.
    see response below###

    Your Name:: Tony Bermanseder

    Your Message::
    Dear Mary! Following your interview with J.B.Wells, I feel impelled to contact you regarding your experiences with the rather young children experiencers. I researched and know their implications regarding their (all of us) origin from the ultra-dimensionality for some 40 years. With your scientific background or acquaintance, you should be able to utilize the information in the linked documents. Physicalized Universal Consciousness forms the background for the multidimensional existence and supports the Edgar Mitchell agenda.

    thank you

    Perhaps you could inform J.B. Wells regarding how his worldview regarding all extraterrestrial (scripturally based) identification beautifully harmonises with your metaphysical paradigm perception. {The demonic element is interdimensional and human mind co-created and not ET -physical multidimensional for example; therefore both a scriptural dichotomy between good and evil can and is translated into a monadic dyad of absolute darkness with an absolute light (heaven and hell say) transformed into an experienced physicalized duaility of cylic daytime and nighttime, astrophysically defined.}

    ## I believe we all make our own way to understanding as a soul accessing our superconscious and when we are ready to be fully conscious.

    The following (my) papers are in full support of all of your work and that of Dolores Cannon, which shares your experiences with respect to the superconscious awakening and the starhuman experience.

    ### thank you for this

    Should you wish to ask me for details: My skype handle is 'anubisbarbelo' and facebook name is 'sirebard' I am what you would consider a grandpa experiencer, being 64 years old on June 4th with ET experiences in 1975/6 in Bavaria Germany and in Australia in 1985

    #### I understand, have you shared what occurred in your Contacts with these intelligences?
    thank you

    the scientific understanding of consciousness will be explored in the Consciousness and Contact Research Institute (CCRI) you might like to share. Rey Hernandez is a colleague and was one of the co-founders of The Dr Edgar (FREE) foundation, which surveyed 4,200 Experiencers globally and collated the data into Beyond UFO’s The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non Human Intelligences.


    Thanking you for your attention TonyB.

    RE: [maryrodwell] Contact - new submission
    8:42 pm, May 17th, 2021

    Dear Mary Rodwell!
    Thank you for your reply.
    Please find below my email to Reinerio Hernandez and the Edgar Mitchell Foundation.

    Tony B.

    PS.: I have incorporated your Bashar-Howe clip as an extended video clip of the 2019 Life Consciousness Exposition in this published video:

    Starhuman Hybridisation as Universal Parallel Agenda to Technocratic Transhumanism (

    Dear Reinerio Hernandez!

    Upon advice and recent correspondence from Mary Rodwell, I would like to forward her advice to share information regarding the nature of physicalized consciousness with you.
    Upon perusal of this information, you would realize its harmonization with the premises and proposals of the Edgar Mitchell foundation and the CCRI.

    The information addresses the nature and scientifically plausible emergence of physicalized consciousness as a quantum effect of multidimensionally entangled spacetime parameters, such as volume and quantum spin angular acceleration.
    It also describes the cosmogony of the universe as the ontology for any proposed cosmology and spacetime evolution from a prior timespace of abstraction, known as the Planck era.
    It was from this timespace defined in the Dirac String, that the Dirac magnetic monopole evolved in the generation of dimensionality, enabling a Quantum Big Bang Cosmology to emerge from a prior parameter space of mathematical abstraction.

    My details and research papers can be perused and accessed on a number of forums, but are concentrated on this link:

    A paper addressing and deriving this multidimensional quantum cosmology is encompassing the following video:

    The Creation of the Universe and the Monopole String of Paul Dirac for the Magnetic Monopoles of t’Hooft-Polyakov The question of creation as a quantum fluctuation is answered as a creation ex uniphyscon as the quantum entanglement of omnispace in the form of universal physicalized consciousness

    (PDF) God Reborn The Birth of God as a Superbrane A Story of Intelligent Design and the Creation of the Quantum Universe in the Uniphyscon of Quantum Entangled Omnispace | Anthony P Bermanseder -

    Best wishes and success in your endeavours.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 17, 2021
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Starhuman Hybridisation as Universal Parallel Agenda to Technocratic Transhumanism

    Arcanum Arcanorum – Metamorphosis in Universal Reconfiguration
    Fake Alien Invasion and Disclosure of Fake and True Extraterrestrial Intelligences within a 230K and 1.8 Million Timeframe of Starhuman Seeding on Planet Earth

    Many researchers and observers of human history understand that the New World cannot come from political roots or movements, which have shaped the Old World in the relatively distant past.
    Agenda 2030 of the 'Global Technocracy Reset' requires the next 10 years to implement at the Fabian turtle pace, with 2020 the midpoint between 2010 (Lock Step) and 2030.
    This plan so engages an increasing surveillance-control system culminating in the victory not only over the world political, but the negation of all encoded scriptural patterns and prophecies.

    Project Bluebeam is part of agenda 2030 and utilizes quantum mechanical principles and science to manifest a holographic fake alien invasion to 'fulfil' say the apocalyptic codes and forestall the true ET-UFO-UAP phenomenon in conjunction with AI and nanotechnology.

    Preparation for a real ET contact (ETs being both our ancestors in mind and descendants in the body and linked to so called dead alive or 'passed over' ones) engages a human mental evolution in expectation of a 4th spacial hyperspace dimension to 'open up' or unfold from a 12-dimensional omnispace dimensional fractalized-discrete continuum to manifest a 5-dimensional spacetime within a reconfigured 12-dimensional quantum-twistor-line space as a tripartite timeless self-enfolding or circularized energy-frequency field equivalent to a four folded spacetime continuum embedded within a 12-dimensional omni-quantum-rotation-line spacetime matrix .

    This effect will then be part of the reconfiguration of the universe, holographically fractalized in individualized starhuman body forms as the 'new ETs'.
    (PDF) Arcanum Arcanorum - Metamorphosis in Universal Reconfiguration | Anthony P Bermanseder -
    (PDF) The Physics of Morphogenetic Planetary Resurrection and Universal Metamorphosis | Anthony P Bermanseder -

    (PDF) Universal Genesis - What Banged?! | Anthony P Bermanseder -

    (PDF) God Reborn The Birth of God as a Superbrane A Story of Intelligent Design and the Creation of the Quantum Universe in the Uniphyscon of Quantum Entangled Omnispace | Anthony P Bermanseder -


    Last edited: May 13, 2021

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